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ASsistive technOlogies and...

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Contact: Panos Bamidis Assistant Professor Lab of Medical Physics, Medical School, Faculty of Health Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, PO Box 376, 54124, Thessaloniki, Greece -- tel: +30-2310-999310 fax: +30-2310-999702 URL: http://medphys.med.auth.gr/asoss email: [email protected] ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI Medical School, Faculty of Health Sciences Lab of Medical Physics Conferences, Workshops and Events organized by the Group: - Special Track on Mobile Health Care and Training within the IMCL 2014 conference (http://medphys.med.auth.gr/mei/mobilehealth) - Special Workshop on Wearable and mobile technologies for independent living within the MBEC2014 conference (http://www.mbec2014-ifmbe.org/Program/SpecialSessions) - THE FINAL GREEK LLM WORKSHOP, Thessaloniki March 2012 (http://www.longlastingmemories.eu/?q=content/final-greek- llm-workshop-0) - Panel in the "1st Neuropsychology For Elderly" Conference (18-20 October 2012) - XII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2010. MEDICON 2010, 27-30 May 2010, Chalkidiki, Greece (www.medicon2010.org) - AHETA: Assistive Healthcare & Educational Technologies for special tArget groups. A WORKSHOP organised within the PETRA Conference, JUNE 9-13, 2009 (http://www.petrae.org/wp- content/uploads/2014/11/program9.pdf) - Special track workshop on “Affective Networks” within the PRO-VE 2009 conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, Sept. 2009. - Special Track on Affective Computing within the conference CBMS2007, Marobor, Slovenia, June 2007. Group Publications can be found at http://medphys.med.auth.gr/asoss/publications http://medphys.med .auth.gr/asoss ASOSS group ASsistive technOlogies and Silver Science group


Panos BamidisAssistant Professor

Lab of Medical Physics, Medical School,Faculty of Health Sciences,

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,PO Box 376, 54124, Thessaloniki, Greece

--tel: +30-2310-999310fax: +30-2310-999702

URL: http://medphys.med.auth.gr/asossemail: [email protected]





Medical School, Faculty of Health SciencesLab of Medical Physics

Conferences, Workshopsand Events organized by the Group:- Special Track on Mobile Health Care and Training within the IMCL 2014 conference (http://medphys.med.auth.gr/mei/mobilehealth)- Special Workshop on Wearable and mobile technologies for independent living within the MBEC2014 conference (http://www.mbec2014-ifmbe.org/Program/SpecialSessions)- THE FINAL GREEK LLM WORKSHOP, Thessaloniki March 2012 (http://www.longlastingmemories.eu/?q=content/final-greek-llm-workshop-0)- Panel in the "1st Neuropsychology For Elderly" Conference (18-20 October 2012)- XII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2010. MEDICON 2010, 27-30 May 2010, Chalkidiki, Greece (www.medicon2010.org)- AHETA: Assistive Healthcare & Educational Technologies for special tArget groups. A WORKSHOP organised within the PETRA Conference, JUNE 9-13, 2009 (http://www.petrae.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/program9.pdf)- Special track workshop on “Affective Networks” within the PRO-VE 2009 conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, Sept. 2009.- Special Track on Affective Computing within the conference CBMS2007, Marobor, Slovenia, June 2007.

Group Publications can be found at http://medphys.med.auth.gr/asoss/publications

http://medphys.med .auth.gr/asoss

ASOSS group

ASsistive technOlogies and Silver Science group

Serious GamesTailor-made Body (Physical) and Mind (cognitive) training systems, architectures introducing standard physical exercise protocols in exergaming, as well as, s t a n d a r d p h y s i c a l a s s e s s m e n t t e s t s , automatically/smartly adaptive software, targeting at at-risk populations such as elderly or children with developmental disorders, designed for mobile, ubiquitous devices, collection of user data as part of the game

Decision Support SystemsDecision-Support Frameworks and Systems based on predictive computer modelling for Promoting Independent Living and Ageing Well as well as Self management of health and disease, modelling the complexity of co-morbidities, personalised prediction and decision in prevention, diagnosis or treatment, Evidence Based Active and Healthy Aging with ICT for early cognitive decline or depression detection and intervention

Mobile HealthMobile Health (mHealth) hybrid app development, mobile interfaces, devices and web technologies leveraging and enabling more targeted and personalised exergames that support learning retention at a novice level.

Semantic WebUse of social media and semantic web to promote physical activity and to enable controller data enrichments, suitable ontologies for profile modeling and suitable metadata for enrichment of controller and pilot data with semantic information, semantic web and linked open healthcare data, elderly data analytics

Care giver supportExperiential learning strategies in supporting and empowering care givers, open data research protocols for disease management

Pilot ExperiencePatient adherence to care plans, interventions and treatments and development of (mobile) patient-oriented systems and services to support patient empowerment, non pharmacological new therapies and interventions based on early risk detection and ideas for integrated care, 6231 sessions of piloting cognitive and physical training (blended with exergames and cognitive games), each of them lasting for approximately 60 mins, during the LLM project, pilots on activities of daily living

Internet Of ThingsTransparent cross platform enrichment and communication of data in Mobile Physical Exergaming systems, leveraging web technologies to expose multiple contemporary controller inputs for mobile based gaming, contemporary controller programming for preventive and rehabilitation interventions (control devices include inertial or pressure sensors (e.g. Wii balance board and remote control) as well as camera systems (MS Kinect) or even newer body/mind sensing devices like contemporary mobile EEG systems (e.g. Neurosky, Emotiv).

Datasets-Semantic web and linked open healthcare data, elderly data analytics, 1TB database of Kinect (RGB and Skeleton) in conjunction with Wii Balance Board data (ready to be streamed) of daily living (pilots with elderly) in an ecologically valid lab environment (living lab, e-home), serious games results of 6231 sessions, each of them lasting for approximately 60 mins, during the LLM project

Facilities / Infrastructure� an e-home Living Lab for citizens monitoring of daily living activities� an innovative system on smart rehabilitation & exergaming� 1 Neurosky sensor and 1 Emotiv sensor� 6 mobile wrist wearable units/sensors� 2 wearable physiological sensor systems with wireless connections

� FitForAll: An exergaming Physical Training Platform (http://llmcare.gr/el/service/fitforall)� VideoGRade: a Cognitive Training platform (http://llmcare.gr/el/service/videograde)� Co-marketing of BrainHQ, Cognitive Training from PositScience Inc (http://www.brainhq.com/), (http://llmcare.gr/el/service/brainhq)� CAC Framework: the Group developed and released libraries for .NET and javascript for effortless incorporation in third party developed software

� 2 Smart Tvs and 19 touchscreen units for cognitive & physical training & wii consoles� an in-house-made olfactometer for odour release and smell experiments

database of senior data from the previous 3 year pilots (EEG data, exergame data, demographics, neuropsychological tests etc).

Group Research Projects

The ASOSS-RG is an active participant in a number of international projects in collaboration with several healthcare institutions, Industries and Enterprises, as well as User Groups and Associations. Moreover, it demonstrates strong management capacity having coordinated a large number of EU grants in CIP-PSP, FP7, and INTERREG programmes but also acted as the System Integration Manager in others.LLM : ASOSS has co-ordinated the LLM project (http://www.longlastingmemories.eu/) and recently has progressed in the respective business plan by materialising the Greek Business plan case, thereby offering the LLMcare services as a commercial exploitation in Greece and Cyprus (lllmcare.gr).UNCAP: UNCAP delivers an interoperable platform based on open industrial standards leveraging on existing technologies for biosensing, indoor/outdoor localisation and home-automation. The aimed result is an open source, scalable and privacy-savvy ecosystem compatible with existing Personal Health Record systems, that can deliver novel services that can help aging people (incl. those with cognitive impairments) live independently and with dignity. ASOSS is a trial partner in UNCAP, which is funded by the Horizon 2020 Programme.USEFIL: ASOSS participate in the FP7 funded USEFIL project, which aims to address the gap between technological research advances and the practical needs of elderly people by developing advanced but affordable in-home unobtrusive monitoring and web communication solutions. USEFIL uses low cost "off-the-shelf" technology to develop immediately applicable services that assist the elderly in maintaining their independence and daily activities. ASOSS is the Lead in USEFIL System Integration as well as a core trial clinical partner and technical developer. (https://www.usefil.eu/)DISCOVER: ASOSS actively participates with technical developments and pilot design and deployment of trials for care givers of elderly within the CIP-ICT-PSP DISCOVER project (http://www.discover4carers.eu/).CHILDRENHEALTH: ASOSS co-ordinated a regional/cross-border collaboration project between Greece and FYROM dealing, among other issues, with emphasis on issues of public health and prevention of obesity and cardiovascular diseases at the school age (www.childrenhealth.eu).WHAAM: The project is funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme to support students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and their parents and teachers. ASOSS develops a Mobile Application for monitor ADHD kids and assessing intervention outcomes (www.whaamproject.eu).C4C: The Group collaborates with psychology and secondary school counseling experts for building up affective gaming environments for moderating the bad psychological impacts of crisis in teenager behaviours (connecting4caring.gr). AUTISM: National funding for pilot design of an innovative, avatar based system assisting and facilitating autism education (http://kedip.med.auth.gr/autism/)
