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Attractive an some I fj - Library of Congress · RllIslns por package IOe 4 lbs Navy Beam c 4 Iba...

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DESERET EVENING NEWS FRIDAY rEBRUAR 4 1910 1f J l GOOD ROADS LOW PRICES English Engineer Says Want of Good Highways Increases Cost of living PRODUCTS TO CITY MARKETS r Jjitercstlll Dctnlls of Uond Construc- tion lJrolldlIo Enlnlld nllll Ger- man Make Good Tlioroughfni Much has been wlillen and heard of late through the medium of the Good Roads convention regnrding ways and Incans for road construction that a few JInes from the pen of one who has had considerable practical experIence of road making as lllplled to the high I wars and byways or the old country hOUld not be out of place at this time n Is obvious that In the race for money- making f Americans have paid little at tendon to their roads no doubt unin- tentionally ignoring the fact that the high cost of food must uecessarlly bo higher so long as the farolll Is de pendent upon railroads as the means for bringing the products from hIs forms Into the markets of a populous city ThIs reminds us or the recent meetings held In our own city of Snit Lake relative to the high cost of lit ii g Glen good roads the farmer I will soon realize that ns well as nat- urally reducing the cost of getting his td produce to the markets the value of- q his land must also he considerably en- hanced In this article the Is f desirous ot suggesting how those who fire responsible for the highways here map benefit by the practical experience r of English and French engineers ex perlenco gained at great expensefor It must bo remembered that the finest and- best roads In the world arc those ot England and France Hitherto main or county roads In England and France have been built up from eIther broken slag or granite- and with the introduction or motor traction engine and automobile traffic thin sort of road has been very accessi- bie for such kind of trartlc Today both those countries owing to the ever increasing motor and faction engine traffic find themselves faced with the problem of reconstructing the whole or the main arteries leading to largely populated cIties and towns America has not yet been brought face to face with this modern selfpropelled traffic to any great extent for the single rea son that hOI roads as now generally constructed are not suited for such traffic COST OF MLUNTDNANOE The cost of maintenanco on macadam roads In England through the advent of selfpropelled haulage traffic has peeome so great an Item of expenditure that appeals to the government for v state assistance have been made with such persistency and force that Mr Lloyd George the lato chancellor or the exchequer saw tho necessity for introducing alnx In his proposed llUdoet the revenue of which was to go toward reconstructing tho main county rouls No better roads exist In the world for ordinary horsedrawn vehi- cles and automobile traffic but It Americans Intend bettering the present roads ot thIs country It behooves them to profit by the experiences of older countries and build roads to suit the requirements or all and any kind or traffic England Is a most conservative coun- try America is no most goahead and progressive one and what has taken covet or eight years to accomplish n England would perhaps only take one sixtli of that time In this country The BREAKING THE TRUST 2 dory Strictly Fresh Eggs c 2 doz Storage Eggs bc 2 packages Cereal Coffee c- Oat Meal per package lOc 3jo Clam Chowder 3k 4 lbs Drown Beans 2c Best Crotmery Butter 33cx Gallon cnn Peaches Stock Fish per lb 1A 3 lfic Mackerel Zoo- t JO Salt Ilomn Zoc 1 25c nettle Bishops Catsup and 6 lbs Sugar 600 Pure Olive 011 per bottlo xp- cCurtlce Jam 2 for 50- t 2 lbs Macaroni 150- ZC Jam CSC Large Oranges per dos 6 Ills Apples ic f 3 lbs Onions lOc Gallon can Syrup OC 36c Clam Chowder roc 2 lbs Lemon Biscuits 1c l Best DrIed Peaches per Ib IOe Apricots Peaches Cherries Grapes Prunes per can I5c toe Jet Olt Elacking lOc 3 lbs Raisins ac- 16c Lemon Biscuits wc- Ibll 3 Ginger Snaps 2Zc Bakers Chocolate per lb 3Sc Bakers Cocoa per lb Zoo Dried Beef per pound 15c- ic SIbs Oat Meal t Cocoanut Cakes per Gallon can plums Zoc Gallon can Tomatoes Zoo 6 cans Oil Sardines 2O Sliver Gloss Starch 100- RllIslns por package IOe 4 lbs Navy Beam c 4 Iba Rico ac 6 bare hits P ac- Cranberrlea lac Hires Root Beer 10c- i boxes Best Matcltcs c- 2lb cnn Pork and Beans lOc 6 cans Milk Zo- cZlb can Pork and Benne 15o Campbell Soup per can- to c Baking ponder Z cans Tomatoes 10- 0i bars heat cmAll Soap 0- Ii i pkgs Smoking Tobacco lOc 2 cane t- CHICAGO Cocoa 160 Bird Surd 05c- n STORE i2 South West Temple St Writer refers to the bIrth and increase or selfpropelled haulage traffic In Eng The country is divIded Into coun ties rural districts urban district boroughs anti cIties In dOlllng with English road construction It Is well to note that the arrangements as regards drainage and its disposal are as near perfection fiS can be The first essen tlal for u good road Js a good founda tion after that drainage and if pOSI ble waterprOOf surface A n practical rend makers are agreed that the only practical vay to make a good road and to keep It us such is to first put In a good fountlaton and then keep the wa tel out ot It IN nl BAT DISTRICTS In rural llstrlcts or England and in private streets that is streets that Illlve not been adopted by the authorl tles the genoal modus operandi Is to tlrst excavate and remove 12 to H Inches or dirt and then place on end side lay side sandstone pitching about nine Inches long and fill the Inter slices with broken rubble sandstone and well roll and consolidate This makes un excellent foundation which Is strong enough to carry continuous weights up to four and five tons dis trlhuted on oUlwheelCd vehicles On this foundation live or six Inches of broken macadam is then well rolled with a steam roller As fur us prac tlclbte they cumber should be just suf l1cient for draining the water off the road so as to distribute the traffic I evenly New roads In rural lstllcts are made up In similar manlier but rural roads already macadamized but In such condition as to require re- making are being reconstructed on what they term the Gladwell This system has upset the whole theory or tho old style of macadam road ma Iing The practise or building the me tal together with hogging which is- practlcatly road sweepings and outer forced Into the Interstices from the top has been substituted with the follow ing MACADAM ROADS The old madam road Is scarrlfied just sutliclently to disturb the old met al and on this scarrlfied surface a thin layer of lint granite or slagtratel1 with hot tar or pitch and creosote Is spread Upon this tarred material the ordinary broken slag or granite Is distributed up to three Inches or four Inches thick The whole surface Is then well rolled with steam roller The pressure on till lop layer or granite or slab spues or forces the tar red material Into the voids from the bottom The results of this system have been most encouraging and satis- factory Life is added to the material used owing to the use or tar and a dustless surface formed Tho cost In England of n road treated In this man- ner Is not more than G per cent over the old way and this Is more than covered by the extra life of the rondo Macadam roads predominate In all ur ban distrIcts throughout England The traffic passing over these roads Is not necessarily ns heavy as that which passes over the main county roads It must be observed that automobile traf Jlc Is very frequent and has been very considerably increased Noiselessness Is something which has to be consid ered owIng to the residential nature of these distrIcts Instead of ordinary macadam these roads are being large- ly converted Into tar mac roads This Is two Inches or two and a half inches broken granite or slag treated wIth tar and bonded with n tarred slag or granite dust The life of these tar mac roads Is about double that of the ordinary macadam besides the elimina tion ot dust which is something much to be desired Slag is more susceptible to tar treatment than granite owIng to its porous nature- ASPHALT AND WOOD BLOCKS In the shopping centers or the largo cities and towns of England the prin cipal form ot paving Is either asphalt or wood blocks The former Salt Lak ers are familiar with It significant however that a considerable portion ot the wood blocks used for road and street paving In England are shipped over from this western part of Amer ica They measure from three Inches to four Inches It width five or six inches In depth and seven Inches in length These blocks are creosoted and are laid on a bed of concrete The joints are made with a composition ot pitch and creosote It makes an ideal paving as far as appearance and noise lessness are concerned but Is slippery and greasy it damp weather The life of such paving is anything from nine to 14 years according to traffic conditions and Quality or wood used The kind of paving used In the large manufacturIng districts and around and about the docks of seaport towns where traffic conditions are congest- ed and heavy Is prIncipally granite paving These setts are cut from granite blocks to any or the following dimensions 4xG Inches 4x5 inches 3xG inches 3x5 incites and 4 inches cube The length ot the sett varies from i- to 10 Inches They are clean cut In varIably laid on concrete and as a rule the joints grouted with pitch and creo- sote Sometimes the joints are halt tllled with pitch and creosote so as to be absolutely waterproof and then finished with cement and sand one to three The life ot a granite sett pav- ing where traffic conditions are very heavy Is from 20 to 26 years ENGLANDS MAIN ROADS Adverting to the question ot main roads ot England those arterIes whIch link together the manufacturing towns of the country the upkeep or which is so essential to tho best commercIal In terests of the manufacturing commu- nities We must remember that their origin frequently dates bade to the days of the Romans so that the ac cumulation or granite slag or other hard material which had been used In theIr construction has been accu mulating all theso years and forms- n foundation even LOtter than concrete would be The natter of self propelled haulage trame has already been noted as beIng the cause for necessitating the reconstruction of these main roads Tho writer has also suggested that n system of reconstruction to suit modern requirements both as regards to automobile trnll1c as well ns the heavier kind has been brought under the serious consideration of road en gineers hath In England and France This is also II Question that must sooner or later force itself on the backs of American engineers and municipal councils So far the host substitute which is claimed by nil who late gl- en It a trial and us vastly superior to macadam Is one that dates back In principle to the old Roman system It is spoken of as German klolnpUas I Fresh Fish Is the solution of Ile Ifigln Price ProJlclll We are making au effort to provIde Fish to suit every purse Carp per pound tc Salmon per pound 20c Carp ready for the pan lOc I Black Bass per pound SOc HerrIng per pound Je Soles per pound 15c Halibut per pound 17 c Fancy Fresh Dressed Chickens 25c Booth Gunrailced CUll oyster caeb IOc OOe SOc r Booth Fisheries Co 30 West First South J 1 f < j i w i l4j 2 fiJ tel and has been universally adopted In Germnny Austria Italy and other countries in Europe It has proved un excellent armoring for macadam roads I BUILDING METHODS The method employed Is to scarrlfy about four Inches front the top of an existing macadam road the macadam taken oft the top can always ho screened and used agaIn on some oilier road well roll and consolidate the scarritied portion and then lay three and a half to four Inch granite cubes side by side In segmental rows on a layer of sand just sufficient to bed the cubes The surface Is well rammed with GO Ib wooden ramnters amt tine sand is lynched Into time joints with watr rime wMhlng process consoll dates the sand Into the joints so that It becomes hard like sandstone at the same time artordlng a certain amount of reslllenc Laying the cubes In segmental rows creates a cotslder able number or concentric joints The result Is an excellent foothold for lioness a splendid surface for nutol11o hlles and a very durable roadway for heavy traffic Engineers who have laid thIs sys tem claim It is practicaliy noIseless and dustless The cubes placed so as to form rings distribute the load on a ttIteel over a larger area than If set In straight courses and no doubt this also accounts for the noiselessness In appearance It resembles a broad mo- saic It Is pleasing to the eye nail from a hygienic point of view ox- sellent as It can be flushed with W- ater the mama as at asphalt road It Is I very much cheaper to lay than asphalt and much more safe for horses Machines for rapping off the cubes are easily obtainable The cost In England Is about 20 per cent more titan maca darn but the life many times longer Some of these roads have ben laid in Germany 25 or 30 years and are In excellent condition today THE DUST PROBLEM The dust problem Is a question that appeals to all For treating macadam roads the most effective Is by the ap plication of tar Many engineers paint macadam roads with tar but while excellent results havo becn obtained In England the sun would perhaps interfere with such gratifying results In this country Having regard to the climate here the writer Is decidedly ot the opinIon that spraying the ma cadam roads with till under pres sure would ho both economical and- effective The Toad to be treated- should first be thoroughly swept and the tar sprayed on the road front n tar spraying umcltine The tar should be boiling It can under pressure be forced Into the Interstices or the ma- cadam and usually lasts aboutthree months Machines self propelled car be obtained easily enough The saving as regards tar spraying versus water sprinkling during tho summer season Is considerable There Is a portable tm macadam machine on the market In England It can be taken to the roadside where slag or granite is laying A man feeds It with the material to be treated at one end the material passes through a riddling process hot all chamber tar bath and comes out at the other end tar macadam The machIne will treat about 50 tons por day POOR AS ROAD BUILDERS In England the ways and means for the poor man owning his own home are as many and varied as In this country The high rates of wages do not oper ate there as In this country but the cost or property Is not so hIgh Thu terms and advantages offered arc as a rule more seductive Every owner or property whether it be the individual Workingman owner or the larger in- vestor Is compelled lIy law to make good the roadway and footpath ad- joining his estate and this In accord with n specification authorized by the municipal authority After thlll require- ment has been adhered to the street Is taken over by the authorities mid main- tained thereafter out of the rates Municipal loans me controlled hy what Is known as the local government board This board is under the direct control of government officials Loans to be paId for out of the rates can only be raised after a government en- quiry mid sanction In passing the amiter would like to remark upon per- manent ways nc regards electric car undertakings In England the track Is built on a concrete foundation Thu flange of the rail Is bedded In con crete Between the tracks and clear- way are paved and made watertight an 18 Inch watertight margin extends tram the outside ot the rails The road bed Is consequently as solid as rock and the cost of maintenance reduced to- n minimum This principle affords a- very considerable savings In repairs NEED OF SALT LAKE Salt Take with Its beautiful resi dential districts Its engaging buildings and natural environments Is II city well worthy or good substantial streets and highways The first and most Im- portant prhciples of roatlmnkln how- ever should never be neglected The most economIcal road Is a good road Foundations drainage and when pos slble waterproof surface are necessary for II good road Bettor to make one mile of substantial road than 10 mile ot the other kind Enslands salvation as regards cheapness of living Is to a great extent due to hN excellent ronils thus linking the farmer with town and city The Santo savntlon is applicable to AmericaS EDWARDS F T S E London England McConabays annual grab baS sale today and tomorrow 64 Mllln street FRENCII AND ENGLISIi WOMEN Though there Is far less suffrage propaganda In France the superior position or the French woman has often been noted It the husband keeps a shop she keeps It too there Is no question or her capacity for business nor Is her share In time joint business regarded as interference with rare exceptions It Is almost impossible to Imagine the Englishwoman In a posi- tion so entirely taken for granted But then she starts on a different basis In France the portlonlets girl would he fairly certain not to marry from the moment or her birth therefore her parents set to worlt to provide her with a dot Incidentally Ue dot system Is perhaps time greatest Incen tive to thrift so entirely lacking In this country The dowered girl goes to her husband with a certain solid backing which proves Its value in times ot stress or illnessstd is not only willing but prepared to work Time average Englishwoman on the other hand will be Independent but she Is also romantic And romance with her prefers the role or beggar maid to KIng Cophetun In item heart of Jeart8 she likes her ltusband to raise her to hIs sIde She scorns romance on a busIness basis Too late does she realize that the small husl ness or professional roan cannot real- ly afford the luxury of a housekeeper He spends on her more that he gets Crom Item Her value to JIlin Is one of- estlme In a day It may be reduced to nil rite Independence she hoped to Increase by marriage depends en- tirely on his kindliness or forbear anceLondon Truth- McConnhays annual grab bag salo today fiat tomorrow IH Main street JEWEl RANGESTILE BEST 5126 down 126 per week UTAH IMP VEHICLE CO Jon HLTIXG AND BOOK BIND- ING We are the pioneers In Job Print hag and Book DIIllllnJ In the state Our facilities are the best for hand ling any class of work no matter now large or Iron small THE DESERET NEWS JOn DEP- 11Lojc 1 < 7 1- 1t e rtW KEI TUIIRIENI- f vo J I Saturday Will be a Day of Little Prices = 111 I to offset the Cost of High Living J f Attractive Sale of Suits Dresses and Skirts 1 t1 She who buys in season has the natural advmi tage and the satisfaction of early styles She who waits awhile finds that the same styles are to be had at prices considerably less In Salt Lake there are hundreds of women who otherwise find it difficult Women who would find it difficult otherwise dress well ilW The Saturday salt specials will appeal to these vJih economic women rQJD The stocks are large and the assortments splen- did Tailored Panama Skirts of Splendid Quality tvJfu Ncw plaited styles black brown and navy also an excep- tional value in black Voileplaited style trimmed with black satin piping and buttons Values tip to 975 Saturday special sale 495 I OnePiece Dress Misses s for Ladies and I Serge panama broadcloth and novelties desirable styles in brown navy green red gray and black Jaunty effects in k4 I blue and white also blllck and white shepherd checks Satur day specIals 695 995 Io95 1295 I95 Ladies Neckwear a Feature Saturday tKft Neek ear specials are always interesting They Y enable women to buy for future use The styles in eluded in the sale are the very ones which are be ing bought every day The reductions are pro- nounced Collars tabs and ascotsslightly soiled 10c rant jabots tabs nl collarsyalues to 75c lW for 25c Black moire coat sets piped with black and t white 225 values for L45 Gray coque feather sniffs and boa set 700 for 300 k1fu Coque feather boas in white sky gray black iTcIb and white Values to 650 for 175 1 Initial Handkerchiefs 1WD Ladies dainty and sheer 25c values for 15c initial handkerchiefs special 5c oomlLadies COMPLETE rIOOF ALENTINES I h 1- i 9 3 lAS S ij See this noblty hat How would you like ono that will look as pretty RI IN on you as thIs one does on time picture girl Now showing of Gage tailored hats for street and traveling 850 to 15M0 t Saturday Shoe Specials 265Hundreds of womens shoes to shoes table many front of patents Misses and Childrens table lace 4 li H an some in Velvet Dresses u I In the new braided effects navy brown green purple and black Values up 4Joo Sllturday 1975 Ladies Tailored S life r l Threequarter length coats in semi fitted styles i ai Plaited gored skirts broadcloths serges cheviots arid i 1 novelty materials Sizes 32 42 colors and black Saturday mil onehalf price from up to Big oj coats a td capes latest styles and high L- est j grade at onehalf price lub Dresses of percales chambray ginghams pretty i styles neatly trimmed bias folds and buttons Ii SATURDAY SALE 29a AND 4 iJ Junior Misses Suits at Half Price r Saturday we offer as a specIal feature our en l tire remaining stock of junior misses suits in V 1b Ij threepiece TI10delsconsisting of 36 garments in sizes 10 11 12 13 14 15 and 16 years at one the regular priceevery garment in the house is strictly new of thIS seasons purchase IIYJD The quality of these suits are in i i i r keeping with the reputation of this storein fact the garments J1lfii are n little higher grade than mnJ usually purchased in these sizes 1 1 tailoring one of the spe- cial t 1 I features and the best that a I t skilled operatives can produce d r l- considering the prices now made t i 1c t you are offered a highclass ganl1cnt I t at just what you would i i ordinarily pay for shoddy ma jj terial and w workmanshi ijL t if Other Sales in rn 1 lt Progress i R For Boys 2i to years- Winter Overcoats Half PrIce Winter Suits OneThird Sweaters OneThIrd Ott Corduroy Knee Pants 125 for G5c SHO V STATIONER Waist Sale An assortment of black silk waists are being dosed out at greatly reduced prices Some are tucked all over buttons in front otltersbutton in the back with fancy yokes of net and taffeta bands These values are up to S750 for 395495 Vkite lawn waists in the newest cuts trimmed with val and baby inch lace with the new sleeve and cuff These waists arc very fine295 Saturday Specials in the Drug Section Lees Egg Tar soap for I5c Orange Flower Vater for toilet use 5oc and 25c Dioxogen regular 25c our price I9C Formolid an illlliseptic solution 3ac A perfect massage cream for cleansing and beautifying the skin always sweet Special lOC 40C Violet talcum for the nursery and bath in pound cans each 25c Regular 25c tooth brushes I5c 2 for 2SC Imported perfumes a reduced price of pairs worth 35C1 for on bargain stock broken worth 500 oo 700 Tans- t kid and calf 145 school shoes on bargain and Q Models to fj 4 rl fitted or or to Prices range 79J 2750 line llli and two and NlB and is is poor 17 Ot quality and at For Girls J 1 fH Hi Sizes 2 to 14 years I All WInter Coats Half Prlco i All Wool Dresses OneThird Off i Angora cloth and velvet Tans 14 J all half price VOl r ji g e f I j U w- moquet Among the odors arcPivers rose violet and Oreatle Roger is Gallets tti Jockey Club Vera Violette Indian Nay Rubidina and Bouquet le Amonis Jick L 1 Aiglon lIanon Lescant and Heliotrope Ladies Hand Bags for 5 t Genuine seal black brown green and k blue leather lined riveted frame Regu- lar r 795 and 84 for 500 t Notion Specials f1 Ladies pad supportersregular 25c values for roc rl Pearl buttons white and smoked 25C card for IOC Pearl buttons niediunl and large sizes It Regular 50c and hoc a dozen Special 2c In S atur d ay C an d les ijV- 11 hipped cream chocolates which always i sold at 40C a pound3oc a pound Fancy mixed Bon Bons and cream choco- lates i Special 25c a pound Our special K O B pound box of high J i grade chocolates Saturday special 25c each Ir NtR j Our customers look forward to OlW Saturday evening concerts It brightens the evenin and adds pleaszc1a to shopping Come and meet your friends I 1W J 1 I A 500 I95Samplc womcu pairs lines i button tailoring with 395 half The now S 3Jc =WVoniclls and Cltilhrens jersey leggins worth Ioo and 125 1lD- I35Vomens House Slippers and tTu1ictii worth r75 and 20o Misses rimI Chldrens school shoes a splendid assortment Nl- DMens Shoes and Oxfords vfu Saturday special our regular 500 mattes at 395 1 225 Boys Shoes Shoes we will recommend to wear and shoes that fit t
Page 1: Attractive an some I fj - Library of Congress · RllIslns por package IOe 4 lbs Navy Beam c 4 Iba Rico ac 6 bare hits P ac-Cranberrlea lac Hires Root Beer 10c-i boxes Best Matcltcs




English Engineer Says Want of

Good Highways IncreasesCost of living


Jjitercstlll Dctnlls of Uond Construc-tion lJrolldlIo Enlnlld nllll Ger-

man Make Good Tlioroughfni

Much has been wlillen and heard oflate through the medium of the GoodRoads convention regnrding ways andIncans for road construction that afew JInes from the pen of one who hashad considerable practical experIenceof road making as lllplled to the high I

wars and byways or the old countryhOUld not be out of place at this time

n Is obvious that In the race for money-makingf Americans have paid little attendon to their roads no doubt unin-tentionally ignoring the fact that thehigh cost of food must uecessarlly bohigher so long as the farolll Is dependent upon railroads as the meansfor bringing the products from hIsforms Into the markets of a populouscity ThIs reminds us or the recentmeetings held In our own city of SnitLake relative to the high cost of litii g Glen good roads the farmer

I will soon realize that ns well as nat-urally reducing the cost of getting his

td produce to the markets the value of-q his land must also he considerably en-

hanced In this article the Isf desirous ot suggesting how those who

fire responsible for the highways heremap benefit by the practical experience

r of English and French engineers experlenco gained at great expensefor Itmust bo remembered that the finest and-best roads In the world arc those otEngland and France

Hitherto main or county roads InEngland and France have been builtup from eIther broken slag or granite-and with the introduction or motortraction engine and automobile trafficthin sort of road has been very accessi-bie for such kind of trartlc Todayboth those countries owing to the everincreasing motor and faction enginetraffic find themselves faced with theproblem of reconstructing the whole orthe main arteries leading to largelypopulated cIties and towns Americahas not yet been brought face to facewith this modern selfpropelled trafficto any great extent for the single reason that hOI roads as now generallyconstructed are not suited for suchtraffic

COST OF MLUNTDNANOEThe cost of maintenanco on macadam

roads In England through the adventof selfpropelled haulage traffic haspeeome so great an Item of expenditurethat appeals to the government for

v state assistance have been made withsuch persistency and force that MrLloyd George the lato chancellor orthe exchequer saw tho necessity forintroducing alnx In his proposedllUdoet the revenue of which was to gotoward reconstructing tho main countyrouls No better roads exist In theworld for ordinary horsedrawn vehi-cles and automobile traffic but ItAmericans Intend bettering the presentroads ot thIs country It behooves themto profit by the experiences of oldercountries and build roads to suit therequirements or all and any kind ortraffic

England Is a most conservative coun-try America is no most goahead andprogressive one and what has takencovet or eight years to accomplish nEngland would perhaps only take onesixtli of that time In this country The

BREAKING THE TRUST2 dory Strictly Fresh Eggs c2 doz Storage Eggs bc2 packages Cereal Coffee c-

Oat Meal per package lOc3jo Clam Chowder 3k4 lbs Drown Beans 2cBest Crotmery Butter 33cxGallon cnn PeachesStock Fish per lb 1A3 lfic Mackerel Zoo-

tJO Salt Ilomn Zoc1 25c nettle Bishops Catsup and 6

lbs Sugar 600

Pure Olive 011 per bottlo xp-

cCurtlce Jam 2 for 50-

t 2 lbs Macaroni 150-

ZC Jam CSCLarge Oranges per dos6 Ills Apples ic

f 3 lbs Onions lOcGallon can Syrup OC

36c Clam Chowder roc2 lbs Lemon Biscuits 1cl Best DrIed Peaches per Ib IOeApricots Peaches Cherries Grapes

Prunes per can I5ctoe Jet Olt Elacking lOc3 lbs Raisins ac-16c Lemon Biscuits wc-

Ibll3 Ginger Snaps 2Zc

Bakers Chocolate per lb 3Sc

Bakers Cocoa per lb Zoo

Dried Beef per pound 15c-

icSIbs Oat Mealt Cocoanut Cakes per

Gallon can plums ZocGallon can Tomatoes Zoo

6 cans Oil Sardines 2OSliver Gloss Starch 100-

RllIslns por package IOe4 lbs Navy Beam c4 Iba Rico ac6 bare hits P ac-

Cranberrlea lacHires Root Beer 10c-

i boxes Best Matcltcs c-

2lb cnn Pork and Beans lOc6 cans Milk Zo-cZlb can Pork and Benne 15oCampbell Soup per can-to

cBaking ponder

Z cans Tomatoes 10-0i bars heat cmAll Soap 0-

Iii pkgs Smoking Tobacco lOc2 cane t-


Cocoa 160Bird Surd 05c-


STOREi2 South West Temple St

Writer refers to the bIrth and increaseor selfpropelled haulage traffic In EngThe country is divIded Into counties rural districts urban districtboroughs anti cIties In dOlllng withEnglish road construction It Is well tonote that the arrangements as regardsdrainage and its disposal are as nearperfection fiS can be The first essentlal for u good road Js a good foundation after that drainage and if pOSIble waterprOOf surface A n practicalrend makers are agreed that the onlypractical vay to make a good road andto keep It us such is to first put In agood fountlaton and then keep the watel out ot It

IN nl BAT DISTRICTSIn rural llstrlcts or England and inprivate streets that is streets thatIlllve not been adopted by the authorltles the genoal modus operandi Is totlrst excavate and remove 12 to HInches or dirt and then place on endside lay side sandstone pitching aboutnine Inches long and fill the Interslices with broken rubble sandstoneand well roll and consolidate Thismakes un excellent foundation which Isstrong enough to carry continuousweights up to four and five tons distrlhuted on oUlwheelCd vehicles On

this foundation live or six Inches ofbroken macadam is then well rolledwith a steam roller As fur us practlclbte they cumber should be just sufl1cient for draining the water off theroad so as to distribute the traffic I

evenlyNew roads In rural lstllctsare made up In similar manlier but

rural roads already macadamized butIn such condition as to require re-making are being reconstructed onwhat they term the GladwellThis system has upset the whole theoryor tho old style of macadam road maIing The practise or building the metal together with hogging which is-practlcatly road sweepings and outerforced Into the Interstices from the tophas been substituted with the following

MACADAM ROADSThe old madam road Is scarrlfiedjust sutliclently to disturb the old met

al and on this scarrlfied surface a thinlayer of lint granite or slagtratel1 withhot tar or pitch and creosote Is spreadUpon this tarred material the ordinarybroken slag or granite Is distributedup to three Inches or four Inches thickThe whole surface Is then well rolledwith steam roller

The pressure on till lop layer orgranite or slab spues or forces the tarred material Into the voids fromthe bottom The results of this systemhave been most encouraging and satis-factory Life is added to the materialused owing to the use or tar and adustless surface formed Tho cost InEngland of n road treated In this man-ner Is not more than G per cent overthe old way and this Is more thancovered by the extra life of the rondoMacadam roads predominate In all urban distrIcts throughout England Thetraffic passing over these roads Is notnecessarily ns heavy as that whichpasses over the main county roads Itmust be observed that automobile trafJlc Is very frequent and has been veryconsiderably increased NoiselessnessIs something which has to be considered owIng to the residential nature ofthese distrIcts Instead of ordinarymacadam these roads are being large-ly converted Into tar mac roads ThisIs two Inches or two and a half inchesbroken granite or slag treated wIthtar and bonded with n tarred slagor granite dust The life of these tarmac roads Is about double that of theordinary macadam besides the elimination ot dust which is something muchto be desired Slag is more susceptibleto tar treatment than granite owIng toits porous nature-

ASPHALT AND WOOD BLOCKSIn the shopping centers or the largo

cities and towns of England the principal form ot paving Is either asphaltor wood blocks The former Salt Lakers are familiar with It significanthowever that a considerable portion otthe wood blocks used for road andstreet paving In England are shippedover from this western part of America They measure from three Inchesto four Inches It width five or sixinches In depth and seven Inches inlength These blocks are creosotedand are laid on a bed of concrete Thejoints are made with a composition otpitch and creosote It makes an idealpaving as far as appearance and noiselessness are concerned but Is slipperyand greasy it damp weather The lifeof such paving is anything from nine to14 years according to traffic conditionsand Quality or wood used

The kind of paving used In the largemanufacturIng districts and aroundand about the docks of seaport townswhere traffic conditions are congest-ed and heavy Is prIncipally granitepaving These setts are cut fromgranite blocks to any or the followingdimensions 4xG Inches 4x5 inches 3xG

inches 3x5 incites and 4 inches cubeThe length ot the sett varies from i-

to 10 Inches They are clean cut InvarIably laid on concrete and as a rulethe joints grouted with pitch and creo-sote Sometimes the joints are halttllled with pitch and creosote so as tobe absolutely waterproof and thenfinished with cement and sand one tothree The life ot a granite sett pav-ing where traffic conditions are veryheavy Is from 20 to 26 years

ENGLANDS MAIN ROADSAdverting to the question ot main

roads ot England those arterIes whIchlink together the manufacturing townsof the country the upkeep or which isso essential to tho best commercIal Interests of the manufacturing commu-nities We must remember that theirorigin frequently dates bade to thedays of the Romans so that the accumulation or granite slag or otherhard material which had been used IntheIr construction has been accumulating all theso years and forms-n foundation even LOtter than concretewould be The natter of self propelledhaulage trame has already been notedas beIng the cause for necessitatingthe reconstruction of these main roads

Tho writer has also suggested thatn system of reconstruction to suitmodern requirements both as regardsto automobile trnll1c as well ns theheavier kind has been brought underthe serious consideration of road engineers hath In England and FranceThis is also II Question that mustsooner or later force itself on the backsof American engineers and municipalcouncils So far the host substitutewhich is claimed by nil who late gl-

en It a trial and us vastly superior tomacadam Is one that dates back Inprinciple to the old Roman systemIt is spoken of as German klolnpUas

I Fresh FishIs the solution of Ile Ifigln Price ProJlclll We are making au

effort to provIde Fish to suit every purse

Carp per pound tc Salmon per pound 20c

Carp ready for the pan lOcI

Black Bass per pound SOc

HerrIng per pound Je Soles per pound 15c

Halibut per pound 17 cFancy Fresh Dressed Chickens 25c

Booth Gunrailced CUll oyster caeb IOc OOe SOc

r Booth Fisheries Co30 West First South

J 1 f < j i w i l4j 2 fiJ

tel and has been universally adoptedIn Germnny Austria Italy and othercountries in Europe It has proved unexcellent armoring for macadam roads

I BUILDING METHODSThe method employed Is to scarrlfy

about four Inches front the top of anexisting macadam road the macadamtaken oft the top can always hoscreened and used agaIn on some oilierroad well roll and consolidate thescarritied portion and then lay threeand a half to four Inch granite cubesside by side In segmental rows on alayer of sand just sufficient to bedthe cubes The surface Is well rammedwith GO Ib wooden ramnters amt tinesand is lynched Into time joints withwatr rime wMhlng process consolldates the sand Into the joints so thatIt becomes hard like sandstone at thesame time artordlng a certain amountof reslllenc Laying the cubes Insegmental rows creates a cotslderable number or concentric joints Theresult Is an excellent foothold forlioness a splendid surface for nutol11ohlles and a very durable roadway forheavy traffic

Engineers who have laid thIs system claim It is practicaliy noIselessand dustless The cubes placed so asto form rings distribute the load ona ttIteel over a larger area than If setIn straight courses and no doubt thisalso accounts for the noiselessness Inappearance It resembles a broad mo-saic It Is pleasing to the eye nailfrom a hygienic point of view ox-

sellent as It can be flushed with W-ater the mama as at asphalt road It Is

I very much cheaper to lay than asphaltand much more safe for horsesMachines for rapping off the cubes areeasily obtainable The cost In EnglandIs about 20 per cent more titan macadarn but the life many times longerSome of these roads have ben laid inGermany 25 or 30 years and are Inexcellent condition today

THE DUST PROBLEMThe dust problem Is a question that

appeals to all For treating macadamroads the most effective Is by the application of tar Many engineers paintmacadam roads with tar but whileexcellent results havo becn obtainedIn England the sun would perhapsinterfere with such gratifying resultsIn this country Having regard to theclimate here the writer Is decidedlyot the opinIon that spraying the macadam roads with till under pressure would ho both economical and-effective The Toad to be treated-should first be thoroughly swept andthe tar sprayed on the road front ntar spraying umcltine The tar shouldbe boiling It can under pressure beforced Into the Interstices or the ma-cadam and usually lasts aboutthreemonths Machines self propelled carbe obtained easily enough The savingas regards tar spraying versus watersprinkling during tho summer seasonIs considerable There Is a portabletm macadam machine on the market InEngland It can be taken to the roadsidewhere slag or granite is laying Aman feeds It with the material to betreated at one end the material passesthrough a riddling process hot allchamber tar bath and comes out atthe other end tar macadam The

machIne will treat about 50 tons porday

POOR AS ROAD BUILDERSIn England the ways and means for

the poor man owning his own home areas many and varied as In this countryThe high rates of wages do not operate there as In this country but thecost or property Is not so hIgh Thuterms and advantages offered arc asa rule more seductive Every owneror property whether it be the individualWorkingman owner or the larger in-

vestor Is compelled lIy law to makegood the roadway and footpath ad-joining his estate and this In accordwith n specification authorized by themunicipal authority After thlll require-ment has been adhered to the street Istaken over by the authorities mid main-tained thereafter out of the rates

Municipal loans me controlled hywhat Is known as the local governmentboard This board is under the directcontrol of government officials Loansto be paId for out of the rates canonly be raised after a government en-quiry mid sanction In passing theamiter would like to remark upon per-manent ways nc regards electric carundertakings In England the track Isbuilt on a concrete foundation Thuflange of the rail Is bedded In concrete Between the tracks and clear-way are paved and made watertightan 18 Inch watertight margin extendstram the outside ot the rails The roadbed Is consequently as solid as rockand the cost of maintenance reduced to-

n minimum This principle affords a-

very considerable savings In repairsNEED OF SALT LAKE

Salt Take with Its beautiful residential districts Its engaging buildingsand natural environments Is II citywell worthy or good substantial streetsand highways The first and most Im-

portant prhciples of roatlmnkln how-ever should never be neglected Themost economIcal road Is a good roadFoundations drainage and when posslble waterproof surface are necessaryfor II good road Bettor to make onemile of substantial road than 10 mileot the other kind Enslands salvationas regards cheapness of living Is to agreat extent due to hN excellent ronilsthus linking the farmer with town andcity The Santo savntlon is applicableto AmericaS EDWARDS F T S E

London England

McConabays annual grab baS saletoday and tomorrow 64 Mllln street

FRENCII AND ENGLISIi WOMENThough there Is far less suffrage

propaganda In France the superiorposition or the French woman hasoften been noted It the husband keepsa shop she keeps It too there Is noquestion or her capacity for businessnor Is her share In time joint businessregarded as interference with rareexceptions It Is almost impossible toImagine the Englishwoman In a posi-tion so entirely taken for granted Butthen she starts on a different basisIn France the portlonlets girl wouldhe fairly certain not to marry from themoment or her birth therefore herparents set to worlt to provide herwith a dot Incidentally Ue dotsystem Is perhaps time greatest Incentive to thrift so entirely lacking In thiscountry The dowered girl goes to herhusband with a certain solid backing

which proves Its value in times otstress or illnessstd is not only willingbut prepared to work

Time average Englishwoman on theother hand will be Independent butshe Is also romantic And romancewith her prefers the role or beggarmaid to KIng Cophetun In item heartof Jeart8 she likes her ltusband toraise her to hIs sIde She scorns

romance on a busIness basis Too latedoes she realize that the small huslness or professional roan cannot real-ly afford the luxury of a housekeeperHe spends on her more that he getsCrom Item Her value to JIlin Is one of-estlme In a day It may be reduced

to nil rite Independence she hopedto Increase by marriage depends en-tirely on his kindliness or forbearanceLondon Truth-

McConnhays annual grab bag salotoday fiat tomorrow IH Main street



We are the pioneers In Job Printhag and Book DIIllllnJ In the stateOur facilities are the best for handling any class of work no matter nowlarge or Iron small






1t e


vo J

I Saturday Will be a Day of Little Prices = 111

I to offset the Cost of High Living J

f Attractive Sale of Suits Dressesand Skirts

1 t1 She who buys in season has the natural advmitage and the satisfaction of early styles

She who waits awhile finds that the same stylesare to be had at prices considerably less

In Salt Lake there are hundreds of women whootherwise find it difficult Women who would findit difficult otherwise dress wellilW

The Saturday salt specials will appeal to thesevJih economic womenrQJD The stocks are large and the assortments splen-


Tailored Panama Skirts of SplendidQuality

tvJfuNcw plaited styles black brown and navy also an excep-

tional value in black Voileplaited style trimmed with blacksatin piping and buttons Values tip to 975 Saturdayspecial sale 495

I OnePiece DressMisses

s for Ladies and


Serge panama broadcloth and novelties desirable stylesin brown navy green red gray and black Jaunty effects in

k4 I blue and white also blllck and white shepherd checks Saturday specIals 695 995 Io95 1295 I95

Ladies Neckwear a FeatureSaturday

tKft Neek ear specials are always interesting TheyY

enable women to buy for future use The styles ineluded in the sale are the very ones which are being bought every day The reductions are pro-nounced

Collars tabs and ascotsslightly soiled 10crant jabots tabs nl collarsyalues to 75c

lW for 25cBlack moire coat sets piped with black and

t white 225 values for L45Gray coque feather sniffs and boa set 700 for

300k1fu Coque feather boas in white sky gray blackiTcIb and white Values to 650 for 175

1 Initial Handkerchiefs1WD Ladies dainty and sheer 25c values for 15c

initial handkerchiefs special 5coomlLadies






3lAS S


See this noblty hat How wouldyou like ono that will look as pretty

RI IN on you as thIs one does on timepicture girl Now showing ofGage tailored hats for street andtraveling

850 to 15M0

tSaturday Shoe Specials

265Hundreds of womens shoes to

shoes table manyfront ofpatents

Misses and Childrens tablelace

4 li

Han some in Velvet Dressesu IIn the new braided effects navy brown green purple and

black Values up 4Joo Sllturday 1975

Ladies Tailored Slife r l

Threequarter length coats in semi fitted styles i


Plaited gored skirts broadcloths serges cheviots arid i1

novelty materials Sizes 32 42 colors and black Saturday mil

onehalf price from up to

Big oj coats atd capes latest styles and high L-



grade at onehalf price

lub Dresses of percales chambray ginghams pretty i

styles neatly trimmed bias folds and buttons Ii


Junior Misses Suits at Half Price r

Saturday we offer as a specIal feature our en ltire remaining stock of junior misses suits in V 1b

Ijthreepiece TI10delsconsisting of 36 garments

in sizes 10 11 12 13 14 15 and 16 years at onethe regular priceevery garment in the house

is strictly new of thIS seasons purchase IIYJD

The quality of these suits are in i i

i r

keeping with the reputation of

this storein fact the garmentsJ1lfii

are n little higher grade than mnJusually purchased in these sizes 1


tailoring one of the spe-


t1 I

features and the best thata It

skilled operatives can produce d r l-

considering the prices now madet

i 1c t

you are offered a highclass




at just what you would ii

ordinarily pay for shoddy majj

terial and w workmanshi ijL t if

Other Sales in rn

1 ltProgress iR

For Boys2i to years-

Winter Overcoats Half PrIceWinter Suits OneThirdSweaters OneThIrd OttCorduroy Knee Pants 125

for G5c


Waist SaleAn assortment of black silk waists are

being dosed out at greatly reduced pricesSome are tucked all over buttons in frontotltersbutton in the back with fancy yokesof net and taffeta bands These values areup to S750 for 395495

Vkite lawn waists in the newest cutstrimmed with val and baby inch lace withthe new sleeve and cuff These waists arcvery fine295

Saturday Specials in theDrug Section

Lees Egg Tar soap for I5cOrange Flower Vater for toilet use 5oc

and 25cDioxogen regular 25c our price I9CFormolid an illlliseptic solution 3acA perfect massage cream for cleansing

and beautifying the skin always sweet

Special lOC 40CViolet talcum for the nursery and bath

in pound cans each 25cRegular 25c tooth brushes I5c 2 for 2SC

Imported perfumes a reduced price

of pairs worth 35C1

for on bargainstock broken worth 500 oo 700 Tans-

t kid and calf

145 school shoes on bargainand



to fj 4


fitted oror

toPrices range 79J 2750




twoand NlB










For GirlsJ

1 fHHi

Sizes 2 to 14 years I

All WInter Coats Half Prlco iAll Wool Dresses OneThird Off i

Angora cloth and velvet Tans 14 J

all half price

VOl r ji

g e






moquetAmong the odors arcPivers rose violet

and Oreatle Roger is Gallets ttiJockey Club Vera Violette Indian NayRubidina and Bouquet le Amonis Jick L 1

Aiglon lIanon Lescant and Heliotrope

Ladies Hand Bags for 5t

Genuine seal black brown green and k

blue leather lined riveted frame Regu-lar

r795 and 84 for 500 t

Notion Specialsf1

Ladies pad supportersregular 25cvalues for roc rl

Pearl buttons white and smoked 25Ccard for IOC

Pearl buttons niediunl and large sizes ItRegular 50c and hoc a dozen Special 2cIn

Saturday Can dles ijV-11

hipped cream chocolates which always i

sold at 40C a pound3oc a poundFancy mixed Bon Bons and cream choco-


Special 25c a poundOur special K O B pound box of high J


grade chocolates Saturday special 25ceach



j Our customers look forward to OlW Saturday evening concerts It brightens the evenin and addspleaszc1a to shopping Come and meet your friends


1WJ 1


500I95Samplc womcu pairs


i button








3Jc=WVoniclls and Cltilhrens jersey leggins worth Ioo and125 1lD-I35Vomens House Slippers and tTu1ictii worth r75 and20o

Misses rimI Chldrens school shoes a splendid assortmentNl-

DMens Shoes and Oxfords vfuSaturday special our regular 500 mattes at 395 1

225 Boys ShoesShoes we will recommend to wear and shoes that fit

