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chroniclingamerica.loc.gov€¦ · AT. V 4 Daily, Tri-"VVee- and "VVeofaly BY JOHN BENJAMIN T. DUO,...

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AT. V 4 Daily, Tri-"VVee- and "VVeofaly BY JOHN BENJAMIN T. DUO, TJaiUr the firm aad style of o whoa ail letter on basin, or oaWwiae, thou'r-b- aldresand. Price of Subscription. 'Busily, (in advance) per aasao....... SltU TrPWeeklv, (In advance) per uhu MX ".YatUv. (to srivaaca) yr aaa.ua 3 3:uly Kates of Advertising. &r feee saaare of ton lines or teas, ae i wrertiec.. 81.0b 3rHckaailtknal lxanrMoa of nine S aljf I S S S S T f ff "i M 4 09 5 00 6 09! 8 08 10 00U3 SO IS out 00 SI 60 75 9 80 li OOi 15 OOllS 75182 S)1 S7 S8 1 c 00 a caw ml IS OOjtC OOfiO 00E6 OQB0 m mm "4 '7 S3 M G9il2 SOiU MS8 SMSG 00B1 25(37 SM 62 SO nop sajiti uojm eopo oap sftp ooj 75 K i IB 58 14 00 17 S21 OOjK OOpS 00l43 7598 S0 87 50 - - i hmic aM gain 80,32 80 40 00)50 00 E3WIM0U "i SO '.e 00 42 50 27 00 jx 00t5 Oefcfi 25187 5tl2 SO i K oom) 0013 oeoo &M6 0030 8975 00tl3S 80 jOm aaaare, renewable wtakly, per snniim, 48. E7 (toe square, renewable twice a week, pr an- - Rr Two scares, renewable weekly, per annum. -- TNti? Two saaares, renewable twice a week, per sn-c- sao. ' CiT AH advertlaaaknts for taa ArfCAL bMsIb bfcSW as at the Clerk' desk. rJT- - Ail transient - ' - matt be jtfilMM baa YITheti not ifcm rlf KtVd m JL ST AA advertlsecients roqeired K e kept on (ec-- fHIt. CHARGED AS NEW XCH HAT, BS! OB third pe aq adTacee over stated rate. AdvenlMaenl directed to be dtapiayed. or set in targe type, charged at DOOBLE Rate. pgS- - Yearly advertteen will be obargod extra for ipaee nrer contrast, and utiitt large type i reaairad M be sed, or tba advortiseBMBt kept on the Isolde of pftper, C" Yearly adrertieers will be sharped extra, at jjMttar rates, for Waau, Kente, Removals, Nolicef , To OonigDea, etc. "Trsruitnl JLdvtrtwenentt mutt he paUfer in advance. rj7Xo adrortteemeat will appear In the Weekly pa par gslew by (pedal oontraet. C AdrertissnentB to be Iseerted in the Weekly paper only, or at irregaler interval in either of the papera, will bo charged &1 per aqaexe for each aid ery townion. JUT AnnoanetBg Candidatee fr State, Coo sty and tanieipal offiaec, S3 eaeh, to be peM in adrasee in every Inctaiiee. jy MaroagMt and Death are paBKAedas new bet UWtnarles, Tribntei of Spot aad Pfcieral Invi-tatio- as all other adTertioeaeenU. All legal and traDtieat adrertiaeatenU wi l be charged by toe ineertioe. BdMriAl Btib6s in local ooinran will be ebarged twenty eeata per Une. XS" ded action or Tariatlon wOl be raaie fraa the foregoing ratM. . XcOLAKAnAK Si DILL. CLEAVES & ITAHY BOOKS, .tost itiscisivicr?. 'IWB hare joft received the foil owing valaoMe .TIILilMR' SOOIIS: GilStam's Manual; Harrier's Taclics, Mobile EJitien; Army Kcgulatioiis; Trooiicr's Ulanual; Cavalry Tactics; . Volunteer's Manual, By Col. W E. EicJiAitDSis ; Volunteer's Kami-Boo- k ; Robert's Hand Book of Artil- lery ; Field Artillery; Out PostOuty ; School of tlic Guides; Ordnance Manual; Heavy Artillery; Cliisolm's Manual of Military Surgery; ' Bayonet Exercise; Cooking By Troops, 5n Cauti and Hospital, with Taking-Foo- and What Food. MAPS of fee CONFEDERATE STATES. For Sale hy CtEAVJSS & VAUEN. M61w MKRIPHIS Soulbwn Sleamboatmen's Association! ! ruaflllNOS bweefter wiH be beM on the firet and ilL d Krab of each mb4u. a. ftdtm : JIUDAY,J)eee&her , , .BitlDAY. Jaaeary 3rd. HHJOAY, January 17. JttUDAY, Jaaaaiy Slat, &, etc By order of the Ai eolation, a J. H- - PRBL10II, Fotfy. FOR SAXE ! AIAJUCHDSK for Taming Wagon 8pokee, Machine for Tarnioe; Ubq 8tooki, or at wnc laebJae for Sawiae oat Waawn Ftl'oei. . a ureond-'naB- Power MortieinC MaeMce. Apply to STREET, HUKGERFORD & JACKSOK, dHH-lr- a Nary Yard. SKOP THE 1VEGKOES U3X) TXIia THIEF ! T ANA WAY from toe aubKribrr, on tba 1st JLlriaitant, TWO NEORO MKN BANDY, 8 XjttS old, about nre fe t eleven inches high dark1 oHMr color, waHc vary erect bet awkwardly: Mfn aw a Motions and iiwch. BKKRY. broihor to r. is aed abont twenty three , rive feet ten -- 1 haohos Wgh, darker complexion ttau Sandy .well fnrmol aad HkeiyT They took with them two light eolored overcoat, a pair of pnttd paot and other ciotbing aad wore on two old rofc ha,fastenedTip at thr side. "Tj believed that aone wnHe man li enticed them off Jiiwhw the prokeef taking them to Lincoln's array, a' yadun,Ji. They satd to oilier negroes they were gainfr ' Ve l'sdneah. Twenty fire dollar each will be paid for their afrebonionf if taken in this Si ate, or fifty dol-- - tenr-tef-e en oot of the Mate and delivered to me oreonnnedeoloaaget iBam, Myaddremis K. VAWWUIAm, v . Bis Iiollom. Mpiflf' r county. Tens. Comxnoir L:nv Court. ' Abk Noil, ) ' ' 'vs. - V Pelitkm for Divorce. . ppearfatg to the clerk of the law side ef the cob-- a Uw.Kdd cbaueerv eonrt o' the Orv of MjianMs. la tuen lon, that defendant, Tbmaas t en, is a non-rea- . oeat n tae sooeja Teanea ee; It to tarn efore ordaeas .by Urn tht pnMtaallea be nwtc for fonr vrrnkg MtC- - rively. in the Mtatahls Daily Appeal, -- cq ifteg Md Thosaxa Neil to appear at or before the M orjad Moaday in February next, 9t being the fir taayafAo PeWa-ar-y toru, 1889, of said eoanj and pleed, rt?Verr or de uer to plaiutiffii peiiUos, or the lame will be taken for eaafessed, and thi cmm et for hean-'- g ex parte. If AUOCflB J. WPInIIT. Cleik, By A. J. WHHXEK. D. C. , JMesaan &. Qallagher, Attamoys for l'laieiltt Tie,-niC- 5i2lA3ATION WANTEDS YfC A?l9fy w'lu ,wo &r three hendred "d "t t or nfteeai 1IA year. Addna bW AYNE &. DKARD, MOSDAY, Jannary Memphis. Ttm. l7vf of Mr. CV. , l y&.ktTulirmy conifer. rIl-t- MilUBtnui B7. ASnLBY D HURT, MA.' WeS9Sw "RIIIJCATIQWAJL. " ".neinmi LADY, whobu had teveral year. A 16S teUnr, diir lie Htnatlon of At U "Pf If. fSe o- - woaM take eharge of u TEACHER, Lock Bot 517, 429 MISCELLANEOUS. DEARING & WETHEEILL, 335 Main Street, Memphis TcnnceHee. JD8T EHOHIYBD Sulphuric Acid, Gold Lear, " Mercury, Garret's Snuff, Concentrated Lye, Cigars, Linseed Oil, Palm Oil, Sewing Machine Oil, Artesian Well Water, Bathing Sponge, Epsom Salts, Sal. Soda ! DEABIM3 WETriERILL, oe37-da- 335- - Main street. BLOCKADE, OR XO BLOCKADE ! JOSEPH SPECHT, CONFECTIONER, MadiHon Street, Ecticeeu .Haiti and Second St., renpeetfolly Inform bis nnmeross friends WOULD that he is still selling at last year's prieas, and will be prepared for Christinas, with a ptenaid asjonmest oi Candies and Cakes, Plain and omamznla'. Also, a la ge assortment of all kindi of Toys, ISoxcs, Dolls, A'nts, RaMas, Orange?, Champagne, Wineo, Liquors, Fire Works and i ire fjruekera, at wnowsaie and retail. Orders from the conn try promptly attended to. Freeh Xinee Ties da ly at Joseph SPECirrs, Madwon street, deeV'm Between Main and Second streets. A STOCK OF DRY GOODS ! "ITOIt SALE, for taab. For full pirticnlars Iniralre cf No. 157 Main street, de3w Memphis. Tenn. KYE ! 300 BUSHELS CHOICE RYE. For sale by 019-1-w R O. f!RAIO. WASTED, Cnn BUSHELS prime White Buckeye Potatoes. JJJ UJJU. O. 1IUUUANAN. dee No. 68 Front Row. GUiVlYIES. SAAA SECONDHAND SINGLE GUNNIES. (JKjyjyJ 5000 second-han- d Double Gnnnies. For sa'e by CIIAS. S. SHARP. Office over Frank Smith & Co., delO Bradley Block. NOTICE ! To QW1NG to the protraction of the W,VXt the nn- dnigaed are left ao alternative than to discontinue their CREDIT SALES. W. B. Miller fc Co de!7-d- 197 Main street 20,000 LARGE AND SMALT, GUNNY BAGS FOR SALE J A LSO, a large quantity of Scrap Brass end Copper J3L Kg UH ana blab zanc t or sale by PniLIP McQUIRE, 164, 166 and 168 Magazine street. 4Mea New Orlean $2000 REWARD. THE above reward will be given for the apprehension delivery to the Jail of Chicot County. Arkansas of R. W. MAGILL, who wantonly murdered Charles T. SaUun, on the 3d Inst, near the reddenee of his father, in ChJeet Connty, Arkoraai Said Magill is about 30 yearr oM, nearly 6 feet feet high, weighs about 130 or 110 pounds, tldn visage, front teeth out, a little latooped, hair bteek with a faiuall lock in front gray, balance so inclining to Be, aaa aair on n race wnen ne Mil, somen Lat mte agent, was in the Mexican war. I wBI pay the above reward as aforesaid for him. W. IX SUTTON, rolO Chicot County. Arkansas', J. V. 8c CO., . VCTIOA'JEEIiS, KEAL lSa?A.TIi: BROIvKKS, AND General Commission Merchants, Comer Second and Madison streets, Memphis T IBRRAL eah advances on consignments In store. jVuetioneer, WW giro his personal attention to &U sales of Merchan dise, of every description j Real Extate, Stock of a'l klnos, etc del&3m GARDEN SEED! r A AAA ASSORTED PAPERS GARDEN O KJ , JJJ SEEDS just received by B, U. CRAIG, deltWaw Feeihimari. UERRflVGS AWO SBIAD 250 WHOLE and Half Barrels. For gale by dell-daw2- TAYLOR & McBWrtN. FOR SALE: AMERICAN MACHINE DEPOT, I Ne. 56 St. Charles Street, New Orleans, i rpim asdereigned has for rale, Iron Steam-Pip- e and A HBng, unecx valves, uiotic valves. Kteam Con neetine Cocks, Stocks and Dies and Taps for Gas Pipe, Pipe Wrenches, Pipe Tongues. Ratchet Drills. Monkev Wrenches, Screw Cutting Stocks and Dies, RiretUng Hammers, engineer's Hammers, 8 Wrenches, Steam and Water Gnages. Whisties, Guage-Cocks- , Air Cocks, Cylinder Cocks. Oil Cans, OH Caps with stop cock, Power Pomp. Hand Pamps, Circular Saws, Mill Saw Piles, Portable and Stationary Steam Engines of all bttee, uonoie t lue isoiiers, Jjaw Mills, Stnngle and Corn Kills. J. RHIBNSKEY. Agent, nol9-3- For S. H. GlLMA.S. 9CT Tg8t 0KCS THEN" FORGET IT. 9 fLOW'S GERMAN SPECIFIC. mvXLY A SKVEE-FAIUS- O CUKE FOB L DYSENTERY & DIARRHEA certainly found at lastnoror known toiau. Titfa remedy is offered as a speeijlc, immediate cure. Wax rOfflTHIIinU an1 CTiri mm. i TTfA here only state brief and rmabk facts, and in- vite you to examine the circular accompanying each box, for full particniars, proof, and home cerHfi&tit. Kedderf when afflicted, will you tlV lUlsl liflf f 11iru, nlaoeunt 'T wa iiirv iJicMnuit ruunfli J Ty SoM by tin? principal . Drnc-frffit- throutrbg . ,1... T.' en t ii at be addreseed either to D. S. LOW, JL s CO., lloprirtore, or to Messrs. & . 1 IT UU LIT- - llniOfffuta X n Qft, Mefflpkis, Tenn. lys-i- y FOR REIVT, TII8 STORE, on the corner of Adams and Main under the Worsham House, and equal to aay stand in the ery Apply to dS0 ijl City patters ropy. J. J. WORSnAM, NOTICE. Memphis and GUarleston XL. ft., MEMPHIS, December 6, 1661 ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, December th, the Mail Train will leave daily at 6:30 A. M. asd arrive at S P. M. This Train makes dose coanec tious at Grand Junction, Corinth, Decatur, Stevenson asd Chattaaonga Tb Grand JaacHon Accommodation Train will run dHy (Sandan zceipted), arriting at 1010 A. M. and leaving at 3-- r. M. W. J. ROSS, dI3 General Superintendent, NOTICE TO PROPERTY 0WNERSV-- ? JV - Jrf ' "JM treat, mm ine cyon to tb V oot rooA,M 'wi toed, aad,1roaies cf-X-J X . In Ue Mi nvi!riaid. A Jnst rMiy "ed ts.saTe by oeZl MORRI80N 4. CO. any White . j'mlejr Seed Oats. FEW sacks just received anijor sale by R. G. CRAU1. Reednnan. akas se23 daw Cor. Becond and Union su . MompbiC THE JHEMPHIS; DAILY APPE AJ--THtT- B.S DA Y, JAJNIJAIIY 'T"i&fo.' MEDICAL. CLAHK & PULLER'S AMBROSIAI, Oil.! CL1IK, GltEGOnV 8 CO. Sole Proprietors Headache, Earache, Toothache, In three CURES Rheumatism, Coughs, Neuralgia, Colds, Ery- sipelas, Bronchitis, Dyspepula, Colic, Cramps, Inflamed Eyes, Chronic Sore Eyes, Sore Throat, Cuts, Bums, Bruises, Sprains, Chapped Hands, Piles, Ulcers, Diar- rhea, Bunions, Corns, Frosted Feet, Deafness, Old Sores, Sore Breaet, Sore Nipples, Scald Head, Ring- worm, Tetter, Snake Bites, Spider Bites, Dog Bites, Rat Bites. The world is challenged for its equal for Scalds and Burns. It cures Scratches on horses, Sore Eyes on horses, Sprains, Swinney, Poll Evil, Fistula, saddle and harness galls, fresh wounds or swellings, and is the best known remedy to apply to tender-foote- horses from founder tako np the feet and bathe well about the frog of the foot. Cures all cutaneous diseases on man or beast. No one medicine can cure In all cases, but we can show rrore real proof of the virtue of Ambrosial Oil in its healing properties, from responsible men, who art above being bought, than can be produced for any other medicine. We do not assert a core for every malady to which the human family are subject, but what we proclaim we can substantiate by living witnetse. The Ambro- sial Oil U a Nashville preparation, and sold throughout the South and Southwest by ill good druggists and general dealers. The South may be justly proud that Dr. Clark, a native Tennesseoan, after much labor and hss produced a reallv Wnrf Tiv Tn,r1taina wMM, Is bound to drive out much of the worthless Imported . .. I. . . i . t n . . , iraaa wiui m lucu tue cuuuuy is uuuabo. Please call at our office, where we will take pleasure In showing letters and testimonials too numerous to set forth in the form of an advertisement, some of which come from physicians in high standing, who are using it la their practice, an Xhey state, with marvelous ef- fects. Wo chHltange the world to produce a remedy so speeuy anu euectuai in lu ueaung properties. PS Rend the evidence of the virtue of Clark Ic Ful ler's Ambrosial Oil, evidence so authentic, and from persons nnosa wora ana standing are Irreproachable. Read and be convinced. CLARK, GREGORY & CO., Proprietorf, Naebviile. Tenn. Sold at the manufacturers' prices by S MsnsfleM 4: Co., Memphis, wholesale agentB for Southwest, and by aii mempnia amircwm is WESTERN REMEDY. Dr. MERWIBI S FEVER & AGUE PILLS. For the Permanent Cure of Fe- ver and lgnc, Chills, Jtcmit-en- t Fever, Jlilious Fever, JO it nib Jlgttc, AND ALL PERIODICAL DISEASES, fTUIAT have their origin In the miasmatic effluvia JL arising from decayed vegetation. These PILLS never fall to cure all of the above named Fevers, and what Is better, they also ACT AS A PREVENTIVE, if taken occasionally or dally, while exposed to the Infection, Hence the old adage, "an ounce of preventive Is worth a pound of cure." Dr. Merwln's "Fever and Ague Pills" differ from all other Chill Medicines in the following particulars : 1. They never fail to perform a speedy and permanent cart. 2. They are recommendod only for one class of dis- eases. 3. They are agreeable and convenient to take. 4. They contain no poisonous minerals, being purely vegetable. 5. They do not Impair the organic functions of the stomach or any part of the system. 6. They require no other medicine to prepare the system lor lueir rocvpuiui, vr uivmaraji 10 auay irrita- tion. 7. Thev are not a northern "calch-Denn- humbui? but are prepared by grntlemen that vere bom, reared and educated under the benign influences of southern Institutions. Remember when yon purchase these Pills, that you are not contributing means for "Yankee Emigrant Aid Societies," or Sharp's rifles and bowie knives, for "bleeding Kansas," as ya many times nave done In buying nonnera articles. We wisn ail to aisticctiy uuuentana teat this is a Southern Medicine, prepared from the simple plants trial grow in our woooianas, on our river nanxs, bayous and lakes. C"p"As a special merit, wo wish to call attention to the fact that in using this Medicine von onlv take a few Pills. Is not this preferable to swallowing a pint of nauseous mixture, which, at best, can only prodace the same reBnu i Price, One Dollar ner Bottle. One dollar and twenty cents, inclosed to the Proprie tors, or to aiiivxi any aeaier in Meoicines in tne Sonth era States, will Insure a bottle of 1111s by return mail POTTER & MERWIN, Proprietors, 65 Jeflerson St.. neartxnt office. And general dealers in all popular patent medicines. fjp-so- ia at aii tne Drug stores in itempnij. sel&dtwawis CARPETS ! TUST in receipt of a Urge amortment of Common, O Super Three Ply Brussels and Velvet Carpets. For s' by 1L M. GROSVENOR, dels-l- AyreV Building, Second street. FOR TECB WAR! s I AM, BY AUTHORITY, RAISING A REGIMENT For the War! It Is to be hoped that the struggle will be short, but whether long or short, it Is now evident that the people of the South have to fight it through, or consent to be- come the obedient s'aves of Northern despotism. I will gladly accept he applicat ons of such compa nies as are willing to uevo'.e tiujuveives to tna raue oi our Confederacy until its Independence Is recrcnlzed. I will furnish good arms and all that the regulations allow. Thote desiring to join the Regiment will address me by letter or telegraph, or apply in person, at this plate. jnu u. liuiiuii, u. a. A., Columbus, Ky., Dec 5th, '61. Aid to Gen. Pillow. de7-3- Nashville Patrio', Memphis Avalanche, West Tennes- see AVhig, Chattanooga Advertber and Knoxrllle Reg ister insert tnree weexs ana cnarge to union tna Amer- ican. LUMBER, LUMBER! TUST received 125.000 feet clear White Pine. one. t) one and a half, two and three inches thick; 50,000 leet uneu wmte ana leilow Pine flooring; yuU.OUU feet Sawed Cedars, for building purposes, posts, etc; a gen eral assortment of Fencing: 400.000 sawed and cut Laths; 500,000 heart Cypress half inch Shingles, and ai,wu ire uneu, in aaoiuou io our aire aay large stock of Lumber, Doors, Ssh, Blinds, etc, which we will sell low lor ca&n. p M. M, COCHRAN &. BROS. SALTPETER! SALTPETER ! T WILL pay forty cents Dor cound. cah. for all JL SALTPETER delivered to me at Memphia, before tne nrst aay oi juiy, ltui w. it HUNT, dell lm Officer. GEjVERAX. ORDER IYo. 38. HEADQUARTERS FIRST DIVISION WEST-- ) ERN DEPARTMENT, COLUMBUS, Ky , December 21st, 18CL ) T IT Is hereby order e-- that hereafter no leaves of L . aosenceto o Ulcers or innongtii to men will be granted by any officer except 'be Major Geceral com manding, and el1 leaves and fnrloi cht not issued from these lieadquarteis are reveked within fifteen days af'erthe date of th's order. IL The commanding officers of divisions and of regiments, battalions and companies, not assigned to any division, are ordered to forward ttheee Head- quarters Immediately, a certified list of ttia officer and men who are absent without leave, end the length of lime tne omcers nave been absent. IT. The Mator General commanding informi the ar my under bin command, that ho will exert alt of his of cciai autnonty to penisn wun tne heveresi penaitier, officers and soldiers who abeent themselves without leave. By command of Mnlor-Qener- POLK. GEO. WILLIAMSON, Major, A. A. General. d97-l- R. G. SMITHES & CO., COTTOJY F.1CTOISS AND Commission Merchants), NO. 27 NATCHEZ ST., NEW OKLEANS no20-2- For Auditor of Public Accounts of the Slate of Mississippi. JAMES FORT, of Holly Springs, Mississippi, Is a to fill the vacarcy occatlonea by the death of CoL Burt. no2rUe 1YOTICE ! or companies organized for the war In CAPTAINS CoDiederate States, will have arms fur nished them by attaching their companies to my Itegi-men- t, now forming at Savannah, Hardin county, Ten nessoe, at which place I can be addressed. J. M. CREWS, no23-l- Colonel Commanding. J. MORGAN & CO.'S eCARRIAGII M ANUFACT O R Y, madetjiird and Wasliiugton Sts. ociS . r - TPftf? PW WOrk "I "Paring at tanl nffimcMnONERS-.KItcck- s, circular woik. jfbraclng two but, A Machine for S4,erlOOkheBii loec. Also, a second-han- Fov. ii '. ,3ng Machine. "'VtREET, HUKGERFORD & JACKEON, deSllin Navy Yard. MISCELLANEOUS. GUNSMITHS WANTED. WANTED, immediately, to work in the Shon. in this rltv. n nm v. mm SMITHS. None but competent workmen need apply, and to all such liberal wages will be paid and a steady situation afforded. Apply to R. STEPHEN.1?. Mui.r Armorut, or WH. R. HUNT, 'V21 Captain of Ordnance. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. LETTERS of administration were granted to me by Court of Shelbv conntv. at tha Ti,. ber term, 1861, of said court, upon tho estate of Wil liam rooiey, aeceaseo. au persons having claims against said estate will present them to me immedi- ately, and persons indebted to it will find their papers in my hands. I desire to settle the business as soon as possible. MRS. LOUISA POOLEY, Administratrix. CSf Since the fire I have taken a store In Blythe'g building, northeast corner of Court Square, where I have removed my stock of goods, which is still very se- lect. Being desirous of closing out the same, all these wishing fine garmeni s ore lntitod to call and exomlno for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. de5-l- WMTED, r) IlIRE, for the next year, a good Cook, Washer Ironer. L. ROCCO, de!5 Confectioner. FOR RENT OR LEASE ! I WISH to rent my present RESIDENCE, In Chickasaw City. It 1. a cood frame house. tS with eight roims, good cistern stable room for fa!!! forty ne&a or dorses, and two and a half acres of ground attached. Any one wishing such a place, a good tenant can rent cheap. dr&Mm W. n. ORIDER. SITIVDRIES. f)r BBLS. Old Apple Brandy, AO 10 bbla. Old Peach Brandy, S-- boxes Macaroni, 5 boxes Vermacelli, 200 bills. Flour, 100 bags Coarse Salt, 50 boxes Fire Crackers, 25 hhds. choice Brown Sugar, 150 bbls. Molasses, choice ; 20 bbls. London Ale, 20 " " Porter, 10 bbls. Crushed Sugar, 10 quarter casks Otard Brandy, 25 baskets Champagne, Ginger Wine, Native Port, Madeira Wine, etc For sale low by de!8-d- FLOURNOY & CRAWFORD. DBS. J. B. & TO WASSON, No. 3SO. D1CNTISTS, No. 32Cv moved their office to the corner of Main and HAVE streets, where they have fitted up and rooms suitable for the accommodation of those who may favor them with their confidence, and having thus located permanently, offer their professional ser- vices in the different branches of Dentistry, promising the public to serve them in the moat skillful and judi- cious manner, and In every reasonable case warrant satisfaction, both as to operations performed and our charges for the same. Further than this we wish to bold out no inducement whatever, to ensnare the pub- lic or draw them to our office, by any exhibition of Dental specimens, or propositions to do "cheap Den- tistry," or "at prices as low, or even lower than the very lowest," or by any other misrepresentation of facts In any way whatever. Neither do we wish any one to mistake onr name (Wasson) for that of another, as tho name is plain, and place of business easily found. Office corner of Union and Main streets, No. 3&). WANTED---NEGROE- S ! TRANSPORTATION OFFICE, ) Quartermaster's Department. MEMPHIS. December 25th. U61. ) THIS DEPARTMENT will pay the highest price for hire of one hundred able bodied NEGROES, to go on board Government steamers as Firemen. N L. LAWRENCE, de26-l- Captain and A. Q M. C S. A wanted: I DESIRE to purchase, for cash, a well IMPROVED PLACE, within three miles of Memphis good mod- ern Improvements fruit trees, with ten acres of land. Good water, roads and neighborhood. Address BOX No. 398, del3-l- Nashville Post Office. WM. GOYER W. G. PRIEST. J. D. MORTON GEO. W. STRODE, J. C. NEELY. GOYER, MORTON & CO., PORK AND BEEF PACKERS, Memphis, Tenr.. "TTE have made extensive arrangements to enf age VV largely in the above business, and will pay the highest cash price for all good IScef Cattle and Hogs, Offered us. We ara also prepared to slaughter Meat for other parties, and will give prompt attention to all business entrusted to our care. Apply on bovd the Eclipse Wharfboat, or at No. 37 Front Row. oc!3-3- REMOVAL ! I HAVE removed my PUMP SHOP from Adams street, (Everson's old stand,) to Avery street, four doors south of Vance street, where I am prepared to fill all orders in my line of business. All repairs done on shortest notice by experienced workmen. I am prepared to furnish Patent Wire Gates ! Thankful for past favors I solicit a continuance, prom islng satisfaction. WM. UNDERWOOD. P S. I have on hand a lot of Chain Pumps. oc26-6- W. II. BOOK BUSTDEIRY BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY AND PAPER WAREHOUSE OP C. F. CUAMBERLIN & CO., (Late of and successors to Culver, Page, Hoyne & Co., XCU Main Street, BXexnphiH, Tennessee. BLANK BOOKS manufactured to order, at short Also, constantly on hand and for sale, Flat Papers, Cards and Card Boards, Blank Books, Station- ery of all kinds, and Blanks of every description, for city and county officers, corporations, bankers and railroad companies, at wholesale and retail, at the low- est prices. Orders from the country shall receive our prompt attention. mvl7-l- v MILITIA GUNS. UNDER the late law, it is required that Guns in the of private Individuals eh ill be delivered to the Colonels of the different Regiments, to be vatned and by them turn d over to such officers as the Gover- nor of the S'ate shall appoint. Under this law Gov. Harris has directed the guns collected In this division to be turned over to me, as Ordnance Officer of the Con- federate States. I receive many letters from the Colonels and agents engaged In purchasing, requesting me to inform them what kind and quality of gnn are suitable. To answer thehe Inquiries would take up much time, and I give herein the kinds of guns lit for use : For reboring and refitting it h necosary that I have a barrel not less than three fourths of on Inch in diame- ter, at the smillext part of the barrel ; and it male- - s no difference whether any part of th" gun Is good except the barrel ; as they arc all rettocked, and new bands, breech-plates- , guards triggers and trigger plates ore used. I woud prefer to have good locks, but this is not Indispensable. Any kind of n donble-barre- l shot gun, unless the barrel Is too much worn, can be made an Single barrel gun?, unions they are of the class known as "duck guns," are useless for army purposes. It would be well for the Colonels who receive tlw arms under the late law, to receive Klfles of every kind except one. viz : A r fie smaller than three-fourt- of an inch d ameter of barre' and besides In bad order. If this gun Is In good order it should be received even If smaller than three-fourth- s of an inch In diameter of bar-re-l. It la earnestly requested of the colonels of regi- ments and agents purchasing, that they gather up all of the bullet monlds and every part of the lock of o gun thil can bS foonl ; tuch as cocks, tumblers, screws, springs, nippers, bands, breech-plates- , guards, triggers, trigger-plates- , wipers and screw driv rs I have a small quantity on band and the various ports can be fitted together and make perfect locks. Rille barrels are smaller about eighteen inches below the mnzzle than they are aorosi the mnrzb of the gun, and should be measured there. Direct all guns to F. W. ROYSTER. Memphis, Tenn., Who is authorized to receipt for them. WM. RICHARDSON HUNT, de!5-l- Ordnance Officer O. K A. SUGAR AND MOLASSES! FIFTY HOGSHEADS and one hundred barrels for by CHARLES S. SHARP, At Frank 8mlth & Co.'s, Bradley Block. FOR RENT, A NICE FRAhE HOUSE, with five rooms, on Hernando readjust ontnlde tho corpo- - rate limits oi tne city. Apply to MR II. E. GARTH. With W. B. Millar fM ie!9-l2- t 137 Main Strret To My Friends and Patrons. I HAVE this day made an arrangement by which 1 will suddIv the DAILY APPHAT. t si ?J , month, postage paid. a. A. WELLS, News Agent, " Mlllpni and Tennem.e R R. FliOUR. 1500$ . Star Mills Plour to arrive : 1500 do. afield Flour to arrive : 3000 sacks tra lour, to i re and In store. MORRISON i CO. loop's! beat IAMB. Georgia Lime In store and t HIUKIUSUN It CU. 1',. prepared to Ute"aBr ior jusihto s raien! a toy, trt fHirw'Htrmkv CDimnevs. H. LEMON, nofi-fi- Corner Lindn ard f!aner s'reets . RYE. - Q4.SSA0K& Prime Rye, far foHAKAii; - T. No. 8d Front Row, ssssggsgg r 'limn mm ,M MISCELLANEOUS. MOUND CITY PERRY! MARK B. CHEEK. mnE MARK R. CnEEK has been re- JL Painted' and the cabin enlarcred. She will run in connection with the Memnhlsi and Little Rock Railroad, and to suit persons who wish to patronize the Mound City Hotel. She leaves Mound City dally (Sundays excepted) at 6:30 and 9 A. M., and at 12:30 and 4 r. M. Leaves Memphis daily (Sundays excepted) at 7 and 10:30 A. M., and at 2 and 5 p. M. The ladles are particularly invited, assuring them the kindest attention. EP All that is received, after paying expense, will be given to aid in carrying on the war. ho2 JAS. F. BARTON k CO. December 15th, 1861. JUST RECEIVED 300 BOXES FIRE CRACKERS AND FOR SALE LOW. ALSO, Sardines, Fresh Ousters, J'uts, JRaisins, IVines, Etc., Together with a large assortment of Plain and Fancy Confectioneries. Call and see for yourselves. Ii. ROCCO, No. 220 Main street, under Odd Fellows" Hall.-an- cor- ner Second and Madison streets, under Masonic Hall, Memphia, Tennesee. dels TENNESSEE MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. ORGANIZED JOS- - IHIJi;. Capital all pnid in 3130,000 Surplus 3C,v:SO JOSEPH VAULX; President. A. W. BCTLZR, Secretary. J. G. LONSDALE, Agent, oc25-l- y No. 2 JeffTson street. SILK AND WOOLEN D YEI3STG HOUSE. TH HUNT, (formerly Matthews & Hnnt,) late of the of the great and celebrated Chemical Dy ers and Scourers, Cook & Matthews, of St Louis, has been induced to open an establishment for carrying on the above business in all its branches. Every descrip tion of gentlemen's Coats, Vests and Pints are dyed, cleansed and restored to their original perfection. He cortainly does remove every spot of grease, paint, wax and tar, together with all other blemishes aud impuri- ties to which such garments are liable, and warrant the spots not to Call and examine his sam- ple of Coat dressing. If he fails to please you, no charge will be made. His office Is on Jefferson street, between Main street and Front Row. ocZVJSm T H. II I 'NT. MADAME VINCENT'S Saloon and Oyster Depot, 98 Front Row, Corner Washington Street, TTAS on hind and is constantly receiving IJL f'ttttSU MUU1LU UlijTUliS. Oysters B applied to families by the bar rel or can. oci-2- MERCHANT TAILORS AND NEW FIRM. R. J. T. FLYNN, Sr., from Charleston, South Carolina, having made Hamulus his permanent abodo, Iiiu a,Titoui4 luuMlf with . Mr. J. C. Iogan, For the purpose of carrying on the MERCHANT TAILORING AND Furnishing Business ! At the old Btand of William Rogrrs, No. 17 Jefferson Street, Memphis, Tennessee. The undersigned would respectfully invite your at- tention to their stock of English and French Goods, Of the best quality and latest styles. They hope to enjoy a share of public patronage, feeling confident that their work and goods will give you entire satisfac- tion, and pledge themselves to deliver all goods prom- ised at the appointed time Also, MILITARY WORK, In all Its branches. Terms cash, at the store, before the goods ore deliv- ered. J. C. LOGAN, ,no3-3- J. T. FLYNN. Sr. NOTICE! LOUISVILLE, KY., November 1, 1S61. WE beg to advise onr friends and correspondents in Conderate States, that our WALTLR O. AN- DERSON has removed his residence, permanently, to Memphis, Tenn., to which point they will please direct all communications. Address as follows : ANDERSON, DUNYIIUE & CO., no21 daw3m Memphis, Tenn. A. 2. LEVT A. E. A. S. LEVY & CO., AUCTIONEERS AND , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, iNO. lOO XIAXN SXRICI5X, Opposite the Clay Building. Prompt attention to all Sales of Real Estate, NEGROES, MERCHANDISE, Furniture and Groceries, In City and Country. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. AccountSalcs promptly Rendered Cash Advanced on Consignments. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST! J. & M. FLAHERTY, TTAv: cn hand a large and elegant assortment! 11 of FUEN ITUEE, PIANOS, CARPETS, OIL ClltPETIJVG, Etc., Etc. At No. 11 Union Street. And Invite the public to call and examln their stock before purchasing elsewhere. oel.1 B. 0. KEESEE & CO., Commission and Forwarding Merchants, Warehouse, 87" JTront Row, Memphis, Tenn. SPECIAL attention paid to sales of FLOUR from 100 to 1000 barrels, different brands, and for sale. R. S. Young, formerly with McCluro .1 Coats, Clarks-vill- Tenn., I engaged in thlshouie. Refsskekces. F. W. Smythe, Hewett, Norton & Co. B. Dufield, New Orleam; J. A. Fisher, Cashier Bank Wennessee, Nashville A. Hamilton, Nashville ; W. P. llmae. Cashier, Clarkavillfc, Tenn.; Meacham it Memphis. nolC-6- 1 NOTICE ! IE ORD1ANCE BUREAU OE THE CONFEDE RATE STATES agrees to receive all Charcoal ColdSlasl Iron, At Nashville, Memphii, Florence, Ala., or Chattanooga, on nr bcfoie the first day of January, lgfil, and pay for It S35 ner crots tun at the r, Int ef dellverr. iron delivered, ai ixainvnie, Florence or Unattsnooga, 111 bo paid for by LlenL M. II. WrtaUt. Nahvtllo. on receipt nf agents, to be by him at thon points. That delivered at Memphis by Mo6r W. R. lent. J. iiUiiiiAS, J,t. Coloae4, Chief of Orduance'Burean. del9-I- . tliichmend. Va. torp: TRANSPORTATION. NOTICE ! Mississippi and Tennessee Railroad! IJ352n Change of Time. OFFICE CHIEF ENG. AND GENX SUP T, MEMPHIS, November Sth, 1661. J ON and after Wednesday, November 13th, im, on this road wiil run as follows : nnrwn sni.Tir Mail train leaves Memphis at 10:10 a. m. arrives at urenadaat 4pm nnivn wimTii Mail train leaves Grenada at 10 a. v. arrives at mempnis at. .7r20 A. M. The Frplerht sntt i u i . ..ii.......... iW. II HI 1HIVB Memphis at 12 o clock, noon, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, arriving at Grenada at 10 o'clock P M., and leaving Grenada at 6 o'clock A. M. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arriving at Memphis at four o'clock r. M. NILES MERIWETHER. oolO Chief Engineer and General Snp't. Avalanche cop)-- . MEMPHIS AND OHIO J&ailx'oixcl. CXLVJSTGIC OP HOURS I New Arrangement! JTtOR ClarksviUe, Bowling Green and Nashville. r"r t v"uu8u w ousuvijw oniy nit een noara. WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS, commencing MON-DA- Novxmh.r lRh lftili Through Express Train, for ClarksviUe, Bowling " "V " connecting at uumbokit with trains on the Mobile and Ohio Railroad for Cdambus tmu bmuuiiji uu turn noae. Leaves Memphis daily at................. 7A f Arrives at Paris at ..Y".Y"""ix P" v Arrives at Nashville at 10 at n, M Leaves Nashville daily at . .8 a. M Arrives at Paris at , 4:30 Arrives at Memphis at "!"lUTBpI m! Accommodation Train Leaves Memphis daily, Sundays excepted, at 4P M Arrives at Humboldt at ........ . r. M. f TT V -- T !. I r. Y"'" "uuiuuwik nuuy, onnaays excepted, at ft 10 a. m Arrivpri Rt M.mnliLi of ,, . ' ...........ii a. si. Mall Trains will stop at all regular stations, aad at I"y TttfffrftfMk lhfrn. ttiMs.U TVtJ . 1 or threwga Vcketi, or furtW iaformatlon, apply to At the Ticket Office. No. 14 Jefferson street, or at the WJVt, MAO A.a JT 1AIU. THOMAS DODAMEAD. General Kuoerinternlert. Winter Arrangeuuint. MEMPHIS ASD LITTLE BOCK RAILROAD. ON and after MONDAY, OCTOBERS?, 1861, the Freight rnd Passenger Train will leave Mem- phis at 7 o'clock A JL, per Cheek's ferry, and arrive at jhwwu m x r. m., Hsu ar- rive at Memphis at 5 r. M.. making close eosnectiora . . aarit n o II tt u S n f TV t i.T It ' "s " xjouger, itapiey at yo., ana with the line of semi weekly stages of the Overland Mall Company, for Taylor's Crat, Fort Smith, uuniers, Benton, Clarendon, Roekport, Aberdeen, Hot Springe, Brownsville, Washington, Atlanta, Arkadelphla, Hickory Plains, Brownstown, Searcy, Camden, Arfc.na.. Batesviile, Boston, Little Rock, Milkreek, Dardanelle, CtaFknvlllA Tatbi V.n l!nnn . San Fraaeijco, Cxlifornlv Ttma In T.ltlta ...... T7.V OA1. - n II ..'II.., nuuuulh Tickets can be obtained at the Hopefleld office. oc29 D. n. FEGER. Snprintnif!Tit MEMPHIS AND OHIO For ClarksviUe, Nashville, Louis ville, Union City, Coliimbns and Hickman. Mail and Passsrigcr Train Leaves Memphis daily at 3.40 P. M. Memphis Ttma. "I ONNECTING at Hnmboldt with triJrv. nn ih Tn. J bile and Ohio Railroad for Union City and Colara- - una, iiiiii hi mc&enzie satation witn trains os the Nasa ville and North-wester- n lia'lroaa for Hick mas, and at tho Tennessee river with trains for Ctarksville, Nash- ville, Louisville, etc. etc. This is the shortest and quickest route to Nashville, Louisville, etc No negroes a lowed on the trains without a special permit, signed by the owner, blanks for which may be obtained by application to the ticket office of the com pany. For further Information and for tickets apply to L. S. KNOWLTON. Agent, 14 Jefferson street, opposite th Commercial hotel, or at the Denot of the company, to C, P. Oakley, General Ticket Agent. THOS. DODAMEAD, e!3 General Superintendent. MOBILE AND GREAT NORTHERN JDitily Trains bclicccn JTIobile, Montgomery and Pensacola. ON and after FRIDAY, lath Inst, the aad NORTIIIuRN RAILROAD will be open- ed to Passengers and Freight. Passengers over this route will make ose connec- tion with train on the Alabama and Florida Rail- road for Montgomery, Pensacola, and all points east as far as Richmond and Norfolk, and west from Chnttaneo-g-a to Nashville. Passengers will leave Ilobil daily at 3 in the evening, on the Company's steamer, for the Railroad wharf en the Terms liver, and arrive at Pessaeela at L30 A. M and Montgomery at 5 A. M. Returning, the steamer will arrive at MobSe at 6 A. M. CsP" The public will find this a cheap, comfortable and expeditious route, with new cars and equipment. I G. JOhDAN, n"90-i-n Chief Katrine' r aad HaperHteadent. MEMPHIS STEAM BAKERY. E. G. DAVIDSON & CO. MANUFACTURERS of Crackers of att kinds. Ahx etc., Second street, between Adams and Jefferson. We have connected with the above Dullness, Confec tlonaries and Cakes of all kinds, at wholesale or retail Will furnise families or parties and weddings at short notice and at reduced prie. To the Creditors of the Estate of PETE It S. ?IOOKE, DEC'D. TTAV1NO suggested the insolvency of said estate. Io JL the county court of Shelby county. Tennewee, aH creditor of said esta'e are horeby noti'od to file lbetr claim", uaiy autnenticatea. wun tne uierK or said oonrt, on or befora the first day of July. A. D. 1862L for pro ram uuinuniion. i . a. tiiuu, Aaministrator. Raleigh. December 10, 16L dei5-w4- ESTRAYS SHELBY COUNTY. TAKEN up by James Roark, cn v. me sitn nay oi uetooer. 18i.l, an IKON GRAY ilORSK. JfUST rive yeatx old, fifie-- nnil a halrJLlZi. bands'hlgn, shod all round, two white roots under the saddle aud on each side of the back ; Borne small daik spots nn the lift sidi- - and valud at one hundred dollars. Said KoarK lives lu tee roartn mm U's rtc'. Taken nn by M. A. Kubn. on the 6th day of Novem ber. A. D.. 18G1. a brown MARE MULE, seven vears old. fourteen bands b'gb, white or gray spot on ber neck, and valued at seventy-nv- e dollars, bald Knhn lives In the Fourteenth Civil District Taken np by L. M. IlaHatray, oa the liKh day of No- vember, A. D., Ie61 au iron gray PONY, nine years old, fourteen nsui'i-- i mgn, uranaea oa it-- snoulder with fimre 8 and vaiuen at tairiy-nv- e Uoiurs. Said Halla wav roiid's five miles wH af ItHleteh. on New Point road, in tne aixin uivu jLiajsnei, ii. a. Fire, Raleigh, Df cember 2, 18(51. Ranger. d14-w3- NOTICE. TN obedjenee to an act of the Geceral Assembly of s ilo oiaie oi xennesxse, i nui. on inu.NUAr. tne 13th day of January, 1862, sell to U highest bidder for coin, at tne Loan tionse door in ttu tqwn of (Jovlcg ton. Ttttoa county, Tennene. a NEGliO MAN. named George, about ihirty-tw- o years old. Said slave will be id as n runaway, oat of the county Jail, to piy ex snses, as tne law uirecw. DAVID C. SLAUGHTER, Sheriff, de!5-w4- Tipton county, Tenn. SUNDRIES. C1 CASKS London Ale, J 20 casks London Porter, 100,000 Cigars, assorted; 25 barrels Old Apple Brandy, 5 barrels Old Path Brandy, 30 eighth casks Cognac Brand; 20 quarter casks " 'J. I pipe OM Cognac Brsndyflpipe Holland ain, 23 baskets Piper Ueidsiek Chsmpagne, 25 baskets Imitation " " S barrels No. 3 Mackerel 100 barrels Louisville Oement, 50 boxes TelegraphJIatebos, 2 esses Nutmegs, 10 bags Black Pepper, SO K. Ginger, 100 bags Extra Flmr.W boxes Smoking Tobacco. Ul liarrfth nnr. ltmirhAn WM.k. , se3 FLOURNOY & CRAWFORffi MISCELLANEOUS. W. B- - MHiLHR SMiKtE DASHIBLL. JOHN H. TAYLOB.j. tV. F, TAYLOR. 197 i?5AIN-T.- ? QFF2H A NEW STOcfc Brussels Carpets, Biack Merino ShSr,, Curtain Damasks, " Curtain Trimmings, Furniture Reps, Piano Covers, Tabic Covers! dedt-da- FALL AND WINTER ARRANGEMENT FOR 1861 AND IS62 ! Memphis and New Orleans PACKET LINE! TnE BplendW boats ef this new line will tr3 Mensphis for New Orleans on L?Si3 TUB5DAYS, THURSDAYS and SATUR fiSaS DAYS. TUKSUAY'S I Ronublic CanL --T. Tl. r:lT-l- r Pnnco of "Vale Capt. X.oe. THTJKSDAY'S PACKETS ! John Simonds Capt. J. TP. liiclcis. xi,awara j. jny...ijapu vm. vvrny. SATTJIU)AY'S PACIOiTS ! Mary TG. Tvoone XCIcbartLson. Win. M. MorriBon... T. U. Ncwoll. These boats connect at Memphis with the railroads from that point on their respective dayi. Leave Meat pins Immediately on the arrival ef the MMnnhfi Asd Charleston and Memphis aad Ohio railroad trains. Pas sengers can arrange ioeir arrival so as to avoid delay at Memphis longer nan business or pleasure may require. x or ircigui or passage apply on ooaro, or to agents. No. 8 Madison street THOS. IL WILLIAMS & CO., No. 3 Howard's Row. Memphia. JOHN E. HIDE & CO., Office under St Charles Hotel, seia. New Orleans. P. A. BERTHOLD JflLIUS H, SMITH, MACKLOX THOMPSON. BERTHOLD, SMITH' & CO., Rectifiers and Distillers, ST. liOTJIS, Mo. PROPRIETORS OF JULIUS II. SMITH'S CepperDMIHed WHISKY, celebrated Magnolia " Julias IL Smith's Extra Ooacer Distilled WMskv. ' " " OW Reserve Wrnsky, Macklox Thompson's Extra and other brands. oeS-8- m DISSOLUTION. TnE firm of WILLIAMS, ROSS &. CO. la thai day by mutual eoasent. Joseph 8. WHliaau assumes all liabilities of the firm aad charged wtth the settlement of its boeiaes. He will raatlrmr the business as heretofore In his own name. JOSEPH R. WILLIAMS, K. M. BOSS ' Memphis, October 8th, 1861. eelf-I- Joseph sTTfilliams, (Successor to "William, Rosa CoV COTTO.'Y F.1CTOIZ i AND CO.V.TUSSIOJy .IIERCHJIX"!, JlempUis, Tonneiwee. ttcl0-Sm NEW SOUTHERN STYLES ! I?IIS M. PERDUE, af26 Main Street, now prepared to preeent to the ladies otnA Memphis asd vicinity the Southern Btyles.uS'j gotten np expressly for Son&ern wsr We noSilsS longer will (or can) depend uon New York for onr styles and fashions, which never did salt oar eHstttte or onr people. We will have oar opeqiog of FJ1Z.E JUIJLjLIJV-ISJIY'- , On Saturday, October 5th. We a--k yon, Kliee, oae and all, to call and examine onr good, and then iasM. far yourselves if Memphis has not oatdcaa anythlag New York could ever present to the Sooth. o SOUTHERN HOTEL ! Formerly the Wliitenere House. THE nndersigaed, having teased the above has opened a boute ef entertain- ment for the traveflne public The house has been thorouaMy repaired aad renmrated. from, bottom to taa. aad partly aewty ranakbed. The ur vanta will be prompt aad attativa,and the propriaror hopes (by atriet atteatioa to be wants of his guests,) to merit a liberal share of patronage. THIS SOUTHKRX HOTEL Is situated on Adam street, between Third and Foarth, convenient to the Memphis and Chartestea Railroad Depot, to the baamess part of the city, aad is in the sama square witn tae ranuaice aad Tfteawr, oelO-dl- y . JOM. WILLIS. Proprietor. SAG FIsOUR, CfRAIN, And all ilnds r Sacks Forale at tho Manu&etHr-er'- s Prices. Orders for from Ono to 5 COO Sacks filled at one day'B notice- - Mills opplie 1 with noks. printed in any style they may orders URM, PiETSB 4 mr, S Traat Bow, ( batarr, aVosUi, Tna. RESIDENT PHYSICIAN, Axid. tho Most Soccasitfal GANGES OPSHATOR IK" THE WORLD I Eight Year in Memphis. INFORMS the pabBe la general that he i prepared diseasts, but especially tbos waieh afe pronounced iaearable, and called chroafe. His treatment or Cancers is wit bout an rival, b eanse they will be expelled from the system, with all weir roots ana libers, only Dy constiintKmai trauauat withont cans lies aad wttaoot the knife. ; lie also treats wii h sBoeess, ascordiag ta the moti Improved seisace of ntedidae in Europe, Rheamatima, Neuralgia, Gout, Ophthalmia, Fhrtala in Ana, Serofn'o, Syphilhi, Dyspepsia, Chronic Dysentery Torpid Liver Gravel, Fits, Tapeworm, Piles, Dropsy, Dtsaasas-e- f the Skin, Bronchitis, Coaframption, all dawases of the liy and Bar, and gives particular attention to aft lb male complaints, particularly those of the womb. Negroes who-- are afiiKted with aay ef the above dis- eases wUI be eared, aad can find good board and ac- commodations while under treatment at the Doctor!! Infirmary. The Qoetsr ealht attention ef pattest atarHjionee, that if they are nai prepared to consult taa Oostar per- son ally, by writing to him, with an axast jMeoost of all the symptoms of the disease, medicia will k. re warded byAdams express. OfBee In LenoWs BalraiB. Uaiaa Mri v tween Mala and Second, fourth door east ef Main. Infirmary on Union street, east of the Bavou. at Fir Spiegel's private residence. Tir f Hnl.M,l , linn In Ma . IMrf , " i j a praCUCA. as. peetally on chronic diseases, eared them with than. , . mmmi lu. In ki. , - saad plaats, herbs, barks, etc., which be can re7 to care diseases whs h fcre by the xoasl 1 tHioners proaonnl laeurable. vrae He also make, it bis esneeial vale dweases with the ntmost saoeaas, ia a sfertttoaa ne matter of how long standing, nor of what satar. All Dr. Salegal asks from tba xRIImi i. . - . when all tba reference he will give will ba a spsedy Tbousands of testiiaosJals, from tk raast niku. soareo, may be seen ai la Doctor's aSec. ivftDn. SUART OCT) HHDS. prtoa16gp landing pw O-- i Child, aad farL by ' ' qho. a wHOHAwax dell Teat Row. nSCELLAiEOUS. A S WH CAN NEITHER COLLECT MONHT BOS TTS nnr Kmv mvsfa nn Ihrt nm - " 4V A otoje er Atom. Oar frieuda mil reatfy rtiio4Tar Exclusively for Cash I Tiw Gray aad Bioe Military datha; Military Caps, fiae Cavalry BooB, ArasfSBaest Free Scarlet aad Oram MHMary Sasheaj Saperaae Liaea Sairtiag- - Chasts; Gray Tweeds, Jeans, Satinets aad i; Stae and Gray Arsay Blanket; Btee and Brews. Hamonpaa Jsass; HOMBSl'UN SOCKS, STOCKIKOS AX) LRESETS OssaVarta, DaLaioes, Snhislag Wheriis, Teat Dneks, Meriooes, .VnaAsg Reels, Brown DrilHags, Popiraa, Waal iUOn, Kentucky Twflbi, Swteh Plaids, Wel Oush, " Iiiaseys, DeBeges, CfeekRaeai, Gaorgia " Alpaeew, fjattos Yaras, " Kerseys, Plaid Flannels, OMtaa CareV, RrewaJaaas, " Iissayc, Oarpet Waxas; Plaat DeaMetic, Fiae Ftanneb, Coats' Saeob, Striped rise Domestics, Saaairiax, Brogaas, White Goods, SewiaffSBks, KeaTe Blankets, Shawls, B4 KaK OHen, MatUnm.es, OahcoM, HWnahei aa4 Paitban, Fnk Calicoes, Brows Oastan. PBlawa, Uaa Hdktx, Kasttaag MeAa, Cmaibrts, k - Sgfg - TtakBM, Waai Bats, ShtrtiBgii. uataaw, raats oatas. Cheek Shlrlicgs, WMM Sheetlogs, Ptea faM, Striped GuBeo " Hoop hrV, StalrOlaak, CARPETS! Vr have vr ok hwl a iarite stBok f m av aad otBer aaaaoaabie goods. 'artaeraapM arsMaav W wW take Confederate Boad, Truw.y Jshs Missisaipai Noses, Arlcau War Saada, rawiar. Waal. Wheat, Cora, R- -, lllaea. Dried Fnrrta, Pea. seas. Jeaas, Lixweys, BotWr. Bcaa, etc, at awskat TaPjM, ka psyawat of aoeoants or for goaaa. CASH paid for WOOL washed or ha the oart. bo5 TAYLOR fc HBWI. FASSMANN'S IRON TIE ! NOTICE. H 'AVTNG received infonoatias that eartaki aartlea are rargauy maaaraetaixag aw semag FdtSSJtLlJiWS JliO.V TIE: Far fastening iron o eottoa. bales, I aaroby aatgy a.1 persons interested that caveat for the fauna Man t f ny Iroa Ties hr beea doty filed la tae Pataat OSas. aud that now of r Ties can be maaaraatared or seW witkaatary psratisstoa, aad ore only far sale atay as. Ublishsaeat in Sew Orlaaag. AH parsoas iiifriagtng y rights wiH be arese salad ta tae fullest extent of the law. ravMawiy H. FAfWMANN. For Tax Collector. are authorised to aaaaoBee MA AO B. ftfOL. CHR ai a eaBdidal for Oooatv Tax Calls tier, at the ensainr Marea nnMsta For County Trustee. T7K are aatberixed to announce OapC WM. KULT t r as a candidate for County Trustee, at the eaaateg March eleetioa. aeiVse GALBREATH & PUTNAM, i Commission .u'irchants, No. J2T I3"atclio2 St., New Oriea&s,iI!ia. DBNCAN G ALBREATn, HMMBT PUTNAM, Lots ef MempUx. New Orieaim. aa BLUFF CM INSLWCB GDSPAiW, OE MEMPHIS. Capital, ---- --- $20,0s DIRECTORSt J- - D. WILLIAMS, JL LAIRD, S. M. GATES, a O. OLBAVBaV J. 24. Mc COMBS, ' I 3. W. OROOXHB. a S. fMkkbr. J. D. WILLIAMS PreaMeslS W. S. MACRAE Sseretaryl IN6URB FIRE RISKS aa haases and awrehancHse, and Rtvr risks ae oargous. Losses eqaitably adyarted aad nrsaiaUy paid. OfFlCB No. 4T3 Mats fintt. rlTO.er ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND XHH-LA- Ra of losses paid kt the etty af MsaMs hi lest tbaa tare years. IjiiM m Coiiniioii Law Court. Malieda CaHasas, ) vs. SretiUoBforDMrte. Richard CaHahas. S ITai2ariaKtAtB!era'riBHMaKrtae hvr sMa Mm My of MsBtpbis, ia vamtiua. that defniiaxat, SWaattl SaC lahas, is a aa-rida- t of the Staax if Tnaau..- - it b taere'ore erdred thai pabtk attaw ae satao far 4wk ieerfv-(- y, In tb MesspMa My AaaeM. waalilng-sai- defendant to appear at ar Mora taa mm Mas-d- ay fa. Fabraary next, ls, asyl alaad, ww ar de-B- xar to pfcunlift. petition, oraV auae iifaa takaa M CMfeMed aad the Haasn for Kenriu as aai as. MARCUS J. WHmafc Oask. B, A. J. WMMUM.B.O. VoUeatiae Sc. Lee, Attorneys for rl i iaaV de 4w-$t- f Attaclimciit iYoilop.. A rTACU.KNTaeforaJ. A. T.fiajlJ tau X3L P us, ia aad for Tipton sonaty. Edward Skales, vs. J David Eraaai I. ) la tVs above stated ea'e sftsihanat 1 ml and lerled ta ae ennb. af tke th. afSdava ctUmr --,, nl.i tZTLTEXi, I I reawved UaMK ffo--a ifafai whi, sad w. ""f 'B K'-- e 1 la lis-- a), saldMsMi- - the atl day of Janaary. IMS, tad deftad W atalek-aea- t, artbe maybe proteedad wjtk -- x aarte. a'w J HN STttKKK, J. ft. ROUAI COFFEE. 100. BOXES one poaad naaara Caffiw faini. ' anieie. Tik sale by CFIAR S. &BAKI-- , Ovr Fraak SssMh Osw, Braver BWk. HERNANDO , , INSURANCE COMjPANY. JUcanphis Tennessee. VFFICB senth sids af J two J from tea Planters' Hank. Capital $ICO,00. DIRECTORS : W. B. Rats, H. B. WilHnmsaa, S. If. Dtsueesh, C. 8. X. OtntSCOXB, Prw't pre A. P. Dwr-a- r; Seay. e Th s "Hsaw Oauur" will eisafnna la - agatasst tba laad daasage try Pin aad tfce Man of the rivers, at ties eavraat rats of fiaiisl Tjf J J Promptly aaatod aad , asa, A. PBWfmV finer eSory. CARRIAGE MfS .1 W U.lUK,T-m- Moi-misois- r & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS Ana DerUoix in FJLOUIt, GIi.ir.V tf.vjo FEEJDr No. C Howard'H IXrjw. MeturMn,fcrxoan. f lilSXY. 25 bbls. MfcHWnri WaAy, para VV jast received aad lr sale. rte, MORRISON Sc. OO. CEMENT. SC bblst Looiirvule MORRI5TobT - HAY, CORN. OATB AND BRAN, tefetsiar at the lwatainis. acI3-l-y MORRMtef c0. iYOTiCR iWVI9TH,r. KHBTxiany i i Maui.uia.rr ' ressaeyee psnMSec'W . ocSCkdawssi Mempbl-.Tba- r 4 1
Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.gov€¦ · AT. V 4 Daily, Tri-"VVee- and "VVeofaly BY JOHN BENJAMIN T. DUO, TJaiUr the firm aad style of o whoa ail letter on basin, or oaWwiae, thou'r-b-aldresand.




Daily, Tri-"VVee- and "VVeofalyBY

JOHN BENJAMIN T. DUO,TJaiUr the firm aad style of

o whoa ail letter on basin, or oaWwiae, thou'r-b-


Price of Subscription.'Busily, (in advance) per aasao....... SltUTrPWeeklv, (In advance) per uhu MX

".YatUv. (to srivaaca) yr aaa.ua 3

3:uly Kates of Advertising.&r feee saaare of ton lines or teas, ae iwrertiec.. 81.0b3rHckaailtknal lxanrMoa of nine S

aljf I


S T f f f"i M 4 09 5 00 6 09! 8 08 10 00U3 SO IS out 00

SI 6 0 7 5 9 80 li OOi 15 OOllS 75182 S)1 S7 S8

1 c 00 a caw ml IS OOjtC OOfiO 00E6 OQB0 m m m"4 '7 S3 M G9il2 SOiU MS8 SMSG 00B1 25(37 SM 62 SO

nop sajiti uojm eopo oap sftp ooj 75 K

i IB 58 14 00 17 S21 OOjK OOpS 00l43 7598 S0 87 50- -i hmic aM gain 80,32 80 40 00)50 00 E3WIM0U

"i SO '.e 00 42 50 27 00 jx 00t5 Oefcfi 25187 5tl2 SO

i K oom) 0013 oeoo &M6 0030 8975 00tl3S 80

jOm aaaare, renewable wtakly, per snniim,48.E7 (toe square, renewable twice a week, pr an- -

Rr Two scares, renewable weekly, per annum.

--TNti? Two saaares, renewable twice a week, per sn-c-

sao.' CiT AH advertlaaaknts for taa ArfCAL bMsIb

bfcSW as at the Clerk' desk.rJT-- Ail transient - ' - matt be jtfilMM

baa YITheti not ifcm rlf KtVd mJL

ST AA advertlsecients roqeired K e kept on (ec--

fHIt. CHARGED AS NEW XCH HAT, BS! OB thirdpe aq adTacee over stated rate.

AdvenlMaenl directed to be dtapiayed. or setin targe type, charged at DOOBLE Rate.

pgS-- Yearly advertteen will be obargod extra foripaee nrer contrast, and utiitt large type i

reaairad M be sed, or tba advortiseBMBt kept on theIsolde ofpftper,

C" Yearly adrertieers will be sharped extra, atjjMttar rates, for Waau, Kente, Removals,

Nolicef , To OonigDea, etc."Trsruitnl JLdvtrtwenentt mutt he paUfer in

advance.rj7Xo adrortteemeat will appear In the Weekly pa

par gslew by (pedal oontraet.C AdrertissnentB to be Iseerted in the Weekly

paper only, or at irregaler interval in either of thepapera, will bo charged &1 per aqaexe for each aid

ery townion.JUT AnnoanetBg Candidatee fr State, Coo sty and

tanieipal offiaec, S3 eaeh, to be peM in adrasee inevery Inctaiiee.

jy MaroagMt and Death are paBKAedas newbet UWtnarles, Tribntei of Spot aad Pfcieral Invi-tatio-

as all other adTertioeaeenU.All legal and traDtieat adrertiaeatenU wi l be

charged by toe ineertioe.BdMriAl Btib6s in local ooinran will be ebarged

twenty eeata per Une.XS" ded action or Tariatlon wOl be raaie fraa

the foregoing ratM.. XcOLAKAnAK Si DILL.


ITAHY BOOKS,.tost itiscisivicr?.

'IWB hare joft received the foilowing valaoMe

.TIILilMR' SOOIIS:GilStam's Manual;Harrier's Taclics, Mobile EJitien;Army Kcgulatioiis;Trooiicr's Ulanual;Cavalry Tactics;

. Volunteer's Manual, By Col. W E.EicJiAitDSis ;

Volunteer's Kami-Boo- k ;Robert's Hand Book of Artil-

lery ;Field Artillery;Out PostOuty ;School of tlic Guides;Ordnance Manual;Heavy Artillery;Cliisolm's Manual of Military

Surgery; '

Bayonet Exercise;Cooking By Troops, 5n Cauti

and Hospital, with Taking-Foo-


For Sale hyCtEAVJSS & VAUEN.


MKRIPHISSoulbwn Sleamboatmen's Association!

! ruaflllNOS bweefter wiH be beM on the firet andilL d Krab of each mb4u. a. ftdtm :

JIUDAY,J)eee&her, , .BitlDAY. Jaaeary 3rd.

HHJOAY, January 17.JttUDAY, Jaaaaiy Slat, &, etc

By order of the Ai eolation,a J. H- - PRBL10II, Fotfy.


AIAJUCHDSK for Taming Wagon 8pokee,Machine for Tarnioe; Ubq 8tooki, or

at wnclaebJae for Sawiae oat Waawn Ftl'oei.

. a ureond-'naB- Power MortieinC MaeMce.Apply to



T ANA WAY from toe aubKribrr, on tba 1stJLlriaitant, TWO NEORO MKN BANDY, 8XjttS old, about nre fe t eleven inches high dark1oHMr color, waHc vary erect bet awkwardly:Mfn aw a Motions and iiwch. BKKRY. broihor to

r. is aed abont twenty three , rive feet ten

-- 1

haohos Wgh, darker complexion ttau Sandy .well fnrmolaad HkeiyT They took with them two light eoloredovercoat, a pair of pnttd paot and other ciotbingaad wore on two old rofc ha,fastenedTip at thr side.

"Tj believed that aone wnHe man li enticed them offJiiwhw the prokeef taking them to Lincoln's array, a'

yadun,Ji. They satd to oilier negroes they were gainfr' Ve l'sdneah. Twenty fire dollar each will be paid for

their afrebonionf if taken in this Si ate, or fifty dol-- -

tenr-tef-e en oot of the Mate and delivered to meoreonnnedeoloaaget iBam, Myaddremis

K. VAWWUIAm,v . Bis Iiollom.Mpiflf' r county. Tens.

Comxnoir L:nv Court.' Abk Noil, )' ' 'vs. - V Pelitkm for Divorce.

.ppearfatg to the clerk of the law side ef the cob-- a

Uw.Kdd cbaueerv eonrt o' the Orv ofMjianMs.la tuen lon, that defendant, Tbmaas t en, is a non-rea-

. oeat n tae sooeja Teanea ee; It to tarn efore ordaeas.by Urn tht pnMtaallea be nwtc for fonr vrrnkg MtC- -rively. in the Mtatahls Daily Appeal, --cq ifteg MdThosaxa Neil to appear at or before the M orjad Moadayin February next, 9t being the fir taayafAo PeWa-ar-y

toru, 1889, of said eoanj and pleed, rt?Verr or deuer to plaiutiffii peiiUos, or the lame will be taken foreaafessed, and thi cmm et for hean-'- g ex parte.

If AUOCflB J. WPInIIT. Cleik,By A. J. WHHXEK. D. C.

, JMesaan &. Qallagher, Attamoys for l'laieiltt


5i2lA3ATION WANTEDSYfC A?l9fy w'lu ,wo &r three hendred

"d "t t or nfteeai 1IAyear. Addna

bW AYNE &. DKARD,MOSDAY, Jannary Memphis. Ttm.l7vf of Mr. CV., l

y&.ktTulirmy conifer.

rIl-t- MilUBtnuiB7. ASnLBY D HURT, MA.'


"RIIIJCATIQWAJL." ".neinmi LADY, whobu had teveral year.A 16S teUnr, diir lie Htnatlon of At U

"Pf If. fSe o- - woaM take eharge of u

TEACHER,Lock Bot 517,



DEARING & WETHEEILL,335 Main Street,

Memphis TcnnceHee.


Sulphuric Acid,Gold Lear,

" Mercury,Garret's Snuff,Concentrated Lye,Cigars,Linseed Oil,

Palm Oil,

Sewing Machine Oil,

Artesian Well Water,Bathing Sponge,Epsom Salts,Sal. Soda !

DEABIM3 WETriERILL,oe37-da- 335- - Main street.



MadiHon Street,Ecticeeu .Haiti and Second St.,

renpeetfolly Inform bis nnmeross friendsWOULD that he is still selling at last year'sprieas, and will be prepared for Christinas, with aptenaid asjonmest oi

Candies and Cakes,Plain and omamznla'. Also, a la ge assortment of allkindi of

Toys, ISoxcs, Dolls, A'nts,RaMas, Orange?, Champagne, Wineo, Liquors, FireWorks and i ire fjruekera, at wnowsaie and retail.

Orders from the conn try promptly attended to.Freeh Xinee Ties da ly at

Joseph SPECirrs,Madwon street,

deeV'm Between Main and Second streets.


"ITOIt SALE, for taab. For full pirticnlars Iniralre cf

No. 157 Main street,de3w Memphis. Tenn.


300 BUSHELS CHOICE RYE. For sale by019-1-w R O. f!RAIO.

WASTED,Cnn BUSHELS prime White Buckeye Potatoes.

JJJ UJJU. O. 1IUUUANAN.dee No. 68 Front Row.

GUiVlYIES.SAAA SECONDHAND SINGLE GUNNIES.(JKjyjyJ 5000 second-han- d Double Gnnnies. Forsa'e by CIIAS. S. SHARP.

Office over Frank Smith & Co.,delO Bradley Block.



QW1NG to the protraction of the W,VXt the nn-

dnigaed are left ao alternative than to discontinuetheir CREDIT SALES.

W. B. Miller fc Code!7-d- 197 Main street



A LSO, a large quantity of Scrap Brass end CopperJ3L Kg UH ana blab zanc t or sale by

PniLIP McQUIRE,164, 166 and 168 Magazine street.

4Mea New Orlean

$2000 REWARD.THE above reward will be given for the apprehension

delivery to the Jail of Chicot County. Arkansasof R. W. MAGILL, who wantonly murdered CharlesT. SaUun, on the 3d Inst, near the reddenee of his father,in ChJeet Connty, Arkoraai Said Magill is about 30yearr oM, nearly 6 feet feet high, weighs about 130 or 110pounds, tldn visage, front teeth out, a little latooped, hairbteek with a faiuall lock in front gray, balance so incliningto Be, aaa aair on n race wnen ne Mil, somen Lat mteagent, was in the Mexican war.

I wBI pay the above reward as aforesaid for him.W. IX SUTTON,

rolO Chicot County. Arkansas',



General Commission Merchants,Comer Second and Madison streets, Memphis

T IBRRAL eah advances on consignments In store.

jVuetioneer,WW giro his personal attention to &U sales of Merchandise, of every description j Real Extate, Stock of a'lklnos, etc del&3m


B, U. CRAIG,deltWaw Feeihimari.

UERRflVGS AWO SBIAD250 WHOLE and Half Barrels. For gale by

dell-daw2- TAYLOR & McBWrtN.


Ne. 56 St. Charles Street, New Orleans, irpim asdereigned has for rale, Iron Steam-Pip- e andA HBng, unecx valves, uiotic valves. Kteam Con

neetine Cocks, Stocks and Dies and Taps for Gas Pipe,Pipe Wrenches, Pipe Tongues. Ratchet Drills. MonkevWrenches, Screw Cutting Stocks and Dies, RiretUngHammers, engineer's Hammers, 8 Wrenches, Steamand Water Gnages. Whisties, Guage-Cocks- , Air Cocks,Cylinder Cocks. Oil Cans, OH Caps with stop cock,Power Pomp. Hand Pamps, Circular Saws, Mill SawPiles, Portable and Stationary Steam Engines of allbttee, uonoie t lue isoiiers, Jjaw Mills, Stnngle

and Corn Kills.J. RHIBNSKEY. Agent,

nol9-3- For S. H. GlLMA.S.



L DYSENTERY & DIARRHEAcertainly found at lastnoror known

toiau.Titfa remedy is offered as a speeijlc, immediate

cure.WaxrOfflTHIIinU an1 CTiri mm. i TTfA

here only state brief and rmabk facts, and in-vite you to examine the circular accompanyingeach box, for full particniars, proof, and homecerHfi&tit. Kedderf when afflicted, will youtlV lUlsl liflf f 11iru, nlaoeunt 'Twa iiirv iJicMnuit ruunfli J Ty

SoM by tin? principal . Drnc-frffit- throutrbg.,1... T.' en t ii at

be addreseed either to D. S. LOW, JL sCO., lloprirtore, or to Messrs. &.1 IT UU LIT- - llniOfffuta X n Qft,

Mefflpkis, Tenn.lys-i- y

FOR REIVT,TII8 STORE, on the corner of Adams and Main

under the Worsham House, and equal toaay stand in the ery Apply to

dS0 ijl City patters ropy. J. J. WORSnAM,

NOTICE.Memphis and GUarleston XL. ft.,

MEMPHIS, December 6, 1661

ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, December th, theMail Train will leave daily at 6:30 A. M.

asd arrive at S P. M. This Train makes dose coanectious at Grand Junction, Corinth, Decatur, Stevensonasd Chattaaonga

Tb Grand JaacHon Accommodation Train will rundHy (Sandan zceipted), arriting at 1010 A. M. andleaving at 3-- r. M. W. J. ROSS,

dI3 General Superintendent,

NOTICE TO PROPERTY 0WNERSV-- ?JV - Jrf ' "JMtreat, mm ine cyon to tb V oot rooA,M'wi toed, aad,1roaies cf-X-J X . In Ue Mi

nvi!riaid. AJnst rMiy "ed ts.saTe by

oeZl MORRI80N 4. CO. any

White . j'mlejr Seed Oats.FEW sacks just received anijor sale by

R. G. CRAU1. Reednnan.


se23 daw Cor. Becond and Union su . MompbiC



CL1IK, GltEGOnV 8 CO.Sole Proprietors

Headache, Earache, Toothache, In threeCURESRheumatism, Coughs, Neuralgia, Colds, Ery-sipelas, Bronchitis, Dyspepula, Colic, Cramps, InflamedEyes, Chronic Sore Eyes, Sore Throat, Cuts, Bums,Bruises, Sprains, Chapped Hands, Piles, Ulcers, Diar-rhea, Bunions, Corns, Frosted Feet, Deafness, OldSores, Sore Breaet, Sore Nipples, Scald Head, Ring-worm, Tetter, Snake Bites, Spider Bites, Dog Bites,Rat Bites. The world is challenged for its equal forScalds and Burns. It cures Scratches on horses, SoreEyes on horses, Sprains, Swinney, Poll Evil, Fistula,saddle and harness galls, fresh wounds or swellings, andis the best known remedy to apply to tender-foote-

horses from founder tako np the feet and bathe wellabout the frog of the foot. Cures all cutaneous diseaseson man or beast.

No one medicine can cure In all cases, but we canshow rrore real proof of the virtue of Ambrosial Oil inits healing properties, from responsible men, who artabove being bought, than can be produced for any othermedicine.

We do not assert a core for every malady to whichthe human family are subject, but what we proclaimwe can substantiate by living witnetse. The Ambro-sial Oil U a Nashville preparation, and sold throughoutthe South and Southwest by ill good druggists andgeneral dealers. The South may be justly proud thatDr. Clark, a native Tennesseoan, after much labor and

hss produced a reallv Wnrf Tiv Tn,r1taina wMM,Is bound to drive out much of the worthless Imported. . . I. . . i . t n . . ,iraaa wiui m lucu tue cuuuuy is uuuabo.

Please call at our office, where we will take pleasureIn showing letters and testimonials too numerous to setforth in the form of an advertisement, some of whichcome from physicians in high standing, who are usingit la their practice, an Xhey state, with marvelous ef-fects. Wo chHltange the world to produce a remedy sospeeuy anu euectuai in lu ueaung properties.

PS Rend the evidence of the virtue of Clark Ic Fuller's Ambrosial Oil, evidence so authentic, and frompersons nnosa wora ana standing are Irreproachable.Read and be convinced.

CLARK, GREGORY & CO., Proprietorf,Naebviile. Tenn.

Sold at the manufacturers' prices by S MsnsfleM 4:Co., Memphis, wholesale agentB for Southwest, and byaii mempnia amircwm is



For the Permanent Cure of Fe-ver and lgnc, Chills, Jtcmit-en- t

Fever, Jlilious Fever,JO it nib Jlgttc,

AND ALL PERIODICAL DISEASES,fTUIAT have their origin In the miasmatic effluviaJL arising from decayed vegetation.

These PILLS never fall to cure all of the abovenamed Fevers, and what Is better, they also ACT AS APREVENTIVE, if taken occasionally or dally, whileexposed to the Infection, Hence the old adage, "anounce of preventive Is worth a pound of cure."

Dr. Merwln's "Fever and Ague Pills" differ from allother Chill Medicines in the following particulars :

1. They never fail to perform a speedy and permanentcart.

2. They are recommendod only for one class of dis-eases.

3. They are agreeable and convenient to take.4. They contain no poisonous minerals, being purely

vegetable.5. They do not Impair the organic functions of the

stomach or any part of the system.6. They require no other medicine to prepare the

system lor lueir rocvpuiui, vr uivmaraji 10 auay irrita-tion.

7. Thev are not a northern "calch-Denn- humbui?but are prepared by grntlemen that vere bom, rearedand educated under the benign influences of southernInstitutions.

Remember when yon purchase these Pills, that youare not contributing means for "Yankee Emigrant AidSocieties," or Sharp's rifles and bowie knives, for"bleeding Kansas," as ya many times nave done Inbuying nonnera articles.

We wisn ail to aisticctiy uuuentana teat this is aSouthern Medicine, prepared from the simple plantstrial grow in our woooianas, on our river nanxs, bayousand lakes.

C"p"As a special merit, wo wish to call attention tothe fact that in using this Medicine von onlv take a fewPills. Is not this preferable to swallowing a pint ofnauseous mixture, which, at best, can only prodace thesame reBnu i

Price, One Dollar ner Bottle.One dollar and twenty cents, inclosed to the Proprie

tors, or to aiiivxi any aeaier in Meoicines in tne Sonthera States, will Insure a bottle of 1111s by return mail

POTTER & MERWIN, Proprietors,65 Jeflerson St.. neartxnt office.

And general dealers in all popular patent medicines.fjp-so- ia at aii tne Drug stores in itempnij.sel&dtwawis

CARPETS !TUST in receipt of a Urge amortment of Common,O Super Three Ply Brussels and Velvet Carpets. Fors' by 1L M. GROSVENOR,

dels-l- AyreV Building, Second street.



It Is to be hoped that the struggle will be short, butwhether long or short, it Is now evident that the peopleof the South have to fight it through, or consent to be-come the obedient s'aves of Northern despotism.

I will gladly accept he applicat ons of such companies as are willing to uevo'.e tiujuveives to tna raue oiour Confederacy until its Independence Is recrcnlzed.

I will furnish good arms and all that the regulationsallow.

Thote desiring to join the Regiment will address meby letter or telegraph, or apply in person, at this plate.

jnu u. liuiiuii, u. a. A.,Columbus, Ky., Dec 5th, '61. Aid to Gen. Pillow.de7-3-

Nashville Patrio', Memphis Avalanche, West Tennes-see AVhig, Chattanooga Advertber and Knoxrllle Register insert tnree weexs ana cnarge to union tna Amer-ican.

LUMBER, LUMBER!TUST received 125.000 feet clear White Pine. one.t) one and a half, two and three inches thick; 50,000leet uneu wmte ana leilow Pine flooring; yuU.OUU feetSawed Cedars, for building purposes, posts, etc; a general assortment of Fencing: 400.000 sawed and cutLaths; 500,000 heart Cypress half inch Shingles, andai,wu ire uneu, in aaoiuou io our aire aay large stockof Lumber, Doors, Ssh, Blinds, etc, which we willsell low lor ca&n.



T WILL pay forty cents Dor cound. cah. for allJL SALTPETER delivered to me at Memphia, beforetne nrst aay oi juiy, ltui w. it HUNT,

dell lm Officer.


ERN DEPARTMENT,COLUMBUS, Ky , December 21st, 18CL )

T IT Is hereby order e-- that hereafter no leaves ofL . aosenceto o Ulcers or innongtii to men will be

granted by any officer except 'be Major Geceral commanding, and el1 leaves and fnrloi cht not issued fromthese lieadquarteis are reveked within fifteen daysaf'erthe date of th's order.

IL The commanding officers of divisions and ofregiments, battalions and companies, not assigned toany division, are ordered to forward ttheee Head-quarters Immediately, a certified list of ttia officer andmen who are absent without leave, end the length oflime tne omcers nave been absent.

IT. The Mator General commanding informi the army under bin command, that ho will exert alt of his ofcciai autnonty to penisn wun tne heveresi penaitier,officers and soldiers who abeent themselves withoutleave.

By command of Mnlor-Qener- POLK.GEO. WILLIAMSON, Major, A. A. General.




Commission Merchants),NO. 27 NATCHEZ ST., NEW OKLEANS


For Auditor of Public Accounts of theSlate of Mississippi.

JAMES FORT, of Holly Springs, Mississippi, Is ato fill the vacarcy occatlonea by the

death of CoL Burt. no2rUe

1YOTICE !or companies organized for the war InCAPTAINS CoDiederate States, will have arms fur

nished them by attaching their companies to my Itegi-men- t,

now forming at Savannah, Hardin county, Tennessoe, at which place I can be addressed.

J. M. CREWS,no23-l- Colonel Commanding.



M ANUFACT O R Y,madetjiird and Wasliiugton Sts.

ociS . r -

TPftf? PW WOrk "I "Paring at tanlnffimcMnONERS-.KItcck- s,

circular woik. jfbraclng two but,A Machine for S4,erlOOkheBii loec.

Also, a second-han- Fov. ii '.,3ng Machine.


deSllin Navy Yard.


GUNSMITHS WANTED.WANTED, immediately, to work in the

Shon. in this rltv. n n m v. mmSMITHS. None but competent workmen need apply,and to all such liberal wages will be paid and a steadysituation afforded. Apply to R. STEPHEN.1?. Mui.rArmorut, or WH. R. HUNT,

'V21 Captain of Ordnance.

TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.LETTERS of administration were granted to me by

Court of Shelbv conntv. at tha Ti,.ber term, 1861, of said court, upon tho estate of William rooiey, aeceaseo. au persons having claimsagainst said estate will present them to me immedi-ately, and persons indebted to it will find their papersin my hands. I desire to settle the business as soon aspossible. MRS. LOUISA POOLEY,

Administratrix.CSf Since the fire I have taken a store In Blythe'g

building, northeast corner of Court Square, where Ihave removed my stock of goods, which is still very se-lect. Being desirous of closing out the same, all thesewishing fine garmeni s ore lntitod to call and exomlnofor themselves before purchasing elsewhere.


WMTED,r) IlIRE, for the next year, a good Cook, Washer

Ironer. L. ROCCO,de!5 Confectioner.


I WISH to rent my present RESIDENCE, InChickasaw City. It 1. a cood frame house. tSwith eight roims, good cistern stable room for fa!!!

forty ne&a or dorses, and two and a half acresof ground attached. Any one wishing such a place, agood tenant can rent cheap.

dr&Mm W. n. ORIDER.

SITIVDRIES.f)r BBLS. Old Apple Brandy,AO 10 bbla. Old Peach Brandy,

S-- boxes Macaroni,5 boxes Vermacelli,

200 bills. Flour,100 bags Coarse Salt,

50 boxes Fire Crackers,25 hhds. choice Brown Sugar,

150 bbls. Molasses, choice ;20 bbls. London Ale,20 " " Porter,10 bbls. Crushed Sugar,10 quarter casks Otard Brandy,25 baskets Champagne, Ginger Wine, Native

Port, Madeira Wine, etc For sale low byde!8-d- FLOURNOY & CRAWFORD.


moved their office to the corner of Main andHAVE streets, where they have fitted up androoms suitable for the accommodation of those

who may favor them with their confidence, and havingthus located permanently, offer their professional ser-vices in the different branches of Dentistry, promisingthe public to serve them in the moat skillful and judi-cious manner, and In every reasonable case warrantsatisfaction, both as to operations performed and ourcharges for the same. Further than this we wish tobold out no inducement whatever, to ensnare the pub-lic or draw them to our office, by any exhibition ofDental specimens, or propositions to do "cheap Den-tistry," or "at prices as low, or even lower than thevery lowest," or by any other misrepresentation offacts In any way whatever. Neither do we wish anyone to mistake onr name (Wasson) for that of another,as tho name is plain, and place of business easily found.Office corner of Union and Main streets, No. 3&).


Quartermaster's Department.MEMPHIS. December 25th. U61. )

THIS DEPARTMENT will pay the highest price forhire of one hundred able bodied NEGROES, to

go on board Government steamers as Firemen.N L. LAWRENCE,

de26-l- Captain and A. Q M. C S. A

wanted:I DESIRE to purchase, for cash, a well IMPROVEDPLACE, within three miles of Memphis good mod-

ern Improvements fruit trees, with ten acres of land.Good water, roads and neighborhood. Address

BOX No. 398,del3-l- Nashville Post Office.




Memphis, Tenr.."TTE have made extensive arrangements to enf age

V V largely in the above business, and will pay thehighest cash price for all good

IScef Cattle and Hogs,Offered us.

We ara also prepared to slaughter Meat for otherparties, and will give prompt attention to all businessentrusted to our care.

Apply on bovd the Eclipse Wharfboat, or at No. 37Front Row. oc!3-3-


I HAVE removed my PUMP SHOP from Adamsstreet, (Everson's old stand,) to Avery street, four

doors south of Vance street, where I am prepared to fillall orders in my line of business.

All repairs done on shortest notice by experiencedworkmen.

I am prepared to furnish

Patent Wire Gates !Thankful for past favors I solicit a continuance, prom

islng satisfaction. WM. UNDERWOOD.P S. I have on hand a lot of Chain Pumps.oc26-6- W. II.




(Late of and successors to Culver, Page, Hoyne & Co.,XCU Main Street,

BXexnphiH, Tennessee.BLANK BOOKS manufactured to order, at short

Also, constantly on hand and for sale, FlatPapers, Cards and Card Boards, Blank Books, Station-ery of all kinds, and Blanks of every description, forcity and county officers, corporations, bankers andrailroad companies, at wholesale and retail, at the low-est prices. Orders from the country shall receive ourprompt attention. mvl7-l- v

MILITIA GUNS.UNDER the late law, it is required that Guns in the

of private Individuals eh ill be delivered tothe Colonels of the different Regiments, to be vatnedand by them turn d over to such officers as the Gover-nor of the S'ate shall appoint. Under this law Gov.Harris has directed the guns collected In this division tobe turned over to me, as Ordnance Officer of the Con-federate States.

I receive many letters from the Colonels and agentsengaged In purchasing, requesting me to inform themwhat kind and quality of gnn are suitable. To answerthehe Inquiries would take up much time, and I giveherein the kinds of guns lit for use :

For reboring and refitting it h necosary that I havea barrel not less than three fourths of on Inch in diame-ter, at the smillext part of the barrel ; and it male- - s nodifference whether any part of th" gun Is good exceptthe barrel ; as they arc all rettocked, and new bands,breech-plates- , guards triggers and trigger plates oreused. I woud prefer to have good locks, but this is notIndispensable. Any kind of n donble-barre- l shot gun,unless the barrel Is too much worn, can be made an

Single barrel gun?, unions they are ofthe class known as "duck guns," are useless for armypurposes.

It would be well for the Colonels who receive tlwarms under the late law, to receive Klfles of every kindexcept one. viz : A r fie smaller than three-fourt- ofan inch d ameter of barre' and besides In bad order. Ifthis gun Is In good order it should be received even Ifsmaller than three-fourth- s of an inch In diameter of bar-re-l.

It la earnestly requested of the colonels of regi-ments and agents purchasing, that they gather up all ofthe bullet monlds and every part of the lock of o gunthil can bS foonl ; tuch as cocks, tumblers,screws, springs, nippers, bands, breech-plates- , guards,triggers, trigger-plates- , wipers and screw driv rs

I have a small quantity on band and the various portscan be fitted together and make perfect locks. Rillebarrels are smaller about eighteen inches below themnzzle than they are aorosi the mnrzb of the gun, andshould be measured there.

Direct all guns to F. W. ROYSTER.Memphis, Tenn.,

Who is authorized to receipt for them.WM. RICHARDSON HUNT,

de!5-l- Ordnance Officer O. K A.


FIFTY HOGSHEADS and one hundred barrels forby CHARLES S. SHARP,

At Frank 8mlth & Co.'s,Bradley Block.

FOR RENT,A NICE FRAhE HOUSE, with five rooms,

on Hernando readjust ontnlde tho corpo- -rate limits oi tne city. Apply to MRII. E. GARTH.

With W. B. Millar fMie!9-l2- t 137 Main Strret

To My Friends and Patrons.I HAVE this day made an arrangement by which 1

will suddIv the DAILY APPHAT. t si ?J ,month, postage paid.

a. A. WELLS, News Agent," Mlllpni and Tennem.e R R.

FliOUR.1500$ . Star Mills Plour to arrive : 1500 do.

afield Flour to arrive : 3000 sackstra lour, to i re and In store.


loop's! beatIAMB.

Georgia Lime In store and t


1',. prepared to Ute"aBr ior jusihto s raien!a toy, trt fHirw'Htrmkv CDimnevs.

H. LEMON,nofi-fi- Corner Lindn ard f!aner s'reets

. RYE. -

Q4.SSA0K& Prime Rye, far foHAKAii;- T. No. 8d Front Row,

ssssggsgg r 'limn mm ,M



mnE MARK R. CnEEK has been re-JL Painted' and the cabin enlarcred. Shewill run in connection with the Memnhlsiand Little Rock Railroad, and to suit persons who wishto patronize the Mound City Hotel.

She leaves Mound City dally (Sundays excepted) at6:30 and 9 A. M., and at 12:30 and 4 r. M.

Leaves Memphis daily (Sundays excepted) at 7 and10:30 A. M., and at 2 and 5 p. M.

The ladles are particularly invited, assuring them thekindest attention.

EP All that is received, after paying expense, willbe given to aid in carrying on the war.

ho2 JAS. F. BARTON k CO.

December 15th, 1861.



ALSO,Sardines, Fresh Ousters, J'uts,

JRaisins, IVines, Etc.,Together with a large assortment of

Plain and Fancy Confectioneries.Call and see for yourselves.

Ii. ROCCO,No. 220 Main street, under Odd Fellows" Hall.-an- cor-ner Second and Madison streets, under Masonic Hall,Memphia, Tennesee. dels




Capital all pnid in 3130,000Surplus 3C,v:SO

JOSEPH VAULX; President.A. W. BCTLZR, Secretary.

J. G. LONSDALE, Agent,oc25-l- y No. 2 JeffTson street.


DYEI3STG HOUSE.TH HUNT, (formerly Matthews & Hnnt,) late of the

of the great and celebrated Chemical Dyers and Scourers, Cook & Matthews, of St Louis, hasbeen induced to open an establishment for carrying onthe above business in all its branches. Every description of gentlemen's Coats, Vests and Pints are dyed,cleansed and restored to their original perfection. Hecortainly does remove every spot of grease, paint, waxand tar, together with all other blemishes aud impuri-ties to which such garments are liable, and warrant thespots not to Call and examine his sam-ple of Coat dressing. If he fails to please you, nocharge will be made. His office Is on Jefferson street,between Main street and Front Row.

ocZVJSm T H. II I 'NT.

MADAME VINCENT'SSaloon and Oyster Depot,

98 Front Row,Corner Washington Street,

TTAS on hind and is constantly receivingIJL f'ttttSU MUU1LU UlijTUliS.

Oysters B applied to families by the barrel or can. oci-2-


NEW FIRM.R. J. T. FLYNN, Sr., from Charleston, SouthCarolina, having made Hamulus his permanent

abodo, Iiiu a,Titoui4 luuMlf with .

Mr. J. C. Iogan,For the purpose of carrying on the


ANDFurnishing Business !

At the old Btand of William Rogrrs, No. 17 JeffersonStreet, Memphis, Tennessee.

The undersigned would respectfully invite your at-

tention to their stock of

English and French Goods,Of the best quality and latest styles. They hope toenjoy a share of public patronage, feeling confidentthat their work and goods will give you entire satisfac-tion, and pledge themselves to deliver all goods prom-ised at the appointed time

Also, MILITARY WORK, In all Its branches.Terms cash, at the store, before the goods ore deliv-

ered. J. C. LOGAN,,no3-3- J. T. FLYNN. Sr.

NOTICE!LOUISVILLE, KY., November 1, 1S61.

WE beg to advise onr friends and correspondents inConderate States, that our WALTLR O. AN-

DERSON has removed his residence, permanently, toMemphis, Tenn., to which point they will please directall communications.

Address as follows :ANDERSON, DUNYIIUE & CO.,

no21 daw3m Memphis, Tenn.

A. 2. LEVT A. E.




Opposite the Clay Building.

Prompt attention to all Sales of RealEstate,

NEGROES, MERCHANDISE,Furniture and Groceries,


AccountSalcs promptly RenderedCash Advanced on Consignments.



TTAv: cn hand a large and elegant assortment!11 of


OIL ClltPETIJVG, Etc., Etc.

At No. 11 Union Street.

And Invite the public to call and examln their stockbefore purchasing elsewhere. oel.1

B. 0. KEESEE & CO.,

Commission and Forwarding Merchants,

Warehouse,87" JTront Row, Memphis, Tenn.

SPECIAL attention paid to sales of FLOURfrom 100 to 1000 barrels, different brands,

and for sale.R. S. Young, formerly with McCluro .1 Coats, Clarks-vill-

Tenn., I engaged in thlshouie.Refsskekces. F. W. Smythe, Hewett, Norton & Co.

B. Dufield, New Orleam; J. A. Fisher, Cashier BankWennessee, Nashville A. Hamilton, Nashville ; W. P.llmae. Cashier, Clarkavillfc, Tenn.; Meacham it

Memphis. nolC-6-



Charcoal ColdSlasl Iron,At Nashville, Memphii, Florence, Ala., or Chattanooga,on nr bcfoie the first day of January, lgfil, and pay forIt S35 ner crots tun at the r, Int ef dellverr.

iron delivered, ai ixainvnie, Florence or Unattsnooga,111 bo paid for by LlenL M. II. WrtaUt. Nahvtllo. on

receipt nf agents, to be by him at thonpoints. That delivered at Memphis by Mo6r W. R.lent. J. iiUiiiiAS, J,t. Coloae4,

Chief of Orduance'Burean.del9-I- . tliichmend. Va.




Mississippi and Tennessee Railroad!IJ352n


MEMPHIS, November Sth, 1661. J

ON and after Wednesday, November 13th, im,on this road wiil run as follows :nnrwn sni.TirMail train leaves Memphis at 10:10 a. m.

arrives at urenadaat 4pmnnivn wimTiiMail train leaves Grenada at 10 a. v.

arrives at mempnis at. .7r20 A. M.The Frplerht sntt i u i. ..ii.......... iW. II HI 1HIVB

Memphis at 12 o clock, noon, on Mondays, Wednesdaysand Fridays, arriving at Grenada at 10 o'clock P M.,and leaving Grenada at 6 o'clock A. M. on Tuesdays,Thursdays and Saturdays, arriving at Memphis at fouro'clock r. M. NILES MERIWETHER.

oolO Chief Engineer and General Snp't.Avalanche cop)-- .



New Arrangement!JTtOR ClarksviUe, Bowling Green and Nashville.

r"r t v"uu8u w ousuvijw oniy nit een noara.WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS, commencing MON-DA-

Novxmh.r lRh lftiliThrough Express Train, for ClarksviUe, Bowling

" "V " connecting at uumbokit withtrains on the Mobile and Ohio Railroad for Cdambustmu bmuuiiji uu turn noae.Leaves Memphis daily at................. 7A fArrives at Paris at ..Y".Y"""ix P" vArrives at Nashville at 10 at n, MLeaves Nashville daily at . .8 a. MArrives at Paris at , 4:30Arrives at Memphis at "!"lUTBpI m!

Accommodation TrainLeaves Memphis daily, Sundays excepted, at 4 P MArrives at Humboldt at ......... r. M.f TT V -- T !. I r.Y"'" "uuiuuwik nuuy, onnaays excepted, at ft 10 a. mArrivpri Rt M.mnliLi of , , .' ...........ii a. si.Mall Trains will stop at all regular stations, aad at

I"y TttfffrftfMk lhfrn. ttiMs.U TVtJ .

1 or threwga Vcketi, or furtW iaformatlon, apply toAt the Ticket Office. No. 14 Jefferson street, or at theWJVt, MAO A.a JT 1AIU.

THOMAS DODAMEAD.General Kuoerinternlert.

Winter Arrangeuuint.



ON and after MONDAY, OCTOBERS?, 1861, theFreight rnd Passenger Train will leave Mem-

phis at 7 o'clock A JL, per Cheek's ferry, and arrive atjhwwu m x r. m., Hsu ar-

rive at Memphis at 5 r. M.. making close eosnectiora. .aarit n o II tt u S n f TV t

i.T It ' "s " xjouger, itapiey at yo., anawith the line of semi weekly stages of the OverlandMall Company, for

Taylor's Crat, Fort Smith,uuniers, Benton,Clarendon, Roekport,Aberdeen, Hot Springe,Brownsville, Washington,Atlanta, Arkadelphla,Hickory Plains, Brownstown,Searcy, Camden, Arfc.na..Batesviile, Boston,Little Rock, Milkreek,Dardanelle, CtaFknvlllA TatbiV.n l!nnn. San Fraaeijco, Cxlifornlv

Ttma In T.ltlta...... T7.V OA1.- n II ..'II.., nuuuulhTickets can be obtained at the Hopefleld office.oc29 D. n. FEGER. Snprintnif!Tit


For ClarksviUe, Nashville, Louisville, Union City, Coliimbns

and Hickman.Mail and Passsrigcr Train

Leaves Memphis daily at 3.40 P. M. Memphis Ttma."I ONNECTING at Hnmboldt with triJrv. nn ih Tn.

J bile and Ohio Railroad for Union City and Colara- -una, iiiiii hi mc&enzie satation witn trains os the Nasaville and North-wester- n lia'lroaa for Hick mas, and attho Tennessee river with trains for Ctarksville, Nash-ville, Louisville, etc. etc.

This is the shortest and quickest route to Nashville,Louisville, etc

No negroes a lowed on the trains without a specialpermit, signed by the owner, blanks for which may beobtained by application to the ticket office of the company.

For further Information and for tickets apply to L. S.KNOWLTON. Agent, 14 Jefferson street, opposite thCommercial hotel, or at the Denot of the company, toC, P. Oakley, General Ticket Agent.

THOS. DODAMEAD,e!3 General Superintendent.


JDitily Trains bclicccn JTIobile,Montgomery and Pensacola.

ON and after FRIDAY, lath Inst, the aadNORTIIIuRN RAILROAD will be open-

ed to Passengers and Freight.Passengers over this route will make ose connec-

tion with train on the Alabama and Florida Rail-road for Montgomery, Pensacola, and all points east asfar as Richmond and Norfolk, and west from Chnttaneo-g-a

to Nashville.Passengers will leave Ilobil daily at 3 in the evening,

on the Company's steamer, for the Railroad wharf enthe Terms liver, and arrive at Pessaeela at L30 A. Mand Montgomery at 5 A. M.

Returning, the steamer will arrive at MobSe at 6A. M.

CsP" The public will find this a cheap, comfortableand expeditious route, with new cars and equipment.

I G. JOhDAN,n"90-i-n Chief Katrine' r aad HaperHteadent.



MANUFACTURERS of Crackers of att kinds. Ahxetc., Second street, between

Adams and Jefferson.We have connected with the above Dullness, Confec

tlonaries and Cakes of all kinds, at wholesale or retailWill furnise families or parties and weddings at shortnotice and at reduced prie.To the Creditors of the Estate of

PETE It S. ?IOOKE, DEC'D.TTAV1NO suggested the insolvency of said estate. Io

JL the county court of Shelby county. Tennewee, aHcreditor of said esta'e are horeby noti'od to file lbetrclaim", uaiy autnenticatea. wun tne uierK or said oonrt,on or befora the first day of July. A. D. 1862L for proram uuinuniion. i . a. tiiuu, Aaministrator.

Raleigh. December 10, 16L dei5-w4-

ESTRAYS SHELBY COUNTY.TAKEN up by James Roark, cn v.

me sitn nay oi uetooer.18i.l, an IKON GRAY ilORSK. JfUSTrive yeatx old, fifie-- nnil a halrJLlZi.

bands'hlgn, shod all round, two white roots under thesaddle aud on each side of the back ; Borne small daikspots nn the lift sidi- - and valud at one hundred dollars.Said KoarK lives lu tee roartn mm U's rtc'.

Taken nn by M. A. Kubn. on the 6th day of November. A. D.. 18G1. a brown MARE MULE, seven vearsold. fourteen bands b'gb, white or gray spot on berneck, and valued at seventy-nv- e dollars, bald Knhnlives In the Fourteenth Civil District

Taken np by L. M. IlaHatray, oa the liKh day of No-vember, A. D., Ie61 au iron gray PONY, nine yearsold, fourteen nsui'i-- i mgn, uranaea oa it-- snoulder withfimre 8 and vaiuen at tairiy-nv- e Uoiurs. Said Hallawav roiid's five miles wH af ItHleteh. on New Pointroad, in tne aixin uivu jLiajsnei,

ii. a. Fire,Raleigh, Df cember 2, 18(51. Ranger.d14-w3-

NOTICE.TN obedjenee to an act of the Geceral Assembly ofs ilo oiaie oi xennesxse, i nui. on inu.NUAr. tne

13th day of January, 1862, sell to U highest bidder forcoin, at tne Loan tionse door in ttu tqwn of (Jovlcgton. Ttttoa county, Tennene. a NEGliO MAN. namedGeorge, about ihirty-tw- o years old. Said slave will be

id as n runaway, oat of the county Jail, to piy exsnses, as tne law uirecw.

DAVID C. SLAUGHTER, Sheriff,de!5-w4- Tipton county, Tenn.


J 20 casks London Porter,100,000 Cigars, assorted;

25 barrels Old Apple Brandy,5 barrels Old Path Brandy,

30 eighth casks Cognac Brand;20 quarter casks " 'J.I pipe OM Cognac Brsndyflpipe Holland ain,

23 baskets Piper Ueidsiek Chsmpagne,25 baskets Imitation " "

S barrels No. 3 Mackerel100 barrels Louisville Oement,50 boxes TelegraphJIatebos, 2 esses Nutmegs,10 bags Black Pepper, SO K. Ginger,

100 bags Extra Flmr.W boxes Smoking Tobacco.Ul liarrfth nnr. ltmirhAn WM.k.




197 i?5AIN-T.- ?


Brussels Carpets,

Biack Merino ShSr,,Curtain Damasks, "Curtain Trimmings,

Furniture Reps,

Piano Covers,

Tabic Covers!dedt-da-


FOR 1861 AND IS62 !

Memphis and New Orleans

PACKET LINE!TnE BplendW boats ef this new line will tr3Mensphis for New Orleans on L?Si3TUB5DAYS, THURSDAYS and SATUR fiSaSDAYS.

TUKSUAY'S IRonublic CanL --T. Tl. r:lT-l-rPnnco of "Vale Capt. X.oe.

THTJKSDAY'S PACKETS !John Simonds Capt. J. TP. liiclcis.xi,awara j. jny...ijapu vm. vvrny.

SATTJIU)AY'S PACIOiTS !Mary TG. Tvoone XCIcbartLson.Win. M. MorriBon... T. U. Ncwoll.

These boats connect at Memphis with the railroadsfrom that point on their respective dayi. Leave Meatpins Immediately on the arrival ef the MMnnhfi AsdCharleston and Memphis aad Ohio railroad trains. Passengers can arrange ioeir arrival so as to avoid delay atMemphis longer nan business or pleasure may require.

x or ircigui or passage apply on ooaro, or to agents.

No. 8 Madison streetTHOS. IL WILLIAMS & CO.,

No. 3 Howard's Row. Memphia.JOHN E. HIDE & CO.,

Office under St Charles Hotel,seia. New Orleans.


BERTHOLD, SMITH' & CO.,Rectifiers and Distillers,

ST. liOTJIS, Mo.


celebrated Magnolia "Julias IL Smith's Extra Ooacer Distilled WMskv.' " " OW Reserve Wrnsky,Macklox Thompson's Extra and other brands.

oeS-8- m

DISSOLUTION.TnE firm of WILLIAMS, ROSS &. CO. la thai day

by mutual eoasent. Joseph 8. WHliaauassumes all liabilities of the firm aad chargedwtth the settlement of its boeiaes. He will raatlrmrthe business as heretofore In his own name.

JOSEPH R. WILLIAMS,K. M. BOSS 'Memphis, October 8th, 1861. eelf-I-

Joseph sTTfilliams,(Successor to "William, Rosa CoV



CO.V.TUSSIOJy .IIERCHJIX"!,JlempUis, Tonneiwee.



I?IIS M. PERDUE,af26 Main Street,

now prepared to preeent to the ladies otnAMemphis asd vicinity the Southern Btyles.uS'jgotten np expressly for Son&ern wsr We noSilsSlonger will (or can) depend uon New York for onrstyles and fashions, which never did salt oar eHstttte oronr people. We will have oar opeqiog of


On Saturday, October 5th. We a--k yon, Kliee, oae andall, to call and examine onr good, and then iasM. faryourselves if Memphis has not oatdcaa anythlag NewYork could ever present to the Sooth. o


Formerly the Wliitenere House.

THE nndersigaed, having teased the abovehas opened a boute ef entertain-

ment for the traveflne public The house hasbeen thorouaMy repaired aad renmrated. from,bottom to taa. aad partly aewty ranakbed. The urvanta will be prompt aad attativa,and the propriarorhopes (by atriet atteatioa to be wants of his guests,) tomerit a liberal share of patronage.

THIS SOUTHKRX HOTELIs situated on Adam street, between Third and Foarth,convenient to the Memphis and Chartestea RailroadDepot, to the baamess part of the city, aad is in thesama square witn tae ranuaice aad Tfteawr,

oelO-dl- y . JOM. WILLIS. Proprietor.

SAGFIsOUR, CfRAIN,And all ilnds r SacksForale at tho Manu&etHr-er'- s


Orders for from Ono to5 COO Sacks filled at

one day'B notice- -

Mills opplie 1 with noks. printedin any style they may orders

URM, PiETSB 4 mr,S Traat Bow,

( batarr, aVosUi, Tna.

RESIDENT PHYSICIAN,Axid. tho Most Soccasitfal


Eight Year in Memphis.INFORMS the pabBe la general that he i prepared

diseasts, but especially tbos waieh afepronounced iaearable, and called chroafe.

His treatment or Cancers is wit bout an rival, beanse they will be expelled from the system, with allweir roots ana libers, only Dy constiintKmai trauauatwithont cans lies aad wttaoot the knife. ;

lie also treats wii h sBoeess, ascordiag ta the motiImproved seisace of ntedidae in Europe, Rheamatima,Neuralgia, Gout, Ophthalmia, Fhrtala in Ana, Serofn'o,Syphilhi, Dyspepsia, Chronic Dysentery Torpid LiverGravel, Fits, Tapeworm, Piles, Dropsy, Dtsaasas-e- f theSkin, Bronchitis, Coaframption, all dawases of the liyand Bar, and gives particular attention to aft lbmalecomplaints, particularly those of the womb.

Negroes who-- are afiiKted with aay ef the above dis-eases wUI be eared, aad can find good board and ac-commodations while under treatment at the Doctor!!Infirmary.

The Qoetsr ealht attention ef pattest atarHjionee,that if they are nai prepared to consult taa Oostar per-son ally, by writing to him, with an axast jMeoost of allthe symptoms of the disease, medicia will k. rewarded byAdams express.

OfBee In LenoWs BalraiB. Uaiaa Mri vtween Mala and Second, fourth door east ef Main.

Infirmary on Union street, east of the Bavou. at FirSpiegel's private residence.Tir f Hnl.M,l, linn In Ma. IMrf ," i j a praCUCA. as.peetally on chronic diseases, eared them with than., . mmmi lu. In ki. , -

saad plaats, herbs, barks, etc., which be can re7to care diseases whs h fcre by the xoasl 1tHioners proaonnl laeurable. vrae

He also make, it bis esneeialvale dweases with the ntmost saoeaas, ia a sfertttoaane matter of how long standing, nor of what satar.All Dr. Salegal asks from tba xRIImi i. . - .when all tba reference he will give will ba a spsedy

Tbousands of testiiaosJals, from tk raast niku.soareo, may be seen ai la Doctor's aSec. ivftDn.

SUARTOCT) HHDS. prtoa16gp landing pwO-- i Child, aad farL by

' ' qho. a wHOHAwaxdell Teat Row.


AS WH CAN NEITHER COLLECT MONHT BOSTTS nnr Kmv mvsfa nn Ihrt nm - " 4V A

otoje er Atom. Oar frieuda mil reatfy rtiio4Tar

Exclusively for Cash I

Tiw Gray aad Bioe Military datha;Military Caps, fiae Cavalry BooB, ArasfSBaestFree Scarlet aad Oram MHMary SasheajSaperaae Liaea Sairtiag- - Chasts;Gray Tweeds, Jeans, Satinets aad i;

Stae and Gray Arsay Blanket;Btee and Brews. Hamonpaa Jsass;

HOMBSl'UN SOCKS, STOCKIKOS AX) LRESETSOssaVarta, DaLaioes, Snhislag Wheriis,Teat Dneks, Meriooes, .VnaAsg Reels,Brown DrilHags, Popiraa, Waal iUOn,Kentucky Twflbi, Swteh Plaids, Wel Oush,

" Iiiaseys, DeBeges, CfeekRaeai,Gaorgia " Alpaeew, fjattos Yaras,

" Kerseys, Plaid Flannels, OMtaa CareV,RrewaJaaas, " Iissayc, Oarpet Waxas;Plaat DeaMetic, Fiae Ftanneb, Coats' Saeob,Striped rise Domestics, Saaairiax,Brogaas, White Goods, SewiaffSBks,KeaTe Blankets, Shawls, B4 KaK OHen,MatUnm.es, OahcoM, HWnahei aa4Paitban, Fnk Calicoes, Brows Oastan.PBlawa, Uaa Hdktx, Kasttaag MeAa,Cmaibrts, k - Sgfg -TtakBM,Waai Bats,ShtrtiBgii. uataaw, raats oatas.Cheek Shlrlicgs, WMM Sheetlogs, Ptea faM,StripedGuBeo " Hoop hrV, StalrOlaak,

CARPETS!Vr have vr ok hwl a iarite stBok f m av aad

otBer aaaaoaabie goods. 'artaeraapM arsMaavW wW take Confederate Boad, Truw.y JshsMissisaipai Noses, Arlcau War Saada, rawiar. Waal.

Wheat, Cora, R--, lllaea. Dried Fnrrta, Pea. seas.Jeaas, Lixweys, BotWr. Bcaa, etc, at awskat TaPjM, kapsyawat of aoeoants or for goaaa.

CASH paid for WOOL washed or ha the oart.bo5 TAYLOR fc HBWI.


NOTICE.H'AVTNG received infonoatias that eartaki aartlea

are rargauy maaaraetaixag aw semag

FdtSSJtLlJiWS JliO.V TIE:Far fastening iron o eottoa. bales, I aaroby aatgya.1 persons interested that caveat for the fauna Man t fny Iroa Ties hr beea doty filed la tae Pataat OSas.aud that now of r Ties can be maaaraatared or seWwitkaatary psratisstoa, aad ore only far sale atay as.Ublishsaeat in Sew Orlaaag.

AH parsoas iiifriagtng y rights wiH be arese salad tatae fullest extent of the law.

ravMawiy H. FAfWMANN.

For Tax Collector.are authorised to aaaaoBee MA AO B. ftfOL.

CHR ai a eaBdidal for Oooatv Tax Calls tier, atthe ensainr Marea nnMsta

For County Trustee.T7K are aatberixed to announce OapC WM. KULTt r as a candidate for County Trustee, at the eaaateg

March eleetioa. aeiVse


Commission .u'irchants,No. J2T I3"atclio2 St., New Oriea&s,iI!ia.DBNCAN GALBREATn, HMMBT PUTNAM,

Lots ef MempUx. New Orieaim.aa


OE MEMPHIS.Capital, ---- --- $20,0s


IN6URB FIRE RISKS aa haases and awrehancHse,and Rtvr risks ae oargous.

Losses eqaitably adyarted aad nrsaiaUy paid.OfFlCB No. 4T3 Mats fintt.rlTO.er ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND XHH-LA- Ra

of losses paid kt the etty af MsaMs hi lesttbaa tare years. IjiiM m

Coiiniioii Law Court.Malieda CaHasas, )

vs. SretiUoBforDMrte.Richard CaHahas. S

ITai2ariaKtAtB!era'riBHMaKrtae hvr sMaMm My

of MsBtpbis, ia vamtiua. that defniiaxat, SWaattl SaClahas, is a aa-rida- t of the Staax if Tnaau..- - itb taere'ore erdred thai pabtk attaw ae satao far 4wkieerfv-(-y, In tb MesspMa My AaaeM. waalilng-sai-

defendant to appear at ar Mora taa mm Mas-d- ayfa. Fabraary next, ls, asyl alaad, ww ar de-B- xar

to pfcunlift. petition, oraV auae iifaa takaa MCMfeMed aad the Haasn for Kenriu as aai as.MARCUS J. WHmafc Oask.

B, A. J. WMMUM.B.O.VoUeatiae Sc. Lee, Attorneys for rl i iaaVde 4w-$t- f

Attaclimciit iYoilop..A rTACU.KNTaeforaJ. A. T.fiajlJ tau

X3L P us, ia aad for Tipton sonaty.Edward Skales,

vs. JDavid Eraaai I. )

la tVs above stated ea'e sftsihanat 1 mland lerled ta ae ennb. af tke th.afSdava ctUmr --,, nl.i tZTLTEXi, I Ireawved UaMK ffo--a ifafai whi, sad w.""f 'B K'-- e 1 la lis--a), saldMsMi- -

the atl day of Janaary. IMS, tad deftad W atalek-aea- t,artbe maybe proteedad wjtk -- x aarte.a'w J HN STttKKK, J. ft.

ROUAI COFFEE.100.BOXES one poaad naaara Caffiw faini.' anieie. Tik sale by

CFIAR S. &BAKI-- ,Ovr Fraak SssMh Osw,

Braver BWk.


JUcanphis Tennessee.VFFICB senth sids af J twoJ from tea Planters' Hank.

Capital $ICO,00.DIRECTORS :

W. B. Rats, H. B. WilHnmsaa, S. If. Dtsueesh, C.8. X. OtntSCOXB, Prw't pre

A. P. Dwr-a- r; Seay. eTh s "Hsaw Oauur" will eisafnna la -

agatasst tba laad daasage try Pin aad tfce Man ofthe rivers, at ties eavraat rats of fiaiisl Tjf J JPromptly aaatod aad , asa, A. PBWfmV




.1 W U.lUK,T-m-


Ana DerUoix inFJLOUIt, GIi.ir.V tf.vjo FEEJDrNo. C Howard'H IXrjw.MeturMn,fcrxoan.

f lilSXY. 25 bbls. MfcHWnri WaAy, paraVV jast received aad lr sale. rte,MORRISON Sc. OO.

CEMENT. SC bblst LooiirvuleMORRI5TobT


HAY, CORN. OATB AND BRAN, tefetsiarat the lwatainis.acI3-l-y


iWVI9TH,r. KHBTxiany i i

Maui.uia.rr ' ressaeyee psnMSec'W .




