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Augusinian Mirror 2009 Issue E

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  • 8/9/2019 Augusinian Mirror 2009 Issue E




    Music Appreciation

    Music is the universal language of the soul. It transcends time, space, and consciousness.It is the melodic heart beat of one basking in love, and of another wallowing in pain. It is thevoice of one's spirit put into rhyme and reason.

    Needless to say, music is important in our lives - for it serves both as a form of relaxationand enjoyment, as well as channel to one's creativity. As an Augustinian, it is important that werecognize and appreciate the importance of music in our total development and such is thevision of CSA that it conducts a yearly music appreciation engagement for its students.

    To date, Colegio San Agustin Makati conducted its most recent Music Appreciationprogram last February 13, 2009. Held at the St. Ambrose Theater with invited musicians fromdifferent reputable Colleges of Music performing, the program sought to encourage

    Augustinians to value the sounds of Philippine culture.This year, the invited musicians introduced native instruments - and the melodies each

    produce - to the students in the hopes of sparking a positive interest in them.In connection, the once-every-two-years CSA songfest contest for the Grade 7 was also

    held in the month of February. The stage of St. Ambrose Theater saw dazzling, energetic, andjaw-dropping performances from each of the sections of the 7th level who tackled variousgenres of music from contemporary to classic, pop to ballad, and even Christian rock.

    The whole affair is a shout out to the Augustinians' undeniable commitment to music and

    a testament to their versatility in talents. by Angela Rebecca I. Flestado

  • 8/9/2019 Augusinian Mirror 2009 Issue E




  • 8/9/2019 Augusinian Mirror 2009 Issue E




    The month of February is practically a month ofcelebration for the whole Augustinian community since it isin these days that we celebrate the almost week-longrevelry known as the college days, apart from the Music

    Appreciation and Teacher's Day celebrations.Every year, the college days usher in a Jubilation of

    life and camaraderie. It is in these days that trueAugustinian talent abounds in every nook and cranny of theschool grounds. Among the contests held in these days ofrevelry are the dance contest and singing contest for boththe student body and the faculty. Aside from these, eachlevel would also have a line-up of fun activities for theirstudents.

    Food booths and an assortment of tianggecommodities are strategically locatedwithin and around the CSA coveredcourts contributing to the air offestivities. Chosen rides andfair amusement, along with

    t h e m u c h - a w a i t e d Trackfest officially sealthe whole celebration astruly fun and exciting.





    Trackfestby Margaret Yolo

  • 8/9/2019 Augusinian Mirror 2009 Issue E


    StoryTelling Workshop

    As part of the Book Month Celebration,

    CSA GS Library initiated a book drive entitled

    Classroom Careswherein students from Grades

    1 to 7 donated slightly used books to selected

    Makati Public Schools.

    Last December 12, 2008, Araceli B.

    Juaneza, Rex Aaron A. Baladad and Neil Cardenas

    from Makati City Library came to pick up the

    donated books. The books will be given to Makati

    Public Elementary Libraries who need additional

    books to promote reading among the young.




    Puppet Show&

    Book Month Celebrations

    Book Fair

    20Book Drive

    by Ms. Cris Larracas
