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Auction administration tools

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Sensible Development Auction Technology Administrator Tools
Page 1: Auction administration tools

Sensible Development Auction


Administrator Tools


Page 2: Auction administration tools

Absentee bidding – overview of bidding on the site

Auction – managing lots, bids and events on the site

Classified – managing ads placed on the site

Flat Pages – managing the site’s flat pages

General – categories and tags

Site Object – editing the site object

Watchlists – managing users’ watchlists

CSV Export – exporting auction data for reporting purposes

User – managing users registered to the site

Email – managing emails sent to users of the site

Invoices – managing invoices and credit notes

PayPal – setting up and managing PayPal payment

File Upload – uploading miscellaneous files to the site

API – application programming interface

Absentee Bid Table

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The absentee bid table gives you an

overall view of how the auction is

going and allows you to keep track of

bidding. It gives a list of all lots

currently up for auction along with:

the current highest bid

the highest bidder

the maximum bid the user is

willing to bid

the amount of bids placed so


the increment

the reserve price

Lot management

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This is where all lots on your site (whether current, ended or yet to be published) can be viewed and managed.

The table lists lots in addition to:


End date

Overtime period

Auction to which lot belongs

Whether or not the lot is a preview

Whether or not the lot has been paid for

Whether or not the winner has been notified

To add a lot to the system click on the Add new lot button at the bottom of the page. It is possible to edit:




Start and end date

Number and sort order


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Category and tags


Opening bid


Reserve price and Buy Now price


Overtime period


Display order

Set lot as preview

Set lot as sealed bidding only or

Buy Now only

Feature lot

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To edit a lot select its entry in the table. The editing

page allows you to modify all of the fields above, as

well as mark lot as paid for, suspend bidding and add

final sale price (after a preview auction).

Bid management

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On this page all bids placed on your auction

site can be seen on a table. The table also

includes information on:


Amount of money bid

Lot for which bid was made

Date of bid

IP address of bidder

Whether or not bid is an autobid

To edit a bid click on the bid’s entry in

the table. On the editing page it is

possible to edit all of the fields that

were displayed on the table. It is also

possible to delete the bid if necessary.

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Autobid table

This table lists all autobids placed, along with

information on:


Maximum amount of autobid

Lot for which autobid was made

To edit an autobid click on the bid’s entry in the table.

The editing page allows you to:

Change the bidder to whom the bid belongs

Change the amount of the bid

Change the lot for which the bid was made

Delete the bid

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Sealed Bid table

This table displays all sealed bids made. It

also gives information on:


Amount of money bid

Lot for which bid was made

Date of bid

IP address of bidder

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Buy Now Bid Table

This table displays all “Buy Now” bids

made, along with information on:


Amount of money bid

Lot for which bid was made

Date of bid

IP address of bidder

To edit or delete a bid click on the bid’s entry in the table. You will find yourself on a page where you can edit all

the information about the bid that is included in the

table. Click the red “Delete” text at the bottom of the

page in order to delete the bid.

Lot image management

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This page shows all lot images on the site. Simply click

on an image in order to edit, replace or delete it.

To add

a new lot image click on the “Add New LotImage” button at the

bottom of the page. This will take you to a page where you

can upload a picture file and assign it to one of the lots on the


Auction management

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This table displays all auctions that have taken place on the site. It also includes information on:

Date on which auctioned ended

Status (i.e. published or unpublished)

To edit an auction simply click on its name. You will find yourself on a page where you can edit various aspects

of the auction including:

Name of auction

Start and end date




Whether auction is featured


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To edit the auction images alone go to the

AuctionImage section of the admin system and click

on the auction images you wish to edit. You should

find yourself on a page which allows you to upload

images and assign them to an auction.

Auction User Management

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Some auction sites require that users apply to

receive permission to bid on auctions. If this is the

case all these applications can be managed in

AuctionUserStatus. On the page you will see a list of

users who have applied for bidding permission. If

you select a name in the list you will see the details

of the application. You can approve or reject the user’s application via the “Status” box.

Flat Page

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Here you can edit the various pages to be found on

the site menu – i.e. How to bid, About us, Contact

us, etc. There will be a list of the various flat pages

on the site. Click on a page’s title in order to edit it.

On the editing page you can edit:

The body text of the page

The title of the page

The page’s URL

The sort order

Choose that only logged on users can see the page

Choose whether or not page can be seen on menu

You can delete the page by clicking the red “Delete” text at the

bottom of the editing page. To add a new flat page click the

Add New FlatPage button at bottom of the main FlatPage list.

Site Object

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Here you can edit the homepage text, and a number of other things. Click on the SiteObject v1 link to edit the

site object. On the editing page it is possible to edit:

The homepage text and title

The site logo

The site masthead

The site colours

Add Google Analytics

Upload site terms and conditions

Enable/disable autoembedding

Add additional lot details

Enable/disable site registration

Add sponsor

Hide/show final prices

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Categories and tagging

The auctioneer has the ability to categorize and tag

all the lots in the system. The categories determine

the section in which the lots will appear on the

website, whereas the tags provide the users will a

means to cross reference items through the use of

related keywords.

The Categories page features a table in which all

lot categories on the site are listed. To edit a

category select the category’s title.

The Tag page displays a list of all tags it is possible

to use on the site. Select a tag in order to edit it. To

add a new tag select the “Add New Tag” button at the bottom of the page.

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Watch List Management

This section of the site allows you keep track of the lots users

have added to their personal watchlist.

Clicking on the items in the list will allow you to see the

details of the watchlist item:

User who added item to their watchlist

Date item was added to the watchlist

Time item was added to the watchlist

To add an item to a user’s watchlist click on the “Add New

WatchListItem” button at the bottom of the page.

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CSV Export

Data about lots, bids, emails, invoices and

everything else on the site can be exported

for reporting purposes. To do this simply click

on the text saying “cvs export” which is

located near the top left of most admin

pages. This will immediately export the

data on the page onto an Excel document.

User management

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The “User” page features a table of all the

users registered to the site along with their:

Admin status

Email address

Company name

Date account was registered

To edit a user’s details click on their entry in

the table. On the editing page it is possible


Edit username

Edit password

Alter admin status

Alter account’s active status

Edit user’s first or last name

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Edit company name

Edit contact details

Ban user

Choose to receive information on user’s

bidding activities

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To add a new user click on the “Add new user”

button at the bottom of the page. The Add User

page contains all the fields listed above.

The User page can also be used to resend

activation emails if necessary. You can do this by

ticking the boxes to left of the users to whom you

intend to send the email. Then click the “Go” button

next to the box on the top left of the screen titled

“Resend Activation Email”.

UserSession allows you to see a list of all registered

users currently logged in to the site. Selecting an entry

in the list takes you to a page where you can see at

what time the user logged in and at what time their

session will expire.

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Wanted Ads ManagementAll ads placed on the site are listed in a table in

addition to information on whether or not the ad

has been published and its display order. To edit

an ad click on its entry in the table. It is possible to edit:


Published status

Body text

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Display order

Start and end date

Advertiser’s web address


Site Email Management

All email templates for emails automatically sent

out by the site when users register, place a bid,

reset their password, etc. are listed in a table along

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with their enabled status. Select an email’s entry in order to find out its details, edit or delete. It is possible to


The event that triggers the email

Change the subject of the email

Change the text of the email

Change the “set” of email to which it belongs

To edit all emails simultaneously select “SiteEmailSet” on the admin menu. Here you will see a list of all “sets” of

emails on the site. Generally, there will be only one set. Select the relevant set to edit or delete all the emails in

the set in bulk.

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CustomEmail provides you with the means to create

new email templates if required.

Invoice management

Our admin system has several tools for managing

invoices sent out by the site.

Once auctions have finished the next part of the

sales process is to request payment from the

winning bidders. The invoice module provides the

administrator with the ability to create invoices (and

credit notes) in the following way:

For an entire auction

Across individual or groups of lots

For individual bids, underbids or groups of bids

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Miscellaneous line items such as delivery can

be added

Credit Notes can also be created from

existing invoices

Include multiple lots per invoice for each

buyer • VAT can be varied

according to invoice

Individual invoices for each lot

whether UK, EU or Tax exempt.

Company Info

CompanyInfo allows you to edit the details of your

company or organisation that are included on invoices. You can edit:


Bank details

Contact details

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Registration number

VAT number

VAT rate

Invoice footer

To add a new company or organisation’s details to be

included on invoices select the “Add New



CompanyLogo allows you to edit the company or organisation logo featured on invoices. To edit a logo select its

entry in the list. This will take you to the editing page where it is possible to:

Replace the image

Change image size

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Define whether or not this will be the default logo

To add a new logo select “Add New CompanyLogo” at

the bottom of the page.

Credit Notes

CreditNote allows you to manage credit notes sent to users of the site. The page displays a table listing all credit

notes in addition to:

Customer to whom credit note was sent

Auction to which lot won belonged

Name of company or organisation of customer

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Date of credit note

Total price of lot or lots won

Select a credit note’s entry in the table in order to edit it.

The editing page allows you to edit all of the fields above,

as well as:

the customer’s contact details

the company or organisation’s details

the lot details

You can create a new credit note by selecting the “Add

New CreditNote” button at the bottom of the page.


Invoice provides you with the means to manage and edit invoices. A table lists all invoices that have been

created for winners of lots on the site, in addition to:

Auction to which lot won belonged

Name of customer

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Name of customer’s company or organisation

Date of invoice

Total price of lot or lots

All these fields can be edited by clicking on the invoice’s entry. You can also edit:

Customer’s contact details

Company or organisation’s details and logo included on invoice

Content of invoice

Lot details

Payment Management

If you intend on taking payment for lots via PayPal then PayPalConfiguration is the page to go to in order

to set up your account. Select the button entitled “Add New PayPalConfiguration”.

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PayPalPayments allows you to monitor payments made. You can find out the details of a payment by

selecting its entry in the list. In addition, the “Add New PayPalPayment” button at the bottom of the page

allows you to add a new payment entry manually.

Uploading files

Should you wish to upload PDF documents, videos or

any other type of file onto your auction site you can

do so by going to “FileUpload”.

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Here you can upload a file to the site by

selecting the “Add New FileUpload” button at

the bottom of the page.

Once you’ve uploaded your file right click

“View on site” and copy the link address. To

add the file to a page on the site, simply add a

hyperlink to the copied address.

API Authoriser Key

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Our auction system allows you to let other software components to communicate with your site via our

application programming interface.

An API key is a code generated by websites that gives users permission to access the site’s API. API keys

are used to track how the API is being used. This is so as to prevent abuse of the terms of service.

The “AuthoriserKey” page lets you manage users who have access to the API and restrict their access if


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Thank you!

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+44 (0)1273 621110
