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Assignment 1 part 2: artworks

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Assignment 1 Part 2 English 2 (ENGL0205) Yam Yih Hwan (0305861) Ng Jun Keat (0307587) FNBE July 2012 – ENGL 0205 English II Names of group members: Yam Yih Hwan, Ng Jun Keat

Assignment 1

Part 2

English 2 (ENGL0205)

Yam Yih Hwan (0305861)Ng Jun Keat (0307587)

FNBE July 2012 – ENGL 0205 English II

Names of group members: Yam Yih Hwan, Ng Jun Keat

Artwork A – Seharian di Ladang

FNBE July 2012 – ENGL 0205 English II

Names of group members: Yam Yih Hwan, Ng Jun Keat

Artwork B - Anak Alam

FNBE July 2012 – ENGL 0205 English II

Names of group members: Yam Yih Hwan, Ng Jun Keat

                    What exactly is art? For my knowledge, Art is a quality and production of

an artwork with contain of unexplainable expression, realm according to the usage of

different art elements and art principles. Both paintings are drawn by an artist called

Faizal Suhif. I, Yih Hwan, along with Jun Keat, we went to his art gallery recently at

Kelana Jaya and the gallery is called “A Silent Diary”. This solo exhibition by Faizal

Suhif is to show why he is so known for his painting techniques. Faizal Suhif recently

traveled to Ubud in the middle of Bali, and stay there one month long residency. The

trip was sponsored by G13 Gallery in order for him to gain inspiration for his

artworks. He started learning about their culture and civilization at that part of Bali.

After that, he returned with a heart full of emotions and intentions for arts.

                    The artwork on painting A is a realm woven with art, culture and

spirituality. It provides a very warming feeling to see how the society blends

themselves with the art community. The name for artwork A is called “Seharian di

Ladang”. This artwork is created during the visit of Ubud, Bali by our ever-talented

artist, Faizal Suhif. Bali is a paradise for artists because of the cultures and traditions.

Over the years, Bali has absorbed numerous influences, for example; Chinese,

Javanese, Indian, Hindu and Western. This artwork contains images of an aged-citizen

carrying a large object using his head. The significant art elements that are present in

this artwork are line, shape, form, space, texture, color, value, and pattern. The lining

of the artwork is more likely unclear as the artist chooses to shade and tone much of

the parts. As for the shaping and form, it tends to look curvy and circular. The space

used has a bigger ratio in order to provide an understanding of the large object. The

type of texture might be actual texture, cause of the visible of thickly painting strokes.

The color is limited as you can only found black and white in this artwork. The type

FNBE July 2012 – ENGL 0205 English II

Names of group members: Yam Yih Hwan, Ng Jun Keat

of value could possibly be the aesthetic values as the artwork is dealing with the

nature of art. Lastly, the pattern is unlikely been noticed as the artwork doesn’t seems

like using any repetition of a geometric shape. There are a few art principles used by

artists in an artwork to organize the elements, for examples; balance, harmony,

proportion, contrast, variety, movement and rhythm. Firstly, balance is mostly used in

an artwork in order to ensure the artwork doesn’t seem heavier in any part of the

painting. But in artwork A, there are an over tones on the face of the aged-citizen.

Secondly, harmony is by using the same elements throughout an artwork. Artwork A

achieved the principles of harmony as the artwork only contains black color

throughout the whole painting. Next, proportion is a measurement of a quantity of

elements. Moreover, contrast is using the elements that have complementary colors.

Lower parts of artwork A contain extremely dark values, and upper parts contain

lesser dark values. Furthermore, variety is the usage of contrast, emphasis, shape and

color. Besides that, movement is the effect and motion of an artwork through viewer’s

eye. The movement in artwork A is sort of random, as the linings are not drawn in the

same direction. Lastly, rhythm is the repetition of elements, for example; the shapes,

colors, lines. As mentioned before, the movements are random, so rhythm is unlikely

been used in artwork A.

                    The name of artwork B is called “Anak Alam”. This artwork is also created

during his visit to Ubud, Bali. In artwork B, the emphasis of the painting is on the

blue color. He creates a center of attraction so that viewers pay more attention on it.

He wanted people to focus on the blue color so that everyone understands the

situation at Ubud, Bali. The artist is trying to show that it is raining so he painted blue.

There is not much harmony in this painting because the painting doesn’t have a lot of

color besides blue, other than that is all black. Hence, some people will find the

FNBE July 2012 – ENGL 0205 English II

Names of group members: Yam Yih Hwan, Ng Jun Keat

painting less interesting. This painting contains less variety. The artist does not

combine different elements into one composition. The amount of unity is also not

much in this painting. The artwork is more focusing on the face instead of the body.

The gradation of the face in this painting is from left to right. From left to right the

color is from dark to light. There is a lot of shading in this painting. There is no

movement in this painting, the artist just draw the face of a man wearing a coconut

hat. There are a few places where there is depth in this painting which is the eyes and

the nose. The artist shade the eyes darker to show the person facial expression. I do

not think there is any rhythm is this painting because there is only one person in the

painting and the detail is not that clear.

                    In contrast, the artist draws a youngster in artwork B and an elderly citizen

in artwork A, it shown the different lifestyle of different gender. Moreover, the

shading and toning in artwork A is sort of rough compare with artwork B which is a

bit fine. In artwork A, the artist uses the color blue enable to express the feelings

during that period and make it looks more realistic but in artwork B is just black and

white, it unable to explain the feelings and look unrealistic. In comparison, I found

that both artworks contain of wheat in their mouth, it may explain that both artworks

are drawn in the same location. Besides that, both artworks show less facial

expression, it shown that they are not happy with what they are doing. Lastly, both

artworks shown both characters had their eyes closed, they might try to hide their


                    After looking at those artwork, I concluded that the artist create these piece

of artworks to show the culture and lifestyle in Ubud, Bali. In artwork A, it shown that

an aged-citizen carrying a large object on his head with wheat in his/her mouth. This

artwork trying to explain that “A day of work in the paddy field is like carrying a

FNBE July 2012 – ENGL 0205 English II

Names of group members: Yam Yih Hwan, Ng Jun Keat

buddle of items on the head, hard and heavy, lifestyle in Ubud, Bali is never been easy

for them, even elder people have to work for their daily expenses”. In artwork B, the

youngster in the artwork has a very sad facial expression. The youngster is chewing

wheat in his/her mouth and wearing a hat made from coconut shell. The blue color

may indicate that it is raining during that session. This artwork may explain that

“Youngsters in Ubud, Bali have to choose work over their studies as they didn’t came

from a rich country. Even it’s a rainy day; they still have to choose to work in the

paddy field instead of staying at home in order to keep them living.”

                    These artworks are simple and easy to understand. Although it is simple but

there are a lot of feelings in it. It shown this is an important piece of artwork because

it shows others to appreciate what they have. I think most of the artwork lovers,

including us, would choose to locate these artworks in our house as a reminder of

others lifestyle and the one we had. Whenever it felt that our live is not good enough,

when we look at these artworks and we will think that there are actually more people

that is worse than us. These artworks are better to put in a museum so that more

people can enjoy these artworks.

FNBE July 2012 – ENGL 0205 English II

Names of group members: Yam Yih Hwan, Ng Jun Keat


Retreived on http://www.arts.com.my/events/2012/09/silent-diary-solo-exhibition-by-faizal-suhif-at-g13-gallery/

Retreived on http://artmalaysia.com.my/arttalk/detail/78/faizal-suhif-a-silent-diary-

FNBE July 2012 – ENGL 0205 English II

Names of group members: Yam Yih Hwan, Ng Jun Keat
