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Atomic Displacive Disorder in Bi 2 Ti 2 O 7 Christopher Turner,* ,Paul M. Johns, Evan M. Thatcher, D. B. Tanner, and Juan C. Nino Department of Materials Science and Engineering, and Department of Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611, United States ABSTRACT: The recently synthesized cubic pyrochlore Bi 2 Ti 2 O 7 has been shown to possess displacive disorder in both the anion and cation sublattices. Here, the nature and characteristics of the displacive disorder are further investigated via vibrational spectroscopy. The infrared reectance was measured over 303300 cm 1 at temperatures between 20 and 300 K, while the Raman spectra were collected from 50 to 3500 cm 1 at room temperature. It is found that Bi 2 Ti 2 O 7 exhibits more than the six modes expected in the Raman spectrum for the ideal pyrochlore structure. In addition, infrared-active modes are also present in the Raman spectra. These two results suggest displacements in the atomic positions of bismuth and oxygen away from their higher symmetry conventional pyrochlore Wyckopositions and are strong and surprising evidence of disorder at the titanium site. Infrared-active phonon modes have been assigned to specic bending and stretching vibrational modes. The eect of the Bi ion on the OBiO and OBiOphonon modes is discussed. INTRODUCTION Compounds with the nominal composition A 2 B 2 O 7 containing B 2 O 6 octahedral and A 2 Otetrahedral substructures are known as pyrochlores and are assigned to the space group Fd3̅m. Bismuth-based pyrochlores have been extensively studied due to their attractive composition-dependent dielectric proper- ties. 19 A combination of high permittivity (usually above 100) and low dielectric loss are mainly attributed to their dielectric relaxor behavior, where the real and imaginary parts of the relative permittivity are both frequency- and temperature- dependent. Recently, the synthesis and densication of Bi 2 Ti 2 O 7 was achieved via coprecipitation and microwave sintering. 10 The availability of sintered bismuth titanate pyrochlore specimens nally allows the study of both the physical and chemical properties of the compound in the bulk. Toward the understanding of the crystal structuredielectric property relationships in Bi 2 Ti 2 O 7 , it is important to recall that in the ideal pyrochlore structure (A 2 B 2 O 7 , space group 227, origin 1), the A cation resides at the 16c site, the B cation at the 16d site, O at the 48f site, and the seventh oxygen, typically denoted as O, at the 8a position. However, density-functional theory (DFT) calculations by Esquivel-Elizondo et al. 10 indicate that the atoms within the Bi 2 Ti 2 O 7 crystal do not reside at the ideal pyrochlore positions. Rather, in Bi 2 Ti 2 O 7 , the A cation (bismuth) is not located in its ideal 16c (0, 0, 0) but is in the 96g (0.015, 0.015, 0.964) site to accommodate the Bi lone pair electron. 11 High-resolution XRD and neutron diraction data have conrmed this predicted Bi displacement in Bi 2 Ti 2 O 7 . 12 The Oatom is also not in the ideal pyrochlore position: instead of residing in the 8a site (1/8, 1/8, 1/8), it is displaced to the 48f (x, 1/8, 1/8) position. As a result of these displacements, it is expected that Bi 2 Ti 2 O 7 will stray from the traditional group theory rules for a stable pyrochlore structure. In addition to the Bi and Odisplacement, a noteworthy feature of the theoretical (DFT) study is a large isotropic thermal parameter ascribed to the Ti cation in the 16d position. 10 This was reported to be the result of the displacement of the bismuth atom toward the 96g site which in turn causes a separation between the regularly symmetric Bi and O atoms, thus resulting in an undercoordinated Ti atom. In an eort to satisfy this O undercoordination, the Ti cation is predicted by DFT simulations to displace to the 96g position. However, it is important to recognize that DFT simulations do not take into account thermal considerations (since simulations are performed at 0 K) and that experimental diraction to date has not yielded evidence of Ti shifting from the 16d position to the 96g. Therefore, in the past, a large thermal isotropic parameter has been ascribed to the Ti cation instead of reporting a displacement toward 96g positions. The proposed atomic displacements of the Bi and Oatoms in Bi 2 Ti 2 O 7 are similar to that observed in another bismuth pyrochlore, Bi 1.5 Zn 0.92 Nb 1.5 O 6.92 (BZN). 4,11,13 Nonetheless, what is striking is that this displacement would occur without atomic substitutional atoms (e.g., Bi and Zn in the A-site) and multiple site occupancy (e.g., Zn in both A- and B-sites, both of which are always present in BZN and related Bi pyrochlores. To understand further the implication of the displacements on the local atomic structure and phonons, Table 1 displays the factor group analysis for Bi 2 Ti 2 O 7 following the DFT positions by Esquivel-Elizondo et al. 10 The irreproducible representation Received: September 22, 2014 Revised: November 5, 2014 Published: November 11, 2014 Article pubs.acs.org/JPCC © 2014 American Chemical Society 28797 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp5095883 | J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 2879728803
Page 1: Atomic Displacive Disorder in Bi Otanner/PDFS/Turner14jpc-Bi2Ti2O7.pdfmeasured over 30−3300 cm−1 at temperatures between 20 and 300 K, while the Raman spectra were collected from

Atomic Displacive Disorder in Bi2Ti2O7

Christopher Turner,*,† Paul M. Johns,† Evan M. Thatcher,‡ D. B. Tanner,‡ and Juan C. Nino†

†Department of Materials Science and Engineering, and ‡Department of Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611,United States

ABSTRACT: The recently synthesized cubic pyrochloreBi2Ti2O7 has been shown to possess displacive disorder inboth the anion and cation sublattices. Here, the nature andcharacteristics of the displacive disorder are further investigatedvia vibrational spectroscopy. The infrared reflectance wasmeasured over 30−3300 cm−1 at temperatures between 20 and300 K, while the Raman spectra were collected from 50 to3500 cm−1 at room temperature. It is found that Bi2Ti2O7exhibits more than the six modes expected in the Ramanspectrum for the ideal pyrochlore structure. In addition,infrared-active modes are also present in the Raman spectra. These two results suggest displacements in the atomic positions ofbismuth and oxygen away from their higher symmetry conventional pyrochlore Wyckoff positions and are strong and surprisingevidence of disorder at the titanium site. Infrared-active phonon modes have been assigned to specific bending and stretchingvibrational modes. The effect of the Bi ion on the O−Bi−O and O′−Bi−O′ phonon modes is discussed.


Compounds with the nominal composition A2B2O7 containingB2O6 octahedral and A2O′ tetrahedral substructures are knownas pyrochlores and are assigned to the space group Fd3 m.Bismuth-based pyrochlores have been extensively studied dueto their attractive composition-dependent dielectric proper-ties.1−9 A combination of high permittivity (usually above 100)and low dielectric loss are mainly attributed to their dielectricrelaxor behavior, where the real and imaginary parts of therelative permittivity are both frequency- and temperature-dependent.Recently, the synthesis and densification of Bi2Ti2O7 was

achieved via coprecipitation and microwave sintering.10 Theavailability of sintered bismuth titanate pyrochlore specimensfinally allows the study of both the physical and chemicalproperties of the compound in the bulk.Toward the understanding of the crystal structure−dielectric

property relationships in Bi2Ti2O7, it is important to recall thatin the ideal pyrochlore structure (A2B2O7, space group 227,origin 1), the A cation resides at the 16c site, the B cation at the16d site, O at the 48f site, and the seventh oxygen, typicallydenoted as O′, at the 8a position. However, density-functionaltheory (DFT) calculations by Esquivel-Elizondo et al.10

indicate that the atoms within the Bi2Ti2O7 crystal do notreside at the ideal pyrochlore positions. Rather, in Bi2Ti2O7, theA cation (bismuth) is not located in its ideal 16c (0, 0, 0) but isin the 96g (0.015, 0.015, 0.964) site to accommodate the Bilone pair electron.11 High-resolution XRD and neutrondiffraction data have confirmed this predicted Bi displacementin Bi2Ti2O7.

12 The O′ atom is also not in the ideal pyrochloreposition: instead of residing in the 8a site (1/8, 1/8, 1/8), it isdisplaced to the 48f (x, 1/8, 1/8) position. As a result of these

displacements, it is expected that Bi2Ti2O7 will stray from thetraditional group theory rules for a stable pyrochlore structure.In addition to the Bi and O′ displacement, a noteworthy

feature of the theoretical (DFT) study is a large isotropicthermal parameter ascribed to the Ti cation in the 16dposition.10 This was reported to be the result of thedisplacement of the bismuth atom toward the 96g site whichin turn causes a separation between the regularly symmetric Biand O atoms, thus resulting in an undercoordinated Ti atom. Inan effort to satisfy this O undercoordination, the Ti cation ispredicted by DFT simulations to displace to the 96g position.However, it is important to recognize that DFT simulations donot take into account thermal considerations (since simulationsare performed at 0 K) and that experimental diffraction to datehas not yielded evidence of Ti shifting from the 16d position tothe 96g. Therefore, in the past, a large thermal isotropicparameter has been ascribed to the Ti cation instead ofreporting a displacement toward 96g positions.The proposed atomic displacements of the Bi and O′ atoms

in Bi2Ti2O7 are similar to that observed in another bismuthpyrochlore, Bi1.5Zn0.92Nb1.5O6.92 (BZN).4,11,13 Nonetheless,what is striking is that this displacement would occur withoutatomic substitutional atoms (e.g., Bi and Zn in the A-site) andmultiple site occupancy (e.g., Zn in both A- and B-sites, both ofwhich are always present in BZN and related Bi pyrochlores.To understand further the implication of the displacements

on the local atomic structure and phonons, Table 1 displays thefactor group analysis for Bi2Ti2O7 following the DFT positionsby Esquivel-Elizondo et al.10 The irreproducible representation

Received: September 22, 2014Revised: November 5, 2014Published: November 11, 2014



© 2014 American Chemical Society 28797 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp5095883 | J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 28797−28803

Page 2: Atomic Displacive Disorder in Bi Otanner/PDFS/Turner14jpc-Bi2Ti2O7.pdfmeasured over 30−3300 cm−1 at temperatures between 20 and 300 K, while the Raman spectra were collected from

(Γ) was derived using the normal mode determination tables.14

Using Schonflies notation, the space group for Bi2Ti2O7 is Oh7;

bismuth has a Cs point group symmetry representing a cyclicpoint group with a twofold rotation, while titanium has adihedral D3d point group symmetry with a threefold rotationand three twofold axes perpendicular to the threefold axis and ahorizontal mirror plane. Both O and O′ are represented by thepoint group symmetry C2v which is a cyclic group with atwofold rotation and two vertical planes.In the Bi2Ti2O7 structure the anticipated modes, following

normal coordinate analysis methods, are

+ + + + + +

+ + +

4A R 5E R

12F IR 11F R

( ) A A 5A 6E ( ) 8F

( ) ( ) 9F

1 g

1 2

g u 2g 2u u 1g

u g 2u (1)

In both Table 1 and eq 1, the acoustic mode has beensubtracted from the total number of vibrational modes.Furthermore, it has also been proposed by Chen et al.15 thatdisorder in the A site leads to a break in the selection rules, andtherefore, the normally IR-active low-frequency modes, such asF1u, may also appear in the Raman spectra.Atomic (valence) force field analysis allows for the

identification of the type of interactions that contribute toeach phonon mode. It also provides an insight into thestructure of a cell by comparison with similar crystals, such thatatomic disorder can be discerned. This has been previouslydemonstrated for pyrochlores by Vandenborre et al.16 andapplied to perform a detailed comparison across a series oftitanate and stannate pyrochlores.Based on this, in the present article, we utilize Raman and IR

spectroscopy techniques to gain insight into the nature andcharacteristics of the local structure of Bi2Ti2O7 andcorroborate prior crystallographic and computational studieson the crystal structure of the compound in particular as itrelates to its atomic displacive disorder.17

■ EXPERIMENTAL SECTIONPyrochlore Bi2Ti2O7 ceramic pellets were created via thecoprecipitation chemical synthesis technique, following theprocedure described in detail in our previous work.10 Ramanspectroscopy was performed on phase-pure calcined powder aswell as sintered pellets of 10 mm diameter and 1.5 mm height.

The phase purity of the samples was verified by XRD, and theobtained density was greater than 95%.The presented Raman measurements were performed on a

Thermo Scientific DXR Raman microscope system. TheRaman shift was measured from 50 to 3500 cm−1 by excitingthe sample with a 532 nm photon beam from a 1 mW laser.The spectrometer was equipped with a 900 line/mm filtergrating and a 50 μm spectrograph aperture. The measurementdata was compiled over 10 exposures with 512 backgroundexposures, each taken at room temperature with an exposuretime of 2 s. Complementary measurements were taken on aHoriba MicroRaman system with a 532 nm laser.Temperature-dependent reflectivity was obtained using a

Fourier transform spectrometer (Bruker IFS 113v) inconjunction with a liquid helium cooled Si bolometer (over30−700 cm−1) and a room temperature DTGS detector (over650−3300 cm−1). The reflection stage provided an angle ofincidence of 8° for the light. Temperatures between 20 and 300K were obtained in a Hanson flow cryostat with polyethylene(far-infrared) or KBr windows (mid-infrared). Room temper-ature data between 3000 and 37 000 cm−1 were taken using aZeiss microscope photometer.In order to combine the different spectra, a suitable region of

overlap was chosen where the spectra were in agreement. Anintegral was taken to find the area under the curve of eachspectra within this region. The higher frequency spectrum wasthen multiplied by the ratio of these areas such that the areasbecame equal. A weighted average was then taken beginning atthe low-frequency edge of the selected region with all of theweight given to the lower frequency spectrum and ending at thehigh-frequency edge with all of the weight given to the higherfrequency spectrum.

■ RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONAs mentioned in the Introduction, it is anticipated thatBi2Ti2O7 will exhibit 20 Raman-active (R) modes, 12infrared-active (IR) modes, and one F1u acoustic mode.

Raman Spectroscopy. As discussed at length by Esquivel-Elizondo et al.,10 Bi2Ti2O7 can be considered a metastablecompound, with dissociation into Bi4Ti3O12 and Bi2Ti4O11commonly occurring. This crystal chemistry had previouslyprevented the synthesis of Bi2Ti2O7 sintered ceramics until fastfiring techniques like microwave sintering were used. BecauseRaman spectroscopy provides the capability to measure thespectra of samples that are sintered solids, powders, or evenparticulates suspended in a fluid, it is an excellent tool forcharacterizing whether a material undergoes a structuraltransformation when sintered or processed. Therefore, spectraof Bi2Ti2O7 were taken in both powder and solid pellet form.These spectra, shown in Figure 1, were identical for the powderand pellet samples, further confirming that sintering ofBi2Ti2O7 powder does not induce a structural change, inagreement with X-ray diffraction results.10 This lends furtherevidence in favor of the modified phase diagram,10 whichestablishes the appearance of the pyrochlore phase in theBi2O3−TiO2 system.The Bi2Ti2O7 Raman spectrum was analyzed by solving for

the imaginary part of the Raman susceptibility in order toobserve and fit the individual vibrational modes. This wasaccomplished through the transformation of the measured datato find the imaginary part of the Raman susceptibility, χ″(ω).18The susceptibility is a function of the Raman scattering crosssection and the Bose scattering factor. This was resolved by

Table 1. Optical Modes of Bi2Ti2O7a

Oh7 modes




Bi Ti O O′Cs D3d C2v C2v

96g 16d 48f 48f

A1g 2 0 1 1 0 4 RamanA1u 1 0 0 0 0 1 silentA2g 1 0 0 0 0 1 silentA2u 2 1 1 1 0 5 silentEu 3 1 1 1 0 6 silentEg 3 0 1 1 0 5 RamanF1g 4 0 2 2 0 8 silentF2g 5 0 3 3 0 11 RamanF1u 5 2 3 3 1 12 infraredF2u 4 1 2 2 0 9 silent

a4A1g(R) + A2g(−) + Au(−) + 5A2u(−) + 6Eu(−) + 5Eg(R) + 8F1g(−)+ 12F1u(IR) + 11F2g(R) + 9F2u(−).

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C Article

dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp5095883 | J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 28797−2880328798

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treating the collected data with the Bose−Einstein distribution,η(ω).

η ω =−ωℏ( )

1e 1k T/ b (2)

The transformed Raman susceptibility was modeled using asum of Lorentzian functions used to assign the Raman modes,as shown in Figure 2.

∑χ ω″ =+

ω ω


A( )



4( )j




where each fitted peak is characterized by a center frequencyω0, a local maximum Aj, and a width γj. Table 2 showsparameters obtained from the Lorentzian fitting. The Bi2Ti2O7modes were assigned by comparing to typical bismuth and

titanate pyrochlores18−20 as shown in Table 2, but with theaddition of normally infrared active F1u modes as explainedbelow. Because the area of each fitted mode is an arbitrary value(hence the representation by integrated intensity), the errorpresented is the calculated standard error of each moderepresented as the fraction of each peak’s total area.Through the automated Lorentzian fit algorithm, nine

optically active Raman vibrational modes were identified.These nine peaks each represent an interaction (bend orstretch) in the bonds between oxygen atoms and Bi or Tiatoms. The Raman-mode properties are a function of thevalence force field emitted by each atom and eachcorresponding bond’s interaction with the Raman photon.While each peak is assigned to a main phonon mode in

Figure 2 and Table 2, it is also true that when one bond is setinto vibration, this motion has an effect on the rest of thelattice; i.e., when a bending occurs between one bond species,the other atomic bonds in the structure will bend and stretch inreaction. This combined set of phonon motions has beenclearly shown for the pyrochlore structure, by Vandenborre etal.20 It has been observed that platinates and stannates displaysharp peaks in the spectra, much more than the zirconates,hafnates, and titanates. This difference is explained by a greaterdeviation from ideal pyrochlore symmetry (D3d) in the lattercompounds.21 As such, materials with high displacive disorderwill typically exhibit broader peaks within the Raman spectra.Therefore, here we propose that the relative broadening of theRaman peaks observed is the result of the atomic positiondisplacement causing local asymmetry within the crystal thatproduces a stronger force field reaction from a single phononinteraction.In previous studies of pyrochlore titanates,16 valence force

field constants for stretch, bend, and combination bend−stretchinteractions have been calculated for a variety of compounds.The potential energy of each mode is dependent on the sum ofthe strength of each contributing interaction, namely how thestrength of the valence force and the incoming photon cause aseries of singular or multiple elastic interaction throughout thelattice. Low-frequency Raman modes found in pyrochlores aregenerally found to be a combination of several bends andstretches, as photon interactions on the lattice due to singlebends/stretches induce elastic effects at other sites. Calculationof individual interaction valence force fields in Bi2Ti2O7 isbeyond the scope of this work; however, based on the trendsobserved in other pyrochlores, we postulate that modes fittedto large and wide Lorentzian indicate that the interactioncausing the vibration arises from a combination of severalmotions, each contributing an additional amount of energy intothe vibration. For example, the F2g mode centered at 244 cm−1

has a width of 197 cm−1 which is attributed to the combinationof the Bi−O stretch and the O−Bi−O′ bend motions. Likewise,sharper peaks indicate that a vibrational mode is likelyinfluenced by a single interaction.It is important to note that previous work on the theoretical

Bi2Ti2O7 structure and vibrational spectra was performed byPatterson through DFT.23 The DFT simulations performed byPatterson were performed for Bi2Ti2O7 in both the Pna21 andFd3 m crystal structures. However, both structural studies andthe data presented in this paper confirm that Bi2Ti2O7 has acubic Fd3 m structure. Although the Bi ion displacement wasincluded in these DFT calculations, the theoretical Ramanspectra did not predict the Raman active F1u modes observed inthis work.

Figure 1. Room temperature Raman spectra of Bi2Ti2O7 powder andsintered pellet.

Figure 2. Raman spectra transformed by the Bose−Einstein factor.The obtained imaginary part of the Raman susceptibility was fitted to asum of Lorentzian functions. The figure shows the data (black), the fit(red), and the individual contributions to the fit (blue).

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C Article

dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp5095883 | J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 28797−2880328799

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To reconcile this, it is worth mentioning that, in general,pyrochlores have their A−O atom interactions dominant at lowfrequencies and their B−O atom interactions prevalent at highfrequencies. The low-frequency range of the Raman spectrum(from 70 to 180 cm−1) has been proposed to be composed oftypically IR-active F1u vibrational modes due to the displacivedisorder of the A-site observed in Bi pyrochlores.18 In a study ofSm, Gd, Yb, and Y titanate pyrochlores by Vandenborre,19

Raman spectra comparison of low-frequency modes weredetermined to not be fundamental frequencies and wereattributed to TiO6 octahedra distortion and/or displacement inthe A-site cation. The F1u modes activated primarily due to theO−A−O and O−A−O′ bending, assigned at 85 and 145 cm−1,similarly occur in the Raman spectra of Bi2Ti2O7 due to thedisplacement of the Bi atom from a high-symmetry position inthe crystal lattice.18

As stated before, the Bi atom in Bi2Ti2O7 differs from theideal pyrochlore structure by occupying the 96g Wyckoffposition instead of the 16c. This displacive disorder in Bi2Ti2O7

further supports the idea proposed by Arenas et al.18 of arelaxation in the selection rules allowing for the F1u mode to beseen in the Raman spectra.Following this, the 180−500 cm−1 bands are composed of

F2g and Eg modes.18 The first F2g mode is generally assignedbetween 200 and 240 cm−1 for titanates,19 and in the case ofBi2Ti2O7 the lowest F2g is assigned to the mode observed at 146cm−1. This vibrational mode is attributed to a combination of astretching interaction between the Bi−O bonds, which inducesan additional bending in the O−Bi−O′ bond. The Eg modesassigned to 294 and 347 cm−1 and the F2g mode assigned at 419cm−1 are principally due to a stretching of the Ti−O bondwhich causes a reaction from other O−Ti−O bonds.The higher frequencies consist of A1g and F2g vibrational

modes, which are purely due to the Ti−O modes.20 The lowerA1g mode, assigned at 564 cm−1, is due to O−Ti−O bond

bending. The two highest modes at 697 and 771 cm−1 are atfrequencies that are usually ascribed as combination bands orovertones. However, studies into other displaced pyrochloreshave shown these modes to be related to a B site and oxygenstretch.18,24 These two bands are designated as F2g at 697 and771 cm−1 and are due to the stretching of the Ti−O bond. In arecent Raman study on the behavior of 18O-enriched Lu2Ti2O7

and Dy2Ti2O7 pyrochlores,22 low-frequency phonons wereascribed to Ti4+ vibrations without the involvement of oxygenvibrations. However, support for this argument comes from thepositioning of rare earth (A site) and Ti ions at the centers ofinversion symmetry; this does not likely apply toward Bi2Ti2O7

with the observation of Bi displacement. Moreover, the largedifference in ionic radii between Bi and Dy or Lu results invastly different anionic and cationic coordination environments.Therefore, it is unlikely that a similar Ti-vibration phonon ispresent in Bi2Ti2O7.Table 3 presents the vibrational modes of several pyrochlore

titanates with their corresponding frequencies. The Bi2Ti2O7

Raman modes follow the general behavior of the titanatepyrochlores up until the 500 cm−1 range, at which point the A1g

and F2g modes are observed at notably higher frequencies, indisagreement with the theoretically calculated modes.23 Thiscan be explained by a possible disorder in the titanium positionin the Bi2Ti2O7 crystal structure, which would affect the Ti−Obond interactions, and accordingly the A1g and F2g modes.Recalling the large isotropic parameter assigned to the Ti atom,the observed Raman spectra provide additional evidencesuggesting that the Ti atom may in fact be displaced,10 whichwould in turn affect Raman interactions.

Infrared Spectroscopy. Reflectance Spectra. The temper-ature dependent reflectance of a sintered Bi2Ti2O7 pellet over30 and 37000 cm−1 is shown in Figure 3. The high reflectancevalue seen at low frequencies is consistent with the large staticpermittivity values of Bi2Ti2O7 (see Discussion below.) As

Table 2. Parameters for Bi2Ti2O7 in the Lorentzian Fitting of the Raman Spectra

integrated intensity (arb. unit) ω0j (cm−1) γj (cm

−1) assignment type error (%)

13 85 41 F1u O−Bi−O bend and O−Bi−O′ bend 23 146 62 F2g Bi−O stretch and O−Bi−O′ bend 15

100 244 197 F2g 615 293 83 Eg 3*Ti−O stretch 2014 347 92 Eg 243 418 185 F2g 1723 563 114 A1g O−Ti−O bend 31 697 55 F2g 2*Ti−O stretch 821 771 163 F2g 17

Table 3. Observed Raman Vibrational Mode Frequencies of Bismuth and Titanate Pyrochlores

F2g/Eg F2g A1g F2g F2g

Y2Ti2O716 225 − 318 333 − 527 531 586

Gd2Ti2O725 205 260 310 325 450 517 554 677

Dy2Ti2O725 212 269 308 328 451 519 550 693

Ho2Ti2O725 214 297 311 329 452 522 562 701

Lu2Ti2O726 188 − 313 336 458 520 609 712

exptl Bi2Ti2O7 146 244 293 347 418 563 697 771theor. Bi2Ti2O7

23 − 262 281 − 395 535 537 711Bi3/2MgNb3/2O7

18 − 230 346 − 419 511 599 786Bi3/2MgNb3/2O7

18 − 216 297 − 430 529 620 758Bi3/2Zn0.92Nb3/2O6.92

18 − 256 342 − 420 526 610 766Bi3/2ZnTa3/2O7

18 − 208 281 − 434 540 624 744

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C Article

dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp5095883 | J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 28797−2880328800

Page 5: Atomic Displacive Disorder in Bi Otanner/PDFS/Turner14jpc-Bi2Ti2O7.pdfmeasured over 30−3300 cm−1 at temperatures between 20 and 300 K, while the Raman spectra were collected from

temperature changes, the spectra change only slightly, with afew percent increase at lower temperatures. We conclude thatthere is no phase transition present in this temperature range.Kramers−Kronig Analysis. The frequency-dependent phase

shift upon reflection can be calculated from the measured singlebounce reflectivity via the Kramers−Kronig integral.27 Thehigh-frequency behavior of Bi2Ti2O7 from 80 000 to 242 000000 cm−1 (10−30 000 eV) is determined using scatteringfunctions from Henke28 and is based on the density and cubicstructure of the pyrochlore. The behavior above this range istaken to follow free electron behavior, R ≈ ω−4. The gapbetween the 37 000 cm−1 end to the measured reflectance andthe start of the calculated X-ray data is bridged with a powerlaw to the third degree in 1/ω. The low frequencyextrapolation, covering 0−30 cm−1, uses the reflectancecalculated from the oscillator model fit described in the nextsection. With the phase shift calculated from measured datausing Kramers−Kronig methods, other optical constants,including the real and imaginary parts of the dielectric constant(Figures 4 and 5) and the optical conductivity (Figure 6), canbe easily found.27

We note that the optical conductivity and permittivity plotsshow the widths of the phonons to be quite substantial. This,however, is not in disagreement with Chen et al., who alsofound broad phonon spectra in bismuth-based pyrochlores.15

We can also see from the real part of the permittivity that thereis a weakening of the mode at 160 cm−1 with decreasingtemperature. There is a corresponding softening of this peak inFigures 5 and 6. The interband electronic contribution to theoptical conductivity can be clearly seen in the inset of Figure 5.Oscillator-Model Analysis. To complement the Kramers−

Kronig analysis and in order to assign the contribution to thepermittivity from each mode, oscillator model fits wereconducted on the measured reflectance. Oscillator fits of theexperimental measurements are obtained by the dispersionanalysis (DA) method, which solves for each oscillator based onits strength, width, and frequency. The DA method requires thecrystal’s reflectivity to be in agreement with the oscillators. Tosolve for the reflectance the Fresnel formula is employed

ω = − ++ +

Rn kn k

( )( 1)( 1)

2 2

2 2(4)

Figure 3. Reflectance of Bi2Ti2O7 at temperatures between 20 and 300K.

Figure 4. Real part of the dielectric function (ε′) of Bi2Ti2O7 attemperatures between 20 and 300 K.

Figure 5. Imaginary part of the dielectric function (ε″) of Bi2Ti2O7 attemperatures between 20 and 300 K.

Figure 6. Real part of the optical conductivity (σ′) of Bi2Ti2O7 attemperatures between 20 and 300 K.

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C Article

dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp5095883 | J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 28797−2880328801

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with R(ω) the reflectance, n the refractive index, and k theextinction coefficient of the material. In turn, n and k are relatedto the dielectric function ε via

ε ε+ = ′ + ″n ik (5)

with ε′ and ε″ the real and imaginary parts of the dielectricfunction

∑ε επρω ω ω

ω ω γω′ = − = +

− +∞n k4 ( )

( ) ( )j

j j j

j j

2 22 2 2

2 2 2 2(6)

∑επρω γω

ω ω γω″ = =

− +nk2

4 ( )

( ) ( )j

j j j

j j


2 2 2 2(7)

Each oscillator is described by its strength ρj, width γj, andfrequency ωj.As previously discussed, a factor group analysis that uses the

displaced coordinates (albeit without Ti displacement, shownin Table 1) yields a total of 12 allowable IR active modes. Here,13 oscillators are required to fit the infrared reflectivity spectrafor Bi2Ti2O7. The parameters for these oscillators are presentedin Table 4. The longitudinal optic (LO) modes occur at thezeros of the undamped dielectric function. We estimate the LO

mode frequencies here by temporarily setting the damping ofthe fit to 0.1 cm−1 and observing the zero crossings of the realpart of the permittivity.The low-frequency section of the ε″ and σ′ plots above

suggests the presence of a mode below 30 cm−1. Without thismode, the static dielectric constant, obtained by summing thelattice and electronic contributions from the fit, is ≈85, lowerthan the dielectric constant of ref 10, εsum = 115. The additionallow-frequency mode may account for this difference.Because of the large mass of Bi, the resonance frequencies of

low-frequency oscillators in conventional pyrochlores arepushed down to even lower frequency values. A comparisonof titanate pyrochlores performed by Kumar et al. shows thetrend of decreasing low-frequency oscillators as the mass of theA site atom increases.29 Bismuth is the heaviest atomcrystallizing a titanate in the pyrochlore structure, and thusthe O′−A−O′ bend and O−A−O bend modes are expected tobe pushed down to lower frequencies when compared withpreviously reported pyrochlore titanates. The O−A−O bendmode is observed at 186 cm−1 and the O′−A−O′ bendingmode is observed at the lower wavenumbers (<77 cm−1) andthrough extrapolation could possibly be pushed further downnear 10 cm−1, which would explain the increase in reflectivity inthe low-frequency region. Although outside of the scope of thiswork, it would be ideal to complement this data with terahertzspectroscopy investigations to further corroborate this inter-pretation.Finally, the data show that bismuth titanate exhibits a

phonon mode at around 764 cm−1, identified as ωnb in Table 4.

This feature is also observed in BZN and related pyrochloreshas been attributed to disorder of the A site and staticdisplacements of the O′,15 this A−O′ disorder is also found inBi2Ti2O7.Taken as a whole, the Raman and IR spectra are strong

evidence of displacive disorder of both the A and B site ofBi2Ti2O7. Bismuth displacive disorder is shown by the presenceof an IR assigned mode in the Raman spectra. The atypicalbehavior of the Ti−O modes in the higher range of the Ramanspectra provides evidence of displacement of the Ti atomicposition. The IR spectra further reveals disorder in the A andO′ sites due to the splitting of the appearance of the ωn

b mode.

■ CONCLUSIONThe Raman spectroscopy of the pyrochlore Bi2Ti2O7 wasmeasured on both calcined powder and sintered ceramic,showing that both spectra were identical. This providesevidence that no major structural change occurs duringsintering. Raman modes were assigned by comparison toother bismuth and titanate pyrochlores found in literature;Bi2Ti2O7 displays evidence of displacive disorder in both the Aand B site. A normally IR-active F1u mode is assigned in theRaman spectra at low frequencies, possibly due to thedisplacement of the Bi atom from its ideal position via arelaxation of the selection rules. Additionally, evidence ofdisplacement in the Ti atomic position is provided by theatypical spectroscopic behavior of the Ti−O modes at thehigher range of the Raman spectra. The IR spectra were fit toan oscillator model from which the real and imaginary parts ofthe dielectric function were obtained. The low-frequency O−A−O and O′−A−O′ phonon modes are pushed to lowerfrequencies due to the large mass of the Bi ion. The appearanceof the ωn

b also indicates a disorder of the A site and O′displacement.

Table 4. Parameters for the Phonon Modes in the 20 KInfrared Spectrum of Bi2Ti2O7

Bi2Ti2O7 20 K



resonantfrequency ω



dampingcoefficient γ(cm−1)

LOmode ω(cm−1)

ω7a,c (O′−A−O′) ≈10

bend − − −ω7a (O′−A−O′) 39 20.6 27 44

bendω7a (O′−A−O′) 56 4.70 24 59

bendω7 (O′−A−O″) 77 4.81 35 80

bendω6 (O−A−O) 186 42.9 68 265

bendω5 (A−BO6) 273 1.40 77 319

stretchω4a (O−B−O) 357 3.05 58 386

bendω4 (O−B−O) 398 1.36 57 474

bendω3 (A−O) 483 0.365 41 528

stretchω2 (A−O′) 532 0.103 43 566

stretchω1a (B−O) 569 0.0653 38 612

stretchω1a (B−O) 613 0.0123 18 647

stretchω1 (B−O) 650 0.0147 12 700

stretchωnb 764 0.0301 35 774

ε∞ 3.05εsum 85.3

aMode splitting. bSplit A−O′ mode. cModes that are observed butnot included in the fit as described in present work.

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Page 7: Atomic Displacive Disorder in Bi Otanner/PDFS/Turner14jpc-Bi2Ti2O7.pdfmeasured over 30−3300 cm−1 at temperatures between 20 and 300 K, while the Raman spectra were collected from


Corresponding Author*E-mail: [email protected].

NotesThe authors declare no competing financial interest.


This work is supported by the U.S. National ScienceFoundation under grant DMR 0449710. The authors thankRobert Kasse for assistance with the Raman measurements.

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