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Assignment Personnel Administration Pad254

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FACULTY OF ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCE AND POLICY STUDIES UiTM INTEC INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT PAD254 PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION TITLE: CONCEPT AND PRACTISE OF PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION Organization / Ministry / Department / Unit BATU PAHAT SESYEN/MAJISTRET COURT ________________________________________________ Name: MOHMAD FITRI BIN NGADIMAN ______________________________________ Student ID: 2008258106 _________________________ MAMP5 1
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Organization / Ministry / Department / UnitBATU PAHAT SESYEN/MAJISTRET COURT




Student ID:2008258106


Class: _________________

Submission Date:



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1.0 Introduction 3 7

2.0 Historical background of the organization 4 10

3.0 Staffing 6 20

3.1 Job Description and Job Specification 6

3.2 Job Enrichment, Job Enlargement and Job Rotation 8

3.3 Promotion, Transfer or External Recruitment 8

3.4 Process and Methods of Selection 9

4.0 Human Resource Development 11 20

4.1 In-house Training or Outsource 11

4.2 Induction contents 11

4.3 Career Planning and Development 12

4.4 Performance Appraisal 13

5.0 Compensation 14 15

5.1 Salary and Allowances 14

5.2 Benefits or Services 14

6.0 Discipline 15 15

6.1 Examples of violation and disciplinary action 15

6.2 Discipline approach 17

7.0 Conclusion 19 6

Appendixes / References 7



1.0 Introduction


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Explain and relates how HRM functions conducted in your organization in general.

Snell & Bohlander, 2007 defined Human Resources Management is the process of

managing human talents to achieve an organization’s objectives. While, Dessler, 2005

defined HRM as the policies and practices involved in carrying out the “people” or

human resource aspects of a management position including recruiting, screening,

training, rewarding and appraising. Human Resources Management involves staffing,

Human Resources Development, compensation and benefit, employment and labor

relation, safety and health. In Batu Pahat Sesyen/Majistret Court, these HRM function are

related in order to achieving the organization objectives and improve the system of

personnel of the organization. But, some of the functions are organize by the Federal

level such as Public Service Commission, Public Service Department, INTAN, ILKAP,

etc. For example in term of staffing, the post for Pembantu Tadbir Perkeranian/Operasi

N17 in Batu Pahat Sesyen/Majistret Court is been organized by the Public Service

Commission. Initially, The Batu Pahat Sesyen/Majistret Court will inform to the Federal

Court if there is a vacancy in the organization. Then, The Federal Court will submit the

application for new officer in Batu Pahat Sesyen/Majistret Court. Public Service

Commission will then, make an interview and selection for new officer at the Batu Pahat

Sesyen/Majistret Court.

2.0 Historical background of the organization


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Year of establishment Organization chart Missions, visions or objectives Numbers of staff for every level of management or department Achievements, contributions etc

(1-3 pages)


Pahat Sesyen/Majistret court hear civil and also crimes cases. In crimes cases, the

Sesyen court has the power of justice upon all crime, except the crime that can be

sentenced to death. While the Majistret court posses the power of justice for all crime

where punishment is not more than 10 years of prison or RM 10 thousand fine and 12

sebatan. In civil cases, the Sesyen court posses power of justice if the amount of

argument is not exceed RM 100 thousand except that on certain matters concerning on

permanent property, furniture and hired property, divorce and bankrupt. While, the

Majistret can manage the cases where the amount of argument is not exceed RM 25


Batu Pahat Sesyen/Majistret Court has their objectives that is to become an

institution which enforces justice according to law. MSBP have to ensure efficient and

effective judicial support services empowering the Courts to resolve cases with

expedience and smooth performance. They also have to ensure that all cases being

dissolve with justice achievement purpose on rate as soon as possible. Besides that, the

Registration Department, Administration and Finance Department also have their

objectives. The objectives is to process suit civil and criminal cases which made to Batu

Pahat Sesyen/Majistret Court and ensure all rule of laws on complied. Each department


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has to determine the office management and administration proceeds efficiently and

orderly financial, posting matter and security.

The mission of the Batu Pahat Sesyen/Majistret Court is to ensure administration

of justice protected, efficient and effective based on law.


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3.0 Staffing3.1 Job Description and Job SpecificationGive examples of job or position in your organisation and explain the contents of the job description and job specification.

Generally, the selection of staff and officer like the Majistret, Pembantu

Tadbir (P/O) N 17, Registrar L29, Pembantu Tadbir Undang-Undang L17 and

Pembantu Am Pejabat is done by the Public Service Commission. Public Service

Commission will make the interview process and select the suitable person to fill

the vacancy at the Batu Pahat Sesyen/Majistret Court (MSBP). Besides that, the

MSBP also can make a selection and interview but only for ‘sambilan staff’. For

example, Pembantu Tadbir (P/O) N17 Sambilan or Pembantu Am Pejabat

Sambilan. Before that, the MSBP need to get approval from the Federal Court to

take a ‘sambilan staff’. MSBP can only take a sambilan staff for position of

Pembantu Tadbir and Pembantu Am Pejabat.

The job description as defined by Gary Dessler, 2005 means a list of job

duties, reporting relationship, working conditions and supervisory

responsibilities .It is one of the Job analysis. As at the Batu Pahat

Sesyen/Majistret Court (MSBP) I would like to take a job description of the

Pembantu Tadbir Undang-Undang L17 as an example.

List of Duties

Name : Fazrin Binti Pa’at

Position : Pembantu Tadbir Undang-Undang L 17

Department : Batu Pahat Sesyen/Majistret Court


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Bil. Task and Responsibilities.

1. Maintaining the criminal files in Batu Pahat included serve

correspondence, phone call and other matters related to it.

2. Operating the crime appeal record and the other reports.

3. Record the Criminal cases in Batu Pahat which had been resolved

in the Cause Book and update the record from time to time.

4. Act as the ‘Bailif’ in handling the Writ of Seizure and Sales, writ

distress, arrest warrant, and other matters related to it.

5. Act as ‘Back –up’ for Urine registration cases, 117 KAJ, Code of

89 application and other matters related to it.

6. Make other job and duties directed by superior officer from time to


Job Specification.

Position : Pembantu Tadbir (Undang-Undang)    Gred  : L17     Kumpulan : Sokongan     Kem./Jab. : Jabatan Peguam Negara,                    Mahkamah Persekutuan,                    Jabatan Perdana Menteri

    Salary Schedule :

    P1T1 RM823.40 - P1T24 RM2154.37     P2T1 RM874.83 - P2T24 RM2275.52     P3T1 RM927.77 - P3T24 RM2400.97



(i) Malaysian Certificate of Education (SPM) or qualification that is acknowledged as at par with him by the government; and


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   (ii) Kepujian Bahasa Malaysia/Malay Language (including pass Ujian Lisan) in

Malaysian Certificate of Education (SPM) level or approval that recognized as of same status with him by the government.

3.2 Job Enrichment, Job Enlargement and Job RotationBased on the above example (refer 3.1), discuss whether the tasks have been expanded, implement some elements of management or rotating the job to make sure the variety of skills to the employees.

Based on the job description of the Pembantu Tadbir Undang-Undang L17

above, the task had been expanded and some elements of management had been

applied. Before this, the Pembantu Tadbir Undang-Undang L17 only do what is

been listed on the job duties but the superior officer has the authorities to enlarge

or make a job rotation. She also needed to record and register the Summons of JPJ

and traffic and register the Subpoena (called for witness).

3.3 Promotion, Transfer or External RecruitmentExplain whether the manager or officer in your organisation implemented any promotion, transfer or recruit from outside to replace the position or job opening.

In term of promotion, generally, for the staff Gred 29 to 1 means the

Registrar L29, Pembantu Tadbir (P/0) N17, Pembantu Tadbir Undang-Undang

L17, Pembantu Am Pejabat N1, it is organized by the Public Service Department.

For example, if the Pembantu Tadbir (P/0) N17 is qualified to a promotion after

he/she have passed the PTK (Penilaian Tahap Kecekapan) , then Public Services

Department will promote he/she from Gred N17 to N 22 which is the position of

Chief Clerk (CC). Generally, he/she will be transfer to another Department,


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Ministry or Unit. If previous he/she in the Judicial Department but after the

promotion the Public Service Department may transfer to another department such

as The Ministry of health where the post is vacant.

But it is different for the position for the Majistret and the judges. The

promotion is conducted and organized by the Federal court of Malaysia Under the

Prime Minister Department. Generally, the Majistret and the judges will serve at a

certain district or places maximum period about four years, they will be transfer to

another places either they been promote or not they still will be transfer.

In term of recruitment, it is conducted by the Public Service Department.

If there is a vacant for a certain position, the Office will inform the Public Service

Department about the vacant and apply for the vacant to be filled.


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3.4 Process and Methods of SelectionBy refering the process and methods of selection in the seminar, explain or compare with the implementation in your organization.

(1-3 pages)

(20 marks)

There are a few types of methods in selecting the employee such as test,

interviews, background and references checks, assessment centre and the

application form. As for me when I was first entering the organization for the

position of clerk, I been interviewed by two panel or interviewer. They are

Human Resources Executive and General Studies Lecturer. They apply the types

of situational interviews where they been asking the question about a situations

and demand an answer on how to handle the situations.


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4.0 Human Resource Development4.1 In-house Training or OutsourceExplain how your organization implement any training whether in-house (on-the-job training) or outsource to other training consultant.

Basically, if there is a new staff, the other staff or the registrar will teach or

brief he/she about the job and what he/she supposes to do. For example, when I

was first joining the UniKL my superior will asked my colleague to teach me how

to complete my task in a correct way.

Besides that, the staff may also apply for outsource training conducted by

Organization Development Department but they appoint outsource trainer such as

NIOSH( National Of Safety Health) , Motorola( Six Sigma) and etc. Every year

ODD ( Organization Development Department) will get LEVI from HRDF

( Human Resource Development Fund). That LEVI used to send staff from all

branches for training. And they need to send an application to their HR

department before attending the course hence permission from the superior.


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4.2 Induction contentsBriefly state the contents of induction based on the lectures in seminar.

Induction is defined as the process by which the new recruit is familiarized

with the working environment. Generally, induction is conducted for the new

employees. UniKL has sent me to induction together with my colleague it is the

responsibilities of organization to provide the information about the structure of

the organization, term and condition to the new staff.

The new staff will be introduced who is the superior officer, the co-

workers, and the subordinates. He/she will be gave an overview of the

organization structure, objectives and mission. In terms of Policies and

Procedures, the staff will be inform about the performance standards, safety and

health information, work ethics, working hours and rest break, holiday leaves

such as how many leaves he/she get a year, and discipline. This information is

very important to ensure that the staff follows the policies and procedure of the

organization. First there will be a Welcoming address, programme overview,

teambuilding ,history and direction of organization, product knowledge etc. They

will briefly explain about .compensation and benefit, the staff will be brief about

the wages and salaries scale, allowances, overtime payment, Medicals benefits,

social and recreational activities.


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4.3 Career Planning and DevelopmentExplain how you plan your career and develop for the future.

Currently my position is Clerk, as for the future, I would to hold a little bit

high position in my Organisation, in order to achieve the goals, I further my

studies in Diploma in Public Administration and and insyallah I will pursuit it

until first degree..


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4.4 Performance AppraisalState the contents of appraisal (Example SKT etc) and how the manager interview the employees (refer appraisal interview) and how to improve the performance. Attached the appraisal form can be acceptable in Appendixes.

(1-3 pages)

(20 marks)

Your performance appraisal is not just a set of instructions for your supervisor to

complete a form. It is an important tool designed to establish performance expectations

and to evaluate your performance in order to help you develop your full potential.

Employee goals and performance are a necessary contribution to the success of the work

unit, the agency, and in reaching organizational goals and objectives.

Performance Appraisal System

Employees covered by the performance appraisal system must be appraised using the

Performance Appraisal System established and administered by the A&I Personnel

Management Division.The performance appraisal system covers all employees, including

probationary, permanent and non-probationary at-will, except for(a) Elected State

Officials and their Deputies(b) Directors, Deputies, Agency Heads, and Division

Administrators who statutorily serve as at-will employees(c) Provisional and contractual

employees(d) Emergency(e) Temporary(f) Interns(g) IntermittentA non-probationary at-

will employee is an at-will employee who has noexpectation of continued employment

and may be dismissed at any time without cause or reason.

Appraisal Dates

All employees covered under the performance appraisal system shall beassigned an

appraisal date.


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Non-probationary at-will employees shall have the first day of the month the employee

received an at will appointment as their appraisal date. Employees appointed to two

positions simultaneously, their appraisal date shall be the first day of the month in which

they were given a permanent appointment .A permanent employee separated due to a

reduction in force, who has been reinstated within twenty-four months, shall have the

same appraisal date as prior to the reduction in force Probationary employees taking a

leave of absence without pay shall have their appraisal date extended by the number of

days they are absent. Permanent and non-probationary at-will employees shall have their

appraisal date extended for each calendar month they were absent. The following

exceptions apply to employees covered by the performance appraisal system The

appraisal date of an employee shall not be extended if the employee is on leave of

absence without pay due to a worker's compensation injury, or is on Family Medical

Leave. I attached an appendix of appraisal form for perusal.


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5.0 Compensation5.1 Salary and AllowancesPlease state the examples of basic salary and allowances based on certain position whether through classification, ranking or point (refer job evaluation)

5.2 Benefits or ServicesPlease state the examples of benefits or services that provided by the management.

(1-3 pages)

(15 marks)Leave

1. Annual leave.

Annual leave is given to the staff according to the Gred of position. For

example the officer Gred 17 and below are given 20 days per year and for the

officer Gred 41 and above are given 25-30 days per year.

2. Half payment leave.

Half payment leave is given to the officer only for the health reason. The

period of leave is 30 days a year and it cannot exceeds 180 days.

3. Leave without payment

Leave without payment because of the personal matters or business in

Malaysia can be approved only if the officer had serve not less than 6 month and

he/she had took all the annual leave he/she qualified. If the matters is out of

Malaysia, the leave can be approved if the officer had serve not less than 6

month and had took all the annual leave that he/she qualified. This leave cannot

be applied until 4 years the first leave.


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4. sick leave

The staff can apply for sick leave for not more than 90 days a year.

6.0 Discipline

6.1 Examples of violation and disciplinary actionGive THREE (3) to FIVE (5) examples of violation and discipline action to the employee.

1. Abuse of drug.

An officer cannot use or take any dangerous drug except as been prescription the

use for medical by the Medical officer register under Medical Act 1971 or abuse, misuse

or addict any dangerous drugs. If it is acknowledges by the Medical officer that an officer

misuse, take or addict any dangerous drug, the officer can be take disciplinary action with

the purpose of dismissal.

2. Absent without leave.

If it is found that an officer is absent without leave without get the approval from

the superior officer or the Manager, the superior officer need to report and inform the

situation includes the dates of absent to the Disciplinary Board for the disciplinary action.

Initially, the superior officer also need to prepare a letter and to the officer based on the

last address directing the officer to report on duty. After the letter had been send and the

officer still not report on duty, then the superior officer need to report to Disciplinary

Board for disciplinary action such as dismissal.

3. Sexual Harassment.


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An officer or staff cannot make sexual harassment to other staff whether try to

close to another sexually. Sexual harassment can happen in the form of oral, written, or



1. Delay Movement of Wage.

The Penalty of delay the movement of wage can be imposed by the Disciplinary

Board for the period of 3 month, 6 month 9 month or 12 month as been taught suitable by

the Disciplinary Board. The officer on sentence delay movement of wage not entitled to

accept anything movement of wage while the penalty duration.

2. Decrease the salary.

The Disciplinary Board has the authority to impose the penalty of decrease the

salary under the provision which had been allocated. The salary can be fielded

horizontally in same salary level. The reduction of salary would never exceed the three

movements of the wages. The penalty duration cannot less than 12 months but not exceed

36 months at any time.

3. Demotion

6.2 Discipline approach Based on the discipline approach (Progressive, Positive or Hot Stove), comment the way or approach that implement by the management. It could also comply with the discipline policy in the organization.

(1-3 pages)


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(15 marks)

The discipline approach is very important in order to ensure that all the

staff followed the rules and regulation made. It is also as a medium to ensure the

staff more effectiveness and efficient in performing the job and become more


Based on the discipline approach by the management, it should give the

opportunity to the staff to explain and give reason about the situation occur. The

management level also should not take an immediate action further inspection and

without giving the opportunity to the staff. There should have two way

communications in order to solve problems.

7.0 ConclusionAs a conclusion, you could comment, critique or suggest how to improve the implementation of Personnel Administration for your organization.

(1-2 pages)

(6 marks)

Personnel Administration is very important is Batu Pahat Sesyen/Majistret Court.

It is as a mechanism to develop employees for the benefit of organization and to

promote management effectiveness and efficiency. There is a part that the Human

Resources management could do some improvement such as providing more training

and development to the staff in order to face the global challenges in this new era of


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technology. The HRM also could make analysis the recruitment process and

promotion based on the academic qualification. If the staff, has a Diploma or Degree,

he/she are qualified to get promote to a higher position. Thus, this will ensure the

services provide by the organization is more efficient and effective.

Appendixes / References

(No limit pages)

(7 marks)1. www.spa.gov.my

2. www.jpa.gov.my

3. Desk Fail of Fazrin Bin Pa’at.

4. Desk Fail of Mohmad Fitri Bin Ngadiman.

