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Audience and primary research questionnaire - uses and gratifications theory.

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Audience and Primary research questionnaire – Uses and gratifications theory By Rebecca Burrell
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Audience and Primary research questionnaire – Uses and gratifications


By Rebecca Burrell

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The Questionnair


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Alexandra Gregory

From this questionnaire we can see that this female is aged between 16 and 17 seems to enjoy most genres accept adventure, sci-fi and black comedy.

She uses film to escape because she appears to have a hectic lifestyle.

Sometimes she uses film for personal; relationships with people who share similar interests to her e.g. close friends.

Sometimes she uses film for personal identity as she feels that they can be influential at times. However, she doesn’t think that it creates any synthetic personalization.

Lastly, she does not go to films for any form of personal surveillance because she believes they are far to fictional and fantasy based therefore cannot be applied to reality.

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Alexander Redfern

From this questionnaire we can see that this male is aged between 16 and 17 and appears to enjoy genres such as action and comedy.

He sometimes uses film as way to escape stress and according to his written answer, school work is the thing he needs to escape from as film helps him to relax.

He thinks that film conversation can sometimes contribute to social aspects, and he enjoys watching films with others because it adds to the experience.

He isn’t quite sure why films can influence his decisions but he does think they create a synthetic personality because it created his pre-set personality of what he wants to act like.

However, he does not go to films to seek advice because they aren’t real – they are too fake to trust.

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Alexander Tomlinson From this questionnaire we can see that this male is aged between 18 and 19 and he enjoys films such as fantasy, comedy and black comedy (thriller mixed with humor – puts fear on a lighter not)

He sometimes uses film to escape what seems to be his every day life.

He sometimes shares his film experiences and conversation topics because it keeps him up to date and ands to his viewing experiences.

He however does not in any way use films for personal identity or surveillance because films aren’t real therefore not much connection with reality can be make with them.

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Ryalls This female is aged between 16 and 17 and appears to enjoy comedy because she likes funny things.

She said that she did not use film as a form of escapism and gave no reasoning for this.

For the next set of questions, she didn’t seem to think that she used film in social situations in order to create conversation but she admitted to sometimes watching films with others.

For both of the next set of questions she said no to both without reasoning.

Lastly, she had said no to using film as a form of surveillance in order to gain an understanding an apply things to her own life.

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Emily Smith

This female is aged between 16 and 17 years old and appears to – much like the pervious girl, she only seems to be interested in comedy films.

However, this girl does not use this love of the comedy genre for a form of escapism, she simply watched comedy films in order to be entertained.

She also doesn’t seem to be to use comedy films as source of conversation in social situation sin order to find common interest, however, she does in fact watch films with other people so she has personal relationships in that aspect.

Emily however does not at all use film for personal identity - she does not think that film influences her decisions nor give her any form of synthetic personalization. But, this could be due to the fact that the genre of film she watches is comedy, and comedy has elements of things that can’t be applied to reality. This is because in comedy films, funny/offensive things are emphasized, therefore doing these things in reality may not go so well.

The same goes for her using surveillance of film – she couldn’t use film to grasp an understanding of something in real life because comedy films don’t tend to have many morals or advice, they just seem to be very silly and over the top.

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Fran Massey

This girl is aged between 16 and 17 and by the looks of her answers she appears to like all the genres that had been listed accept for black comedy

For the question on diversion (using film to escape anything stressful in her life) she answered no. Her reason for this was that she doesn’t really watch films because they tend to bore her with how long they are, therefore she can’t really watch them all of the way through.

The next questions asked if she uses film to create personal relationships. She gave quite positive answers to these questions as she stated that she sometimes uses film for a conversation tops, and that she enjoys watching films with other people because it is nice.

Next however, she answered more negatively for the questions based on personal identity. She said that she doesn’t think films influence her decisions as she is her own person therefore she can make her own designs. She also said that she thinks film sometimes created synthetic personalization but this is all down to the style of the film is and how it makes her feel.

Lastly, she said that she will sometimes use film as a source of advice(surveillance) because films can often contain valid life lessons.

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Katie Roddis

This female is aged between 16 and 17 and likes the film genres sci-fi, fantasy and comedy.

For diversion Katie answered that she sometimes uses film as a form of escapism in order to get away from life and lose herself in someone else's world (the main character) and get away from her problems.

Katie however had a mixed answer for personal relationship as she said that she does use film as a conversation tool because she feels that it helps her to bond with other people. But for the following question she said that she doesn’t watch films with other people because it disrupts her experience. This could also fall into a category of surveillance as she is using film in order to analyze and then use it in conversation – she wants to watch film simply to bond with people but also enjoy the experience.

Next she said that she sometimes feels that films can influence her decisions because characters can be role models for people. Also, she said that films create synthetic personalization and films do this because different feelings and such are meaningful to life.

Lastly, she said that sometimes she will use film for surveillance because it can give you a better outlook on the lives of other people (empathy).

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Kyle Holden

This male is aged between 16 and 17 and seems to like the film genres horror, thriller and black comedy.

He said that he sometimes uses film as a form of escapism because it is a good form of stress relief from things such as school, work, family and even friends.

He then went onto say that he uses film as a source of conversation because he feels that it is satisfying to talk to people about it and see what they also have to say about it – if they agree with you or not. Also, he said that he sometimes watches films with others because on the odd occasion it can be nice to watch films with your friends.

For the rest of the questions he answered that he sometimes used film for personal identity and surveillance, however, he did not give reason as of why.

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Nicole Henson

This female is aged between 16 and 17 years old and appears to be interested in the film genres adventure, horror, thriller, and fantasy.

For the question on diversion she has answered no to using film as a form of stress relief. Unfortunately she didn't give any reasoning for this answer.

For the next question on personal relationship, she had answered yes for using film as a conversation tool because it is a good way of starting a conversation. However, she said that she doesn’t enjoy watching films with others because she talks all the way through it, therefore ruining the film for herself and others. She then went onto say that film sometimes influences her decisions but it depends on the style film and the characters personalities. However, she couldn’t even answer the following question on synthetic personalization because she just wasn't sure.

Lastly, she had said that she didn’t use film as a form of surveillance but did not justify why.

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Tally table - GenresAudience answers









Black comedy


Nicole | | | |

Kyle | | |

Katie | | |

Fran | | | | | | | | |

Emily |

Beth |

Alexandra | | | | | | |

Alexander. R | |

Alexander. T | | |

Total: 3 2 2 2 4 4 2 5 2 7

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From my questionnaire I can see that the most popular to

least popular genres for people aged 16-19 are as follows:1) Comedy – 7 ‘votes’2) Fantasy – 5 ‘votes’ 3) Horror, thriller – 4 ‘votes’ each4) Action – 3 ‘votes’ 5) Adventure, Sci-Fi, Romance, Drama, Black comedy – 2

‘votes’ each

These results show that most people are interested in comedy films, fantasy films and both horrors and thriller.

Genres results

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Tally table – Film for escapism?

Audience answers

Yes No Sometimes

Nicole |

Kyle |

Katie |

Fran |

Emily |

Beth |

Alexandra |

Alexander. R |

Alexander. T |

Total: 1 4 4

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From my questionnaire I can see that a selection of

people aged 16-19 did use films as a form of escapism, however a majority didn’t/only sometimes use film for escapism – the order of most common answers are as follows:

1) No, sometimes – 8 people (4 each)2) Yes – 1 person

These results show that most of the people who contributed to the questionnaire either didn’t use film as a form of escapism or sometimes did.

Escapism Results

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Tally table – Film for personal relationships?

Audience answers

Yes No Sometimes

Yes No Sometimes

Nicole | |Kyle | |Katie | |Fran | |Emily | |Beth | |Alexandra | |Alexander. R | |Alexander. T | |Total: 3 2 4 3 3 3

Film for conversation? Watch films with others?

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From the data collected in my questionnaire we can see whether

people enjoyed talking about films in order to make conversation or not in – in rank order from most to least:

1) Sometimes – 4 people2) Yes – 3 people3) No – 2 people

We can also see whether or not people enjoyed watching films or not – in rank order from most to least:

1) Yes, no, sometimes – 9 people (3 each)

These results show that most of the people did in fact give a positive answer of yes or sometimes for using film as a conversation tool, however, an equal number of people said yes, no and sometimes to watching films with other people, showing that it could in fat go any of the 3 ways.

Personal Relationship Results

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Tally table – Personal Identity

Audience answers

Yes No Sometimes

Yes No Sometimes

Nicole | - - -

Kyle | |

Katie | |

Fran | |

Emily | |

Beth | |

Alexandra | |

Alexander. R

| |

Alexander. T

| |

Total: 1 4 4 1 5 2

Favorite characters influence your decisions?

Do films create synthetic personalization?

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For the question of characters influencing peoples decision, we

can see in rank order (of most to least) that people said: 1) No, sometimes - 8 people (4 each) 2) Yes – 1 person

For the next question asking about personal identity, we can also see in rank order (of most to least) that people said:

1) No – 5 people2) Sometimes – 2 people3) Yes – 1 person

From these results we can see that for a large majority, people didn’t use film for personal identity at all, but some thought so sometimes.

Personal identity Results

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Tally table –Surveillance

Audience answers Yes No SometimesNicole |Kyle |Katie |Fran |Emily |Beth |Alexandra |Alexander. R |Alexander. T |Total: 0 6 3

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From the data collected we can see in rank order (most

to least) whether people did or didn’t use film in surveillance to apply certain things to their own life:

1) No – 6 people2) Sometimes – 3 people3) Yes – 0 people

Here we can see that majority of people had in fact given a more negative answer to this question – most did not believe that they used film to gain an understanding or apply something to their own lives, the rest said that they sometimes did.

Surveillance Results
