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Assignment 17

Date post: 14-Aug-2015
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The Pitch



For pitch 1 our group has decided to use Zombie-Horror.

This has a very mainstream audience and is a popular horror sub genre

Plot of the OTS

Close up of a zombie crouched over a body(just bitten)

Pans up to 2 people watching zombie]

Zombie hears the 2 humans and starts to get up and chase

Screen turns black and shows some credits when it cuts back out at different times and shows either the zombie or 2 people running, this happens several times*

The 2 people try to hide in school (walking down a corridor checking behind)

Zombie appears so they try to run ahead but another zombie (possibly the body at the beginning) appears at the exit

*after the beginning scene then screen occasionally turns black and skips forward in time.


This opening title sequence will reinforce conventions to the audience. These will include: a group of survivors looking for supplies and a stereotypical male character.

We have made this decision as it allows the audience to perhaps relate to the protagonist or see how a experienced ‘survivor’ behaves.

Narrative enigmas

Narrative enigmas will be created by the fact that the opening title sequence is a non-linear one so information like the story line and full introductions of the characters and who they are do not happen.

The ending will also leave a enigma as the audience do not know what happened to the 2 people and will be intrigued to the film to find out.

Type of OTS

This OTS will be in a non-linear format. This is so that we can convey the nature of the film to the audience, but, without giving to many details away. This will also allow for a narrative enigmas which engages the viewer early on.

Our first inspirational film is Zombieland

The OTS in zombieland is inspiring because it is non-linear but helps to set the scene and creates the atmosphere and mood. The way the monologue shows the genre and sub genre off.

Our second film is Drive

This film inspired us because it shows how non-diegetic music is used to an effective nature and how to build tension. The way that drive draws in its audience by keeping its protagonist very mysterious in the OTS was inspiring.

Our USP is

We will use a derelict school as the main setting for our OTS. This is very uncommon with other zombie films and so offers a sense of originality.

We will also use multiple editing tricks in order to convey the apocalyptic nature. This will be conveyed by filming a busy area and fading to the same area when it is empty.

Our target audience

Our target audience will be males aged 16 and over. This is due to the popularity among men within the Zombie genre.

This graph shows the rising popularity of zombie films among teenage boys.

We will attract our audience by

We will use action and tension to attract the audience. The reasoning for this is that is what our research indicated the most about what they wanted to see within horror films.

Our research also indicated that our target audience enjoys a gory nature to zombies, this will be utilised within this proposition.
