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AT THE BELL !. Introduction. Each day you will have a quote in which you will need to explain your thoughts on. Also attached to some quotes are questions in which you will answer that go along with the quote. Type 1 writing- Type minimum of three lines. QUOTE # 1. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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AT THE BELL!IntroductionEach day you will have a quote in which you will need to explain your thoughts on. Also attached to some quotes are questions in which you will answer that go along with the quote. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.QUOTE # 1Just like a garden that flourishes best under certain conditions, your life operates more smoothly when the emotional climate is well thought out.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.How can you make your life less stressful?QUOTE #2The creation of an emotional climate has more to do with your inner preferences than your external environment. Try to keep unnecessary rushing around to a minimum.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.What in your life do you rush through that you think would be better if done slower?

QUOTE #3Give yourself an extra ten minutes to get yourself and your family to your appointments.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.How can learning to arrive ten minutes early help you in the workplace?QUOTE #4When youre done with one activity, leave a little earlier for the next one. Try to schedule your activities, work, play, and everything else a little further apart. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.In the future, can this help you get your job done more effectively? Explain.QUOTE #5You may indeed be a very busy person, but remember that filling your head with thoughts of how overwhelmed you are only exacerbates the problem by making you feel even more stressed than you already do. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.What are some ways to organize your thoughts so you dont get overwhelmed?QUOTE #6Relationships can be challenging enough without the added burden of keeping past issues alive and vibrant in your mind. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Do you think that you should keep bringing up past issues, not mention them at all or something in between? Explain.QUOTE #7If one of your goals is to be of help to others, you will find the most appropriate ways.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.What is one way that you help others? QUOTE #8Happy people know that regardless of what happened yesterday, last month, years agoor what might happen later today, tomorrow, or next yearnow is the only place where happiness can actually be found and experienced. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.What will you do today that will make you happy?QUOTE #9Children intuitively understand that life is a series of present moments, each meant to be experienced wholly, one right after another, as if each one is important. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Do you live everyday this way? Explain.QUOTE #10Its helpful to realize and admit that, often, the fantasy of something different is a lot better than the reality of something different.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Do you look forward to trying new things or do you like to keep things the way you know them?QUOTE #11Instead of distracting yourself with thoughts of what or would be better, see if you can find a way to make your life youre already in as good as it can be.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.How can you stop yourself from thinking negative thoughts? QUOTE #12Turn up the heat by becoming kinder and more generous. You become less critical, stubborn, and judgmental. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.List 5 things you can do to be a kinder person.

QUOTE #13Appreciate what you have now and youll probably discover that the grass isnt always greener.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.What would you change in your life?QUOTE #14A sense of calm comes over you when you cease needing all the attention directed toward yourself and instead allow others to have the glory.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.When should there be times when you dont want to steal someones thunder?QUOTE #15The next time someone tells you a story or shares an accomplishment with you, notice your tendency to say something about yourself in response. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.What can you do in that situation so you dont interrupt them?QUOTE #16Although all acts of kindness are inherently wonderful, there is something even more magical about doing something thoughtful but mentioning it to no one, ever. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Give three examples.QUOTE #17The next time you do something really nice for someone else, keep it to your self and revel in the abundant joy of giving. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Is that something you would enjoy doing or do you have to tell someone and why?QUOTE #18Your job is to try to determine what the people in your life are trying to teach you. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Who is or was your favorite teacher and why?QUOTE #19Maybe you need to learn about compassionhow hard it would be to have a job that you dont like. Or perhaps you could learn a little more about being patient. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.How would you feel if you had to work at a job you hated for the next 35 years?

QUOTE #20Theres an enormous difference between an occasional venting session where youre letting off steam, versus making venting an integral part of your regular communication. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Explain how you can learn to put yourself in other peoples shoes.QUOTE #21Most of us like to vent, at least once in a while. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Is this wrong? Why or why not?QUOTE #22Remind yourself that its okay that were all a little different.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.What is different about you that you like? QUOTE #23A good percentage of us engage in the negative habit of putting ourselves down and/or being overly self-critical. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.List 10 things you like about yourself.QUOTE #24Avoid the words; I love you, in the workplace. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Why?QUOTE #25It seems many of us want to be sure that people in our lives understand how difficult our lives really are. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Is your life really that difficult?QUOTE #26The act of thinking about and discussing the negative events of the day is tantamount to re-experiencing them. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.How can you make things worse by thinking about them?QUOTE #27When it comes to minor everyday irritations, keep in mind that we all have our own little quirks. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.What drives you crazy about other people and how will you deal with this in the workplace?QUOTE #28Whatever issues you are working on, know that one of the worst things you can do is to berate yourself with self-criticism. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.What do you think of people who put themselves down?QUOTE #29We need to take actual time every day to think about and express gratitude for the important role our homes play in our lives. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.When would be your ideal time to do this and why?QUOTE #30Fill your office with evidence of love-the artwork of children, fresh-cut flowers, beautiful poetry on your wall, or photos of your loved ones. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.What do you think could help you be more productive at work?QUOTE #31Whenever we think more about what we dont have than about what we do have, we create a gap between what we have and want. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.How can you prevent this from happening?

QUOTE #32Keep your attention fully in the present moment and simply make the decision to do the very best you can in every given situation.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Why is this so difficult to do?QUOTE #33Its pleasant, even peaceful, to deal with life when your mind isnt filled up and overwhelmed with thoughts of how you could be doing better. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.How could you prevent yourself from getting overwhelmed at work?QUOTE #34The next time youre feeling a little uptight at work, try to imagine that a stranger is taking notes on your behavior. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Would you be proud of what they say?QUOTE #35Your outer worldyour environment, the noise level relative calm or chaos in your lifeis usually a reflection of your inner world, the degree of peace and equanimity you experience in your mind.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Do you like peace and quiet in your life?

QUOTE #36We are all certain to experience challenges in our lifetimes. The mystery for each of us is which ones will be ours. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Do you think there are others with more problems than you have?QUOTE #37Dealing with our challenges on a daily basis is no different from climbing a mountain one step at a time. You can handle any situation that appears to be an obstacle if you take it one step at a time, keeping your attention here, now. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.List some tips for dealing with difficult situations.

QUOTE #38Dont contemplate the future; dont dwell on the past. During challenging times, we need all our resources available to us, and our thinking gets cloudy and unclear if we wander to past or future concerns. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.What can you do when you start to dwell in the past?

QUOTE #39Remember that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Whatever the challenge, who will be able to face it, one step at a time. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Do you have the power to change the world? How?QUOTE #40When we are filled with kind feelings, we put ourselves in a position to attract kindness. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.What random act of kindness have you done lately?

QUOTE #41You can express kindness with pets, volunteerism, nature, a good cause, even hobbies. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Do you have pets, if so do they calm you?

QUOTE #42Start the day with happiness, live the day with happiness, end the day with happiness.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.How might your attitude towards your day improve your week? QUOTE #43Never, ever take your friend or significant other for granted. Appreciation is something you have 100 percent control over.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Have you ever lost a friend or significant other, because you took them for granted?QUOTE #44In a way, our minds are like the toys that kids love- the ones that have pretend snow when you shake them. As we sit quietly, doing nothing, our minds have a chance to settle- to calm down, rest, and become re-inspired. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.What activities do you do as methods of relaxation?QUOTE #45Most of us are so busy doing things, regretting other things, rushing around and planning for other moments, that it sometimes seems as if we lose sight of the moment we are really in- this one.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.What important moments in your life do you wish you would have spent more time enjoying?QUOTE #46Ask yourself the question, will this matter a year from now. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Do you really think that things that happened in high school will matter years from now? QUOTE #47There are many periods of transition in a long-term friendship.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Can you recall any time in your life that you fought with a friend, because your life choices were leading you in two different directions?QUOTE #48When you make the assumption that a transition is going to take time, it seems to take the urgency, as well as much of the frustration, out of the picture. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.What are some changes you had to get used to when you started working?QUOTE #49Remember that your people cant read your mind. If something is bothering you, its usually best to let people know about it in a respectful way.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.What are the benefits and consequences of sharing your feelings?QUOTE #50Mental health, kind energy, and good habits are contagious. If theres something in your work partner youd like to see change, take stock of yourself first. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.How can you be sure to always have good work habits?QUOTE #51Fighting over stupid things means youre sweating the small stuffbig time. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.What small stuff do you sweat?How can you learn to let things go?QUOTE #52You not only want to be around someone who makes life seem easier and more fun, but you also want to be one of those people at work. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Who do you always want to be aroundwhy?QUOTE #53 We often get so busy that it prevents us from enjoying our lives. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.What consumes your time and prevents you from doing what you like to do?QUOTE #54You can enjoy, have, and even want nice things, and still enjoy a simpler life. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Explain what that means.QUOTE #55Your time and energy are among your most precious and important assets. Its extremely important to make wise and well-thought-out choices about who you spend your time with. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines. Why?QUOTE #56If you choose to keep good company, your life will be easier and far less stressful.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.How can people be stressful in your life? QUOTE #57Repeat to yourself, Life isnt an emergencyType 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Is it? QUOTE #58The first step in becoming a more peaceful person is to have the humility to admit that, in most cases, youre creating your own emergencies. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.How can you learn not to make a big deal out of nothing?QUOTE #59Effective listening is being content to listen to the entire thought of someone rather than waiting impatiently for your chance to respond. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.How can you become a better listener?QUOTE #60Slowing down your response and becoming a better listener aids you in becoming a more peaceful person. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.List 3 listening skills.

QUOTE #61Determining how effective you are as a listener takes a great deal of honesty. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.How could being a better listener in the workplace help you?QUOTE #62Anyone can become a better listener simply by having the genuine desire to do so. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Do you desire to be a better listener?

QUOTE #63Becoming a world-class listener helps by demonstrating on a moment-to-moment basis that you truly care about what he or she has to say. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.What can you do if someone is not listening to what you are saying?QUOTE #64The sooner we accept the inevitable dilemma of not being able to win the approval of everyone we meet, the easier our lives will become.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Does it really bother you when someone doesnt like you? Why?QUOTE #65People are drawn to those with a quiet, inner confidence, people who dont need to make themselves look good, be right all the time, or steal the glory. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.List ways to become more confident.QUOTE #66Have you ever heard someone respond to a blaming statement with a positive response? Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.How does that make you feel?

QUOTE #67Be willing to acknowledge your own contributions to your problems. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.How do you contribute to your own problems?QUOTE #68To be compassionate means you strive to know what its like to be in the shoes of another person.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.How can you put yourself in other peoples shoes? QUOTE #69Compassion is one of the beautiful characteristics that make us human. The more compassion we feel and express, the more human we become. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Do you express compassion for people?QUOTE #70Become more compassionate and try to put yourself in the shoes of your family members.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Have you been better at doing this? QUOTE #71Its important to be compassionate to yourself, to remember that you, too, are human. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Do you have a difficult time admitting when you are wrong?

QUOTE #72Its important to accept all aspects of yourself in order to be easier on yourself and more compassionate. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Have you ever doubted yourself?QUOTE #73Tell yourself, I may not be perfect, but Im okay just the way I am. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Have you ever wished you were someone else? If so who?QUOTE #74When you can learn to keep your perspective and to stay loving toward yourself, even when you prove you are human, youll be on your way to a happier life.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Is there anyone that makes you happier?

QUOTE #75When something doesnt meet our expectations, many of us assume that it must be someone elses fault. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Have you ever been blamed for something and know you didnt do it?Explain.QUOTE #76Its easier to blame someone else rather than look in the mirror and face the fact we are to blame. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Have you ever blamed someone for something you know you did?

QUOTE #77There are three things that are certain in life: death, taxes and change. You cant avoid change, its mandatory, progress, however, is optional.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Do you change for the better or worse? Why? QUOTE #78We aim above the mark to hit the mark.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.What is the one thing that you want to accomplish in life?

QUOTE #79No man is capable of self improvement if he sees no other model than himself.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Do you have a role model? If so, who?QUOTE #80When you get in a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Have you ever had a tough time getting something right?

QUOTE #81Dont follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Are you a leader or a follower? QUOTE #82Dont judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Have you ever judged anyone and they turned out completely different?QUOTE #83If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Have you ever inspired someone to do something different?QUOTE #84Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Have you ever doubted anyone and they ended up doing better then you thought?

QUOTE #85The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Have you ever fallen after being at your highest point in life?QUOTE #86A good general not only sees the way to victory; he also knows when victory is impossible.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Have you ever led your team to victory?Explain.QUOTE #87Our ideas, like orange-plants, spread out in proportion to the size of the box which imprisons the roots. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Have you ever thought of a really good idea and forgot it?QUOTE #88The best rules to form a young man are: to talk little, to hear much, to reflect alone upon what has passed in company, to distrust ones own opinions, and value others that deserve it. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.How can you benefit from talking less and listening more?QUOTE #89Pull the string, and it will follow wherever you wish. Push it, and it will go nowhere at all. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.How do you respond to negative feedback?

QUOTE #90If you settle for nothing less than your best, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish in your lives.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Have you ever thought you were the best at something and it turned out there was someone better?

QUOTE #91Relationships can be challenging enough without the added burden of keeping past issues alive and vibrant in your mind.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Have you ever had old thoughts stuck in your head and forgot about them when someone new came along? QUOTE #92Happy people know that regardless of what happened yesterday, last month, years ago- or what might happen later today, tomorrow, or next year- now is the only place where happiness can actually be found and experienced.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.When was the best moment of your life?

QUOTE #93Children intuitively understand that life is a series of present moments, each meant to be experienced wholly, one right after another, as if each one is important.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.How can you learn to do this?

QUOTE #94Instead of distracting yourself with thoughts of what or who would be better, see if you can find a way to make the relationship youre already in as good as it can be. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Have you ever lost a friend because of someone else that you wanted to be friends with?QUOTE #95Turn up the heat in your friendship by becoming kinder and more generous. You become less critical, stubborn, and judgmental. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Did you ever try to be kinder then someone and know they will always beat you?QUOTE #96Appreciate what you have now and youll probably discover the grass isnt always greener.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Have you ever wanted something and got it and something new came out of it? QUOTE #97With enough time, youre somehow able to put things into perspective and to differentiate between whats truly relevant at the moment.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Have you ever been in one moment and thought about a different moment happening later today, tomorrow, or next week? QUOTE #98Inflexibility creates an enormous amount of inner stress and is often irritating and insensitive to other people. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Have you ever had more than one thing going on in the same day? How did you handle it?QUOTE #99Each time you notice yourself falling into the I wish life were different trap, back off and start over. Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Do you ever wish your life was different, or you wanted to be someone else?Explain.QUOTE #100We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.Have you ever had the most perfect moment in your life?Explain.QUOTE #101Never forget that ordinary life can also be quite extraordinary if you remember to be grateful for what you already have.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.What are you grateful for?Explain.QUOTE #102Its a good idea to let go of your top 3 pet peeves.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines. What are your top 3 pet peeves?QUOTE #103Many of us emphasize the importance of our vacations so much that we forget to enjoy the rest of our lives.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.What do you do, that others, that dont live here would do on vacation?QUOTE #104Its sad, but in many cases the people we love unconditionally the least are the people we love the most. Its difficulty to overlook the idiosyncrasies in the workplace.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.How can we learn to overlook differences in the workplace? QUOTE #105We need to recognize our own tendency to have extremely high expectations for our loved ones; We need to try to love them unconditionally.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.How can we learn to keep home life and work life separate? QUOTE #106There isnt a person alive who doesnt have his or her share of irritating quirks.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.What are quirks irritate you?

QUOTE #107To be human is to have quirks. You can continue to be critical of and bothered by the little quirks, or you can choose to see the innocence and humor in the quirks.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.How do you choose humor?

QUOTE #108When someone asks you how you are, don't emphasize how busy you are. Youre and interesting person with many other qualities besides busyness.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines. QUOTE #109Make a commitment to becoming less bothered, especially by little things.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.

QUOTE #110When you talk behind someones back, it says far less about the person you are discussing than it does about your own character, about your need to be critical.Type 1 writing-Type minimum of three lines.

QUOTE #111Even when the people around you are talking abut others, you can gently refuse to get involved.QUOTE #112When you actually schedule time in your calendar for kindness, there is a natural and effortless overflow into the rest of your life.QUOTE #113Develop your own helping rituals, such as picking up litter or holding a door for and older person.QUOTE #114Every day, tell at least one person something you like, admire, or appreciate about them.QUOTE #115When your thoughts are geared in a positive direction, your feelings are peaceful.QUOTE #116Many people spend a great deal or energy arguing for their own limitations. When we decide that something is beyond our reach, its very difficult to pierce through this self-created barrier. QUOTE #117When you argue for your own limitations, very seldom do you disappoint yourself.QUOTE #118Criticism, like swearing, is actually nothing more than a bad habit. QUOTE #119We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #120We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #121We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #122We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #123We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #124We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #125We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #126We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #127We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #128We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #129We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #130We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #131We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #132We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #133We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #134We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #135We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #136We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #137We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #138We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #139We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #140We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #141We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #142We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #143We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #144We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #145We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #146We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #147We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #148We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #149We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #150We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #151We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #152We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #153We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #154We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #155We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #156We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #157We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #158We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #159We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #160We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #161We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #162We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #163We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #164We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #165We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #166We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #167We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #168We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #169We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #170We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #171We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #172We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #173We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #174We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #175We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #176We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #177We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #178We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #179We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.QUOTE #180We can either complain that life isnt perfect and wait for life to accommodate us with fewer demands, or we put things in perspective and lighten up a little.
