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Audio-Visual English Course (2008-2009 1st Semester) Unit 2 The Jack-O-Lantern 2 nd Class.

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Audio-Visual English Course (2008-2009 1st Semester) Unit 2 The Jack-O-Lantern 2 nd Class
Page 1: Audio-Visual English Course (2008-2009 1st Semester) Unit 2 The Jack-O-Lantern 2 nd Class.

Audio-Visual English Course (2008-2009 1st Semester)

Unit 2 The Jack-O-Lantern

2nd Class

Page 2: Audio-Visual English Course (2008-2009 1st Semester) Unit 2 The Jack-O-Lantern 2 nd Class.

Section 1 Sentence Structure Activity 1 Write down the sentences you hear. 1.

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Section 1 Sentence Structure

Activity 2 Write down the difficult sentences you hear.




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Section 1 Sentence Structure Activity 1 Write down the sentences you hear. Keys for reference

1. Excuse me ? Are you Mrs. Cross? 2. I don’t know Mr. Martin’s full name. 3. Mrs. Green lives in 137 Main Street. 4. Miss Bell was born in Paris. 5. Is Mr. Nelson a newspaper editor? 6. Miss Fuller lives downtown near a hospital. 7. Miss Mark’s initials are A. J. 8. Do you know his initials? Yes, they are C. B 9. Your initials, please? C. I. L. 10. A. F. B. are Mrs. Wilson’s initials.

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Section 1 Sentence Structure Activity 2 Write down the difficult sentences you hear.

Keys for reference

1. My full name is Rodney Hill Watson.

2. I work downtown in a large office building.

3. And your initials, please? P. G.

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Section 2 Interactive Listening Task 2

Activity 1 Listen as the dialogue continues. The dialogue is not printed in your book. As you listen, answer the following questions.

1. Do Austin and Drew want to make participation in the party mandatory?

2. What prizes does Austin suggest for the contest?

3. Where might they get the prizes for the contest? How might they get them?

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Section 2 Interactive Listening Task 2

Activity 2 Listen to the dialogue again for the meanings of the Words and phrases as they are used in the dialogue. Write your explanations on the lines after each word or phrase below.

incentive: gift certificate: custom: to lose oneself in the details:

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Section 2 Interactive Listening Task 2

Activity 2 Listen to the dialogue again for the meanings of the Words and phrases as they are used in the dialogue. Write your explanations on the lines after each word or phrase below.

incentive: something that motivates one to take determination or action; a reason 刺激 ; 鼓励 , 动机 give sb. an incentive to do sth. 激发某人去干某事 He hasn't much incentive to work hard. 他没有努力工作的动机。 Money is still a major incentive in most occupations. 在许多职业

中 , 钱仍是主要的鼓励因素。 gift certificate 礼券 : pre-paid certificates redeemable 可兑换 , 可换

成现款的 for use for specific items or at specific places of business custom: adj. short for custom-made; made to individual specificatio

ns( 衣服等 ) 定做的 , 定制的 custom shoes (clothes, etc) 定制的鞋( 衣服等 ) custom tailor 专做定制衣服的裁缝 vt. 定制

to lose oneself in the details: to concentrate on the details of a plan at the expense of the whole

Page 9: Audio-Visual English Course (2008-2009 1st Semester) Unit 2 The Jack-O-Lantern 2 nd Class.

Section 2 Interactive Listening Task 2

Activity 2 Listen to the dialogue again for the meanings of the Words and phrases as they are used in the dialogue. Write your explanations on the lines after each word or phrase below.

custom-built, custom-made 定做的 , 定制的 House of Pizza 比萨饼屋 wall calendar 挂历 donate vt. 捐赠 [ 献 ]; 赠给 [ 送 ] donate blood to a blood bank 向血库献血 donate 1, 000 dollars to a school 给一所学校捐

赠 1, 000 美元 budget n. 预算 , 预算表 ; 经营费

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Section 2 Interactive Listening Task 2

Some hints from the dialogue.

We could post pictures of people in costumes around campus.

They’d be more likely to dress up. I know a copy shop that does them. That raises another question. Let’s not lose ourselves in the details.

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Section 2 Interactive Listening Task 2

Activity 4 Topics for discussion 1. A business would be willing to donate a prize for the

party because… its good publicity (advertise the business’s name) its customers will be at the party it can promote new products it can be involved in the community 2. A costume contest would give people an incentive to

wear a costume because… everyone else is wearing a costume, so there is

pressure to wear one people like winning prizes people like to dress up

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Section 2 Interactive Listening Task 2

Activity 4 Topics for discussion 3. If my group was planning a party, I

would/wouldn’t require people to wear a costume because…

it’s not fun to wear a costume unless everyone else does

it’s the rule of the party it’s not right to make people do something at a

party some people might be embarrassed to dress


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Section 2 Interactive Listening Task 2

Activity 3 Watch the visual version and simulate the dialogue so as to give a performance in pairs.

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Section 3 A VOA Story

The Upcoming Holiday of Halloween Activity 1 Here is a VOA report about Hall

oween. Listen to the recording for the overall meaning.

1. When is Halloween celebrated?

2. What idea is the tradition of Halloween based?

3. What are the features in the process of celebrating Halloween?

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Section 3 A VOA Story

The Upcoming Holiday of Halloween Activity 1 Listen to the recording aga

in and fill in the blanks with words or expressions. Halloween jack-o-lantern

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Section 3 A VOA Story

The Upcoming Holiday of Halloween Monday, October thirty-first, is Halloween in the Uni

ted States. On that night, many people will dress in clothes to make them look like ____1____ like monsters or ghosts. Faith Lapidus tells us more.

FAITH LAPIDUS: The traditions of Halloween grew out of Celtic beliefs in ____2____. The Celts thought spirits of the dead would return to their homes on October thirty-first, the day of the autumn feast. The Celts built huge fires to frighten away ___3____ released with the dead on that night.

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Section 3 A VOA Story

The Upcoming Holiday of Halloween People from Scotland and Ireland brought

these ideas with them to America. Some people still believed that spirits ____4___ on people on the last night of October.

History experts say many of the Halloween traditions today developed from those of ___5___. For example, they say that ____6____ inside a hollow pumpkin recalls the fires set many years ago in Britain. And they say that ___7___ to hide a person's face is similar to the way ancient villagers covered their faces to force evil spirits away.

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Section 3 A VOA Story

The Upcoming Holiday of Halloween On Halloween night, American children

dress in special clothing and go from house to house shouting “___8___!" If the people in the houses do not give them candy, the children might play a trick on them. Americans spend a great deal of money buying ____9___ to wear. They also buy pumpkins and frightening objects to place outside their homes.

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Section 3 A VOA Story

The Upcoming Holiday of Halloween Adults enjoy Halloween, too. Many go to parties

dressed as ____10____. We know of two people who got married on Halloween and had their wedding guests dress in such costumes.

The National Retail Federation did a study on what people will wear on Halloween. The group released a list of the most popular Halloween costumes this year. It says the most popular choices for children are princess, witch, monster and characters from popular movies. And it says adults want to dress as a witch, vampire, monster or famous actor.

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Section 3 A VOA Story

The Upcoming Holiday of Halloween Keys for reference 1. frightening creatures 2. ancient Britain 3. evil spirits 4. played tricks 5. ancient times 6. burning a candle 7. wearing a mask 8. trick or treat 9. Halloween costumes 10. monsters or famous people

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Section 3 A VOA Story

The Upcoming Holiday of Halloween Activity 3 Listen to the recording for the thir

d time. Check the answers and talk in pairs about the traditions of Halloween.

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Section 3 A VOA Story

The Upcoming Holiday of Halloween 在西方国家,每年的 10 月 31 日,有个“ Halloween” ,辞典解释

为“ The eve of All Saints'Day” ,中文译作:“万圣节之夜”。万圣节是西方国家的传统节日。这一夜是一年中最“闹鬼”的一夜,所以也叫“鬼节”。

两千多年前,欧洲的天主教会把 11 月 1 日定为“天下圣徒之日” (ALL HALLOWS DAY) 。“ HALLOW” 即圣徒之意。传说自公元前五百年,居住在爱尔兰、苏格兰等地的凯尔特人 (CELTS) 把这节日往前移了一天,即 10 月 31 日。他们认为该日是夏天正式结束的日子,也就是新年伊始,严酷的冬季开始的一天。那时人们相信,故人的亡魂会在这一天回到故居地在活人身上找寻生灵,借此再生,而且这是人在死后能获得再生的唯一希望。而活着的人则惧怕死魂来夺生,于是人们就在这一天熄掉炉火、烛光,让死魂无法找寻活人,又把自己打扮成妖魔鬼怪把死人之魂灵吓走。之后,他们又会把火种烛光重新燃起,开始新的一年的生活。传说那时凯尔特人部落还有在 10 月 31 日把活人杀死用以祭奠死人的习俗。

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Section 3 A VOA Story

The Upcoming Holiday of Halloween 到了公元 1 世纪,占领了凯尔特部落领地的罗马人也渐渐接受


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Section 3 A VOA Story Daylight Saving Time (to continue the Mp3)

HOST: Our VOA listener question this week comes from France. Sylvain Restelli asks about the system of time in the United States.

Standard time is a worldwide system of time areas. It is based on longitude. Longitude is the distance on the Earth that measures east or west of the first longitude line at Greenwich, England. Each time area is fifteen degrees longitude wide.

Under standard time, the time kept in each area is that of its central longitude line. These lines are fifteen degrees, thirty degrees and so on east or west of the first line in England. The difference in time between each nearby area is exactly one hour.

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Section 3 A VOA Story Daylight Saving Time (to continue the Mp3)

The continental United States is divided into four time areas. The most eastern area uses eastern time. The next time area to the west is central time. The next area is mountain time and the farthest west is pacific time. For example, when it is ten o'clock in New York City, it is nine o'clock in Chicago, Illinois. It is eight o'clock in Denver, Colorado and seven o'clock in San Francisco, California.

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Section 3 A VOA Story Daylight Saving Time (to continue the Mp3)

In the summertime, most Americans move their clocks ahead one hour for daylight saving time. But some states do not. They are Hawaii, Arizona and parts of Indiana. The use of daylight saving time saves energy by providing an additional hour of daylight in the early evening.

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Section 3 A VOA Story Daylight Saving Time (to continue the Mp3)

Many countries first used daylight saving time during wartime. After World War Two, American states established some kind of daylight saving time. But this was confusing. So, in nineteen sixty-six, Congress established it for the nation. It began the last Sunday in April and ended the last Sunday in October. Congress extended the time period in the nineteen seventies when a reduction in Arab oil exports caused a fuel shortage.

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Section 3 A VOA Story Daylight Saving Time (to continue the Mp3)

In nineteen eighty-six, legislation changed the start of daylight saving time from the last Sunday in April to the first Sunday in April. Earlier this year, Congress again passed a law extending daylight saving time. Starting in two thousand seven, daylight saving time will begin the second Sunday in March and end the first Sunday in November.

Until then, daylight saving time begins the first Sunday in April and ends the last Sunday in October. That is why most Americans will set their clocks back one hour this Saturday night.

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Section 3 A VOA Story

Sacred Harp (to continue the Mp3)

Sacred Harp singing is one of the oldest and purest musical traditions in America. Yet, it has nothing to do with the musical instrument called the harp. These performers use only their voices to sing both religious and non-religious traditional songs Pat Bodnar tells us more.

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Section 3 A VOA Story

Sacred Harp (to continue the Mp3)

PAT BODNAR: Sacred Harp singing has existed in America since the eighteenth century. It started when singing teachers traveled around the country to improve the quality of church music.

Here is an example. An African-American group, called the Wiregrass Sacred Harp Singers, performs a song written in the late seventeen hundreds. It is called "Coronation."

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Section 3 A VOA Story

Sacred Harp (to continue the Mp3)

PAT BODNAR: Sacred Harp singing has existed in America since the eighteenth century. It started when singing teachers traveled around the country to improve the quality of church music.

Here is an example. An African-American group, called the Wiregrass Sacred Harp Singers, performs a song written in the late seventeen hundreds. It is called "Coronation."

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Section 3 A VOA Story Daylight Saving Time (to continue the Mp3)

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Section 3 A VOA Story

Sacred Harp (to continue the Mp3)

(MUSIC) The term "Sacred Harp " refers to a book published

in the eighteen forties. It contains more than five hundred songs that are important to the history of Sacred Harp singing. The book is still being published today.

This song was written in eighteen-oh-three. It is based on a Christian Bible story in the Book of Luke. The Alabama Sacred Harp Convention performs the song called "Sherburne."

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Section 3 A VOA Story

Sacred Harp (to continue the Mp3)

(MUSIC) Sacred Harp singers get together at day-long

events called "sings". Groups of men, women and children come together to celebrate in song. The people arrange their chairs in a square and face one another. Then they divide into four groups based on their singing voice. Each group makes up one side of the square. Every person takes a turn choosing a song and leading the group.

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Section 3 A VOA Story

Sacred Harp (to continue the Mp3)

We leave you now with a song performed by a professional group of singers called the Word of Mouth Chorus. This song was written in nineteen fifty. "Peace and Joy" is a more modern example of the Sacred Harp tradition.

