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Audience feedback

Date post: 14-Dec-2014
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Audience feedback For our documentary feedback we got a small focus group to watch the documentary and then fill in the questionnaire shown below on this slide, this gave us views on our 5 minutes, our print advert and the radio trailer. We also added the three media pieces on to facebook and asked friends to comment on what they liked and disliked about the individual pieces and how they thought all three worked together.
Page 1: Audience feedback

Audience feedback

For our documentary feedback we got a small focus group to watch the documentary and then fill in the questionnaire shown below on this slide, this gave us views on our 5 minutes, our print advert and the radio trailer. We also added the three media pieces on to facebook and asked friends to comment on what they liked and disliked about the individual pieces and how they thought all three worked together.

Page 2: Audience feedback

After making a small group of people talk about our documentary and collected an array of opinions these are some of the comments people said........

“The music is relevant and the cutaways used are really creative, lots of different camera angles.”

“ I love how the opening titles are really creative and the way you’ve used suitable cutaways throughout the documentary.”

“Good coverage of different opinions and I liked the cutaways too, I would definitely watch the documentary.”

“The cutaways, interviews and voxpops are very effective. Very professional.”

“Could have steadier camerawork for cutaways.”

Overall our feedback was very positive, it has shown us that we have used all our footage effectively and that we have followed the codes and conventions well as people think it could be a professional media piece. Feedback has shown that we have covered a variety of topics because the audience was entertained throughout and have used our 5 minutes effectively as the audience wants to see more. However some of the comments from our questionnaires have shown us that improvements could be made with steadier camera work and avoiding any background noise. Overall feedback has shown that the documentary was successful because their was little critic but many positive said about it.

Page 3: Audience feedback

We repeated our process for the radio trailer and these are some of the comments people said ...........

“It is clear what the documentary is about and it is useful how you have put the scheduling information in at the end. I like how you have used the same music that was in the documentary, linking them together.”

“ I like the way there is small cuts of different interviews integrated into it so that you get a feel for the kind of stuff going to be in the documentary. Would make me want too watch it.”

“ I like the format and content.”

“Think the last line is really good, would make me watch.”

A common comment we got in our feedback for the radio trailer was how much people enjoyed the last line, our slogan “You coming out to play?” the use of direct address really grabs the attention of the audience which makes them feel involved, I think this is the reason that it was so popular. I have seen from the feedback that people enjoyed the topic and how we were representing it, as they felt we covered a good range of different topics.

Page 4: Audience feedback

Our final process of feedback was on our print advert here are some of the comments people said .............

“I like the main image because it is striking”.

“The advert would encourage me to watch the documentary, I like the contrast of images.”

“I like the facial expression of the person in the advert, it conveys that she is addicted to the game and ignoring the toys giving an outline to the documentary.”

I have learnt from the feedback that the print advert makes people want to watch the documentary because of its eye catching image and its use of direct address “You coming out to play?” which makes people feel more involved. I have also seen that people like the print advert because they think that it looks professional showing that we have followed the codes and conventions well, are feedback shows that this piece of media links well with the documentary and radio trailer , as people know they are related because they share the same title name, slogan and has the channel 4 logo. Audience feedback has shown that the image works well because it conveys the message of our documentary and grabs the audience attention.
