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atholicLink - Parish of the Most Holy Redeemer · and recount the deeds of the Lord. ... email...

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SUNDAY MASS ENTRANCE ANTIPHON: I have risen, and I am with you still, alleluia. You have laid your hand upon me, alleluia. Too wonderful for me, this knowledge, alleluia, alleluia. FIRST READING: Acts 10:34, 37-43. RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Psalm 118. RESPONSE: This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice in it and be glad. 1. Give praise to the Lord, for he is good; his mercy endures forever. Let the house of Israel say, ‘His mercy endures forever’. 2.‘The Lord’s right hand has done mighty deeds; his right hand is exalted. The Lord’s right hand has done mighty deeds’. I shall not die, I shall live and recount the deeds of the Lord. 3. The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. By the Lord has this been done, a marvel in our eyes. SECOND READING: Colossians 3:1-4. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Alleluia, alleluia. Christ, our Paschal Lamb, has been sacrificed; let us, therefore, celebrate the festival in the Lord. Alleluia. GOSPEL: John 20:1-9. COMMUNION ANTIPHON: Christ our Passover has been sacrificed, alleluia; therefore let us keep the feast with the unleavened bread of purity and truth, alleluia, alleluia. C atholic ink L Easter Light Resurrection of the Lord Year A Divine Office: Week I 16 April 2017 Copyright. Do not reproduce without permission. © Redemptorist Pastoral Publications, P O Box 341, Merrivale, 3291. Phone 087 808 2369. Fax 086 545 4381. Email: [email protected]. Internet: www.rpp.org.za. Printed by Paarl Media. Redemptorist Publications SouthAfrica Light from Light Books from Redemptorist Pastoral Publications To order call Innocent on 087 808 2369, email [email protected], or order directly from our website www.rpp.org.za R70 plus postage F ILM BUFFS may have noticed that of late films dealing with Resurrection have used light to symbolise an event which goes beyond all our imagining. The Resurrection of Jesus is an event which has a strong footprint in our history but which at the same time is beyond our categories of time and space. Hence the use of light. This instinct to use subtle lighting sets well with the inspired Scriptures of the New Covenant. In the prologue to St John’s Gospel we read, The Word was the true light that enlightens all men; (John 1:9). Jesus himself used the same imagery I am the light of the world; anyone who follows me will not be walking in the dark; he will have the light of life (John 8:12). So deeply embedded is this language of light that it preferred a way of speaking about the second person of the Trinity, ‘God from God, light from light , true God from true God’. Jesus is Light because he is the Son of God who is Light (1 John 1:5). Whenever we recite the Nicene creed we make an act of faith in the Light. The divine light is such that something of that light shines in all creation. Those who follow the Incarnate Light are themselves described by Jesus as light: You are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14). To be an authentic disciple is to walk in the light, to become more and more lightsome: Your light must shine in the sight of men, so that, seeing your good works, they may give the praise to your Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16). The light of Christ is not like a fireworks display which produces exotic lights in the sky only to fade and leave reality as it was. It is a not a “sound and light” show to dazzle and entertain. The Resurrection Light is transformative: it is a light which enters into people and changes them from within. In his first letter St John makes the Resurrection effect very vivid: Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in the dark. But anyone who loves his brother is living in the light and need not be afraid of stumbling (1 John 2:9,10). Resurrection Light shines on all creation not only bathing it in beauty but preparing all creation for its final destiny in the fullness of the Kingdom of Light and Love. Because of the Light of the Resurrection Jesus himself is a new creation and his ministry is to make all things new (Revelations 21:5). Here we see the Gospel of Creation radiating the love of God in ways without limits. Pope Francis concludes his encyclical Laudato Si: ‘In the heart of this world, the Lord of life, who loves us so much, is always present. He does not abandon us, he does not leave us alone, for he has united himself definitively to our earth, and his love constantly impels us to find new ways forward’ (245). Live the Word THE WEEK AHEAD (KEY: SOLEMNITY; FEAST; Memorial; (Optional Memorial ) Colour = Liturgical colour of the day or feast) Mon 17 Apr EASTER OCTAVE Acts 2:14.22-33; Psalm 16; Matthew 28:8-15 As our Easter ‘high’ begins to dissipate, spend today pondering how the whole experience of Lent and Easter has changed us. Think of ways you can allow those changes to become habits in the days ahead. Sun 23 Apr 2ND SUNDAY OF EASTER Acts 2:42-47; Psalm 118; John 20:19-31 We often want God to rescue us whenever we feel out of control, vulnerable or tempted. We want a quick fix. Yet we find God often holds back, allow- ing our struggle to absorb every bit of divine grace. Sat 22 Apr EASTER OCTAVE Acts 4:13-21; Psalm 118; Mark 16:9-15 We all like to have proof, evidence that we can see and feel and touch. Yet Jesus encourages us to look beyond all that to what is not always easy to see – to look a little deeper – to trust and believe. Fri 21 Apr EASTER OCTAVE Acts 4:1-12; Psalm 118; John 21:1-14 We all love to be in control! But the powerful message of today’s Gospel is that if we place our lives in God’s hands and open our hearts to God’s guidance, our efforts will most certainly bear fruit. Thu 20 Apr EASTER OCTAVE Acts 3:11-26; Psalm 8; Luke 24:35-48 Jesus had every reason to scold his followers for failing him… and how often are we tempted to re- taliate when our egos are bruised. Yet Jesus offers them peace. We can surely learn from his example. Wed 19 Apr EASTER OCTAVE Acts 3:1-10; Psalm 105; Luke 24:13-35 ‘Their eyes were opened’ implies that the disciples were awake to the miracle that was unfolding in their midst. Lord, as we celebrate Eucharist, open our eyes to the reality of your presence. Tue 18 Apr EASTER OCTAVE Acts 2:36-41; Psalm 33; John 20:11-18 We can learn much from Mary of Magdala who must have felt so alone at the tomb of Jesus – grief- stricken over his death. But she never stopped following him, even when all seemed lost. Teaching about the Sacraments breaks out of its traditional mold with Handbook of Sacraments for Today’s Catechist. This quick- reference guide for today’s catechist includes activities as well as instruction, and fills the need for an energetic, complete, and easy-to- understand exploration of the Sacraments.
Page 1: atholicLink - Parish of the Most Holy Redeemer · and recount the deeds of the Lord. ... email orders@rpp.org.za, or order directly from our website R70 plus postage F ILM BUFFS may

SUNDAY MASSENTRANCE ANTIPHON:I have risen, and I am with you still, alleluia. You have laid your hand upon me, alleluia. Too wonderful for me, this knowledge, alleluia, alleluia.FIRST READING: Acts 10:34, 37-43.RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Psalm 118.RESPONSE:This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice in it and be glad.1. Give praise to the Lord, for he is good; his mercy endures forever. Let the house of Israel say, ‘His mercy endures forever’. ℟2.‘The Lord’s right hand has done mighty deeds; his right hand is exalted. The Lord’s right hand has done mighty deeds’. I shall not die, I shall live and recount the deeds of the Lord. ℟3. The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. By the Lord has this been done, a marvel in our eyes. ℟SECOND READING: Colossians 3:1-4.GOSPEL ACCLAMATION:Alleluia, alleluia. Christ, our Paschal Lamb, has been sacrifi ced; let us, therefore, celebrate the festival in the Lord. Alleluia.GOSPEL: John 20:1-9.COMMUNION ANTIPHON:Christ our Passover has been sacrifi ced, alleluia; therefore let us keep the feast with the unleavened bread of purity and truth, alleluia, alleluia.

CCCCatholic ink inkinkinkL Easter LightResurrection of the Lord Year A Divine Office: Week I 16 April 2017

Copyright. Do not reproduce without permission. © Redemptorist Pastoral Publications, P O Box 341, Merrivale, 3291. Phone 087 808 2369. Fax 086 545 4381. Email: [email protected]. Internet: www.rpp.org.za. Printed by Paarl Media.


Light from Light


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To order call Innocent on 087 808 2369,email [email protected], or order directly from our website www.rpp.org.za

R70 plus postage

FILM BUFFS may have noticed that of late films dealing with Resurrection have used light to symbolise an event which goes beyond all our

imagining. The Resurrection of Jesus is an event which has a strong footprint in our history but which at the same time is beyond our categories of time and space. Hence the use of light.

This instinct to use subtle lighting sets well with the inspired Scriptures of the New Covenant. In the prologue to St John’s Gospel we read, The Word was the true light that enlightens all men; (John 1:9).

Jesus himself used the same imagery I am the light of the world; anyone who follows me will not be walking in the dark; he will have the light of life (John 8:12).

So deeply embedded is this language of light that it preferred a way of speaking about the second person of the Trinity, ‘God from God, light from light, true God from true God’. Jesus is Light because he is the Son of God who is Light (1 John 1:5). Whenever we recite the Nicene creed we make an act of faith in the Light.

The divine light is such that something of that light shines in all creation. Those who follow the Incarnate Light are themselves described by Jesus as light: You are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14). To be an authentic disciple is to walk in the light, to become more and more lightsome: Your light must shine in the sight of men, so

that, seeing your good works, they may give the praise to your Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16).

The light of Christ is not like a f ireworks display which produces exotic lights in the sky only to fade and leave reality as it was. It is a not a “sound and light” show to dazzle and entertain. The Resurrection Light is transformative: it is a light which enters into people and changes them from within.

In his first letter St John makes the Resurrection effect very vivid: Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in the dark. But anyone who loves his brother is living in the light and need not be afraid of stumbling (1 John 2:9,10).

Resurrection Light shines on all creation not only bathing it in beauty but preparing all creation for its f inal destiny in the fullness of the Kingdom of Light and Love. Because of the Light of the Resurrection Jesus himself is a new creation and his ministry is to make all things new (Revelations 21:5). Here we see the Gospel of Creation radiating the love of God in ways without limits.

Pope Francis concludes his encyclical Laudato Si: ‘In the heart of this world, the Lord of life, who loves us so much, is always present. He does not abandon us, he does not leave us alone, for he has united himself definitively to our earth, and his love constantly impels us to f ind new ways forward’ (245).

Live the Word T H E W E E K A H E A D

(KEY: SOLEMNITY; FEAST; Memorial; (Optional Memorial)Colour = Liturgical colour of the day or feast)

Mon 17 Apr EASTER OCTAVEActs 2:14.22-33; Psalm 16; Matthew 28:8-15As our Easter ‘high’ begins to dissipate, spend today pondering how the whole experience of Lent and Easter has changed us. Think of ways you can allow those changes to become habits in the days ahead.

Sun 23 Apr 2ND SUNDAY OF EASTERActs 2:42-47; Psalm 118; John 20:19-31We often want God to rescue us whenever we feel out of control, vulnerable or tempted. We want a quick f ix. Yet we f ind God often holds back, allow-ing our struggle to absorb every bit of divine grace.

Sat 22 Apr EASTER OCTAVEActs 4:13-21; Psalm 118; Mark 16:9-15We all like to have proof, evidence that we can see and feel and touch. Yet Jesus encourages us to look beyond all that to what is not always easy to see – to look a little deeper – to trust and believe.

Fri 21 Apr EASTER OCTAVEActs 4:1-12; Psalm 118; John 21:1-14We all love to be in control! But the powerful message of today’s Gospel is that if we place our lives in God’s hands and open our hearts to God’s guidance, our efforts will most certainly bear fruit.

Thu 20 Apr EASTER OCTAVEActs 3:11-26; Psalm 8; Luke 24:35-48Jesus had every reason to scold his followers for failing him… and how often are we tempted to re-taliate when our egos are bruised. Yet Jesus offers them peace. We can surely learn from his example.

Wed 19 Apr EASTER OCTAVEActs 3:1-10; Psalm 105; Luke 24:13-35‘Their eyes were opened’ implies that the disciples were awake to the miracle that was unfolding in their midst. Lord, as we celebrate Eucharist, open our eyes to the reality of your presence.

Tue 18 Apr EASTER OCTAVEActs 2:36-41; Psalm 33; John 20:11-18We can learn much from Mary of Magdala who must have felt so alone at the tomb of Jesus – grief-stricken over his death. But she never stopped following him, even when all seemed lost.

Teaching about the Sacraments breaks out of its traditional mold w i th Handbook o f Sacraments for Today’s Catechist. This quick-reference guide for today’s catechist includes act iv i t ies as well as instruction, and fills the need for an energetic, complete, and easy-to-understand exploration of the Sacraments.

Page 2: atholicLink - Parish of the Most Holy Redeemer · and recount the deeds of the Lord. ... email orders@rpp.org.za, or order directly from our website R70 plus postage F ILM BUFFS may


Parish Priest: Fr Gerard McCabe C.Ss.R � [email protected]

Assistants: Fr Scott Davidson C.Ss.R and Fr Charles Mulenga C.Ss.R


PAGE: 201 in New Sunday Missal. Year A.


SATURDAY: 6.00pm

SUNDAY: 7.00am, 9.00am, 11.00am and 6.00pm



MON to FRI: 6.15am (or Communion Service)

MON to SAT: 8.30am


ROSARY: WEDNESDAY after 8.30am Mass


THURSDAY: 7.00 to 7.30pm

SATURDAY: 9.00 to 10.00am & 5.00 to 5.55pm


MONDAY to FRIDAY: 9.00am to 9.00pm

except THURSDAY: 9.00am to 7.30pm



THURSDAY: 7.30pm



Bergvliet Road, Bergvliet, 7945

021 712-2210 or712-1181

021 712-4271

9.00am to 3.00pm Monday to Friday

[email protected]


[email protected]

Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, Bergvliet

Catholic Counselling


Need somewhere to talk that is safe, where there is total confidentiality and where you will not be judged?

Contact one of our trained counsellors

Cynthia Wiese: 021 794-1601

Annette Milner: 021 715-8177

St. Vincent de Paul Society assists the areas poor.

If you need help / assistance / a visit contact the SVDP pres-ident on 083 450-5479. The matter will be dealt with in confidence.


April 17 Mon HOLIDAY 6.15am No Mass 8.30am Storm Schumann - 25th Birthday

April 18 Tues Care & craft after 8.30am Mass Edna Cottle room RCIA 7.30pm Edna Cottle room Charismatic Praise & Worship 7.45pm Room 1

6.15am No Mass 8.30am Mick Freeman - Rip

April 19 Wed Rosary after 8.30am Mass Alzheimer’s group 10am Edna Cottle room Life Teen 7pm Boardroom

6.15am No Mass 8.30am Special Intention

April 20 Thurs Novena 7.30pm in the Church Badminton after Novena Parish centre

6.15am No Mass 8.30am James Edmund Hill - Rip

April 21 Fri 10.00am No Mass 8.30am Justine & Neil - Blessings on their


April 22 Sat. Legion of Mary 9.15am Room 2 Mother Teresa group after 8.30am Mass Edna Cottle room

8.30am Private Intentions 7.30pm Keith Ohlson - Rip

April 23 Sun Second Sunday of Easter (OF DIVINE MERCY) Theme: “Blessed Are Those Who Have Not Seen” PAGE: 246 in New Sunday Missal. Year A

7.00am Mortuary List 9.00am John Ayrton - Rip 11.00am Parishioners 6.00pm Bianca Mc Gowan (Lino) - Rip


The Easter message of the risen Christ, a message of life for all humanity, echoes down the ages and invites us not to forget those men and women seeking a better future, an ever more numerous throng of migrants and refugees – including many children – fleeing from war, hunger, poverty and social injustice. All too often, these brothers and sisters of ours meet along the way with death or, in any event, rejection by those who could offer them welcome and assistance.

Along with our brothers and sisters persecuted for their faith and their fidelity to the name of Christ, and before the evil that seems to have the upper hand in the life of so many people, let us hear once again the comforting words of the Lord: “Take courage; I have conquered the world! (Jn 16:33). Today is the radiant day of this victory, for Christ has trampled death and destruction underfoot. By his resurrection, he has brought life and immortality to light (cf. 2 Tim 1:10). “He has made us pass from enslavement to freedom, from sadness to joy, from mourning to jubilation, from darkness to light, from slavery to redemp-tion. Therefore let us acclaim in his presence: Alleluia!”.

To those in our society who have lost all hope and joy in life, to the elderly who struggle alone and feel their strength waning, to young people who seem to have no future, to all I once more address the words of the Risen One: “See, I am making all things new… To the thirsty I will give water as a gift from the spring of the water of life” (Rev 21:5-6). May this comforting message of Jesus help each of us to set out anew with greater courage and hope, to blaze trails of reconciliation with God and with all our brothers and sisters. How much we need this!”

Fr Gerard, CSsR

Easter Prayer

Lord, the resurrection of Your Son

has given us new life and renewed hope.

Help us to live as new people

in pursuit of the Christian ideal.

Grant us wisdom to know what we must do,

the will to want to do it,

the courage to undertake it,

the perseverance to continue to do it,

and the strength to complete it.

Page 3: atholicLink - Parish of the Most Holy Redeemer · and recount the deeds of the Lord. ... email orders@rpp.org.za, or order directly from our website R70 plus postage F ILM BUFFS may


On behalf of all the Redemptorist Community here at Holy Redeemer parish, may I wish all of you and your loved ones all the blessings and joys of Easter. May we all experience the new life and hope that the Risen Christ offers us each and every day, if we only turn to Him with open hearts. I have already written my Easter letter to the parish so let me share with you Pope Francis’ Easter message from last year, which remains very relevant in these days:

“O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,

for his mercy endures for ever” (Ps 135:1)

Jesus Christ, the incarnation of God’s mercy, out of love for us, died on the cross, and out of love he rose again from the dead. That is why we proclaim today: Jesus is Lord! His resurrection fulfils the prophecy of the Psalm: God’s mercy endures for ever; it never dies. We can trust him completely, and we thank him because for our sake he descended into the depths of the abyss.

Before the spiritual and moral abysses of mankind, before the chasms that open up in hearts and provoke hatred and death, only an infinite mercy can bring us salvation. Only God can fill those chasms with his love, prevent us from falling into them and help us to continue our journey together towards the land of freedom and life.

The glorious Easter message, that Jesus, who was crucified is not here but risen (cf. Mt 28:5-6), offers us the comforting assurance that the abyss of death has been bridged and, with it, all mourning, lamentation and pain (cf. Rev 21:4). The Lord, who suffered abandonment by his disciples, the burden of an unjust condemnation and shame of an ignominious death, now makes us sharers of his immortal life and enables us to see with his eyes of love and compassion those who hunger and thirst, strangers and prisoners, the marginalized and the outcast, the victims of oppression and violence. Our world is full of persons suffering in body and spirit, even as the daily news is full of stories of brutal crimes which often take place within homes, and large-scale armed conflicts which cause indescribable suffering to entire peoples.

The Lord Jesus, our peace (Eph 2:14), by his resurrection triumphed over evil and sin. May he draw us closer on this Easter feast to the victims of terrorism, that blind and brutal form of violence which continues to shed blood in different parts of the world. With the weapons of love, God has defeated selfishness and death. His son Jesus is the door of mercy wide open to all.

(Continued 2nd last page)


This week: None


Only one collection will be taken up at all Masses over the Easter weekend in thanksgiving to the Redemptorist Community. Should you prefer to pay per EFT, herewith banking details: Name of Account: Holy Redeemer Parish, Bank: Standard Bank, Branch: Constantia, Branch Code: 025309, Account No: 071805427. Reference: Surname/EOF


Please return ASAP, either to your Catechism teacher, or bring with you to Mass over the weekend.

YOUNG ADULTS Meeting on Tuesday 18 April is cancelled


Wednesday 19 April 10.00am

Venue - Edna Cottle room


Thursday 20 April 10.00am

Venue - Parish Centre


Monday 24 April at 7.30pm Venue - Parish Centre

ALPHA GROUP MEETING Monday 24 April 7.00pm

Venue - Edna Cottle room

PPC MEETING Monday 24 April 7.30pm

Venue - Boardroom


Karaoke / Dance

Retreat Civic on Friday 28 April Donation of only R40. Pls contact Denise for bank details on 079 172-6476 Thank you! GOD bless.

BACON & EGG ROLLS Sunday 30 April After 9.00am Mass

Alpha Group initiative


Available from the Repository

• New stock

• Faith themed gift items and cards

• Living Faith for April -June

Happy Easter from all at The Southern Cross

1. Bishop to Zuma: Probe state capture

2. Easter Bunny fake news. Here’s the

Good News

3. Three lessons from the Resurrection

4. Couple’s 75 years of marriage

5. How the Crusaders changed the world

THIS WEEK’S EDITORIAL: Mystery of life from death



The pilgrimage to Rome, Assisi and to our Redemptorist Saints will take place from

12th till the 22nd September 2018.

Flyers and booking forms are available from Theresa at the parish office.

On Friday 21st April Shawn Lotters, of St Gerard’s Holy Tours, will make a presentation

for all those who may be interested in participating in this pilgrimage.

The meeting will take place at 7.30.p.m.in the Parish Centre.

Page 4: atholicLink - Parish of the Most Holy Redeemer · and recount the deeds of the Lord. ... email orders@rpp.org.za, or order directly from our website R70 plus postage F ILM BUFFS may


As I had always known

he would come, unannounced,

remarkable merely for the absence

of clamour. So truth must appear

to the thinker; so, at a stage

of the experiment, the answer

mist quietly emerge. I looked

at him, not with the eye

only, but with the whole

of my being, overflowing with

him as a chalice would

with the sea. Yet was he

no more there than before,

his area occupied

by the unhaloed presences.

You could put your hand

in him without consciousness

of his wounds. The gamblers

at the foot of the unnoticed

cross went on with

their dicing; yet the invisible

garment for which they played

was no longer at stake, but worn

by him in this risen existence.



Barbara Alexander

Monica Arendse

Fr Anderson

Lily Ball

Dylan Berry

Jill Buser

Catharina Clavaux

Gloriana Cloete

Alvin Cozett

Magdalena Cozett

Trevor de Beer

Mr Doidge

Christian Engelbrecht

Mary-Anne Esau

Desmond Fernandez

Dawn Forsdyk

Jose Santos Gomes

Keith Gomez

Kerry Heideman

Rita Hendricks

Sam Hendricks

Dale Heynes

Dawn Heynes

Russell Heynes

Jean Kennedy

Fr Lunney

Gerald Louw

Geraldine Malander

Willi Malherbe

Brian McEvoy

Rosetta Orgill

Monty Pasqualie

Patrick Perreira

Ernest Peskin

Albert Petersen

Carris Pietersen

Lindsey Pietersen

Elaine Roode

Lionel September

Dorothy Slayne

Vera Steyn

Renelda Visser

Jack Whitwam

Eileen(Fr Gerard sister)



Thursday evening at 7.30pm

Place your special Prayer Intentions & Thanksgivings in the box at the back of the Church.

Also at www.holyredeemer.co.za


A warm welcome and thanks to the new members of the Adoration group

• Although the roster has now been

removed from the Church porch, if

anyone is still interested in joining please

do make contact.

• Have you thought of sharing an hour a

week over the month – with family,

friends or members of a Parish group?

The Adoration Chapel is open from

9.00am to 9.00pm Monday to Friday,

except Thursday and Friday, during

Lent when the Chapel closes at 7.30pm

For further information please contact

Carol Cornell on 073 194 7295 or

Theresa in the office


Joanna Morkel - RIP


Monday 17 April to Friday 21 April – ONLY Mass at 8.30am

Thursday 20 April – Novena as usual at 7.30pm

Saturday 22 April – Mass at 8.30am and

Vigil Mass of Divine Mercy at 6.00pm.


Meetings are held fortnightly at 6.30pm on a Tuesday. For further information or confirmation of meeting dates, please call 083 450-5479

SMS “CATHOLIC” to 31222

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