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Atc Training Studies

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Lipa City Council

In Partial Fulfillment of the CourseRequirement for the


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Having been through different trainings as I tramp my ways to this journey is always a new beginning. New ideas and outlook serves as the motivating factor to conquer the door that opens anew.

Bright ideas comes in our minds, visions pop-up like pop corn in a pan, but for no reasons at all dies a natural death. With this, it comes to my understanding that in order for us to achieve what our minds desire must have to consider the amount of heart we put into it. The heart and courage to make it happen plays the vital role towards the fulfilment of what our minds envision.

As we focus and work out things towards the success of what we believe, let us not forget the lifelines designed to help us through when we needed them most. For without them, even the slightest sight of the things we envisioned will never be possible.

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First and foremost , perpetual thanks to the God Almighty for the continuous blessing and strength he had bestowed on us and with my family, whom I consider as the “way “ the

“truth” and the “life”.

I extended my warmest thanks to those who made this training study of mine possible. To them my sincere gratitude for their kind assistance and deepest appreciation to all people

who in their one way and another had extended their help in making this work on its peak.

To my parents, brothers and my wife who always support and encourage me to pursue all things I desire. , who helps me see things in a different light, whom for life serves as my

inspiration, courage and strength.

To all training staff of Advanced Training Course for Outfit Advisors that equipped me with the knowledge and skills to develop leaders through scouting. The group of

enthusiastic individuals who teach me how to create responsible boys.

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1. Describe how Crew System operates in a Senior Scout Outfit?

A Senior Scout Outfit basically, composed of group of senior scouts bonded together with common goals and interest. Scouting movement believed that in order to achieve the mission and vision of scouting, it must adhere to the Crew System. This method is said to be the most effective way to organize a scouting.

Within the Outfit, the senior scouts are organized into group of 5-8 senior scouts which are called Crew. An outfit is composed of four Crews. Each Crew chooses its own name, and identifies itself with a symbol. They then choose their Crew Leader (CL) who will become their representative to the Senior Crew Leader (SCL).The council will then plan Outfit activities and constantly look for an effective ways to operate the Outfit.

Crew members were assigned with the following responsibilities:

1. CREW LEADER (CL)Head and spokesman of the Crew.He leads the Crew not only in following its own interests but also in contributing to the success of the entire Outfit. He represents the Crew in the Outfit Council.

2. ASSISTANT CREW LEADER (ACL)Acts as head and spokesman of the Crew in the absence of the Crew Leader. He assist the Crew Leader in the performance of his responsibilities.He performs such other functions as may be assigned to him by the Crew Leader from time to time.

3. CREW SCRIBE He records and keeps the minutes of the Crew meetings and the Crew logbook. He handles all the paper works of the Crew to include the advancement, attendance, and participation records of all the Crew members.

4. CREW TREASURER His responsible for the collection and handling of all Crew finances such as dues and other funds. He keeps a record of all monitory transaction of the Crew.

5. CREW QUARTERMASTERHe is responsible for the storage and maintenance of all Crew equipment, materials and supplies. He inspects these regularly and make sure everything is accounted for and in good condition. He takes charges of releasing them to Crew members and make sure all are returned immediately, clean and in order after used.

6. CREW CHEERLEADERHe is the spirit builder of the Crew. He leads the Crew in cheering, in singing, acts as master of ceremonies during socials and in boosting the morale and enthusiasm of the members. He creates Crew yells, stunts, tricks, songs and teaches them to the whole Crew.


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He is the outdoor specialist of the Crew. He leads in the planning and the implementation of all Crew outdoor activities and projects to be undertaken and / or participated in by the Crew such as adventure hikes, expeditions, camps, rallies, tournaments, picnics, river explorations, air show etc.

8. CREW GRUBMASTER He is in charge of food preparation and other dietary requirement of the Crew.He plans the menu, does the marketing, cooks the food and supervises the mess.

Crew system will surely succeed to operate within the outfit with the help of the Crew Leader. Duties and responsibilities assigned to each senior scout members make them feel that they belong to the group and that they are an important contributors to the success of the Crew.

2.How can an Outfit Advisor apply the Scout Method in the Senior Scouting Program?

Being an Outfit Advisor (OA), I will consider the senior scouts to be the most important building block in a scouting movement. Although we believe in individual differences, yet they have similarities. Strong foundations comes from these fun loving and adventurous senior scouts for without them scouting will never be scouting. Thus, for this reason, all activities must be geared towards the fulfilment and satisfaction of their needs.


Biological changes among growing senior scouts will uncontrollably occur. Physical characteristics and development surface according to age. With this, scouting was designed to meet the requirements with which to develop their physicality through outdoor and adventurous activities that provides the senior scouts not only with the first hand experiences but also to use their physical capabilities resulting to its optimum development.


When a boy becomes a senior scout, he will be given the opportunity to develop his mental abilities through activities such as youth forum and the like that requires the senior scouts to use their knowledge through debate on matters that concerns them. He must come up with a clear and concrete solutions to problems based on their mental capacities. When a boy becomes a senior scout, his mental maturity will develop to the fullest.


Controlling one’s emotion in dealing with problems and success must be developed in every senior scout who enters scouting. Thus, scouting offers variety of activities that develops emotional maturity, opportunities for self-improvement and recognition of accomplishment through the advancement program. This allows the senior scout to effectively deal with different challenges in life.


Planning scouting activities always consider how senior scout become more mature socially. It always offers a chance to change or improve the senior scout unacceptable behaviours to his peers. Many scouting activities require association with other people

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thus making them aware of others not only themselves. In so doing, scouting meets this need of a senior scout who enters scouting.


Scouting always make sure that every senior scout will be given ample time to fulfilled their spiritual obligations regardless of religion and race. It is the movement’s duty to bring the senior scout closer to God, and involve them as much as possible to church activities for blessings and guidance.

Senior scouting truly believes that there should not be stone unturned in meeting and satisfying the need of senior scout when he enters scouting. It must always serve the senior scout to develop and attain holistic development to its full potentials.

3. What activities and projects do the Outfit should undertake? Justify your answer.

An Outfit Advisor should take the program of activities that may vary the five areas of concern: outdoor activities, vocational activities, service activities, social activities, and personal development activities. Also a Special Interest Outfit is involved in one particular field of endeavour, whether it is an air-based program, a sea-based program, or a land-based program. Taking this Super event should be carefully planned and carried out by everybody and may bring all the members of a crew or Outfit to different interesting places and to adventurous spots.

These are the activities or projects undertaken in the Senior Scouting Program:


A Crew meeting for three consecutive weeks and an Outfit meeting for the last week of the month and an additional one in the beginning of the school year and before summer break in my opinion is ideal. This will give the senior scout ample time to plan and prepare outfit activities. Furthermore, their time for school activities is also given the utmost importance. Their academic knowledge is also necessary to achieve total human development and maturity.


Considering the need of evaluating the senior scout acquired knowledge from the activities and identify their progress, it is necessary to conduct a camporals. In my opinion, two camporals in a year would be enough. After having activities for four months, this activity will serves as their venue to show their expertise. This will also definitely satisfy their need for recognition, fun and confidence in the performance of the said senior scout responsibilities.


Activities and knowledge on hikes has variety and many to mention. Different need depends on whether the scouts live in rural or urban areas. An additional of two or more in rural areas may help in acquiring necessary skills and knowledge. Many activities can be done and designed because of its area. Orientation of the surrounding communities serves as their venue. On the other hand, conducting two hikes in urban areas could be enough.

Aside from the above mentioned Outfit plan, inclusion of the advancement training, investiture and community service should also be added.

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Conducting annual summer camp once a year would be enough for the scouts to try and experience new activities outside the four walls of the classroom. In so doing, enough time for the family matters will also be given regard.

4. How can a Senior Scout advance to the highest rank?

An Outfit Advisor are duty to bound to assist and encourage each individual scout to grow through advancement, accord an incremental series of requirements in various skills and offer awards in the form of special badges to the scouts who should be the evidence of mastery.

After the senior scout earned his membership badge, he then work on to reach the advancement badge following the prescribed steps:


Scout prepares to meet the requirements for advancement with the support and encouragement of the crew leader or if necessary the adult leader. This is also the end – result of the senior scout participation in regular scouting activities.


Scout must submit himself for an examination by his own crew leader who already awarded with the badge which he is examined for. These test or series of test should be an actual demonstration of the skills involved based on the requirements given.

After the senior scout has completed his requirements, he then, submit his records to the senior crew leader for review. The council will make a recommendation to the Outfit Advisor according to their understanding of the senior scout qualities and capabilities.

Next the senior scout must submit himself to an informal conference with his outfit advisor who will determine whether or not the senior scout understands the ideals of scouting and how well he live up to them in his daily living. The adult leader will sign the advancement scorecard indicating that the senior scout is ready to appear before the board of review.


During the Board of Review, the senior scout will be asked by the panel of three adults who is also a member of the scouting movement enough questions to confirm if the senior scout deserves the badge he is working on. He must satisfy them to sign an approval to his application form. The approved application form together with the report of the adult leader will be sent to the local council office to get the corresponding certificate.


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As soon as the certificate of the senior scout arrives, advancement ceremony or court of honor will be arranged to formally present the certificate and badge. Aside from the advancement, he should also be encouraged to earn merit badges to supplement the basic skills he learns in scouting and a chance to try out new activities.

After the senior scout has earned his membership badge, he should progressively work on the following advancement rank in accordance with the four steps of the scout’s advancement (PERA).


5. How can a Senior Scouting program be made appealing to young people of Senior Scouting age?

Scouting is committed to train senior scout leaders and develop leadership skills to its full potentials. Therefore a senior scout who joined scouting is not necessarily trained. We being the leaders believe that every senior scout is a potential leader. It is the ability of the adult leader to help his senior / crew leader is far more necessary. Knowledge and skill of the adult leaders plays the vital role to achieve the desired result through his untiring attention. Convert the group of senior scout into an inseparable dream team who;

Successfully use the crew system Operational crew leaders capable of carrying out duties and

responsibilities High regard to learning new knowledge and skills for advancement And strive to strengthen character, moral, values and useful citizen of

the nation






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6.What steps should be done if the following situations are met in a school-based and or barangay-sponsored Unit for Senior Scouts (choose any 3)

a. caught smoking marijuana in your recently –concluded 3-day weekend camp

Marijuana is both emotionally and mentally addictive. Once an individual becomes addicted to marijuana it develops into part of who they believe themselves to be. Avoiding their friends who do not use, the addict will gravitate to others that do. Marijuana is a topic that is always on their mind, whether it be thinking about the next time they will be able to get high or where their going to get their next sack. When someone is addicted to marijuana eventually their friends and the people close to them only know how they act when their stoned because they no longer do anything without first smoking.

Being an adult leader, I’m upset because this weed is illegal. I am not saying I have anything against marijuana, but it is illegal and most parents don’t want their children participating in illegal activities. I am too much worried to this senior scout, that's what parents do. Also, it happened during the weekend camp where smoking is strictly prohibited, that is completely disrespectful. One on one conversation to this senior scout, maybe because their constant abuse is due to the misconception that marijuana is what they need to solve their problems. Inform the parents, aren't being mean or unfair, to know what their child doing, to give piece of advice what is right for their child.

As for you going and trying to get back at your parent that is stupid cause they are trying to help you. They love you and you need to think about it they are going to be the ones that are there for you when you need them cause friends will come and go and you don’t need to listen to the people on here telling you to do the wrong thing cause do you think that they care what happens to you are they going to take the blame when you get in trouble or better yet are they going to take the punishment for your sins?

b. suffers from aerophobia and cannot participate in rappelling as one of your high adventure activities

When most people involved on this activity and suffers from aerophobia, there's a tendency to ignore the chances of falling uncontrollably from the sky. They don't consider the plausibility of plummeting to their death. But, for those who deal with aerophobia, those thoughts are first and foremost in their mind.

The causes that initially trigger an intense fear of flying can be wide-ranging. Typically, people learn instinctive reactions by associating their emotions with a past event. The experience may have included extreme turbulence during a flight, a panic attack experienced by someone sitting nearby, or a crisis situation. In some cases, an event can trigger such strong emotions that an anxiety attack is triggered by simply witnessing a crash on television.

Aerophobia is treated in a couple of different ways. First, education plays an important role. Because education has proven to be effective, many agencies offer courses to help prospective travellers/ explorer deal with their anxiety. Many people choose to deal aggressively with their fear of flying by skydiving or

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rappelling. They believe that confronting their phobia directly will help them overcome it.Another method focuses upon identifying the initial event that caused the anxiety in the first place. Hypnotherapy attempts to isolate the event and analyze why the emotions are attached to it. By understanding the original event, the aero phobic person can begin resolving those emotions.But, as a learned reaction due to the emotions surrounding a certain event, treatment and therapy can help a person overcome this fear. Once you become comfortable with flying or rappelling, a world of opportunity opens.Finally, knowledge on the cause and effect is very useful to all members of the outfit. Giving the senior scout other responsibilities to do during adventure activities would make him feel he is important in the group and that he’s actions will make or break.

e. was reported to you by one of the members of the crew drinking alcoholic beverages outside the school after school hours

Confronting an alcoholic is a difficult task. Never attempt a confrontation while the drinker is under the influence of alcohol, only approach the alcoholic while sober and clear headed. Always consult the individual’s doctor or an alcohol disorder specialist before intervening to establish how to confront the alcoholic.

Keep the following helpful tips in mind when preparing for an intervention.

Make an appointment with a senior scout to discuss the nature of the problem and how it might best be approached. Although confronting an alcoholic can be similar in many respects for many families, it is a good idea to clarify unique circumstances or personal characteristics that could make a difference on the outcome.

It is crucial to talk to the person when sober and with a bit of luck, open to the idea of hearing your concerns. If a spontaneous opening should not happen, try to schedule a talk after dinner or when the two of you have some privacy and cannot be interrupted.

Ask for assistance to other relatives, close friends, with whom you have become acquainted. It may be helpful to find someone who has been in an intervention as they will know what problems may occur and how to handle them if they arise.

You must use a matter-of-fact tone in your voice and simply state the cause and effect of the individual’s drinking.

Inform the family member who leads it being able to change and the family should continue to receive counseling and support as they make decisions about the future reaction.

With knowledge, professional support, and loads of assurance, relatives can incorporate a dose of tough love into their confrontation to give that person a chance at recovery. An intervention is a positive step in the right direction, a direction that includes admitting a problem and choosing to have the willingness to take action to end the addiction. These steps will lead to a better life for both the drinker and those he loves.

7.How is the Outfit Leader’s Council carried out?

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The success of the outfit depends on the people who lead on it. The members of each Crew have their own task or responsibility for any activities of the crew especially if it is an Outfit activity. If all the members of the crew do their job, I’m sure that whatever activity of the crew or outfit, all of them would be successfully done.

The Senior Crew Leader is the one who act as the leader of all Crews. He can conduct a meeting for planning any outfit activities together with the Crew leaders of each crew before they conduct the specific outfit activity.

Aside from the Senior Crew Leader, we have an Assistant Senior Crew Leader who acts as head and spokesman of the Outfit in the absence of the Senior Crew Leader. He assists the Senior Crew Leader in the performance of his responsibilities. He performs such other functions as may be assigned to him by the Senior Crew Leader from time to time.

We have also an Outfit Scribe who records and keeps the minutes of the Outfit meetings and the outfit logbook. He handles all the paper works of the Outfit to include the advancement, attendance, and participation records of all the Crew members.

These qualities of an outfit leader will lead the council functioning and operational. Some characteristics may be more naturally present in the personality of a leader. However, each of these characteristics can also be developed and strengthened. An outfit leader whether they naturally possess these qualities or not, will be diligent to consistently develop and strengthen them in their leadership role.

8. How can the Outfit Advisor help his Senior Scouts make decisions for their future career?

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

Statistics show that by the time a child reaches the age of thirteen they will decide on their own line of interest.  The questions that we ask are simple.  Will they ready, by staying on the straight and narrow, or travel down the rocky path of destruction?   

One way to help them make that decision is by keeping our young people involved in various activities. Whether it be a gym night, fellowship hall/chapel service, family hours, sports at the park, retreats, camping, hiking etc. or just hanging out we try to keep them in the right direction. 

Starting at the age of twelve and up, young (and older) people are invited to join and be a part of the ongoing activities.  We also have various classes to help mold and assist in the direction our young people including the Teens, High School, and College and Career Classes.  These classes offer life assessment and teachings on each individual level. 

We feel that by keeping our young people active they will discover what the perfect will of God is for their life.  Speaking of which, we have had many testimonies of the direction and making good decision to everyone thru the guidance of the Lord will lead our youth to a better future.

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