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‘toFACEE/ Widow-Quizzed Green Protests Job LossJUnder-Textile...

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‘toFACEE/ VTWIN F jjjl^ , IDAHO, TO^ JULY 18, 1933 •Alabmna, Aikaasas ^Balloting .•„Todajr.;6n Adoption cf-i!; . Ropc&l|A^ondmont"'.-2* Tonncssoo' Ooca . to Polls' on'l ' Thundftjr; Oampaign - . - , -in Balanco. BIRJIINaUAM.: Ju;y^l8 <URJ- . . —tirAt ntunwrntorAfKanau,' votlnr 'wlth-. JUVBtotcr #tot«s, Alabama, 'today,,,(fove ft- roo::; , •Jorlly . rei^aLoI. -Upper •UIH 'towMhlpv ' prednct in-the stAt« to-niiort" - ■( i'Oincialaln'BlKh^keyrwaii-' j ;■il«V6f Alabftma wpo'tl4rf(;thiit|| \ ^ j^sount^'icTwiJrpxinutily;. ; anb7ha](i;orrtbo; UDO abMnt««.: i ' t. to-l^for.repeitL.etMUon’em-:. ' ;• clals -reporteiL, V- ^ '. '/['f . . , By .ijnlted -jPwM ; . ^ ' .Tlio Urive'to.-ropeai-tho.iSlh I ttmendm|mt undement-'itB-cnictnl r,-' \ h e IrftdiUonaliy’dry.Bquth to; ^low of thol Mrs. >ranl< Niuih, BUnpi.tor.Mliiih , In , Union -^tatlon-nuuir.t>':e,.li> ■hovvn - - Bho-WIUI fjueaHolWby Depart- ;QOO bond'Dii'.a chnrRo.of obstruct- tlO!=:r«"irNipiO(riUrf^«)<oner<J^ can McD. Johnston Wfildfh'iv killed In a rcMiiii attempt In which foiir ofticenr olw died. !'•-i'- " K-wota'^kc*^^ f^-threp. staU^ repeal waa iKllcvcd ^llk<^y .rhapa . Totaft»>:,tho,-,18tb lent tn thd cvnsUtuUaA.*' -; '^aixUea'itaUss. havo.:vot«l..KJ| Vet, Wctflli|(ia; wpro\xi5«caat;,,in| 'ntlauqd a ^ a g o , 3,..Column .- . :RTriHany-'T>oHinf<-.,J)romincn{ tolt'-tolw'; City' denilat; diri/yes- taWay ;iiftflrno6n-' ■atv-C«aaV,-. Jjov twocii-'Buhl 6nd'*twln:PallB,\whUe ; 'he;:WM 'ibeInff.‘«>rivoy?d?lnr nO'.l 'V»llnmTW.> nn nVll^^ranhll Widow-Quizzed Green Protests Job LossJUnder-Textile Code in Bodming Prices Action la Unexpected Backfire of New Recovery Plahi Maps W m Bo Sent to Bbiso Thumday .for Public ------- nWortu-Pfojett— Definite progress on the Inltlnl worh-.in connoctlon with the pro- poocd' SI60,OM -Improvcmdht of Twin' Falla thoroURhXarcs' wlth tiio VcdMal^publl?2'^ri6( Wbolnff medo ;. byil’cn^e'^rs ind flurvcyora workli rcctlon ot J. 'I.......... ........ —. sccUona would bo,cpn)plo'ted Tucs-'' mmodlty .prices liavo| IcadtoB'. C50ia„by. more thon'-.K,- iMiowMo,;;-:.. ir . id'partly. to u ly.ta cffecta KiTfsr-. ____________ .culBteditoday on-th'o.baala o(-the - irlee»T6r.whcat.:.coU Present, plons'call for Ibo cor atructlon of a truck traffic line reaching rrom Kimberly road on tbo coat, down Minidoka" avenuo along tho railway rlght-4f-way. to Fourth a v o n u e ’.'SouUi, tbcnce through Fourth LBvonue*'West to (Continui^ on Pago^ 3; Colunm 1.) .Athaitj-matUriBffl fp^ -'- - .The„ii ^tban ;i082,a«)i.’ti '.tidy ..profit In'/1033; . 'Thc.rcurreijt .whcati:crop,--cs«-| ,000 rioro: uuia'at;to«hti;p^ pdcyOrEiiiA Jiiiyisi'uit^pio-1 'AdminlBtrntion Gives Ninoi ; States S i ^ I lo Go : , Ahend on Work President noosflVflll’* “su cnblncf’ was sumnlored to aldor plans for Immediate act Hn lUl IndusCrlns to (ipread i ployment nnd . IU minimum u-n)n«. ' Prgnnl/«1 lul.or’s opposltlnn lo'^"com'pan£'TfiiloH" Uovolopcd Hteol Industo-s proposed code. .public works- udmlnlstmtlon. uulhbrlMd nine states to spend »10,SQ3,tM8 of federal hltchH-ay funds In drivo to cn-Jitc Jolis. The-depurtroent of labor re- ported • itbut.: 600,000 worHcrs: returned, torJobs during Muy, 400,000 In fictii'rle* und.100,000 In: other, oapncUlc*.' It' « t > s Iho point since Murcb, WASHiNOTON, July 18 llUll DlMharce o f . Boutb'efh ' hoalcry wofkcrt,today was 'nn'uncxpccUd bftCkn«"b£ Pi^ldunt Hooaovcl— TnriimtVlirt^Jtafovcrv program., . ' About ICOrScn^rtbolr Jo.. In Chatlanoofra,'Tcnn„ they aald, because of tho cottoh texUIe.code, which cnlle for higher wagea -and protested Uie action to Gen. Hugh 8. Jolmadn, administrator of tho; N. I. R. A. Green wild he' also lossea. Will Cut \Vbcat ' Secretary of Agriculture Wa|.. lacc meantime went-forword with hia agricultural rehablll^tlon pro- gram 'by notifying. wheat •bel* PLANS GET ;^OOBPrANCE Thirty-Pivo Counties Share in.| Employment Relief froraU'S'.._ WASHINGTON, July 18 (UI>) -Driving forwaril In itH camp»l^ to transfer workmen'from relief irolla to piiyrolla. the public works' adminlslniUon tmiay gave states (he Hlgnal to go iihciiil ' expenditure of $400.3t>.'),048 hiRhwiiy conslructlori, Oul ot W00,000,00« Hdl a.-<)rlp highway projccls tlirr)URli0Ut .country, cxpandrturu 048 : In 2 t. fllnlc.n Im.-. m: proved. Iiiitho, Maine, Noi... _ . ./hose plans for npjinding ihvir, ahare worn niii>rov'cd. tho H4 counlll'H. Flfly per (;cnl Wlllibe spent on Ihc'fcdorHl iild lllfthwiij* Hystcm, 2R por cent on exttnslons of federal aid highwayii onto and through munlclpallttcs and • 25 per ccnt on secondary --- ' , ■Whuacfl.-:alflor'notlffcd'.,cblt<)h farmers'that they, may plow.-un* dor the.acreago tbey;havc pledged .Ouster-'■NoUco-.,-HflVlvcs.> F o ar orySleitT^rtsftfiT BUTTE,- M<inl..-.July.l8 ^ Thneotfl of a.'lonjf/wivr In.ButtoT* ' '• ramslmcklo' CfilbotSwn were ro- newcd' today with'posting of-a jio*; ticoon t ^ cofony's.buUetln board,' dcclorlrik''lhii IntedlloHVot the.Blng Kong'aoclety lo'; 01^1,one; of' l*ea-at-odd« .ncur/ji *s|oSoXj In ule V.j' " MothodB.for ikaisiiiff Value on| •-iL-Oom,. H ogs-.popupy^d. west.SeMion iind I,see by tho late news thnt- . ho Is already Ituided in Irkutsk. I dldnlt write_,thU) t m .a f^ ,h e .. got away fromTJovosiblnOt. bn- C4iusohny oHllnary. American -J}BS_3I0INES...Ip\va,. July.-J8, (aRl—Tho American farmer of Uie midwest came hcrc,.toda:f to_ break w ground. i It.was a' part ofjila,program\n President' ,R<»acvell'a, •'new, 'dDar ■"' —wherein ha wua:to match his wlla against'. the-' ^ovenvhclming burden of'unwonted farm prdd- ucls,- unpaU mortgages tmd mea- fFronTtSS'arca. of rIc\(jylcl<IlnK LonticKiirea-ns Thatj’ rolwt pilot ain't auch n,_ id'IOe«>tb lino un .back-seiit Ito drivers. A hi'iabnnd could watch the •uccnery In, pcacu •JA-hlle lif.'l wife Hollered nil dny ‘ at-the robot. Yours, . . >.Qrayol-.. . ./‘ IliXHO tPALW;Juiy. l8,;(UP), tloD'Corpa^Jocatid.^.mcftr -ErWI rolled,down:an'ombanki^ent.t .- -C, Halo .wa*:crushed..undor:tho.c4r. >heh-.th8'driver,;vk)la-.SmMlllaB,' a4,'^.FoeataU^T:ioalVcontnr:as it 8truokV.lo6so‘;8TavoI.'-.'Ml88-;8mul------------ - ------ •dStHSt^wItHn- solvoiamutuBl-and iem^tho prlce-of. —86vehly-»bc-dole„, . . , ,to;tcU'rcpre8eatatfv0S'0r lhomcu(i ' ■•- »lnlatratlon:^‘D/.- •A.(..G. ‘ !Black, id.ho?;,«yclM^yo^faay ,•b,a ^Ived id'Uio^ tVo'.«mmodlU«ffll',p]v<^i I “Tired of Be ill® -Just A Poodle,” Si'iK i ’ Uuabnnll«oi: Aim* teJ.»nl»n,Dd ............................... .i^roWci .......... cU itodayiwaa.'Ui; oxecutiveiBusSlon hw-ui-.oh 'effort' Hi; jn.op «'• codo lindir'piiwlslohH 'rocovcry.Mt ■''AbailtTdogen;men-,rcprcacnU i^| :Callfonilar‘ldaJior'Mlchlgan—Nny| pfjjicr !york.'dn'iI .'Uio iiocky Mountain-; ■^litloo:BtAtoa;:.or';Now.Mcxlco^^ Ifcolomdo and,Wyoming, were.In nl-'i Swirt .Jufiticc-. Mctfld :0 ut to| MusiciAn; Gets Two to 14 Years Swift Justice WIUI mete<i out Here today lo'pnui:Coimnn; nllasiRlch- anl Wilflon. 3(>. dapper ,musician nnd confc.-wcd'for};cr. who. this ai-. •tcrnoon-nwnitcd nrrival o f n.guard from the- slate penitentiary,’ to which.llo was scnlenceii thin morn- ing Jo HctVe n term of from two to 14 youi-s, bound over ’ lo district c(uirt thl.H forenoon following a hearing In .probnto C9urt before Jftdgo Guy I... Kinney; Senlenco waw pronoiinceil 'by Judgo W.-A. Babcock--,In district .court, aflerl Colmnn walvej) all legAI Btei<s and |xntered* .-l 'plea*o{“ gullt '■ New Speed Itccord — Convlctloh-of-thc^mmt-.is-boUBV-' nd'to Imvo flot:a.:riQW.^ri!conl.;hcre foViwlftHcTO.in-.ai)pllcnUQn>f.tho arrts’leil-Sundiy' -gasoline. . He .n-ould-not sliep aadv^ at(v sparingly. He - took aboard.', food for tho fUgbt to Irkubk. . ; . B^uics Sleep - ;.; Airport officials, an;dou8 that ho '. should be in thejKst of shape, urg--'? cd him to sleep.. Ho consentod-*p.,v ,llo down for tenrmlnutes, with-his.-.’ |-(£otnlnucd on:Page.2.'ColunUt C.)..l LONDONi' -JlHy ’ 18r/(UP)ii:fl?ha largo>heat,.produolog.'n»Uona.a»- t.’ , ... nounced_ today they,h»d ........... . J„upf, jiJ5,in^K*imrioufl checks; all .W :itiein .belnp ln-’»12.D0 iand-_|25 nnSAiints.' --:Prom",lhc.:mi., w«4:tumed-:'ovcr. ■■ lUc8-Mont--_ ___ offlcer'ln Camorriln, afUr.Colh said ho ^ 'w o n t e d fo r vlolaUng a. fivc=yuhr parolo -from-San QuentI? Kletifui: oWorain as " Bhai;fer6>today;,*u'ccecding.-Aiig B u t h o r 1 it h d;-^;Meffani aald.v pltthhcd'to.-chimgo.doputica.lnthc orgahlxation'ftOtTU^ prosecuted Jiere.. ..i.-.’ - ;.Complalnt.wnSflVv6m.lo. by.^CW'- nclh a .Beaih;, merchant,,,In; pr- batn court-and-tho.'.man;>U« ■prcUminaiylheorihg;; -Hc,waB'.,lii oi\->t.000 bonds and-bound.over tp -cut acrottgo noxt-yc4r.'-16-;p«r ‘- . . -- .a _ s ona to Mopfruto 1n«HiowWnif •'-ir e plight or the wba(it famon.,.,^ Tho Big Four phxluccm—tho.. -Unltod- 8Uta*.iCaaadsiVA>SBnUha',^ add Auatralla->h«ld a plenary sea and* Ui« wbuit- imporUnr 'coun - irles of Bunpe notably France ; placed rasMnalbUlty f<ir tha sue i eeas o^ falllira of an IntemaUoiial wheat agre«meat od lha imMri; .. nations who wcro ashed lo rtduco „-s£ “ S'cCnJ, proposed Uut tha wheat c o l u ^ o i m do tbelr uUnbst to oiv-tailQ^?^ prladpjes aUd rwumo ilcgotottony^ ilto'avtd'i};:Huttonrjr..;whp:thpueht: .....
Page 1: ‘toFACEE/ Widow-Quizzed Green Protests Job LossJUnder-Textile …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014. 12. 12. · - Paco Two. rOA^O feVEl^G TIMES' TWIN'

‘toFACEE/VTW IN F j j j l ^ , ID A H O , T O ^ JU L Y 18, 1933

•A labm na, A ik a a sa s ^B allo tin g .•„Todajr.;6n A dop tion c f - i! ;

. Ropc&l|A ondmont"'.-2*

Tonncssoo' Ooca . to Polls' on'l ' Thundftjr; Oampaign -

. - , - in B alanco . •

BIRJIINaUAM.: Ju;y^l8 <URJ- . . —tirAt ntunwrntorAfKanau,'

votlnr 'wlth-. JUVBtotcr #tot«s,■ Alabama, 'today,,,(fove ft- roo::;, • Jorlly . rei^aLoI.

-Upper • UIH 'towMhlpv ' prednct in-the stAt« to-niiort"-

• ■( i'Oincialaln'BlKh^keyrwaii-' j ;■ il«V6f Alabftma wpo'tl4rf(;thiit||

\ ^ j^sount^'icTwiJrpxinutily;.; anb7ha](i;orrtbo; UDO abMnt««.:

i' t. to-l^for.repeitL.etMUon’em-:. '

;• clals - reporteiL, V- '. '/['f

. . , By .ijnlted -jPwM ; . ' .Tlio Urive'to.-ropeai-tho.iSlh

I ttmendm|mt undement-'itB-cnictnl■ r,-' \he IrftdiUonaliy’dry.Bquth to;

low of tholMrs. >ranl< Niuih, BUnpi.tor.Mliiih , In ,Union - tatlon-nuuir.t>':e,.li> ■hovvn - - Bho-WIUI fjueaHolWby Depart-

;QOO bond'Dii'.a chnrRo.of obstruct-tlO!=:r«"irNipiO(riUrf^«)<oner<J^

can McD. Johnston

Wfildfh'iv killed In a rcMiiii attempt In which foiir ofticenr olw died.

!'• -i'- " K-wota' kc*^ f -threp. staU^ repeal waa iKllcvcd llk< y

.rhapa . Totaft»>:,tho,-,18tb lent tn thd cvnsUtuUaA.*' -;

'^aixUea'itaUss. havo.:vot«l..KJ|Vet, Wctflli|(ia; wpro\xi5«caat;,,in| 'ntlauqd a ^ a g o ,3,..Column

.- . :RTriHany-'T>oHinf<-.,J)romincn{ tolt'-tolw'; City' denilat; diri/yes- taWay ;iiftflrno6n-' ■atv-C«aaV,-. Jjov

■ twocii-'Buhl 6nd'*twln:PallB,\whUe ; 'he;:WM'ibeInff.‘«>rivoy?d?lnr

nO'.l 'V»llnmTW.> nn nVll ranhll

Widow-Quizzed Green Protests Job LossJUnder-Textile

Code in

Bodming Prices

Action la Unexpected Backfire o f New

R ecovery Plahi

M aps W m Bo S e n t to Bbiso T h u m d a y .fo r Public

------- nWortu-Pfojett—Definite progress on the Inltlnl

worh-.in connoctlon with the pro- poocd' SI60,OM -Improvcmdht of Twin' Falla thoroURhXarcs' wlthtiio VcdMal^publl?2'^ri6(Wbolnff medo ;. byil’cn^e'^rs ind flurvcyora workli rcctlon ot J. 'I.......... ........ — .

sccUona would bo,cpn)plo'ted Tucs-''

mmodlty .prices liavo|

IcadtoB'. C50ia„by. more thon'-.K,-iMiowMo,;;-:.. • ir .

id'partly. to uly.ta cffectaK i T f s r - . ____________.culBteditoday on-th'o.baala o(-the

- irlee»T6r.whcat.:.coU

Present, plons'call for Ibo cor atructlon of a truck traffic line reaching rrom Kimberly road on tbo coat, down Minidoka" avenuo along tho railway rlght-4f-way. to Fourth a v o n u e ’.'SouUi, tbcnce through Fourth LBvonue*'West to (Continui^ on Pago 3; Colunm 1.)


f p ^ - ' - -.The„ii tban

;i082,a«)i.’ti '.tidy ..profit In'/1033;. 'Thc.rcurreijt .whcati:crop,--cs«-|

,000 rioro: uuia'at;to«hti;p^

pdcyOrEiiiA Jiiiy isi'uit pio-1

'AdminlBtrntion G iv e s Ninoi ; States S i ^ I lo Go : , Ahend on Work

President noosflVflll’* “su cnblncf’ was sumnlored to aldor plans for Immediate act

Hn lUl IndusCrlns to (ipread i ployment nnd . IU minimum

• u-n)n«. • 'Prgnnl/«1 lul.or’s opposltlnn

lo'^"com'pan£'TfiiloH" UovolopcdHteol Industo-s proposed code.

.public works- udmlnlstmtlon. uulhbrlMd nine states to spend »10,SQ3,tM8 of federal hltchH-ay funds In drivo to cn-Jitc Jolis.

The-depurtroent of labor re­ported • itbut.: 600,000 worHcrs: returned, torJobs during Muy, 400,000 In fictii'rle* und.100,000 In: other, oapncUlc*.' It' « t>s Iho • • • • point since Murcb,

WASHiNOTON, July 18 llUll DlMharce of . Boutb'efh ' hoalcry wofkcrt,today was 'nn'uncxpccUd bftCkn«"b£ Pi^ldunt Hooaovcl— TnriimtVlirt Jtafovcrv program., .' About IC O rS cn ^ rtb o lr Jo.. In Chatlanoofra,'Tcnn„ they aald, because of tho cottoh texUIe.code, which cnlle for higher wagea -and

protested Uie action to Gen. Hugh 8. Jolmadn, administrator of tho; N. I. R. A. Green wild he' also

lossea.Will Cut \Vbcat

' Secretary of Agriculture Wa|.. lacc meantime went-forword with hia agricultural rehablll^tlon pro­gram 'by notifying. wheat • bel*


Thirty-Pivo Counties Share in.| • Employment Relief

froraU 'S '.._ ■

WASHINGTON, July 18 (UI>) -Driving forwaril In itH camp»l^

to transfer workmen'from relief irolla to piiyrolla. the public works' adminlslniUon tmiay gave states (he Hlgnal to go iihciiil ' expenditure of $400.3t>.'),048 hiRhwiiy conslructlori, Oul ot W00,000,00« Hdl a.-<)rlp ■highway projccls tlirr)URli0Ut

.country, cxpandrturu 048 : In 2 t. fllnlc.n Im.-. m: proved. Iiiitho, Maine, Noi... _ .

./hose plans for npjinding ihvir, ahare worn niii>rov'cd.

tho H4 counlll'H. Flfly per (;cnl Wlllibe spent on Ihc'fcdorHl iild lllfthwiij* Hystcm, 2R por cent on exttnslons of federal aid highwayii onto and through munlclpallttcs and • 25 per ccnt on secondary --- '

, ■Whuacfl.-:alflor'notlffcd'.,cblt<)h farmers'that they, may plow.-un* dor the.acreago tbey;havc pledged

.Ouster-'■NoUco-.,-HflVlvcs.> F o a r orySleitT^rtsftfiT

BUTTE,- M<inl..-.July.l8 ^Thneotfl of a.'lonjf/wivr In.ButtoT* ' '• ramslmcklo' CfilbotSwn were ro- newcd' today with'posting of-a jio*; ticoon t ^ cofony's.buUetln board,' dcclorlrik''lhii IntedlloHVot the.Blng Kong'aoclety lo'; 01^1,one; of'



*s| oSoX j In ule V .j' "

M othodB .for ikaisiiiff V alue on | •- iL-Oom,. H ogs-.popu py^ d .

w est.S e M io n

iind I,see by tho late news thnt- . ho Is already Ituided in Irkutsk.I dldnlt write_,thU) tm .a f^ ,he.. got away fromTJovosiblnOt. bn- C4iusohny oHllnary. American

-J}BS_3I0INES...Ip\va,. July.-J8, (aRl—Tho American farmer of Uie midwest came hcrc,.toda:f to_ break

w ground. iIt.was a' part ofjila,program\n

President' ,R<»acvell'a, •'new, 'dDar ■"' —wherein ha wua:to match his wlla against'. the-' ovenvhclming burden of'unwonted farm prdd- ucls,- unpaU mortgages tmd mea-fFronTtSS'arca. of rIc\(jylcl<IlnK


Thatj’ rolwt pilot ain't auch n,_ id'IOe«>tb lino un .back-seiit Ito drivers. A hi'iabnnd could

watch the •uccnery In, pcacu •JA-hlle lif.'l wife Hollered nil dny ‘ at-the robot. Yours, . • .


. ./‘ IliXHO tPALW;Juiy. l8,;(UP),

tloD'Corpa^Jocatid. .mcftr -ErWI

rolled,down:an'ombanki^ent.t .- -C, Halo .wa*:crushed..undor:tho.c4r. >heh-.th8'driver,;vk)la-.SmMlllaB,' a4,'^.FoeataU^T:ioalVcontnr:as i t 8truokV.lo6so‘;8TavoI.'-.'Ml88-;8mul------------ - ------

•dStHSt wItHn-

solvoiamutuBl-and iem^tho prlce-of.—86vehly-»bc-dole„, . . ,,to;tcU'rcpre8eatatfv0S'0r lhomcu(i ' ■ •- »lnlatratlon: ‘D/.- •A.(..G. ‘ !Black,

id.ho?;,«yclM^yo^faay ,•b,a ^Ived id'Uio^ tVo'.«mmodlU«ffll',p]v<^i


“Tired of Be ill® -JustA Poodle,” Si'iKi

’ Uuabnnll«oi: A im * teJ .»n l»n ,D d

............................... .i^roWci ..........cU itodayiwaa.'Ui; oxecutiveiBusSlon hw-ui-.oh 'effort' Hi; jn.op «'• codo lindir'piiwlslohH'rocovcry.Mt „■''AbailtTdogen;men-,rcprcacnUi |:Callfonilar‘ldaJior'Mlchlgan—Nny| pfjjicr!york.'dn'iI .'Uio iiocky Mountain-; ■^litloo:BtAtoa;:.or';Now.Mcxlco^^

Ifcolomdo and,Wyoming, were.In nl-'i

Swirt .Jufiticc-. Mctfld : 0 ut to| MusiciAn; Gets Two

to 14 Years

Swift Justice WIUI mete<i out Here today lo'pnui:Coimnn; nllasiRlch- anl Wilflon. 3(>. dapper , musician nnd confc.-wcd'for};cr. who. this ai-. •tcrnoon-nwnitcd nrrival of n.guard from the- slate penitentiary,’ to which.llo was scnlenceii thin morn­ing Jo HctVe n term of from two to 14 youi-s,

bound over ’ lo district c(uirt thl.H forenoon following a hearing In .probnto C9urt before Jftdgo Guy I... Kinney; Senlenco waw pronoiinceil 'by Judgo W.-A. Babcock--,In district .court, aflerl Colmnn walvej) all legAI Btei<s and

|xntered* .-l 'plea*o{“ gullt '■New Speed Itccord

— Convlctloh-of-thc^mmt-.is-boUBV-'nd'to Imvo flot:a.:riQW. ri!conl.;hcre foViwlftHcTO.in-.ai)pllcnUQn>f.tho


-gasoline. . He .n-ould-not sliep aadv^ at(v sparingly. He - took aboard.', food for tho fUgbt to Irkubk. . ;

• . B^uics Sleep - ; . ;Airport officials, an;dou8 that ho '.

should be in the jKst of shape, urg--'? cd him to sleep.. Ho consentod-*p.,v

,llo down for tenrmlnutes, with-his.-.’ |-(£otnlnucd on:Page.2.'ColunUt C.)..l

LONDONi' -JlHy ’ 18r/(UP)ii:fl?ha largo>heat,.produolog.'n»Uona.a»- t.’ , ... nounced_ today they,h»d

........... . J„upf, jiJ5,in^K*imrioufl checks; all.W :itiein .belnp ln-’»12.D0 iand-_|25nnSAiints.'--:Prom",lhc.:mi., w«4:tumed-:'ovcr.■■ lUc8-Mont--_ ___offlcer'ln Camorriln, afUr.Colh said ho ^ 'w o n te d for vlolaUng a. fivc=yuhr parolo -from-San QuentI?

Kletifui: oWorain as "

Bhai;fer6>today;,*u'ccecding.-Aiig B u t ho r 1 it h d;- ;Meffani aald.vpltthhcd'to.-chimgo.doputica.lnthcorgahlxation'ftOtTU^

prosecuted Jiere.. ..i.-.’- ;.Complalnt.wnSflVv6m.lo. by.^CW'- nclh a .Beaih;, merchant,,,In; pr- batn court-and-tho.'.man;>U« ■prcUminaiylheorihg;; -Hc,waB'.,lii oi\->t.000 bonds and-bound.over

tp -cut acrottgo noxt-yc4r.'-16-;p«r ‘- . . - - .a _ sona to Mopfruto 1n«HiowWnif • '-ir e plight or the wba(it famon.,.,^Tho Big Four phxluccm—tho..

-Unltod- 8Uta*.iCaaadsiVA>SBnUha', add Auatralla->h«ld a plenary sea

and* Ui« wbuit- imporUnr 'coun - irles of Bunpe notably France ;

placed rasMnalbUlty f<ir tha sue i eeas o falllira of an IntemaUoiial wheat agre«meat od lha imMri; .. nations who wcro ashed lo rtduco „ -s £“ S'cCnJ,proposed Uut tha wheat c o l u ^ o i m do tbelr uUnbst to oiv-tailQ^?^ prladpjes aUd rwumo ilcg o to tton y ^


Page 2: ‘toFACEE/ Widow-Quizzed Green Protests Job LossJUnder-Textile …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014. 12. 12. · - Paco Two. rOA^O feVEl^G TIMES' TWIN'

- P a co T w o . rOA^O feVE l^G TIMES' TWIN' PA!LLS.-.H)AHO-' Tuesday. J iiiV 'iS ,. 193S:.


E fforlsi B e g u n ,t<r Proy'cil Abandonment of Health

' Program -County Iclitin

HiTy tonull, i.vl.lt/'r'i-n lulilnlirncd iKcnuHC o( Uic wltlidrnwril <>f frilvrn] funilH (ui Ihc rcmiU i iloomjvcll oconoray procram.

In a iclophono convcrsallon wllJi ' <!iivcmor C., Bon. R ow ycatpriUy.

lliiry wer<5 informed.thnt priuip'cclji »( kctlln); u cODllnuiincc of the U .S- uppropriliUon'liy. virtue of Hit

• wilt asaumlnff- riaponslblllty fortill! consorvaUon corpa camp .....out of tho quGsUoh;'...

Gi)vcmor Roas miule nn lnv( /f;7itlon followlnf; hlS'vlait here wiiuk nt which timo lie gnvc

[TlfllWnnilKMtfr- -------------------Mrs, S, 1*. Newmun, ncrliclcy.

Calif., la thn houno cucat of liur ;hter,' Mrii, K B. Oalninilct.

ontc wllh Wanlilngton nnti; endeav­or to aecurc approval of the tlnunUon of the ftpproprlatlon.

Maintenance ot the hcnllli unit la Hhnreil by.Uie counly, «talo,pov- omniunl 'und Roclicfellcr Founilii-

^lon. Tho counly npiirdiirinlcd S1400, llic fllato $1200. tho rouncln. lion an equal amount, und tho li. a. ruhiiciieiiuh »crvic<r52.ioor

Tho health liniC Ifl ntlll cAnllnu- inf* hero, hlthouch tho tc-dcral funds were wlthcJmwn July 1.

. .“Whnt Iho future-holds for_ll," Dr. GcorRc C, Hnlley, director, tnlil Uiday, • o knows.v

Mnpo Will- Bo Sent to Bolsoj Thiiradfty on Twin FnHs

Highway Projects

\ews im- Brie O U T O U R W A Y ....................

C«pl, and -Mm. C. ,11. nml daUKhlerB iire home ,vucatioa^li,lQ_tlic..coiwl..Scrloiwly \ll

V. H. Buster, Twin Fnlli ll piitlunt, I-H nonliiualy lli

Twin 'b'nlln hu.ipitnl; whqru udnilltcd thia murnlni;'

To VIxit Nutimmi I’l MlBfl Mnurino Sllf.

loda^ on a tcn*day vncutloii

lice court ycntcrday on hU guilty to- llleBftI ponnciuiion loxlcatlnK liquor,VlBlt*..SUtrr

Mrs. J. P. Klnniry, le; mominR for Los AnK«1i'« her nlstcr, Mrs. \yallcr Oulhrle, formerly Mlu l-'niUi Sallee of TwlniFallK,-----ClmplnH ICntiirii

.Mr. and Mrs- U-m A. Chnpin oro homo from a month's vncn- tlon trip through Ihc mlildlowcat, durlnj; which time they nllended the World's fair at C/iIciiko.Ikicli Ifoni IliK-os

Mr. nnd Mrs. CcorRc MontiKiih mid son. Jnck, nnd Lj^n Mnrtyn returned ycBtcnlay from Cnl)fomla whoi-o they attended the. Interna-. tlonal nlr races. They cnmo homo by way ut Portland.7tcrtdont^l*irtlcntB-:I.o»v6-----

W. J. Arnold. Rupert. nndT, 1*. Burtis. Burley, who Buffered In- ]uricfl In nn automobile nccldenl near Hansen July 3*«rorc illa- mlMcd yesterday from tho hoSpi-

Mlaa Mari;urrlte Tliomctz, Miiui nercrudn Thnrnf-U nml .lohn Tho-jncta_lcti_ycjitcrday__Cot_Uio..wai.linmB ranch, near .Stanley: .From thnt point they Irtl - on o "puck trip” Into Iho anwloyth mountains i;arly thiu iiiomInK',

TtmTimrnuiHStrian.HiicnKo t<> visit fri«mla uml nttend the World's Fnir, boloru Boln to Day­ton. Ohio to visit-u iilflter of Mi-s. Neiisoji's Mr. Noltain wiil Join hln fumlly lalcr,Hmne froo, Clllr^s.r

Hr, nn.l Mrs. H. A. I'arrotl and dmiKlitiira. MIsii Huien I’urrotl nml Miss Irene 1‘arrotl returned Sun­day''cveniOK from ft three-wccUn'

111 In ChlcnBu. Dr. Purnill at-n.while tl


llmiillul PiitU-uls Mra. Carl jRCobacn, Roscworth,

undcrwohl ah' opcralinn at tiic Twin Falla hn«iiltJii thin momlng, Eillth CJniyhcal, Kftnberly; Mra, Hazel Lorrnlnc, 'Tu'in Fnlla, ami Gienn Itimdnli, lto{;cr»on, wero diamlwu-il from the hospital yeS: Icrduy.Wiinls IIlv<ir«j I).'crw

Mrs. Lucy Webu toduy flieil.otilt in district court aaklni divorce from Uay W<;li1> on f,ToundS df dc- acrtion imil failure lo proviJlp. The couplo married in ly in F^ilo Nov. 14, 1023-- Thert are (wo'tniiclrcn. n.clrl ngoit fijind a boy. oRcd 3, wlioan enro the ijiothcr aeolta. The iiJalntlff 1.1 repreaontod hy O, C, Hall, uttorncy.Socks Dlvoroo Decrro

Suit for dlvorca from Clyde .1. Yokum waa commencml In dlatriet court hero yeatonlny by Mrw. Thel­ma Yokutn-on Rrounda of non-sup­port and dosertlon, ‘ fluiln}f from March 1032. The couplo married here Doc. 3. 1030. Tlicro is imo child, a 10-month-old son. but no community property is Invol


. . . B y W illia m sJ l

WAIW V?uX~OAT-- SNAv/e. V iFT- t4 0 . e T O u e s ^ A H . KiUVEO

-A*U' OOM'r REMBSASeR.,-Tv^g.TS! .-Tr:*'-

Admtniatratlon. Q 1 v c » ‘ Nino! ~ - State's, 8 IgnM:to- Go

A licadonW ork

-townr Uvaldo.-TeXir'Tho cftbfhet-advisory cbmmil-i

tcc, headed by Ickcs, which piiaS'icd-on-nll-projects,-BQURhi; io-re-duco further-Uie J00,a00,(l(M' pro­posed rlvor and .harbor- liWprovo- mcnt.-proyniin. .-Tho!-. coblmlltoo submitted a.tcntatlvo-preffram to Preoidoht Roo*evelt lait'week but tho Whltc.Houao aent IC back for further conalJcmUon.

Tho committco; alao requestedBudget .Director Douelaa -to re­port on a proposed 5750,000,000 federal building:/progrrpm drafted

Bnllfl nrc to Ihj returned to-Tho Tlincn aflor tlio •toinicn. nnd- ba;ca tii Wcst- ,'ern Aulo Supply.

j'Three Cars .in Lamb Shipment Purcb^ised ITlirec carloads of lumba'Hhlppe<l

: from Ihla counly Inni week by the flUKiiitiK aasoelaUon. were sold lo „ ' W, R. Smith & Soils In Denver

J.n,l_ ’.!«rfi,- ,le-i _for S7.H0. II. waa slatedportmenifi.

North DftkotA's "share totaled SS,804,443 and will be spent lr. sll counties on tho samo bnnia,

Montana’s- allatmenl of Sir 430,74 will bo spent In 45 of 5C •counties nnd tho tllviflloa will be B0-20-2S..

thr offlcc of Hnrvcy B, -Hole, cmmty extension uBcnt. .today.

Just what tho shipment will nc. the local Browers wna not known todny, but' it In stntoii tftiit tho flBi^e^wijl be In Iho ncluhborhood

,A aliiBle deck of lambs Bhipped.SBturcluy I- -------------

-prlo<*-> ■ *'I ycntcrday.


Alal)i>ma, -ArkaBsas Balloting Today on Adoption 0(

Repeal .Amcndtncnl

croup-o'f-^ three--trioSr-plnyod by -Fred Sanger, .Elburh Plerco nnd Clwrles Ratclifte, will, bo fea­ture attractfons at iho.. Twin Falls mu n l o l p n l band concerl .Thursday ovcnlnff.at 8:15 o ’clock

■- the city park.A marclj,“ ‘ 'rfankUh"Roo''oevelt,'’

compoacd by tho .Secretary of the Treasury Wopdln., will bo ono of the numbem pkiycd by tho hand.

Other' selectloRB ,wUl Include:

(Continued from-Pago One) cyrn cloacil, but remained fully awake. . . .. Then ho was off, after a hall of

but 2 hours 30 minutes, on hla way I'l Irkulffk Iiy ” '111 f?lli i~ th?

J'OE-KSATS!' ’ .A fellow told mo Ih.Tt race horoen thnt run In tho. Kentucky

Dorby aro not fed the day of the. race. That'n nothing. I re­member ono 'llmo thaLI did not'eat for three duya after-tho race. Eli; whntT-l’m’ cBJng overyday now-bccuuae you remem­ber about tho Good Tofca Juat around tho eumcr—

, JOE-K'S — ■ . . .KIDDIES . ADUI.T8

j o c _ E a i i g a _ ^WED, AND. T ^ 8‘,,, GUEST TIOKEr SPECIAL!

A ilnimu of liut TiirtiioiiH Trail of 11 Rcaulltul <Hrl.

.Who Tried lo Win Tlirough Work Whilo Templed by

son lo the west bounilary ot the city. Addlaon avenu'o from Flvo Mints to Waahlnk'ton school '

Ho reported thn*t no new word; Imd lx!cn rccclvcd\on the nuggea- tionq ho lind made for Rravollng Urn ulrcct*. Uirough use of funds from tho public worlca meaauro to bo tmlil back by yearly sprinkling noKcsamcnU, niid. thnt. tho office ot tfio attomoy-gencral wa8;now'.pr

. paring on ^lokin on the subjML- . ' Twciity-olght men, who'are'bq*'

'in g corapcnnated out'of-work'rp-l ■ liot funds of tho fodetul’ gbvom-

mont, arc now being, employed ,on - city atrcota nnd.ln.oUaring-vatnnt,

. ' lots', and ditch'.b^ka .of; unsightly : .tvecdft ha*Md.‘ r“l7ip*n»ftti'r«clVB

Jl.CO:ii doy In groceriwi'>£ron>'tho| coimly relief commlttcc funds, - ., '

-Mrs. Itobert Rogcraon and Mra.. Mark Woods oppcorod bcforo tho

councU.in bchaU.Of.tho.nv'mlclual mlllv rcgulatlona . and . suggested! tho, present ordlnhiico I>o. repealed'

— nnaTrnawrcnonmimpientthguago' •;'bo uijoptcd, .

.. . Mayoi'-^ohnston-quoatloned-tho proleatanls. na did Commlaaloner

' ' Coleman,- emphasizing that under tiio ordinance both raw and pnn- teurlMd milk ralghl bo retailed In

-. tho cily withaut restriction as to quantity or length of time, so loqg

'- n.'i Uio milk complied -with tho grtidlng regulations.'

Itidloy Apprnvoi , Dr. Ceorgo-.C- Hallcy>-whQ:haa

' ' been In chargo of tho county health ... unit, defended the ordinance and

mphmpnti-il thi»-i-»y nnimrll

two contestants in the recent Or- pheum screen event, who was chosen to make a trip to Holly­wood for IcsLa, hiis returned homo.

Ix».v« Kites AnnouiicMlFtinflrO services for ^ a , Bcat-

..Do Loya. 24. Knnaen,-wlio died last week will ) » held. tomorrow oftornoon at 3 o'clocknt ihc Meth­od i jft icliureh,. lUmberly, Rev. Goorgc ^ s e b c r^ officiating.noino from College ,- BobvHcrrdn haa relumed from

jLong.Bcach. where hC' Iuifl been 'attending. Junior collcge,,Ho made ,on,extended trip.up. tho cooat, vis-. iUng: fi4endB-.-«nd-ttlativea'lrt-aan 'Franeiaco and. PoEtland.. ,beforo coming to-Twln Falls to apend Ilia

Failn II

IlndergDi-a Oprnitl'iirt Himry I,cor Rtihi. win. mifferol

-u^fruclurua.kiiua-cup-whpii-liiH-i'ur and a machine driven by James Mnyes. Uuhl. caiuo Into eoiliaion near Buhl Sunday, underwent un operation on the knee this mom­lng ul the hospiUil, Hln wife, who' Huatuincd TJcep cuta cm the heao nnd fnce. nnd a number ot tiroken tooth, wns In u fnlrly pr tlon. according to word lioapital.


vacation w^th‘ his'"'mother, Mra.|Calvary Episcopal cJiurch.

tho drya were believed ; have some cliancc. A ycnr |

Impregnable dry slrongholJa. .Tho campaign In Alabama, Ar-

kaniuis, and Tennessee burc a closo almllurlly,

Tho drya fought on Iho monil iiduu and concentrated on the "church vote." Repeal, mcana. re­turn of tbe aalopn, th'ey argued, and in apeocb^ postorsi ond nd- vcrtiscmenla; urged the, moral duty of keeping llqiior.awoy from mankUid. Many .posters,featured

[Biblical quotations.* t 8tat«.nigh0r , .

JEROME., July 1 (Spcclal)— I 'Tho weU Campalpned on.aiw ,Is- Funorai acrvlcca for. Mrn.. Har- ot atotcs right-ftna-dpmiwdcd Tiett Ellen-^WnW,- 70, DoinooraUc^plat-laat Thursday, were held Mom " ' -----------------nftomoon nt 2:30 o’clock-nt

ander; "Ballot Egyptian," X.ulg- walt7,J'01d Tlmera,"-Lake:

“Bluo Parndlso,” Romberg,, march. "Ei Capltan," .Sousa; SUr i)angled Banner. !

-W „a«row.k_iut_*hrooJ

voted for repeal and four voted i npalnat repeal. ,

Election Judges l^^rknnsnn cnn! ns.il8t voters in making out their; hallQts. ' '

planned lio|«i rcmnlried—Klinbaro-. vakTi) Falrbonlts, Alaska,’ 0,-000 ,pillc/i: JUiicbanli9_to_Edm>itflJ!. Canada. 1.4S0. and, Edmonton lo Floyd Bennett field. Now York.

niisliiiell. Waller Ky: Uortliy Chrlatli", Cnilghton

I>r. ilovenger, Tho Foot Special- »l, JloomD, over Ponnpy Storo, -Adv.

IASTTIMES-TODAYI ‘.TltB.rit/VN'EOftl BUOADCA8T* '■ NOTE: It’s All in Ftui. nndJrto Nevcl-'ltalM. Oi.ir'

Episcopal Funeral H eld fbr.Mrs. Warn-

Motf .Hcrron. .Announce Manager-

Announcement In ninde of appolnFmcnt of ^arry LltUo, pcrlonccd.Bolao gTOCorymai;, *-

I Sho'la'survived by ............] band; ii daughter, Mrs. E. h. Mes- aengor and tlirco grandaons, ull

1 of Jerome.I . Interment- waa In Jerome ceme­

tery under the direction ot tho J.mttnagct.,of itlic- groceb’. .dcpartr [ I^JVIJPX. uOSl.iirloMnE .company.ment nf the Drivc-In-MarkoL Ho' ----------------------ouccoeds Charles McCubbin.-Tcal^- cd, who hus'.opomtod. the^eparl- mont dinco tho opening of.llio inar- Icet aoveral weeks ago.

Tim e for Spray.Orchard' men wore advWe<i '

<ourlIi-____ pte.r.

slightly Improving from gaa gan-i ' ‘T '** sp^iy ahould conaiat -of greno which 'followed nmputatlon-^,'’®y»oll'»’ of summer type, or of the right leg. accordmg to hos-1 "p"? cmulslo.n, p]ua ono-half pital-authorities; but la. not y e tr^ "V “ mcot/no sulphate, to 100 n’lt pf. danger. Mra, McNcUy wasi^*"'*® e* water,’’ ho said, -adding

form and________ _Tho south, propondofi . orntlc, proacc4ted,;lta civil the state's rights Isauc.

A light volfl wns.'jinUcipaled in both Arkansi^ ^d. Alabama. Both slates Jovy a, pill'taJt. ond tho presslon, forced. many citizens to qualify.

Tho roponl score , to datp: . ■‘ ■FOi* rop'oalj. Now ■ YoTk. Now; Jersey, Rhode Island... Illinois. Michigan, Nevada, Dciiiv*re..Wy oming, Indiana. Wisconsin. Mnasa- chusctts, Conncolicut, New Hamp- shlrc, lowo, West Virginia. Cali­fornia: • - : ■ .

Agalnst-ropcal: Ndno..

J-JU-ndoptlon^aUtUig-l . .. .,.--wuuld-bo-striclly ontprcodl

~— : EugciiCScott-'nppllcd for andl _,;_wufl ..granted, a, pcrmlt,-aul)Ject.-lo'

, tiui building inspeclor. to erect a ' 12x10 foot bousa, on lots Nos. 3 tind

' 4 in block No. Q-on Sidney street ' . In Soutli Pnrk addlUon. Tho bulld-

Ini , was cAltnaled, will coal $110.

Sw ift Justice ,Motqd j iit MiiBician; Gets Two -

to 14 Years "

'improvement In the condltinn ut -MrH,--Agn(hu I’elliim' Lcwl-i. who

. WHB aerlpuaiy livjiircd In an ’niito- iiiolfltQ ' accident nen’r 'Ketchum

' Sunday, was noted this nftomoon. according lo IVln Falls hoapiUI;

• z nfficlolH.- --Mn!.- LcwlH wofl brought• in tlio 'Dfako amUulimce from tho• Hiiiloy iioapttnl lo ,Twln Palis 'laat night--She.__________________________

' fracture, . and Ixniy bruiaen "and contualona. Accompanying her to Twin KailB In thtf arthulancc wero her paronlni.Mr.' amJ'JiIraj p. M.

• Pcilijm, who were etiUed to -Halloy 'Sunday,-evening. ..M ri'L cw ------

•.■gnlnwi;-c6n8ciousneM.-,,l,hla..i ,- ing.; ^ ............. - ,

,->•. Her companion’ bri. the-ill-fated'

' (Continued from I'ago One> I WIthum Immniiutnly filM informn-' tion a(n‘lnst Colmnn Irt tho higher courU-JudBo Babcock • took tho bench nnd Colmflti >vaa brought bo- forc-him, Ho.wnlvcd henrlng'and. Umo- for:^enterlnB~hbi-.plca, and whcrx naked "guilty or noK.gull-’ •ly?" ho-»aid in.a.loud.tqnou'auili ty.” Ho Ihen'Walvod time forWlBl- ennrt'- and tho' coiu-t nreacribed’ term of from two b I'i yonrs b i»irid Uio.bara at the atato penllen- Uory at'.Bolflc. Ho appeared wlthri outsari'attomeyi’ . I'. Sheriff Prater says he expects al guard to nrrlvo-here'from Dolaoj (iuring the afternoon to, convoy the I musician to -tlio {IrUion,- and nddcU I that ‘ ’Colmah might be’ behind the.' gntca-bcforo nlt;htfall."

- : in the Hailey 'iiwltnl^.Bufferliig,. -. pctvldi-fraclurcBfAy«-'i> i ' i

'Morrlii~ Ayre^Tjrother -of r tho ■ ' -Injured' man.: rtturoed U o^aJlcj^.V Tho roodsSr.lni which ^Heyw .

■ .-•-tmvo11ngclctt-,':tho'^'i!oad'.on ’Uie -Wood^jtvor-tilghwoyrovprtumlnRt


y - ]^ d ig n t in v it i5 L U o n '~ ' .~.-.Nat-^'I^:,'pboly jfl. cisanod onf. Suntlny, -nighla. ;No swim-i ming,'on- Monday,', Ail,, clil,ldipn ,undcr;.a2:yecra. fuinUijlng Oioir,i'bWll.HUlUl Bnd,-rtflWcl«,-iii».Jn»4.vltcd:, to B-. free: awlm •yn WcdnciMiBy-, o f .UiU^wccJo.Rfc- cnta-BHould tnkQ-advantasfoof tbl4ropportuhlly,,to maico Unreal 'galQ,',dBy;for.thc:klddlftB.-t; ‘ f- -flTBrln^yourvdl^'er/and;^

ST-:-H'iaHT.-.;-„-- - f c -



Page 3: ‘toFACEE/ Widow-Quizzed Green Protests Job LossJUnder-Textile …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014. 12. 12. · - Paco Two. rOA^O feVEl^G TIMES' TWIN'



NEW YOIUC, July 18, (UP)— Tied tor first >laco In tho, .Amer­ican Icagtio rnce, tho New Yoric •Ytinkccs,juid WoflhlDSton,Senators wero’ expccted to launch (lctcr> iDlncd drives today for a Imd that might pavo the,way to the.pen­nant. ' ' ! . .' • • ' J •

Both' clulis ani playing at home, wjth the .Yankaiagnln jnecUni,'the faa^8tep. lng.— club;

wrt£ 'New York' on, ' bound, onJ^-.Waahlnjjton slump, , tlio Yanlu, mlKht up.peur lavorltea to/lead. ..Tho old su“ « l —Ruth, GcWlff. IiOzrorl.and, Sow-, cii-ptf

'"'’^V over. the pennant raco nrny not bo K^8Uripl” Tho ,Yanl<a.

V one 'Of-thfl pooresfNow York road | IV am s.ln ycnHi, must play about ' one-thlnl • ot. their rewoinlnB

games faway 'from home. .Oyer'Tb'elr Iluudx

' Tho aenators probably .wore' plavlng ovcfc' their hcadn "hii.. winning 27 out o f .30 gmjw ing^tiiolr scnsatlomil spurL Thuy ■ boosted the club baiting nvtnigu lu 8.00. Whlcli 1« .qullu ..............

■probalily hot Ifecp’ iip Btrldo-.'bul they havu «

lineup that can 'sUH play. liarU-- baseball.-------------

5nly’?ompetiUon in the n guos ycfllcrday waa a I

,. aoubla-hcttdcr bolwc«n PllU- h and Brooklyni-bolh ends of]

- -1 by-tho PlrateH,_______ _ .-lo-O .— -Hilai-ftd-vanceU' tho Plriitca to wltliln half u the aeeond-plnctt,.Ciil-'

' ' :.■ S2 nito- , . Pittsburgh collectwi a total ofll-32-htt3-off-9even-BrooUtyn-pltoh*' ers' during tbo two contests, Bllr

Swift roglBtcrod his -10th .victoryIn tho opener,- limiting.tho.Dodg- crs'to Bev»n hlta.. Carroll, Sbauto, Helmach and Syaa-^yleldcd^lO, half ;of^wbich>cTo-bnnclie<)r<orJ nlno-"tun?''in'tho 'c)ghthi“ 'Paul- Wancr’s^ ip lo with tho loaded' featured.itho' rally.-.,. -. . — Uyp: ;i^ctonlo -bl^Ued - the

.,Tlhuritoawnnd.Sbaute;., Swctonlc —iOio'-cfinncclwlHorrttrtrlplo -and ..two-fstaKleJiinccbmUag fof-^lirco

{ Jtoc-lD 'edjirisS'^'-’N ex tjF ig i : : Probably B'o in ..V ., , 'F lc m d a ;; ;

[ ; • OAKLANb,' Cal!i JUly.' 18 (U P), :''^M ttx :..B a c ^ .^ n to n d « I

T^eM vt«Jey..-hlsjncxtj:f!ght j>ro^• • ably would bo .with 'young «trlb- ' -ling. ln',\Fiorldai-• •■•Althpughiho^has'no liDp(\.or_(i.

'rn>P'*trTWIUlT-PrtmoTCah)era-thl8^-T^a^.-Baer-sald-hB-thought -the • ' ‘ .n'ew wortd'Ji champion would , apr

PATtlS UUII-- orgnnlzulioh for crowded European Dftvin Cup wcnl intc Uic publlcrtllon of t the 1U34 pnvlfi Cup iiinlcliu.i f.Uic JT’ nntloniil teamH cllininali in llie 1033 pluy.

illUic!rt.c), it 'im-T been noccBsnry lo HlnKo Iho cllmlnull«n rciimm the nuropciin wino l>clwocn Muy imil July, many icams rompoim- Ing lhat the Bcaiion Is ton Jonh,

land othorii contending llml Ihcr nlayci's cannot bo In top f<<r7n ..t lifay und'rcmuln in thnt .comnti>intiirough July.

l*luy ThlH Sir • For the tt>b4-»mUilK., ..

tcama cllmlnalcd buforu Ihe fiomi-flnalB of Iho 1033 Cup round.s

.wn-Hu-plfty-Anyl'-"- uukovvii and the tnd of flctison. Then, next year; the win--nere-Ot-thlsi^ilininnton^undjyUlJoin tho four scmi-flnallBts of the, ,1033 matches-Gront Brllniil, Jo-1 pan, Aufltrallfi nnd Czecho-31o-! valtla—to'.jioncludo-tho 3034 Eu­ropean'•Mno fintllB. , • , ~~Tb.crc-Twaa--on- opportiralty-ifor ^uth'"Airicrlcah'-toama to join play in tlio European zone .for 1934; but none took odvantago .of this new rule. So, tho South Am- ericon teams entered for 1034 will competo in tho Soutli American! Mnc,.fentrloa'for which cloao Sept.-Germ'ony-oppeare favored :jjy

tho draw for the 1034 ollmlnaUona •liavlnip..alj008tjjio .Bovcm-:ttfpoai- tion to tho final r6urid.vi'liilo.,tlic| fll«)ng 'tcoma. o£‘ Italy,. Holltindl arid •Switzerland, oro 'a ll in Uic top half of. tho draw.

CAlilP BOYS USED AXE.HANDLE BATl E O B O iR A C T jeiN G'• When'you're tryin^or-h lt al baseball - vHth • nn - axo . hamllo,'

m'ro' playing under .dlfficuUloH, That'fi J>no of tho reasons the

initial gomo in tho Soulhrm I^ lj?. leoguo iifter mibstituUng for .Twin Falls Siiridoy.-Tlio comp boys lost, 24 to J , to'Bulll'B. expert teom. -

liic only niotcrlols the forest,teani.had to.practice.wiin uurmg

■ - ■ ..... •- occordlnr

' - .1 ;™

■ S 5 S ' j S l r . H o t W , ; . « n i M■ ■ 'tbnild9r'‘-ttV''»n“ teJi" .;wlth - Jack

" ~ 3 W k eyT f':‘ ‘Uicro’o.cflbDgh;^^^

And k id ’8 Not Idle, So Fightj Thursday Should B e -

' • Post B p u f,

•There won't be any "out condition" worries- for Jimmy]’ Duecy In his match with Kldi Cannon on tho Legion boxing card

^uraiiay-nlght. ..' Jimmy, who lost o li'o technical I


ball,.' and'.'sevtjnr^oyaC"

with seven nits'ana counted for three runs with a plo: and two singles.' ; .

Freddy Llndslrom - and . Suhr.taeh mado threo hlta In thi!first game agalnat Dodgers.

Pie Trayaor and Floyd Vnugh- „ j . Pirates, four_hlts in.flvo_trles^ and three hits iin tlueo tries,.- spectivcly,- in . night;cap; ' '

•flcU,- ln*Ftillirrproviapd.'iiomc=pt tho mlsalne-equlpment. and-other

■new wonua cimminuu .equipment will probably, bo.forlh--^nr???ir-ii-m--witirriurniffer-80OTiyfcointmrf iw ,-th<Mie-who:havc,-.lt-',to. •'-'or'Jateron.bcnded knees.: '-.Ilend.'", .. • ' • .'••V'i "

Rupert foiled- Ui .stop-.Burley

HoT3i5eWnin«aW<riioro’ -Dvcr-the-wcek-cnd.'.'lBjifiey '' '' •" ''

Porwpino': sprlnCT.' wmorrow-'cvc^] sing; It lias also aehcduied floverar, other/ outside games. In’ an-'effort i to ;gct-ln'trlm'.for .t^e-rematrilng 1leofTus scheduledk-:V.Wa-.tocn’t licked yet,»;,^y.tto I porcnplno. sprlngo ■ off icers..,;;We’vo igot-'flomo' fino -material ;— . and I watbh--rUB’'w hcn" wo r-got^undoe

i-mCiiinii-that-,Uio.'inciudo Benfty-BccfcStcad,-.Tiif6;’ O'Dowd,' Mmc and-Lce CMUr,.nnd

main ■' bout:Thure<Iay. ahould .• glvo. Leginhvfana*dri-.ey<^li--Jhe pro- llminartw sl«rt-atiO;p:-n».;.u- .\;.For - 8pe^tora>.wio v'wanV". to

•v.TickiitTsalo. for tho-Thursdoy.

pHimdtcr ,• for” thd-ldoho:<Atblotie ossoclaUon,’> declared;,', this,.;, after-, noon: that flghtera't-traliiiur. tbero each night: in' ttddlt>dn~.to-DUecy.


-^UURLB¥t"?N S,-

inaUo a clean owecp of the series.Tlicscrlcs between Sacrnmenlo

and Son Froncisco will be fol­lowed. closely bccouse. o£_Joc_uc- _ macglo's announced inUntlon of trvinir to break tho world rccord « y o o Wiiholt of tho WJchita. club o f tho I'Weatom league- for hli- lUnl 'safoly >in' consecuUvo • gamos. '*>'pcmaeRio, who'haa:Bmaa*’«'rt thi*

gotaes^M^ ru h 'h is-to ta l% ^ - l8 wnfidcnt htr ' will s u r p m ^ 1- h'oit’s mark-cstablUhed In 1010; In •442 Umcs' at balfcj^_ has slappW out-141 hits, incliglln^-17 homo • • - ---lercenUge .of -334. .Jiiu w6,v.,jyr-I»»-ABgeie»-flr5t. -

bascroan,. whto has hit aafcly. In . b f l-^ m M jl9a_o_batUng-averog_o _ ' ot'.3io. • . • .. ■

Linie-Ups L is ,te^ n Buhl-Forestry GameBUHU July lB ,(Spcclal)--The

otarUriff iinc-upp . In . Sunday b Z J ie here, whlchTwlli also form , tho .tentative llnc-upa in'lho^prnc* ,llco tilt,schodulcd:b«twccn .puhl wid''Co.- 2B3./,Porcuplno Bprlpgfl, Wednesday evening, wero!,, •— B m ilr^cH eHy; ; .ontohor;. Efl -

oV lfi-B oy f....................

-Tlifr_c»gqnQmie ■c|tuatlgn'‘^as .notlfimg^to do~whh:.VPur R otor 's need o f efficient lubrication. Fortunately/ you can have the best lubri^aiTt w ithout penalty.,The total cost o f C oribco G erm P rocessed M otor OH is on ly ohe^fifth of-^ cent per-miie/ Very little to 'pay to p ro - tect your car ihvestment.i

Ib r Tom-HoJtmanek,-8^ -Carte; 2b;(WellB,;cti H ^ o n d ,- :f f ; ;Dup-

.lb:;nedzin?KI,.c; Flynn.'Sb; Un; irnVv.' lf: Lorhoinlc.-ef5’,McKeown. ' oi.tVeto, rfpPrico,.p.:,;-.

'" ' d e c l o ;STAYS :AT,TOP . ":M ui^-4inirir^pc«aai)=fj>- remained In tho tiirce-Way, tie

^Uccur tie-for!

___, . . . ________ ttm :Wuhu.lleaguo by trguncrng Pnuli': to 3;

Howl Over Ring Medico

, By im NBY MoLBMORK , i- ;.NBIW.'TYORK.';'JuIy...l8!',*iy«vrT| ' Dr.:. JosepH- Sboriflan,'. a;:«putaila! ,man: of;medii!ine' attMhed-.toMto|-NCT^,Yprlr,-atate-t)»in^.<»m^^^

:*^“nb^.from^thb7^w S S d i h ' '-sa i;

.when.-aai'Cxaminatlon.,. o& a.(.cut.abovo-,v.Vnn.',Klavercn'8;. lofti ; -

..convinced ttm that,to subject,.'to::furlher:punUhmr-‘ ',rt8Ult>.''!n ;wrloua.U.•TtulohvKrapperftAfl,,)fo'nilshed -jrrf:h'9,t-r,.aoflon>3;;^^^i^horldo^'a woct v waa.' erroctcd •ITiyl->outailr^v;fte.l6,0&;;feu8U)m^

'exa’mlned^Von Kldvoren .cdriloc In - :aByand-:thoughtiBo'.;iittlo;of

■old-cut •.6ver-.hl8''ey,d;,that'hehlm;'.Jrha;.:p6int.v',v/ai...thcn,

.m^that-tha,only-:dlfferonco>ba-: twecn'Bep'a 'condi[ion.'lniUe Laft*. craoon.-and'lh-tt6r*a'urtlf:ftuna 'S,iarth8t:-.tho;.cut‘ s«ia,--l3loedlag; Xnrtl that having okayed: blni iln

“ C o n « r c "6 “ G « n i r P r o c c 5 s e d - O i l - i s t h e - h i g h e s t - g r a d e

m o t o r , o i l o ^ a i n a b k .~< > t h e p a r a f f i n b a s e c r u d e

ioil sources, »hei'scicn tifie skill and the most m od -'T n i 6 f^ cfin T ric 's~ c^^ ^^ ^ i t - s a r - T l i e n “ t h e —-cvrlncivft -Con'oeo-formula Process

ui f l d‘ i» g»tra oiliness and penetrativeness n o ?/ •; other o il has hor-cah.ihave. A quart remains in . your m otor and never drains aw ay . . . the " H I d d e p ; . Q u a r t " - . . . ready

-wheri you step on the ^startW ',each iTi6rnins<

; F illi:0M !d<3 ';?■ q u a f^ ;; Red Triangle Stations.

. T H E

4 r "^ ^ '

Page 4: ‘toFACEE/ Widow-Quizzed Green Protests Job LossJUnder-Textile …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014. 12. 12. · - Paco Two. rOA^O feVEl^G TIMES' TWIN'

. .p - - . • v a c a t i o n L A N D 'Idaho, if it is jio t already, fam ed as a Vitn(jUor

. land, will one d ay lake fron t'n u ik in tliat regam : T o com m ence with, it is Icnown that the Gem Statu

is in the heart o f the scenic belt o f the Rocky iMoun- ta in s jjin d i)0ss^sses imliinited resources o f forests,

- Bt,rnam g| liikc-^ ..'w iitnr fn lk nnflmoimtairB.

Unjim ited' beauty and gn indeiir fieckon in the regions over the Sawtooths and' beyond.

Thesg attractions a re 'fiot confined to 'any puHicii- ' lai* section o f the State, but are present even fo Uie

south o f Twin Falls, in tlje eastern .weUon iidjace/it •-.'to-.theyello\ystone.ijark,-v])layKroun(i o f tlie nuliim,

as is reveal(*d.in such places as the Jacksf)n Hole and Cratei’s o f the M oon sections; and 'iti the western part o f the state a lon g the North and Smah highway',

' as well as in'northern Idaho, where are located huge ^ lakes," large bodies o f tim ber and other natural

beauty spots ad jacent and a part of those in Mon- t ^ a , W ashington and Canada.

There can be no denying the assoLs ol' the .state r from the stand))oint o f .beauty.

Bub in ,addition to all this is andtliur factor which ' - on ly enhances the poswbiJitie.'^ o f Jj^alin in the future.! •Y Reference, is m ade to the'Cyct that the Oregon Trail (

highway runs c lea r th rou gn 'th e state,'w hile across;, ' the panhandle runs another transcontinental Higii r - w ay.-------- Th............. .. .......................... , _

the c om ing generations will make it 'certa in that

w ill 'Cp’ntinue, to be visited by the teem ing m illions} ;7 T of^ a stem ere -seek in g -tlie - 'w jd e -o j)en -a p a ces .—Thfey-l

' ‘ ’ ..... ............>1'..........'» T« f ..« f flio t,

I CUAl’TRlt xni n AUUK'IT GOLVIJJ «lrodu UHuiI-

ly tlirouKli Oio cWII winter armruooii. •'Amoroua enllcnus, "ni-cklDK." ••modern"—tlio word*! cchnod iQ hla brain. Ho kopt JiuttrliiB !.lila Stnfford ooy them QKulit niiU ucnlu.

So ho IiaJ only bceu ■'nnollior. Klliio 'g irl

"tii^wlilrllnft. imo. i h u b r o n e dblowlDK acrosa tho piTo- tUo chanBe..' l.yliiB. tull-

utrotchocl sod toDio upon, jiw.hod.1 -ftldely opoB Io tho dorkv ibo incci c)Uea(1ona nho would oiK . They woro ralhar ehllilUU v(iry -fflitful question*' which

limped and reihapoa untireho thoy wcro iicrtect examples

ot worldly flncssc. But wltli tbo nc ot caeh.duy $ho..shrauk ■lio'ckonrnBfinff''rcckoriItis. u <«)'ffoQatloo -ot .-hls ollcnco hcKBti to fool—awnllowluc as abo tboubht on It—proli- .

nilly lay In tlio blunl'faet that ho WDK tlrod flt her. Sho 'tvas certain (li'at aho did Dot kaow how lu plon«o people, thol alit was as In­ept .aotlnlly oa her mothor had aald. l><“ l ropeatod ihla lavorloua ways ligaln^nnd Main— and nny tune, sube oltcp-1?iioush. cllnBs! > •'.I'crhnps,. Kllnor rptlcctoil. .the, ronny bJrP^u«lo Pt Jho alTajr waiU ’ ln'ni; na bo diA.

Sliu nonderod (hor conjeclurva I ondluM) It'Ho conaldiTcd

raoar lo. heap In eorncrs. ,Tho around* blm .waa tropic

Compared with'tho chill ol bla bcnrt.

Ho «ondoi#4 flully how lonK ll would tako to Bct-ovor It. ilad

wholo attalr boon • Baa- Had Bllnor-leU-noth­

in n{ tfiftt whieb ho folt bo tullyT • That loro thal hnd made Jilm Hi) wnketul lu the dark - warmed, abakca by roincaiborlng hor wurda. her Boilni.Jicr laucb. Older Inoii t.lwnyj liked bor.’ Bbt mado .thorn thfnk they wpri

Wull. abo liikd dono that ho know.- Ho liaff never

known a man could fool ao young, no;d hnvo 10 set thraucb.ll

Uc lold himaolf this o ror ncalo but' could : ho pain l;i hls'bearu

—KcIiook-iii’e-ifi'liWtiU'd- Twia'ii in .Twin FnllH'Bcv- on w.«!k.s'frlith todny; rc- j>ciil o f th^.Ei«li<ecilUi_ Knioiuliiiwit will bo. votcd- uixm liy l i iu h o eilir-ww nine wei'hs frbin toilny;


HlKlilna admitted him at lo. 'Uarrctt aald alowly, •'Sorry, jor- gut I had ft k e y -"' ••It’s a bud nlBht.»ald. worried.

Uorrotl’o'cont wa. the anow lhat duns whlto nnd Urcd; hi foued hy tbo cold nml rcddooed |Uy 11. - I

"Wo Bupposod you diuod out,.

• tho


..... .BBlly betqro ho rode aHer clieuka flamed at th ia Iboi

i Porhi)pH now ho was smtllnfe lllgulnsI llio “ llttlu atfalr." Sho cODld.nut

iimnciDij blm In latly and Ironical- Uy Buch an opUodc and roa llird .' sho .bad not :n ronny.< Shoihofl only dronm of hlmVhor lote nd a now coeJVbrounh

;hom iio liad .tio u yi L'ur n->hurrlvd courlBblp might

triKbU-nHo deaplBod himaolf bocnnao tho

toucl» of her. Ilpa a llll Btlrrcd in; bocniibu ho could uol forsul lulr noflnuaa and warmth nnd

(ho promlau ot genorous Bivins itluL h prcBBUre.

••Oh. ycB—" Jlnrrott aald. hadn't dlnod but ho. could not think of food. '

lilg s lin ’ worried oyoa ^llowedUurrutt

houao— " th

can get here readily and com fortably. In fact they 19 -a lm ost have-to g o through Idaho in order to get to

O regon, W ashington, and western Canada.A ccepting the fa c t 'th a t the state is possessed o f

.. . 'unexampled gi-andeunTthe greatest assurance o f the • n)ossibilities o f its appreciation and the opportunity

fo r capitalizing bn this,, is seen in the transcontment-. a l highways w hich pass through .the com m onwealth

' bringin'g'CU3tomei-s,.vi5it()rs, spenders, if you please, to our very doors. : , • ' , !

: TKat-is' ^ .dev,eloi)ment and nuunten-aiiCe is vitM td 'l

mid. "You may lock Ila plodded alowly

Btnlra. Aa HlKKlna toohiiBlon pf UBrroll'a fnthor

pearod leCoro blm. Tho ' mapter" had plodded

Sim grow thin, alralnod. nnd her * cmllo hbcamo rather

forccd. BoutweU .Stallord. bo«Ide. tbat amllu. roun,d'hlB b'«art which bad aouuiod^rcd to pain brea'k- luK nOL»-«^lt-.4B'd lu youth ortd uuilo no paintu|l7. .. l.ldn'B ■ umotlona Sho wBB amused and i ralhpr nnnoyod. ‘ ’JualdIiu docldcd. •'tor tbo


bualncM man or work- ic™.w.Wput,p.y.

STOOO NE6l£CnU.FOR.VSA(U’'IN A'TAlUHAS$eE,' FI©RlQ\>‘ . . cEMiETEfiy/ Woft iwwflwA rtew


^ H A T -L O N D O N - PARSLEY -T he^break-up-nat-L ondon-secm s to have com e

ch ie fly .becaflse o f a gen era l'recogn ition that, h o -v o i^ g en u in e -co -op era tion is possible between a na- ' tion which is follow ing^ 'a definite policy, and n a­

tions which a r O r l f t i n g . - . ‘ . _______ ;— B ^ r o f T i ^ s id e n t R oosevelt’ s flat refusaM o con ­sider icun-ency stabilization . at this tim e ^here is

: once': fa ct that cannot b e o'VQrlooked, , • • -; . Th«i United States has,thought out and adopted- a v ery iciear-cut arid 'far-reach in g domestic program .

: I t intends to raise prices, control ))roduction, boost -wagea-and^eerease-tm em j>loym & ht, and it. prnposes

murnibiSnow boean to tall an flnr

wnlkcd. Marcia had told that Dobby Telfair wan Kiln "almOBl a o c o p te d aUmIr Marcli hnd addoJ, ••I auppoao docan^t'wa^ to ootllo down TboBC nrc tbo’yeara whon girl bcr ago.want to bavd'n.Cay tin

That had oot alarmed Oarrcit nof Boomod lo boldVny pirtlcu- lar .elsnlflDaDco when It waj apokoD. Out bo underojood-ho was certain ho undcratood-now. And Mla« Ella had aald. "Older jnon always admiro Ellaor.”. ,"Oldor- iaonl':,-iE»an.Mlea EUaj liad sooa him as oqe,' co d6ubU: Parrott bad been woundod whore bo was moat vulnorahlo. Elinor' mothor had aald the Eirl laughed

older-nieD Ufarik In iior flaitory. "Amoroua tnblcaual

EvoD nhllo bo'iold liliuBolt that b o . despised .such n girl bo wat pchlnc for her.' And bating blm- BOlf for it. .

I— lltrhad ilTed-dccontlr:-liept-to-j hiB codo. ItBcemod lo Uarrolt. who'irmmrnniinTBcrt-pttyr ynmnrnimvhy'ahouiOTtnr Clrl tossbom ho bod .otTered (loneal l3ro havo provoa lo bo ofl ■puelf tawdry matcrlair

■ ^ T T jQ ^ tT ie se ^ th iH g rb p iT e a T is '^ ^ e i-ta in -co n c re te -a e ^l^ions.. ■

•. y Cf h i

loblnd hla hack, eomclhlng no ^would tclV blm. _ _ iUKglna 'uDiicraibod thal''s6m6“

thing waa wrong now. Ilo hoped na nbout Mrs. Iladnor’a boy.

f_j)r otborwlBO It mlgbl concernI young lady. Mr. Darrett

• groat dual, they all know, .nigglna could tell from tho way. for Inataaco, that Dnrrctt rcached'for n'noto Irom bor, iolUnc tbo other lotiera wait w h lli he read and.roread lu .He could te ll from tbo fact lhat Bar­rett's dppctllo was capricious— Tory good or cono.at all. . Atid 'from'tho wny, bo.spoko. ip ,lio r at lUo. loUDhpDO.; .UlceltiB.,,hoped with’ aU bis heari-tbat. oo||it<i6 bad bapponod-to fpoll a ll.th is . Sncb A blow for his ninster would bo too cruoU ,- lltEClDB was. eaylQS a prayer,, ns bo often did without knowing I t fu lly .-b u t feeUng IL- And, Blnco tlio Klasdom ot Ood Is taado br.-ihOBo.whQ.loio others boiler than tbcmBolvca. no doubi Ood

n-Uirco'daya Elinor;•aUc_d,•^ trc tnb llB ff- lf- ih o butter • drew nenr, hoping > tbat thia. timo ho would say. "MTi Colvin la al '' tolephono. Uloa Slaltord.”

;ilo la ilrcd ot tno," Elinor tnuaod. ataadlag. by » window, looking down on Park nvenuo nod »oolag. naililng._-l'Ol‘-olao .bd do-aplaoa mo necauao Jio tblnka I'm one ot tbosd Elrls wbo let- any m'an kisa them—", She did not cry.' Sbo wlahcd .he could cry but.toara. the follet ralvo for hincroeas nnd '.hurt, ivpfn denied her.- Elinor..untor-j tunatcly bad from chljdhood had lo bear a sood deal ot hurt with­out showing It.

<To lie Coniln'ueO); ...

■ N T T ? \ A r c ' T 5 1 ? T - T T X T T ^ The low down on wh'at Is going on ixihlnd Uic scenos , 1 \ J l / W o i 3 J - / J r X i x N JLy. in Waal.mj?lon. tho naUon's cnpltai—nn InUmalo fn- ,

Jlght.InW the Inner workings ot pollUca, for EyenlnE,^- ncadera every day onil everywhere.

commitlce.-^Tho-entire-fllnft ot Iho.Dopftrl- mont of JuatlcO.Jiurenu of lnycsU- , gallon is al Uio diJiposal of Colonel Hulclilns'on'anii tho acnato com- - mlttec.- In New York alone eighty InvcsUgalors are avalfabloi'in Un naUon as d-whole Iho number n

I lo nearly'400. ' Probably ncvetllforc fiaa auch a largo Invcallgailni Pfllaff liccn nvallahlo,to dlaclqae the


History of Twin Falls ■ - City and Gouiity-


The other nations'at the fconfcrence— with the ex ­ception o f Russia, w m clv -is in a c la ^ -b y Use f—have jio siich-program r--They-6eem -to-l^-cqm m itted

‘ • - to! a policy o f ’watchful waiting, and a t times they • have-a 8triking-'res’em blance,to3lr.-M icci\^er, J lfiin s

-’■i holiefU -tliat somcthiiiE .will lurn ii|i. . ..T lial liiiitJg- thc' ;c.-is t r Imvv

i e .. Jject that this .nation.can easily find a com m on pro- • .gram o f concerted action with the others? . . ,

' Furthermore, for .what veasott does the ch ie f-re - sp6n sib ility^or^ in d in g-su ch 'a -program ^ rest-\ ipon

‘ . the nileis o f this nation? • ' . . ' ' .- '• The United States h a sv it least m a d e . determ ined |

and .heroic e f f o r t ,to' pu t' its- bwrt J io u ^ ; in- order..) I t has em barked on ii. tremendous expenm ent, and

^while>.we_have no giiar^ntee today that'th^e exp^^ r V ‘ meiit w ilf-not fail, a t l e m ,th e country- has had .the■ ' - couragf> and ^he vitality to make U. R jgh t or w rong, - I *:. , -yyj n - ^ c - i ^ ’

V^TThere^^is’ no 'reason on earth why . this country■ : should irun the> rlsk o f ruining that exi)erniient -be*

i .fo re it g e t s ;w e U '^ simi)ly m order to a r-."^ :.;rive' abi'currencyistabilization agreements with na-j

j;=^,v.U6ns':w.hieh.hpe.yet^ enunciateji„cleaiUJobciLPA|

il :08.iv\v..Corre5p6ndehts :at' London- a^^ that theEiiropeanr'StateshVeh; ai-e, saying .m

g f c ^ q i i t i / d s .th.ese; dajii . bc ^ ^

s S E ^ S f S ^ i S t s b l j a t i t l w l ^ i k ^^ 2 t ’ . . c h i e £ 'd i ^ o r i s . o f Bui-oiican- strtesmon'^evw since I

w arrA m erlO T ^ p i'o b a b lfcw iV b e abJo:lo bear " " ■ jipfundeKiU- A n d rit is a .tn lle ’:difticu1t,tp see w h y

tte 'U ltim ato'- i’esponiiibility fo r la clL oi .iccom plisly, " ■ " t ito n d o n resS.-witliJis.;_L-;-V ■

Ry 1*AIIL,MALLON (Copyrigiit, JSL X -by 'Pftul- Mallon)

tyASHlNGTON; Jjiiy 18 — Men at, tlio lop licrc'.afc muUIng over u lit'Uc’ flrcworkH scliemo for Uic ./In­al -wcclt-o£.Uie-Londoa_conrccms?:.

they may dlRplny 11 os a grnnd finale ■fllatcmcnl from Pronldcnt__ _____ __ ..-mny-.

publia cnzn In last mlnuto reaolU' tloriirudoilted jn the confcrcncc. .', Tho..iileft'ls to, acnd. thq-London. dl-lcgatcH'liomo \n-lih n laaloIn thclr rooulhs. Promises may Tieofrcred'Ton'ciirrcncyrjiUJUBlmenU: and tariffs. Great ndo in expected.

If you will read between the Unofl. you win boo Ihe ’promlses donot Involve nny'tftuingis In' Amor-ican policy.OIIA8SKOOTS - : ■ '

The'problem la-largcly-poillltal., , /o cannot afford to let Uio world IslnUBmcn go homo fcellnt aa they do. Wp fimnt t'lvo them a ■ llUloflooiWns-eyr-''- .....-bo hold out . . . .

A l least-lhal In tho reasonlnfr o f , Ihoso -Irj'ing. to puaJi, Prcaldent| Roosevelt Into muklng the'gcfltnre.

The' \vord waa paaaed' dovra. the i llno-ln’ lho cliolceat Inncr-clrclo.bo-1 cn'uao oil oortfl ot reporla woro,tly-1 Ing ttH5Tind-Wn1l-Blrcet These ro-; portJi fluggested w? might peg Iho dollar with!Uie pound.:At«o that aUbniMllon might be oftered each cburitry-lndlvidunlly. •l..SuCli-lhlngs.nrc;comlng. but nql until OUP domcalio altuntion Ih on a> sUblo basiai.-You'cnn bank oa Uiat:

TurtiicrmqwrMrrRooscvelt-hafl-no-iijaa-Df-ricgn.tl.allon; u f ' lastpower lo 'granlnnylhlng. Congressilecllnefl lo give him the powuri

But there is no harm In con-fcrrlng.,It.floflenB tho. blow, w.e

! not in (I poalUon .tp_gra,nt Ihem^ do'stj would interfere wllh

domentlo rccovcry program-

iiuggestcd Gen. Johnson'dr6p_thc| steel 1hiluato':^o'd'hd~aDd'pl oh' Tho matter was nUll .In tlie pro-

-.torclgni naUona la a good .example; Of.tho..n?w.i}n?!<lesmiWgy,we_ow

" ■.ng.lntemRtlonnily........... .. 'I nnUoiis'^nnled to ' flontor |witn~us>^Ar^nUnd;;.Noru-ny ,and |olhora:'have aaked for.co.nferenccs..' 'w o havo madc--|T great dUpla/ ot. Hv fng:%rj5uliMc|_V^^

•Senatbi'^Bdi'ah-TiiiusHiaye-^een-j^Snt' ° n Ih' llifl Mrto' coroer Mr. Htwvor Uinilglil'pjiMperity..wa8 aroijnii, :

^‘(|:^fearfully w ea k eh ed 'b y .his; e?h(3spitar-in Bammdre:';-. 'H^,.has;just la p p jf e d ;

" - ■ - - ‘ a e n t ;R 6 6 s e v e l t '8 r f o l* e ig n :p o h c y .-W h o e v e M ^

naUomilUUc.pollcy at London. Also tho reaultfl wlU ultlmntoly UQ UBfifuL They can tw oubmltleU to Congress ijy-Mr. RooBevelt in Jan- (mry.,'The Congrcs.1 can chew on them’ for rtt'fcvrmonthjnnoror-ByUiat Umo, we may be In.'a poaltfcn to da something ItnporLinl'nbout tariffs. . 'I- 'Don't hold your breath walling: forWiatday..

PUBljcrrY A-cUque or Ub«ralS-alartcd-tho

move lo break up Generur Jolm- aon's hlgh-powcrpd p.ubllclty .riti-chine.. • ................................Vrh... _____ __ _Uio'ho'tno'ot'ff rormiif Wi

aaalaumt In Uie Johnson ouUlL : ■ - Tho gueats (mosUy newspapcr-nieh) turned on-tlio-hcat ;iramo-.dialely.-'Th'ey apared no wonls.ln. criUciting Uio pubiuflty'worlc of Ccn. Johnaoii's Tnachlnb.,Mr. 'Mo.- Gradycalled Cen; Johnson;:on;thd teltphono -and 'aaked him; to; como 'o v e r ; - - ; : ; ..-■ The'giiealfl’niid Ihe'iiost told Uio' Kehe_rol.-the a a m ^ ^ .^ H o broke

Cummlngu CotB Uuay • Whlle-lhe committee cvjdtfnco

J^tfco-imd^-^'ttorney-GwciSl Hugh S.-K^^nmlnga .already has, atepped Into the racket ailuaUon iwlth boUi.rcctUP«ph B. Keenan, ol aovoland. haa.bcea made a.apt-! ;lal'asalalnnt atlimey. gejieral '- ihargQ of.onU-rocU'eleerEig- aell

A certain dry 'Wsiiitor anj-a he'. >.oi,> lu«

S u K S r - : ™ ? " ' " ' ” “ ■j Ho aaya they woro countings Kan^iintll-reoeiitIy^Kowl4i>oy.d0;ii0t beilovo.n voto will be nu- ' Ihorltcd there .beforo- ivo^thlrdsTif the atala .act 'Cprobablj ' Novcm-

The -.Wiiator Kceatiy -TOuli tou ttrdugh his OH-n.for/ricrly dry ■tate. Ue camo back ond bet a suit of x l q l ^ that It wauld go wet by

-'- 1Sy-:namca''lwo'meii.'B6ui;ar<L| Washington .'■ 'rosBEnndcnta, -.iiWio

apKsa oaaodatlqii and UiB'otn-,' ;forTg''ric&rby- Dgm(wrrfUe-.ney ^

_.^-lokcd;a-Tlwt^^rinOTtrtirW mado'untll.tnS next day* Tho-lwB;

•'found 'thnt B,omo;of ,Uio .pub-'ilcityTHobs.puld'ABllttlaaa $3,000.' a’ ycar. ;.That fa.' a i'bad-mlnlmutn.

15 Years A g o ~ . ' ~ ^. . An effort to change' the form of. city ffdveranionl to Uio commlaslpn' plan duUlncd by-SccUon.No..'82 of tho'aeaalon'UwB-of .1011 is'now,

ire ^Ing.......... . .. — reported

that.pearly otio-hair ' Of the ‘ re­quired numi>er of-slpatures hikve


:27-Y ears-A g07

tho‘ flrat Btt^S' Ukcn af- glnecr«l by ^ArtMca_nccd,, <

. .FILER-Thp Miootlng- Of farm-.

and ia norBroing’‘lo Ifilerated In'ihla vicinity., -We/jnuil'-Juimit,. • ' however, Umt it.lal^ery. provoking '•’ ;^:.hayo onb'a ,c )»p i‘herded ..upon.- • iiy.-tho islock or another,'and more •cspccUilly-sorwhcn-fonclnff-Tnti^-^— terlal, cannbt ;bo * proeunkl ‘ at" any

opcnirtrfaq,utry into the Now York ■ dootJ^ck-ota; wlUi-apeclai Aaslat.

It , Attorney- General—John-H, mtii'ln.charge.- . -- Tho best opportlinlty the govern-1 rent'-HiuT'df «EumlngiT'aiiy:im?

moat lo'^l oliscrvcra believe; .cbmoa under , tho national, industrial -re- coveW- act- ' Onto-an-'rlnduatry - ft code of condGet approv** w, — prcaldont.'any‘Violation

itho'-codo b«bmca;'a, vlolaUdh - . fcderainaw-’ for.'Uio peH^'Of’ the, naUonai'emcrgeaiy: :Sotttf tWnor

One of thb'grtatcBt-c'ompl.Im'onU over pdid'16 "TiiTKalBcr,' tho Bcaat of Berlln."'Uio.-Jewci: producUon, Whieh-TwUl-tw-DCCJiiit-thc-Amorlfea- th'eater tomorrow, waa Uio. theft of alx of iti seven t« ls . Tho.cntor-

Kaiiaa8--City.'-during'^e .Liberty

V‘At-BI6kc'l-B'c1jooV(fni iiycaMii]

|wlll iiol^goUie.-nsw'normal taxos' -on'': atock dividends, Uio n«t worth'Btock tax and' Orie-half :cont<tf U>« increaso dh’gasoline. RopealXriii not affect thb eloctrioai Ux,'tha.lncKaao'^ln p<wtal rates on the original - fedcr- Sbaaoilna■‘ . ihBWVifl''rB6mo‘-:talk':'abouti- , . aenjjohoioii.dbmandlrtg ti.codo,!. |T-from-biinkor«,-bufnothlngrla:bft.ri

tallvo cddM'WlUi. adflnltd anti-' rackotecring'clttuBea..''.- ,

hi>'r of'the.nethli.KafahcFBUtChoril'

dustry-simll .bo"«6naIdc«d,’aa.'uri;

wduld'eiv(i'Uio;popa^6nt ot Juat '

'atock;to-Ukorcarb 'of aJicm.-tihdfci th«S Twin PaJla,cah'al-ayatcft.’W Twin -Falls tract,'la ao lon ^ -;a -

■'■'a;' piiwie'’ f6hlra''w'’ t6r'Bi^l6g .. xaBoir-;.i-Uubu)bwl,'-V «aUa'.«tten..


'JMoina* In:.


Page 5: ‘toFACEE/ Widow-Quizzed Green Protests Job LossJUnder-Textile …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014. 12. 12. · - Paco Two. rOA^O feVEl^G TIMES' TWIN'

Uflod PoTtfl DcpL Phone 225 W WANTEJV^UbcS'"furarturiinad

ronccs. Best.caflh.prUcB.. Bert A. ■Bwcof :Pbonc~i205.

DRIVING HAST ..Wcdncsilay morning.- Want ono.'-pfisscngcr.radno'.4BO. . ;; . .-vr>Vy V '; POB ’ SM -^BpsqM ^iiconB

; Spring Watw.V'^'lvcl Ballons,-25c.- ,Teats 100;,por^cent

\Bafe'. Rccommcnde(J:by. pIiysiclanB, incclally , to' olaniBch., sufferers.

. - l l - Sprlnff Wat?r Co, Phono 73.Omco. a t Mi-GroUo Halebcry. .

"• r ctirbupeior8r«arbparlsnnd; .. .. Ico-for‘c^m, trtieUfl, and tractorn.

' -Motor Servlcc, 230 Sho.■■■Bt'iw. - -■•-.v :


P K U rts ,a b d ,,v e o e t a b l e b

I' Ollvett cherries; also.iswect and

deemed on or botoro ihut deed will bclsg^'convoyliTBTWi

That Uw followlnff is a list tho corporation In whose sald'dellnquenf property wi

■ for said year anil opposite mo Is a dJHurlption of the

lots, w oBsesned to aueli corpom- tlon: and'biQ amount ol tho orlfiln- nl tax and penalty, to which will bo added. interest 'at tho rate or ten (10) per ccnt jjer annuS, and tho coats In conh'cctlon, with Uilt- Int tax dee<l, to-wlt:

V ‘ Ilotlinter Tnu-nnltn . \Ocl>nquent CertUlcato No.

BBOO: Namo; Bank ot Holll.ilei;: Lot l ‘and 2. BIOCV04; Amount' 6f-Ccrtlflcator »302.02^-i-— -i,';;- • Tho above delinquency' cntiy fs

owried'by Tvvin-Falls'Coimly nnd tho. tlmq. of redemntlon from lax deed to . tlic: County of_TWln mils will- expire on Uio twcnty- flfth-dayJof Scplembcr,.1033..AIter tax deed haa-bcen Issued property may bcrcdeeraed from, tax sale by the payment o f all oulatjjndinjr de­linquent-.Idxcs provided.such pay-•menus- ' ' ------------ ----------tax sale.

; COIU-E.-BTEVENS, County .Trcojsurer'and Tax


. ‘New lind used furniture-.ot all kinds.. Coal raaBCs.na lew aa.?lO, cach. We trade and buy pr sell.'Wtllipay ^ h for stoves-antJ- re- ,„„„uvu.ouv.-. ij.i«rv« -.o,.

. .Wiseman.. Ph0De,'p8CI J.'_:„ A P A R T ^ y 8 l F _ 0 g : j ^ N T :

• THBBBinOOMVjuhilBbedVmod. ;tm apt.iNc’ low ratci Buagolow

■ .*.pta.,,2 J1.4AV0..R,‘ ■ H O \)8E a:gOB REHT ;:"TpItTRBN'T T7FT iiTw -'ipirrtiMi. wlU - very .desirable. 120,

• '.FOR' RENT—FlimlBlid,C*room’ hduso., ^ d 'locaUon. .;CalJy at . 238


• ~RMiWMlbie'^'Bu)iln(M-n , -MdrrrofCMlondl'OHlew o f J

l^ l r Mnrehri?5-.7b,, May July 1.84.- . . . . .

: Silver' futtlrca' 'cloacd ' 20 points hlslier. Sales wero .laa lois. iJuly ■I0.80-41;10,,AUK. 41.00. Sept. I41.25-.S0, Oct.', ■11.60, Nov.' 4i.!)5, iDee. 42.30. Jan.. 42.00,.Pel), .42.00, 'March 43.20, April 43.0U. May.

ull’^T thV Cl.nl.'

‘.M^^t^al'Current. BUondSir ,k;6.co|

• Total? 65«.ruinirt by.lhVUonnl «t Tru«loM ■

Frank' ken, N. J.

ISUflAlt ‘ ••'rank was pulled from tlieu'w ,S“ il.vw:

llml lilH ni'cU, wnH broken.

tVclcnii.... perfomied, ■at IhO;

,• hosplUil MimdiiK. -4 I m, hlRh- ai»“ _^vu.j_,,c0e;

...........MONEi: •NEW .YORK, July. 18 (Itr.l—The

money market hold-'-qu!ct ti lny. j Call money renewed unchanged at! 1 per ccnt on tho stock exelianfe'c. Time'money was about un;hanged. Bankers'.occeptuncea were, in ;;oo(r ifemand but-rates held unchanged. Rediscount rate, ul-New, Vork 2\i. per cent '. , .*


$•1.50 uftd $01 stem r>n« .to p nhdfi” $5.70 nnd 57.40; OOD to I

blOO poimda J5.7S nnd S7.00: 1'^"' 'lo-iaqo p'uunils $5.75 uml '57. ISbO lb KiOD ' pounds $5.7S and;■J7.75: 500 to 1300 pounir---------nnd medium 53..'50 lind *550 to 700 iHjunda 5 V common nnd' medll ?5.25: cows Bood ond 54.50:; common and’ medium ,52.00 ,nnd' $3.26: low-culter'hnd-ctillcr-$I.76| nnd '$2.00: ' bulm . (yeurlmKS

of'M rs. .M«rBiirct1*4 and; 55 ;' stccre BOO to; 1050

bralcd ■nicsduy nfornlnc, J n ..'S t ‘ jQhn'H cnUiP.drnrfor FninlfWnl.tlv

lind iOO.or'Wa.*''fnniilcs-nnd boy- liotxl fiHondn who nro utotloncd nt Cenlervlllo camiij alten<lcd the

poumrCcominon nnd $0;\iclfcM ;\25 iin-l) $0.25;

Filer Visitors ,„,v,Return tp Coast; and . $2.00:

liouae .f^csln of 'Mrs. .MnrRiirct' Mootc^lcft;fo^;,thcir. home,In San' Dlmiio, Calif., Saturdny- mominK. They wcro accompanied by Mrs. Elizabeth Showetu. ••

Mrs. L. M. Smith, who hns been

I SHE’S IN s p o r t ;s —

pounds-:i.50,nnd.^$0:-commoh-an'a mcdlumS3,nnd^S<.60r,.- -

Sheep;-8,000: liunhs atrong. to 26c •lilBher:-'good.and choice na- tlvea 5ZC0; 70 pound feeding lamba late Monday .56,25; lumbn 00 pounds down, $0.76 .and 58.10;

Q,000i-market” iW rnW ^Se ll?Bh er; top $4.70; bulk W.50 and

itUo: :3,300:..market.15e: nnd higher: built : 50 and ,5B.B0:

Lhelfcra SS.25 and''$5.8S: 'veni Ibn^B O . : ■ ,. .-I-.. .1 . . ..>

Sheep;: ,7,000'• hend,.- includlngl


i.(WD__________________________per cent Tecders.,.Lamba,'opened strbnp,' osklnK'.-highcr:. sheep un- ‘CTtnn<oa.T'fi)edei'BTtefiathg.-rhiBifc>r ' Early':, '.nalcs .yrangc ■. and,.,.natlvo' lambs, JC.7aiBnd,-,57.26,,-best held ■’ ■ o:;57.CO;.Lowcai'opchcd; Hp.,.to,

: best.'range, feeding iambs' 50.10; ■,_belns_.,bcld;abo,vp:40_ £'., |VI .'•.^TOhTliWO U V E S 'rod^V- PORTLAND, 'Oro.', July -18. llUlt -;-JIbga:'-873;vlncludi/i '103 direct; trade dnjgged’Ond.'nealier: cholco light;,butchbr3:aidr^of|;tdp-.50.40; ■ -CattlM..•.03,••, .6d\Yea.-;2: ; stoers, 'Blea'dy;;.top''gnw*er4'‘55.70j.,'bcst -cwjr.-quQtablar>li!H-lieifcrni:;54;50;'

-•.Sheep;U'832; .'Iholudln;r-;e30,’ dlK rytj'.’.tradlng dull,’ nieirkef-.weiAi

•Sept.' ..lOB'/j 105'4 ioa'y lor.Dec...... 110 •lll',-i lOS'/j llOTt,May ...llO'.i l i e 1H.IS. 115-'!i

*^ScpL .. DO- do’ 81'4 Dee. -.-.IOO . 102 . 85 : , 00?i• • CASK GUALV

cincAGO. July 18 lai: groin cloac:

Wheat: No. 1 red $1.13-Ii and $1,16: No. 2 red 51.11 anu 51.14!5i No. 1-.hard ,51,14% and' lil6r*N0T-2-lwr<i-«lrl3-«n<l-*il45i ..'o^^-darlrhard-^lrlOrNor^darithard'$1.1B;. No. .2 yellow-,hard. $1.1414: No. 2 mbtcd 51.12 nnd$l;13«5i'NaT2-bBrd.-wccvlIy.-;51-pSi,nnd. ',$1.11:'. N o.' 2 yellow," ham amutty$l.ll.' - ‘ ''Corn; No. 2 ' mlxeil C2’)|C and

04c;.^-Nnn"yonnw- 04 Wc;'-Nor " '• 03c Jind'04';{' ........ “ '

05«o_and OB^c;; Nu;' -

,. 83%

ContinonUO Oil of Deliiwurc.. 18%Corn Products ............Drug Inc. ....'....Du Pont lie ycmnuni...,Eastman Kodak ..........Rlpctrlo Power ■& LlglitFox Film ........General Electric General Foods '..General M otors............Goodyear • TWh---- -Inlcmntlonnl Harvester

ICennccott Coppe?"rrr;./.....Loew's Inc. •:..,.Montgomery Ward ......... ^Noah Motors ,...-................National Dairy ProducU ...Now York Central ....:.....„Packard Motors ......Paramount Piihllx........... -iPenna R. R. ....'J. C. Penney Co.................Pure Oil .........Rjidlo Corp.,. ■


Bears.Roebuck .... ,Sholl..Unlon OU Simmonn'Cd. Socony Vacuum .

...... 44«SI!

4.duv toUled 0.50ff,0jj»_ .shares as ngalnnt 0,380,000.sluirca,;.

' the scconil largest of.the year, - - against. 1,450.000 yesterday.'

'^noW -JO NES .NEW YORK. July■'*? UUJ ,— ;-Dow Jones -preliminary avcrtgM ;

flliowed induntr;al 108.07;: up 0.40, .railroad 55.50 up 0.40, utiiiti JS7,6D •

j.up. 0i»3.------^ :................... BONDS ' ■ •NEW .YORK,.'Juiy' 18 ;i'll!)—De-__'.

mBnd^'for' jipcculaUvo boni^ »n«, unaffected: todny by .oulsldo. Ir-.. reguiarity: and priccs •continued-to push forward to new higbs for-, the year and-longer,'Industrial . corporation, bonds wllh speeulaUvo posalbiliti'cs rallied. Railroad,'ant .. public utility Junior bonds, roso-ln ■Uitt-wako;of thp>dus^rala. :■ .....‘ ilAU SILVTpil'- .

NEW 'YORK. -July 18 (URt — : ,lHnndy. & Harman — Now York !:i 4U-'W.c. up~TS~«ScHtrXDinion'Ti8?r7:■-jpcncorup^-ldrpcnny', .

2- whlto--40c and '


'OTTSC^dr OntarANo.

45«C. .••..■— n----frrr- - ,-T'>—' : Ryor-NoiHrfiayc.-.--------- —: 'Barley: GOc and 81c. -'

Timothy; $3.75 nnd ,$4.15. ’ ‘.Clover: ?8 and $12.^.''

---- -CASH-WHEAT • — . ,.•. PORTLAND,' July 18 . lUl:i--Blg Bead: Bluestom,‘;hard whlto;08c;' dark hanl -winter 12 per cent' $1; :dark..Iuknl winter 11 per ccnl D3c; isott WhlU 88c; wbsUm white 88c;! northom'‘Uprlng-88c; luirrf'wlnter |88c:'.:'ri'caU:rn'.rod.SSc. '

chblc^ Wool^ -lnmb.i^$0.50:

;Llbcrty:.3i48.'32.47 .;„,_.V.-:.$ioi23 'Liberty-let 4 U 8 ;.0 2 .-4 7 .102.1 Utierty: 4th 4 >/, b. SS-SS: 102,27

BtiindnnI Oil of Culif ....:......3U:J4Slandnr<i Oil n( New Jeiaey..,. 40^'

-..■.44'» ...-,13^4

........... .............. I I ijN.T?.-'OOKB FJCaiANGE.-

American Super.Power-~.._...-.' 7U.|

Ford ifotor Co. 0%.awl.ttJ.&LCo..,,;,.,^,.,,-;,,,-„-;;;...:23K United fo u n d e r -.................... —

aftit tho'ayerBBc-pricea. paid ac c o r d ln g - t^ o ^ ^ ^ t t^ W o - ln rln"chSi"go wlthout” noU^.b#,^ialera,-;howeverr^R»a-^4> urged to watch. Uio national n. , . kets, with which Iheso lpcal nwf- koto will rise and falLV, * '

■ B.L-YiNo; p r ic e s ; V-

, . ............. MUlFee^t e S S S : .....Stoplt'Xood.TlOO,

. . , . . ■ttn^Ctompany):................Corp9rato;TniBt 8harca.:ildii42.4B Quaivlncomo ShorcB^1.080(1.70

Page 6: ‘toFACEE/ Widow-Quizzed Green Protests Job LossJUnder-Textile …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014. 12. 12. · - Paco Two. rOA^O feVEl^G TIMES' TWIN'

r o 'A i H O 'E V E m N G .O T l t l E S ; :T ^

—jSocifjty and Cteb. Ngyes' • '■ W e l fa r e W o r k e r - ",

E t e c B i o n P l a y s J I

t J , P r o g r a m , :

oftlMra-otJW. C.-T. U. mot : wlih'Aiflmbcw of Uio Jocul anti lUa- ■ trieuw; C. T /lii;roup8 for nn nil- : <tey;mwting ntnhe city pnrk Mon- ~ day; o plcole lun^coii bclnK nerved " atVncjoff.;. BatunJay cveninlT»tatcl

C o u r t e s y H o n d r s

-Brudy - Blackfool,;

flSko;-iit'Smi(3ay;^«§ooi« 'o f the • :, x|W./.Tho parly w«nlito DuKl Sun-V<itey ^ pliins foi_'\tlio-atdto, cbnvisntlon-therc O01.-4'

: ' 6{i:-MurtJxilgh; BuM'nn<I Twin Falla represented*,’ at -MondByT

m tdKicia, prcfliacni- •/.•^yWJUwlocaljUnloni presided at Uio u I ^htbnlBg seaslon.. Plana-wcro ills- y ,. {j.cuB8wl'for, ntlalni money to pro-- ‘n ^ t o -tho ' oducaUonal .prosmm - /Will Include dlstrlbuUon of

v-''-:vllwrahjni,':iusd' wsay' 'and,pouter V;i, ..'’ eijlte*t*.''*.lTfio-aIoBiin, "You Con w;;:*RppwiVPiT)hlblUon but Yoii Cannot' ' -..■“•RSp^l-Uie'-Effcclfl- ’o f Alcohol,") -accepted,.. . -

: •.Vv.SlMW.'Bea’ -Bldcr. ' dlatricf^prcsl- l--;.'^laeiit.'broueht greeUngs nt Uie nf-- •’.-.■.t<|B(»na«MlOnfollowlnB luncheon.

' ' :I(lniJBnuIy gave tho openlns pray*- V ^cB«nd Mr*; H-/Wi Parker gave - - •: • T (frj!a» on ‘."The GontrostaV Mrs., ^?otUe A. ChlppJ

Ktie.-j,vke,pre8ldcnt. reviewed‘plo-J • 'nter:'Wv,CC'T. U. work in IdahQ.

-Ura.-Id[i - Vanderbark., -T7T^2iiWr-e.-Be«uehnmp<-Mr»-May- i Cccll, Mrs,.Fred'

!aK4viiaod-^ra-'.J--C. Porterfield a^pIonMta. ilnv.JIio work locally.

‘V ;-lj5fc«-.''V‘>Ww'-Vancc. Bolac. .corrca- fpntlln^ pecretary..—•nddrcaa i,tho

'/ . • BBiup'ron\?."The-’.New-.Challenge." ;.'.:.;itou*,MyrUo.>PUCTla/- Nampa,, din-

,tho;rOrgnnlzaUon> funda.■ Blako spcBkln^'bn‘ tho aub-

jelct," Carry On.y gave Inatruction voting nt; t|ie coming elMUon,

Mlaa Wilma Cluar. whoiio wnl- dltii; -tnkc« plnce-lhl«-wcek.-wa8 ! honored jit a bridge party M^ndnyi evening by .Mina. Bacbora Sanger Dt licr homo <?n Blue Lakoa boulo- yard nnrUi, Mlsa Helen Perrlne

ciyatnl vases' wore grouped 'about tho rooma' BctrcBhincnta werp aervcd following tho games. MIbjt 'Claar:’ who haa been the Initplra- tlon for n number of dellRhtfui ctnirtt!«leir-the-paaef«w wcfJts. presented.with u picsl favor.

Mlaa jSangcr's gue. ta Included Mr». Jay IJUsHcr, Mra, Albert Kecf. er, Mrs. Harold OroveH. Mrs, Jack Maat. Mra. Travl« Bodrcro, Mlsa' Florence Patton. Mias Helen Vos- burg. Miss Nancy Hmidock. Mlsa Jean Sprague, Mins Helen Perrlne.■Hrar-------------------------------- - •Jenkins. Miss Helen Hcltler.i-Mlsn Virginia Do.w. Miss Mnry Kovosfck

id MUs Lulu -Mae Unk,, + * +


"Gerene Worley celebrated .her birthday wllh'a clever parly Sal* unlay afternoon. Pliyllla- Kimball. Doylo Hull, Dick I rlzeo and Bobhlo, Cochnin won prir/>s. Each g lest; received n clever favor. Refresh-1 mcnts were servwl.' Thonc presonti wero Betty J- Tarr. Junior MoaWy.'I . .. Phyllis Kimball. Gloria Blir- geasi-. Goorglo Burg^.k.Bobblo Cochran; Mary Aim'Duorlg. Leland DoAtley. Dick Brlice. Jean Hull. Doyle Hull. KennfUi Worley and Gorano-Worley.

. MIm Mi.r|p.rrl A>ider>on. »l I* »iiper\-liiliig the playground ivork nnd handcroft vliM I’ore thin bit " mrr in coopcnitlmi vlth tlio I’ bfit-Teachrr .iMiH-lnlliin ' c.ouiiell. -Miss Anilennii, nrmlilrnt dt tho I'niduatlni' rJaM ut C'olonido'a Wo- tneii’s cjfllegr. Denver, l»vo ycnm ugo, «va» a »t*nl<Mit III Ihn ttchool of social wrlfare at llio Uiilvemlt ' of Southern California last jrpiir.

Oompleto Data Is Promised'Idaho Famora Withjn'"

,,Fcw Weeks

MOSCOW, Jiily 18 (SiHiclal).--ijilo hiacliIn?ry'to''ac7junlnt Idii'

the 'new' agrlcul'iurai ■ udjustmenl act as U applies to wlnial rapidly in being act up in Iho Mtato .under tho supervision, of ,lho ngrlcul.. tural oxtonslon acrvlcc, announces: Doan E, J. Iddlngs, diro'ctor. An the rcprescnUtlvc of Uio U. S. <lc- parlmcnt of agriculture.' the Idaho ngricultural extension, division hao been assigned the responHlliiiity of UlssomlnalIng ■ In f o r m’a 11 o n throughout the atate conccmlng tho nowfnrm act.

•; , X§*TOI?*i^ScLUIJ • V' - -7X11 TwIh;.'FttllaVp|r|« who play '■‘ .V ’ UKololas’'or who.'.wlah tio' icam to *TrrT)t«yrthiitrtypfr.-if~lnfltrumcntraro ,r. .. Ijivltod tojoln Uie Uko.club, on? of p ' • th&'auporviacd playgrtunds groups, *>- accordihg.to,MlBiiMarj#aret Aader- .r'.. \Biin,'.'wbo -iB dlr.cctlng-tho aumlner. -[•'i'^.aollvlUes'ntitho vartous p'arka of

Kidnap Epidemic Helps Market on [PeisonsiJ Guards 1 tlmat^,'tiiat about halt al uVui

not heed any of the vague......they may hear concerning the n whcnt aUJustmonl' act," snyiroc Iddlngs. "^Whcn aomothlnp new la tried there ar<talwnys mlnlond- Ing rumora During the next feuvlt weeks the official Informational- machlnciy will .bo io full swing tc give producers reliable' Intormu- tion nbout tho piirposea. qf the act and to outline how they may cd-openitc to rocelvo Its bonefltJi.”

Two PhascA The program for Idaho liivolvcH vci phases. Pirsl will be Uiu t.-<lu-

eallonal phase. Tdalio hna npproxl- maUly <0,000 farms and '■number, prtfdueo soffio wheaL .Thc

Seen Today

program hero na tho reault of ._Hurveyo'rs at.vnirk'on the pro­

posed Iruck latio roulo an'd on -A<ldison^avenuo;.-r-..TIio gnldual—

lining up of vacant buildings In ' . the |ju.ilneas. district . ,,'..A

young girl thornuglily. i-njoylng I', morning bleycio ride, bedeck- c l In thn laatcst garb for auch

.-Hport..«..........................I t(i1iinn iiiitfit dovold of n, back,

stieker for out-of-’alato autos. fumiBhed iby tlie atalo traffic department! tliu Btlckcr being cut in the sfiapo of the G'cm stale , . . Dignified young, wo- mfin wnlliing' down. Main nve nue with n brand-new mop handle held In front of her . . . Workmen engaged In transpoa-' Ing the former “Mlos D's Shop" on Main avocuio, Into h place, which Howard Spoor Is fixing lip for the dlspc'riaIngA>f draught

SpanlBli'.War Or^niznUon to|Convene tit.iaS bF rn lla


IDAHO FALLS. July 18—Tho . ■i gram7<tn“ lhe-Slxih-un9UBi,-«n-j ■cnmpmtnt-of-tho-Unllcd-fli>ani*U.|War Veterans.anil Uio Fourth nn* nual convention -iir tho Auxiliary United'Spanish War Veterans,’ bo held In Idaho Folia for tht daya commencing'Thuraday is u nounccd By Ralph Edmunda. camp commai\der of Gen. Charlea A. King Camp ffo. 0. •

Tlie program Includes roemorlal aorvlees which will be held Thurs­day evening. July 20. at 8:00 p7 m. In the Cresbylcrlan churelv-wlthj Rev, Sllaa P. Hagier, dfipartmontl


Woman Who WiU Eetum .in l Fall to East, Tills 'o f .

. Customs There

i^EW Y O R ir ^ y 18 (ri;' -A ''‘SrlcuIlural.«lcnsion division willi,,I joomlng •'mrifKcty.ro r. puniOlinl.. carry lb this 20,000 w h ^ ” '^n^Ing-^rmir«ei-.»u,.- ............. . carry

COUPLB MAUKIBS . gunrd!\ w1ll>i»nllt .'froih ■the; cur- growcm an'cxplBtlatiQn-or the netATCinJItCIIPAnSONAOB. !• lienLwavc'of kidnaping,'heaJla of and Information on-tho Hrt’Sccduro Mr^^d^Mrt L ^ W T a i^ 'v i e i l^'«6H'><noWn pVii-a e ‘•• toctl V to follow to securo itstor Miller we're married Sunday,at afitincic.i .predicted loduy. . roibwiiig ihe educalional phase1 -o’clock atMho Methodist Epls- • Shefmiih Bums of '.Uio Wllllnm of the program the farmers will cdpar-parsonngt by Dr.'EllJah Hull j Biini* agency atlrlbuted'tlio ab-. start their own organirjition pro-lj.nBbrak., Mr..'i.,iH '^ . O . .'V. | Sr.m unJ^^Utt -• ............ -

dnapers byStarkoyatiended them.^^oy w......entertained .'at Q wedding dinner | tatlon given to Ii

................. -Local ........munlly meetings will be followet

- j by county meetings ut which - -

if.j.;-Uiii'elty.- Tlic • Uk - cliib .jnecta .. —r— 7:----- -------------- ,Salnidn-Spearing

'-'bai(Iatariil.'’ ’AVcraga dally 'attcnd- •V .. Drury, Cily park nnd Har-

'r iinaiakk 'ls.-50; .Mlaa Anderson

fi%.-:^piCTnoa:AT-FnjEnV-Fy^^^Ttis.Minual-'fmllyfpk^ of the

Si'tlub'vrtia .held at tho


.Mr. and'Mra. E. L. Farrar were honored hy BO friends i^ a shower Salunlay evening nt the homo of his parents. Mr. and Mra.' J. F. Far- rai'. Thoy received n number of attractive, g i f t s , Dano^g nnd music >vere enjoyed and Vefresii- menta were, served.

...... '*Jwte'‘ 'FaIls'-county.- falr^unds,Flleri''Sunday.:'Wtembon. . Mrs. C.!

‘ .1-;,' w;,OrltrE».and tor committee hnd | : bliMjiTiof.’tlio iitfalr.;FollowlnB thej

Vi '.'.' [:|rtt> P pJay«l-gBme*. The club will' l.^'-:l_not'.ra(»f wain .until September,,^


../.Mombgsldeclub'mcmbers,ttablr4--V I' -fiunlUes.and.fribnda - wcro • enter- a:.i*.'.;taln«J;al tbo.annual picnic at Uio ¥ -' tt|«aunlr. country nomo of Mr. and S Mra.-P. B. Holland Sunday. -A so- pv^,-‘ -olal’ tlmo'folIo^^ tho picnic .dln-

t ‘ I ♦ ♦ ♦- I V;: ;:-.OAlJLNUA!l( OF Cf^Ult

r_r\ KNTS

Attracts Fishera II KTMBEnLY, July 18 (Spcclal) —liOula-Denton, Clift Staley and. Noblo-Paimor arc spendlng-a .few daya- spearing salmon In ,-tho 'Sawtooth country. „-f; Mr.-and, Mrs. M?rvln Glll .epen. the week'end-at thc.Clll-cablQ on. Sllvcr'creek..'

Mi-, and Mrs. Claude Milligan . ore- buslncaa ■ visitors ; In Salt Lako’ Frlday,and Saturday. . . .-■Mrs. B. H; Atkinson, who hoa

,bcon conflncd-,to,hor;b«d,thi> pastl bvhok; la miicta Improved. : 1'■ Mr;-aiid Wra-.W. C/;Plcrco nnd,

Jn. or« vncatlonlng-At Capo-Hom. In tho SdwtooUi mounUlna.

'•3i'i -;ziWrnoon-In- the church' parlors .with W. Moore an hostcaa.- ■ '

Tho Presbyterian Mlaslbnary:-.‘’--Tno t-reaoytcrian 1, .--. ..Trf.tj?.i«lll.bold tho a n itu p r p '^ r t^ n s ^^Mr«.-P. W. Neale. .Cara will, leave......i8'c)iurch.at 12130 o’clock. Motn-

iM .iw rcquclitedt'to bring aand wlefiwr'lovcroaillalic^^

t~':~-~i'lWrvlcc.' '

HolmcN Xgency nal d .untrust-1 „ f n,)juainienl asaoelallona, ... worthy houachoUl enipljiyes ,{5n>.1)r' euunllna having Ic-ih Ihiin 160,000 ably were chiefly reapunslblc. - j to 200.006 IniHhWH n-vnntBG-prCT

......n hard to unilerBtand." Bumn' ductlonn. CounlluH wlUi small"why Uio auUiorilieH aland ‘productions prohaljly will affiliate il permll ncgoUatlona with with nclghWrlng eoiUille.H to ob-|

irookn through underworld chan-'tuin benefits of Uie act Inels. This shimld-never have been 1 The-secretary of agriculture in; permilled In the Llnilbergli case."* expected to announce in tbu nOar

Holmes advocated pholograph- future tho perannnel of a state Ing and flnge'r-prlallng of all advisory committee, which will household menials. Guards aro cooperate In tho .educaUonal useless where servants arc dla- 1 paign. . ■ . . ' ‘honest; ho said. . | ------------ =----- -----------.

Buma believed the beat m e U i o d J C l - m ' r ’ K .U of checking kidnaping waa to g tv e i'^ 'r a n a O la m U lU D grand Juries poWcr to subpoena tho j _______ l a F p f»»»-fn ir> p ri Ifamily and relatlvea of all;kidnnp-' " - ^od persona and insUi Uiey' glvo all. . BUHLTJuly 18'(Special)—Mrs;

TOlght proceed.on tho ease wlUiout -j^y Qu^jts ' o f ,.,tho^ club wcro: Mra. Ralph-.WlllU.K,''

. ; ■ „ : ----- “ T Oakland, Calif., .M rs.;.-A- W.:, ,A t T h e T h e a t r e s I Wlllms.- Monlpeller, .. .Waho, andi Twenty

•*' Mrs. A lv in fa d in g ' and Jfra; ~ ’ “

IXmald Chapin Is again at hla duk In Ihb-local Idaho Power off flce after-aeverai days' vacation

lonl with hla motJior visiting his stor near Parma.' . ’ Mlas'AIico Van HouUn haa-re­

turned-from a trip .to Oakland, Calif., jind surrounding polnta, ' ’ Mra. R. H. Denton, her.mother, Mrs.-^Ilee., Clovcr;_Naptt, .Calif, nnd Mrs, Lucy Cutta ■ relumedaaturday-frnm n-tecck:----- " -------tho Graham' cabin''Springs creolc.— Mra.'--Harry-Maaalo.-and--, her

. c n w i n i . . , .part of July and tliu party will -vlalt-ln'-Portland-b^fore-rctumlnp

'gpl 7- Holmlermedlarlcs. Ed, j.fnrmctl. II Is believed ■ hend u r the!»:..S - ;lcp'}rtmcnt of hKriculturc

CASTLEFORD, July| lf,.JSpc- vliil) -Spcclal. scrvicoR-Wcro 'll^dr

le Mothodhit-'ohurch Sunday:' jnrry-oiai-itii;— itti^ohary '

. n. who‘Li on furlough to the I United Stales nnd who Is vlnlUng at the home of .|hcr„>ist4>r,'Mrs, Ben.son Olmatead.fnd Mmlly, gave an inierestlng tatk,<in Uio.Ufo.and euntcVms nf tho; J^paQenc. anil ot the missionary work that.ls.bolng done llicre by tho foreign a ns the Jnpancse mlsslonarlea.

At life close of Uie scrvlves Mrs. ,t-fan lmwtwul-*ftng "Tho Nln»>ty-a na,l-,.-• 'Ninu." wlUi MU.1 Elalnc Klnyon'

playing tho piano accompaniment.

F O R M[ B o y S c o u t e W i l l : . ,

: l ; jE n t e r t a ir i _ G l ^ ...........................k W lI . , ’ Ju'y 18-, (Bpceliil) .

IScoiit-’ .'troop- OlVTi’leuSinpVicj^ relumed ^tom camp oundrfy cvc-

w-ill (.nlerlaln ‘Uio

Uic BBptlot.iisaombiyi:,

Unity club nt iho thomo o / ritra.H, iJ.--B(iii6ynvcrtrn!sonyr-;---------

Jfr.. nml Mrs. Lconanl • Hollo-

,Uio Albert,— ------ --Iwlil'sooniBiflvo Into Uio hofiBOTV 'catod byvwilmor Harrlaon.-~-r-------

f r i^ s ’ atlier''. homo^Monday cclo-.' bralingnror.-sixUi-’ blrlhday..',- - ; __

will be as followa: Proludo-jnM- Icy of-patriotic airs,-Mrs; Gporge A, Auppcrlo al the iorgan; ad-'

•«incc the colors; lnvt5<Atlon:.song, ••America the BeauUful;". _lhi>. au­dience led by male quartet; rfong. .'•Battle Hymn o f'th e Republic.’ male quartet; memorial address,' ' Rev, Silas P. Haper: .vowU solo, '•Sleep Soldier Boy." Donaltf.Aup- perle; 'beVicdlctlon;. taps, .Mrs, Aupperie at tho plaao.

• Opening-Session - The opening business aeaslon

will b? held at 0:30 a. m. at tha iHotel Bohoovllle.,wIUi camp com- martder R a l p h B 'dm u n Ja -In

be given by ,l^ yor ijprilrfa W.Clark" of-l[li>toVfMcD«mQlt-.of.,.tho_.CBamber. of Commerce; 'ond'A.rIU>ss.-Ruther­ford,-department ,.oqfnn;imd«r ofthn American Loglon; IntroduC'l!qn k'ldUUIiiuaffid^’j^a fa i {»ro-,

irraT O 'fM' 'A banquet for all aoleffatcfl. Vis- lloni and Invited' 'M>ostfl ’Will bo hold aU tho Hotcl.Bonnovillo. at V n, m. on .luly'2i'. The programfcirinclildo adaroa8?S-lr— ■-

Evcrywoman's club ihot Thurs­day nl- tha home of Mrs. Amoa Vogel, wiUi Mrs. E, D. Logim as­sistant hontess. - After a ah<u,t bualness meeting. Miss Eva Brown took cliar^ of a progmni on "Pro- lilbitlon,^ and imndled .hcr subject in-a very able manner.' Miss Mario Senften sang one number, follow­ed by.a duet.by tho Mls-ies Ruby and RuUi Hcldel. iilia RuUi er aad Miss Elali e Klnyon present- -•* - humoroua flklL Dainty --

11am J, Otjen. -•' .■ AnoUier buslneB.1-se&ifon'will' take up the time Saturday mom-

id at 1:30 SatufSay aftcr-____ the clecUon of officers forIh'! ensuing year-wl|l tako placo, and llio selection' of tho conven­tion city for 1034 and Uie InnMl- lin'g of Uic officers will coneludc the cpnvention.. , .

Friends of Ralph: Edmun^a arc urging him-lo throw hls.^btt in

■jing.-fpr-’ DBpartniEnEaCl'q''*

JBfahi' S j^ b u ts L e a v e L S a w t o o t h C a m p

BUHT* July^ 18 (Special)—

T o : S c r e e n a t

cro for irtw o day ran- tomor- Were,' Mrs: H. S. Piper.

DoroUiy Chrlstio -and Creighton- decided ta jnei

htuinder for tho eomln'p ycar, and ' doubt Mr. Edmunda will anow__namoto''bo-prcsehtca?bcforo.the convention next Saturday aft-

I twlsb. .iuld ' CfltlCR-

_______Boy Scouta fromBuhl Troopsrl and 3 left'Sunday! -morning -foi‘ :-seout—tamp-:"Sftw= tooth” ,aboVd..Ketchum. . The. fol- Jowlng boyal from -Troop'-. l will bo in chargtf of David McCluaky:

-Fay— BrookrM'e>‘ -rVo«llerr-T-e<l-Ahlr)v-Llndsoy • ' - ' - ‘ Hutchinson. -Howard Jones, Or­

ville --Mlntumj' 'Jess - Haiderman, Morio Brown.' Phl><BusaihBn,'Ch'aa.' Busaman, Jim Slec.. Lloyd Me- Qucary. Jack Pence, Ifoto >Boyd, Jlmm^Shloids, Howard Pickrcli. and Howard' Chenoy- - Troop - -3 boys wlli:bo In charge o ^ ^rtJivr.. Cainmack. They are: Don Bab-

i:i;k-;cock. Charles Harmon,'^Tcd Horn- I dccidcd t fljn eo f but'linir, John. Sklliem, Janies.Carte

a month during^ 0ircmain* .and'Kenneth .Ewei.- I ------------------ '

V ': .Tirc-NEW MODEL

: . i K E L V J N A X O R _ z !ELEOTEIO’

B EPE IOE E A TOE ,.1* On Display lU tho '

WcBtom Bottling‘WorlM .

- ' —SoId'.Dy-H,' . • ■G . V i T e l f b r d

-Tho-Twln^FallB County Itanstfs' picnic wlll'ho. held Jn tho^.Buf



. Daln^.printed sheers aro enjoy­ing tremenuouapopularity this season and thovbrlng with ihem .tho'_vrrlll.v ’.-dotull8_‘tJffit-aro_up’. ajhurt. :CliDoao this.demure model

!f^r a.dutted swIhs. voile, dimity orl a w n . ____________________

pretty.sleeves^lendccfltUrt scamlngs and .n '80«h.0f crlsp-ealln or Uffola. •;Pattorri 'P67tf . may . be-"ordered

' only In' 'sizes l-i! 16: l i SO. 32. 3 -;.30..38'and'.'t0.;.!Slz6.10 requires 41 . yards'3(}-lnch fabric nnd.2vyanis , a-lneli rlbbon. .Clears fllagrammed •‘ cutting nnd'sew/ltig.lnslrucUona'iji- ^clifdM.with.this pattern..

-J ^ A a i MABIAN'. MARTIN paU' ..i:tem..5 e:BunLio.wrIta.plalniy your ^ - A l i H -T r o g REBSr^UieoBTYiaf ' ,NUMBER?ttad,81ZB.nf cuch.pat-


SUMMER PATTERNS, -offering - . .: Wide assortmont.of advance atyjctfl

tO:Tteep you and-your youngateml cool,.comforUble'ond approprlat«‘ '

• ■ly dressed whether you aro Spend-, — Inr your-Summer In. town, at the I Taliore.or InTEo’cbuntiy. This l»oJH

wlH-i^hB]p>.you .'-.pIao. :a -.etunnlng' -,1- wardrobo‘of easy-to-makoatylesatj .7i'.a„aurprl8lnBly..low.:co8r.': ORDER '.'.• YOUR COPV TODAYJ PRICB OF '' • P A T T B R N'''BOOKiFIFTEEN v^CENXS,i BOOK AND PATTERN


P^Rat^iit-the-Stngo-Dopot-Lunah> ’ cry.- Ilomo-Cooklng.''Reasonable priccs.'Qlvo u»:a'try.—Adv; .. •

; L y d ia i i E . ;P - i n k h a m *8

Tablets Rebeve and ..Control PenodicPahu

; -,CMlUcal proTi'JinUtrtbemr (Oday'fiv wtlcome'.esM: and oosi*' feh.'Tiike dieiA xegulariy Ibr ' BtttreU’ef:. ' : v.'. -.—^^ojwocjc*; No. .dJsioe«*.. Nft.

I—^oU-y-«llTSfn88b{r tm in *b S:5 f l# a ^ < & ,r r b u prefer.-.'

we (>an give you 'BLOW-OUT PROTECTION

. . at no' extra cost!' ‘ ''D A N G l A t)U^*oiit..'nie wheel ■ Sif^r SllVenownrwith Iire-Sa*e?.: D W oih cw d . '^ n d fl.im iW e GoWro PW .«>; -dag-scu-inr?t(fc«'-#ome.unieen - / « « ; . » /irtt qualiiy-lircs ltiit'dld^ ' moosier, pulNne-youc u r ofl'ihe ' 'lioe hsve lhl< future.- Ttiua:SlL'*'. highway, lill thi* pvcc hiippiQed;.:;.VERTqVf'NS,n«'^ bldw.-. T^ty:!,

, to. you? . ■ wererun'dll J1Clrca^^wMRone--•^loVeiilKMlon; shows th « (he. .'JjH ihB Llr^SaTca Gbideo Ply r^* ; '

— iJuLace»atc'bctieflhan-Ctsnvnii'll ' fuicdti>BiTtl ' r ..~. . . ,wiUi two Uiblcs o f , liridgc 'Wed-'l'monts, sreering'^corincctioml

Iexciting Inside.-view into- roulo atuilloa. Ralph Fotbes- fJid ,V(v- ienng-Oabornc-are-starred.—;----- rr

M e l - I ^ y , . M a g i c i a n , ,A t O r p h e u m F r i d a y.Mel»RoyrthcrHBgioiBnf>pro8onl-

Ing. his. .maglcol,..»ensatlon8.-nf 1033. nnd his entlro. company Will perform ,at.^h9 Orpheu«?_thcBt«,r next Frldnj( nnd.Batiitdoyi.O.-^ . '• Among the many'myatlfying of- fcqts.which MoI-Roviperforma-fot Ills audlencen ure Uie firing of-o gun;, which causes .a real. llfo. as-slstanf to vanish'In mla-nlr ttfUrhaving swords Uihist' through hor I body: a Hindu mystery cffect,' iwhleh. has..biiffieVl Ihouannds, In, tho: Orient, .nml ’ is the; flraf Umo, to 1)0 preaonle<r inSthia -coilntry;!UTe'twUtTif-a-wrlst'thiifBhootsm- canarv Into d lighted'^bulb: Uiol walhlng away from' his ovm; shadow; Uio. floating o f a yOung ,-imll—in-^P«H)e-#fter-wbloh-«*l-7 iRoysilees.hor In:four-parU;.the '•poaalng of.u sleel blade'through the ncek nf one 'of Ijls asslstnnts; nnd Uio.jinexplalned eacapo^from either a .trunk woli-.-:roped; ;box nailed up' tighCiv by.'.-voluDteers fr6m the audienco, or a stecl.tailh aftir'll'lias.beon welded. tightly wlUi-Mel-Roy Inside.- '• ■■ Mel-Rov will - be'.-at' the' Or:

phoum on JViuay and.. J*aturday only, nnd at no'advanco-in prices

.for.atngo show, and aJcature.jifc-.

What Cauict BlotvOuU?.Rtow-outt m eiused by heac imliit SiUettoWat bafe'.the;-;ao«;»k!d* thi hit. When.thc spceaomeier . 'reilsHng tmd; Kvea on*wit,‘>U^!

rrojivlOr50.-^OVnd-7O.-ibis hcit^-pevTMTOMir^heiqtteis^•becomcJterrifie.RubberandfibrJc Ing^actloo of-this Cunoasikeii '

- begin to sfparsteJ A blUier »tirtj givu vAur car extra road'-grin'r^: :~VH-«nd-Be(».LlBBeC-«nd-bl(igor,— doees-dangef-^otjskiUdlog-tO-llii—

Theniuddenlylthappcns.Ablow- jninlmuau ' . - •fr.- •. •■- /i.»i. f " L j ' n Lt tii'j LlowtfiicpruteL

lioldyour.cironthflroidi.-.' iionbn>wreiW-Go6dtichSII»eiV': ,,To pfotectyou frpm. blojv-ouii, v lowhi eojt no more th»" any odier every new Goodrich aafeir aiUer. jnndard tice: s : so tbli bloivoirt •' tnwn.TJre has thc-aDailng-l,ifc- : ptotectJonJtrrecl:: •Sa»erGoldeoPJr;Thlsnewin«en-..- .tioQ reslds terrific liest. Fabric aiid.. nibberdoa tiepa«tc.Thu*bliMeti. don't form li ildS the tlre:-Dlow ouii arepriPtn/tJ before they itort ;

S,.far iit H lg k -S p ic itd it j Atgrueltingipecdsonthoworld'i •£Mteit-track.Vtho; new.-.Goodrich .t

B v o w n i n g ^ ^ t S a v a g e' ' M c u n a n d 4 th tE B is L

B U I C I C ^ . ■ „ ^ P P N T I A G - .■ - 4 ' ? ' - ' V i ^ ■;
