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Aug. 14 Herald

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  • 8/12/2019 Aug. 14 Herald


    July 31, 2014

    Volume XXXXXI,No. 8

    the Herald

    Inside this issue:

    Lants Lines 2

    CE Director/Blessing of Back-packs


    Sunday School in-formation


    Youth News 5

    Salt Shakers/Picnic/

    Sunday school



    Bazaar Crafters/

    Books needed



    for the World


    Pyoca Times 9

    Thoughts 10

    Calendar 11

    Church Happenings 12


    D e Wr

    Sunday School Kick-Off

    Sunday, August 17, 2014

    9:30 am Pancake Breakfast

    (gluten free pancakes available)

    9:30 am Sunday School Kick-off

    10:30 am Worship

    4:006:00 p.m. All Church Skating Party


  • 8/12/2019 Aug. 14 Herald


    Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. (Matthew 5:9


    Is it my imagination, or are armed conflicts springing up across the globe withincreasing frequency? A quick Internet search reveals fully a dozen ongoing con-flicts in which a thousand or more persons have been killed in at least one of

    the last two years. Heres the list, with the years the conflicts beganIsraeli-Palestinian conflict(1948), war in Afghanistan (1978), Somali civil war (1991), Islamist insurgency in Nigeria (1999),war in Northwest Pakistan (2004), Mexican drug war (2006), Egyptian crisis (2011), Syrian civilwar (2011), Iraqi insurgency (2011), Central African Republic conflict (2012), South Sudanese civilwar (2013), and the war in Eastern Ukraine (2014). While more than a majority of these conflictsbegan in the last decade, I cant say whether this is more than in previous decades. Maybe, its just

    the 24-hour news cycle and immediate reach of global telecommunications that makes currentevents seem more violent. As I consider the Christian response to all this, I feel numb, immobi-

    lized. What can we possibly do to reduce the amount of war and violence in our world?

    But we do not have the option of inaction. We are followers of Jesus, and he calls us to be peace-makers. Our local congregation recognizes this imperative in Christian life. For many years wehave been among those churches in our denomination that have agreed to be Peacemaking con-

    gregations. On the first Sunday in October, World Communion Sunday, we traditionally have tak-en a special peacemaking offering. As a result of actions taken at this summers General Assembly

    of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), the offering now has a new title and a broader scopethePeace and Global Witness Offering. Now, World Communion Sunday culminates the newly des-ignated Season of Peace, which begins the first Sunday in September. As in years past, 25% of

    the offerings received will be retained by our congregation for peacemaking efforts in our localcommunity. But now the remaining 75% will be used by our denomination more broadly in threeareasPeace Building (focusing on a ministry of accompaniment with women and children caughtin the throes of war), Global Issues (addressing lack of education as a source of conflict and focus-ing on illiteracy and poverty), and Witness (training local leaders in war-torn regions in tactics of

    reconciliation and peacemaking).

    Our efforts often seem small in comparison with the forces of hate, greed, and exploitation thatunderlie global conflict. But we do not work alone; God is with us and blesses our labor. Everyact we perform in promoting Gods agenda will have eternal significance. Locally, our MissionCommittee will be recommending to the Session how to use the 25% of the offering that we re-tain. Over the next couple of months, please let us know your suggestions for local peacemaking


    Lants Lines

    Page 2the Herald

  • 8/12/2019 Aug. 14 Herald


    Christian EducationCheryl Moles

    Page 3 the Herald

    Parents Night Out/Youth

    Movie Nightis Friday, August 1.

    Childcare will be provided from

    5:30 9:00 pm with supper

    served. Please notify the church

    office if your child(ren) will be


    Sunday Schoolmeets every

    Sunday at 9:30 am. There are

    classes for all ages with child care

    available from 9:15 to 11:45 am.

    Childrens Worshipfor children

    ages 4 years through 1st grade is

    held following the Childrens Mo-

    ment time in worship. It is led by

    Donna Paul-Bonham or Cheryl

    Moles and meets in room 202.

    Blessing of the Backpacksfor

    students and teachers of all levels

    is August 10 during worship.

    Rally Dayis August 17! This isthe kick-off of a new Sunday

    School year. There will be a pan-

    cake breakfast at 9:30 and stu-

    dents can visit their classrooms.

    An all church Skating Party will

    be at 4:00 pm on August 17 at

    the Wigwam Skating Rink. It is

    under new ownership and has

    been cleaned and renovated with

    more that will be done. Members

    of CN have visited the facility and

    accepted their offer of a free par-

    ty. Skate rental is $3. Pizza and

    drinks will be provided and other

    snacks are available at your own

    cost. If you dont skate, you are

    welcome to join the fun and en-

    joy the fellowship.

    Prayer Partnersdid you know

    that each school age child and

    youth of our church has an adult

    prayer partner? We currently

    have 36 children and youth

    paired with 25 different adults.

    There are five children beginning

    kindergarten and two new youth

    that each need someone that will

    keep in touch with them and pray

    for them. Please let me know if

    you will be one of these special

    persons. This year some prayer

    partners will be keeping in touch

    from around the world what a

    great connection! There are no

    boundaries to Gods love.

    The family prayer groupmeets

    on Mondays at the church. Come

    at noon for lunch. The sharing of

    joys and concerns begins at

    12:30 pm followed by prayer.

    Childcare is provided.

    T3EM Supper and Childcareis

    August 19.


    school year on the horizon, it is time to get your

    backpack/school bag ready, and that includes get-

    ting a blessing for the school year on Sunday,

    August 10. This is for children, youth, college stu-

    dents, instructors and school staff on all levels.

    Bring your backpack to worship and there will be a

    special blessing as the Childrens Moment.

  • 8/12/2019 Aug. 14 Herald


    Page 4

    Volume XXXXXI,

    CPC Sunday School 2014-2015WELCOMING AND DOING THE WORD

    But those who look into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and persevere, being not hearers who forgetbut doers who actthey will be blessed in their doing.

    James 1:25RALLY DAY Sunday School Kick-Off August 17

    9:30 am Pancake Breakfast and classroom visitationInfants to 2 year olds Nursery room 1013 to 5 year olds Preschool room 108

    Kindergarten to 2


    grade Room 2023rdthru 5thgrades Room 103Middle School Room 200High School Room 201Adults:Coffee and Conversation FH Classroom ABible Study FH Classroom BChristian Parenting FH Classroom C

    4:00 6:00 pm ALL CHURCH SKATING PARTYWigwam Skating Rink

    4600 N. Smith Street (Fruitridge & Haythorne Av)Rent skates for $3 or bring your ownBeginning skaters need to be assistedPizza and one drink provided;

    other snacks may be purchased

  • 8/12/2019 Aug. 14 Herald


    Page 5

    Volume XXXXXI,

    Youth NewsTiffany Grossman, Youth Director

    The new school year is nearly upon us. In the next few weeks, parent information packets

    will be distributed to all youth families. These packets will contain a school year calendar, gen-

    eral youth information, permission forms, and forms which will provide me with more infor-mation about your families. Please take time to review these packets and fill out all forms. If you

    have any questions, please contact me by phone or email listed below.

    The Youth Group will celebrate the start of the new school year and welcome new youth

    group members on August 15-16 at our Kickoff Event. This event will be held from 6 pm Friday

    through noon on Saturday. Activities will include cooking out, hiking, and a high ropes course.

    All activities at this event are trial by choice, meaning no youth will be forced into something

    he or she is uncomfortable doing. Other activities available include canoeing, fishing (bring your

    own poles), board games, and hanging out. The Outdoor Center has brand new cabins with beds,showers, and clean bathroom facilities. Youth should bring sleeping bags, pillow, sunscreen, bug

    repellant, any necessary toiletries or medications, a change of clothes, sturdy shoes, and flashlight.

    Please be aware that there may be ticks, various bugs, and poison ivy present. All those in attend-

    ance must have signed permission forms found in the parent information packets.

    Meeting Times for Normal Sunday Meetings:

    5:00-5:45 pm: Middle School Youth meet

    5:45-6:30 pm: Shared Youth dinner

    6:30-7:30 pm: High School Youth meet

    Upcoming Youth Events:

    August 15-16 6 pm-noon: Youth Kickoff Event. The year ly youth k ickoff event will be held

    at the Sycamore Outdoor Center. Come join us in welcoming new youth group members and

    starting the school year off right. Dinner, breakfast, and lunch will be provided. All youth and

    adults in attendance must have signed permission forms for ISU and Centenary/Central.

    August 24: Normal youth meeting times. Location to be determined.

    August 31: No youth group. Happy Labor Day.

    Tiffany Grossman, Youth Director

    812-589-1647 call or text812-917-4463 home phone

    [email protected]

  • 8/12/2019 Aug. 14 Herald


    New Salt Shakers Start in September!

    The Salt Shakers Dinners mix 78 people for dinnerin a home. The host schedules the evening and pro-vides the main dish, and other participants are as-signed a vegetable, salad, or dessert. For each meetingthe participants have been shaken so they get to be

    with a different group. It is a great way to meet new

    people and learn new things about old friends.

    Again this year there will be four meetings so that wecan work around the Holiday Bazaar, Fifth Sundays,

    and other busy times of the year. Groups will meet

    During September or October

    During January or February

    During March or April

    During June or July

    If youd like to be involved in Salt Shakers this year,sign up on the list posted in the Fellowship Hall bySunday, August 24. Hosts, non-hosts, singles, couples,and alternates are encouraged. Once everyone hassigned up, the schedule for the year will be finalizedand sent to those involved. It is truly a wonderful wayto get to know your church familyand have four

    great dinners!

    Page 6the Herald

    Church Picnic

    Fourth, not Fifth, Sun-

    day in August

    Because the fifth Sunday in August oc-curs during Labor Day Weekend, theChurch Life-Church Action commissionhas decided to move the August eventto the fourth Sunday and combine itwith a church picnic. We have reservedthe Lions Three shelter in DemingPark; this is the shelter that is closestto the stage. Everyone is invited togather on Sunday afternoon, August 24,

    starting at 4:30, and we will plan tobegin eating around 5:00. CL-CA willprovide chicken, table service, anddrinks. Please bring a dish to share.Lawn chairs and outdoor games are

    also welcome.


    10. You get to sing with Mr. Jim.

    9. Jesus wants you for a sunbeam.

    8. Its good for your HEART!7. Christian Nurture provides the curriculum and supplies.

    6. Youll spend every Sunday morning being totally adored by the greatest kids in

    Terre Haute.

    5. It lets the kid in you come out and play.

    4. Youll see the wonders of God through the eyes of a child.

    3. Children teach us what absolute joy looks like.

    2. Youll be spending time teaching the next generation of disciples.

    1. You have the opportunity to make a difference in the life of a child.

    We need people-people who care about our kids (in Middle school and High School) and are willing to

    share a few hours of their time. NOexperience is necessary. This is your opportunity to let our chil-

    dren know they are cared for and to help them learn important faith lessons. Teachers work in teams

    of 2-3 in each class room from Aug. 17, 2014-Memorial Day weekend in 2015. Be a part of the Sunday

    School teaching team this year, you will be glad you did. Contact Sandy Mead or Cheryl Moles.

  • 8/12/2019 Aug. 14 Herald


    Page 7

    Volume XXXXXI,

    Do you recall the hot temperatures one week in July, and wearing sweatshirts

    the next week because it was so cool?

    That was bizarre!

    Now August has arrived, and it is one month closer to the

    Central Presbyterian ChurchFall Bazaar!

    For weeks the Bazaar Craftershave been cutting, sewing, stuffing,

    knitting, sanding and painting fantastic items for our November 7th and 8th

    event. No matter what bizarrethings may happen in the future, you can count

    on the Bazaar Crafters! Theyll be creating interesting things every Wednes-day from 10:00 until 2:00. Feel free to join them to work, or just bring your

    lunch to eat so you can visit. Theres nothing bizarre about that!


    Its time to begin perusing your bookshelves for books you no longerwant or need. The Book Shoppe ladies are beginning to gather booksfor the sale on November 8st. Please bring your books to the churchlibrary or Sarahs office, and the Bazaar Book Ladies will take it from

    there. If you cannot get them to the church, please call one of us andwe will be glad to pick them up. If you do take them to the church,

    please give one of us a call so that we may store them out the way of Sarah or Sunday

    School attendees.


    Eunice Pate 298-0050 Cheri Bradley 870-5618

    Nancy Edgerton 535-4337

  • 8/12/2019 Aug. 14 Herald


    Page 8the Herald

    Save the Date!

    Because of its popularity last year, the second annual Holypalooza will be held again this year-on September 20thand 21st. On Sunday, September 21st, the Holypalooza parade will start at9:30 a.m. in Centenary United Methodist Churchs parking lot. The final destination will beCentral Presbyterian Church, which will host the joint worship starting at 10:00 a.m. The wor-ship will last approximately one and half hours. At 11:30 a.m., the shared meal will begin. Unit-ed Campus Ministries will cook the food, which will probably be BBQ pork sandwiches, alongwith providing vegetarian options. Eat-in meals will be at Centenary United Methodist Church

    and St. Stephens Episcopal Church, but carry-out will be available at Centenary United Meth-odist Church. The meal will conclude around 1:30 p.m. and will serve as a fundraiser for Unit-ed Campus Ministries (free-will offering for the meal).

    In contrast to last year, Holypalooza will also include volunteer/mission events on Saturday,September 20th, rather than the street fair on Sunday afternoon. Mission/volunteering eventswill be at the Deming Center, Community Garden and the 14thand Chestnut Community Cen-ter. During the mission events, the 7thCents Youth Group will provide childcare. Josh Powersand David Nearpass are coordinating the mission project at the Deming Center. At the Dem-ing Center, volunteers will make housewarming kits that will include items that cant be pur-chased with food stamps. Along with providing housewarming kits, there will be a Bingo

    Event that allows volunteers to interact with residents. Eli Aba and others are coordinating forthe Community Garden mission project. At the ISU Community Garden, volunteers will beharvesting, pulling weeds and watering communal areas. Finally, Cheryl Moles is on the boardof the directors at the 14thand Chestnut Community Center and has coordinated this missionproject. Volunteers would deep clean the kitchen and possibly clean the playground.

    We look forward to seeing all of you there! Details to follow in September.

    Bread for the World is a collective Christian voice urging our

    nations decision-makers to end hunger at home and abroad. Abranch is being formed in Terre Haute. The first meeting will be

    on Monday, August 11, at 7:00 p.m. in our church fellowship hall.

    A statistic to share: Collectively, all of the private and church-

    based efforts to feed the hungry, while absolutely essential, reach

    about 17% of the need in our country. Come to the meeting on the 11th and find out how you

    can make a difference.

  • 8/12/2019 Aug. 14 Herald


    Page 9

    Volume XXXXXI,


    Central attended various church camps this summer. The church assists with

    funding and it seems that it is money well spent!

    The church office received a couple of letters from campers.

    Miller Bough wrote:

    Dear Church family,

    I have had so much fun at PYOCA and hope to come back in 2015. I have made new friends and

    had fun with old ones like my cousin, Anthony. I got to plan campfire, swim, climb the rock wall, boat,

    and fish. As you can tell, I had a really extreme week and hope next years is even more exciting :-)

    Emily Haan was so excited she sent us two letters. In her first letter, she wrote:

    Dear Central Church family,Hi! Caroline and I are having a blast! Yesterday we took a tour of camp and took the swim test.

    We both passed. We picked out our morning activities as well. I have climbing and drama. Then weplayed capture the flag after supper. We played 2 games and each team won once. After that we hadcampfire. Today we did our activities. Then went swimming.. We both did the rope swing. It was awe-some!

    Love, Emily Haan

    Dear Church family,

    Hi again! Camp has been great! Today we are going to hike three and a half miles to ArmstrongCreek, where we will make a fire and set up tents for a campout. We have to carry everything we needout there. We have backpacks (like big heavy-duty hiking ones) that we have all our stuff from tents topots and pans.

    Sincerely, Emily HaanP.S. Well be having smores!

  • 8/12/2019 Aug. 14 Herald


    Page 10the Herald

    "I couldn't wait to get home and write down the words that came to me during Scott's sermon on

    Sunday morning, July 13, 2014. I hope my personal reflections on Jesus' Parable of the Sower is

    helpful for someone else."

    Barb Goltry

    In these, the autumn of my years; I wonder how I've done......

    Spreading the seeds that I've was given, by the Holy One.

    I wonder if I've always done.....the very best I could,

    Or did I ever fail his tests.......not doing what I should?

    How many times did I walk away, when I should've firmly stood,

    On promises he made to me, not believing that I could?

    How many times did he send me somewhere with words I didn't heed......

    I didn't go with the faith to believe that I truly could succeed.

    I was given the seeds I needed; they were there from the very start......

    There were times when I should've planted....seeds in someone's heart.

    I thought I always did the right thing, but now I'm not so sure,

    For the older I get, the less I know, and for this...there is no cure.

    Will I leave a legacy of earth that's rich and deep?

    Or is my life a barren land where weeds were able to creep?

    I know that I still have the chance to plant a lot of seeds

    Old age can never be an excuse for not doing loving deeds.

    We have to have both seeds and earth to understand, I think......

    To accept the seeds that are planted in you, is like a cool drink.

    Then take the knowledge of His love and keep it in your heart,You will find, no matter your age, that you have a clean, fresh start.

  • 8/12/2019 Aug. 14 Herald


    Page 11

    Volume XXXXXI,

    August 2014

    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

    1 ParentsNight Out 5:30

    Evelyn Khoo-Gladden



    3Sunday school9:30

    Worship 10:30

    Robert Guell

    4Family Pray-er Group 12:00

    Pat Collins


    Paul Shaw

    6 BazaarCrafters 10:00

    Deacons 5:30

    7Youth Strate-gy Meeting 11:00

    Womens Book

    Club 7:00NathanielSpencer

    8 9 ScotMardis, LeeMardis

    10Sunday school


    Worship 10:30

    Donna Garrison

    11FamilyPrayer Group


    Bread for theWorld 7:00

    12Fine ArtsComm. 10:00

    Beth Christ,CarolynPayne

    13BazaarCrafters 10:00

    Session 7:00

    Max Payne,Leah Ramer


    Luke Bailey

    15YouthKickoff Event


    Jill Conner,Yeil Kim,Loyal Wilson


    17Sunday school


    Worship 10:30

    Skating Party 4:00

    18FamilyPrayer Group


    Lew VanReed

    19 TEMmeal & child-care 5:15


    20BazaarCrafters 10:00

    Communica-tion Comm.


    Joyce Cook

    21StrategicPlanning Team






    24Sunday school


    Worship 10:30

    Church Picnic@

    Deming Park 4:30

    25FamilyPrayer Group


    John Chiron-na, LucasRubey, JustinWoodruff

    2627BazaarCrafters 10:00



    Tim Johnson

    28 29IsabelleConner,Grant



    31Sunday school9:30

    Worship 10:30

    **Worship 5:30

    Finance 5:30

    Mission 6:00

    CN 6:30

    Facilities 6:30

    CLCA 7:00

  • 8/12/2019 Aug. 14 Herald



    Central Presbyterian Church

    125 North Seventh Street

    Terre Haute, IN 47807

    Phone: 812-232-5049

    Fax: 812-232-5040

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Website: www.thcpc.org

    Sunday School for all ages 9:30 a.m.

    Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.

    Rev. Lant B. Davis, Pastor

    Scott Paul-Bonham, Parish Associate

    Cheryl Moles, Christian Educator

    Sarah Kelsheimer, Church Secretary

    can do. Join in the fun and


    Womens Bible Study

    The Womens Bible Study

    will focus on the Womenof the Bible during thenext year beginning in Sep-tember. We will finish theBible studies series thatwas started last year.

    Watch for more details.

    Womens Book Club

    The Womens Book Club

    will be meeting on August 7at 7:00 at the church. Thebook to be discussed isBook Thiefby Markus Suzak.Nancy Edgerton will leadthe discussion. All womenof the church are invited to


    The Bazaar Crafterscontinue to meet eachWednesday from 10 am to2 pm. Bring a craft to workon or they have crafts you

    Church Happenings

    Central Presbyterian Church

    Next Herald


    Sept. 21, 2014
