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Asiedu r nr640_kickoffpresentation

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6/25/14 Chamberlain college of nursing PROJECT KICKOFF MEETING

PowerPoint Presentation


Chamberlain college of nursing Project Kickoff Meeting

Sponsor Name: Dr. Toni HebdaPhone Number: 724.809.3427Email Address: [email protected]

Project Management TeamProject Manager: Rita AsieduPhone Number: 3018066157E-mail Address: [email protected] therapist: NadinePhone Number: 3012375312E-mail Address: [email protected]

Project Management TeamOccupational Therapist: SimonePhone Number: 3014047674E-mail Address:Surgeon: Dr. NwaneriPhone Number: 3016182800E-mail Address:

Thank you all for being part of the team. Thanks for all your input towards this project.4

Kickoff Meeting GoalsMeet and Greet TeamEstablish CommunicationsAppreciate how This Project Aligns With the Institutions Mission and GoalsDiscuss Key Factors for Success

Kick off time is here. This meeting is to get everybody on board for the project and to make sure that every body is on the same page. The goals of this meeting is to establish communications, appreciate how this project aligns with the institutions mission and goals and discuss key factors for success. 5

Institutions Mission

To develop and provide an electronic clinical pathway for knee replacement incorporating a standardized nursing language.

The institutional mission is to develop and provide an electronic clinical pathway for total knee replacement incorporating a standardized nursing language.6

Establishing Expectations PlanChange ManagementRisk ManagementCommunication PlanReporting RequirementsClosing Process

Expectations for this project include planning, change management, risk management, communication plan, reporting requirements, and closing process. Subsequent slides will present details of these expectations. 7

Senior Management Importance of developing a total knee replacement pathwayDecrease the length of stay of knee replacement patients using a clinical pathwayProvide evidence based guidelines for the care/ management of total knee replacement patientsProvide an electronic means of documenting the progress of total knee replacement patients

The development of a knee replacement pathway is very important. According to research pathways help decrease the length of stay of knee replacement patients, provide evidence based guidelines for the care/ management of total knee replacement patients and also provide an electronic means of documenting the progress of total knee replacement patients


Project Management and Planning

Project Management Objectives

Decrease the length of stay of knee replacement patients using a clinical pathway

Provide evidence based guidelines for the care/ management of total knee replacement patients

Provide an electronic means of documenting the progress of total knee replacement patients

Project Team RolesProject Manager: Deliverthe defined project within a proposed budget, within a given time constraints and with quality results. Prepare project plan and maintain management approval. Effectively coordinate the activities of the team to meet project milestones (Houston &Bove, 2007).

Project Team RolesNurse: Gather nursing evidence based practice guidelines on knee replacement management pre and post operation.Surgeon: Provide Physician specific evidence based guidelines for knee replacement surgery. Also provide approved knee replacement procedure with specifics of antibiotic choices, preop test types, procedure times, PACU stay times and vital signs frequency.

Project Team RolesAnesthesiologist: Provide the anesthesia options available during a knee replacementPhysical therapist: Provide/collect evidence based information on the types of physical rehab that promotes healing.Occupational therapist: Provide evidence available on the kinds of therapy necessary for patients after a knee replacement surgery.


Project Team RolesInformation systems analyst: Analyzes designs and develops information systems to support project manager and acts as subject matter expert in project management technology (Houston &Bove, 2007). Customize, configure and troubleshoot software to support project management methodology and practice (Houston &Bove, 2008). Define and document technical requirements

Project Team Roles Stakeholders:Ensure that resources are availableContribute to the success of the project by providing insight on the specifics of the project. Perform any activity assigned to them (Nordmeyer, n.d)

Project Team RolesRisk ManagementIdentifies and assess riskPuts plan in place for if things go wrongDecide how to reduce, transfer and avoid risk

Project Management ToolsScope statement Project charter Gnatt chart


Projects Key MilestonesComplete project objectives Gathering information complete Make an outline of the project complete Put together the project on Microsoft Excel complete Present project to stakeholders on second life complete

Key milestones of this project include completing project objectives, the gathering of information, outline of the pathway, putting the project together on excel and presenting the project to stakeholders in second life. 18

Meetings Weekly meetings with the nurseMonthly meetings with surgeon anesthesiologist, clinical analyst, occupational therapist, and physical therapist Weekly meetings with mentor/sponsor/stakeholder

Meetings to be held in the course of the project development include weekly and monthly meetings with team members. 19

Managing Change

Change is Expected Meet federal requirement Meet institutional mission

This kind of change will lead the institution to its goal of electronic documentation as required by the federal government and also meet the organizational mission.


Change is Expected "Change is hard because people overestimate the value of what they haveand underestimate the value of what they may gain by giving that up.~James Belasco and Ralph Stayer


Impact of ChangeThis change will enhance documentation

Managing ChangePotential Actual

Risk Management

Managing RiskRisk Manager Identifies and assess riskPuts plan in place for if things go wrongDecide how to reduce, transfer and avoid risk

Communication Plan

Format Project Team Member/StakeholderCommunication formatReport Prepared ByProject Manager, Stakeholder and Team members Phone call (Conference call)Project Manager (Rita Asiedu)Surgeon EmailProject managerNurseEmail/ Face to faceProject Manageroccupational therapist Email/ Face to faceProject Manager

FormatProject Team Member /StakeholderCommunication format Report prepared byPhysical therapist Email/ face to faceProject ManagerRisk ManagerEmail Project ManagerSystem AnalystEmail Project ManagerAnesthesiologistEmail/ face to faceProject manager Dr. HebdaEmailProject Manager

Frequency Surgeon : MonthlyNurse: weeklyPhysical therapist: MonthlyOccupational therapist: Monthly

FrequencyAnesthesiologist: MonthlySystem Analyst: Monthly Risk Management: MonthlyDr Hebda (Sponsor): Weekly

Reporting Requirements

Types of Report Project proposalProject plan Variance requestStatus report

These are the kinds of report that needs to be reported to the stakeholders. The project proposal needs to be approved before we move to the next phase. The project plan involves the scope definition, schedules (including project milestones), budget, risk schedules and roles and responsibilities.33

Frequency of ReportWeekly reports

Reports are to be given to sponsor/stakeholder weekly34

Purpose of ReportDiscus progress of the projectUpdate project stake holders on the progress on the project

The purpose of the report is to update the stakeholder on the progress of the project weekly. 35

Closing Process

End of Project The pathway will be available on the EHR systemEnd users will be able to document in the EHR system without any difficulties

The success of this project will depend the pathway being available in the EHR system37


Input from all team membersTime for Q and A

Positive Send-off to Kick Off the ProjectKudos to all team members for your help so far in the project

