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Asian Community Forming Through Language...

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Asian Community Forming Through Language Education Dianni Risda Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia One Asia Lectures Universitas Padjadjaran March 16, 2016

Asian Community Forming Through Language Education

Dianni Risda

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

One Asia Lectures Universitas Padjadjaran

March 16, 2016


The Largest Continent on Earth

• As the largest continent on earth, Asia has an area of approximately43,998,920 km square.

• Geographically Asia is located between Continental Europe and thecontinent of Australia and in the Indian Ocean, the Pacific, and Arktic.

• Geologically, Asia is included within Europe Continental

and is called Eurasia.

• The boundaries of the continent of Asia

- North : Arktic Ocean and the Bering Strait,

- East : Pacific Ocean,

- South : Indian Ocean

- West : the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.

Image Asia di Masa Lalu

Golongan bangsa dunia ke tiga

• Kondisi

• Potensi Perbedaan dengan

• Kemajuan teknologi Amerika dan Eropa

• Sosial

• Politik

Asia saat ini

Kondisi Eropa dan Amerika• Melemahnya perekonomian Eropa• Permasalahan Politik dan keamanan di Timur

Tengah • Permasalahan Loan dan Politik Amerika

• Perkembangan ekonomi , Pusat perekonomianglobal

• Jepang, Cina, Korea, Indonesia, India • Memimpin dunia?

Ancaman di Abad 21

• pertambahan penduduk• perang saudara• perang antar suku• golongan dan agama• pencemaran lingkungan• krisis pangan• krisis energi• eksploitasi alam yang berlebihan• Aksi-aksi kekerasan, terror, hingga berbagai

macam aksi anti-pemerintah

Manusia yang terkotak-kotak

• Suku

• Golongan

• Bangsa

• Agama

But what do we mean by “mobility”?

• Geographic mobility (the ability to move among geographical regions)

• Socio-economic mobility (the ability to move from one socio-economic class to another)

• Intellectual mobility (the ability to increase one’s intellectual status)

• Cultural mobility (the ability to move among different cultures

• Mobility within Asia and mobility between Asia and the rest of the world

• Becoming a multi-cultural citizen of Asia


• within a community

• between communities

Learning Foreign Languages can make our lives richer

• you can . . .

• travel more freely

• work in a foreign country

• have an international circle of friends

• deepen experiences with other cultures

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." Ludwig Wittgenstein


• What is this number?

• Dianni’s cell phone number?


• What is this number?

• The number of people in One Direction’s fan club?


• What is this number?

• People in Armada’s fan club?


• What is this number?

• People in Dianni Risda ‘s fan club?


• So. . . What is this number?

• You have to stay for the end of the lecture to hear the answer!

Linguistic Imperialism?• Does learning a foreign language mean giving up your own

language or your own identity?• Of course not.• Large languages such as English are often accused of

linguistic imperialism• Imperialism is when one society control another society by

military force, political power, economic dominance, (forced) cultural assimilation

• “Linguistic Imperialism” can not be denied but the spread of English as a world language also undeniably facilitates communication

Learning from past mistakes

• English nations like Britain, United States and Australia forced English on other people

• The Japanese empire forced Japanese language on the conquered peoples

• Since the 1980s Japanese language education has been increasing in popularity due to Japan’s economic might

• In the 21st century, the popularity of Chinese has increased due to China’s increasing influence

Language Education

• Native language education teaches– writing (spelling, composition skills)

– spoken standard language

• Foreign (second) language education teaches– pronunciation

– vocabulary

– grammatical rules

– writing

– politeness strategies

– other “sociolinguistic” information

How do people choose a foreign language?

• Geography, proximity (Americans choose Spanish, Britons choose French, Koreans choose Japanese)

• History (Nagasaki chooses Dutch)

• Economics (“I can make more money if I learn Japanese”)

• Religion (Catholics studying Latin, Muslims studying Arabic)

• Culture Heritage (Japanese-Americans in Hawaii studying Japanese)

• Image (“I think French sounds pretty”)

How do people choose a foreign language?

• Geography, proximity (Americans choose Spanish, Britons choose French, Koreans choose Japanese)

• History (Nagasaki chooses Dutch)

• Economics (“I can make more money if I learn Japanese”)

• Religion (Catholics studying Latin, Muslims studying Arabic)

• Culture Heritage (Japanese-Americans in Hawaii studying Japanese)

• Image (“I think French sounds pretty”)

Google trends for “Russia language”Google trends for “Taiwanese language”

most searches for “Russian language”

most searches for “Taiwanese language”

How do people choose a foreign language?

• Geography, proximity (Americans choose Spanish, Britons choose French, Koreans choose Japanese)

• History (Nagasaki chooses Dutch)

• Economics (“I can make more money if I learn Japanese”)

• Religion (Catholics studying Latin, Muslims studying Arabic)

• Culture Heritage (Japanese-Americans in Hawaii studying Japanese)

• Image (“I think French sounds pretty”)

Google trends for “Dutch language”most searches for “Russian language”

Dutch colonies and other influences

How do people choose a foreign language?

• Geography, proximity (Americans choose Spanish, Britons choose French, Koreans choose Japanese)

• History (Nagasaki chooses Dutch)

• Economics (“I can make more money if I learn Japanese”)

• Religion (Catholics studying Latin, Muslims studying Arabic)

• Culture Heritage (Japanese-Americans in Hawaii studying Japanese)

• Image (“I think French sounds pretty”)

A Combination of factorsJapanese language learners in Indonesia

• Through learning language, we learn about culture.

• Through learning about culture, we learn respect for others.

• Through learning respect for others, we can hope for peace.

Benefits of bi-(multi-)lingualism

Studying a foreign language can. . .

• increase one’s cognitive abilities such as problem-solving, creativity, and memory

• enable overseas (inter-Asia, international) education

• broaden employment, and thus economic opportunities

• give us a window into other cultures

• facilitate increased intercultural, inter-nation communication

• ameliorate conflicts between cultures and nations

Benefits of bi-(multi-)lingualism

Studying a foreign language can. . .

• increase one’s cognitive abilities such as problem-solving, creativity, and memory

• enable overseas (inter-Asia, international) education

• broaden employment, and thus economic opportunities

• give us a window into other cultures

• facilitate increased intercultural, inter-nation communication

• ameliorate conflicts between cultures and nations

Are Bilingual People Smarter?

• 80 second graders

• half bilingual/half monolingual, 4 tasks

• name items in pictures

• find a missing piece that would complete a specific geometric shape

• find and match 20 pairs of toys as quickly as possible

• look at a row of fish and tell which direction the fish in the center was facing

• bilingual children knew fewer words

• but bilinguals performed better on tasks

• being bilingual improves reasoning, not just language

de Abreu, Pascale Engel (2012) Bilingualism Enriches the Poor: Enhanced Cognitive Control in Low-Income Minority Children. Psychological Science. http://www.psychologicalscience.org/

Benefits of bi-(multi-)lingualism

Studying a foreign language can. . .

• increase one’s cognitive abilities such as problem-solving, creativity, and memory

• enable overseas (inter-Asia, international) education

• broaden employment, and thus economic opportunities

• give us a window into other cultures

• facilitate increased intercultural, inter-nation communication

• ameliorate conflicts between cultures and nations


• “According to Swiss researchers nine per cent of the Swiss gross domestic product can be ascribed to its multilingualism. ”


English bilinguals in Japan make more money

• Enworld (2013) “Impact of English Proficiency on Salary in Japan and South Korea https://www.enworld.com

Why bother?

• Why spend time learning a foreign language when you can just use automatic translation?

• Is machine translation understandable? Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

Machine Translation of song lyricsHow are you dear

I do not calm all day

Like the confusion

My mind is abysmally

Concerned you there

Do not know what the h*ll

Could there you happiness

Or on the contrary

We have not been met

I had never heard news of

How are you dear, how are you dear

I'm constantly pray for you

Although I heard no news of

How are you dear there

Could there you happiness

Or on the contrary

Apa Kabar Sayang

Seharian aku tak tenang

Seperti orang kebingungan

Pikiranku tak karuan

Khawatirkan kamu di sana

Tak tahu apa gerangan

Mungkinkah di sana kau rasa bahagia

Atau malah sebaliknya

Telah lama kita tidak bertemu

Tak pernah ku dengar berita tentangmu

Apa kabar kamu sayang

Aku kan terus mendoakanmu

Walau tak ku dengar berita tentangmu

Apa kabar kamu sayang di sana

Mungkinkah di sana kau rasa bahagia

Atau malah sebaliknya

Why bother?• Why spend time learning a foreign language when you can just use

automatic translation?

• Is machine translation understandable? Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

Ada lebih dari 7.000 bahasa yang digunakan di dunia saat ini. Berbicara lebihdari satu bahasa meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif Anda seperti pemecahanmasalah, kreativitas, dan memori. Sepertiga dari semua perusahaan di Amerika Serikat baik yang dimiliki atau berdasarkan luar negeri. Mengetahui bahasakedua memperluas kesempatan kerja. Yang mahir dalam setidaknya 2 bahasa? 56% dari Eropa, 35% dari Kanada, 66% dari populasi dunia, dan hanya 17% orang Amerika.

There are over 7,000 languages spoken in the world today. Speaking more than one language increases your cognitive abilities such as problem-solving, creativity, and memory. One third of all the corporations in the U.S. are either owned or based abroad. Knowing a second language broadens employment opportunities. Who is proficient in at least 2 languages? 56% of Europeans, 35% of Canadians, 66% of the world’s population, and only 17% of Americans.

Why bother?• Why spend time learning a foreign language

when you can just use automatic translation?• Is machine translation understandable?

Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

Saya kereta peluru itu ke utara. Mereka baru saja mengumumkanbahwa salah satu kereta sampingan telah terlambat. Alasannyaadalah bahwa kereta telah bertabrakan dengan rusa. Semacamitu tidak ada, kami turun, kami harus mengatasi banyak Tokyo. Tohoku adalah tempat yang liar.

I am on the bullet train headed north. They just announced that one of the sideline trains was running late. The reason was that the train had collided with a deer. Not the kind of thing we have to deal with a lot down in Tokyo. Tohoku is a wild place.


Machine translation vs.human translation

• Machines can’t translate as well as people and it this is not a “computer problem”, it is a “linguistic problem”

“Inclusive” and “Exclusive” wein Indonesianinclusive


Kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih untuk terbang denganUnited Airlines hari ini. Kami akan terbang pada ketinggiansepuluh ribu meter. Kami mungkin mengalami beberapaturbulensi di jalan, jadi kami meminta Anda tetap sabukpengaman Anda diikat hanya dalam kasus. Jika ada sesuatu yang bisa kita lakukan untuk membuat perjalanan Anda lebih nyaman, jangan ragu untuk bertanya. Tugas kita adalah untuk melayaniAnda.

Machine translationWe would like to thank you for flying with United Airlines today. We will be flying at altitude of ten thousand meters. We may encounter some turbulence on the way, so we do ask that you keep your seatbelts fastened just in case. If there is anything wecan do to make your trip more comfortable, don't hesitate to ask. Our job is to serve you.



kami kami

Machine “Translation”I would like to tell you something about my sister. I have an older brother as well, and three sisters, all of them older, but no younger sisters. I can tell you that if I had had a younger sister growing up, she would have had her hands full trying to play referee because me and my brotherfought so much. This leads us to the question of anger management. Wealways made up very quickly though. We wouldn't have wanted people to think us uncivilized. You should never go to bed angry, our grandmother used to say. But we should get back to the topic at hand.

Saya ingin memberitahu Anda sesuatutentang adikku. Saya memiliki kakak juga, dan tiga saudara perempuan, semua darimereka yang lebih tua, tapi tidak adaadik perempuan. Saya bisa mengatakanbahwa saya telah memiliki seorang adikperempuan tumbuh, dia akan memilikitangan penuh mencoba untuk bermainwasit karena saya dan saudara sayaberjuang begitu banyak. Hal inimembawa kita pada pertanyaan tentangmanajemen kemarahan. Kami selaludibuat sangat cepat meskipun. Kamitidak ingin orang berpikir kita tidakberadab. Anda tidak harus pergi ketempat tidur marah, nenek kamidigunakan untuk mengatakan. Tapi kitaharus kembali ke topik di tangan.

So, everyone should study English?

• No.

• The learning of foreign languages should be supported, made easier, made cheaper.

• Choices in languages should be available (English, Japanese, Chinese. . . )

• Local languages, national languages, international languages all play important roles.

What is important with languages

• International, global languages for broad communication

• National languages to bind a country together and increase communication among its citizens

• Local languages to transmit our unique cultures, different ways of looking at the world, enabling us to reflect our unique regional and personal identities

Can English be an invasive?Are “English values” a threat?

• Perhaps. Sometimes.

• Even so, there is little we can do about this in today’s world of satellite television, university student exchanges, the internet, etc.

• The advantages seem to outweigh the potential problems.

Ability to speak foreign languages increases mobility

• frees us from financial burden

• frees us to travel more

• frees us to communicate with people in other lands

• frees us to experience new cultures

• frees us to encounter new ideas

• frees our minds to be more creative

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." Ludwig Wittgenstein


If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.

(Nelson Mandela)

Thank you for you kind attention!

Terima Kasih!

Hatur Nuhun



• Enworld (2013) “Impact of English Proficiency on Salary in Japan and South Korea https://www.enworld.com

• Northwestern University Global Languages Initiative (2015) http://www.gli.northwestern. edu/

Why do people support minority language education?

• academic progress (first educate in the native minority language, later teach the State language)

• avoid cognitive delay (child’s development will be hindered if a foreign language is taught too early)

• development of a positive self-image

• relieve cultural shock

• native (minority) language is a prerequisite for learning the majority State language

Why do people support minority language education?

• cultural pluralism makes for a better country

• recognizing minority languages helps cultural relations

• education (in local languages) helps in reaching out to isolated groups

Why do people support national language education?

• promotes national identity

• aids political unity

• increases social equality

• ensures economic progress

• producing textbooks in one language is more economical than textbooks in seven languages

• minority parents WANT majority language education

• minority languages have many dialects

• not teaching national language can lead to “semi-lingual” children
