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Tracer study
Introduction This introduction section includes brief introduction of the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) with its three schools and satellite centers, a chronology of tracer studies in AIT, and tracer study of AIT graduates (2003 to mid 2008). 1.1 Asian Institute of Technology As an autonomous, international, postgraduate institution; AIT was established in 1959 to help meet the growing need for advanced education in Asia. Three schools and AIT satellite centers provide advanced education, training and research in the areas of engineering; environment and development; and management, to meet the needs of private and public sectors. For more than five decades, AIT has been an active partner in the promotion of technological change and development in the Asia-Pacific region. AIT today has graduated more than 16,000 graduates from more than 80 countries, and currently has an enrollment of over 1,800 full time students tutored by an international team of faculty and staff drawn from all over the world. English is the medium of instruction and written work, as well as the official administrative language. The brief introduction of the three schools and AIT satellite centers is presented hereunder. 1.1.1 School of Environment, Resources and Development The School of Environment, Resources, and Development (SERD) is committed to play a leadership role in the provision of excellent academic, research and outreach programme that are relevant to the region. Through its academic programmes and outreach units, SERD, AIT’s largest school, has been working towards capacity building and human resources development in the areas of environment and resources management, poverty alleviation and socio-economic/gender development. The mission of SERD is to respond to regional needs by 1 1
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This introduction section includes brief introduction of the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) with its three schools and satellite centers, a chronology of tracer studies in AIT, and tracer study of AIT graduates (2003 to mid 2008).

1.1 Asian Institute of Technology

As an autonomous, international, postgraduate institution; AIT was established in 1959 to help meet the growing need for advanced education in Asia. Three schools and AIT satellite centers provide advanced education, training and research in the areas of engineering; environment and development; and management, to meet the needs of private and public sectors. For more than five decades, AIT has been an active partner in the promotion of technological change and development in the Asia-Pacific region. AIT today has graduated more than 16,000 graduates from more than 80 countries, and currently has an enrollment of over 1,800 full time students tutored by an international team of faculty and staff drawn from all over the world. English is the medium of instruction and written work, as well as the official administrative language. The brief introduction of the three schools and AIT satellite centers is presented hereunder.

1.1.1 School of Environment, Resources and Development

The School of Environment, Resources, and Development (SERD) is committed to play a leadership role in the provision of excellent academic, research and outreach programme that are relevant to the region. Through its academic programmes and outreach units, SERD, AIT’s largest school, has been working towards capacity building and human resources development in the areas of environment and resources management, poverty alleviation and socio-economic/gender development. The mission of SERD is to respond to regional needs by mobilizing and enhancing capacities for socially, economically and environmentally sound development in partnership with the public and private sectors. The school follows an interdisciplinary approach that integrates the technological, natural and social sciences. The academic programs of SERD are designed to be responsive to the regional needs in Poverty Reduction, Environmental Protection, and Sustainable Development. They are categorized into three academic thrusts, namely: Bioresources, Environment, and Energy and Development Studies. This school has the following fields of study:

1. Agricultural Systems and Engineering2. Aquaculture and Aquatic Resource Management3. Food Engineering and Bioprocess Technology4. Energy5. Environmental Engineering and Management6. Pulp and Paper Technology7. Gender and Development Studies8. Natural Resources Management9. Regional and Rural Development Planning10. Urban Environmental Management.



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1.1.2 School of Engineering and Technology

School of Engineering and Technology (SET) is the synergistic integration in November 2005 of the two former Schools, namely, the School of Civil Engineering (SCE) and the School of Advanced Technologies (SAT). Historically, these two schools came into existence only in January 1993 when the Institute reorganized the need to reform its academic structure from smaller-sized units called "Divisions" to larger bodies named "Schools". The School of Civil Engineering (SCE) represented the legacy of AIT when it was established with a single field of study in Hydraulics Engineering. Subsequently, other civil engineering fields of study were launched to assist the recovery from the ravages of the Second World War. SCE emphasized on a learning process that combines theoretical problem-solving and real life application of engineering principles. Its research orientation was outward-looking, addressing the actual and anticipated needs of the built environment. The School of Advanced Technologies (SAT) had different fields of study that were launched in response to the needs of the regional industrialization in the second and third decades of AIT's existence. The School was committed to being international, multidisciplinary centers of excellence in Information, Communications, Industrial Systems, and Space Technologies through education, research and outreach.

SET amalgamating SCE and SAT is striving to create synergies between the activities of the two former schools to build up world-class multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary education, research and outreach activities across the boundaries of traditional fields of knowledge. More interdisciplinary programs are being launched so faculty members can work effectively across the disciplinary walls. The new school is enhancing its academic portfolio by emphatically injecting the "5I" features namely internationality, innovation, integration, information technology and industrial partnership. SET is comprised of the three broad groups and several fields of studies which are listed hereunder.

The Civil and Infrastructure Engineering group includes the following field of studies:

1. Construction, Engineering and Infrastructure Management (CEIM) 2. Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (GTE)3. Geosystem Exploration and Petroleum GeoEngineering (GEPG) 4. Structural Engineering (STE) 5. Transportation Engineering (TRE)6. Water Engineering and Management (WEM)

The Industrial Systems Engineering (ISE) group is comprised of the following field of studies:

1. Mechatronics (MEC)2. Microelectronics (MIC)3. Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (IME)

The fields in the Information and Communications group are:

1. Computer Science (CS)2. Information Management (IM)3. Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (RS-GIS)


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4. Telecommunications (TC)

1.1.3 School of Management

The School of Management (SOM) has academic programs which are of international standard and are adapted to the needs and challenges of the economies in an increasingly competitive region. SOM offers MBA, PhD, Executive MBA and DBA Programs. All academic programs are conducted in English. The MBA Program encourages participative learning and use a variety of interactive learning methodologies. Programs are designed for students to learn latest management concepts, techniques and tools, but more importantly, to develop skills and attitude of listening and understanding others, holistic thinking, collective decision making, leading by example, communicating, negotiating, and being sensitive to societal concerns. SOM provides exceptional individuals with a supportive environment in which they can develop their skills and aptitudes, helping them to reach their professional goals and to serve the interests of countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The curriculum is necessarily interdisciplinary, integrating as it consists elements from engineering, economics, social psychology and management fields. It is structured in such a way as to include the integrated components of the school required courses, electives or focus courses, and/or an MBA Project or Research Study.

There are three distinct Executive MBA Programs - EMBA in Bangkok, EMBA - Human Resources Management (EMBA-HRM) and International EMBA (iEMBA) in Vietnam. The three EMBA programs have different segmentation and cater to management context of each segment. All the EMBA programs are of equal value and quality aiming at different target groups. SOM offers two distinct doctoral programs - PhD and DBA. The PhD program focuses on research work embedded in theories from social sciences and humanities, and prepares students for teaching and research-related jobs. DBA is a professional doctorate program, where the research is rooted in the context of professional practice making a significant contribution to management practice, policy or strategy. The two programs have different segmentation and cater to research context of each segment. Both programs are of equal value and quality aiming at different target groups. Both involve the development of substantial standard research work.

1.1.4 AIT Satellite Centers

It was in 1993 when AIT Center in Vietnam (AITCV) was established in Vietnam and has been functional through both major cities, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh. Now it is well-structured in operation and is widely recognized. Flexibility and continuous search for innovation and creativity characterize AITCV. It serves as a bridge between the University, Society and Industry. And this forms the essence of our vision: to be an international gateway for technology transfer supporting national development, education and outreach activities to achieve the best efficiency, responsiveness and quality. AITCV activities can be classified by 3 main kinds as listed below:

1. Academic programs, including Two-stage Masters, Executive Master, Professional Masters; International Masters of Advanced Studies, and Doctoral programs (DBA),

2. Short-term training courses specialized in many fields, including Management and Business, Environment and Development, Language and Training, Advanced Technologies, etc. and,


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3. Consultancy services.

It was in mid 2006 when AIT Center in Indonesia (AIT-CI) was established as a collaborative institution for Human Resource Development located in Bangdung, Indonesia to facilitate and work on research and development, consultancy, professional trainings and higher education program according to Indonesian regulations.

AIT-CI was established based on collaboration between Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) Thailand and The Government of Indonesia (GOI) represented by Ministry of Public Works (MPW) Indonesia. AIT-CI has clearly mentioned its vision to be the best education institution in providing the best human resources in regional and international level. AIT-CI has a mission which can be divided into the three short term objectives, namely, (1) spreading out of science and technology which has been developed by AIT to support development in Indonesia, especially in the field of construction industries; (2) increasing quality of human resources in Indonesia through professional trainings and higher education programs such as certificate and diploma programs leading to master's and doctoral programs; and (3) Increasing regional partnership and collaboration in the field of science and technology, information management, research and development, training and education. AIT-CI has already started the dual master degree program on transportation engineering and management. This program is tailor made to meet the need of capacity building for the Directorate General of Highway.

1.2 Trace Studies in AIT

The tracer study of AIT graduates has been one of the important research activities in AIT. The first tracer study was done in 1971. The periodic tracing of AIT alumni focuses on updating the alumni directory and gathering certain information required for the improvement of AIT curriculum, teaching, research, extension, and networking. As of January, 2009, altogether 14 AIT Alumni tracer studies have been conducted, including this one, Tracer Study of AIT Graduates (2003 to mid 2008), which also includes Tracer Study of AIT Graduates with Norwegian Scholarship (2005 to mid 2008). These all are listed hereunder in chronological order:

1. Enquiry into the Whereabouts of AIT Graduates (unpublished survey, 1971).2. Questionnaire to the AIT Graduates (unpublished survey, 1973).3. Alumni Tracer Study and Employer Survey (covering the years of graduation from 1961

until 1976; published in 1978).4. Revised Tracer Study on Alumni from 1976 -1979 and Alumni Directory 1961 - 1979

(published in 1980).5. Tracer Study and Directory of Alumni for the Period 1961 - 1981 (published in 1982).6. Tracer Study 1961 - 1984 Alumni (published in 1985).7. AIT Alumni 1961 - 1987 Tracer Study (published in 1990).8. 1990 Alumni Tracer Study (published in 1991)9. AIT Alumni 1961 - 1990 Employer Study. Interim Report on Preliminary Findings

(published in 1992).10. AIT Women Graduates Tracer Study, 1961 - 1990 (Asian Women and Technological

Careers, 1992).11. AIT Alumni Tracer Study (published 1993).12. Tracer Study of AIT Alumnae and Alumni with German Scholarship or Fellowship, 1972 -

1999 (published in 2002).


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13. Tracer Study: Urban Environmental Management Graduates, 1998 - 2005 (published in 2006).

14. Tracer Study of AIT Graduates, 2003 - Mid 2008 (published in 2009).1.3 Tracer Study of AIT Graduates 2009

It has been found that alumni tracer studies are the most important vehicle to build strong bonds between the Alma Mater and the ever-increasing graduates. This is feasible through two perspectives. From one perspective, the alumni are the rich source of feedback for improvements in the course curriculum, teaching, research, extension, and networking. On the other, the tracer study helps to measure the extent of professional and academic careers pursued by the graduates after gaining knowledge and skill through academic institutions like Asian Institute of Technology (AIT). Starting from 1971 to date altogether 14 tracer studies of AIT graduates have been done in different formats and with different foci. The latest tracer study was conducted in 2008/09 targeting recent past graduates (2005 to mid 2008) with an additional separate report for the AIT Graduates with Norwegian Scholarship (2005 to mid 2008). This tracer study also employed both parametric and non-parametric statistical tools in the data analysis and interpretation. The total population for this study was constituted by all the AIT graduates who graduated in between 2003 to mid 2008. They were 3996 including 2491 male AIT graduates and 1505 female AIT graduates belonging to 60 countries and territories. Since female AIT graduates constitute a substantial number, the gender analyses were also made feasible in some aspects of this tracer study.

1.3.1 Objectives of Tracer Study of AIT Graduates 2009

1. To find out the effectiveness and relevance of AIT degree as a resource and credential for employment/job placement upon graduation from AIT; employment opportunities for graduates – for both men and women.

2. To find out the relevance of AIT courses/curricula and research to the current job function and professional development in respective fields, and furthering academic/scientific pursuits.

3. To find out the professional status and ranks of the AIT graduates in their respective employments.

4. To assess the level of networking among AIT graduates and recommendations to strengthen the existing network among them.

5. To assess the gender awareness of AIT graduates in their respective professions.6. To assess the contribution of AIT graduates in the development of their home

countries and of the region; including contribution to poverty alleviation and to fulfill AIT’s mission.

1.3.2 Organizational Structure of the Tracer Study of AIT Graduates 2009

The whole report is divided into the three major parts: pre-introduction (title page, foreword, preface, acknowledgement, executive summary, table of contents, list of abbreviations); appendices (appendix tables, coordination schema, questionnaires, and list of respondents); and main body which is comprised of 12 sections, namely, 1) Introduction, 2) Research Design,3) AIT Graduates, 4) Graduates before Studies at AIT, 5) Studies at AIT, 6) Feedback on Teaching, Research and Services, 7) Career Decision and Employments, 8) Relevancies and Effectiveness, 9) Developmental Activities and


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Networking, 10) Partnerships and Suggestions, 11) Perspectives of Employers and Peers on AIT Graduates, and 12) Key Findings and Recommendations.


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Research Design

The research design covered two major aspects: conceptual framework and the entire research process. The conceptual framework depicts the types and levels of research, survey organization, followed by data processing and outputs (Figure 2.1). The entire research process included different activities performed in terms of survey organization, data collection, data analysis, and report writing.

Fig. 2.1: Conceptual Framework of Tracer Study of AIT Graduates (2003 – mid 2008)



Approach- Census survey of

AIT graduates (2003 -2008)

- Survey of Employers

- Survey of Peers

Mail Questionnaire- By post- By email- Through


Personal Interview by- Researcher- Project staff- Focal person- Research assistant

Data entry- Defining variables- Defining variable

labels- Defining values- SPSS spread sheet


Outputs- Tables- Charts and

Graphs- Draft report- Final report

Data analysis- Data updating- Data validating- Parametric and non-

parametric statistics- Case summaries



Evaluatory ExploratoryAggregateIndividual




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Focal Person of Cambodia updating contact details of Target Graduates

2.1 Survey Organization

Organization of the survey included activities related to preparing coordination schema (Appendix 13.2); questionnaires for the AIT graduates (Appendix 13.3), their employers (Appendix 13.4) and peers (Appendix 13.5); and updating the alumni addresses or the contact details. The questionnaire for the AIT graduates (2003 – mid 2008) was developed based on coordination schema, which included seven sections, namely, idiographic data; earlier status (before studying at AIT); feedback on teaching, research, and services at AIT; career decision immediately after graduation from AIT; relevancy / effectiveness of AIT studies in professional career; alumni involved in developmental activities and networking; and AIT alumni suggestions for partnership with AIT. Pre-testing of the questionnaires was followed by a final version of the questionnaires.

In order to get the work done in time, the researcher was fully assisted by two full time junior researchers (Research Associate and Research Assistants), two Student Assistants, and some Focal Persons from the countries with higher number of AIT graduates (2003 – mid 2008). The junior researchers mainly involved in survey organization, data collection and data entry. Focal Persons and Student Assistants helped in updating contact details of the target AIT graduates and also requesting and reminding them to return the completed questionnaires to the Alumni Tracer Study office at AIT.

2.2 Data Collection

The data collection is one of most important features of this tracer study. The population of this tracer study constituted by the entire AIT graduates between 2003 and mid-2008, which total 3998 (M : F = 2492 : 1506). However, two AIT graduates (one male from Cambodia and one female from Nepal) were found untimely passed away and therefore the target population of AIT graduates became 3996 (M : F = 2491 : 1505). These graduates are from 60 countries and territories. Except in the situation where face to face interview was possible, the target AIT graduates (2003 – mid 2008) were sent questionnaire either by post and email or requested for the online submission. A few employer and peers were directly met by the researcher and inquired their impression on AIT graduates and AIT itself. Focal Persons were mobilized to ensure the receipt of questionnaires by each AIT graduate (2003 - mid 2008) presently living in his or her home country. In addition, they were requested to send reminders for filling and sending the completed questionnaires to AIT. The field visits were made to six countries, namely, Cambodia, Loa PDR, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Myanmar. The intensive use of local and international telephone services were made to update contact details of the target alumni and to request them to return completed questionnaires.

2.3 Data Analysis and Report Writing

The commonly used Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS), latest version (16) used to enter and analyze data. Before venturing into the data analysis, data updating and


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validating were done. As per requirements, some intervening variables were developed for cross-tabulations. The World Bank’s classifications for region and the economic classification for countries as shown below were also used for cross-tabulations.

Classification of Countries of the Target AIT Graduate by Region and Economic CategoriesRegion Countries of the Target AIT GraduatesAfrica, Middle East and Latin America

Malawi, Mozambique , Nigeria, Rwanda, Togo, Cameroon, Egypt, Iran, Morocco, Venezuela, and Ethiopia,

Central Asia Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and UzbekistanEast Asia and Pacific Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, Tibet, Timor-leste, Taiwan, Indonesia,

China, Japan, Mongolia, Myanmar, Malaysia, Philippines, Lao PDR, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Thailand

Europe Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Luxemburg, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Russia, Poland, and France

South Asia Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, and Nepal

North America Canada and United States of America Economic ClassificationLow Income Malawi , Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Togo, Cameroon, Ethiopia,

Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tibet, Timor-leste, Mongolia, Myanmar, Lao PDR, Cambodia, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Nepal

Lower Middle Income Egypt, Iran, Morocco , Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Indonesia, China, Philippines, Thailand, Bulgaria, Russia, Sri Lanka, and Maldives,

Upper Middle Income Venezuela, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Poland High Income Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, Japan, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland,

Germany, Italy, Luxemburg, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, France, Canada, and United States of America,

Source: World Development Indicators Database, World Bank (http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/DATASTATISTICS/0,,contentMDK:20420458~menuPK:64133156~pagePK:64133150~piPK:64133175~theSitePK:239419,00.html)

Both parametric and non-parametric statistical tools were used for data analyses. The parametric tools (such as Means, Standard Deviation, Standard Error, Comparing means through t-Test and ANOVA) was used when data have the characteristics of probability and normal distribution characteristics. The non – parametric tools (such as Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, Chi-square test, Correspondence analysis and Wilcoxon related sample tests) were used when data have ranking but no clear numerical interpretation. The analyzed data were presented into tabular and graphical forms and discussions were made in the respective text of the report.

2.4 Scope and Limitation

The study has a wider scope since it covers cross sectional data of 22 countries from South Asia, Southeast Asia and Pacific, Europe, and Africa. The substantial proportion of female was found in both target population (38%) and respondent graduates (40%), which provided sufficient ground for gender analyses on various aspects of AIT education and graduate’s professional advancements. A full attempt was made to get the completed questionnaire from all the target AIT graduates (3996), however, 1121 (28%) of them could send their completed questionnaire and this rate of response could not be increased due to several limitations related to time, budget, contact addresses, coordination between senior and junior alumni, and language.


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Table 3.1:Target Population by Degree, Year of Graduation and Gender

Graduation Year

Academic Degree Graduates by genderMaster Doctor Diploma Total Male Female Total

2003 677 55 12 744 492 252 7442004 479 53 4 536 339 197 5362005 704 46 3 753 457 296 7532006 684 62 4 750 473 276 7492007 698 80 1 779 472 306 7782008 419 18 1 438 259 179 438Total 3661 314 25 4000 2492 1506 3998

AIT Graduates3.1 Graduation and Academic Degrees Awarded in AIT

AIT conducted the 110th graduation ceremony on 17 December 2008. Until this date and including the degrees offered in this graduation ceremony, AIT has awarded altogether 16, 201 academic degrees in terms of Diploma, masters’ [MBA, MBA (E), M. Eng., M. Eng. (P), M. Sc., M. Sc. (P)], and doctoral degrees (D. Eng., D. Tech. Sc. and Ph. D). as presented in Figure 3.1. It is evident that M. Eng. degree alone has been received by more than 50 percent of the total awardees. These academic degrees were received by the students of 82 countries of Asia, Europe, America and Africa.

Figure 3.1: Total AIT Academic Degrees Awarded as of December 2008











0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000






M. Sc.

M. Sc.(P)






ic D



Number of Academic Degree

Source: AIT Graduation Book, 110th Graduation, 19 December 2008.

The study intended to look at the effect of AIT degrees in the professional and academic career paths of the recent past graduates (2003 to mid 2008). Therefore, a few details on academic degrees by the target and respondent graduates and gender is presented hereunder.

3.2 Target Graduates

Table 3..1 clearly indicates that 3998 target graduates received 4000 academic degrees due to the fact that two target graduates got both masters’ and doctoral degrees from AIT. Again out of the total 3998 target population, two were



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Figure 3.2: Target AIT Graduates by Region(Total : 3996)

South Asia21%


East Asia and Pacific74%

Figure 3.3: Total Target Graduates by Economic Classification of the Countries(Total : 3996)

Lower Middle Income37%

Low Income58%

Upper Middle Income1%

High Income4%

Figure 3.4: Respondent Graduates by Region(Total: 1121)

Other, 5, 0%South Asia, 192, 17%

East Asia and Pacific, 924, 83%

untimely passed way (one female from Nepal and one male from Cambodia), hence the real target population was 3996, which included 62 percent males and 38 percent females. More than 91 percent of the target graduates received masters’ degree followed by doctoral (8%) and diploma (1%). Although these graduates represent 60 countries more than 53% percent belong to Thailand (27%) and Vietnam (26.5%). The other countries with large number of target graduates are India (6%) followed by Bangladesh and Nepal (5% each), Myanmar, China, and Cambodia (4% each), Lao PDR (3%), Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Pakistan, and France (2% each), and Bhutan, Philippines and Korea (1%). Rest of the other countries has less than 1 percent target alumni (Appendix Table 3.1). The highest proportion of target graduates (74%) were found from East Asia and Pacific region followed by South Asia (21%), and 5 percent from other regions such as Europe, Africa, Middle East and Latin America, Central Asia, and North America. Being located in Asia and focusing on the production of highly capable human resources in this region, it is obvious that 95 percent of the target graduates belong to Asia region alone. Following the World Bank’s classification of the countries by income categories it was found that the highest proportion of the target graduates (58%) from low income countries (LIC) followed 37 percent target graduates from lower middle income countries (LMC), 4 percent graduates from high income countries (HIC) and remaining 1 percent graduates from upper middle income countries (UMC). This also indicates that 95 percent of the target graduates belong to LIC and LMC sufficiently indicating that AIT has been producing human resources for the economic growth and the sustainable development of LIC and LMC.

3.3 Respondent Graduates

Altogether 1121 submitted their completed questionnaires and these graduates are considered respondent or responding graduates hereafter. Figure 3.4 reveals that these respondent graduates were


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Figure 3.5: Respondent Graduates by Economic Categories(Total: 1121)

Low Income58%

Lower Middle Income41%

Uper Middle and High Income


mainly from East Asia and Pacific (83%) and South Asia (17%). Out of the 60 target countries response were received from 22 countries which consisted 3889 (97%) percent of the target population. There were 21 countries having each one target graduate, 7 countries with each 2 target graduates. Altogether there were 39 countries having less than 5 target graduates (Appendix Table 1). The highest number of respondent (408) was from Thailand which is 38% of the total Thai target graduates. The second highest number was from Vietnam (389) which is 37 percent of the total Vietnamese target population. Amongst the countries having more than 50 target AIT graduates the highest percentage of response (41%) received from Nepal. Out of total respondent graduates, 600 (54%) sent the completed questionnaires by email as an attachment files, 426 respondents (38%) submitted through online and remaining 95 respondents (8%) sent by post or directly to the researcher by hand delivery.

The large majority (58%) of the respondent graduates were from LIC followed by 41 percent from LMC. The remaining one percent was constituted by 5 and 2 respondent graduates belong to HIC and UMC, respectively (Fig. 3.5). This is also visible that the focus of AIT is more on LIC and LMC of Asia region. The gender distribution of target graduates and respondent graduates was found more or less same. There were 38 per cent of female graduates in the target population and 40 percent of the total respondents. Figure 3.6 shows the distribution of total graduates by graduation year. It indicates that there was less number of graduates in 2004 and 2008. The number of graduates in 2008 could be more if whole year taken into account. Instead, only those were included who graduated until mid 2008.


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Figure 3.6: Target and Respondent Graduates by Gender and Graduation Year



456 473 472







128 140 139

7855 53

88 86 9469








2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008Graduation Year



Male target graduates Female target graduatesMale respondent graduates Female respondent graduates

The further analysis on Figure 3.6 was done by viewing gender proportion in different graduation years. The proportion of female graduates was ranging from 37 to 43 in the target population and 33 to 47 in the respondent population. The target and respondent proportion of female is 37 and 33 in 2003 graduation year, 41 and 39 in the 2004 graduation year, 42 and 41 in 2005 graduation year, 40 and 38 in 2006 graduation year, 44 and 40 in 2007 graduation year, and 43 and 47 in 2008 graduation year, respectively

3.4 Reason for Targeting Recent Graduates

There were two important reasons of targeting recent past graduates (2003 to mid 2005) for this tracer studies. One reason was to look at the relevancy and effectiveness of the AIT degrees, courses, and research activities to the current changing context of the region. The second reason was based on the hypothesis that the finding and contacting the recent graduates would be easier so that response rate could be maximized. From the analysis of the proportion of the target as well as the respondent graduates as against to the each graduation year under consideration also supported this hypothesis. The relative proportion of the respondent graduates is higher in the recent graduation year and found in increasing trend. However, while conducting research, a full cooperation and help was requested from the AITAA mother chapter and corresponding national chapters and from other AIT alumni. Following picture on the meeting with AITAA national chapter executive members including President and the recent AIT graduates is one of the examples for this matter.

13Discussions with the representative of recent AIAT graduates and the executive committee members of AITAA Myanmar National Chapter.

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Figure 4.1: Academic Degree before AIT(Total : 1064)



Figure 4.2: Academic Background before AIT(Total : 744)



Humanities and Social Science


Graduatesbefore Studying at AIT

Considering very few but important aspects of the AIT graduates before their studies in AIT; an small attempt was made to inquire about their last or highest academic degrees, sources of information on knowing study programs at AIT, job experiences, and main reason to pursue post graduate studies at AIT.

4.1 Academic Degrees before Studying at AIT

The analyses of the highest or last academic degrees of the respondent AIT graduates were made. Out of 1121 respondents 1064 (95%) mentioned their academic degrees which they had obtained before studying in AIT. Based on actual responses it was found that 86 percent of them had bachelor degrees followed by masters’ degrees (14%). When the academic background before AIT was inquired, 64 percent of the total

respondent reported their academic backgrounds. Majority of the actual respondent graduates (42%) had the engineering background followed by science (38%) and of humanities and social sciences (20%). The humanities and social science covers several subjects such as arts, economics, law, commerce and accountancy. The target AIT graduates were inquired about the country of the last degree obtained before joining AIT for which 1090 (97%) provided their responses.



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Out of the actual respondents, 1000 (92%) had got the highest or last academic degrees from their own countries. The remaining 90 (8%) respondents had received their last degrees before studying at AIT from other than their own countries. The foreign countries gone for studies for the last degree before AIT were Japan for a Bangladeshi, India for 5 out of 8 Bhutanese, Thailand and Russia for 1 and 2 Cambodian, respectively, USA for a Pakistani, Ireland for an Ethiopian, Byelorussia for a Pilipino, France for an Indian, Germany, Australia and Hungary for each one Laotian, and England for a graduate from Myanmar. There were 18 Nepali receiving degrees from India (7), Thailand (4) Bangladesh (3), and each one from the Netherlands, Pakistan, Philippines and USA. Likewise, 27 Thai received degrees from various countries such as Australia, Canada, UK, Japan, the Netherlands, USA, and Philippines. Similarly, 16 respondent graduates from Vietnam received their last degree before AIT from several countries such as Byelorussia, Ukraine, Romania, Russia, France, UK, Switzerland and Thailand.

The target AIT graduates were inquired about their institute or university from where the highest degrees were obtained. The university with more frequencies based on the information provided by respondent graduates are Kasetsart University, Chulalongkorn University, Thamasart University, Mahidol University, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Khon Kaen University, Chiangmai University, and Assumption University in Thailand; IET-Kanpur, Delhi University, and Government College of Architecture, Lakhnau in India, Peshawar University in Pakistan, Petra Christian University in Indonesia, Yangon Institute of Technology in Myanmar, the Khulna University, Bangladesh Agriculture University, Dhaka University, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, University of Chittagong, and University of Rajshahi in Bangladesh; the Royal University of Bhutan in Bhutan; National University of Management and Royal University of Cambodia in Cambodia; National University of Laos and Rattana Business Administration College in Lao PDR; Myanmar Institute of Theology in Myanmar; Tribhuvan University and Kathmandu University in Nepal; University of Ruhuna, University of Jaffna, University of Peradeniya, and University of Moratuwa in Sri Lanka; Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, Hue University of Sciences; Danag University, Hanoi University of Sciences, Hanoi National University, Hanoi University of Technology, Hanoi Medical University, Hanoi University of Foreign Studies, Hanoi University of Foreign languages, Nha Trang University of Fisheries, Can Tho University, Transport Development Strategy Institute, and Water Resources University in Vietnam.

4.2 Graduation Year and Field of Specialization

The graduation year for the last degree before studying at AIT of the target graduates were also inquired and found a huge range from 1976 to 2007. However, the larger number of respondents indicated that they were graduated mostly during the five years period of 2001 to 2005 (Figure 4.3).


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Figure 4.3: Respondent by Graduation Year before AIT(Total : 1066)

6 18 31












1976 - 1980 1981 - 1985 1986 - 1990 1991 - 1995 1996 - 2000 2001 - 2005 2006 - 2007

Graduation Year



The specialization of the earlier studies before enrolling in AIT covered various fields such as agriculture, animal science, veterinary science, aquaculture, fisheries, botany, biotechnology, chemistry, geology, geography, environmental science, economics, business administration, finance and banking, transportation, civil engineering, electrical engineering, environmental engineering, mechanical engineering, natural resources, forestry, geography, public administration, public health, leather technology, land management, architecture, limnology, welfare studies, sociology, rural development, international relations, and English language.

4.3 Knowing about Studies at AIT

The various sources of information for knowing about studies at AIT were inquired. In response, 526 responded their multiple responses as presented in Figure 4.4. Out of the 526 actual respondent graduates, 268 (51%) reported that they knew about studies in AIT through AIT alumni. Then parents/relatives/friends were the second most important sources of information as reported by 230 (44%) respondent graduates followed by former university professors (35%), advertisement in TV (31%), former classmates (27%), employer and co-worker (26%), AIT faculty and AIT Homepage (22% each), advertisement through radio and FM (18%), university placement office (14%), and advertisement in Newspaper (13%).


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Figure 4.5: Work Experience of Graduates before AIT (Total : 1094)



Figure 4.6: Work Duration of AIT Graduates before AIT(Total : 408)





15% <1 Year

1 to <2 Years

2 to <5 Years

5 to 10 years

> 10 Years

Figure 4.4: Sources of Infoamation About AIT













0 50 100 150 200 250 300


Advertisement in New spaper

Advertisement through Radio/FM

University Placement Office

AIT Faculty / Staff

Employer / Co-w orker

Advertisement in TV

Former Classmates

Former University Professors

AIT Homepage

AIT Alumni

Parents/Relatives/ Friends

Number of Respondents

Thirty-seven respondent graduates specified other sources of information among them 33 indicated the collaborative programs with AIT informed them to study in AIT, 2 got the information from education fair, and one from social gatherings and the last one got the information after visiting AIT.

4.4 Work Experiences before Enrolling in AITThe target AIT graduates were inquired about their work experiences if they had any before studying at AIT. Ninety-eight percent (1094) of the 1121 respondent graduates responded on their job experiences before AIT and amongst them, 860 (79%) said that they had work experiences (Figure 4.5). Their work experiences were ranging from 2 months to 25 years and 9 months. This means a large majority of the target alumni had work experiences before coming to AIT for postgraduate studies. A large majority (39%) had work duration in between 2 to less than 5 years before studying AIT followed by 5 to 10 years of duration (24%), 1 to less than two years (16%) and even more than 10 years (15%). A small proportion of them (6%) indicated that they had work experience of than one year (Figure 4.6). Out of 860


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Table 4.1: Type of Main Function at Work before AITMain Function (Multiple Response) Frequency PercentProject Implementation 334 40.9Management 225 27.6Teaching 179 21.9Research Analysis / Policy Inputs 167 20.5Knowledge and Information Dissemination

156 19.1

Table 4.2: Job Position before AIT by GenderJob position Male % Female % Total %Junior Professional 222 43.4 135 40.9 357 42.4Junior Management 61 11.9 73 22.1 134 15.9Middle Management 120 23.5 64 19.4 184 21.9Middle Professional 98 19.2 54 16.4 152 18.1Senior Professional 3 0.6 3 0.9 6 0.7Senior Management 7 1.4 1 0.3 8 1.0Total 511 100.0 330 100.0 841 100.0

Figure 4.7: Main Employer Type before AIT(Total : 835)

Non-governmental organization


Financial institution3%

Regional / local government


International / regional organization


Private sector22%

Public service / utility provider


Academic / reserch insttitutions


Central government23%

respondents graduates who had job before AIT 835 graduates (97%) reported their main employer types.

4.5 Type of Employer before AIT

Figure 4.7 clearly reveals that the academic and research institutions and central government were main employers for the majority of the respondent graduates as indicated by 23 percent of the 835 respondent graduates for both type of employers. The second important employers was reported as the private sector (22%) followed by international / regional organization (9%), non-governmental organization and public service utility providers (6% each), and financial institution (3%).

4.6 Type of Individual Main Function at Work before AIT

Altogether 816 respondent graduates indicated the type of main function at work before AIT. Forty-one percent of them reported project implementation as individual main function at work followed by management (28%), teaching (22%), research analysis / policy inputs (21%) and knowledge and information dissemination (19%).

4.7 Job Position before AIT by Gender

All the target graduates were requested to provide the job position and out of the 860 graduates who had job before AIT 841 reported their job positions. All the jobs were classified into 7 categories and no one was found for the executive level of job position before studying AIT. More than 40 percent of the responding graduates from both genders have Junior Professional level of jobs followed by Middle Management (24%) in male graduates and Junior Management among the female graduates before AIT (Table 4.2). When job position across the economic classification of the countries were analyzed it was found that majority of the AIT graduates


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Table 4.3: Job Position before AIT by Economic Categories of CountriesJob position Economic Classification of Countries Total

%LIC % LMC % UMC % HIC %Senior Management 7 1.4 1 0.3 0 0.0 0 0.0 8 1.0Middle Management 129 25.4 54 16.5 0 0.0 1 25.0 184 21.9Junior Management 91 17.9 42 12.8 0 0.0 1 25.0 134 15.9Senior Professional 2 0.4 4 1.2 0 0.0 0 0.0 6 0.7Middle Professional 80 15.7 71 21.6 0 0.0 1 25.0 152 18.1Junior Professional 199 39.2 156 47.6 1 100.0 1 25.0 357 42.4Total 508 100.0 328 100.0 1 100.0 4 100.0 841 100.0

Table 4.4: Salary before AIT by GenderSalary (US$/Month) Male % Female % Total %< 100 56 11.1 42 13.5 98 12.0100 to 200 107 21.2 61 19.6 168 20.6201 to 500 192 38.1 127 40.8 319 39.1501 to 1000 108 21.4 62 19.9 170 20.91001 to 2000 27 5.4 15 4.8 42 5.22001 to 3000 7 1.4 4 1.3 11 1.3> 3000 7 1.4 0 0.0 7 0.9Total 504 100.0 311 100.0 815 100.0

Table 4.5: Salary before AIT by Gender, Economic Categories, and Region (US$/Month)

Aspects Mean Salary Gender Male 495

Female 440Economic Classification

LIC 378LMC 609UMC 750HIC 2000

Region Southeast Asia and Pacific 488South Asia 375Europe and Central Asia 2250Sub Saharan Africa 150

Total (average) 474

Figure 4.8: Job Satisfaction Level before AIT by Gender(Total : 721)

319 215

111 76












Male Female

Not SatisfiedSatisfied

before AIT had Junior Professional level of job in all economies ranging from low income countries (LIC) to high income countries (HIC) which is evident from Table 4.3.

4.8 Job Satisfaction and Salary Level before AIT

Regarding job satisfaction, 721 responding graduates supplied information and based on which it was found that seventy-four percent of the respondent AIT graduates were satisfied with the job they had before studying at AIT. Interestingly, both male and female graduates were found exactly the same level of dissatisfaction (26%) with the jobs they had before AIT (Figure 4.8). Out of the total respondent AIT graduates, 815 provided the information on salary level of their jobs before AIT. They were requested to select the given range of salary starting from less than 100 US $ per month to more than 3000 US$ per month. Majority of female respondent (41%) and male respondent (38%) were found receiving in the range of 201 to 500 US$ per month followed by almost equal two categories of income 100 to 200 and 501 to 1000 US$ per month by both gender (Table 4.4).

By considering the mid value of range for each responding graduate the mean salary was calculated in terms of gender, economic categories, and


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2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Graduation Year



Figure 5.1: Target Graduates by Schools and Graduation Year

broad regions. Table 4.5 clearly reveals that, on an average, female graduates were receiving less salary than males. A wide range of variation was found from 378 US$ per month in LIC to 2000 US$ per month in HIC. The regional variation was also found to wide from 150 US$ per month in Sub Saharan Africa to 2250 US$ per month in Europe and Central Asia. The mean salary of female respondent graduates, and respondent from LIC and Sub Saharan Africa had salary even below the total average (474 US$/month).

4.9 Driving Factor to Study in AIT

Out of 982 responding Majority (44%) respondent graduates indicated that main driving factor to study in AIT was professional advancement followed by academic career advancement (40%) and to enter into a new field (16%).

Figure 4.9: Driving Factor to Study in AIT(Total: 982)



To enter into aNew Field

16% Academic



Studies at AIT

5.1 Target Graduates by School

From the inception, AIT has been playing a leading role in Asia by offering lot of opportunities for postgraduate studies in several fields of studies. AIT has a vision to become a leading and unique regional multicultural institution of higher learning, offering state-of-the-art education, research and training in technology, management and societal development. However, as mentioned earlier, the SET had synergistic integration in November 2005 of the two former Schools, namely, the School of Civil Engineering (SCE) and the School of Advanced Technologies (SAT). Therefore, some



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Table 5.1: Respondent AIT Graduates by Degree and Gender

Degree Total (N) Male Femalenm % (nm / N) nf % (nf / N)

M Eng 464 352 75.9 112 24.1M Sc 314 141 44.9 173 55.1MBA 247 122 49.4 125 50.6D Eng 45 38 84.4 7 15.6D Tech Sc 22 8 36.4 14 63.6

Ph D 31 17 54.8 14 45.2Total 1123 678 60.4 445 39.6

Figure 5.2: Respondent Graduates by Schools in AIT (Total: 1121)




Figure 5.3: Respondent Graduates by Academic Degree (Total: 1123)

M Eng41%

M Sc28%


D Eng4%

D Tech Sc2% Ph D


graduates under SAT and SCE were kept on receiving degrees until 2006 then after SET started to take the full responsibility of the then SAT and SCE as well. Figure 5.1 clearly sows that there were largest graduates from SERD in 2003, 2007 and 2008. Similarly, SOM produced largest number in 2004 and 2005. Likewise, SET produced the largest number in 2006. AT present there are three schools, namely, SERD, SET, and SOM which have been playing a leading role to meet the overall mission of AIT. Therefore, these three schools will be considered for the analysis hereafter.

5.2 Respondent Graduates by School

The respondent graduates (1121) had got different academic degrees through different schools. Figure 5.2 shows that the largest proportion of the respondent graduates (40%) was from SET (summation of SAT and SCE until 2006 and alone thereafter) followed by SERD (38%) and SOM (22%). The various academic degrees received by the respondent graduates with their filed of studies during their studies in AIT are presented hereunder. The long lasting impression of AIT was also inquired with the AIT graduates during the meetings conducted by the researcher in different countries and therefore mentioned at the end of this section.

5.3 Academic Degrees Received by Respondent Graduates

As of May 2008, the total respondent graduates (1121) had received 1123 academic degrees. The two responding graduates had received both masters’ and doctoral degrees from AIT. Among these 1123 academic degrees, the largest proportion was found for Masters’ of Engineering (M Eng) degree (41%) followed by Masters’ of Science (M Sc) degree (28%), Masters’ of Business Administration (MBA including executive MBA) degree (22%). Figure 5.3 also reveals about the doctoral degrees received by the respondent AIT graduates as well. Doctor of Engineering (D Eng) degree was received by the higher proportion of respondent graduates (4%) followed by Doctor of Philosophy (Ph D) degree (3%) and Doctor of Technical Science (D Tech Sc) degree (2%).


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When these degrees were looked from the gender perspective it was found that females received higher number of degrees in science and management studies and very low in engineering fields. Table 5.1 indicates that majority (55%) of the total degrees in M Sc was received by women and they were also receiving slightly more than 50 percent of MBA degrees. In case of doctoral degrees, female responding graduates had higher D. Tech Sc degrees (63%) compared to male responding graduates. In totality, about 40 percent of the degrees were found received by the responding female graduates.

5.4 Field of Study of the Respondent Graduates

The field of studies of both masters’ and doctoral respondent graduates was reviewed. Out of the 1121 total respondent graduates, 1023 had received masters’ degrees alone and 96 of them had received doctoral degrees alone. However, 2 respondent graduates had studied both masters’ and doctoral degree programs and received both degrees from AIT. Therefore in master program there are 1025 persons indicating studying in 38 different filed of studies. The Appendix Tables 5.2 and 5.3 reveal the various field of study from which the respondent AIT graduates had studied for Masters’ and Doctoral Program, respectively. While study masters’ degree, about 18 percent of the respondent graduates studied in international business and management related field of studies in both AIT and Vietnam under SOM followed by environmental engineering and man agent (9%), energy (6%), computer science, telecommunication, information and communication technologies, and urban environmental management (each 4%). Incase of the doctoral program the higher proportion of the respondent graduates were from the energy related field of studies (9%) followed by international business and management related and environmental engineering and management (each 8%), and transportation engineering and industrial engineering (each 6%).

5.5 Lasting Impression

Several meetings were conducted in different countries of the target and respondent graduates during the time of field visits by the researcher. They were inquired about the lasting impression on AIT. Their most important impression was that their study at AIT trained them to work efficiently and long hours. This has been helpful to them for their professional career advancements and achievements. The learning environment also reported as one of the unforgettable aspects of AIT which helped to build their self-confidence. The sport facilities and location as well as landscaping of AIT are other long lasting memories of the AIT graduates.


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Table 6.1: Rating Teaching Quality by Gender, Economic Categories and RegionGender, Economic categories, and Region

Excellent Very Good Good Poor Very PoorTotalf % f % f % f % f %

Male 112 18.0 342 54.9 158 25.4 8 1.3 3 0.5 623Female 42 10.5 212 53.0 142 35.5 4 1.0 0 0.0 400Total 154 15.1 554 54.2 300 29.3 12 1.2 3 0.3 1023LIC 58 9.9 339 58.1 183 31.4 2 0.3 1 0.2 583LMC 95 21.9 214 49.3 113 26.0 10 2.3 2 0.5 434UMC 1 100.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 1HIC 0 0.0 1 20.0 4 80.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 5Total 154 15.1 554 54.2 300 29.3 12 1.2 3 0.3 1023East Asia and Pacific 126 14.7 462 53.9 254 29.6 12 1.4 3 0.4 857South Asia 28 17.4 89 55.3 44 27.3 0 0.0 0 0.0 161Europe and Central Asia 0 0.0 2 50.0 2 50.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 4Africa 0 0.0 1 100.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 1Total 154 15.1 554 54.2 300 29.3 12 1.2 3 0.3 1023

Figure 6.1: Teaching Quality of AIT (Total : 1023)

Very Good55%

Poor and Very poor1%



Feedbacks on Teaching,Research and Services

This section is all about the feedback of the respondent AIT graduates on the quality of teaching, supervision and guidance on masters’ thesis and doctoral dissertation research, and overall administrative management and service delivery of AIT. The value and the quality of the academic, administrative and other supportive units had tremendous role in the academic standing of AIT itself. The periodic feedback from the AIT graduates helps in further enhancing the teaching, research, and administrative standards of AIT.

6.1 Feedbacks on Teaching in AIT

The target AIT graduates were inquired on how they would rate the teaching standard of study at AIT by giving them five scale ratings such as excellent, very good, good, poor, and very poor. Out of the 1023 responding graduates, majority (55%) had an impression that the teaching



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quality in AIT is very good followed by good (29%). Few respondents (15%) had an impression that the teaching quality in AIT is even excellent one. The teaching standard as perceived by the respondent AIT graduates was also analyzed by gender, economic categories of the countries and region which is presented in the following Table 6.1.

On an average, majority in all the three categories (gender, economic classification, and region) indicated the teaching quality of AIT as very good. A negligible number of the respondents in all categories indicated as poor and very poor. The main reasons of the poor and very poor rating as reported by them can be listed as weak practical aspects, inadequate facilities, less cooperating and helping less in thesis supervision, high course fee but poor learning materials, high politics among instructors, and heterogeneity in the background of the students and diversity in teaching that had to be compromised.

6.2 Feedbacks on Thesis Research in AIT

An attempt was made to gather information on the level of satisfaction of the target AIT graduates on the their thesis research works in terms of research supervisor’s contribution, committee members’ contribution, flexibility of choice in topic selection, research fund availability, and help received from seniors and own batch mates. The various responses for the satisfaction level of AIT graduates for their masters’ thesis works were found ranging from very low to very high. Forty percent of the 903 responding AIT graduates considered the contribution of thesis supervisor as high followed by very high (38%) followed by medium (18 %) and low and very low (4%). In case of committee members’ contribution, majority considered as high (44%) followed by medium (30%), very high (18%), low and very low (8%). The flexibility of choice in masters’ research topic for the students in AIT is found high enough since 43 percent reported as very high followed by high (27%), medium (23%) and low and very low (6%). Majority (34%) indicated that fund availability for research was medium followed by high (30%), low and very low (21%) and very high (13%). Fifty-four percent of the respondent graduates reported that they received very high to high level of help from their seniors. Similarly, 57 percent of them reported that they received high to very high level of help from their batch mates (Figure 6.2).


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Figure 6.3: Satisfaction Level on Dissertation Research in AIT

4027 27

14 16 17



26 2434





3 5 3

1411 810 4 32 2







Flexibility ofchoice in topic


Reseach fundavailability

Help receivedfrom seniors

Help receivedfrom own batch


Very high High Medium Low Very low

Figure 6.2: Satisfaction Level on Thesis Research in AIT



92 154 114





325 284





2742 47


5455 56 27

3 13 9







Flexibility ofchoice in topic


Reseach fundavailability

Help receivedfrom seniors

Help receivedfrom own batch


Very high High Medium Low Very low

6.3 Feedbacks on Dissertation Research in AIT

Like in thesis research, all the target AIT graduates who had received doctoral degree were also inquired to provide feedback on various aspects on the dissertation research in AIT. Majority (47%) reported as very high level of inputs from the main supervisor of the dissertation research followed by high (32%), medium (18%) and only 4 percent reported as low level of help. Sixty-two percent of them reported as very high and high level of help received from the c ommittee members and remaining others indicated as medium by 30 percent and low to very low by 8 percent. The flexibility of choice in dissertation research topic for the students in AIT is found high enough since 72 percent of the responded graduates indicated as very high and high levels followed medium (22%), and low and very low (6%). Thirty percent of the respondent graduates indicated that fund availability was high, however, close to this percentage; another 28 percent also reported low and very low level of fund availability. Forty-nine percent of the respondent graduates reported that they


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received very high to high level of help from their seniors. Similarly, 59 percent of them reported that they received high to very high level of help from their batch mates (Figure 6.2).

Both type of respondent graduates (masters’ and doctoral degree receivers) had similar type of reasons for rating the low or very low on various aspects of thesis and dissertation research in AIT. Their points have been summarized and presented in the following Table 6.2 on comments made for rating low and very low by research aspects.

Table 6.2: Reason for rating “low and very low” by research aspectsResearch aspects


Funding on research

Not enough fund to conduct research, little options to acquire research fund, no provision of getting fund for attending conference or workshops to enhance the career, most of the research fund was enough for traveling what was left was not enough to do extensive research, no any advice about funding source for students, flat rate is not suitable for all type of research, both scholarships and research funds are very low compare with the other countries, and given budget is too low compare to the time and work load of the research.

Supervision on research

Due to a huge of number of students, advisor does not have enough time to contribute, read and comment on thesis and dissertation research and committee members didn't pay full attention.

Help from seniors and batch mates on research

If not at all but very poor connection between senior and junior, sometimes seniors are not available or reluctant to help at the time of need, sometime the time of research did not match with the timing of senior’s presence. Due to the feeling of competition own batch mates do not want to help each other.

6.4 Rating on AIT Services

The entire target AIT graduates were inquired about their ratings on the quality of information, advice, and services they received from different service units of AIT. A significantly higher proportion of respondent AIT graduates (54%) consider as very good followed by even excellent (21%), good (20%) and poor and very poor (5%) for the services received from the field of study administration and management. Similarly, a large majority of them (53%) reported as very good followed by good (26%), excellent (17%) and poor and very poor (4%) for the service received from school administration and management. When an inquiry was made on the quality of the service rendered by the registry of AIT, it was reported as very good by 44 percent respondents followed by good (37%), excellent (12%), and poor and very poor by 7 percent. Vast majority (71%) of the respondents indicated excellent and very good service in AIT library. The quality of the service provided by language center is rated as excellent by 19 percent, very good by 46 percent, good by 31 percent and poor by 4 percent. Computing facilities of AIT were rated as very good by 43 percent of the respondent graduates followed by good (32%), excellent (16%), and poor with very poor (9%). Likewise experimental lab facilities considered good by 41 percent, very good by 38 percent, excellent by 12 percent and poor and very poor by 9 percent of the respondent graduates. The classroom facilities were rated as very good by 47 percent, good by 28 percent, excellent by 21 percent and poor and very poor by 4 percent. Each 37 percent of the respondent graduates rated as very good and good followed by poor (15%) and very poor (11%) for the service of student accommodation (Figure 6.4).


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Figure 6.4: Quality of Information, Advice, and Services at AIT

216 172 124297

187 163 114215 148 123 87 81 100





460 430357


369 414385 437 416


211 261373





429 409 414283 331

25 28 59 30 36 78 70 3482

42 80 53 56 39 297111919138365181381013148




d of








ol a


















g fa





tal l






m f


ties a















t rel










ent A




ent u



t fac







ent o



Excellent Very good Good Poor Very poor

Figure 4.6 further reveals that the service of the Government relation office is rated as very good by 43 percent followed by good (40%), excellent (13%) and poor and very poor (5%). The quality of the service of the alumni relations office rated as good (43%), very good (39%), excellent (9%) and poor and very poor (9%). Forty-four percent of the respondent graduates rated student affairs as very good followed by good (41%), excellent (8%) and poor and very poor (7%). Each 41 percent for very good and good was found rating the service of the student union followed by excellent (10%) and poor and very poor (7%). Majority (47%) indicated as the very good followed by good (28%, excellent (20%) and poor and very poor by the remaining 5 percent for the quality rating of sport facilities. The assessment on the quality of overall management of AIT by the respondent graduates made as very good (54%), good (33%), excellent (9%) and poor and very poor by 4 percent.

As requested to offer the comments on poor and very poor ratings for the quality of services rendered different service units of AIT, some of the respondent graduates had done it and their responses are summarized as below in Table 6.3.

Table 6.3: Reason for rating as “low and very low” on AIT services Service Unit CommentsComputing facilities Very slow internet connection with low bandwidth availability really hampers the

research study and day to day communication works, not sufficient number and quality of computers, difficult to access in Alumni Web, hard to update information, and Network is very slow.

Student accommodation / housing

Staffs at student accommodation are not really helpful though they speak very friendly, more biased to some countries and students, poor facilities in standard dorm, things especially the wraps for beds and pillows which are too old and not in white color anymore (no replacement), student accommodations need major renovation

Classroom facilities and environment

Sometimes air condition does not work and very small enclosure.

Library Most of the books are out dated, almost damaged and very old and less forefront journals


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Figure 6.4: Suggestion for Strengthening AIT Targeting its Future Graduates (Total : 929)

Teaching and research quality36%

Content and coverage of courses


Add new courses5% Other suggestions


Practical application for problem solving


Language center Not enough qualified English instructorsExperimental lab facilities

No enough lab facility for all subjects/items and whatever available are mostly outdated experimental lab Facilities

Administration Administration and management are in need of improvement, do not care much for the students, lot of mistakes in documentation, especially in finance and housing section

Alumni Relation Slow in response and procedures related to AITAA matters.Registry Service is poor.

6.5 Suggestions for Strengthening AIT Targeting its Future Graduates

All the target AIT graduates were requested to provide their views on what must be strengthened at AIT targeting its future graduates in terms of teaching quality, practical application for problem solving skills, content and coverage of courses, and additional new courses if any. The highest proportion (48%) of the respondent AIT graduates indicated their views for targeting practical application for problem solving skills followed by teaching and research quality (36%), adding new courses (5%) and 4 percent suggested to revise content and coverage of courses (Figure 6.4). Sixty-six (7%) responding AIT graduates provided several other suggestions amongst them most important ones are: more emphasis on top ranked journal publication; collaboration with top ranked universities; improving computing and lab facilities; credible admission process and a realistic campus job placement; networking; equip more skills needed while participating in the meetings; organizing international seminar and workshops; concentrating on public speaking and presentation skills; increasing field exposures and practical experiences; enhancing international studying environment; and refreshing and updating with new/advanced technology and new/applied concepts (Appendix Table 6.1).

Regarding the content and coverage of courses, further elaborations are done emphasizing mainly on emerging issues like mitigation and adaptation to climate change, IPM, migration, revising curriculum looking at the local needs not just copying curriculum from western universities, introduction of debit and credit in details in finance, free choice to select subject matters across AIT school, and provision of elective courses and internship (Appendix Table 6.2).

The new courses to be added were suggested as the Aquaculture Business Management; Domestic Violence, Human Rights and Trafficking; Social Entrepreneurship; Business Law; Communication and Public Speaking Skills; Forest Management; Banking / Financing and Marketing; Macroeconomics; Strategy Management; Molecular Biology; Advanced Math; Applied Mathematics and Computing; Geotechnical Constitutive


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Modeling; Radar Remote Sensing; and High Voltage Engineering & Power System Protection (Appendix Table 6.3).

“I would not like to encourage any of my friends and relatives to study at AIT unless your teaching and supporting services have been improved. They could spend the same amount paid to AIT in studying in the US for a more qualified university. As for those interested in development studies, many Thanks”.

- An AIT Graduate from Thailand


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Table 7.1: Choosing own Country after Graduation by Gender, Economy and RegionGender, Economy, and Region

Yes No Totalf % f % f %

Male 518 79.3 135 20.7 653 100Female 337 76.8 102 23.2 439 100Total 855 78.3 237 21.7 1092 100LIC 512 80.5 124 19.5 636 100LMC 338 75.1 112 24.9 450 100UMC 1 50.0 1 50.0 2 100HIC 4 100.0 0 0.0 4 100Total 855 78.3 237 21.7 1092 100East Asia and Pacific 717 79.3 187 20.6 904 100

South Asia 134 72.8 50 27.2 184 100Europe and Central Asia 3 100.0 0 0.0 3 100Africa 1 100.0 0 0.0 1 100Total 855 78.3 237 21.7 1092 100





Yes No



Figure 7.1: Returning to/ Remaining Home Country after

Graduation from AIT

Career Decision and Employments

Career decision and employments section includes whereabouts of AIT graduates, rejoining the previous job or employer, duration of getting the first job after graduation from AIT, current job position and employment history, age and current job position, duration of current job, main employer types, individual main function at work and job satisfaction, salary level, salary by age group of AIT graduates, current salary level by graduation year, and job position and salary income by gender.

7.1 Whereabouts of AIT Graduate

The main emphasis of AIT has been constantly remained the same from its inception till now is on producing capable human resource needed for the sustainable development of the countries in Asia, in particular, and global context, in general. All the graduates are encouraged as well as insisted to return to their home countries and apply whatever knowledge and skills learned from AIT to their own countries. The respondent AIT graduates inquired about their career decision immediately after graduation from AIT. Separate question was designed for Thai and Non-Thai in order to know whether AIT graduates remained in Thailand for the former and returned to their home countries for the latter. Figure 7.1 reveals that 95 percent of Thai and 85 percent of Non-Thai respondent graduates chose their home country after graduation from AIT. Table 7.1 indicates that on an average of the total respondent graduates 78 percent returned/remained to their respective countries. Remaining 22 percent chose other than own county due to various reasons such as continuing study for PhD, continuing research at AIT, having got better paid jobs compared to the jobs in own country, and also



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Table 7.2: Response Rate on Joining Previous JobResponse Frequency Percent Valid PercentYes 448 40.0 44.5No 384 34.3 38.1Not applicable 175 15.7 17.4

Subtotal 1007 89.8 100.0No answer 114 10.2Total 1121 100.0

Table 7.3: Duration Taken for the First Job after Graduation from AIT

Duration Male Female TotalFrequency % Frequency % Frequency %

Confirmed before Graduation

78 34.1 59 29.9 137 32.2

< 1Month 51.0 22.3 37.0 18.8 88.0 20.7> 1 to < 3Months 67.0 29.3 58.0 29.4 125.0 29.3> 3 to < 6Months 23.0 10.0 27.0 13.7 50.0 11.7> 6Months to 1Year

6.0 2.6 8.0 4.1 14.0 3.3

> 1Year 4.0 1.7 8.0 4.1 12.0 2.8

to support spouse who joined AIT for studies. In terms of gender, 79 percent of males and 77 percent of females returned/remained their home countries. Based on the analysis by economic classifications of the countries, it was found 81 percent of the respondents returning in case of LIC compared to 75 in LMC. All 4 respondent graduates (100%) returned to their own countries from HIC. While regional comparison was made, less proportion from South Asia (73%) returned to home countries compared with East Asia and Pacific region (79%) and others.

7.2 Rejoining the Previous Job or Employer Out of 1121 respondent AIT graduates, 1007 reported on the inquiry whether they joined the previous job after graduation from AIT. Forty-five percent of the actual respondents indicated that they joined their previous jobs and 38 percent did not join. Slightly more than 17 percent respondents reported as “not applicable” since they did not have job before coming AIT. Out of the total respondent graduates (1121), slightly more than 10 percent did not provide any response. An inquiry was made with those who did not rejoin the previous jobs by requesting them to provide reasons why they did not join. Some of the important reasons given are: job was temporary as contract basis, immediately gone for further study, the previous job was not satisfactory, office closed, new and better paid job offered, and the office rules were so strict for granting the study leave so had to sacrifice job.

7.3 Duration of Getting the First Job after Graduation from AIT

An attempt was made to know the duration of getting the first job after graduation from AIT to those who did not join the previous jobs and also did not go for further study for their further academic career advancements. Therefore, such information was expected from at lest 559 respondents (Table 7.2) who had not joined the previous job and also who had no job before coming AIT. However, 426 (76%) comprised by 229 males and 197 females reported on the duration of getting the first job after graduation from AIT. Interestingly, majority in both genders, their jobs were confirmed even before graduation from AIT. Table 7.3 reveals that 34 percent of males and 30 percent of females got confirmed their jobs before graduation. Slightly more than 29 percent of both gender reported that it took more than 1 month and less than three months of duration to get job after graduation from AIT. About 2 percent of males and 4 percent of females reported that they had to wait even more than one year to get job.


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Table 7.4: Current Involvement of AIT GraduatesInvolvement Frequency Percent Valid PercentJob 901 80.4 85.4Study 87 7.8 8.2Business 53 4.7 5.0Other 14 1.2 1.3

Subtotal 1055 94.1 100.0No Answer 66 5.9Total 1121 100.0

Table 7.5: Job Position by Gender and before and after Studying in AITJob Rank

Last Job Position before AIT Current Job Position Gender Male Female Total Male Female Total

Senior Frequency 7 1 8 82 39 121Percent 1.4 0.3 1.0 14.5 10.2 12.7

Middle Frequency 120 64 184 414 274 688Percent 23.5 19.4 21.9 73.0 71.4 72.3

Junior Frequency 384 265 649 71 71 142Percent 75.1 80.3 77.2 12.5 18.5 14.9

Total Frequency 511 330 841 567 384 951Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100

Figure 7.2: Relation between Age and Current Job Position

7.4 Current Involvement of AIT Graduates

A vast majority (85%) of the actual responding graduates reported that they are working at present. About 8 percent were found involved in study programs for their further academic career advancements. Five percent of the AIT graduates reported their involvement as “business”. Less than 2 percent specified their other involvements such as housewife, free lancer, job terminated and searching for a new job and few indicated that they dislike the current job and just resigned. About six percent of the respondent graduates did not mention anything about their current involvements.

7.5 Current Job Positions of AIT Graduates

An analysis was made on job positions by rank order and gender considering two situations, the last job position before AIT and the current job position after AIT. The junior level of position was found predominant for the last job before AIT as 75 percent males and 80 percent females indicated for the same. However, the middle level was found in largest proportion for the current job position, after AIT. Table 7.5 clearly indicates that a significantly large number of AIT graduates got promotion after their studies from AIT. The upward movement of job position is seen in both genders when a comparison of job position made considering their last job position before AIT and current job position after AIT.

7.6 Age and Current Job Position

Generally, there is a positive correlation between higher job position and age. When an attempt is made to see the relationship between age and the job position of the responding AIT graduates by doing correspondence analysis, it was found that higher aged graduates had executive or senior professional / management level of job positions. Mostly middle age group had middle or junior level of job positions. In a very few instances the AIT graduates with higher age have also junior level of job positions and vise-versa.


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Table 7.6: Type of Individual Main Function at WorkMain Function (Multiple Response) Frequency PercentProject Implementation 379 39.8Management 347 36.4Research Analysis / Policy Inputs 256 26.9Teaching 213 22.4Knowledge / Information Dissemination 208 21.8

Figure 7.3: Main Employer Type for the Current Job Positions(Total : 1014)

Non-governmental organization


Regional / local government


International / regional organization


Financial institution4%

Private sector19%

Public service / utility provider



Academic / reserch insttitutions


Central government16%

Figure 7.4: Level of Satisfaction with Current Job(Total : 925)


Not Satisfied12%

7.7 Main Employer Type

Altogether 1014 (90%) of the respondent graduates with work experiences reported their main employer types. The academic and research institutions found as the main employers for the higher proportion (23%) of the target AIT graduates for their current job positions. Similarly, 19 percent of them were employed by their respective private sector followed by central government (16%), international / regional organization (16%), non-governmental organizations (7%), public sector / utility provider (5%) and financial institutions (4%) as presented in the Figure 7.3. Thus, academic / research institutions, private sector, central government, and international / regional organizations are the major employers for nearly 80 percent of the respondent AIT graduates.

7.8 Individual Main Function at Work and Job Satisfaction

Altogether 953 respondent AIT graduates reported their individual main job function as presented in Table 7.6. Nearly 40 percent of them reported project implementation as individual main function at work followed by management as indicated by the 36 percent of the actual responding AIT graduates. Twenty-seven percent of them reported research analysis / policy inputs type of works. Similarly, each 22 percent said teaching and knowledge / information dissemination. When the individual main function at work of the current job position is compared with the last job before AIT, an upward shift was found for management (28 to 36 percent) and for research analysis / policy inputs (21 percent to 27 percent). Without job satisfaction of the employees, the employers may not be able to meet their objectives or production targets to a greater extent. Out of the total 925 responding AIT graduates, 88 percent reported that they were satisfied with their current jobs. This is a good indication but at the same time one has to give proper attention on the reaming 12 percent of the responding AIT graduates who are not satisfied with their current jobs.


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Table 7.7: Gross Salary Level of Current Job and Last Job before AITSalary Range (US$/Month)

Current Position Last Job before AITFrequency Percent Frequency Percent

< 100 33 3.5 98 12.0100 to 200 77 8.3 168 20.6201 to 500 168 18.1 319 39.1501 to 1000 310 33.3 170 20.91001 to 2000 223 24.0 42 5.22001 to 3000 54 5.8 11 1.3> 3000 65 7.0 7 0.9Total 930 100.0 815 100.0

7.9 Salary Level

Altogether 930 responding AIT graduates provided information on their salary (a range was given to them). There were seven categories of salary range starting from less than 100 US $ per month to more than 3000 US$ per month. Thirty-three percent of them were receiving 501 to 1000 US$ per month followed by 24 percent respondents with US$ 1001 to 2000. Similarly 18 percent respondents reported that they were receiving US$ 201 to 500 per month followed by 8 percent respondents with US$ 100 to 200 monthly salaries. Four percent were receiving less than 100 US$ per month. However, 6 percent and 7 percent of the responding AIT graduates were even receiving 2001 to 3000 and more than 3000 US$/month, respectively. Table 7.7 also reveals that the AIT studies have contributed a lot in receiving higher salaries. Which is evident from the fact that the largest proportion of the AIT graduates (39%) was drawing salary in the range of US$ 201 to 500 per month for the last job before AIT. Whereas, the largest proportion of AIT graduates (33%) were getting salary in the range of 501 to 1000 from their current job after graduation from AIT. Incase of before AIT, there were only 5 percent to get salary in the range of US$ 1001 to 2000, however, there are 24 percent AIT graduates who are getting same level of salary from their current jobs. The correspondence analysis is done to see the relation between current job positions and gross salary (in terms of mid value of the sally ranges in US$ per month basis). Figure 7.5 clearly reveals there is a close relation between job position and salary levels. The higher job positions such as Executive and Senior Management or Senior Professional receiving higher levels of salary. In contrast the responding AIT graduates with Junior Professional or Junior Management positions were found receiving low levels of salary. Similarly, Middle Professionals and Middle Management positions closely related with fairly middle levels of salaries.

7.10 Salary by Age Group of AIT Graduates

Based on their age, the respondent AIT graduates were categorized into three age groups, namely, less than 30 Years, 30 to 35 Years and More than 35 Years. Out of the 1121 respondent AIT graduates, 41 percent were belonging to the first category (<30 years), followed by 39 percent in the second category (30 to 35 Years) and the rest 20 percent in the third category (>35 years). Many people consider that the salary income as one of the most important measuring instruments to judge whether given activities had any impacts or not. In general, the salary income increases with age. A comparative analysis of means


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Table 7.8: ANOVA based on Age categories (3 Categories) and SalariesJob Test df Mean Square F Sig.

Current Job (After AIT)

Between Groups 2 486754.102 .743 .476

Within Groups 928 655188.634

Total 930

Last Job (Before AIT)

Between Groups 2 3024545.519 13.857


Within Groups 812 218274.466

Total 814

by considering salary income before AIT and After AIT against between and within the age groups was done through one way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The significance test indicated that there is significant difference in salary income by age groups in case of the last job before AIT. However there is no significance difference in salary income by age groups after graduation from AIT. The Paired Samples t-Test was done for the mean salary incomes of the last job before AIT and the current job after. The test result indicated that there is a significance difference in the mean salaries of these two means as shown below.

Paired Differences t df Sig. (2-tailed)Mean salary Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean 95% Confidence Interval of

the Difference

Lower Upper

535.007 730.627 27.674 480.672 589.343 19.3 696 0.001

The standard deviation is quite higher than the mean salary which indicates the wide range of variations in salary in two situations, before AIT and after AIT.

7.11 Current Salary Level by Graduation Year

There were six graduations years (2003 to 2008) in which 1121 respondent AIT graduates received different masters’ and doctoral degrees. Therefore, each graduation year considered as one category which means altogether six categories of graduation year were considered for the statistical analysis, ANOVA. The salary income of the AIT graduates for the last job before enrolling AIT as well as the salary of the current job of the AIT graduates were analyzed against graduation year categories. The result of the analyses indicated that there was no significant difference in the salary level of AIT graduates before AIT. In contrast, there was a significance difference in the salary by graduation categories after the studies in AIT. It can be concluded that the year of graduation has significant impact in the salary incomes of the AIT graduates (Table 7.9).

Table 7.9: ANOVA Results for the AIT Graduation Year (6 Categories) and Salaries


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Variables Sum of Squares df Mean Square

F Sig.

Graduation Year and Salary of current Job after AIT

Between Groups 14825667.2 5 2965133.4 4.6 0.0004

Within Groups 594162893.5 925 642338.3    Total 608988560.7 930      

Graduation Year and Salary before AIT

Between Groups 1259370.5 5 251874.1 1.1 0.3482

Within Groups 181967335.0 809 224928.7    Total 183226705.5 814      

7.12 Job Position and Salary Income by Gender

The implication of AIT studies looked from the perspective of changes in job positions compared to their positions before AIT with the current position which is meant as after AIT studies. The Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test and Pearson Chi-Square Test were used to see any significant differences. Both tests indicated that there is a significant difference in job position by gender in both cases, before and after studies in AIT (Table 7.10).

Table 7.10: Wilcoxon Signed Ranks and Pearson Chi-Square Tests for Job Ranks and GenderRank Before AIT After AIT

Male Female Total Male Female TotalExecutive / Senior 7 1 8 82 39 121Middle 120 64 184 415 273 688Junior 384 265 649 71 71 142Total 511 330 841 568 383 951Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test Z = -24.793 Z = -20.550

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) = 0.001 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) = 0.001Pearson Chi-Square Test Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) = 0.099 Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)= 0.011

The independent t-Test was done to analyze the salary of the AIT graduates by gender and it was found nearly significantly different in both situations, before and after studies in AIT. The mean salaries of males are higher in both situations compared to the mean salaries of females (Table 7.11).

Table 7.11: Salary Level by Gender and Before and After AITStatistics Before AIT After AIT

Male Female Male FemaleMean Salary (US$/Month) 494.54 439.87 1082.53 982.43

Standard Deviation 512.105 404.812 844.868 749.030

Standard Errors 22.811 22.955 35.670 38.940

t- Value (equal variances assumed) 1.599 1.849

Significance (equal variances assumed) 0.110 0.065

t- Value (equal variances not assumed) 1.689 1.896

Significance (equal variances not assumed) 0.092 0.058


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Relevancies andEffectiveness

One of the most important objectives of doing tracer study is to assess the relevancy and effectiveness of AIT studies in the professional career advancement, usefulness and level of benefits gained, and impact of AIT studies in educational and scientific pursuits.

8.1 Job Relevancy of AIT Studies in Current Involvement

All the target AIT graduates were requested to provide whatever number of jobs they joined after their graduation from AIT with the additional information on the relevancy of AIT studies. Altogether 901 (85%) getting involved in jobs and 53 (5%) involved in business reported the relevancy of AIT studies in their current job and business. As shown in Table 8.1, AIT studies have been exactly related for a large majority of them (57%) followed by partly related for 39 percent and not related for 4 percent for their current jobs and businesses.

Table 8.1: Employment History and Job Relevancy of AIT StudiesInvolvement and Employment Profile

RelevancyExactly related Partially related Not related

Frequency % Frequency % Frequency %Current job and business (n=954) 540 56.6 372 39.0 42 4.4Second last job (n=262) 131 50.0 103 39.3 28 10.7Third last job (n=91) 45 49.5 33 36.3 13 14.3Fourth last job (n=32) 14 43.8 12 37.5 6 18.8Fifth last job (n=9) 5 55.6 3 33.3 1 11.1

A total of 262 responding AIT graduates indicated the relevancy of AIT studies in their 2nd

last jobs as exactly related by 131 (50%), partly related for 103 (39%) and not related for 28 (11%). Similarly, 91 respondents reported about their 3rd job and the relevancy of AIT studies as exactly related (50%), partially related (36%) and not related (14%). There were 32 respondents reporting about the indicated about their 4th jobs with the relevancy of AIT studies as exactly related (44%), partly related (38%) and not related (18%). Only 9 respondent AIT graduates reported that they had even 5 th last job after graduation from AIT with the relevancy of AIT studies as exactly related (56%), partly related (33%) and not related (11%).

8.2 Usefulness of AIT Studies in Current Involvement

The usefulness of the of the AIT studies on the current involvements of AIT graduates was viewed from the perspective of the extent of knowledge/skills gained from AIT while doing course works; research; workshops/field visits; staying at multicultural / international environment; networking with peers, professors, and staff; and by overall program. Out of the 963 responding AIT graduates, 72 percent indicated that knowledge and skills gained from the course works have been highly and very highly useful followed by medium (23%) low (4%) and very low (1%). Similarly, the knowledge and skills



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gained from the AIT research, workshops/field visits; staying at multicultural / international environment; networking with peers, professors, and staff; and by overall program has been reported as highly and very highly useful by 71 percent, 61 percent, 70 percent, 63 percent, and 73 percent, respectively.

Figure 8.1: Usefulness of AIT Studies in Current Involvement

249 217 265189 173 229









221 213

3481 52 60

29 326 517101711



















ps /









ng /












Sources of Knowledge/Skills

Very high High Medium Low Very Low

8.3 Overall Benefit Gained from AIT Studies

The overall benefits gained by the target AIT graduates from the AIT studies were measured in terms of technical / practical skills, theoretical knowledge, gaining higher status / recognition, gaining self-confidence, gaining higher income, higher progression / promotion in the same job, and higher mobility across the job. Seventy-five percent of the respondent AIT graduates reported that whatever technical / practical skills they had learnt from AIT has high or very high levels of benefits followed by and 22 percent of them said as medium and reaming 3 percent indicated as low and very low levels. However, 83 percent of them reported that they have been benefited highly and very highly from the theoretical knowledge they gained from AIT. Likewise, 78 percent for gaining higher


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status / recognition, 87 percent for gaining self-confidence, 62 percent for gaining higher income and higher progression / promotion in the same job, and 66 for higher mobility across the job were reported under high and very high levels of benefits gained after AIT studies. From these responses one can easily conclude that the AIT studies have significant contributions in terms of benefits enjoying by AIT graduates.

Figure 8.2: Level of Benefits Gained from AIT Studies

229 279 246328

166 160 172




435 420 447

213150 187


307 289 259

31 18 22 1146 45 48

5 2 4 4 23 24 11














l /pr


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us /


















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e jo



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Aspects of Benefits

Very high High Medium Low Very low

8.4 Impact of AIT Studies in Scientific and Educational Fields

All the target AIT graduates were inquired whether they went for further studies after graduation from AIT. Amongst them, 777 responded and 222 (29%) confirmed their further studies. Some of them had already completed and some are continuing their studies and expected to graduate in 2009 by 13 respondents, in 2010 by 26 respondents, 2011 by 21 respondents, 2012 by 24 respondents, and each 5 respondents in 2013 and 2015. They have studied or been studying various academic degree programs such as certificate, diploma, master, doctoral and post-doctoral degrees from various universities in Europe, USA, Australia, and Asia. Among these further studied or studying respondents, 80 percent said that their further study degrees were/are related to their degrees or study programs in AIT. Figure 8.3 shows the overall scenario of the contribution of the AIT graduates in the scientific, educational and professional fields is encouraging particularly in research and publication, membership in the professional organizations, consulting works, participation and paper presentations in the international conferences and seminars in three time periods as before studying in AIT, during study in AIT, and after AIT


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Figure 8.3: Achievements in Scientific and Educational Fields































0 500 1000 1500 2000

Papers presented in national seminars / conferences

Papers presented in international seminars/conferences

International seminars /w orkshops/conferences participated

Consultancy w orks completed

Consultancy w orks ongoing

Membership in professional organizations

Journal articles published

Research reports produced

Books published

Aw ards/recognition received

NumberBefore AIT During AIT After AIT

studies. The remarkable contributions are visible in all the listed scientific and educational fields.

8.5 Relevancy and Effectiveness by Gender

The relevancy and effectiveness of different knowledge and skills learnt through courses, research, workshop/field visits, multicultural environment, networks, and overall AIT programs were analyzed by gender of the responding AIT graduates. Both genders were more or less equally responding the effectiveness and relevancy of AIT courses, workshops/field visits, multicultural learning/internationality, and overall programs for their current activates. However, the significant difference between male and female was found the effectiveness and relevancy of research and networks (peers, professors and staff) of AIT in their current working fields (Table 8.2).

Table 8.2: Significance Test Results for Various Sources of Knowledge and Skills by GenderSources of Knowledge / Skill Pearson Chi-Square

Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)Courses 4.515 4 .341Research 19.812 4 .001Workshop/field visits 4.538 4 .338Multicultural learning / internationality 7.239 4 .124


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Networks (peers, professors, staff) 10.765 4 .029Overall Program 5.107 4 .276

The level of benefits gained from the AIT studies were analyzed by gender considering different aspects of benefits such as technical/practical skills, theoretical knowledge, gaining higher status/recognition, gaining self confidence, gaining higher income, higher progression /promotion in the same job, and higher mobility across the jobs. A significant difference in enjoying the benefits by gender was found only in gaining higher status / recognitions (Table 8.3).

Table 8.3: Significance Test Results for Various Aspects of Benefits by GenderAspects of Benefits Pearson Chi-Square

Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)Technical /practical skills 2.184 4 .702Theoretical knowledge 8.053 4 .090Gaining higher status / recognition 9.810 4 .044Gaining self-confidence 3.140 5 .678Gaining higher income 4.345 5 .501Higher progression /promotion in the same job 8.301 5 .140Higher mobility across the job 3.185 5 .671


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Developmental Activities and Networking

Considering the mission of AIT, an attempt was made to assess the involvement of the target AIT graduates in various developmental activates and research studies and also their involvement in various professional and social networks.

9.1 Involvement of AIT Graduates in Developmental Activities

An inquiry was made on the extent of involvement of AIT graduates in developmental activities such as poverty alleviation, renewable and sustainable energy, environment, natural resource management, raising gender awareness and application, HIV/AIDS, human rights and peace building, agriculture development, information technology, infrastructure development, and business management / entrepreneurship. Figure 9.1 reveals that the highest proportion (33%) of the AIT graduates reported their high and very high involvement followed by medium (32%), very low (21%) and low (15%) in poverty alleviation programs and activities. Their contribution in the renewable and sustainable energy related activities was found as very high (8%), high (22%), medium (30%), low (17%) and very low (23%). In case of environment and development their contribution was said to be very high (17%), high (32%), medium (26%), low (10%) and very low (15%). Their level of contribution for natural resource management was indicated as very high (12%), high (30%), medium (25%), low (15%) and very low (18%). Similarly the extent of contribution on gender awareness and application was reported as very high (7%), high (22%), medium (29%), low (17%) and very low (25%). The contribution in working against HIV / AIDS was found relatively lower as stated by only 4 percent as very high involvement, 12 percent for high, 28 percent for medium, 19 percent for low, and 36 percent for very low. This level of contribution in protecting HIV/AIDS is also remarkable one since this issue is not the major academic and research activity of AIT. Same is true in case of human rights and peace building activities, for which, 6 percent of the respondent graduates indicated their very high level of involvement, high level by 18 percent, medium by 27 percent, low by 19 percent, and very low by 31 percent. Thirty-one percent of the respondent AIT graduates indicated their very high and high level of contributions followed by medium (27%), very low (27%) and low (15%) in agriculture development. Forty percent of the respondents indicated very high and high levels followed by medium (27%), very low (19%), and low (13%) level of contributions in the field of information and technology. Thirty-seven percent of them indicated as very high and high levels followed by medium (26%), very low (22%), and low (15%) level of contributions in infrastructure development. Likewise, 39 percent indicated as very high and high levels followed by medium (30%), low (10%) and very low (21%) level of contribution in business management and entrepreneurship.



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Table 9.1: Major Focus of the Significantly Contributed Projects

Project Focus (n=289) Frequency (f)

Percent (f/n)

Environment 190 65.7Infrastructure/transport/communication 170 58.8Natural resource management 111 38.4Policy analysis 106 36.7Economics /marketing/management 99 34.3Poverty alleviation 97 33.6Energy 91 31.5Capacity development 73 25.3Agriculture / rural development 52 18.0Gender awareness and application 47 16.3

Figure 9.1: Development Contributions by AIT Graduates

62 59133 91 52 26 39 62 75 82 124

189 160




222 187199

239 218






110 126




10692 108

83159 164

114 136 176255 214 195

142 157 114














le a






















s a









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e bu



























t /En





Developmental Activities

Very high High Medium Low Very low

9.2 Contributed Development Projects / Research Studies

Altogether 289 respondent AIT graduates provided the list of 757 development projects / research studies in which they had significantly contributed after graduation from AIT. Out of these 289 responding graduates 232 had involved in two projects, 133 had contributed for 3 projects, 61 had worked for 4 projects and 42 had even contributed significantly for 5 projects after graduation from AIT. When the frequencies of major foci of the contributed projects or research studies were analyzed (Table 9.1), a vast majority (66%) indicated environment as major focus followed by infrastructure / transport / communication (59%), natural resource management (38%), policy analysis (37%), economics / marketing / management (34%), poverty alleviation (34%), energy (32%), capacity development (25%), agriculture / rural development (18%), gender awareness and application (16%), and human rights / peace building and health including HIV/AIDS (3%). The respondent AIT graduates were also inquired for their types of contribution to projects or research studies in terms of design, implementation, supervision, and monitoring and evaluation. Multiple responses were received since same


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Table 9.2: Type of Contribution in the Development Projects / Research StudiesContribution Type Frequency (n=289) Percent (f/n) Implementation 255 88.2Design 222 76.8Supervision 163 56.4Monitoring and evaluation 156 54.0

Figure 9.2: Membership Type(Total : 210)



Figure 9.3: Degree of Involvement in Networks(Total : 239)




Very low7%

Very high13%

person could contribute in only one type or more than one types. The highest proportion of them (88%) was found for project implementation followed by project design (77%), and 56 and 54 percent for project supervision and monitoring and evaluation, respectively (Table 9.2).

9.3 Involvement of AIT Graduates in Professional and Social Networks

The target AIT graduates were requested to list professional and social networks including AITAA to which they have been involved after graduation from AIT. The type of network was specified as national, regional and global. Similarly, the membership also requested to specify as general or executive types. Alongside additional information was requested on the degree of involvement in terms of very high, high, medium, low and very low for the involved professional and social networks. Altogether 243 respondent AIT graduates reported professional and social networks in which they were involved or affiliated. The highest proportion (45%) of them indicated as the member of AITAA national chapters and related organizations, 33 percent reported to be the member of local or national professional organizations, 16 percent indicated to be affiliated with the international/regional organizations, and 7 percent indicated to be affiliated with local non-governmental organizations (Appendix Table 9.1). A large majority of the respondent AIT graduates (54%) has networks in the national level followed by global level (27%) and regional level (19%). Ninety-one percent indicated that their membership type in the professional or social networks is “general” and 9 percent reported as “executive” types (Figure 9.2). The degree of involvement varies among different members of the social and professional networks. As presented in Figure 9.3, the largest proportion of the respondent AIT graduates (36%) indicated as medium level of involvement followed by high level (24%), low level (20%), very high level (13%) and very low level by 7 percent of the responding AIT graduates.


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9.4 Fulfillment of the Mission of AIT

The main thrust of AIT education and research is to produce highly qualified human resource in order to meet development needs of Asia and beyond. As mentioned earlier, 95 percent of Thai and 85 percent of non-Thai AIT graduates had remained/returned to their home countries and they have been scholarly applying newly acquired knowledge and skills from AIT in their respective jobs and countries. They have been contributing through their governments, academic and research institutions, international and regional organizations, private and public organizations, and non-governmental organizations. They have been covering wide areas of development such as resources planning and management, infrastructure development, information’s and communications, environmental protection and climate change, human rights and gender, and poverty alleviation. They have been involved in various development projects and research studies and also getting involved in various professional and social networks.

The overall findings based on the empirical evidences of this trace study provide a valid and solid ground that AIT has been producing highly qualified and committed professionals required to play leading roles in the region's sustainable development and its integration into the global economy. In other words, it was found very high to high level of relevancy and effectiveness of AIT course/curricula, research, and academic degrees to fulfill the AIT mission at large. The very high and high levels of work efficiency and competency of the AIT graduates as indicated by their employers as immediate supervisors and peers also provide an additional validation on this matter.


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Partnership andSuggestions

There always remains tremendous scope of alumni in strengthening any academic institutions for which they belong. They always love their institutions; think about the progress and possibilities of their contributions for the further enhancement of academic and research activities. For this section, the target AIT graduates were requested to provide information on their influential position to develop partnership with AIT or to support AIT as well as to get their views on how AIT can generate more resources for its financial viability, how AIT should move forward to meet the regional education and development needs, and to get their suggestions on what AIT should do to strengthen relations/partnerships with its alumni.

10.1 Partnership to Support AIT

An attempt was made to get the information from the target AIT graduates on possible partnership or their current positions to support AIT through providing scholarships, research funds, training participants and funds, student internship/exchange program, job placement for AIT graduates, and collaborative research and academic programs with AIT. As shown in Table 10.1, seven percent of the target AIT graduates reported that they are in a position to provide scholarships to AIT. Likewise, eight percent of them reported that they can provide research funds to AIT and ten percent indicated that they are in a position to send training participants with funding to AIT. Slightly more than eighteen percent of them reported that they are interested on student internship or exchange program. About twenty-one percent indicated that they are in a position for facilitating job placement for AIT graduates. Twenty-three percent of them were found interested on initiating collaborative research and academic programs with AIT.

Table 10.1: AIT Graduates’ Position of Influence for Possible Partnership / Support to AITPosition of Influence Yes No Missing

Frequency % Frequency % Frequency %Providing scholarships 83 7.4 608 54.2 430 38.4Providing research funds 85 7.6 600 53.5 436 38.9Providing training participants and funds 108 9.6 575 51.3 438 39.1

Facilitating student internship /exchange program

204 18.2 491 43.8 426 38

Facilitating job placement for AIT graduates 231 20.6 465 41.5 425 37.9

Initiating collaborative research and academic programs with AIT

252 22.5 410 36.6 459 40.9

10.2 Suggestions for Strengthening AIT



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All the target AIT graduates were requested to provide suggestions on financial viability and sustainability of AIT and its future move to meet the regional educational and developmental needs and strengthening relationships with AIT alumni. Several suggestions were received and summarized as here under.

10.2.1 Suggestions for Generating More Resources and Financial Viability

The target AIT graduates were requested to suggest on how AIT can generate more resources for its financial viability. Altogether 310 respondent AIT graduates provided 303 different suggestions and these suggestions were summarized and presented in Table 10.2). These suggestions were mainly focused to partnership, management, teaching and research, alumni networking, workshops, training and new programs and consulting.

Table 10.2 shows that 46 percent of the actual respondent suggested to work for partnership for the collaborative activities with industrial, business, and academic organizations and institutions. Thirty-seven percent of them suggested for the better management of AIT through improvement in financial, administrative and academic aspects. Similarly, 26 percent of them emphasized for the teaching and research quality improvements. Likewise, 21 percent of them suggested strengthening relation with the AIT alumni through networking. More than 20 percent of them suggested for the workshop, training and other new program which attract fund for AIT. Even 7 percent of them suggested to AIT to involve its faculty members in consulting works.

10.2.2 Suggestions for the Future Direction of AIT

Being a leading regional academic institution, AIT has been always focusing on the regional education and development needs. Therefore, all the target AIT graduates were requested to provide feedbacks on how AIT should move forward to meet the regional education and development needs. In response, 334 respondent AIT graduates provided 448 suggestions, which were summarized and presented in Table 10.3.


Table 10.2: Suggestion for Financial Viability of AIT (Multiple Responses)Suggestions (N=310) Frequency PercentPartnership 143 46.1Management 114 36.8Teaching and Research Quality Improvement 80 25.8Alumni Networking 65 21.0Workshops/Training/New Programs 63 20.3Consulting 23 7.4

Table 10.3: Suggestion for the Future Move of AIT (Multiple Responses)Suggestions (N=334) Frequency PercentPartnership / Exchange Program 105 31.4Quality Teaching and Research 80 24.0Improvement in Management 71 21.3Targeting Practical Problems 70 21.0Promotional Activities/Conferences 48 14.4New Programs /Centers /Courses 42 12.6Strengthening Alumni Relationships 26 7.8Consulting Services 6 1.8

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As reveled through Table 10.3, the highest proportion of the respondent AIT graduates (31%) had suggested strengthening partnership /exchange programs with regional universities, partner institutions, governmental and nongovernmental organizations, private industries and companies. Quality teaching and research was the second important suggestion for the future move of AIT to meet the education and development need as reported by 24 percent of the respondent AIT graduates. Each twenty-one percent of the respondent AIT graduates had suggested for the improvement in the AIT management system and targeting practical problems of the region. Fourteen percent of them had suggested in considering promotional activities / conferences / meetings. About 8 percent of them suggested for strengthening alumni relationships. About 2 percent of them suggested rendering consulting services by the AIT faculty members.

10.2.3 Suggestions for Strengthening Relation / Partnerships with Alumni

In the subsection 10.1 of this section, some of the respondent AIT graduates have given their influential position to develop partnership with AIT. Further inquiry was made with them on what AIT should do on strengthening relations/partnerships with its alumni. Altogether 316 respondent AIT graduates provided their 475 suggestions which are summarized and presented in Table 10.4.

The highest proportion of the respondent AIT graduates (43%) made their suggestion on updating contact details and informing AIT activities as well as events would further strengthen the relationship between AIT and its alumni. Thirty-eight percent of the respondent AIT graduates suggested organizing alumni meetings / workshops /events or creating forum for discussions that would help in strengthening relationships. Thirty-five percent of them also suggested initiating new way of strengthening relationship such as regular contact between advisor and advisees, web board to share the opinion, and nominating at least one representative from each country of AIT alumni. Another most important suggestion as suggested by 34 percent of the respondent AIT graduates was to foster coordination and networking through alumni and AITAA.


Table 10.4: Suggestion for Strengthening Relation / Partnerships with Alumni(Multiple Responses)

Suggestions (N=316) Frequency PercentUpdating Contact Details and Informing AIT Activities / Events 137 43.4Organize Alumni Meeting / Workshops / Forum /Events 121 38.3Initiate New Way of Strengthening Relationships 109 34.5Coordination and Networking through Alumni and AITAA 108 34.2

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Figure 11.1 Age of Employers(Total : 99)

> 60 Years 3%

51 to 60 Years15%

41 to 50 Years 29%

31 to 40 Years46%

< 30 Years9%

Figure 11.2: Gender of Employers (Total : 100)



Perspective of Employers and Peers on AIT Graduates

The information on how the employers (immediate supervisors) and peers of AIT graduates have been marking them is very important from the perspective of knowing the impact of knowledge and skills learned from AIT and their performances in the real professional and academic fields. In order to get the unbiased information from the employers and peers, efforts were made to get responses from those who had not getting any AIT degrees or who had not even joined the training programs. The separate two sets of questionnaires were designed exclusively for them. Altogether 100 employers as immediate supervisors and 106 peers submitted their completed questionnaires.

11.1 Perspective of Employers

Before getting into the employer perspective on AIT graduates, the background information of their own has been given in terms of their age, gender, nationality, current job title or position and since how long they have been supervising the AIT graduates as their subordinates. Then, other discussions are made based on their perspective on AIT graduates in terms of priority in recruiting AIT graduates, rating on job performance of AIT graduates, strength and weakness of AIT graduates, prospects of AIT graduates in job markets, and their position to support AIT and also their suggestion to AIT for its future growth.

11.1.1 Background Information of Employers

The largest proportion of the respondent employers (46%) was found belonging to the age group of 31 to 40 followed by 29 percent to the 41 to 50 age group. Remaining 15 percent, 9 percent, and 3 percent indicated their age in 51 to 60 years, less than 30 years, and more than 60 years, respectively (Figure 11.1) Out of 100 employers, one did not

mention about his age and. In terms of gender, 77 percent of male employers filled their questionnaires compared to 23 percent female employers; this seems obvious since one can not rule out the possibilities of larger population of male employers in reality. These respondent employers were from 22 countries of Asia, Europe and America. The largest number (31) was constituted by Thai nationals followed by Cambodian (11), Vietnamese (10), Nepali (7) and 4 each from Lao PDR, Sri Lanka, and USA (Appendix Table 11.1). When the job position of employers were analyzed, the largest

number (32) of the responding employers have been working as Manager followed by Director (23), Professional (17), Head of the units (10), Deputy Director (7), Dean (4),



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Table 11.1: Duration of SupervisionDuration Frequency<3 Months 11>3 to <6 Months 13>6 to <12 Months 11>1 to <2 Years 30>2 to <5 Years 25>5 Years 6No answer 4Total 100

Figure 11.3: Priority in Recruiting AIT Graduates(Total : 100)


Very Low4%


No Answer3% Very High



Figure 11.4 : Rating on Job Performance of AIT Graduates(Total : 100)




32 31 26



42 5447

57 5747

12 816 12 8 4 7 10














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Very high High Medium Low

President (2) and each 1 for Rector, Vice President, Vice Dean, Deputy Head and Captain (Appendix Table 11.2).

11.1.2 Duration of Supervision

The largest number (30) of the employers as the immediate supervisor found supervising AIT graduates for the period of more than 1 to less than 2 years followed by 25 employers for more than 2 to less than 5 years, 13 employers greater than 3 to less than 6 months, 11 employers were supervising even for less than 3 months. There were 6 employers supervising for more than 5 years (Table 11.1).

11.1.3 Priority in Recruiting AIT Graduates

One of the most important information requested to provide was on the priority in recruiting AIT graduates in the future job vacancies in their respective organizations. The largest percentage of employers (61%) indicated as high priority followed by medium (22%), very high by 9 percent. Five percent of the respondents even indicated low and very low and 3 percent did not provide any response (Figure 11.3). The reason for the low and very low priorities were given as some of them lacks with field based experiences, they have to go through pilot exam, and needs much more hard working people.

11.1.4 Rating on Job Performance of AIT Graduates

Another equally important information received from them was on their rating of AIT graduates’ job performance in terms of knowledge and technical skills on given task, positive attitude towards sustainable development, English proficiency, team work, ability to interact with expatriate / international team, commitments/dedication to the work, work efficiency, work competency, and gender awareness and applications. The rating scales were ranging from very high to very low but none of the employers were found


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Figure 11.5: Prospect of AIT Graduate in Job Markets as Percieved by Employers (Total : 100)

No answer4%


Very high17%


rating as very low level of performance of the AIT graduates. Out of 100 employers, 84 rated as very high and high levels of job performance of the AIT graduates on knowledge and technical skills on given task. Same levels of performances were indicated by 92 percent of the employers on positive attitude of AIT graduates towards sustainable development. Fifty-five percent considered as high, 28 percent for medium, 16 percent for very high and 1 percent for low on English proficiency of the AIT graduates. Eighty-eight percent of the respondent employers considered very high and high levels of job performance on team work. Ninety-two percent of the respondent employers found job performance as very high and high on ability to interact with expatriate. The very high and high levels of ratings was done by 96 percent of responding employers on commitment/dedication to the work, 92 percent indicated on work efficiency, 90 percent for work competency, and 79 percent on gender awareness and application (Figure 11.4).

11.1.5 Strength and Weakness of AIT Graduates

The immediate supervisors as employers were requested to provide their opinion on the strength and weakness of AIT graduates. The main strong points reported were the ability to work under pressure, to work in a multicultural environment, capacity to grasp new issues quickly, curiousness and creative, trustworthy, good command in English language, good attitude, and confidence in assigned responsibility, having good knowledge and skills, self-motivated, having related work experience, research ability, and ability to work in a team. They have pointed out some weaknesses as well which can be listed as low level of leadership quality, lack of attention to details, lack of management skills, over smart, over confidence, domineering: too focused doing it my way, and too fast in responding to unhappy things.

11.1.6 Prospects of AIT Graduate in Job Markets as Perceived by Employers

The employers’ perspective on the prospects of AIT graduates in the job markets is felt one of the most important information for AIT and its graduates and therefore they were requested to give their opinion considering the quality standards of AIT graduates and availability of jobs in the job markets. They were given five scales of the prospects to be rated such as very high, high, medium, low, and very low. Sixty-four percent of the responding employers considered that there is a high prospects followed by very high (17%), and medium (15%). Four percent of the employers did not response on this matter (Figure 11.5).

11.1.7 Prospects of Supporting AIT and Suggestions

The immediate supervisors or employers were inquired about the possibility of their organization to send or planning to send their staff to study or training program in AIT. Twenty-two percent of the responding employers indicated that they could send their staff in AIT for graduate study and 32 percent indicated their interest to send for training programs in AIT (Figure 11.6). Their opinion were requested on what should AIT target in its teaching and research for its study programs to be more relevant in professional works.


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Table 11.2: Nationality of Peers Sr. No. Nationality  Frequency Percent

1 Thai 35 33.02 Cambodian 19 17.93 Vietnamese 12 11.34 Nepali 8 7.55 Indonesian 5 4.76 Bhutanese 4 3.87 Filipino 3 2.88 Indian 3 2.89 Laotian 3 2.810 Myanmar 3 2.811 Sri Lankan 3 2.812 Bangladeshi 2 1.913 American 1 0.914 Australian 1 0.915 British 1 0.916 Chinese 1 0.917 Malaysian 1 0.918 Uzbekistani 1 0.9 Total 106 100

Figure 11.6: Prospects of Supporting AIT by Employers (Total : 100)

None36% For training


No answer10%

For graduate study22%

Figure 11.7: Age of Peers (Total : 106)

30 to 35 Years38%

< 30 Years38%

> 35 Years24%

They had given lot of suggestions such as dealing with the weak points of students, focusing on management of skills, identification of the current development needs at regional level, improvement in teaching quality, placement or internship in relevant organization, focusing on technical expertise and sustainable development, more and team work or workshops, recruitment of outstanding students, in-house management in AIT, developing common research programs with companies, improving industrial collaboration, focusing on research skill development exercise, and setting up more professional environment for trainees.

11.2 Perspective of Peers

The closest persons to know every aspects of strength and weakness of the AIT graduates are their peers. Therefore their rating on the AIT graduates felt necessary. Altogether 106 peers of the full time job holding AIT graduates submitted their completed questionnaires. The questionnaire was designed to get some personal information of peer and their perception on AIT and its graduates.

11.2.1 Background Information of Peers


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Figure 11.8: Gender of Peers (Total : 106)



Figure 11.9: Academic Qualification of Peers(Total : 106)

Diploma/Certif icate3%

Doctoral (PhD)2%



Figure 11.10: Interest of Peers to Study in AIT(Total : 106)



Figure 11.11: Working Duration of Peers with AIT Graduates (Total : 100)






14%<3 Months

>3 to <6 Months

>6 to <12 Months

>1 to <2 Years

>2 to <5 Years

>5 Years

The personal information requested were on their age, gender, nationality, current job position, duration of working together with AIT graduates, academic qualification and their interest on studying in AIT. The age of the peer ranges from 23 to 61 years with a mean of 33 and 7 standard deviation. A vast majority (76%) was found 35 or below 35 years of age (Figure 11.7). The gender composition of peers indicated that more male peers (56%) and less female peers (44%) as shown in Figure 11.8. These peers of the AIT graduates hailed from 18 countries of Asia, Europe, America, and Australia. Table 11.2 shows that the highest proportion of peers (33%) were constituted by Thai followed by Cambodian (18%), Vietnamese (11%), Nepali (8%), and Indonesian (5%). They have different types of job positions ranging from Teaching Assistant to Head of the Department in the academic institutions and officer level to Manager or Director Levels including Pilot and Nurse. However, 19 percent of the responding peers indicated their position as Officer followed by Engineer (14%), Manager (13%), and more than 5 percent for Lecturer and Advisor positions (Appendix Table 11.3). Regarding their academic qualification, 106 respondent peers provided their last academic degrees. It was found that majority (58) had got masters’ degrees followed by bachelor degrees (37), diploma and certificate (3) and Ph D (2) as presented in Figure 11.9. One of the information inquired with the peers was whether they have applied or intended to apply to study at AIT. Forty-two percent indicated their interest to study in AITA for which either they had applied or they are planning to apply. Figure 11.10 shows that the majority (58%) of peers was not interested to study in AIT with some reasons. The important reasons given by those peers who did not show their interest to study in AIT were related to their age factor, having different academic background, and already done masters’ degree from elsewhere. However, 42 percent had indicated their interest to study in AIT.

11.2.2 Duration of Working Together

A large proportion (26%) of the peers indicated that they have been working with the AIT graduates for more than 1 to less than 2 years. Figure 11.11 reveals that 18 percent of the peers are working together for more than 2 and less than 5 years. Sixteen percent of them indicated that they are working together with AIT graduates for more than 3 to less than six months. Also there were 14 percent of the responding peers who indicated that they are working together for even more than 5 years. Similarly, 10 percent of them reported that they are working together for only less than 3 months.

11.2.3 Rating on Job Performance of AIT Graduates by Peers

In order to get the information about the judgment of peers on the job performance of AIT graduates in terms of knowledge and technical skills on given task, positive attitude


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towards sustainable development, English proficiency, team work, ability to interact with expatriate / international team, commitments/dedication to the work, work efficiency, work competency, and gender awareness and applications. The rating scales were ranging from very high to very low but none of the peers rated as very low level of performance. More than 90 percent of the peers considered as very high and high levels of job performances in all other aspects except in the job performance related to gender awareness and application (Figure 11.12).

Figure 11.12: Rating of AIT Graduates' Job Performance by Peers

42 4934


5542 40 37

56 4761


4159 57


7 8 9 9 4 7 3 6131



















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Very high High Medium Low

11.2.4 Strength and Weakness of AIT Graduates as Perceived by Peers

Several points indicating the strength of the AIT graduates were made such as, good command in English language, good in computing, commitments / dedication to the community transformation, comprehensive knowledge, positive thinking, reliable and sincere, higher research ability, self-confidence, seriousness in work, ability to teamwork, communication skills and interactive, eager to learn more, straight forward, with positive attitudes, and high level of problem solving skills. The weaknesses of the AIT graduates were also pointed out by the respondent peers such as low English proficiency, giving little time to family and family matters, put high pressure on works and colleagues, more sensitive, talkative, quick decision taker, too emotional, sometimes stubborn, aggressive, easy to lose temper, lacks in critical thinking, inadequate knowledge on social research, lacks in practical experiences, and weak in policy analysis.

11.2.5 Suggestion to AIT by Peers


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The opinion of the peers was inquired on what AIT should target in its teaching and research for its study programs to be more relevant in professional works. They had given some valid suggestions such as course should be interdisciplinary, direct collaboration with regional GOs, and NGOs should be established, enroll students giving priority to needy countries, developing practical field based curriculum, run such programs that promote technical aspects as well as attitude and behavior changes, international exchange of academic ideas, start internship programs, follow strict rules for selection procedure while allocating full scholarships, and research focus on practical need or issues of the country. In addition, they have given on strengthening research skills particularly in social field focusing on sustainable community development.

Key Findingsand Recommendations

12.1`Trace Studies in AIT

The tracer study of AIT graduates has been one of the important research activities in AIT. The first tracer study was done in 1971. The periodic tracing of AIT alumni focuses on updating the alumni directory and gathering certain information required for the improvement of AIT curriculum, teaching, research, extension, and networking. As of January, 2009, altogether 14 AIT Alumni tracer studies have been conducted, including this one, Tracer Study of AIT Graduates (2003 to mid 2008). This latest tracer study includes one more separate report for the Tracer Study of AIT graduates with Norwegian Scholarship (2005 to mid 2008).

12.2 Tracer Study of AIT Graduates (2003 to mid 2008)

The target population was 3996 constituted by 62 percent males and 38 percent females. More than 91 percent of the target graduates had received master degree followed by doctoral (8%) and diploma (1%) from AIT. Although these graduates represented 60 countries more than 53% percent belong to Thailand. The other countries with large number of target graduates are India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar, China, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Pakistan, France, Bhutan, Philippines and Korea. The highest proportion of target graduates was from East Asia and Pacific region followed by South Asia, Europe, Africa /Middle East/Latin America, Central Asia, and North America. Based on the World Bank’s classification of the countries by income categories, the highest proportion of the target graduates was from LIC followed by LMC, HIC, and




o Regularly in an annual basis individual tracer study by each field of study and a comprehensive tracer study by AIT in every five year is recommended.

o A partial tracer study of all AIT graduates in view of the potential senior graduates’ influential position to assist to their Alma Mater. A two step survey will be more appropriate. In the first step a census survey based on one page questionnaire for the current contact details and current job profile and based on this the second step a sample survey of the most representative and potential for the partnerships with AIT is recommended.

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UMC. Altogether 1121 submitted the completed questionnaires among them 445 (40%) were female respondents. The gender distribution of target graduates and respondent graduates was found more or less same. The respondent graduates were from 22 countries and mainly from East Asia and Pacific and South Asia regions. Majority (59%) of the respondent graduates was from LIC followed by 41 percent from LMC. Only 5 and 2 respondent graduates were from HIC and UMC, respectively.

12.3 Research Methodology

The research method followed a kind of census survey targeting all the 3996 AIT graduates (2003 to mid 2008) and heavily dependent on mailing questionnaire survey through email and postal services and online submissions. Out of total respondent graduates, 600 (54%) sent the completed questionnaires by email as an attachment files, 426 respondents (38%) submitted through online, and remaining 95 respondents (8%) sent by post or in person to the researcher during personal interview. The quality of response is better in the questionnaires received from the personal interview. The researcher tried to reach target alumni through the respective AITAA National Chapters. The target group was recent past five years’ one (2003 to mid 2008), however, the respective AIT Alumni National Chapters were mainly constituted by the most senior ones and there was a gap between seniors and juniors which posed some difficulties in approaching recent ones through seniors.

12.4 Relevancies and Effectiveness of AIT Degree

The effectiveness and relevance of AIT degree was viewed as a resource and credential for employment/job placement upon graduation from AIT for both male and female graduates. Immediately after graduation from AIT, 95 percent of Thai and 85 percent of Non-Thai respondent graduates chose to remain in or return to own countries, respectively. On as average, 78 percent went back to their own countries to contribute new knowledge and skills learnt in AIT. Remaining 22 percent chose other than own county



AIT graduates in LIC and in Asia have positive impacts in natural resource management, poverty alleviation, gender empowerment, energy, environment, infrastructure and communication sector and in turn sustainable development. Therefore, AIT should further intensify its roles mainly targeting to produce more capable human resources for LIC and Asia to meet their educational and development needs.

RECOMMENDATIONo The quality of response found better in personal interview methods and therefore at least 25

percent of the response should be constituted by the personal interview in futures while doing similar research. The response rate also higher in countries where visits were made by the researcher. Therefore more number of visits with more time in the fields will increase response rate and quality of the responses.

o The recent contact details should be readily available to the researcher which would help to get better rate of response and also save the time as well cost of the research. Therefore, AIT should update contact details before inviting researcher to submit proposal for the tracer study in futures.

o A substantial proportion (38%) of the respondents AIT graduates submitted questionnaires through online. Most of them suggested for the easy access to the AIT Website. Therefore, AIT should consider this issue so that this approach can be used more effectively in futures.

o AIT database system has to be improved so that some of the key information such as scholarship types, number of head counts and degrees (some has got more than two degrees), and current contact details of alumni should be readily available. Therefore the proposed field of study level tracer study will be helpful in many ways.

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due to various reasons such as continuing study for PhD, continuing research at AIT and having got better paid jobs compared to the jobs in own country. In terms of gender, 79 percent of males and 77 percent of females returned/remained their home countries. A vast majority (85%) of the actual responding graduates reported that they are employed in various jobs at present and 8 percent were found involved in study programs for their further academic career advancements. Five percent of the AIT graduates reported their involvement as business. Less than 2 percent specified their other involvements. A large majority in both gender (34 percent of males and 30 percent of females) indicated that their jobs were confirmed even before graduation from AIT. As indicated, AIT studies have been exactly related for a large majority of them (57%) followed by partly related for 39 percent and not related for 4 percent for their current jobs and businesses.

12.5 Professional Status and Ranks of the AIT Graduates

The comparison of professional status and ranks of the AIT graduates was made considering the last job before AIT and the current job after graduation from AIT. The junior level of position was found predominant for the last job before AIT as 75 percent males and 80 percent females indicated for the same. However, the middle level was found in largest proportion for the current job positions of both gender (73 percent males and 71 percent females). This clearly indicated that AIT studies have significantly contributed in job status/ranks. A large majority (39%) of the AIT graduates was receiving salaries in the range of 201 to 500 US$/month for the last job before AIT. In contrast, for the current job, majority (33%) respondents indicated salaries in the range of 501 to 1000 US$/month. This means the AIT degrees have enormous contribution in both job ranks as well salary levels.

12.6 Relevancy of AIT Courses/Curricula and Research to Current Profession

The effectiveness and relevance of AIT Courses/Curricula and Research were viewed from the perspective of current job function and professional development in respective fields and furthering academic/scientific pursuits. The Academic and Research Institutions were found providing employment for the higher proportion (24%) of the target AIT graduates for the current job positions. Similarly, 20 percent of them were employed by their respective Private Sector followed by Central Governments (19%), International / Regional Organization (16%), Non-governmental Organizations (7%), Public Sector / Utility Provider (5%) and Financial Institutions (4%). Nearly 60 percent of the respondent AIT graduates reported Project Implementation as individual main function at work followed by Management as indicated by the 54 percent of the actual responding AIT



The AIT degree have contributed significantly in getting new jobs even confirmed before graduation for a substantial proportion of the respondent AIT graduates. This seems that AIT degree has been very effective for employment and job placement; however, from the relevancy point of view AIT should consider to increase the proportion for “exactly related” as 39 percent of the working AIT graduates had indicated that the AIT degree is “somewhat/partially” related.


The AIT studies have contributed significantly in getting new jobs with higher ranks and higher salaries for both male and female AIT graduates. AIT should develop a network with the better ranked and high salary receiving graduates soon so that the scope of job market of the AIT graduates could be further widened. The proposed partial tracer study to all AIT graduates will be helpful for this matter.

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graduates. Slightly more than 44 percent of them found mainly contributing for Research Analysis / Policy Inputs type of works. Similarly, 37 percent mainly involved in Teaching followed by 36 percent in Knowledge / Information Dissemination.

Out of the 963 responding AIT graduates, 72 percent indicated that knowledge and skills gained from the course works have been highly and very highly useful. Similarly, the knowledge and skills gained from the AIT research, workshops/field visits; staying at multicultural / international environment; networking with peers, professors, and staff; and by overall program has been reported as highly and very highly useful by 71 percent, 61 percent, 70 percent, 63 percent, and 73 percent, respectively. Amongst 777 responded AIT graduates, 222 (29%) reported about their further studies after graduation from AIT. The overall scenario of the contribution of the AIT graduates in the scientific, educational and professional fields is encouraging, particularly in research and publication, membership in the professional organizations, consulting works, participation and paper presentations in the international conferences and seminars. The remarkable contributions are visible from the list of their contributions in various scientific and educational fields.

12.7 Networking

The target AIT graduates were requested to list professional and social networks including AITAA. Altogether 243 respondent AIT graduates reported professional and social networks in which they were involved or affiliated. Only 110 (45%) indicated their affiliation with AITAA and related organizations. Majority of the respondent AIT graduates (54%) has networks in the national level followed by global level (27%) and regional level (19%). Ninety-one percent indicated that their membership type in the professional or social networks is general and 9 percent reported as executive types. The degree of involvement varies among different members of the social and professional networks. The higher proportion (36%) indicated as medium level of involvement followed by high level (24%), low level (20%), very high level (13%) and very low level by 7 percent of the responding AIT graduates.

12.8 Gender Awareness and Application



AIT should take an initiative to strengthen the AITAA National Chapters so that all the AIT graduates could get membership and participate in any activities related to AIT and AITAA. Only 45 percent indicated their affiliation with AITA which indicate that the network of AITAA is not strong. The Association needs to do more in strengthening relationship among members so that they can perceive its value.

RECOMMENDATIONo Since majority of the AIT graduates are involved in academic institutions and contributing a lot

in various scientific, educational, and professional field; AIT should develop a mechanism to get their copies of publications for AIT Library and look at the different possibilities of research collaboration with them

o Comparing the influential position of jobs before AIT and after AIT, a substantial proportion has moved to the international / regional organizations which have enormous contribution to AIT’s mission. AIT should take initiative to foster partnerships with such graduates.

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When the frequencies of major foci of the contributed projects or research studies were analyzed, 16 percent of the respondent AIT graduates reported their contribution in gender awareness and application. Thus the involvement of AIT graduates in gender and development projects and research studies seems very low which is obvious due to the fact that a vast majority of them had AIT degrees from other than related field of study. The employers and peers of the AIT graduates were requested to judge the level of gender awareness and application of the AIT graduates including their other aspects of the works. The very high and high levels of ratings was done by the 79 percent of employers and 84 percent of the peers. It indicates that even if their academic degree is not from the related field of study, AIT graduates are aware and contributing for gender and development.

12.9 Relevancy and Flexibility of AIT Courses/Research

In order to fulfill AIT’s mission to develop highly qualified and committed professionals who play leading roles in the region's sustainable development an attempt was made to find out the relevance and flexibility of AIT courses/curricula, research and outreach activities and its integration into the global economy. Majority (55%) of the AIT graduates had an impression that the teaching quality in AIT is very good followed by good (29%) and excellent (15%). On an average, majority in all the three categories (gender, economic classification, and region) indicated the teaching quality of AIT as very good. A large majority (78%) considered the contribution of thesis /dissertation supervisor as high and very high. In case of committee members’ contribution, majority (62%) considered as high and very high. Seventy-percent and 72 percent indicated as high and very high level of flexibility in choice in masters’ research topic and doctoral dissertation topic, respectively.

Eighty-four percent of employers rated as very high and high levels of performance on knowledge and technical skills on given task. Same levels of performances were indicated by 92 percent of the employers on positive attitude of AIT graduates towards sustainable development. Fifty-five percent considered as high, 28 percent for medium, 16 percent for very high and 1 percent for low on English proficiency of the AIT graduates. Eighty-eight percent of the respondent employers considered very high and high levels of job performance on team work. Ninety-two percent of the respondent employers found job performance as very high and high on ability to interact with expatriate. The very high and high levels of ratings was done by 96 percent of responding employers on commitment/dedication to the work, 92 percent indicated on work efficiency, 90 percent for work competency, and 79 percent on gender awareness and application. Regarding the prospects of AIT graduates in the job markets, 81 percent of the responding employers considered that there is a high and very high prospect.



Certainly the gender awareness and application is necessary for the sustainable and equitable development, it is recommended that student undergoes some sort of training, either a course or short training or inclusive of thesis/dissertation research so that future AIT graduates can make more contribution on gender and development matters.


The AIT graduates have shown their concern with the quality of teaching and research at AIT and provided valuable suggestions for strengthening AIT targeting its future graduates. Their suggestions are related to teaching, course, research, management and consulting works which have to be well considered by AIT.

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12.10 Development Contribution

Altogether 289 respondent AIT graduates provided the list of 757 development projects / research studies in which they had significantly contributed after graduation from AIT. Out of these 289 responding graduates 232 had involved in two projects, 133 had contributed for 3 projects, 61 had worked for 4 projects and 42 had even contributed significantly for 5 projects after graduation from AIT. The major foci of the contributed projects or research studies were found to environment as indicated by 66 percent of the respondent graduates followed by infrastructure / transport / communication (59%), natural resource management (38%), policy analysis (37%), economics / marketing / management (34%), poverty alleviation (34%), energy (32%), capacity development (25%), agriculture / rural development (18%), gender awareness and application (16%), and human rights / peace building and health including HIV/AIDS (3%). The respondent AIT graduates were also inquired for their types of contribution to projects or research studies in terms of design, implementation, supervision, and monitoring and evaluation. Multiple responses were received since same person could contribute in only one type or more than one types. The highest proportion of them (88%) was found for project implementation followed by project design (77%), and 56 and 54 percent for project supervision and monitoring and evaluation, respectively.


RECOMMENDATIONo Although one can not deny the high demand and importance of environment, information

technology, infrastructure development, and business management; at the same time, more focus on poverty alleviation, agricultural/rural development, gender awareness and application is to be given.

o To fulfill this gap, it is recommended to lunch a strong integrated and interdisciplinary program by AIT.
