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AUG 021 0 en (ENDIAN With EWON Getting Started)

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  • 8/12/2019 AUG 021 0 en (ENDIAN With EWON Getting Started)


    eWONApplication User Guide

    AUG 021 / Rev 1.0



    ENDIAN with eWON

    Getting started


    tent This guide will e!lain in a "ew ste!s h#w t# $#n"igure and use %#ur ENDIAN t# $reate a &'N

    netw#r( with eWONs.

  • 8/12/2019 AUG 021 0 en (ENDIAN With EWON Getting Started)


    Table of Contents

    1. Hardware and software requirements..................................................................................................3 Hardware requirements....................................................................................................................3 Software requirements.....................................................................................................................3 eWON Firmware Version.................................................................................................................3

    2. What is ENDIAN for eWON...............................................................................................................! What is ENDIAN.............................................................................................................................! What is ENDIAN for eWON............................................................................................................!

    3. Networ" Setu#.....................................................................................................................................$ ENDIAN %onfi&uration......................................................................................................................$

    ENDIAN 'onne%tion..................................................................................................................$Interfa%es 'onfi&uration.............................................................................................................(O#enV)N 'onfi&uration.............................................................................................................*

    eWON 'onfi&uration......................................................................................................................13 )' %onfi&uration.............................................................................................................................1(

    !. Networ" to#o+o&ies............................................................................................................................1, On+- eWONs..................................................................................................................................1,

    ENDIAN Settin&s.....................................................................................................................1, On+- eWONs eWONs see eWONs..............................................................................................1*

    ENDIANSettin&s......................................................................................................................1* eWONs /o%a+ networ" of eWONs eWONs see eWONs...........................................................20

    ENDIAN Settin&s.....................................................................................................................20

    $. Se%urit-..............................................................................................................................................22


  • 8/12/2019 AUG 021 0 en (ENDIAN With EWON Getting Started)


    Hardware and software requirements 'ha#ter 1.

    1. Hardware and software requirements

    Hardware requirements

    In order to fo++ow this &uide -ou++ need4

    1 ENDIAN serer a##+ian%e 5in this do%ument6 we use an ENDIAN78ini9

    1 5or seera+9 eWON7V)N with an Internet a%%ess

    Software requirements

    eWON configuration software:

    :he eWON is %onfi&ured throu&h its we; serer. So a++ -ou need is a standard We;

  • 8/12/2019 AUG 021 0 en (ENDIAN With EWON Getting Started)


    What is ENDIAN for eWON 'ha#ter 2.

    2. What is END!N for eWON"

    What is END!N"

    ENDIAN is an Open Source Firewall UTM Appliance.


    :he Endian Firewa++ is an o#en sour%e /inu= distri;ution that s#e%ia+i?es onoutin&>Firewa++in& and nified :hreat 8ana&ement. It is ;ein& dee+o#ed ;- theIta+ian Endian Sr+ and the %ommunit-.

    :he ersion of Endian Firewa++ used in this do%ument is ersion 2.2.1.

    ENDIAN is main+- a Firewa++ 5;oth dire%tions96 ;ut a+so a BVirtua# $ri%ate Networ&'V$N( )atewa* with O+enV$Nor I)se%B.

    Other features are4 DHCP-Server, Hotspot/Wireless Security, We Antivirus, WeAntispa!, "-Mail Antivirus, "-Mail Antispa!, Transparent HTTP-Pro#y, ContentFilter, S$P %o$P Support, &etwor' A((ress Translation, Multi $P a((ress )aliases*,HTTPS we inter+ace, Connection statistics, o o+ networ'in tra++ic, Forwar(in o+los to an e#ternal server, &TP-Server, $ntrusion Detection Syste!, ADS-Mo(e!Support

    What is END!N for eWON"As eWON7V)N are ;ased on O#enV)N too6 it is eas- to ;ui+d a V)N networ" with anENDIAN as O#enV)N Serer and eWONs as O#enV)N '+ients.

    ENDIAN with eWON 5@ettin& started9 )a&e !>2!

    Fiure . Open%P& networ' e#a!ple

  • 8/12/2019 AUG 021 0 en (ENDIAN With EWON Getting Started)


    Networ" Setu# 'ha#ter 3.

    ,. Networ& Setu+

    END!N configuration

    ENDIAN Connection

    2! and the ENDIAN firewa++ is at1*2.1(,.0.1$.

    :he s-stem wi++ redire%t -ou to thehtt#s4>>1*2.1(,.0.1$410!!3and -ou wi++

    a%%e#t the 'ertifi%ate to +o&in into theENDIAN.

    :hen6 a #o#u# wi++ inite -ou to enterthe /o&in>)assword ot the ENDIAN.

    Defau+t +o&in4 a(!inDefau+t #wd4 en(ian

    ENDIAN with eWON 5@ettin& started9 )a&e $>2!

    Fiure 0 "n(ian Ho!e pae
  • 8/12/2019 AUG 021 0 en (ENDIAN With EWON Getting Started)


    3. Networ" Setu#

    Interfaces Configuration

    ENDIAN are ;ui+t to mana&e four hardware interfa%es6 in this do%ument we on+- need2 hardware interfa%es to ;ui+d our V)N networ".

    In our sim#+e V)N networ"6 we need on+- a /AN and a WAN interfa%es.

    /AN4 our #riate networ"/AN address ran&e 1*2.1(,.0.0>2!ENDIAN7/AN4 1*2.1(,.0.1$

    WAN4 the %or#orate networ" a++owin& us to a%%ess InternetWAN address ran&e>1(ENDIAN7WAN4 10.0.120.*

    se the &etwor' con+iurationmenu and fo++ow the wi?ard to define and %onfi&ure thenetwor" interfa%es.

    ENDIAN with eWON 5@ettin& started9 )a&e (>2!

    Fiure 1 C2oose type o+ 3"D inter+ace

    Fiure 4 C2oose networ' 5ones

  • 8/12/2019 AUG 021 0 en (ENDIAN With EWON Getting Started)


    3. Networ" Setu#

    ENDIAN with eWON 5@ettin& started9 )a&e C>2!

    Fiure 6 $nternet access pre+erences

    Fiure 7 Con+iure D&S resolver

  • 8/12/2019 AUG 021 0 en (ENDIAN With EWON Getting Started)


    3. Networ" Setu#

    ENDIAN with eWON 5@ettin& started9 )a&e ,>2!

    Fiure 8 Apply con+iuration

    Fiure 9 Wait +or reoot

  • 8/12/2019 AUG 021 0 en (ENDIAN With EWON Getting Started)


    3. Networ" Setu#

    OpenVPN Configuration

    )#o-a# settings

    :o %onfi&ure the V)N of the ENDIAN6 use the %P&to# menu6 fo++owed ;- theOpen%P& serverin the +eft menu.

    :he on+- thin& to %onfi&ure is to ena;+e the O#enV)N serer and to fi= the D-nami% I)#oo+ adresses used ;- V)N '+ients.

    One #ra%ti%a+ feature of ENDIAN V)N is that a++ V)N7'+ients wi++ re%eie a V)Naddress %om#ati;+e with the /AN networ".In our e=am#+e6 as the /AN 5our @EEN interfa%e9 is 1*2.1(,.0.0>2!6 a++ V)N %+ientswi++ re%eied an address ;etween 1*2.1(,.0.20 and 1*2.1(,.0.2$!.

    ENDIAN with eWON 5@ettin& started9 )a&e *>2!

    Fiure : Open%P& Server con+iuration

    NOE :hen6 from an- dei%es #+a%ed on the /AN6 a++ the remote eWONs%onne%ted ;- V)N wi++ ;e rea%ha;+e the same wa- as if the- were#h-si%a++- on the same /AN

  • 8/12/2019 AUG 021 0 en (ENDIAN With EWON Getting Started)


    3. Networ" Setu#


    Now6 for ea%h %+ient6 -ou need to %reate an a%%ount. For that6 se+e%t theAccountsta;and use theA(( Account;utton.

    For now6 ust enter the Userna!eand Passwor(and sae -our a%%ount./eae a++ other #arameters ;+an"6 we wi++ dis%uss them +ater.

    'reate as mu%h a%%ounts as -ou need.

    ENDIAN with eWON 5@ettin& started9 )a&e 10>2!

    Fiure .; A(( a %P& Account

  • 8/12/2019 AUG 021 0 en (ENDIAN With EWON Getting Started)


    3. Networ" Setu#

    !d%anced +arameters

    With theA(vance(ta;6 -ou wi++ set the Portand Protocolused for the V)N 5D)11*! ;- defau+t9 and se+e%t the Authenti%ation t-#e 5)S9.

    'he%" the

  • 8/12/2019 AUG 021 0 en (ENDIAN With EWON Getting Started)


    3. Networ" Setu#

    ENDIAN with eWON 5@ettin& started9 )a&e 12>2!

    /$O0!N Verif- that the )ort and )roto%o+ used 5i.e.4 D) 11*!9 rea%hs theENDIAN firewa++.

    Verif- that the D) 11*! #a%"ets are not ;+o%"ed ;- the IS)

    5usua++-6 on domesti% ADS/ offer6 in%omin& trafi% is firewa++ed9. Verif- that the %or#orate router forwards a++ D) 11*! #a%"ets

    to the ENDIAN.

  • 8/12/2019 AUG 021 0 en (ENDIAN With EWON Getting Started)


    3. Networ" Setu#

    eWON onfiguration

    First+-6 %onfi&ure -our eWON to a%%ess the Internet.

    And after6 &o to the Wi?ard menu.

    'hoose the 'onfi&ure Endian For eWON %onne%tiit- ;utton .

    Set the #arameters for the ENDIAN %onne%tion.

    ENDIAN with eWON 5@ettin& started9 )a&e 13>2!


  • 8/12/2019 AUG 021 0 en (ENDIAN With EWON Getting Started)


    3. Networ" Setu#

    :he V)N sername>)assword %omes from one of the A%%ounts %reated in theENDIAN.

    'o#- the 'ertifi%ate down+oaded from the ENDIAN.

    :he Serer Address is usua++- the Internet )u;+i% I) address ;ehind whi%h theENDIAN is #+a%ed.

    '+i%" &e#t;utton and the eWON wi++ do the V)N %onne%tion.

    If su%%eed6 -ou wi++ hae the fo++owin& s%reen.

    ENDIAN with eWON 5@ettin& started9 )a&e 1!>2!

  • 8/12/2019 AUG 021 0 en (ENDIAN With EWON Getting Started)


    3. Networ" Setu#

    If -ou +oo" on the ENDIAN we;site6 -ou %an iew that the eWON*2 is we++ %onne%ted.

    ENDIAN with eWON 5@ettin& started9 )a&e 1$>2!

    Fiure .0 "&D$A& wi5ar( success

  • 8/12/2019 AUG 021 0 en (ENDIAN With EWON Getting Started)


    3. Networ" Setu#

    $ configuration

    ENDIAN Serers are main+- desi&ned to ;ui+d networ" of )'. :o %onne%t a )' to -ourV)N networ"6 -ou need to insta++ a #ie%e of software on -our %om#uter.

    From the ENDIAN we;site6 down+oad and insta++ the EndianV)N'+ient7setu#


    On%e insta++ed6 -ou hae -our "&D$A& %P& Dialerto %onne%t -our )' to theO#enV)N networ".

    :o oin a V)N Networ"6 %reate or edit a Pro+ile.

    Gou need the same %ertifi%ate as the one used to %onfi&ure the eWON.

    ENDIAN with eWON 5@ettin& started9 )a&e 1(>2!

    Fiure .1 "&D$A& %P& Dialer

    Fiure .4 %P& Pro+ile "(itor

  • 8/12/2019 AUG 021 0 en (ENDIAN With EWON Getting Started)


    3. Networ" Setu#

    On%e %onne%ted6 -our )' hae a%%ess to the who+e %or#orate networ" 5%onne%ted tothe ENDIAN /AN interfa%e9.

    ENDIAN with eWON 5@ettin& started9 )a&e 1C>2!

    Fiure .6 PC %P& Client connecte(

  • 8/12/2019 AUG 021 0 en (ENDIAN With EWON Getting Started)


    Networ" to#o+o&ies 'ha#ter !.

    3. Networ& to+o#ogies

    On#* eWONs

    Now6 with the sim#+e %onfi&uration of ENDIAN and eWONs done in the #reious%ha#ter 5on+- with defau+t settin&s96 we hae ;ui+d a networ" +i"e the one ;e+ow4

    With this to#o+o&-4

    A++ the dei%es on the %or#orate /AN hae a%%ess to a++ eWONs

    A++ eWONs hae a%%ess to a++ the dei%es on the %or#orate /AN

    none of the eWONs hae a%%ess to other eWONs

    ENDIAN Settings

    ENDIAN with eWON 5@ettin& started9 )a&e 1,>2!

    Fiure .7 &etwor' Only eWO&s

  • 8/12/2019 AUG 021 0 en (ENDIAN With EWON Getting Started)


    !. Networ" to#o+o&ies

    On#* eWONs 4 eWONs see eWONs

    Gou %an %onfi&ure the ENDIAN firewa++ to a++ow ea%h eWONs 5V)N '+ients9 to seeea%h others.

    With this to#o+o&-4

    A++ the dei%es on the %or#orate /AN hae a%%ess to a++ eWONs

    A++ eWONs hae a%%ess to a++ the dei%es on the %or#orate /AN

    A++ eWONs hae a%%ess to other eWONs


    :o a%hiee this @+o;a+ V)N inter7'+ients %ommuni%ations6 -ou need to a++ow it in theA(vance(settin&s of the ENDIAN V)N Serer.

    ENDIAN with eWON 5@ettin& started9 )a&e 1*>2!

    Fiure .8 &etwor' eWO&s see eac2 ot2ers

  • 8/12/2019 AUG 021 0 en (ENDIAN With EWON Getting Started)


    !. Networ" to#o+o&ies

    eWONs 4 5oca# networ& of eWONs 4 eWONs see eWONs

    If -ou hae +o%a+ networ" ;ehind eWONs6 -ou %an %onfi&ure the ENDIAN Serer tohand+e automati%a++- the routes to these networ"s.

    With this to#o+o&-4

    A++ dei%es on the %or#orate /AN hae a%%ess to a++ eWONs and to dei%es;ehind these eWONs

    A++ dei%es on the %or#orate /AN hae a%%ess to a++ dei%es ;ehind eWONs

    A++ eWONs hae a%%ess to a++ dei%es on the %or#orate /AN

    A++ dei%es ;ehind eWONs hae a%%ess to a++ dei%es on the %or#orate /AN

    A++ eWONs and dei%es ;ehind hae a%%ess to other eWONs and dei%es;ehind

    ENDIAN Settings

    In Adan%ed settin&s6

    ENDIAN with eWON 5@ettin& started9 )a&e 20>2!

    Fiure .9 &etwor' local networ' o+ eWO&s

  • 8/12/2019 AUG 021 0 en (ENDIAN With EWON Getting Started)


    !. Networ" to#o+o&ies

    And in ea%h A%%ounts6 -ou need to set the &etwor's e2in( client.

    :his O#enV)N re;oot is required ;e%ause when -ou %han&e an a%%ount6 ma-;e -ouhae %han&ed one of the '+ient outin& settin&s6 and then the ENDIAN Serer mustsend to a++ V)N %+ients these new #arameters.

    ENDIAN with eWON 5@ettin& started9 )a&e 21>2!

    Fiure .: Account settins wit2 networ'

    /$O0!N After %han&in& the networ"s settin&s6 the ENDIAN Serer wi++ inite-ou to restart the O#enV)N serer.

    :his restart wi++ dis%onne%t a++ V)N '+ients 5and the- wi++automati%a++- re%onne%t to the O#enV)N9.

  • 8/12/2019 AUG 021 0 en (ENDIAN With EWON Getting Started)


    Se%urit- 'ha#ter $.

    6. Securit*

    :he #reious %ha#ter BNetwor" to#o+o&iesB a++ows -ou to desi&n &+o;a++- the sha#e of-our networ". For e=am#+e6 if -ou want that the eWONJ1 has a%%ess to the %or#orate/AN and on+- to another eWON6 -ou %annot a%hiee that on+- with the ENDIAN V)N%onfi&uration.

    :o a++ow -ou to define a%%urate+- who hae a%%ess to who in -our V)N networ"6 -ouneed to use the Firewa++ fun%tiona+it- of the ENDIAN Serer and more s#e%ifi%a++- theV)N Firewa++.

  • 8/12/2019 AUG 021 0 en (ENDIAN With EWON Getting Started)


    $. Se%urit-

    Now6 the V)N Firewa++ is ena;+ed and ;+o%"s a++ the V)N traffi% ;e%ause there is no

    ru+es defined. '+i%" on the +in" to %reate a ru+e.

    :hen6 if -ou want to a++ow one user to a%%ess a++ the other V)N '+ients6 se+e%t theSour%e :-#e Userand %hoose the name of the ser in the +ist.

    In Destination6 se+e%t the t-#e ser and %hoose >A&?@in the +ist.:hin" to add a short des%ri#tion of -our ru+e in the 3e!ar'fie+d.

    And #ush the ;utton.

    se the A##+- ;utton to use immediate+- -our new ru+e.

    'reate as man- ru+es as required to ;ui+d -our controlle(networ".

    ENDIAN with eWON 5@ettin& started9 )a&e 23>2!

    Fiure 00 A(( a %P& Firewall rule

    Fiure 01 Don=t +oret to apply new rules

  • 8/12/2019 AUG 021 0 en (ENDIAN With EWON Getting Started)


    1. eisions

    RevisionLevel Date Description

    1.7 200*701722 First re+ease.

    i 8i%rosoft6 Internet E=#+orer6 Windows and Windows K) are either re&istered trademar"s or trademar"s of8i%rosoft 'or#oration

    ii Firefo= is a trademar" of the 8o?i++a Foundation

    Do%ument ;ui+d num;er4 17

    Note concerning the warranty and the rights of ownership:

    The information contained in this document is subject to modification without notice.The vendor and the authors of this manual are not liable for the errors it may contain, nor for their

    eventual consequences.

    No liability or warranty, explicit or implicit, is made concerning quality, the accuracyand the correctness of the information contained in this document. In no case the manufacturersresponsibility could be called for direct, indirect, accidental or other damage occurring from anydefect of the product or errors coming from this document.

    The product names are mentioned in this manual for information purposes only. Thetrade mar!s and the product names or mar!s contained in this document are the property of theirrespective owners.

    This document contains materials protected by the International "opyright #aws. $llreproduction rights are reserved. No part of this handboo! can be reproduced, transmitted or copiedin any way without written consent from the manufacturer and%or the authors of this handboo!

    e&'N sa, (ember of $"T# )roup. *ubject to change without notice.

    ENDIAN with eWON 5@ettin& started9 )a&e 2!>2!
