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Assimilation of SeaWiFS data into a global ocean-biogeochemical model using a local SEIK filter

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Assimilation of SeaWiFS data into a global ocean-biogeochemical model using a local SEIK filter Lars Nerger a,b, , Watson W. Gregg a a Global Modeling and Assimilation Office, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, United States b Goddard Earth Sciences and Technology Center, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, United States Received 22 June 2006; received in revised form 27 November 2006; accepted 28 November 2006 Available online 26 January 2007 Abstract Chlorophyll data from the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) is assimilated into the three-dimensional global NASA Ocean Biogeochemical Model (NOBM) for the period 19982004 in order to obtain an improved representation of chlorophyll in the model. The assimilation is performed by the SEIK filter, which is based on the Kalman filter algorithm. The filter is implemented to univariately correct the concentration of surface total chlorophyll. A localized filter analysis is used and the filter is simplified by using a static state error covariance matrix. The assimilation provides daily global surface chlorophyll fields and improves the chlorophyll estimates relative to a model simulation without assimilation. The comparison with independent in situ data over the seven years also shows a significant improvement of the chlorophyll estimate. The assimilation reduces the RMS log error of total chlorophyll from 0.43 to 0.32, while the RMS log error is 0.28 for the in situ data considered. That is, the global RMS log error of chlorophyll estimated by the model is reduced by the assimilation from 53% to 13% above the error of SeaWiFS. Regionally, the assimilation estimate exhibits smaller errors than SeaWiFS data in several oceanic basins. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Data assimilation; Ecosystem modeling; Kalman filter; SEIK; Ocean color; Ocean chlorophyll 1. Introduction Satellite ocean chlorophyll data is the only direct global-scale source of information on marine ecosys- tems. Routine observations have been available for a decade, and have reached a level of maturity that assimilation of the data into biological and biogeochem- ical models is now practical. Assimilation systems for satellite data have been shown to produce impressive results in ocean physical applications (e.g., Stammer et al., 2002; Brusdal et al., 2003; Keppenne et al., 2005) and can potentially provide similar improvements in functionality and results for ocean biology. While there are many biological assimilation efforts utilizing in situ data (e.g., Spitz et al., 2001; Schlitzer, 2002; Schartau and Oschlies, 2003), there are relatively few utilizing satellite ocean chlorophyll data. Variational methods have been the most common assimilation methodology for satellite ocean chlorophyll data, spanning the model range from 0-dimensional (Hemmings et al., 2003, 2004; Losa et al., 2004) through 1-dimensional (Friedrichs, 2002), to 3-dimensional (Garcia-Gorriz et al., 2003). The emphasis on these investigations was parameter Available online at www.sciencedirect.com Journal of Marine Systems 68 (2007) 237 254 www.elsevier.com/locate/jmarsys Corresponding author. NASA/GSFC, Code 610.1, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA. Tel.: +1 301 614 6802; fax: +1 301 614 6246. E-mail address: [email protected] (L. Nerger). 0924-7963/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2006.11.009
Page 1: Assimilation of SeaWiFS data into a global ocean-biogeochemical model using a local SEIK filter

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s 68 (2007) 237–254www.elsevier.com/locate/jmarsys

Journal of Marine System

Assimilation of SeaWiFS data into a global ocean-biogeochemicalmodel using a local SEIK filter

Lars Nerger a,b,⁎, Watson W. Gregg a

a Global Modeling and Assimilation Office, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, United Statesb Goddard Earth Sciences and Technology Center, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, United States

Received 22 June 2006; received in revised form 27 November 2006; accepted 28 November 2006Available online 26 January 2007


Chlorophyll data from the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) is assimilated into the three-dimensional globalNASA Ocean Biogeochemical Model (NOBM) for the period 1998–2004 in order to obtain an improved representation ofchlorophyll in the model. The assimilation is performed by the SEIK filter, which is based on the Kalman filter algorithm. The filteris implemented to univariately correct the concentration of surface total chlorophyll. A localized filter analysis is used and the filteris simplified by using a static state error covariance matrix. The assimilation provides daily global surface chlorophyll fields andimproves the chlorophyll estimates relative to a model simulation without assimilation. The comparison with independent in situdata over the seven years also shows a significant improvement of the chlorophyll estimate. The assimilation reduces the RMS logerror of total chlorophyll from 0.43 to 0.32, while the RMS log error is 0.28 for the in situ data considered. That is, the global RMSlog error of chlorophyll estimated by the model is reduced by the assimilation from 53% to 13% above the error of SeaWiFS.Regionally, the assimilation estimate exhibits smaller errors than SeaWiFS data in several oceanic basins.© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Data assimilation; Ecosystem modeling; Kalman filter; SEIK; Ocean color; Ocean chlorophyll

1. Introduction

Satellite ocean chlorophyll data is the only directglobal-scale source of information on marine ecosys-tems. Routine observations have been available for adecade, and have reached a level of maturity thatassimilation of the data into biological and biogeochem-ical models is now practical. Assimilation systems forsatellite data have been shown to produce impressive

⁎ Corresponding author. NASA/GSFC, Code 610.1, Greenbelt, MD20771, USA. Tel.: +1 301 614 6802; fax: +1 301 614 6246.

E-mail address: [email protected] (L. Nerger).

0924-7963/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2006.11.009

results in ocean physical applications (e.g., Stammeret al., 2002; Brusdal et al., 2003; Keppenne et al., 2005)and can potentially provide similar improvements infunctionality and results for ocean biology. While thereare many biological assimilation efforts utilizing in situdata (e.g., Spitz et al., 2001; Schlitzer, 2002; Schartauand Oschlies, 2003), there are relatively few utilizingsatellite ocean chlorophyll data. Variational methodshave been the most common assimilation methodologyfor satellite ocean chlorophyll data, spanning the modelrange from 0-dimensional (Hemmings et al., 2003, 2004;Losa et al., 2004) through 1-dimensional (Friedrichs,2002), to 3-dimensional (Garcia-Gorriz et al., 2003). Theemphasis on these investigations was parameter

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estimation. Here, model parameters are adjusted toimprove the model performance with regard to observa-tions. While improvements in model parameterizationshave been obtained, the parameter estimates tend to bespecific for the particular model formulation andconfiguration. Thus, they may not be suitable for othermodels. In addition, the model using the estimatedoptimal parameters will only provide a good representa-tion of the data, if the model formulation is able toreproduce the observational information (see e.g. Fennelet al., 2001). However, an unsuccessful parameterestimation can point to inadequacies in the modelformulation (Spitz et al., 1998).

Other work focuses on state estimation. Here, themodel parameters remain fixed, while the model fieldsare constrained by the observations to obtain improvedestimates of the model fields. There are two mainmotivations for performing state estimation withbiogeochemical models. First, the representation ofassimilated variables, both (partially) observed andunobserved, can be improved by combining the bestfeatures of a model and data set. Second, more accuratederived variables in the model can be obtained, such asprimary production and biogeochemical constituents.Satellite data from the Coastal Zone Color Scanner(CZCS) has been assimilated with the aim of stateestimation into a 3-dimensional model of the southeastUS coast by direct insertion (Ishizaka, 1990). CZCSdata has also been used in the North Atlantic with anudging method (Armstrong et al., 1995). Usingsimulated satellite data, Carmillet et al. (2001) applieda singular “evolutive” extended Kalman (SEEK) filterto assimilate simulated observations into a 3-dimen-sional model in the North Atlantic to study thepossibilities for multivariate data assimilation. Usingvery accurate data with a prescribed error of 10%,Carmillet et al. (2001) were able to constrain phyto-plankton as well as other fields like nitrate andammonium over 70 days experiment length. Usingalmost the same ocean-biogeochemical model, Natvikand Evensen (2003), assimilated real SeaWiFS datawith an Ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) over the periodApril and May 1998. In this study, the EnKF was able toimprove surface phytoplankton and to reduce thevariance of surface nitrate fields. In addition, subsurfacenitrate and zooplankton was affected, but the changeswere difficult to interpret quantitatively.

Algorithms based on the Kalman filter (KF) (Kalman,1960), like the SEEK filter, the EnKF, or the SEIK filterused here, have several interesting properties. Theydirectly provide dynamic error estimates of the stateestimate. The error estimate is propagated throughout the

assimilation period by the model dynamics. Theimplementation of KF-based algorithms is rather simple,as e.g. no adjoint model is required. Further, thealgorithms can easily account for imperfect models.Thus, the model is not required to reproduce theobservational data, but the error estimate of the filtercombines observation errors, and model errors. Withregard to operational data assimilation, KF-basedalgorithms share the advantage of being sequential.Thus observational data can be incorporated when itbecomes available, without the need to rerun the modelover an extended period of model time. However, theclassical linear Kalman filter as well as its first-orderextension to nonlinear models, the Extended Kalmanfilter (see Jazwinski, 1970), have a prohibitive cost forhigh-dimensional models. For this reason, severalalgorithms based on the Kalman filter have beendeveloped during about the last decade, which are wellsuited for high-dimensional numerical models andwhichare, to some extent, able to handle the nonlinearity ofmodels of the ocean or atmosphere. KF-based algorithmsare typically applied for state estimation. However,parameter estimation is also possible with sequentialassimilation algorithms, see e.g. Losa et al. (2001).

In a recent study (Gregg, in press) the first globallong-time assimilation of SeaWiFS ocean chlorophylldata was discussed. The data was assimilated into aglobal 3-dimensional ocean biogeochemical model overthe period of 1997–2003 using a conditional relaxationmethod (CRAM). The rather simple assimilation methodsubstantially improved the estimated surface chlorophyllof the model and was able to provide daily global surfacechlorophyll fields. Compared to in situ data, theassimilation resulted in a smaller bias than SeaWiFSdata while the root-mean square (RMS) error wasslightly higher for the assimilation than for the satellitedata. In addition, the estimate of primary production wasimproved.

While CRAM was successful in the univariateassimilation of surface chlorophyll, it cannot beextended to a multivariate scheme which would allowto correct other model fields, such as nutrients in con-junction with the surface chlorophyll. As an initial effortof the application of an advanced KF-based algorithmfor state and flux estimation with a global 3-dimensionalocean biogeochemical model, we apply here a simplifiedform of the singular “evolutive” interpolated Kalman(SEIK) filter (see, Nerger et al., 2005a) to assimilateSeaWiFS ocean chlorophyll data over a period of 7 yearsinto an updated version of the model used by Gregg (inpress). The simplification consists in keeping the stateerror covariance matrix, which estimates the error in the

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model state, constant analogous to the application of theSEEK filter by Carmillet et al. (2001). This avoids therequirement of an expensive ensemble integrationnecessary in a full dynamic SEIK filter. To focus onthe surface total chlorophyll, the filter is appliedunivariately to only update the surface total chlorophyll.The effectiveness of the assimilation is analyzed bycomparing back to the assimilated SeaWiFS data and bya comparison with independent in situ chlorophyll data.In addition, the influence of the assimilation on themodel estimate of primary production and surfacenutrients is assessed.

2. The NASA Ocean Biogeochemical Model

The NASA Ocean Biogeochemical Model (NOBM)is a fully coupled general circulation/biogeochemical/radiative model. The general structure of the NOBM isdepicted in Fig. 1. The three major components simulatethe ocean general circulation, radiative transfer pro-cesses, and biogeochemical processes.

The ocean general circulation is modeled by thePoseidon model (Schopf and Loughe, 1995). It is afinite-difference, reduced gravity ocean model. Here, aglobal configuration extending from near the South Poleto 72° N is used which includes all regions with bottomdepth >200 m. The configuration uses a uniformresolution of 2/3° in latitude and 5/4° in longitude. Itcontains 14 vertical layers in quasi-isopycnal coordi-

Fig. 1. General structure of the NOBM showing the interactions among theshown.

nates. The model is forced by wind stress, sea surfacetemperature, and shortwave radiation.

The radiative model, the Ocean Atmosphere SpectralIrradiance Model (OASIM, Gregg, 2002), providesunderwater irradiance fields which drive the growth ofthe phytoplankton groups. The OASIM is based on thespectral model by Gregg and Carder (1990), expandedto the spectral regions 200 nm to 4 μm. It considersspectral and directional properties of radiative transfer inthe oceans, and explicitly accounts for clouds. Theradiative transfer calculations also interact with the heatbudget. Three irradiance paths are enabled: down-welling direct and diffuse (scattered) paths, as well as anupwelling diffuse path. The oceanic radiative propertiesare driven by water absorption and scattering, chromo-phoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM), as well as theoptical properties of the phytoplankton groups. Thespectral nature of the irradiance is included in all oceanicradiative calculations. The forcing data sets for OASIMare shown in Fig. 1.

The biogeochemical processes model is described indetail by Gregg and Casey (in press). The model consistsof ecosystem and carbon components. The ecosystemcomponent (Fig. 2a) contains 4 phytoplankton groupsand 4 nutrient groups. In addition, a single herbivoregroup as well as 3 detrital pools are modeled. Thephytoplankton groups have distinct growth and sinkingrates, nutrient requirements. Also the optical properties,spectral absorption and scattering as well as light

main components. In addition forcing fields and nominal outputs are

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Fig. 2. Components of the Biogeochemical Processes Model: (a) Ecosystem component showing pathways and interaction between the 4phytoplankton groups, 4 nutrients, one herbivore group and 3 detrital pools. (b) Carbon component depicting the interactions between dissolvedorganic and dissolved inorganic Carbon with phytoplankton, herbivores, and carbon detritus as well as exchange of CO2 with the atmosphere.

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saturation constants, are distinct. The modeled nutrientsare nitrate, regenerated ammonium, silica, and iron.Storage of organic material, sinking and eventualremineralization back to usable nutrients are simulatedusing the three detrital pools. The carbon component(Fig. 2b) simulates the interaction of dissolved organicand inorganic carbon with phytoplankton, herbivoresand detritus and considers the exchange of carbon-dioxide with the atmosphere. The model uses a variablecarbon:chlorophyll ratio while the carbon:nutrient ratiosare constant. External forcing for the biogeochemicalprocesses model is required in the form of atmosphericdeposition of iron and sea ice fields as well as partialpressure of atmospheric CO2.

The model is forced by transient monthly atmo-spheric fields. Ozone data is obtained from the TotalOzone Mapping Spectrometer. Soil dust is from Ginouxet al. (2001). Data about cloud cover and liquid data pathare obtained from the International Satellite CloudClimatology project. The atmospheric CO2 is from theOcean Carbon-cycle Intercomparison Project (ICMIP,http://www.ipsl.jussieu.fr/OCMIP, derived from Entinget al., 1994) with the value for the year 2000 used as theclimatological mean. All remaining forcing data isobtained from National Center for EnvironmentalPrediction (NCEP) reanalysis products.

3. Local SEIK filter

The data assimilation is performed using the SEIKfilter (Pham et al., 1998a). The SEIK filter has beenintroduced as a variant of the SEEK filter (Pham et al.,

1998a). However, it has been found (Nerger et al.,2005a) that it can be considered as an ensemble-basedKalman filter which uses a preconditioned ensemble anda numerically very efficient scheme to incorporate theobservational information during the analysis step. Likethe SEEK filter, SEIK bases on an explicit low-rankapproximation of the covariance matrix which estimatesthe error in the state estimate. The state correction(denoted “analysis”) is computed very efficiently in thelow-dimensional error sub-space which is representedby the low-rank approximated covariance matrix. Incontrast, the EnKF (Evensen, 1994; Burgers et al., 1998)bases on a Monte-Carlo approach. For a detailedcomparison of the EnKF, SEEK, and SEIK see Nergeret al. (2005a). The SEIK filter algorithm demonstratedadvantages over the widely used EnKF and the SEEKfilter (Pham et al., 1998b) in recent studies (Nerger et al.,2005a, in press) in which sea surface height observa-tions were assimilated. For example, compared to theSEEK filter, the ensemble integration applied in both theEnKF and the SEIK filter showed to be better suited fornonlinear models. Compared to the EnKF, the SEIKfilter requires much less computation time than theEnKF, if the dimension of the observation vector ismuch larger than the ensemble size. In addition, theSEIK filter was able to obtain estimates with smallererrors than the EnKF.

Here, the experiments apply the localized variant ofthe SEIK filter (Nerger et al., 2006) which restrictsthe analysis update of some horizontal location in thegrid of the numerical model to consider only observa-tions within some influence radius. The algorithm

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applied here is simplified by keeping the state errorcovariance matrix constant. Accordingly, the same errorestimate for the model state is used for each analysisstep. This simplification avoids the computational costof integrating a full ensemble of model states during theassimilation process.

3.1. The (global) SEIK filter

The SEIK filter, as other algorithms based on theKalman filter, expresses the estimate of the state of aphysical system, such as the ocean, at some time tk interms of the estimated analysis state vector xk

a ofdimension n and the corresponding covariance matrixPka which represents the error estimate of the state vector.

Being an ensemble-based Kalman filter scheme, theSEIK filter represents these quantities by an ensemble ofstate vectors

Xak ¼ fxað1Þk ; N ; xaðNÞ

k g ð1Þ

of N model state realizations. In this case, the stateestimate is given by the ensemble mean

Pxak ¼ 1N


xaðiÞk ; ð2Þ

while the ensemble covariance matrix


k :¼1



k ÞðXak−


k ÞTcPak ; ð3Þ


k ¼ fPxak ; N ;Pxakg, is an estimate of the covar-iance matrix Pk

a.The SEIK algorithm can be subdivided into several

phases and is prescribed by the following equations:Initialization:To initialize the filter algorithm, we assume an initial

state estimate x0a. Further we suppose that the initial

covariance matrix P0a is estimated by a rank-r matrix

which is given in decomposed form as

Pa0 :¼ V0U0V

T0 ð4Þ

where U0 is an r× r matrix while V0 has size n× r.Based on these initial estimates, a random ensemble

of minimum size N= r+1 is generated whose statisticsrepresent x0

a and P0a exactly. For this, we transform the

columns in matrix V0 by a random matrix with specialproperties. Let C0 be a square root of the matrix U0, i.e.U0=C0

TC0. Then P0a can be written as

Pa0 ¼ V0C



T0 ; ð5Þ

where Ω0 is an N× r random matrix whose columns areorthonormal and orthogonal to the vector (1,…, 1)T. Theensemble of state realizations is then given by

Xa0 ¼


0 þffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiN−1



T0 ; ð6Þ

where each column ofPXa

0 contains the vector Pxa0.Forecast:In the “forecast phase” the state ensemble is

integrated by the numerical model to propagate thestate and error estimates toward the next time whenobservations are available. Let Mi,i−1 be the nonlineardynamic model operator that integrates a model statefrom time ti−1 to time ti. Then each ensemble member{Xa(α), α=1,…,N} is evolved up to time tk by iteratingthe model equation

xf ðaÞi ¼ Mi;i−1½xaðaÞi−1 � þ hðaÞi : ð7Þ

Here the superscript ‘f ’ denotes the forecast while ‘a’denotes the analysis. Each integration is subject toindividual Gaussian noise ηi

(α) which allows to simulatemodel errors.

For the experiments performed here, we simplify theforecast phase. For this, a matrix of ensemble perturba-

tions (ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiN−1



T0 in Eq. (6)) are stored and only the

ensemble mean Pxai is integrated without applying thestochastic forcing ηi. Subsequent to the integration, aforecast ensemble Xk

f is obtained by adding theensemble perturbations to the forecast state Px f

k .Analysis:In the analysis phase, the state and error estimates are

updated on the basis of the observations, the ensemblecovariance matrix, and the error covariance matrix of theobservations. The SEIK filter uses a description of thecovariance matrix Pk

f which allows for a very efficientalgorithm. Pk

f can be computed from the state ensembleXkf in analogy to the covariance matrix in Eq. (4)

according to

Pfk ¼ LkGLT

k ð8Þwith

Lk :¼ XfkT; G :¼ ðN−1Þ−1ðTT−TÞ−1 ð9Þ

Here, T is an N× r matrix with zero column sums, suchas

T ¼ Ir�r


� �−1Nð1N�rÞ ð10Þ

where 0 represents the matrix whose elements are equalto zero. The elements of the matrix 1 are equal to one.

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Matrix T implicitly subtracts the ensemble mean whencomputing Pk

f .The analysis update of the state estimate, which is

given by the mean of the forecast ensemble, can beexpressed as the combination of the columns ofLkwhichspan the error subspace represented by the ensemble:

xak ¼ Px fk þ Lkak ð11Þ

The vector ak of weights can be computed in the errorsubspace as

ak ¼ UkðHkLkÞTR−1k ðyok−Hk

Px fk Þ; ð12Þ

U−1k ¼ qG−1 þ ðHkLkÞTR−1

k HkLk : ð13Þ

Here, Hk is the measurement operator which computeswhat observations would be measured given the statexk. Further, Rk is the observation error covariancematrix and yk

o denotes the vector of observations. Theforgetting factor ρ, (0<ρ≤1), leads to an inflation ofthe estimated variances of the model state. It canstabilize the filter algorithm and, to some degree,account for model errors. The analysis covariancematrix is given by Pk

a:=LkUkLkT, but does not need to

be computed explicitly.Re-Initialization:In the re-initialization phase, the forecast ensemble is

transformed such that it represents the analysis state xka

and the corresponding covariance matrix Pka. Analo-

gously to the generation of the initial ensemble it is

Xak ¼


k þffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiN−1



Tk ; ð14Þ

where a Cholesky decomposition is applied on thematrix Uk

−1 to obtain Ck−1(C−1)k

T=Uk−1. The matrix Ωk

has the same properties as in the initialization.

3.2. Localized analyses and re-initializations in SEIK

Here we shortly describe the local SEIK filter. For adetailed derivation of the local SEIK filter from theglobal SEIK filter see Nerger et al. (2006).

To localize the SEIK filter we restructure the analysisand re-initialization steps. We perform the operations ina loop through disjoint local analysis domains of themodel grid, rather than updating the full state vector atonce. For example, a local domain can be a single watercolumn. This reformulation involves no approximationto the filter algorithm as long as all globally availableobservations are considered for the update of the statevector in each local domain.

For the localization of the analysis step, we neglectobservations which are beyond a prescribed cut-offdistance from a local domain. Since below all quantitiesrefer to the time index k, we drop this index here forclarity of notation. Let the subscript σ denote a localanalysis domain. The domain of the correspondingobservations is denoted by the subscript δ. Then, theequations for the local SEIK analysis can be writtenanalogously to the global analysis Eqs. (11), (12) and(13) as

xar ¼ Px f þ Lrad; ð15Þ

ad ¼ UdðHdLÞTR−1d ðyod−Hd

Px f Þ; ð16Þ

U−1d ¼ qdG

−1 þ ðHdLÞTR−1d HdL: ð17Þ

Hδ is the observation operator which projects a (global)state vector onto the local observation domain. ρδdenotes the local forgetting factor, which can vary fordifferent local analysis domains.

The localization of the re-initialization phase can beperformed analogously to the analysis step. The localstate ensemble is transformed according to

Xar ¼ P

Xa þffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiN−1

pLrðCdÞTWT ð18Þ

where Cδ−1(Cδ

−1)T=Uδ−1. Here, it is important that the

same transformation matrix Ω is used for each localanalysis domain to ensure consistent transformationsthroughout all local domains. The rows of the ensemblematrix which correspond to a single analysis domain aretransformed at once using the information from thematrix Uδ

−1 for the particular domain. This matrixcorresponds to the local error subspace for the localdomain and is determined by both the local stateensemble and the error covariance matrix of the localobservations (Eq. (17)).

Mathematically, the localization amounts to theneglect of long-range correlations in the state covariancematrix during the analysis step, see Nerger et al. (2006).Viewed globally, the neglect of long-range correlationsincreases the rank of the covariance matrix and henceleads to a larger dimension of the error-subspace inwhich the update of the state estimate is computed. Thislarger dimension is only considered implicitly duringthe independent analysis updates in the local domains,because the state covariance matrix is never computedexplicitly. The rank of the covariance matrix representedby the global state ensemble does not increase, since thisrank depends on the ensemble size N and can be at mostN−1. The re-initialization transforms each local state

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Fig. 4. Availability of SeaWiFS chlorophyll data in days during June2001. No Data is available south of about 58° N due to the polar night.Noticeable is the region in the North Pacific where only very few datais available due to clouds as well as the small data availability in theArabian Sea and offshore Mauritania.

243L. Nerger, W.W. Gregg / Journal of Marine Systems 68 (2007) 237–254

ensemble using the same matrix Ω. This consistent re-initialization results in an ensemble which represents acovariance matrix with the same rank as the covariancematrix of the forecast ensemble.

The localization by neglecting observations beyondthe cut-off distance can be combined by a localizingweighting of the observations. For this, the inversevariance estimates in the inverse local observation errorcovariance matrix Rδ

−1 for each local domain arereduced by a factor depending on the distance of theobservation from the local analysis domain. A possibi-lity is an exponential decrease, which reduces theinfluence of observations with growing distance fromthe local analysis domain. This weighting method issimilar, and under some circumstances equivalent, to themethod of “covariance localization” which involves theelement-wise product of the state error covariancematrix by a correlation matrix holding correlations ofcompact support (Houtekamer and Mitchell, 2001).

4. SeaWiFS ocean chlorophyll data

The experiments assimilate global chlorophyll datafrom SeaWiFS. Daily fields, of data set version 5.1, at9 km resolution have been obtained from the NASAOcean Color Web site. The data fields have beenremapped to the model grid for the assimilation.

The assimilation is performed daily at model mid-night to reduce sampling errors. Clouds, sun glint, inter-orbit gaps, and high-aerosol concentrations obscureremote observations, producing prominent and some-times persistent gaps in satellite data, especially at daily

Fig. 3. SeaWiFS chlorophyll data for June 1, 2001. Grey indicates landand coast while black indicates missing data. Visible are the inter-orbitgaps as well as gaps resulting from sun glint, clouds and the australpolar night.

time scales. Thus, the underlying complete fieldsprovided by the model, adjusted by the assimilation ofobservations where and when available on a daily timescale, alleviates the sampling problems incurred usingremote-sensing data alone. A typical daily data set isshown in Fig. 3. The inter-orbit gaps as well as the gapsresulting from sun glint and the austral polar night areclearly visible. In addition, clouds obscure severalregions like wide areas of the North Pacific. Typically,there are between 13,000 to 18,000 observed grid pointsdaily. Due to clouds, the sampling frequency of the datais irregular, as is visible from Fig. 4 which shows theamount of data per grid point available during June2001. Caused by longer persistent clouds, the amount ofdata is strongly reduced in several regions. This is mostnoticeable in the Arabian Sea, where for most gridpoints no data was available at all during June 2001. Inaddition, a wide region of the North Pacific north of40° N was obscured by clouds during almost all of thismonth. Due to this irregular temporal sampling, therewill be regions which are not influenced by the dataassimilation for significantly longer periods than thedaily assimilation interval. This presents a challenge tothe assimilation process, with larger errors of the modelstate being estimated.

For the assimilation all daily SeaWiFS chlorophylldata with concentrations larger than twice the monthlymean are considered as outliers and excluded. Inaddition, data are excluded which occur within amodel grid point containing ice. These exclusions aremotivated by the fact the remote sensing errors are

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typically expressed as overestimates as the mostdominant error sources, absorbing aerosols, CDOM,sub-pixel scale clouds and ice most often lead tooverestimates of chlorophyll. These overestimates canhave a very deleterious effect on the quality and stabilityof the assimilation process.

The analysis equations of the Kalman filter assume anormal distribution of the state vector. The distributionof chlorophyll and errors in chlorophyll are assumed tobe log-normal (Campbell, 1995). Accordingly, theassimilation is performed on the logarithm of theobserved and modeled chlorophyll concentrations.

The observation errors are assumed to be indepen-dent. Thus the observation error covariance matrix Rk isdiagonal. Frequently a global error estimate of 35% isused for SeaWiFS chlorophyll data (see e.g., Natvik andEvensen, 2003), because this accuracy was a majorobjective of the SeaWiFS project (Hooker et al., 1992).However, the comparison of SeaWiFS chlorophyll datawith independent in situ data shows significant varia-tions around this estimate (Gregg and Casey, 2004)which ranged between 13% and 56% with a global meanerror of 31%. Motivated by this study, the experimentshere use regionally varying errors for the observations,similar to the weighting approach applied by Gregg (inpress). For June 1, 2001 the errors are shown in Fig. 5.These error estimates are not identical with thosereported by Gregg and Casey (2004), but are chosento minimize the estimation errors in the assimilation.The error in the North and Equatorial Indian Oceans ischosen to be larger motivated by the prevalence of light-absorbing dust (Wang et al., 2005). This problem also

Fig. 5. Observation errors assumed for the assimilation of chlorophylldata on June 1, 2001. The regions A to C follow special conditionsbased on the value of the satellite data. Here a larger error is assumedfor particularly large concentrations.

occurs in the tropical Atlantic. Here, a special conditionis assumed for the Mauritanian offshore region (regionB in Fig. 5) where the error estimate is increased forlarger satellite chlorophyll concentrations. Namely, theerror is set to 0.8 for grid points with C(sat) between1 mg m−3 and 2 mg m−3, and to 5.0 for grid points withC(sat) >2 mg m− 3. This approach has also beenfollowed for the Amazon and Congo river outflowregions (regions A and C in Fig. 5, respectively). Theseregions are dominated by CDOM which produceerroneous chlorophyll values in the satellite data. Herean error of 0.8 is set for grid points with C(sat) between1 mg m−3 and 2 mg m−3 and an error of 1.2 is specifiedwhen C(sat)>2 mg m−3. Using these special conditionsalso avoids the occurrence of negative concentrations,e.g. in nutrients, during the model integration whichcould occur as a reaction of the model dynamics on toolarge changes in the surface chlorophyll.

5. Data assimilation experiments

The SeaWiFS ocean chlorophyll data is assimilateddaily into the NOBM over the period of seven yearsfrom 1998 to 2004. We will first compare the estimatedtotal chlorophyll fields from the assimilation with theSeaWiFS data. Subsequently, we discuss the influenceof the assimilation on primary production and on thenitrate fields which are not directly affected by theassimilation. Finally, we compare the assimilationresults to independent in situ data.

5.1. Experimental setup

In the experiments global daily chlorophyll observa-tions from SeaWiFS are assimilated into the NOBM atmodel midnight. Only the 4 phytoplankton groups in thesurface layer are updated by the filter algorithm. Sinceonly total chlorophyll is observed, the sum of thechlorophyll concentrations of the four phytoplanktongroups is used as total chlorophyll of the model state.After adjusting the total chlorophyll concentration bythe filter algorithm, the phytoplankton groups areupdated under the constraint that their relative abun-dances remain unchanged.

The data assimilation process is initialized by a stateestimate for January 1998 obtained from a spin-up runover 20 years with monthly climatological forcing. Theinitial state error covariance matrix P0

a for the logarithmof the total chlorophyll concentration is estimated from afree model run over 8 years 1997 to 2004 with monthlyforcing data. One time slice per month is retainedresulting in 96 state vectors. The decomposition

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according to Eq. (4) is then obtained by the singularvalue decomposition of the perturbation matrix whichholds in its columns the deviations of each single statevector from the 7-year mean state. This proceduredirectly yields the eigenvector matrix V0 and the square-roots of the eigenvalues which build the diagonal of thematrix C0 in Eq. (5). For the data assimilationexperiment the leading 10 eigenvectors and eigenvaluesare used to generate the state ensemble. This initializa-tion of the covariance matrix is similar to that used byCarmillet et al. (2001) and other assimilation studieswhich applied the SEEK or SEIK filters.

The simplified variant of the local SEIK filter isimplemented within the parallel data assimilationframework PDAF (Nerger et al., 2005b) which providesfully-implemented filter algorithms which can beconnected to existing models to generate a dataassimilation system. In the experiments, only theensemble mean state is propagated by the model without

Fig. 6. Total surface chlorophyll for June 15, 2001 from the free-run model (White indicates sea ice. The assimilation significantly improves the chlorophSeaWiFS data.

applying any stochastic forcing to the integration. Theforgetting factor is set to one. For the localization, asmall cut-off distance of 5 grid points in zonal andmeridional directions is used to define rectangular localobservation domains. The localizing weighting of theobservation is performed by an exponential decreasewith a length scale of 1 grid point to reduce the varianceestimate by a factor of 1/e.

5.2. Estimated total chlorophyll concentrations

Daily snapshots for June 15, 2001 of the totalsurface chlorophyll field from the free-run model andthe assimilation are shown in Fig. 6. In addition, theSeaWiFS chlorophyll field for this day is shown. Thefree-run model shows a broad agreement with thesatellite data. The agreement is significantly improvedby the assimilation. In particular, the chlorophyllconcentration is reduced in the Equatorial and South

upper left), the assimilation (upper right), and SeaWiFS (lower panel).yll estimate of the free-run model which shows broad agreement with

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Pacific oceans. The concentrations of the blooms in theNorth Atlantic and North Pacific are increased, whilethe spatial extent of the bloom region in the NorthPacific is reduced. These changes are in agreement withthe SeaWiFS data. In addition, the assimilationprovides a complete daily coverage of total chlorophyllwhich is obtained by a combination of extrapolating thesatellite data within the local analysis domains into thedata gaps and by propagating previous information bythe model dynamics.

Fig. 7 shows the monthly mean of daily differencesbetween the logarithms of the chlorophyll fields fromthe assimilation and SeaWiFS data during June 2001.The difference between the assimilation estimate and thesatellite data is generally small (below 0.05). There areregions with larger deviations which correspond to theregions in which an increased error of the SeaWiFS datawas assumed. These regions are the North andEquatorial Indian Oceans, as well as near the Congomouth, offshore Mauritania and north of mouth of theAmazon.

Noticeable differences are also visible in the NorthPacific and the North Atlantic Oceans. These differ-ences with values up to about ±0.2 lie in bloom regionswith high chlorophyll concentrations. These misfitsbetween the assimilation and the satellite data haveseveral reasons. For the North Pacific near the Beringstrait, there is only a very limited amount of satellite dataavailable during June 2001 as is visible in Fig. 4. Over awide region, data is available on less than 4 days duringthis month. Accordingly, the model is less constrainedby the data which results in larger misfits between theassimilation estimate and the SeaWiFS data. Over theNorth Atlantic, the availability of SeaWiFS data is

Fig. 7. Monthly mean of daily differences between the logarithms ofchlorophyll concentration from the assimilation and SeaWiFS data.

generally higher and the model is more constrained bythe data. However, in this region we assumed an error ofthe observations of 0.33 north of 50° N and 0.2otherwise. Thus, the mean differences visible in theNorth Atlantic are smaller than the assumed errors in theobservations.

Near the coast of California a band is visible in whichthe assimilation overestimates the total chlorophyllconcentration from SeaWiFS. This deviation is due tothe choice of the state error covariance matrix describedin Section 5.1. The logarithmic variance estimate of thismatrix exhibits a small variance between 0.01 and 0.05near the coast of California. Accordingly, the assimila-tion method considers the model to be very accurate inthis region. This leads to a smaller influence of thesatellite data here which results in a larger misfitbetween assimilation estimate and satellite data.

5.3. Primary production and nutrients

The univariate assimilation leads only to a directupdate of the concentrations of phytoplankton groups atthe surface. However, variables that are directly relatedto chlorophyll, such as primary production (PP), export,carbon:chlorophyll ratios, growth rates, and irradiancein the water column are affected as well in a positivemanner by the univariate assimilation. Other statevariables and processes are not directly affected, butwill react on the changed chlorophyll fields. To examinethe effects of the univariate assimilation we focus hereon the primary production and the nutrients at thesurface exemplified by nitrate.

PP is a flux quantity which is computed in the modelas the depth-integrated growth rate multiplied by thecarbon:chlorophyll ratio. Here, we focus on the annualtotal PP. We compare the PP estimated by the modelwith PP estimated directly from satellite data. Acommon algorithm to compute PP from satellite datais the Vertically Generalized Production Model (VGPM,Behrenfeld and Falkowski, 1997). Next to chlorophyll,sea surface temperature (SST) and photosyntheticallyavailable radiation (PAR) are required as inputs by theVGPM. For the comparison, SeaWiFS chlorophyll isused. In addition, SST is used from the same source asused for model forcing. The atmospheric component ofOASIM in the wavelength region 350–700 nm providesPAR. Fig. 8 shows annual PP estimated by the free-runmodel, the assimilation, and the VGPM for the years1998 to 2004. The estimate from the free-run model ison average 11.2% higher that the estimate from VGPM.This deviation is larger than that reported by Gregg andCasey (in press) because of their use of climatological

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Fig. 8. Annual primary production over the period from 1998 to 2004for the free-run model (––), the assimilation (- - - ), and the VerticallyGeneralized Production Model (VGPM, . . . .).

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forcing while transient monthly forcing is used here.The assimilation succeeds in providing an estimate ofPP which is consistent with that from the VGPM.However, the assimilation estimate still shows the samevariability signature as the free-run model. On average,the PP estimate from the assimilation is 0.5% lower thanthe VGPM estimate.

The nutrient concentrations in the model are notdirectly modified by the univariate assimilation, but theyreact on the changed surface chlorophyll concentrationsduring the model integration. Thus, no systematicimprovement of the nutrients can be expected and thereaction of the nutrients can lead to regional improve-

Fig. 9. Surface nitrate for June 15, 2001 from the free-run model (left) and thethe assimilation with increased concentrations in several regions.

ment or deterioration of the fields. For the stability of theassimilation process, it is important that possiblenegative influences on the nutrients do not destroy thestability of the model integration, e.g. by negativenutrient concentrations as discussed in Section 4. Thenitrate field at the surface is shown in Fig. 9 for the free-run model and the assimilation for June 15, 2001. Theassimilation resulted only in small changes in the nitrateconcentrations compared to the free-run model. Mostnoticeable, the nitrate concentration is increased in theSouth Pacific between 35° S and 20° S. Overall, theassimilation leads to a small degradation of the nitratefield compared, e.g., to climatology. The effects of theassimilation on the other nutrients are similar and thusnot shown here.

5.4. Comparison with independent data

The comparison of the assimilation estimate with theassimilated SeaWiFS data shows that the assimilationmethod works as expected. However, a real test of theefficiency of the assimilation relies in the comparison toindependent data. This will be performed here bycomparing the assimilation estimate with independent insitu data of total surface chlorophyll concentrations. Thein situ chlorophyll data has been obtained from theSeaWiFS Bio-Optical archive and Storage Systems(SeaBASS, Werdell and Bailey, 2002) and the NOAA/National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC)/OceanClimate Laboratory (OCL) archives (Conkright et al.,2002) which provides chlorophyll data from fluori-metric measurements. For the comparison, daily in situdata was mapped to the model grid by computing theaverage of measurements within each single grid cell.

assimilation (right). White indicates sea ice. The nitrate field reacts to

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In the following we discuss RMS log errors and biasof log quantities for the comparison with in situ dataglobally and separated over the 12 ocean basins. Thebasins are defined as follows: The Antarctic basin isconsidered to be south of 40° S. The southern basins liebetween the Antarctic basin and the equatorial basinswhich extend from 10° S to 10° N. The North Indian aswell as the North Central Pacific and Atlantic basins arelocated north of 10° N. The latter two basins have anorthern boundary at 40° N. The North Pacific andNorth Atlantic basins are located north of this latitude.We show RMS and bias of the logarithmic valuebecause of the log-normal distribution of the chlorophyllconcentrations. Due to this, the errors show a normaldistribution on log quantities and the distribution can bequantified consistently by a state estimate and anadditive error which is symmetric with respect to thestate estimate. However, to visualize the actual devia-tions from the in situ data, Fig. 10 shows the actual errorof the assimilation estimate with respect to in situ data inthe Pacific north of 30° S averaged over the years 1998–2004. Note, that the temporal averaging of errors ofactual values which are log-normally distributed canlead to misleading results, if the values vary strongly.However, the majority of the grid points is onlyobserved once. In this case the actual difference isshown. The Equatorial Pacific region exhibits asystematic large-scale sampling which follows theTropical Ocean-Global Atmosphere program/TropicalAtmosphere Ocean (TOGA/TAO) array. Here up to 10measurements at the same model grid point are availableover the 7-year period of the comparison. The error ofthe assimilation in this region is very small with someoverestimation of the concentrations in the eastern part

Fig. 10. Mean errors over seven years between the assimilation and insitu data.

and underestimation in the western part. In the otherbasins the large-scale sampling is quite irregular andonly a single observation is available for most locationsduring the comparison period. A large amount of data isavailable in the North Central Pacific. However, the datais dominated by data from the CalCOFI (CaliforniaCooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations) projectnear the coast of California which accounts for about69% of the data in the North Central Pacific. Significantmean errors are visible in the region of CalCOFI. Nearthe coast, the assimilation underestimates the in situ dataup to about 3 mg/m3. Distant from the coast theassimilation overestimates the in situ data by up to0.3 mg/m3. The reason for these larger errors in theassimilation estimate are the small estimated variancesin this region as has been discussed in Section 5.2. In theremaining North Central Pacific, the errors are rathersmall and both overestimates and underestimates occur.In the North Pacific the in situ data is mostlyunderestimated by the assimilation with largest errorsnear the coast. This effect results from the fact that onlyregions with bottom depth >200 m are included in themodel. In the South Pacific, in situ data is under-estimated in the eastern part of Melanesia (between10° S–30° S and 160° E–170° W). The reason for this isdiscussed in conjunction with the RMS log errors below.

Fig. 11 shows the RMS log errors and the bias of thelog quantities for the comparison with in situ dataglobally and separated over the 12 ocean basins. Shownare the errors for the chlorophyll estimate from theassimilation, the free-run model, and SeaWiFS chlor-ophyll. The number of comparison points is listed foreach basin for the model-in situ data and satellite-in situdata comparisons. For the comparison of the modelfields – from the free-run and the assimilation – withthe in situ data more than twice the number ofcomparison points were available than for the compar-ison between satellite and in situ data. This is due to thegaps in the daily satellite data in contrast to thecomplete coverage of the model output. The availabilityof in situ data varies strongly between different basins.The basins with the largest amount of data are theEquatorial Pacific and the North Central Pacific basins.However, only the Equatorial Pacific shows a systema-tic large-scale sampling.

Globally, the improvement of the surface chlorophyllfield by assimilation of SeaWiFS data is well visible.The RMS log error is reduced from 0.43 for theunconstrained model to 0.32 with assimilation. How-ever, the RMS log error of SeaWiFS data is smaller at0.28. Thus, the assimilation reduces the global RMS logerror from 53% above the error of SeaWiFS to 13%.

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Fig. 11. Upper panel: RMS log error between model or SeaWiFS data and in situ data separated over the 12 major ocean basins and globally. Lowerpanel: bias of the log quantities for the comparison with in situ data. Shown are values for the free-run model (blue), the assimilation estimate (green),and SeaWiFS data (red). At the bottom the number of comparison points for the model and SeaWiFS data are listed.

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When we consider only in situ data points collocatedwith the satellite data, the free-run model error is about51% and the assimilation error about 8% larger than theerror of SeaWiFS data. The larger assimilation error forthe comparison involving all in situ data points showsthat the information transfer into data gaps is not free oferrors.

Regionally, the assimilation estimate shows smallerRMS log errors than SeaWiFS data in several basins. Inparticular the Atlantic basins, except for the NorthAtlantic (north of 40° N), are better represented by theassimilation estimate than by the SeaWiFS data. Inaddition, the Equatorial Indian Ocean and the SouthPacific show lower RMS log errors for the assimilationthan for SeaWiFS data. The errors are generally smallerin the equatorial regions than for the northern basins forboth the model and SeaWiFS. An exception for this isthe North Indian Ocean. The very small error for theSeaWiFS data in this basin is due to sampling errorcaused by the very small amount of in situ data. Asdescribed in Section 4, it is known that light-absorbing

dust in the North Indian Ocean can result in over-estimates of the chlorophyll concentration by thesatellite (Wang et al., 2005). Apparently, in situ datawas only available at times or locations when and wherethis problem did not exist.

Over the whole North Central Pacific the assimilationestimate has an error which is about 20% larger than theerror of SeaWiFS. As noted before, the data in this basinis dominated by the CalCOFI project. If we separate thebasin into the region containing the data from CalCOFIand the remaining North Central Pacific, we obtainerrors which are about 23.4% and 7.9% larger than theSeaWiFS error, respectively. Thus, while the assimila-tion performs quite well in most part of the NorthCentral Pacific, its performance is inferior in the smallCalCOFI region. This is also reflected by the actualmean errors shown in Fig. 10.

The South Pacific exhibits the largest errors of allbasins, both for the SeaWiFS data and the free-run andassimilation models. These errors are mainly caused bya large bias as is evident from the lower panel of Fig. 11.

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The chlorophyll concentrations in the eastern part ofMelanesia are strongly underestimated by both themodel and SeaWiFS. Just to the north of this region,Messié et al. (2006) found very high chlorophyll valuesnear the Kiribati Islands (170° E, 0° N). This alsooccurred at the same time as the observations in our dataset, May 1998, corresponding to the switch from ElNiño to La Niña. Messié et al. (2006) suggested theblooms were caused by the topographic effects of theislands on the circulation patterns, and thus the nutrientfields, associated with the shift in the El Niño SouthernOscillation. These dynamics are similar to the easternMelanesia observations, at the same time. However, ourmodel resolution was unable to capture the dynamics.The re-gridded SeaWiFS data to the model grid showssome elevated chlorophyll concentrations up to about0.4 mg/m3 at single grid points next to islands.However, these high-value points were too sparse to

Fig. 12. Histograms of the logarithmic differ

have a significant effect in the assimilation and were notcollocating with data in the used in situ data set. If the insitu data in this region is removed from the comparison,9 collocation points for the model and 2 for the SeaWiFSdata remain. In this case the log bias is reduced to −0.21for SeaWiFS, −0.13 for the assimilation, and −0.05 forthe free-run model. The RMS log error is reduced to0.51 for the free-run model, 0.21 for SeaWiFS, and 0.16for the assimilation. While this comparison onlyincluded very limited collocation points, it indicatesthat the assimilation strongly improves the modelestimate also in the South Pacific.

The global log bias is very small for the free model(−0.030) and the assimilation (−0.032), and evensmaller for SeaWiFS data (−0.012). In most basins,the assimilation effectively reduces the bias of the freemodel. A noticeable exception from this is the AntarcticOcean where the bias is amplified from about −0.12 to

ences between model and in situ data.

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−0.25. For the comparison with in situ data, this regionis rather problematic. This is due to the fact that the seaice coverages considered in the model and by SeaWiFScan be distinct from the real coverage which limits the insitu measurements. Accordingly, in situ measurementsare available also at grid points at which the modelassumes a non-vanishing ice concentration or atexcluded SeaWiFS data points. The RMS log errorand log bias shown in Fig. 11 in the Antarctic Ocean isbased on neglecting the presence of sea ice. If weconsider only grid points at which the sea iceconcentration in the model is zero, we obtain for thefree-run model an RMS log error of 0.44 with a log biasof 0.02. For the assimilation the RMS log error is 0.38with a log bias of −0.16. The SeaWiFS data shows anRMS log error of 0.4 with a log bias of −0.23 taking intoconsideration all collocation points of satellite and insitu data. Thus, the assimilation reduces the error of thefree model to a level slightly below the error ofSeaWiFS at points without sea ice. In addition, thebias of the assimilation estimate lies in between thebiases of the free model and the satellite data.

To obtain a better insight in the distribution of theerrors, Fig. 12 shows histograms of the frequencydistribution of log errors. The histograms show a nearlynormal distribution of the log errors. This supports ourassumption of a log-normal distribution of chlorophyllerrors. However, for the free-run model the distributionis skewed with a larger extent of underestimated thanoverestimated chlorophyll concentrations. In addition,next to the maximum at zero, a second relativemaximum is visible for values around 0.3. Theassimilation strongly reduces the spread such that it isonly slightly higher than the spread for the SeaWiFSdata. Some skewness in the distribution remains. Thesecond maximum at positive values for the free run andmaximum the assimilation at positive values is mainlycaused by the errors in the North Central Pacific. Here,the error distribution exhibits the maximum at positivevalues while the skewness of the distribution towardnegative values leads to an overall negligible bias as isvisible in Fig. 11.

6. Discussion

The assimilation of daily SeaWiFS chlorophyll datausing the local SEIK filter in the simplified univariateform applied here, resulted in a significant improvementof the surface chlorophyll fields estimated by theNOBM. The assimilation provides daily full globalchlorophyll fields. The comparison with in situ data hasshown that these fields have similar errors as the

SeaWiFS data. However, globally the fields estimatedby the assimilation have a log error which is 13% higherthan the error of the SeaWiFS data.

The regional comparison showed that there areregions in which the assimilation provides an estimateof smaller error than the satellite data and those in whichthe assimilation estimate is inferior. In particular theseare the North Central Pacific, but also the Antarcticbasin and the North Atlantic. In the North CentralPacific, the dominating data from the CalCOFI projectresults in a larger error. The small estimated variances inthis region point to limitations of the use of a staticcovariance matrix and the dependence of the assimila-tion result on the particular choice of the covariancematrix. In the experiments, the covariance matrix hasbeen computed from the monthly variability of modelsurface chlorophyll with respect to the 7-year mean ofthe model. This choice has certain limitations. Thetemporal coverage of the covariance matrix results insmall variances for areas with small annual variabilitywhile large variances are obtained, e.g. for the areas inhigh latitudes which show strong spring blooms.Further, the initialization of the covariance matrixassumes that the model is perfect. This results in ageneral underestimation of error estimates. Theseparticularities of the covariance matrix are addressedin the assimilation system by adjusting the errorestimates of the observations to values which minimizethe estimation error over the 7-year period, as has beendiscussed in Section 4. There are obvious variations ofthe covariance matrix. The covariance matrix could becomputed from state vectors with a higher temporalresolution. In addition, a running mean over weeks tomonths could be used instead of a long-time mean.Finally, the state vectors could be generated fromensemble runs which consider the possible model errors.These runs could include variations the model para-meters or a stochastic component, for example in theatmospheric forcing. While these variations likely leadto more realistic variance estimates of the model, it isunknown whether they would lead to smaller estimationerrors in the assimilation process.

The decision to use a static covariance matrix canalso be expected to have a significant influence on a dataassimilation application. A static covariance matrixneglects dynamical changes in the variances and ofcorrelations between the model variables caused by theevolution of the pelagic system. An example for this arecorrelations between the chlorophyll at the surface andin lower model layers. The vertical distributions ofocean chlorophyll are typically either decreasing withdepth from the surface, or increasing to a maximum near

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the bottom of the mixed layer. These two distributionscan change regionally and seasonally. Accordingly, thevertical correlations are expected to change seasonally.To estimate the changing correlations, the dynamicpropagation of the covariance matrix is required. In thecase of the univariate assimilation performed here, theseissues have only a limited influence, as the assimilationis governed by the estimated variances and spatialcovariances within each analysis domain.

The experiments only updated the surface chloro-phyll field. We note, that it is desirable to also update thedeeper model layers, at least in the euphotic layer, topreserve the consistency of the chlorophyll profiles.However, as was outlined above, this is hardly possiblewhen a static covariance matrix is used, because themulti-layer updates involve the problem of estimatingdynamically changing correlations between chlorophyllat the surface and in deeper layers.

While the assimilation was only performed univari-ately, variables that are directly related to chlorophyllare affected in a positive manner by the univariateassimilation. Other state variables and processes areonly indirectly affected. They will react on the changedchlorophyll concentrations during the model integrationand will tend to push the model results in the samedirection as the free-run model. In the assimilation, thefrequent assimilation updates lead to a balance betweenimprovements by the assimilation and the dynamicaltendency toward the free-run model result. To improvethe estimation, other state variables could be updatedusing a multivariate assimilation which uses estimatedcovariances between the surface chlorophyll and othervariables. The ability of a multivariate assimilation willdepend on the possibility to obtain meaningful covar-iances between the different model fields. The results byCarmillet et al. (2001) showed that this is possible, atleast for synthetic data which is fully consistent with themodel formulation.

For a comparison of our assimilation results withprevious studies only that by Gregg (in press) allows fora meaningful comparison. Gregg (in press) applied theCRAM method to a previous version of the NOBM.This method provides slightly better results in thecomparison to in situ data. This is mainly due to aninferior performance of the CRAM method in theCalCOFI region. Natvik and Evensen (2003) assimi-lated SeaWiFS chlorophyll data into a 3-dimensionalmodel in the North Atlantic over a period of two monthsusing a multivariate implementation of the EnKF. Theirmethod was able to reduce the difference between thefree-run model and the satellite data at the times of theanalysis update of the filter. However, the short period of

their experiment does not allow for a comparison withour results.

7. Conclusion

A local SEIK filter has been applied to assimilatereal SeaWiFS ocean chlorophyll data univariately intothe surface layer of the NASA Ocean BiogeochemicalModel. The filter has been simplified by using aconstant error estimate for the state, thus avoiding theneed of a costly ensemble integration. The assimilationis performed on the logarithm of the total chlorophyllfield because of the log-normal distribution ofchlorophyll. While the satellite provides only ameasurement of total chlorophyll, the model simulatesfour phytoplankton groups. Because direct informationabout the relative abundances of the phytoplanktongroups is not available from the satellite data, theassimilation was performed under the constraint thatthe relative abundances of the phytoplankton groupsremain unchanged during each assimilation update ofthe model state.

The assimilation of SeaWiFS ocean chlorophyll datainto the NASA Ocean Biogeochemical Model over the7-year period from 1998 to 2004 resulted in a significantimprovement of the surface chlorophyll estimate com-pared to the free-run model. Realistic complete dailychlorophyll fields were provided by the assimilation.

Compared to in situ data over the assimilation period,the global logarithmic error was 0.32 for the assimila-tion with a bias of −0.032. The free-run model error waslarger with 0.43 while the bias was almost the same with−0.030. The SeaWiFS data showed slightly smallererror than the assimilation with 0.28 and a bias of−0.012. However, regionally the assimilation providedin several basins estimates of total chlorophyll with asmaller deviation from in situ data than SeaWiFS datadid.

This study is the initial step of work which isintended to lead to a full-featured implementation of aSEIK filter with dynamic error evolution. Here only thetotal surface chlorophyll concentration was directlymodified by the assimilation. The ultimate goal of acomprehensive data assimilation system would involvemultivariate assimilation, in which also variables likenutrients are updated during the analysis step of the filteralgorithm. Also, the inclusion of lower model layers inthe analysis update is required. In addition, the dynamicerror estimation in terms of an ensemble integration isexpected to improve the assimilation. However, thistechnique will increase the computing requirementssignificantly. In the experiments with the simplified

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SEIK filter the error estimates of the observations arechosen for good performance of the filter. However,with more realistic estimates of the estimation error inthe model, the error estimates of the observations needto be revised for better realism.


We would like to acknowledge Orbimage Corp. forcollecting SeaWiFS data and the NASA Ocean BiologyProcessing Group for processing and distribution. Wewould thank NODC for acquisition and distribution ofin situ chlorophyll data. Nancy Casey, SSAI, acquiredand provided model forcing and validation data setsfrom a wide variety of sources and formats. We are alsothankful for the helpful comments of two anonymousreviewers. This work was supported by NASA RTOP(grant) 621-30-39.


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