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Au Psy492 E Portfolio Arias.G

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1 Undergraduate Studies ePortfolio Gladys Arias BA Psychology, 2010
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Undergraduate Studies ePortfolio

Gladys AriasBA Psychology, 2010

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Personal Statement

I like to consider my life as a journey full of experiences that has allowed me to grow into the strong, wise and determined individual I have become today. My major motivations throughout my childhood and now as an adult include God, my mother and family, and my adaptation skills to new beginnings and changes in my life.

Growing up in a single parent Christian household, I would always ask myself, “How do I acquire the skills to become like her?” The admiration I had and still have for my mother has been my ultimate motivation to succeed in life. She would constantly explain to me that hard work, whether if it’s in an academic, professional, or personal setting, has its great rewards. She also mentioned that living in the United States as a minority required me to prove myself in a greater degree. In the process of absorbing all her positive energy and outlook on life, I began to read, write and study as much as possible to enhance my intelligence from the age of five. Twelve years later, I ranked number eight out of 800 students in my graduating class, thus graduating with honors. I was also accepted into my first pick university, Rutgers University in New Jersey the following year.

Adapting to new beginnings has been the greatest adjustment I’ve made in my style of living. Living most of my life in New Jersey and being accustomed to the same routine was all I knew until I moved to Tampa, Florida. The word “change” alone was anxiety provoking for me growing up. However, my new beginning in Tampa was just another interesting chapter to my long journey and has been one of the best decision’s I’ve ever made. After only two months of living here, I was accepted to Argosy University for the undergraduate psychology program and became a supervisor at BCBG MaxAzria. Soon I’ll be graduating with honors for the second time and continuing my education in graduate school. I was forced to adapt quickly which is what I consider to be my best quality. Now my recognition of the word “change” is perceived as a new opportunity.

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Personal Statement Cont…

In addition, the psychology field has been of interest to me now for a couple of years. The inspiration of my autistic nephew is what has made me so passionate of why I’m studying psychology today. Although developmental psychology has been my main focus, forensic psychology has become my new interest of study as well. My focus geared towards forensic psychology after watching documentaries, reading articles, and researching in depth about human trafficking. I decided to join the “Save the Slaves” foundation in hope to one day be professionally involved with this particular field of psychology. I want to be able to gain as much knowledge on this issue or whatever it is I’m specializing in, thus, excelling in my area of expertise.

Overall, the best part of my lifelong journey isn’t reaching my actual destination, but instead the experiences that I’m able to endure. There’s never a conclusion to anything without there first being a beginning. Therefore, I want to start my new beginning in the hope of becoming a wise, successful doctor with an exhilarating career ahead of me.


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My Resume

Gladys A. Arias

12329 Country White Circle

Tampa, FL 33635

[email protected]



To acquire a position in a demanding, corporate and professional environment that would allow me to grow in my future



Argosy University

Psychology Major


BA Psychology

Rutgers University

Psychology/Biology Major


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My Resume cont…

Employment History continued:

BCBG MaxAzria Group

Dillard’s Partner Shop

Floor Supervisor


Tampa, Fl

Managing associates and working as a team to meet quotas, keep up with daily, weekly, and monthly assignments,



Y.E.S Department

Sales Specialist- Active and Tee Zone Specialist

08/2007 to 07/2008

Wayne, NJ

Fast, accurate, and in personal/over the phone customer service; Meeting sales quotas on a daily basis; clienteling





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My Resume cont…

Employment History Cont…

Panna La Griglia Ristorante

Assistant Manager

Morristown, NJ

08/2006 to 05/2007

Supervised Italian Restaurant and managed all restaurant protocols.

Wild Pair

Bakers Footwear Group

Sales Representative

Paramus, NJ

10/2004 to 07/2006

Fast, accurate, and courteous Customer Service Representative in a small retail setting.

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My Resume cont…


Free the Slaves


2009- present

FTS puts forward a plan to bring slavery and human trafficking to an end

Autism Speaks



Autism Speaks is dedicated to facilitating global research into the causes, treatments, prevention and an

eventual cure for autism.

Tutoring/Note Taking

Rutgers University


Assisted those with disabilities who were unable to write their own notes for classes; I attended the classes for these

students and took the notes for them.

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I began Argosy University in September 2008 to continue and complete by BA in psychology. Reflecting back on all of the courses completed here at AU, I’ve learned not only an in depth view of psychology, but also where I stand as in individual in this field. In addition to the classes taken, the intimate setting amongst students and faculty allowed me to have a better focus on all the opportunities I am able to endure for my career in psychology.

My first impression of AU was one I didn’t expect. Once I finished my first semester, I was convinced that anything’s possible if you are persistent in your work. The level of comfort and understanding was something I never experienced before. It was a fresh breathe of air. I felt like I was finally progressing in the right direction. My writing, comprehension of material, and communication skills have all been enhanced throughout my journey here at AU. My critical thinking skills as well as my knowledge of psychology has also improved significantly.

In all, my utmost fear of public speaking has been overcome. Argosy University allowed me the chance to get through many academic obstacles such as this one. It gave me the motivation to continue working towards my long-term goals. I want to continue growing as an individual and being sure of what I want for my future. AU has been an inspiring stepping stone for what is yet to come.

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Table of Contents

Cognitive Abilities: Autistic Children and theFamily

Research Skills: Hypochandriasis

Communication Skills: Effective Listening

Diversity Awareness: DR and PR

Ethics: HIPPA

Foundations of Psychology: Brain Size Between

Men and Women

Applied Psychology: MMPI & MMPI-2

Interpersonal Effectiveness: Self Analysis

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Critical ThinkingAutistic Children and the Family

Autistic Children and the Family


Autistic Children and the Family

Argosy University

Gladys Arias         

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Critical ThinkingAutistic Children and the Family

Autistic Children and the Family

AbstractAbout one out of every hundred and fifty children is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

annually. An autistic child’s behavior, communication, and motor skills are affected by this disorder, thus hindering normal development. ASD not only affects the patient, but also the parents and siblings. However, studies have shown that the disorder alone is not solely the cause for the family’s emotional, social, physical and psychological burden. The affect depends on the sibling’s, “sex, birth order, socioeconomic status, personality and parental responses to the handicapped child (Laboto, 1983).” Conclusions found that sibling problems and coping strategies of the brothers and sisters of children with ASD results in aggressive behavior and was the most commonly reported interaction problem (Ross & Cuskelly, 2006). But this is not solely the problem for the issues concerning behavior amongst the siblings. Other in depth research has investigated the importance of supportive siblings and parents during the developmental process in an autistic child’s life. Siblings have shown to contribute a positive influence to their sibling with autism. The relational shifts within sibling relationships and through the expectable differential parental treatment of each child are highly observed, including the interrelationships with the extended family, peers, and friendships, all of which contribute to shaping the meaning that siblings give to living with developmentally challenged brothers or sisters across time (Schuntermann , 2007).

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Research SkillsHypochandriasis



Hypochondriasis Somatoform Disorder: Symptoms, Cases, Treatment

Argosy University

Gladys Arias

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Research SkillsHypochondriasis


AbstractHypochondriacs live in constant fear that they are dying of a disease or even several diseases at once.

Hypochondriasis affects about 6-10% of individuals living in the United States are suffering from this disorder today (Lemonick, 2003). This disorder is categorized partly with generalized anxiety disorder and/or obsessive compulsive disorder. Hypochondriasis is defined as worry over an imagined illness with exaggeration of symptoms, no matter how insignificant, that lasts for at least six months and causes a great deal of distress (Hypochondriacs, 2009). For many individuals, it tends to develop in their twenties or thirties and affects men and women equally (Cyberchondria, 2009). There are a number of common diseases that hypochondriacs typically are concerned that they may be suffering from including HIV/AIDS, Fybromyalgia, Mesothelioma, Multiple Sclerosis, Type II Diabetes, Melanoma, Leukemia, IBS, and brain tumors (Hypochondriacs, 2009). A hypochondriac can worry that they may be suffering from just about any disease especially because so many symptoms are non-specific such as fevers, headaches, and dizziness (Hypochondriacs, 2009). Also, it can develop as a secondary illness to depression, schizophrenia, and generalized anxiety disorder (Cyberchondria, 2009).

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Communication SkillsEffective Listening

Recognizing My Listening Skills


 Recognizing my Listening Skills and Feedback through Nonverbal Expression

Gladys Arias

Argosy University



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Communication SkillsEffective Listening

Recognizing My Listening Skills

AbstractExpressing one’s thoughts by nonlinguistic means, or nonverbal communication,

plays an important role when engaged in a conversation with another person. Our actions tend to speak louder than our words signifying that what we do often convey more meaning than what we say. Smiling at someone or nodding your head up and down is letting someone know that you are thanking them or that you understand the point they are trying to make, for instance. Personally speaking, my nonverbal expressions may sometimes seem deceiving but for the most part, direct.

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Diversity Awareness: Dominican Rep. and Puerto Rico

Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico



D.R. and P.R.: Two Hispanic Countries with More Similar than Different Cultural Characteristics

Gladys Arias

Argosy University



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Diversity Awareness: Dominican Rep. and Puerto Rico

Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico


Culture and society are two words that interconnect with each other where culture is a shared way of life or social heritage and society refers to “people who interact in a defined territory and share a culture (Macionis, 2007).” Many Hispanic countries eat the same food, speak the same language, and like the same music. The Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico are both Hispanic dominating countries especially here in the United States, mainly in NY, who share similar language, behavior, morals, and even traditions as oppose to other Spanish speaking countries. However, both countries do differ somewhat economically, politically, materialistically and symbolically.

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Ethics: HIPPA

Ethical Issues



 Ethical Issues in Counseling Practices: HIPAA

Gladys Arias

Argosy University


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Ethics: HIPPA

Ethical Issues


The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a Federal law that makes a number of changes that have the goal of allowing persons to qualify immediately for comparable health insurance coverage when they change their employment relationships (Bunce, Mikele, &Sinaiko, 2008). HIPAA provides for a standardized, basic level of security and privacy throughout the country for many patients. Its purpose is to protect the personal, private and confidential information relating to the client’s medical concerns or issues. HIPAA is an effective way in protecting a client’s identity if all physicians and staff understand and abide by its regulations. Misinterpretation may lead to lots of controversy, thus defeating the purpose of this security act. So when are we really being protected?

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Foundations of PsychologyBrain Size Between Men and Women

Brain Size

Running Head: BRAIN SIZE

Brain Size Between Men and Women

Gladys Arias

Argosy University

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Foundations of PsychologyBrain Size Between Men and Women

Brain Size


Scientifically speaking, there are studies that have found that men have more synapses connecting the cells in a particular part of the brain than women do. Each sex tends to perform well at different types of cognitive functions. Some research shows that men tend to do well at mental rotation of objects and spatial perception, whereas women tend to be better at verbal memory and fluency (Thompson, 2008).The scientific finding behind this particular issue is that the brain is made primarily of two different types of tissue, called gray matter and white matter. In human brains, gray matter represents information processing centers, whereas white matter works to network these processing centers. More in depth research concludes that men think more with their gray matter, and women think more with white (Carey, 2005). Also, researchers have found that although the two sexes think differently, it does not affect intellectual performance (Carey, 2005).

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Applied Psychology MMPI & MMPI-2


Running Head: MMPI AND MMPI-2

The History, Development, and Current Applications

of the MMPI and MMPI-2

Gladys Arias

Argosy University

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Applied Psychology MMPI & MMPI-2



The MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) is the most frequently used evaluation designed to test for personality dysfunctions today. This instrument is mostly based on clinical, validity, and supplementary scales. It provides a clear and valid description of patient’s problems, symptoms, and characteristics for psychologists and psychiatrists during the diagnostic process. The history of the MMPI goes as far back as the 1930’s which was known for its uniqueness at the time of its development. Over the years, the MMPI-2 was developed as a revision of the original test. The MMPI’s primary function was to allow psychologists and psychiatrists the ability to assign appropriate “psycho-diagnostic labels” (Graham et al., 2000) for every individual being tested. The test was first published in 1943 by two test authors, psychologist Starke Hathaway, Ph.D., and psychiatrist/neurologist J. Charnley McKinley, M.D. (2000). The test was named after the University of Minnesota Hospital, where Hathaway and McKinley both worked during the 1930-40’s (2000). Hathaway believed that the real reason the test was developed was due to the reports of insulin shock treatments with schizophrenics (Karp & Karp, 2000).

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Interpersonal EffectivenessSelf Analysis

Self Analysis




My Self Analysis and Interpersonal Effectiveness with Others

Gladys Arias

Argosy University


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Interpersonal EffectivenessSelf Analysis

Self Analysis


Our self perceptions as well as our perceptions of others are not the same from moment to moment. Certain factors such as mood or cultural background may influence the way one will view a situation or a person. Waking up in the morning in a grumpy mood, for instance, may result in having a hostile attitude at work. I’ve learned, however, that in order to become successful in communication with others, I have to be aware of both my strengths and weaknesses in interpersonal effectiveness. Acknowledging these areas of development will help me to establish whether or not to eliminate certain behaviors or perceptions and replace them with more efficient ones. Also, understanding my self-awareness and self-concept will help generate my personal development plan for future situations and interactions with others.

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My Future in Learning

The process of learning and applying what you’ve learned is developed through experiences. All of what I’ve learned in the past, present, and now my future, has allowed me to grow as an individual. My goal to pursue graduate school is where my future in learning will continue. I believe that acquiring the skills needed to succeed will allow me to further my career in psychology. I will continue to read, write, and research all that is within my field of interest. Nothing is possible without appliance. In order to continue learning, I will utilize what I’ve learned through my personal and professional experiences to the best of my abilities. As my mother once said, “You can lose everything materialistic, but no one can ever take away what you’ve been developing all of your life, your wisdom and intelligence. Solely with this, you can conquer anything.”

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My Journey

It's not about what's on the other side of the mountain...But instead, it’s all about the climb…

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ReferencesBunce, R. Mikele, R. & Sinaiko, R. (2008) HIPAA: The Next Phase

Carey, Bjorn. (2005) “Men and Women Really Do Think Differently.” Live Science.

Graham, John R. (2000) MMPI-2: Assessing Personality and Psychopathology (3rd ed). NewYork: Oxford University Press

“Hypochondriacs” (2009) Information retrieved from The Hypochondriacs

“Internet makes Hypochondria Worse: Cyberchondria” (2009)

Karp, Cheryl L. Ph.D., Karp, Leonard J.D., (1997-2000). MMPI.

Laboto, Debra. (1983) Siblings of handicapped children: A review. The Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Springer Netherlands. Vol 13, Num 4.

Lemonick, Michael D., (2003 ) “How to Heal a Hypochondriac” Times Magazine.

 Macionis, John J. Society: the basics. (2007). Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ

Schuntermann, Peter. (2007) The Sibling Experience. Growing up with a Child Who has Pervasive Developmental Disorder or Mental Retardation. Harvard Review of Psychiatry. Vol.15 Issue 3, p93-108, 16p

Thompson, Andrea. (2008) “Brains Wired Differently in Men vs. Women.” Live Science.

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For further information, please contact me at the e-

mail address below. [email protected]
