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199 D. Poeppel et al. (eds.), The Human Auditory Cortex, Springer Handbook of Auditory Research 43, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-2314-0_8, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012 8.1 The Problem The concept of what constitutes an auditory object is controversial (Kubovy & Van Valkenburg, 2001; Griffiths & Warren, 2004; Nelken, 2004). It is more difficult to examine the sound pressure waveform that enters the cochlea and “see” different objects in the same way that we “see” objects in the visual input to the retina. However, in both the auditory system and the visual system, objects can be under- stood in terms of the “images” they produce during the processing of sense data. The idea that objects are mental events that result from the creation of images from sense data goes back to Kant (1929). Visual images, representations in the visual brain corresponding to objects, can be understood as having two spatial dimensions. These arrays of neural activity preserve spatial relationships from the retina to the cortex. Auditory images, which may be thought of as representations in the auditory brain that correspond to objects, can also be considered in terms of the dimensions of the signal processed by the cochlea. The critical step is to consider that signal, not as a sound pressure waveform, but as a signal with dimensions of frequency, repre- sented across the receptor array, and time. It is argued here that analysis of images T.D. Griffiths (*) Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle University Medical School, Framlington Place, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 4HH, UK e-mail: t.d.griffi[email protected] C. Micheyl Auditory Perception and Cognition Laboratory, Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota, N628 Elliot Hall, 75 East River Road, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA e-mail: [email protected] T. Overath Department of Psychology, New York University, 6 Washington Place, New York, NY 10003, USA e-mail: [email protected] Chapter 8 Auditory Object Analysis Timothy D. Griffiths, Christophe Micheyl, and Tobias Overath
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199D. Poeppel et al. (eds.), The Human Auditory Cortex, Springer Handbook of Auditory Research 43, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-2314-0_8, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012

8.1 The Problem

The concept of what constitutes an auditory object is controversial (Kubovy & Van Valkenburg, 2001 ; Griffi ths & Warren, 2004 ; Nelken, 2004 ) . It is more diffi cult to examine the sound pressure waveform that enters the cochlea and “see” different objects in the same way that we “see” objects in the visual input to the retina. However, in both the auditory system and the visual system, objects can be under-stood in terms of the “images” they produce during the processing of sense data. The idea that objects are mental events that result from the creation of images from sense data goes back to Kant ( 1929 ) . Visual images, representations in the visual brain corresponding to objects, can be understood as having two spatial dimensions. These arrays of neural activity preserve spatial relationships from the retina to the cortex. Auditory images, which may be thought of as representations in the auditory brain that correspond to objects, can also be considered in terms of the dimensions of the signal processed by the cochlea. The critical step is to consider that signal, not as a sound pressure waveform, but as a signal with dimensions of frequency, repre-sented across the receptor array, and time. It is argued here that analysis of images

T. D. Griffi ths (*) Institute of Neuroscience , Newcastle University Medical School , Framlington Place , Newcastle upon Tyne , NE2 4HH , UK e-mail: t.d.griffi [email protected]

C. Micheyl Auditory Perception and Cognition Laboratory, Department of Psychology , University of Minnesota , N628 Elliot Hall, 75 East River Road , Minneapolis , MN 55455, USA e-mail: [email protected]

T. Overath Department of Psychology , New York University , 6 Washington Place , New York , NY 10003, USA e-mail: [email protected]

Chapter 8 Auditory Object Analysis

Timothy D. Griffi ths , Christophe Micheyl , and Tobias Overath

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with dimensions related to frequency and time is a helpful way of considering auditory analysis in the pathway from cochlea to cortex. Many syntheses of this process are based on derivations of frequency and time such as spectral ripple density related to frequency and amplitude modulation (Chi et al., 2005 ) or forms of autocorrelation (Patterson, 2000 ) related to time. But the principle of objects exist-ing in a space with dimensions of frequency and time remains the same, and if one accepts the existence of images with a temporal dimension, then the concepts of auditory objects and auditory images can be considered in a comparable way to the visual system. The idea was fi rst proposed by Kubovy and Van Valkenburg ( 2001 ) , who suggested that auditory objects can be considered as existence regions within frequency–time space that have borders with the rest of the sound scene.

A second source of controversy, which also happens to apply to visual analysis, is the cognitive level to which the concept of auditory object analysis should be extended. Consider the situation in which you hear someone making the vowel sound /u/ at a pitch of 220 Hz and intensity of 60 dB on the left side of the room. That situation requires sensory analysis of the spectrotemporal structure of the sound. It also requires categorical perception to allow the sound to be distinguished from other sounds. Sounds from which it has to be distinguished might be from another class (e.g., a telephone ringing at the same pitch, intensity, and location) or the same class (e.g., another person making the vowel sound /u/ at a different pitch, intensity, or spatial location). We can appreciate that we are listening to the same type of sound if we hear it at 150 Hz or 80 dB or on the right side of the room. We can appreciate that similarity, even if we do not speak a relevant language to allow us to recognize or name the vowel. At another level of analysis the sound must enter a form of echoic memory store (to allow comparison with sounds that might imme-diately follow it) and might enter an anterograde memory store that allows compari-son with sounds heard over days or weeks. At a further level of analysis we might call the sound a voice, or my voice, the vowel “u,” or (if we have absolute pitch) “A3.” The term object analysis might therefore be applied to (1) the perception of a coherent whole, the essence of which can be perceived even when cues such as pitch or intensity are changed; (2) categorical analysis; (3) encoding into working mem-ory; (4) encoding into anterograde memory; or (5) association with a label during semantic analysis. The term object analysis is used for the fi rst stage here and it is emphasized here, but a number of workers would argue for an obligatory require-ment for auditory objects, or objects in general, to have an associated label. The key point, however, is that there are a number of aspects of analysis of the coherent whole that are defi ned as object analysis here, and that even this fi rst stage requires considerable computational work to derive a representation of particular sounds that is independent of basic cues such as pitch or intensity. Clinically, the distinction of presemantic and semantic processing stages of object analysis is relevant to the existence of apperceptive and associative forms of auditory agnosia, respectively (Griffi ths et al., 2009a ) .

A third controversial aspect of auditory object analysis is whether the concept should be applied to particular individual sounds that can be distinguished from

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others as argued above or to sequences of sounds that are grouped: auditory streams. Bregman ( 1990 ) explicitly rejects the concept of auditory object in favor of the auditory stream, a sequence of grouped sounds, as the fundamental unit of auditory perception. Others have equated auditory objects with streams (Shamma, 2008 ) . There is a problem, however, with considering streams as auditory objects corre-sponding to a single percept derived from analysis over longer periods of time. Streams are sequences of sounds that are grouped by perceptual properties such as pitch, timbre, or position (Moore & Gockel, 2002 ) , and these perceptual properties all have complex relationships to the acoustic structure. This makes a description of the stream as the most fundamental unit of analysis leading to perception problem-atic, when the stream itself comprises elements that are perceived individually. Whether streams are regarded as objects, streams of objects, or something else, it is nevertheless an important level of perceptual organization that is considered here.

At a more generic level, auditory objects can be conceptualized in information theoretic terms, such that a given auditory object is characterized through its prob-abilistic higher-order statistical properties; in turn, boundaries between auditory objects are indicated by transitions in these statistical regularities (Kubovy & Van Valkenburg, 2001 ) . That is, at a general descriptive level, auditory objects are defi ned in terms of their distinct statistical signal characteristics, which simultane-ously distinguish them from other auditory objects (and possibly other object classes). Statistical regularities thus provide important information for auditory scene analysis, as they allow the perceptual organization of the acoustic environ-ment including fi gure–ground segregation.

This chapter considers brain bases for aspects of object analysis within a serial framework. It starts with segregation and simultaneous grouping mechanisms that allow the perception of coherent “whole” percepts (objects) that can be associated with properties including pitch and timbre, before a consideration of sequential group-ing and higher-level analysis. Although early simultaneous grouping may have a subcortical contribution (Pressnitzer et al., 2001 ) , here it is argued that in humans the analysis of auditory objects is critically dependent on processing in auditory cortex, with some evidence for a hierarchy of bases for analysis that parallels the perceptual hierarchy. For the purpose of this chapter, there is no need for any of the stages considered here to be regarded as “the” essence of object analysis: rather, the chapter attempts a systematic approach to object analysis that addresses the major levels that might be relevant. Overall, the process might be regarded as the abstraction and organization of things from the acoustic world as an extension of the sensory repre-sentation of frequency-time structure considered by Hall and Barker, Chapter 7 . Critically, this chapter moves from the level of sensory representation to perception.

As noted earlier, this chapter considers the main anatomical substrate for the analysis of auditory objects to be auditory cortex. Relevant behavioral aspects in the corresponding subsections are also briefl y mentioned; this is not, however, intended to be a complete synthesis of the behavioral data on auditory objects. This chapter focuses on human studies but mentions animal work that might illuminate neuronal mechanisms also relevant to humans.

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8.2 Simultaneous Grouping and Object Segregation

A critical aspect of object analysis is the lumping together of elements of the sound scene that constitute the object as opposed to elements that do not. The idea that auditory objects might generally be defi ned as regions in auditory-time space with borders (Kubovy & Van Valkenburg, 2001 ) was explored in a study in which the timbre of the object and the salience of the border were systematically manipulated (Overath et al., 2010 ) . Figure 8.1 shows the synthetic stimulus used to investigate this, known as an acoustic “texture.” The stimulus is based on linear ramps in fre-quency-time space with random timing and frequency of onset, as well as given excursions. The textures are associated with a perceptual quality that can be system-atically manipulated by changing the coherence of the ramps: the percentage of ramps with a particular excursion. The appreciation of this perceptual quality requires participants to abstract ensemble properties of frequency–time space within probabilistic constraints and irrespective of stochastic variation—stimuli with the same coherence sound like the same thing or object despite differences in their detailed structure.

The manipulation of adjacent textures shown in Figure 8.1 has two effects. First, boundaries between different adjacent textures are defi ned by changes in the coher-ence across that boundary, where the salience of the boundary depends on the difference in coherence on either side of the boundary as opposed to the absolute coherence values. The stimulus has no physical “edge” like an onset from silence and the spectral density of the stimulus over time is kept constant. Second, the absolute coherence of the different regions is associated with a particular perceptual quality or timbre. Figure 8.2 shows a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI; see Talavage, Johnsrude, and Gonzalez Castillo, Chapter 6 ) study in which these two aspects—object segregation and representation—were manipulated orthogonally.

Fig. 8.1 Stimulus for investigation of object-segregation mechanisms (Overath et al., 2010 ) . Example of a block of sound with four spectrotemporal coherence segments showing absolute coherence values for each segment and the corresponding change in coherence between the segments. (Adapted from Overath et al., 2010 .)

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The data show an effect of boundary salience in a number of areas including primary auditory cortex in the medial part of Heschl’s gyrus (HG), while the absolute coherence was represented in auditory cortex beyond HG. The data are therefore consistent with the existence of an early mechanism for the segregation of objects that is distinct from the associated perceived timbre. These data do not allow any comment on the order of analysis but a reasonable hypothesis is the existence of a serial mechanism in which segregation precedes timbre perception. Another way to consider the data is in terms of the size of spectrotemporal regions that must be analyzed to perceive either a change in object or a perceptual quality. Object change might be achieved by the perception of a local rule change while analysis of the

Fig. 8.2 Brain mechanisms for object-segregation mechanisms. Areas showing an increased hemodynamic response as a function of increasing absolute coherence (blue) and increasing change in coherence (red). Results are rendered on coronal ( y = –24, top) and tilted (pitch = –0.5, middle [superior temporal plane] and bottom [STS]) sections of participants’ normalized average structural scans. The bar charts show the mean contrast estimates (± SEM) in a sphere with 10 mm radius around the local maximum corresponding to the six levels of absolute coherence (blue) and the six levels of change in coherence (red). Change in coherence levels are pooled across “positive” and “negative” changes so as to show the main effect of change in coherence magnitude. The charts nearest the brain show the mean response in the sphere around the local maxima for increas-ing change in coherence; those at the sides show the mean response in the sphere around local maxima for increasing absolute coherence. Note that the placement of the identifying letter in the brain sections only approximate the precise stereotactic ( x , y , z ) coordinates at the bottom corner of each chart because no single planar section can contain all the local maxima simultaneously. (Adapted from Overath et al., 2010 .)

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perceptual properties of the object within the boundary necessarily involves analysis of larger regions of frequency-time space. The data are therefore also con-sistent with the idea that more extended segments of spectrotemporal space are analyzed in areas further from primary cortex. This idea is supported by time-domain studies showing longer windows of analysis as one moves from primary cortex (Boemio et al., 2005 ; Overath et al., 2008 ) .

In addition to boundary recognition, a number of other mechanisms for the simultaneous grouping of elements into objects have been established by behavioral experiments (Darwin & Carlyon, 1995 ; Ciocca, 2008 ) . Simultaneous onset might be regarded as a particular type of vertical boundary in frequency-time space and is a strong grouping cue. Another strong grouping cue is the presence of harmonic relationships between frequency elements (harmonicity), where elements exist at frequencies that are integer multiples of a given fundamental frequency. Note that harmonicity is a cue that can allow the separation of objects that occur in overlap-ping regions of frequency-time space where there is no clear boundary, for example, when two speakers produce vowels at the same time. Common modulation of elements is a weaker grouping cue, as is the spatial location of a source.

Electroencephalography (EEG; see also Alain and Winkler, Chapter 4 ) and mag-netoencephalography (MEG; see also Nagarajan, Gabriel, and Herman, Chapter 5 ) have also been used to investigate simultaneous grouping mechanisms in auditory cortex. Mistuning of one harmonic of a harmonic complex to disrupt harmonicity is accompanied by an EEG evoked response at about 30 ms (Pa) attributed to primary auditory cortex (Dyson & Alain, 2004 ) and also a later response with a latency of approximately 150 ms that has been called an object related negativity (ORN; Alain & Izenberg, 2003 ; see also Alain and Winkler, Chapter 4 ). Later responses after 400 ms are also described that, unlike the earlier responses, are strongly infl uenced by attention. Recent work based on MEG (Lipp et al., 2010 ) has demonstrated a magnetic equivalent of the ORN (ORNm) that is sensitive to both harmonicity and common onset but not attention. The ORNm can be argued to be a correlate of a generic simultaneous grouping process (that can operate on different cues) occur-ring in auditory cortex.

These studies suggest a critical role of human auditory cortex in simultaneous grouping during object analysis beyond the simple representation of stimulus cues such as frequency and amplitude. The response to texture boundaries (Overath et al., 2010 ) suggests early segregation or change detection mechanisms in primary cortex, while the ORNm responses (Alain & Izenberg, 2003 ; Lipp et al., 2010 ) have longer latencies than the middle latency responses attributed to primary cortex.

8.2.1 Object Features Based on Segregated and Grouped Elements

Simultaneous grouping is a basis for the abstraction of patterns that are associated with perceived features. In the case of grouping by harmonicity, the coherent whole that is perceived is associated with pitch. Considered in this way, pitch is related to

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ensemble sound properties considered in the frequency domain, and the earliest theories of pitch perception were indeed based on the frequency composition of the stimulus (von Helmholtz, 1885 ) . Most modern pitch theories also emphasize stimulus properties in the time domain, especially temporal regularity (review: de Cheveigné, 2005 ) . The relationship between stimulus properties in the frequency or time domain and the neural correlates of pitch is therefore necessarily a complex one: a simple relationship between auditory cortical areas (defi ned as areas contain-ing separate gradients corresponding to stimulus frequency) and any representation of perceived pitch would not necessarily be expected, a priori.

Marmoset ( Callithrix jacchus ) recordings from single auditory neurons (Bendor & Wang, 2005 ) have identifi ed a cortical subarea abutting primary cortex in which the responses were “tuned” to the pitch of the stimulus rather than its frequency composition. In contrast, recordings from single units in ferrets ( Mustela putorius ) (Bizley et al., 2009 ) showed an effect of pitch value on the responses of single neu-rons in multiple cortical areas, although based on a less strict criterion for a pitch-responsive neuron. In humans, measurements from neural ensembles with MEG (Krumbholz et al., 2003 ) have shown responses to the transition between a noise and a regular-interval-noise associated with pitch in primary auditory cortex. Measurements from neural ensembles based on the fMRI blood oxygenation level–dependent (BOLD) response (Patterson et al., 2002 ) have shown responses to regu-lar noise in lateral HG in nonprimary cortex. Human fMRI studies based on a broader range of stimuli including a type of spatial pitch (Huggins pitch) have not consistently demonstrated involvement of HG (Hall & Plack, 2009 ; Puschmann et al., 2009 ) . There are therefore a number of unresolved issues related to the repre-sentation of pitch, including: (1) whether pitch perception can ever be adequately characterized by the properties of single neurons or whether it will require charac-terization based on ensemble properties of neurons, as in the case of spatial location (Middlebrooks et al., 1994 ; Miller & Recanzone, 2009 ) ; (2) which of the aforemen-tioned responses might relate to stimulus properties (especially regularity) and which refl ect the perceived pitch; (3) the extent to which a common mechanism might be found across all species, or even just primates (>200 species); and (4) the way in which different areas might show effective connectivity to produce a specifi c pitch system. The data point to an important role of auditory cortex in representing the object property of pitch, but a great deal more work is required in this area.

Grouped elements also have perceptual properties distinct from pitch. Timbre, the characteristic that determines whether two sounds with the same pitch and loud-ness are dissimilar (“Acoustical terminology,” 1960), is a multidimensional prop-erty that also has a complex relationship to acoustic structure (for a more detailed discussion, see Griffi ths et al., 2009b ) . Some aspects of timbre, such as “brightness,” are better explained by the spectral characteristics of the stimulus and other aspects, such as “attack,” by the temporal characteristics (McAdams et al., 1995 ) . Human fMRI and modeling experiments in which the spectral dimension of timbre was manipulated (Warren et al., 2005 ; Kumar et al., 2007 ) suggest a hierarchal model for this aspect of timbre analysis. In the model (Kumar et al., 2007 ) , object features are abstracted in HG before further analysis in the right planum temporale (PT)

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posterior to HG and then the right anterior superior temporal sulcus. The model is consistent with the early grouping mechanisms in primary cortex suggested above followed by symbolic processing in more distributed temporal lobe regions.

8.3 Sequential Grouping

Sequential auditory grouping processes are frequently referred to as auditory “streaming” (Bregman, 1990 ) . The fi rst and main part of this section is concerned with auditory streaming and its neural basis in and beyond auditory cortex. Subsequently, other aspects of the perception and cortical processing of sound sequences are considered. In particular, the neural correlates of the auditory conti-nuity illusion in auditory cortex are discussed, as well as neural correlates of the analysis of statistical regularities in sound sequences over time.

8.3.1 Auditory Streaming

In the past decade, a growing number of studies have investigated neural correlates of auditory streaming in auditory cortex, using techniques ranging from single- and multiunit recordings in nonhuman species, to EEG, MEG, and fMRI in humans. This chapter summarizes the main fi ndings of these studies, focusing on humans. Because these fi ndings cannot be understood without some knowledge of basic psychophysical facts concerning auditory streaming, it starts with a very brief over-view of these facts. Note that, in the spirit of this book, the objective of this section is merely to provide an overview of an active topic of research, aimed primarily at non-experts readers. Additional information concerning the neural correlates of auditory streaming in both animals and humans can be found in other publications, including short overviews (Carlyon, 2004 ; Shamma & Micheyl, 2010 ) , more detailed review articles (Micheyl et al., 2007 ; Snyder & Alain, 2007 ; Bee & Micheyl, 2008 ) , and book chapters (Fay, 2008 ; Fishman & Steinschneider, 2010 ) . Basic Psychophysics of Auditory Streaming

Essential features of auditory streaming can be demonstrated using sound sequences, which are formed by presenting two sounds, A and B, in a repeating ABAB or ABA-ABA pattern (Fig. 8.1 ). Typically, the A and B sounds are pure tones with equal levels but different frequencies. It has been found that if the frequency separation (labeled D f in Fig. 8.3A ) is relatively small (say, 1 semitone, or approximately 6%) listeners hear the stimulus sequence as a single coherent “stream.” In contrast, at large frequency separations, most listeners report hearing two separate streams of constant-pitch tones. The percept depends not only on the frequency separation between the A and B tones but also on the presentation rate: in general, fast

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tone-presentation rates tend to promote segregation, whereas slow rates tend to pro-mote integration (van Noorden, 1975 ) .

Importantly, the percept evoked by these alternating tone sequences can fl uctuate over time, even when the physical stimulus remains constant. The sequence is usually heard as a single stream at fi rst; however, if the frequency separation is large enough, the percept usually switches to two separate streams after a few seconds of uninterrupted listening (Anstis & Saida, 1985 ) . This delay varies stochastically








b c



2 4 6 8 100






Time (s)




of ‘2








ABA- 12 semitonesABA- 10 semitonesABA- 8 semitonesABA- 6 semitonesABA- 4 semitonesABA- 2 semitonesAAA-

Fig. 8.3 Stimuli and percepts commonly used in studies of auditory streaming. ( a ) Schematic spectrograms of sound sequences used to study auditory streaming, and corresponding percepts. The stimulus sequences are formed by presenting two tones at different frequencies, A and B, in a repeating ABA-ABA… pattern, where the dash (-) stands for a silent gap. The dominant percept evoked by such sequences depends on the frequency separation ( D F) between the A and B tones. When D F is relatively large, e.g., 7 semitones (left panel in a ) the sequence is usually perceived as two separate “streams” of sounds: a low-pitch stream (shown in blue on the left musical partition), and a higher-pitch, lower-tempo stream (shown in red on the left musical partition). When D F is small, e.g., 1 semitone (right panel in a ), the sequence is usually perceived as a single stream with a “galloping” rhythm. ( b ) The “buildup” of stream segregation. This fi gure illustrates how the proportion of trials for which a listener heard sequences such as those illustrated in a as “two streams” at a given time (relative to sequence onset). The different symbols correspond to different D F values, in semitones. As can be seen, except for the zero- D F (AAA) condition, the proportion of “two streams” judgments increases over time. The increase usually becomes more marked and more rapid as D F increases. ( c ) The Necker cube. When the transparent cube is looked at for a long-enough period of time, its orientation appears to “switch.” Changes in auditory percept from “one stream” to “two streams” and vice versa during prolonged listening to sequences such as those illustrated in a may be thought of a an auditory counterpart of the percept reversals evoked by ambiguous fi gures such as the Necker cube

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across trials, even in a given individual (Pressnitzer & Hupé, 2006 ) . Thus, when the proportion of trials on which the switch has occurred by time t (the time since sequence onset) is plotted as a function of t , it is usually found to increase gradually over the fi rst 5–10 s (Carlyon et al., 2001 ) (Fig. 8.3B ). This phenomenon has been dubbed the “buildup” of stream segregation. It has been suggested that the buildup depends critically upon attention, and does not occur (or at least, does not occur as much) if the listener’s attention is directed away from the tone sequence, for example, toward the opposite ear, or toward a visual stimulus (Carlyon et al., 2001 ) .

If listening continues beyond the fi rst switch from one to two streams, the percept occasionally reverts back to that of a single stream. Upon more protracted listening, switches back and forth between one stream and two streams are experienced, at an average period of several seconds (Pressnitzer & Hupé, 2006 ) . This phenomenon is reminiscent of bistability in visual perception; for instance, upon prolonged viewing, a Necker cube can be seen to switch back and forth between two orientations. Changes in percept that occur in the absence of concomitant changes in the physical stimulus have played (and continue to play) a key role in the identifi cation of neural correlates of conscious visual experience (e.g., Logothetis & Schall, 1989 ) . Thus, it is not surprising that the buildup, and the subsequent spontaneous switches between one-stream and two-stream percepts, have inspired several studies of the neural correlates of auditory streaming, both in humans (Cusack, 2005 ; Gutschalk et al., 2005 ; Snyder et al., 2006 ) and in other species (Micheyl et al., 2005b ; Pressnitzer et al., 2008 ) . These studies are discussed in a subsequent section.

If auditory streaming occurred only with pure tones, it would have little relevance to hearing in everyday life. However, the phenomenon has been observed with many other types of sounds, including harmonic complex tones, noises, and even syn-thetic vowels, as well as along dimensions other than frequency separation, includ-ing pitch determined by fundamental frequency (F0) or modulation rate, and timbre determined by spectral or temporal cues (for a review, see Moore & Gockel, 2002 ) . It has been suggested that any physical difference that yields a suffi ciently salient perceived difference between consecutive sounds can potentially be exploited by the auditory system to form separate streams (Moore & Gockel, 2002 ) .

Another reason why auditory streaming may play an important role in hearing is that the way in which a sound sequence is organized perceptually appears to have a dramatic impact on the listener’s ability to perceive detailed features of that sequence. For instance, listeners fi nd it diffi cult to identify the temporal order of tones across different streams (Bregman & Campbell, 1971 ) . More generally, stream segregation appears to impair the perception of temporal sound relationships: once sounds fall in separate streams, it becomes very hard to perceive accurately their relative timing (for recent examples of this, see Roberts et al., 2008 ; Micheyl et al., 2010 ) . Another line of evidence for a relationship between auditory streaming and perceptual per-formance comes from fi ndings of elevated pitch-discrimination thresholds between consecutive (“target”) tones when interfering tones are present, and are perceived as part of the same stream as the target sounds (e.g., Micheyl et al., 2005a ) .

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Studies of the neural basis of auditory streaming in humans can be traced back to the EEG studies of Alain and Woods ( 1994 ) and Sussman et al. ( 1998 , ( 1999 ) . These authors used the mismatch negativity (MMN), a difference in event-related potentials (ERPs) between “deviant” and “standard” sound patterns in an “oddball” sound sequence containing random deviants among more frequent standards. Two conclusions emerged from these early studies. First, auditory streams are formed at or before the level at which the MMN is generated. Unfortunately, the neural gen-erators of the MMN are diffi cult to localize precisely using scalp-surface record-ings. They appear to involve a distributed cortical network, including contributions from temporal as well as frontal sources (e.g., Giard et al., 1990 ) . This makes it dif-fi cult to ascertain, based on MMN data, whether auditory streaming is accomplished entirely in auditory cortex, or whether it requires neural structures beyond auditory cortex. To this day, a clear answer to this question is still lacking. Although some (fMRI) data suggest that brain areas beyond auditory cortex, such as the intraparietal sulcus, are differentially activated depending on whether the listeners perceives one stream or two (Cusack, 2005 ) , it is not clear whether such differential activation participated in the formation of streaming percepts, or followed it.

The second conclusion that was reached in these early MMN studies is that focused auditory attention to the evoking sound sequence is not necessary for stream segrega-tion. This conclusion was based on the observation that the MMN was present in participants who were reading a book during the presentation of the auditory stimuli, which suggested that the participants were not attentive to the auditory stimuli. This conclusion was challenged by Carlyon et al. ( 2001 ) , who pointed out that the partici-pants in those studies could devote some attention to the auditory stimuli, while they were reading. The same authors found that when listeners were given a diffi cult mon-aural auditory perception task while alternating tones were presented in the opposite ear, stream segregation apparently failed to build up, suggesting that focused auditory attention is required for stream segregation. An alternative interpretation of these psychophysical fi ndings, however, is that switching attention back to the alternating-tone sequence caused a “resetting” of the perceptual state, from segregation back to integration. According to this interpretation, the results of Carlyon et al. ( 2001 ) are actually compatible with the view that sustained attention to the evoking sequence is not required for stream segregation. A more recent study by Sussman et al. ( 2007 ) specifi cally examined the effect of sustained attention and suggested that attention is not always required for stream segregation. Given that measuring perception in the absence of attention is virtually impossible, and that putative correlates of auditory streaming based on the MMN are not unquestionable, the debate concerning the role of attention in stream segregation will no doubt continue.

Although the MMN may provide an objective marker of auditory streaming in human auditory cortex, it provides limited insight into the neural basis for the phenomenon. Starting in 2001, a series of studies used multi- or single-unit recordings

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to investigate the neural mechanisms of auditory streaming at the level of primary cortex in macaque monkeys ( Macaca fascicularis ; Fishman et al., 2001 ; Micheyl et al., 2005a ) , bats ( Pteronotus parnellii ; Kanwal et al., 2003 ) , and the European starlings ( Sturnus vulgaris ) fi eld L2 (an avian analogue of mammalian primary auditory cortex; (Bee & Klump, 2004 ) . Detailed reviews of these fi ndings can be found in earlier publications (e.g., Micheyl et al., 2007 ; Snyder & Alain, 2007 ; Fay, 2008 ) . The results of these studies have been be interpreted within the framework of a “tonotopic” model of auditory streaming. According to this model, a single stream is heard when the A and B tones excite the same or largely overlapping populations of frequency-selective neurons in A1. In contrast, when the A and B tones evoke spatially segregated patterns of activity in A1, two streams are heard. Importantly, the strength of neural responses to consecutive tones depends not just on frequency separation, but also on temporal parameters, with short intertone intervals promot-ing forward suppression (Fishman et al., 2001 ) . The interaction between frequency-selectivity and forward-suppression effects appears, for the most part, to be consistent with the psychophysically observed dependence of auditory streaming on frequency separation and repetition rate. Moreover, multisecond adaptation of neural responses in primary cortex provides a relatively simple explanation for the buildup of stream segregation over time (Micheyl et al., 2005a ) .

It is important to note, however, that these conclusions were based on the results of experiments that involved strictly sequential (i.e., temporally nonoverlapping) tones. In a recent study, Elhilali et al. ( 2009 ) measured neural responses to sequences of alternating or synchronous tones in ferret A1. Their results indicate that, at least for relatively large frequency separations, the responses of A1 neurons tuned to one of the two frequencies present in the sequence do not differ appreciably depending on whether the tone at the other frequency is presented synchronously or sequen-tially. On the other hand, psychophysical experiments, which were performed in the same study, indicate that, in human listeners, the synchronous tones were usually heard as one stream, whereas the sequential tones evoked a strong percept of stream segregation. This indicates that while frequency selectivity, forward masking, neural adaptation, and contrasts in tonotopic population responses shape the neural representations of stimulus sequences in A1, there are aspects of the perception of auditory streams that are still not adequately explained by recordings from animal auditory cortex (Shamma & Micheyl, 2010 ) .

One major caveat in the search for neural correlates of perceptual experience relates to the potentially confounding infl uence of stimulus differences (e.g., see Parker & Newsome, 1998 ) . When different neural-response patterns are observed across different stimulus conditions, it is diffi cult to ascertain whether the differences refl ect different percepts, or just different stimuli. This limits the conclusions of studies in which neural responses recorded under different stimulus conditions (such as different frequency separation, or intertone intervals) are compared to decide whether these neural differences refl ect different percepts. One way to overcome this problem involves recording neural responses to physically constant but perceptually variable stimuli, and simultaneous measurements of the participant’s percept. This approach has been used to identify neural correlates of conscious experience in the visual cortex in macaques during binocular rivalry (Logothetis & Schall, 1989 ) .

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A similar experimental strategy has been applied to study neural correlates of auditory streaming percepts at the cortical level in humans, using fMRI (Cusack, 2005 ; Kondo & Kashino, 2009 ) , MEG (Gutschalk et al., 2005 ) , or EEG (Snyder et al., 2006 ; Snyder et al., 2009 ) . The results have led to the demonstration of changes in the BOLD signal or in MEG responses in auditory cortex (Gutschalk et al., 2005 ; Kondo & Kashino, 2009 ) , in the thalamus (Kondo & Kashino, 2009 ) , as well as in the intraparietal sulcus (Cusack, 2005 ) , which appear to be related to changes in the listeners’ percept (one stream vs. two streams). Further study is required to determine whether, and how, these changes in the level of neural (or metabolic) activity partici-pate in the formation and perception of separate streams. It could be that some of the effects observed in these studies merely refl ect attentional modulations triggered by different auditory percepts. An important goal for future studies of the neural basis of auditory streaming is to provide further clarity on this.

It was mentioned previously that auditory streaming can be observed with a wide variety of sounds. Relatively few studies have examined the neural basis of auditory streaming with stimuli other than pure tones. Deike et al. ( 2004 ) used fMRI to mea-sure activity in human auditory cortex while listeners were presented with sequences of harmonic complex tones with alternating spectral envelopes, which were tailored to evoke organ-like and trumpet-like timbres. The results showed greater activation in the left but not in right auditory cortex during the presentation of sequences with alternating spectral envelopes and associated timbre, compared to the condition with a constant spectral envelope. The authors interpreted this result as evidence for a selective involvement of left auditory cortex during stream segregation based on timbre cues conveyed by spectral differences. Interestingly, Wilson et al. ( 2007 ) also observed greater activation in response to ABAB sequences of pure tones with a small or null A-B frequency separation than in response to sequences with a larger frequency separation, or slower sequences. They explained this in terms of forward suppression within frequency-specifi c neural populations. It is not entirely clear whether an equally simple explanation also holds for the fi ndings of Deike et al.

To determine whether the effects observed in the fMRI study of Wilson et al. ( 2007 ) and in the MEG study of Gutschalk et al. ( 2005 ) were specifi c to pure tones, and critically dependent upon the responses of frequency-specifi c (tonotopic) mech-anisms, Gutschalk et al. ( 2007 ) used both MEG and fMRI to measure auditory cortex activation by sequences of bandpass-fi ltered complex tones, which contained only unresolved harmonics in their passband. The results showed clear increases in audi-tory cortex activation as a function of the F0 difference between A and B tones in repeating AAAB sequences. Thus, F0 differences had an effect similar to that observed in previous studies based on frequency differences between pure tones, and this was the case even though tonotopic factors were eliminated, or at least, strongly reduced through the use of low F0s and bandpass-fi ltering. A relatively simple expla-nation for these observations could be based on neurons in auditory cortex that are sensitive to F0 or pitch (Bendor & Wang, 2005, 2006 ) . The responses of these pitch-tuned neurons to rapidly presented tones may be as susceptible to forward suppres-sion as those of frequency-tuned neurons in A1. From a more general perspective, forward suppression may enhance contrasts in the responses of sequentially activated neural populations tuned along other dimensions than just frequency or F0,

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such as amplitude-modulation rate. This provides a general neural mechanism for auditory streaming based on nontonotopic cues. A recent study extended these fi ndings of neural correlates of auditory streaming based on nontonotopic cues to streaming based on interaural time differences (Schadwinkel & Gutschalk, 2010 ) .

The EEG, MEG, and fMRI studies reviewed above raise interesting questions concerning the involvement of auditory and nonauditory cortical areas in auditory streaming. Intracranial studies and source analysis of human data (Liegeois-Chauvel et al., 1994 ; Gutschalk et al., 2004 ) indicate that the P1m and N1m are generated mostly in nonprimary auditory areas, including lateral HG, PT, and superior tempo-ral gyrus (STG). Thus, the MEG data of Gutschalk et al. ( 2005 ) have been inter-preted as evidence that neural responses in nonprimary cortex covary with listeners’ percepts of auditory streaming. Gutschalk et al. found no evidence for modulation of neural responses outside of auditory cortex in their data. On the other hand, the fMRI data of Cusack ( 2005 ) showed no evidence for percept-dependent modulation of neural responses in auditory cortex. In that study, differential activation associ-ated with the percept of one or two streams was only seen beyond auditory cortex, in the intraparietal sulcus (IPS). However, at the same time, Cusack found no sig-nifi cant change in auditory cortical activation dependent on the frequency separation between the A and B tones, whereas a later fMRI study by Wilson et al. ( 2007 ) , which focused on auditory cortex, showed clear changes in fMRI activation in both HG and PT with increasing frequency separation. A possible explanation for the apparent discrepancy between these results stems from the consideration that the experimental design and analysis techniques used by Gutschalk et al. ( 2005 ) and Wilson et al. ( 2007 ) were better suited to capture stimulus- or percept-related auditory cortical activity than the whole-brain acquisitions used by Cusack ( 2005 ) . Conversely, the approach used in the former studies was less well suited to the measurement of changes in neural activity outside of auditory cortex. Thus, these studies provide different windows on cortical activity during auditory streaming. Taken together, the results of these studies indicate that both auditory and nonaudi-tory cortical areas are involved in auditory streaming. An important goal for future studies of the neural basis of auditory streaming will be to clarify the contributions of primary and secondary auditory cortex areas, and the possible role of areas outside auditory cortex (including the parietal and frontal lobes) in the generation of auditory streaming percepts. In addition, it will be important to determine more pre-cisely the extent to which neural precursors of auditory streaming are already present (or not) in subcortical—and even, peripheral—levels of the auditory system.

8.3.2 Auditory Continuity Psychophysics of Auditory Continuity

A pure tone that is interrupted for a few tens of milliseconds by silence is heard distinctly as discontinuous. However, if the silent gap is fi lled with noise, which overlaps spectrally with the tone and has a level suffi ciently high to have masked

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the tone (had it continued through the noise), listeners typically hear the tone as “continuing through” the noise, as if it were physically uninterrupted (Fig. 8.4 ) (Warren et al., 1972 ; Bregman & Dannenbring, 1977 ; Ciocca & Bregman, 1987 ) . This phenomenon is known as the auditory “continuity illusion.” The illusion bears some superfi cial resemblance to its visual homologue, in which two identically oriented line segments separated by a larger geometric fi gure (e.g., a rectangle) are perceived as a line behind the fi gure (Kanizsa & Gerbino, 1982 ) . Illusory continuity may play an important role in everyday life, as sounds of interest are often inter-rupted by louder extraneous sounds in the environment (Warren et al., 1972 ) ; the illusion of continuity might help to counteract masking effects, and to maintain object coherence over time despite acoustic interference.

While parametric studies of the auditory continuity illusion have often employed pure tones (e.g., Riecke et al., 2009a ) , the illusion has also been demonstrated using other types of sounds than steady pure tones, including amplitude- or frequency-modulated tones or sweeps (Ciocca & Bregman, 1987 ; Kluender & Jenison, 1992 ;







Time Time

Stimulus Percept



Fig. 8.4 Schematic illustration of stimuli and percepts in the auditory continuity illusion. (Top) A pure-tone that is physically interrupted for a few tens of milliseconds is perceived as clearly discontinuous. (Middle) A brief but temporally continuous noise band is heard as such. (Bottom) When the noise band is added to the pure-tone, in such a way that it fi lls the temporal gap in that tone, the tone is illusorily perceived as “continuing through” the noise, as if it were uninterrupted. For this auditory “continuity illusion” to occur, it is necessary that the noise be loud enough to mask the tone, if the tone was presented simultaneously with it

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Carlyon et al., 2004 ) , and harmonic complex tones (Plack & White, 2000 ; Darwin, 2005 ) . The occurrence of illusory continuity with speech sounds, which is usually referred to as “phonemic restoration” (Warren, 1970 ; Warren & Obusek, 1971 ; Carlyon et al., 2002 ) , is of special interest. While phonemic restoration depends on acoustic characteristics (such as spectral similarity between the inducer and inducee) as well low-level sensory factors (such as peripheral or “energetic” masking) (Warren & Obusek, 1971 ) , it is also strongly infl uenced by higher level factors specifi c to speech processing, such as phonemic expectations (Samuel, 1981 ) .

Although auditory streaming and the continuity illusion have traditionally been studied separately, Tougas and Bregman ( 1990 ) pointed out that these two phenom-ena can be considered different aspects of a more general scene-analysis process, the function of which is to build accurate auditory representations. Therefore, the question of the relationship between the auditory continuity illusion and auditory streaming has been raised (Bregman & Dannenbring, 1973 ; Tougas & Bregman, 1990 ; Darwin, 2005 ) . The empirical evidence so far appears to support the view that for illusory continuity to be perceived, the sound segments that precede and follow the interruption must be perceived as part of the same stream.

Finally, it is interesting to note that humans are not the only ones to experience the auditory continuity illusion. Behavioral studies have provided compelling evidence that primates also experience it (Miller et al., 2001 ; Petkov et al., 2003 ) , serving as a basis for studies of neural correlates of the phenomenon in nonhuman species. Neural Bases for Auditory Continuity

Two studies based on mammalian primary cortex demonstrated single neurons that responded similarly to continuous sounds, and to discontinuous sounds that were interrupted by intense noise—in such a way that they were heard as continuous. In the fi rst study, Sugita ( 1997 ) measured the responses of cells in cat primary cortex to frequency glides. When these were interrupted by a silent gap, the responses were found to be considerably reduced, compared to uninterrupted glides. However, when the silent gap was fi lled with bandpass noise, to which the cells did not respond when this noise was presented in isolation, the response strength was restored. These results were interpreted as evidence that cells in primary cortex integrate information over time, providing a possible substrate for the percept of illusory continuity in primary cortex. A puzzling feature of this study, however, is that the noise was fi ltered into a remote frequency region, so that it did not overlap spectrally with the glide. Based on the results of several psychophysical studies in humans, one should not have expected the glide to be perceived as continuous under such stimulus conditions. The second study was performed by Petkov et al. ( 2007 ) . These authors measured responses from single neurons to continuous and interrupted pure tones (with the interruption silent or fi lled with masking noise) in primary cortex of awake macaque monkeys. Under conditions in which the tone was either physically continuous, or heard as continuous (due to the insertion of noise in the gap), some neurons produced prominent onset responses at the onset of the tone, and either no

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response or a weak onset responses to the noise and second tone segments. In contrast, when the tone was interrupted by a silent gap, the second tone segment evoked a salient onset response in those same neurons. This pattern of results is consistent with the hypothesis that perceived illusory continuity is refl ected in the responses of some neurons in primary cortex.

The fi rst study devoted specifi cally to testing for neural correlates of the auditory continuity illusion in human auditory cortex was performed by Micheyl et al. ( 2003 ) . These authors measured ERPs using an oddball paradigm involving four stimulus conditions, which were designed specifi cally to tease apart the relative contributions of stimulus-related and percept-related (illusory continuity) factors in the generation of the MMN. The pattern of results that was obtained in this study was interpreted as consistent with the hypothesis that, at the level at which the MMN is generated, perceived continuity is already refl ected in the activity of neurons or neural popula-tions. In addition, since the MMN is elicited even when participants are not actively attending to the stimuli (in this study, participants were watching a silent movie), these results suggest that the neural processes responsible for fi lling in gaps in sounds operate automatically, and do not require active attention to sound.

A limitation of the EEG study of Micheyl et al. ( 2003 ) is that the neural genera-tors of the MMN could not be located precisely. This limitation was overcome in recent fMRI studies by Riecke et al. ( 2007, 2009b ) , which investigated neural cor-relates of the illusory continuity in human auditory cortex. In this study, participants in the scanner were presented with amplitude-modulated tones, which were either physically continuous or interrupted by a short temporal gap, which was either left empty of fi lled with a burst of noise. The fMRI data were analyzed, fi rst, based on the physical characteristics of the stimuli, then, based on the ratings of perceived continuity provided by the listeners. These analyses showed differences in neural activation patterns evoked by physically identical stimuli in primary auditory cortex, depending on the listener’s percept. These fMRI results are consistent with the above-described single-unit and EEG results in indicating the auditory continuity illusion is generated in or below the primary auditory cortex.

Finally, two recent studies have investigated neural correlates of the auditory continuity illusion produced by speech, or speech-like, stimuli in human listeners (Heinrich et al., 2008 ; Shahin et al., 2009 ) . Unlike those reviewed in the preceding text, these studies did not focus exclusively on auditory cortex but used whole-brain fMRI. The fi rst study (Heinrich et al., 2008 ) used synthetic vowels consisting of two formants (spectral peaks) occupying different spectral regions, which were presented either simultaneously (in which case the stimuli were perceived as speech-like sounds) or in alternation (in which case the stimuli were not recognized as speech sounds). The results revealed signifi cant activation in posterior middle temporal gyrus (MTG) and superior temporal sulcus (STS)—two areas shown in previous studies to be involved specifi cally in speech processing—in the condition that involved simultaneous formants. Crucially, signifi cantly greater activation was found in MTG in the condition involving alternating formants with high-level noise, which evoked the illusion, than in the condition involving alternating formants with high-level noise, which did not evoke the illusion. This outcome is consistent with

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the hypothesis that, at least for these stimuli, the auditory continuity illusion is generated prior to the level at which sound is processed specifi cally as speech. Interestingly, opposite activation patterns were observed in right and left HG containing primary cortex: more activation was observed in the condition in which the formants were alternating with silent gaps than in the condition in which the gaps were fi lled with noise, or the formants were continuous. It was suggested that neural activity in primary cortex depends primarily on stimulus onsets.

The second study (Shahin et al., 2009 ) used an elegant design to distinguish between two types of neural mechanisms of illusory continuity: (1) unconscious and largely bottom-up “repair” mechanisms, which contribute to restore missing sensory information automatically and (2) higher-level, error-detection-and-corre-ction mechanisms, which compare bottom-up information with internally generated predictions, and are actually responsible for conscious percepts of illusory continuity. It was hypothesized that the latter mechanisms might recruit regions located outside of auditory cortex, such as left inferior frontal gyrus, which previous studies have indicated to play a role in the segmentation and recognition of acoustic sequences. The results of this study suggest that sensory-repair mechanisms take place in Broca’s area, bilateral anterior insula, and the presupplementary motor area, whereas the mechanisms that are actually responsible for conscious percepts of illusory continuity for speech stimuli recruit the left angular gyrus (AG), STG, and the right STS. Overall, the results are consistent with the view that there exist two distinct paths in the brain, corresponding to two types of mechanisms that both contribute, more or less automatically, and more or less consciously, to the illusory continuity of speech stimuli.

To summarize, in the studies of single neurons above, EEG and fMRI responses concur to suggest that the auditory continuity illusion produced by pure tones inter-rupted by noise involves relatively automatic, early, and modality-specifi c neural mechanisms, which can be found in auditory cortex, and more specifi cally, primary cortex. On the other hand, studies using synthetic or natural speech indicate that brain regions located beyond auditory cortex are crucially involved in generating conscious percepts of illusory continuity for such stimuli, and raise questions as to whether neural activity in primary auditory cortex merely refl ects physical stimulus properties, such as onsets.

8.3.3 Regularity and Deviance in Acoustic Sequences

Acoustic sequences contain information that increases as a function of the complex-ity of those sequences—more disordered sequences are less predictable so that each new sound in the sequence adds more information than a predictable sequence. The auditory system constantly needs to assess the statistical properties of streams of acoustic stimuli to understand the information contained and also to detect when one stream of information ends and another begins. Bayesian approaches to this problem treat the brain as an inference machine, which forms predictions from the

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statistical properties of sensory input and evaluates these predictions based on stored, experience-dependent templates or priors (Friston, 2003, 2005 ) . Within this framework, the auditory system is constantly evaluating the incoming signal with respect to its statistical properties, from which it forms predictions that are the basis for detecting transitions in the auditory scene when the signal properties change.

The MMN paradigm has been enormously informative for auditory neuroscience; however, its simplistic nature limits inferences to the complex everyday acoustic environment. A few studies have attempted to address the processing of more com-plex statistical regularities and the expectancies that arise from them. For example, Bendixen et al. ( 2009 ) presented participants with isochronous tone sequences in which every other tone was a repetition of its predecessor while recording EEG activity. Thus, while the frequency of the fi rst tone of such tone pairs was unpredict-able, the second was predetermined and could be predicted. By infrequently omitting either the fi rst or the second tone, the authors were able to test whether the auditory system either retrospectively fi lls in information (missing fi rst tone) or prospectively predicts information (missing second tone). The results support the latter, showing that the omission of a predictable (but not the unpredictable) tone evoked a response that was similar to the response to the actual tone. This suggests that the auditory system preactivates the neural circuits for expected input. Overath et al. ( 2007 ) took this idea one step further: they used the entropy metric derived from information theory (Shannon, 1948 ) to create pitch sequences for which the statistical character-istics were held within probabilistic constraints, such that the general predictability of pitches within a pitch sequence was varied parametrically: for pitch sequences with high entropy, pitches were highly unpredictable and thus each pitch contributed new information, while pitch sequences with low entropy were more redundant because the general gist of pitches and pitch movement could be anticipated. From an information-theoretic perspective, high entropy pitch sequences require more computational demands than redundant pitch sequences, presumably because the auditory system tends to preactivate its neural circuitry (Bendixen et al., 2009 ) , for example via “sparse” or “predictive” coding strategies (Friston, 2003, 2005 ) . Using fMRI, the authors found that PT increased its activity as a function of stimulus entropy (or unpredictability). In contrast, a distributed frontoparietal network for retrieval of acoustic information operated independently of entropy. The results support the PT as an effi cient neural engine or “computational hub” (Griffi ths & Warren, 2002 ) that demands fewer computational resources to encode redundant signals than those with high information content.

Another approach to investigating how the auditory system encodes statistical regularities in sequences is to examine the effect of changing the stimulus statistics. Chait et al. ( 2008 ) used sequences of tone-pip stimuli that alternated in frequency either regularly or randomly and created transitions from the regular to the random pattern or vice versa. The former stimulus requires the discovery of a violation of regularity (regular to random), whereas the latter requires the detection of a new regularity (random to regular). Using MEG, the authors found that the temporal dynamics and morphology of the neural responses reveal distinct neural substrates in primary and nonprimary auditory cortex. This study and that of Overath et al. ( 2007 )

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demonstrate mechanisms in auditory cortex that differentiate between order and disorder (or predictability and randomness) in sound sequences.

The importance of stimulus statistics for auditory perception is not new. In fact, Shannon ( 1948 ) described his information theoretic approach of human communica-tion with respect to letter probabilities in written language. In speech, transition probabilities between different phonemes adhere to constraints in a given language, and even very young infants are sensitive to these transition probabilities both in their native language (Saffran et al., 1996 ) , an unfamiliar language (Pelucchi et al., 2009 ) , as well as with more abstract pitch transition probabilities in short musical melodies (Saffran et al., 1999 ) . Thus, the auditory system seems to group acoustic elements into meaningful entities, based on learned probabilities between those ele-ments. This is a powerful strategy, as it allows both the grouping as well as segregation of auditory objects in a generic framework, as described earlier in this chapter.

8.4 Concluding Comments: Higher-Level Mechanisms

In the last section the idea was developed that auditory perception is generative: based on the communication between higher level areas that impose Bayesian priors on the incoming sensory information. The idea has been developed more fully in the visual system. For example, Rao and Ballard ( 1999 ) suggested an infl u-ential predictive coding model in which incoming sensory information in primary cortex is compared with a prediction signal from higher cortex and an error signal is communicated from primary cortex to higher cortex. Similar schemes have been suggested for the analysis of auditory objects too with prominent back projections from higher areas to lower areas: for example, auditory applications of reverse hier-archy theory discussed in Shamma ( 2008 ) .

This chapter developed a “bottom up” approach based on simultaneous and then sequential grouping of object features that depends critically on processing in the primary and nonprimary auditory cortices, in addition to distinct areas beyond audi-tory cortex. Generative models represent effi cient means of understanding the acous-tic world and require effective connectivity between primary cortex and higher centers, and systems for the analysis of objects. Many of the experiments described have sought specifi c nodes in the system for the analysis of different aspects of objects, but a full understanding of the problem is likely to require systems identifi cation (for a detailed discussion of this technique, see Griffi ths et al., 2009b ) to defi ne these nodes and their effective connections during object analysis. The priors from higher areas might have a “label” like a word, or another type of stored meaning like a position in space. Generative models therefore immediately suggest ways in which the grouped patterns abstracted during object analysis can allow semantic processing.

Acknowledgments Griffi ths is a Wellcome Trust Senior Clinical Fellow. Griffi ths and Overath are supported by the Wellcome Trust, UK (WT091681MA). Micheyl is supported by the National Institute of Health, USA (R01 for Chris’ NIH grant: DC07657).

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