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asset backed cryptocurrency White Paper · a multiple range of physical asset investments....

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asset backed cryptocurrency White Paper Author: Andreas Papaiacovou, Assetereum International Ltd, 103a Bradford Road, Stanningley, Leeds, West Yorkshire, England, LS28 6AT

asset backed cryptocurrency

White Paper Author: Andreas Papaiacovou, Assetereum International Ltd, 103a Bradford Road, Stanningley, Leeds, West Yorkshire, England, LS28 6AT


Introduction Page 3

Investment Areas Page 4

How It Works Page 5

Real Estate Page 6

Online Shopping (myDiscountShop) Page 7

Energy Brokering (Utilico Energy) Page 9

Cryptocurrency Mining Page 10

Cryptocurrency Trading Page 11

Social Enterprise Projects Page 12

Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Page 13

Blockchain Page 15

Our ASET Token Event Page 16

Bounty/Bonus Tokens Page 16

Token Sale Page 17

ICO Stages Page 18

ICO Bonus Tokens Page 19

Token Allocation Page 20

Use of Proceeds Page 21

Roadmap Page 22

Management Team Page 23

Advisory Team Page 24

Risk Factor Page 25



One of the main concerns raised around the world is whether cryptocurrencies have intrinsic or

real values. Some people believe that it may even have a zero value.

Assetereum is a unique new asset backed cryptocurrency combining blockchain technology with

a multiple range of physical asset investments. Assetereum is the new benchmark for cryptocur-

rency coins. We have specifically targeted markets that either complement our token or provide

an avenue to promote its use in traditional commerce.

With so many cryptocurrencies its virtually impossible for an investor to choose the right plat-

form that will not only give them the growth of their crypto coin but also help secure their in-

vestment with physical assets. This is where Assetereum is different. Not only do we provide the

above, we also provide ongoing income streams from these assets.


To establish Assetereum as the preferred digital token for both consumer and commercial

commerce by integrating established supply chains into our diverse asset bank. This will open

up international trading using our token without the normal complexities of multi currency

commerce. We diversify our investments through 6 key areas to limit our exposure risk.

Our ecosystem is founded upon the following :-

Diverse asset types

Added premium to the Assetereum value because of its usage and on-going market de-mand

The intrinsic value of Assetereum will stand the test of time as it will always remain an asset backed digital currency



Diverse Investments Strategy

Our main areas of investment are:-

We have brought together a team of industry experts in each area to ensure your investment

remains in safe hands. By investing 95% of our ICO funds back into fund generating assets we

not only retain an intrinsic value for our tokens, we also provide potential income streams from

each area for our token holders.

As each income stream runs as an autonomous subsidiary, the risks of one investment area

affecting the others is virtually removed.

As we develop each area of the business our main focus will be to work with suppliers willing to

endorse and promote the use of our token and eventually accept our token for full payment of

their services. The next page shows a diagram explaining how this all works.

Our plan is to build the revenue stream from each area which will feed back to our token

holders and also retain profits to build each asset further.

The following sections give a summary of our plans to build each area of the business and so

grow the asset base of Assetereum.

Online Shopping Energy Brokering Real Estate

Cryptocurrency Mining Social Enterprise Projects Cryptocurrency Trading

How it Works


Utilico Energy

Real Estate Fund

Crypto Mining Fund

Social Enterprise Fund

Crypto Trading Fund




ICO Crowd Funding Sale

Retained Assets

Generated Income

Income Streams

Rental Income, Purchase

and Sale of Properties

Profits on retail sales

Profits from Commercial

Energy Brokering

Profits from mining

Profits from daily crypto


Profits from the enterprise

Includes Retained Profits For Growth

Includes Retained Profits For Growth

Includes Retained Profits For Growth

Includes Retained Profits For Growth

Real Estate Fund


Real estate is probably the industry that has produced the most millionaires over time. But a lot of people have also lost money

too by not having a full understanding of the market.

We have put together an experienced team of Real Estate professionals to manage and build our fund. Our professional approach

to real estate investment management will focus both short and long term returns to build the assets of the business and income.

Our plan is to integrate the experience and resources of the internal team and external market to maximize investment results.

All investments will be thoroughly screened before and after investment to assess their potential. We understand real estate as a

financial asset, and will apply techniques to analyse risk, and to identify and take advantage of market mispricing.

Investment strategies will be monitored annually and reviewed as market conditions evolve in each geographical area.

The core business of Assetereum will be to focus on the acquisition of well-located and lucrative properties in emerging locations that will generate significant income and escalate in value. Although the focus of Assetereum team will remain with the acquisition and development of property within the UK. Other profitable and lucrative countries in Europe and rest of world will also be considered and accommodated in its investment plan.

The long term goal is to have our token accepted as currency for the purchase of real estate giving further credibility to our busi-ness.

Online Shopping (myDiscountShop)

ONLINE SHOPPING - myDiscountShop

The myDiscountShop concept was born in late 2016 when a group of experienced entrepreneurs got together with an idea of setting up a global discount site that has all the benefits of online shopping rolled into one.

Online shoppers are mainly looking for one or more of the following:-

• Price comparisons from many suppliers

• Discount Codes

• Loyalty Reward Schemes

myDiscountShop contains all three elements which makes it unique in the marketplace.

Another opportunity is in the area of fundraising. Many organisations with existing member bases are now looking to use the loyalty of their members to raise funds for them. Examples of these are Football Clubs, Cricket Clubs, Church Groups, etc. Virtually any organisation with a member base are potential customers.

myDiscountShop has spent the last 12 months developing its fully automated online platform that facilitates all of the above. Add to this a fully white labelled option to allow fundraisers to use specific branding and you have a very powerful model indeed.

Online Shopping (myDiscountShop) - Continued

With initial testing the business has secured over 40,000 customers with very limited marketing and also secured multiple deals with organisations to set up white label fundraising sites. These projects give access to millions of consumers in just the UK alone but the same concept will apply to any country.

The company has now linked with many major brands to sell their products online and these relationships are set to expand and increase the product list.

The company is now ready to explode onto the UK and then international scene and we feel the time is right for Assetereum to acquire the company. This will give the required investment to market and build the business around the world. The founders of Assetereum are some of the main shareholders in myDiscountShop so the tran-sition is a natural progression into the cryptocurrency world.

Not only can we take the business to the next level, we can also start to negotiate with suppliers to allow our token to be used as payment for their products services.

We are already in talks with a Lloyds of London insurance broker about allowing the ASET token to be used for their products. Once we have secured the initial deals I'm sure many will follow so increasing the value of the ASET token as a currency.

With the online shopping spend set to increase this is a fantastic opportunity to grow with this expanding market.

Energy Brokering (Utilico Energy)


The energy brokering market is both lucrative and mainstream. After all, everyone uses energy.

Utilico Energy has built up a reputation as one of the UK’s leading commercial energy brokering agency with direct deals with all major suppliers. They can facilitate gas and electricity contracts for all types of business from small right up to large corporates.

As the market is changing and moving further towards renewables so the company has adapted to ensure its customers are provided new technology. They provide a full range of products to meet their customers needs.

Utilico works closely with myDiscountShop using their domestic energy switching platform to appeal to both com-mercial and domestic customers.

The company is now ready to expand in the UK and then international scene and we feel the time is right for As-setereum to acquire the company. This will provide the required investment to market and build the business around the world. The founders of Assetereum are some of the main shareholders in Utilico Energy so the transi-tion is a natural progression into the cryptocurrency world.

Not only can we take the business to the next level, we can also start to negotiate with suppliers about them al-lowing our token to be used as payment for their energy products and services.

Cryptocurrency Mining


Mining plays an important role in making sure Ethereum and other major cryptocurrencies work.

Mining not only allows cryptocurrencies to function but has another fantastic feature. As coins are mined we are

rewarded with a small payment of the cryptocurrency we have mined for.

The returns far outweigh the ongoing costs of mining so when scaled up can be an extremely lucrative form of

income for the business.

Our plan is to use new advanced solar technology and batteries to power operations in key countries alongside

established traditional grid powered facilities.

Assetereum will design a robust process to assess the market and decide when and how to mine.

Short term vision: To select and work with an established partner who can enable cloud mining to allow the fund to start to generate profits quickly.

Long term vision: To build inhouse mining location in south Asia and Europe and harness the power of advanced solar energy and battery storage to make mining more profitable and environment friendly.

Cryptocurrency Trading


In the volatile world of cryptocurrency trading there are huge gains to be made by buying and selling at the right time. To remove the human element many bots have been developed that virtually remove the risk and have been proven to generate significant returns.

We have teamed up with trading experts to develop our own strategies to build our own trading platform with the use of proven bots to generate an additional income for the business.

The initial fund of 35% of the ICO generated funds will allow our traders to build a significant portfolio of current and new cryptocurrencies to take advantage of quick growth of any up and coming coins and also maximise the profits available on the volatility of established coins like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

These coins known as our Coin Vault will act as assets backing the value of our Token.

Social Enterprise Projects

Social enterprises are businesses that are changing the world for the better. Social enterprises are in our communities and on our high streets – from coffee shops and cinemas, to pubs and leisure centres, banks and bus companies.

By selling goods and services in the open market, social enterprises reinvest the money they make back into their business or the local community. This allows them to tackle social problems, improve people’s life chances, support communities and help the environment. So when a social enterprise profits society profits.

• Nearly 9 per cent of the UK small business population are social enterprises.

• There are an estimated 471,000 UK social enterprises overall. This is made up of 99,000 social enterprises with employees and 371,000 social enterprise with no employees.

• Social enterprises employ roughly 1.44 million people, the majority of these are employees, the remainder are working owners and partners.

Assetereum will invest in social enterprise which:

• Have a clear social and/or environmental mission set out in their governing documents

• Generate the majority of their income through trade

• Reinvest the majority of their profits

• Be autonomous of state

• Be majority controlled in the interests of the social mission

• Be accountable and transparent

Assetereum wants to leverage the trust and transparency that block chain offers and help social enterprise grow. This investment will range from established enterprises to start up’s.



What is an Initial coin offering (ICO) ?

The concept of crowdfunding or collective fundraising has been done for a long time. For exam-

ple, in 1885 in the United States funds were raised in this manner to erect the Statue of Liberty in

New York City.

ICO is a means of crowdfunding via the use of cryptocurrency as an alternative to the highly

regulated capital-raising process required by venture capitalists, banks or stock exchanges. While

cryptocurrencies have been booming, so have ICOs, possibly on an even bigger scale. From an

investment point of view, ICOs are the future of investment. ICOs are an alternative to crowd-

funding, and have the potential to transform the way companies capitalise themselves.

There are a few reasons for the increasing interest in ICOs namely:

• Its accessibility to the public

• A good chance of buying cheap tokens and seeing them appreciate over time

• The attraction of more investors from all over the world resulting in less centralisation

which is what cryptocurrency is all about

• Stimulating creativity since every ICO project aims to bring something new to the table

In the past, investors participating in the pre-ICO have been rewarded generously by the

company in question. A pre-ICO allows investors to buy tokens before the official crowdfunding


In the year to come more and more ICO offerings are expected monthly as this technology

becomes more mainstream. Consequently, it will become much more challenging making the

right choice when you want to invest in a solid and promising cryptocurrency ICO in future.



Fiat currency – unpredictable and volatile

The history of fiat currency, also called traditional money, is characterised by uncertainty, unpre-

dictability and volatility. The average lifespan of fiat currency is as short as 27 years. Inflation

poses a serious threat to fiat money. Inflation causes a general increase in prices and a fall in the

purchasing power of money. Central banks have the power to print as much money they feel fit.

This phenomenon together with the destructive effects of inflation cause the purchasing power

of fiat money to experience a steady decline. The British pound, the world's oldest fiat currency

is an excellent example of this.

Blockchain What is the Blockchain?

Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the world wide web stated: “We need diversity of thought in the world to face

the new challenges”.

In today's modern world people still must deal with three main factors impacting negatively on international

payments and access to credit. Transactions across international borders using traditional money, referred to as

fiat money are normally complicated, time consuming and expensive.

In 2009 Satoshi Nakamoto introduced Bitcoin as a digital analogy to gold: limited in supply, but secured by

modern cryptography. Digital money, referred to as cryptocurrency is an electronic payment method which can

be transferred between users with the help of computers, smartphones and the internet.

Blockchain technology

The main innovation behind cryptocurrencies is that, instead of relying on trusted third parties such as central

and commercial banks, transactions are recorded and propagated in a distributed ledger known as a blockchain.

In 2016, the Finnish Central Bank organised a seminar about blockchain in its bid to support local research pro-

jects on this technology. The seminar attracted participants such as local academics, regulators, and companies.

The technology behind blockchain is busy changing money, business and the world. The promise of blockchain

technology is simple: cut out the middleman and help secure financial transactions through a distributed ledger

system. This results in fully decentralised transactions together with relatively low transaction fees.


Bitcoin and alternative cryptocurrencies are progressively enjoying widespread adoption and have been the in-

vestment buzzword since its creation. Experts in the field of cryptocurrencies believe that this upward trend will

continue and even escalate in the years to come. Cryptocurrencies have the unique potential to challenge exist-

ing systems of currency (fiat currency/traditional money) and payments.

Cryptocurrency transactions are dependable, restriction-resistant, permission-less and private. Once a transac-

tion is confirmed by the blockchain network, it becomes permanent and final. Therefore, a dispute process does

not have the authority or power to charge it back like with other forms of money transfer.

Many other alternative cryptocurrencies have been developed and introduced to improve on Satoshi's original

vision. Despite significant recent developments and innovation, the market for cryptocurrencies remains very

small and specialised.

Our ICO Our ASET Token Event

You can now join the blockchain revolution by getting your own ASET tokens during the

Assetereum crowd sale event (ICO).

During the sale we offer our backers the possibility to participate in supporting the project in the

cryptocurrencies ETH and BTC and will also allow standard Fiat currencies. Any participants will

receive ASET tokens in exchange at the relevant rate and stage of the ICO.

The ASET token:

• Issued on the Ethereum blockchain under the ERC-20 token standard.

• Can be used on the Assetereum platform

• Will be available to be traded on an exchange

• Is fractionally divisible

• Has fixed supply

The sale with commence on 14th February 2018 and run for 10 weeks. For a breakdown of the

stages and the number of tokens available see the table in the next section. Should we not reach

our soft cap of 10,000,000 ASET tokens sold the funds raised will be repaid to investors.

Bounty Campaign

We will also reward any referred token purchases during the ICO with a bounty of 10% which will

be awarded in ASET tokens.

Bonus Tokens

We will also award bonus tokens for the number of tokens purchased at any one time. These

bonuses are listed in the following sections.

Token Sale

Soft Cap 10,000,000 ASET

Hard Cap 150,000,000 ASET

Total Token Supply 300,000,000 ASET

Token Main Sale Price From $0.38 to $0.60 (See chart)

Market Cap £180,000,000*

Pre-Sale Available Yes

ERC20 Token Yes

Token Distribution Up to 30 days after token sale ends

Listed below are the technical aspects of the ASET token.

*Under conditions where less tokens are sold under the stipulated cap, tokens will be distributed

pro rata to remaining categories

ICO Stages

ICO Stage Dates Token Price % of Tokens Tokens Available

Seed Investment 01 Mar - 14 Mar $0.38 10.00% 15,000,000

Pre ICO Offer 15 Mar - 28 Mar $0.45 25.00% 37,500,000

ICO - Stage 1 29 Mar - 11 Apr $0.50 25.00% 37,500,000

ICO - Stage 2 12 Apr - 25 Apr $0.55 25.00% 37,500,000

ICO - Stage 3 26 Apr - 09 May $0.60 15.00% 22,500,000

Total 100.00% 150,000,000

Listed below are the different stages of the 2018 ICO token sale and the number of

tokens distributed during each period.

Note: Any tokens not sold in a stage will be rolled forward into the next stage.

ICO Bonus Tokens

ICO Stage Dates Up to 500


501 -



1,001 -






2,001 -



5,001 -



Seed Investment 01 Mar - 14 Mar 0% 5% 7% 20% 10% 15%

Pre ICO Offer 15 Mar - 28 Mar 0% 5% 7% 20% 10% 15%

ICO - Stage 1 29 Mar - 11 Apr 0% 5% 7% 20% 10% 15%

ICO - Stage 2 12 Apr - 25 Apr 0% 5% 7% 20% 10% 15%

ICO - Stage 3 26 Apr - 09 May 0% 5% 7% 20% 10% 15%

During all ICO stages bonus percentage of tokens will be awarded depending

on the number of tokens taken.

Note: This bonus is per transaction and is not cumulative.

Token Allocation

The diagram below shows how we will allocate the tokens

Use of Proceeds

The diagram below shows how we will allocate the proceeds of the token

Roadmap Estimated timeline of milestones

01st Mar 2018 ICO Token Sale Begins

09th May 2018 ICO Token Sale Completes

10th May 2018 Acquisition of myDiscountShop

17th May 2018 Acquisition of Utilico Energy

1st June 2018 Property fund begins trading

14th June 2018 Crypto mining begins

21st June 2018 Crypto Trading Begins

1st July 2018 Assetereum Exchange Opens

14th July 2018 ASET listing in global exchanges

Management Team

Andreas Papaiacovou

CEO - Founder

Vastly experiences entrepreneur and

proven leader and specialist business analyst.

Ababil Sher

Marketing Director - Founder

Experience marketing expert brand designer.

Christopher Pedge

CTO - Founder

Experienced developer and crypto expert.

Manjeet Singh

Operations Director

Retail sales expert worked with many international brands as a business analyst.

Joe Johnson

International Ambassador

Former world snooker champion and Eurosport commentator.

Lee Taylor

Energy Consultant

Experienced energy consultant.


Gerwyn Bryan

Real Estate Specialist

Investment acquisition specialist, Property Consultant and Chartered Surveyor

Harshil Sanghavi

Block Chain Expert

Expert blockchain and ICO consultant

Trevor Roberts

Insurance Specialist

Lloyds of London Insurance Broker

Jason Francis

Social media Marketing

Specialist in social media marketing and global events.

Risk Factor Acquisition of tokens is associated with a high degree of risk, including, but not limited to, the risks listed below. Before acquiring tokens, each recipient of this offer should carefully weigh all the information and risks outlined in this Whitepaper, in particular, the following risk factors: `

1 Limitations of the smart contract

The smart contract technology is still at its nascent stage of development and experimentation in its nature. Hence, signifi-cant operational, technological, legal, reputational and financial risks may arise later on at any stage.

2 Legal Risks

Blockchain technologies, including but not limited to, the issue of tokens, may be a new concept in some jurisdictions that can apply existing laws and regulations to it, or enact new laws and regulations governing blockchain-based applications. Such laws and regulations may conflict with the current organization of a smart contract that ensures the operation of ASET tokens.

3 Force majeure

The activities of the Assetereum project may be interrupted, suspended or delayed due to force majeure circumstances. For the purposes of this Whitepaper, the force majeure means events and circumstances of an extraordinary nature that could not have been foreseen by the Assetereum team, and include natural disasters, wars, armed conflicts, riots, industrial con-flicts, epidemics, mass layoffs, strikes with productivity decline, long-term shortages or disruptions in electricity supply or tel-ecommunications services, actions of the municipal government, the government of the region / state and federal govern-ment, and other circumstances that are beyond the reasonable/practical control of the Assetereum team.

4 Price of Assetereum tokens

The price of purchased ASET tokens can vary significantly depending on various market or other factors. At no stage or time the Assetereum team does not guarantee any rise or dip in specific price of ASET tokens for a given time period. The Assetereum team shall not be held responsible for any changes in the price of ASET tokens. Further, the project team of Assetereum in no way can guarantee the preliminary forward-looking statements given in this Whitepaper will be accurate. Please, note that the Assetereum token project may be subject to market or other risks that the project management cannot anticipate currently.


All the information enclosed in this White Paper is projected purely to share the knowledge about ASET Token. Based on the understanding of the topic this White Paper is conceptualized exclusively for informational use only. As it is not a legal advice therefore do not completely rely on this information. ASET Token makes no representations or warranties for making any sort of investments. As investments are always prone to markets risks therefore ASET Token does not accept any liabil-ity for even minor loss arising from reliance information contained in this White Paper. Please read all the documents carefully. Readers are particularly advised to use their judgment prior to making investments or taking any sort of invest-ment decisions.

asset based cryptocurrency

Copyright Assetereum International Ltd, 103a Bradford Road, Stanningley, Leeds, West Yorkshire, England, LS28 6AT
