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ATE Portal: User Guide - External Page 1 of 32 PUBLIC ATE Portal User Guide External Version 1 May 2018
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    ATE Portal

    User Guide – External Version 1 – May 2018

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    1 Solicitor User Guide ..................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Login to the portal ................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Reset Password ...................................................................................................................... 4 1.3 Submit a case – individual ...................................................................................................... 6 1.4 View case details .................................................................................................................... 8 1.5 Contact DAS with an issue .................................................................................................... 12

    2. Solicitor Administrator User Guide ........................................................................................... 13 2.1 Create new user .................................................................................................................... 13 2.2 Change user details .............................................................................................................. 15 2.3 View case details .................................................................................................................. 17 2.4 Contact DAS with an issue .................................................................................................... 21

    3. Bulk Upload User Guide ............................................................................................................. 22 3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 22 3.2 Bulk Upload Spreadsheet ..................................................................................................... 22 3.3 Submitting the spreadsheet .................................................................................................. 22 3.4 Appendix 1 – Data Values ..................................................................................................... 26 3.5 Appendix 2 - Case Type Values............................................................................................ 31

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    1. Solicitor User Guide

    1.1 Login to the portal

    Navigate to the portal (https://ateportal.das.co.uk/)

    Enter your Username and Password

    Upon successfully logging in the following page will be displayed

    You can also reset your password should you need to – see the next section


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    1.2 Reset Password

    On the login page there is an option to reset your password. Click on Reset Password

    Enter your email address and click on Send Password Reset Request

    A password reset email will be sent to your email address. Check your junk email folder if it

    isn’t received

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    Click on the link in the email and enter your new password details

    Upon successfully changing password details you will be prompted to login

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    1.3 Submit a case – individual

    Select Cases from the menu bar at the top of the portal homepage

    Select ‘Create a new case - single case’ from the list of options

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    Select which type of case you would like to submit

    Enter details into the form and at the end click on Submit

    A Notification will appear to confirm the submission has been successful

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    1.4 View case details

    A record of each case submitted via the portal will be stored and can be viewed at a later


    1.4.1 View recently submitted cases

    To view your 10 most recent cases select Cases from the top menu bar of the portal


    Click on View recent cases

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    The following table will be displayed. The lines in the table can be re-ordered by clicking on

    the table headers

    1.4.2 Search for a case

    Select Cases from the top menu bar of the portal homepage

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    Select Search Cases from the list of options

    Search for cases you’ve previously submitted using the various search fields. You are also

    able to search using parts of the word or reference

    Alternatively press enter whilst the search fields are blank to display all previously submitted


    (Note: Administrators are able to see all cases submitted by the firm)

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    The search results will be displayed in the following table. The lines in the table can be re-

    ordered by clicking on the table headers

    1.4.3 View case details

    To view details of a specific case navigate to the case search results table as above.

    Find the relevant row in the table and click on View Details

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    The following view will be displayed

    1.5 Contact DAS with an issue

    The following icon is displayed on all pages of the portal.

    Click on it to display contact details for DAS

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    2. Solicitor Administrator User Guide

    2.1 Create new user

    Login to the Portal using the following link (https://ateportal.das.co.uk/)

    Select Administration from the top menu bar of the portal homepage

    Select Create a new user from the list of options


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    Enter details of the new user and click on Submit.

    (Note: When entering the users email address please ensure there are no blank spaces)

    The new user will get an email asking them to set up their password. They should then be

    able to login to the portal

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    2.2 Change user details

    Administrators are able to change the following details of other users in the same firm;

    User Attribute Description

    Name N/A

    Email address A users email address is also their username. If it’s changed they will no longer be able to login using their old email address.

    Status A user account can be set as active or inactive. Users will not be able to login to an inactive account

    User Type There are two types of user - Administrators and Standard. Administrators are able to set up new users, change user details and see all previously submitted cases at a firm. There can be more than one administrator at a firm

    To change user details go to the home page and select Administration from the top menu


    Select View / edit users from the list of options

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    The following table will be displayed. Locate the relevant user and click on Edit Details to

    change their details

    Change the user attribute required and then click Save

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    2.3 View case details

    All cases submitted via the portal will be stored and viewable at a later date. Administrators

    will be able to see all cases submitted by users at their firm.

    1.3.1 View recently submitted cases

    To view the 10 most recent cases, select Cases from the top menu bar

    Click on View recent cases

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    The following table will be displayed. The lines in the table can be re-ordered by clicking on

    the table headers

    1.3.2 Search for a case

    Select Cases from the top menu bar

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    Select Search Cases from the list of options

    Search for cases previously submitted using the various search fields. You are also able to

    search using parts of the word or reference

    Alternatively press enter whilst the search fields are blank to display all previously submitted


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    The search results will be displayed in the following table. The lines in the table can be re-

    ordered by clicking on the table headers

    1.3.3 View case details

    Navigate to the case search results table as shown above.

    Click on View Details next the relevant row in the table

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    The following view is displayed

    2.4 Contact DAS with an issue

    The following icon is displayed on all pages of the portal.

    Click on it to display contact details for DAS

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    3. Bulk Upload User Guide

    3.1 Introduction

    This facility has been developed to allow new case data to be transferred to DAS in bulk. Not

    all Solicitor Firms will have access to this function.

    3.2 Bulk Upload Spreadsheet

    Information relating to new cases should be entered in the accompanying Excel

    spreadsheet, saved as an xls file and uploaded via the ATE Portal. See the sections below

    for detailed instructions

    Please note: The format of the spreadsheet cannot be altered in any way as this will

    cause the upload to fail and you will be asked to resubmit your file.

    Similarly the data entered into the spreadsheet must adhere to the formatting set out

    in the tables in Appendices 1-2 otherwise the upload will fail.

    3.3 Submitting the spreadsheet

    Login to the portal using the following link (https://ateportal.das.co.uk/)

    Upon logging in select Cases from the top menu bar


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    Select ‘Create a new case – bulk upload’ from the list of options

    Confirm Client Approval

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    Choose where the policy schedules will be sent to

    Upload the spreadsheet

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    If there are no errors in the uploaded file the following screen will be displayed

    If there are errors in the uploaded file they will be displayed as shown below. The table

    shows where the error occurred in the uploaded file and what the error was.

    The errors will need to be fixed and the spreadsheet uploaded again. It’s important

    that only the lines where the errors occurred are included when the spreadsheet is

    uploaded again.

    To do this, delete the rows that have been successfully uploaded and move all remaining

    rows to the top of the spreadsheet underneath the column headers

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    3.4 Appendix 1 – Data Values

    Values entered into the bulk upload spreadsheet must follow the format shown in the ‘Value’

    column below.

    Mandatory fields must be populated. Certain fields are marked MC. These fields become

    mandatory depending on the data entered in other fields

    Field No:

    Field label Field Length

    Type Mandatory / Optional


    1 Solicitor Reference

    25 Alpha-numeric

    M Solicitors reference

    2 Agent code 6 Numeric M Agent code relates to where the source of business has been referred from. This will either be a direct agency you have with DAS or a third party (intermediary) The Agent Code will have been supplied by DAS

    3 Type of retainer 1 Alphabetic M Has to be one of the following; D = Damaged Based Agreement C = Conditional Fee Agreement P = Private (Single letter and in CAPITALS)

    4 Date of retainer 10 Numeric M Date format = DD/MM/YYYY Date must be after the incident date (Field 8) but can’t be in the future

    5 Claim Type 3 Numeric M Refer to the 'Claim Type' column in Appendix 2

    6 EOC Code 4 Alpha-numeric

    M Refer to the 'EOC' column in Appendix 2

    7 Profile Code 3 Numeric M Refer to the 'Profile' column in Appendix 2

    8 Date of incident 10 Numeric M Date format = DD/MM/YYYY Date can't be in the future

    9 Summary of case 200 Alphabetic M Free text field but no more than 200 characters

    10 Jurisdiction of claim

    50 Alphabetic M Has to be one of the following; E = England & Wales S = Scotland I = Ireland (Single letter and in CAPITALS)

    11 Prospects of Success

    3 Numeric M Number has to be Between 51 & 100 and not include any special characters - eg %

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    12 Damages sought 10 Numeric M Number only (no special characters - eg £) Lower limit of a £1,000

    13 Track type 1 Alphabetic M Has to be one of the following; F = Fast Track M = Multi Track P = MOJ Portal S = Small Claims Single letter & Capitals only;

    14 Liability admitted 1 Alphabetic M Has to be one of the following; Y = Yes N = No U = Unknown Single letter & Capitals only;

    15 Date liability admitted

    10 Numeric MC Mandatory if field 14 is 'Y' Date format = DD/MM/YYYY Date needs to be after the date of incident (Field 8) but not in the future

    16 Basis of liability 1 Alphabetic MC Mandatory if field 14 is 'Y' Has to be one of the following; F = Full S = Subject to causation (Single letter & Capitals only)

    17 Proceedings issued

    1 Alphabetic M Has to be one of the following; Y = Yes N = No U = Unknown Single letter & Capitals only;

    18 Date proceedings issued

    10 Numeric MC Mandatory if field 17 is 'Y' Date format = DD/MM/YYYY Date needs to be after the date of incident (Field 8) but not in the future

    19 Date of trial 10 Numeric O Date format = DD/MM/YYYY Date needs to be after the date proceedings were issued (Field 18)

    20 Date of trial window

    10 Numeric O Start date of the trial window Date format = DD/MM/YYYY Date needs to be after the date proceedings were issued (Field 18)

    21 Received formal offer

    1 Alphabetic M Has to be one of the following; Y = Yes N = No

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    22 Who made offer 1 Alphabetic MC Mandatory if field 21 is 'Y' Has to be one of the following; D = Defendant C = Claimant Single letter & Capitals only;

    23 Offer in respect of 1 Alphabetic MC Mandatory if field 21 is 'Y' Has to be one of the following; Q = Quantum L = Liability B = Both Single letter & Capitals only

    24 Date offer made 10 Numeric MC Mandatory if field number 21 is 'Y' Date format = DD/MM/YYYY Date needs to be after the incident date (Field 8) and not in the future

    25 Details of offer 200 Alpha-numeric

    MC Mandatory if field number 21 is 'Y' Free text field but no more than 200 characters

    26 Has Counterclaim been made

    1 Alphabetic M Has to be one of the following; Y = Yes N = No Single letter & Capitals only

    27 Counterclaim amount

    7 Numeric MC Mandatory if field 26 is 'Y' Number only (no special characters - eg £)

    28 Number of Claimants

    3 Numeric Y In cases with multiple claimants each claimant will need to be entered as a separate line on the spreadsheet The Solicitor Reference (field 1) will need to be different for each claimant Enter '1' in this cell each time

    29 Client title 10 Alphabetic M Free text up to a maximum of 10 characters

    30 Client first name 35 Alphabetic M Free text up to a maximum of 35 characters

    31 Client surname 35 Alphabetic M Free text up to a maximum of 35 characters

    32 Client Business name

    35 Alphabetic O Free text up to a maximum of 35 characters

    33 Client Business name 2

    35 Alphabetic O Free text up to a maximum of 35 characters

    34 Client Business name 3

    35 Alphabetic O Free text up to a maximum of 35 characters

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    35 Client Date of birth

    10 Numeric M DD/MM/YYYY The date entered cannot be in the future

    36 Using a Personal Rep

    1 Alphabetic M Has to be one of the following; Y = Yes N = No Single letter & Capitals only If Client is under 18 this field needs to be 'Y'

    37 Personal Rep Title

    10 Alphabetic MC Mandatory if field 36 is 'Y' Free text

    38 Personal Rep first name

    35 Alphabetic MC Mandatory if field 36 is 'Y' Free text

    39 Personal Rep surname

    35 Alphabetic MC Mandatory if field 36 is 'Y' Free text

    40 Address line 1 35 Alphabetic M If the client is using a personal representative then the personal representative address is required otherwise the client address is required.

    41 Address line 2 35 Alphabetic O If the client is using a personal representative then the personal representative address is required otherwise the client address is required.

    42 Town 20 Alphabetic M If the client is using a personal representative then the personal representative address is required otherwise the client address is required.

    43 County 20 Alphabetic M If the client is using a personal representative then the personal representative address is required otherwise the client address is required.

    44 Postcode 1 4 Alpha-numeric

    M If the client is using a personal representative then the personal representative address is required otherwise the client address is required. Enter the first 3 or 4 characters of the postcode

    45 Postcode 2 4 Alpha-numeric

    M If the client is using a personal representative then the personal representative address is required otherwise the client address is required. Enter the last 3 characters of the

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    46 Number of Defendants

    3 Numeric M Spreadsheet only allows one defendant to be entered per case For cases with multiple defendants please contact DAS separately

    47 Def Title 10 Alphabetic O Defendant has to either be an individual or a business. If individual then fields 48 and 49 need to be populated If a business then field 50 needs to be populated Fields 47, 51, 52 are optional

    48 Def first name 35 Alphabetic MC

    49 Def surname 35 Alphabetic MC

    50 Def Name of business

    35 Alphabetic MC

    51 Def Name of business 2

    35 Alphabetic O

    52 Def Name of business 3

    35 Alphabetic O

    53 Def insurer name 35 Alphabetic M Free text up to a maximum of 35 characters

    Please enter the name of the defendants insurer or enter 'unknown' if you don’t have details

    54 LOI required for Expert Reports pre issue

    7 Numeric MC LOI = Limit of Indemnity (the amount of insurance cover) Mandatory if Field 7 is '155'

    55 LOI required for Disbursements pre issue

    7 Numeric O LOI = Limit of Indemnity (the amount of insurance cover) Mandatory if Field 7 is '155'

    56 LOI required for Expert Reports post issue

    7 Numeric MC LOI = Limit of Indemnity (the amount of insurance cover) Mandatory if Field 7 is '155'

    57 LOI required for other disbursements post issue

    7 Numeric O LOI = Limit of Indemnity (the amount of insurance cover) Mandatory if Field 7 is '155'

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    3.5 Appendix 2 - Case Type Values

    Profile EOC Description Claim Type

    Motor - 151

    141A Motor 22 Motor Driver PI

    20 Motor Passenger PI

    828 Motorbike - Driver

    829 Motorbike - Passenger

    141L Pedestrian 23 Personal Injury

    141M Cyclist 23 Personal Injury

    Non Motor - 152

    141B PI - Other

    810 Product Liability

    811 Public Liability

    812 Occupiers Liability

    825 PTSD

    826 Assault

    827 Sports Injury

    832 Animals Act

    833 Sexual Abuse

    835 Harassment Act

    836 Prisoner

    310 Travel - Sickness

    311 Travel - Accident

    141G PI - Trip Slip (Public

    Liability) 23 Personal Injury

    141H PI - Work 23 Personal Injury

    824 Employers Liability (trip/slip)

    141F PI - Industrial Disease 813 Asbestos

    814 VWF

    815 Dermatitis

    816 Deafness

    831 Asthma

    29 Other I.D.

    141N Mesothelioma 29 Other I.D.

    Clinical Negligence -

    155 215B Clinical Negligence 25 Medical Negligence

    Civil Litigation - 153

    012E Tenancy Disputes 38 ATE Personal

    200C Accounts Negligence 11 Motor Contract Dispute

    201C Solicitors Negligence 21 Tort

    202C Surveyors Negligence 26 Boundary Dispute

    203C Other Negligence 27 Employment Dispute

    221A Insolvency 41 Property Damage

    232B Contract Disputes -

    Goods 42 Nuisance

    233B Contract Disputes - 43 Trespass

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    234B Contract Disputes - Other 131 Inheritance Dispute

    235B Debt Recovery 132 Misrepresentation

    241B Bent Metal 837 Property Dispute

    241C PPI
