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AUS I RALlAN BOOK PUBLISHERS' ASSOClA 10~ BOOKS OF THE … · aus i rallan book publishers' assocla...

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Page 1: AUS I RALlAN BOOK PUBLISHERS' ASSOClA 10~ BOOKS OF THE … · aus i rallan book publishers' assocla f 10~ books of the year 1954-1955




Page 2: AUS I RALlAN BOOK PUBLISHERS' ASSOClA 10~ BOOKS OF THE … · aus i rallan book publishers' assocla f 10~ books of the year 1954-1955
Page 3: AUS I RALlAN BOOK PUBLISHERS' ASSOClA 10~ BOOKS OF THE … · aus i rallan book publishers' assocla f 10~ books of the year 1954-1955

Third Annual Exhibition of Australian Book Production


1954- 1955


J. BURKE Prof essor O.J Fine Arts in

the University of M elbourne

W. G . ANDERSON Brown, Prior, Attderson P ty. Ltd.

LEIGH SCOTT Formerly Librarian of

the University of M elbourne

Australian Book Publishers' Association

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Books of the Year Committee


FRANK EYRE Vice Presiclent A.B.P.A.





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Directions to Judges

I. The objects of the competition are: (a) to focus the attention of publishers, printers, and

the public on the importance of having well-made Australian books

(b) to improve the standard of book design in Australia

(c) to improve the standard of craftsmanship in the actual manufacturing of books in Australia.

2. The task of the judges is to assess the books submitted to them on their merits as examples of book design and production (but not in relation to literary content or subject matter), and select those which in their opinion represent the best produced books of the year in two categories: (a) General books (b) School text-books.

3. To be eligible for entry a book must be first published in Australia; must be published by a member of the A.B.P.A., and must have been published between 1st January and 31st December of the preceding year. (To prevent books printed in the last months of that year, and which bear the printed date of that year but which are for any reason not bound up until after Christmas, being ineligible until the next year's competition, such books may, at the discretion of the organizing com­mittee of the A.B.P.A., be regarded as eligible, pro­vided they are published before the end of the January following and copies can be submitted before the closing date.)

4. The judges, however, are not responsible for vetting the entries for eligibility, which will be done by the organi­zing committee of the Association before the books are submitted to them. The committee will also divide the books submitted into the two main categories.


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5. The books submitted will be passed to the judges in January in each year, and the selection should be com­pleted by the end of that month. One complete set of the books entered will be made available to the judges at least a week before the final judging is to take place, so that they may have an opportunity of examining them at leisure.

6. Each book will be accompanied by an entry form giving all the details of production.

7. For the purpose of judging and selection the committee may divide the books into the following categories:

(a) General (i) Art and lavishly illustrated books

(ii) New editions (at the discretion of the organi-zing committee-see note below)

(iii) General books (iv) Fiction (v) Poetry and plays

(vi) Children's books (vii) Technical and scientific books

(b) School Text-books NOTE :-Category (a) (ii) is intended to include only

editions in formats completely re-designed in Australia, of books which need not necessarily have been first published in Australia.

8. These categories are intended for the guidance of judges in grouping books for judging and presentation of the report and it is not intended that all the sub-divisions should necessarily be represented in the final selection. The object is to select the best designed and produced books irrespective of category. The two main categories (a) and (b) should, however, both be represented in the final selection-provided of course that any books are judged worthy of inclusion. It is recommended that the judges pay special attention to school text-books and technical and scientific works, in which an improved standard is not only very much to be desired but also correspondingly difficult to achieve, and therefore the more meritorious when it is achieved.

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9. The judges shall assess the books within each category solely from the point of view of design and production, without reference to subject matter or literary quality. Books in each category shall be judged according to their technical excellence, having regard to the price class within which each book falls. All other things being equal a well designed and produced cheap book should be considered more meritorious than a highly priced de-luxe edition, no matter how well designed or produced the latter may be. It is not the object of this competition necessarily to encourage the production of "special" editions (though these will naturally be considered on their own merits and within their own special category when submitted), but to improve the overall standard of design, printing and binding in the Australian published book generally.

10. The judges shall allot points for the following details· of design and production:

(i) typography (including choice of type face, size, leading, spacing, margins, handling of headings, etc.-all considered in relation to their suitability for the book in question)

(ii) title-page (iii) press-work (including make-ready, back-up, inking,

evenness of colour, etc.) (iv) binding (design and actual execution) (v) the illustrations, if any (including their block­

making or plate-making, make-ready, machining, layout and suitability) .

(vi) the design of the book and its jacket as a whole, in particular the unity of all parts.

11. The judges' report, which should be prepared in a form suitable for publication but need not be of any great length, should consist of: (a) a list (not in any order of merit) of the books

selected, with brief notes on the design, printing, binding and any special point of interest of each.

(b) a general summary of the standard of production represented by the entry as a whole, drawing


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attention if this is thought desirable to the most prevalent weaknesses, and in particular to any special faults which resulted in the elimination of other books-but not naming the latter by title. The report should be passed immediately to the members of the organizing committee of the A.B.P.A. who will be in attendance on the judges, though not of course present at the judging.

12. The list of books, together with the judges' report and notes on the selected books, will be published in a booklet which will be printed by the Association. Copies of this booklet will be distributed to members and guests at the Association's Annual Dinner, at which the first public announcement of the selected books will be made. The books selected and the contents of the judges' reports will be regarded as confidential until that date, and not disclosed either by the Association or the judges. All the judges will be invited to this dinner, and it is hoped that as many as possible will attend, and that they will be prepared to say a few words about the books. The selected books will also be included in the National Book League's International Book Design Exhibition, as representing Australian book production.

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The Judges' Report

In previous years a cynical judge might have divided the better entries into two categories : books which were well printed but badly designed and books which were well designed but badly printed. Perhaps the most encouraging feature of progress to be reported is that so harsh a verdict could be applied this year to a comparatively small number of books submitted.

For practicai purposes the judges divided their examina­tion into two parts, the first being devoted to the printing of the text and purely technical features , and the second to the format and general design. Clearly there is no absolute division between these two parts, since every book must be considered as a whole. A rough idea of the procedure followed may be given by the following agenda :

Part !- Typography and technical features.

Part II- Format and general design, under the following headings:

(a) book jackets (b) bindings (c) title-pages (d) illustrations (e) headpieces, tailpieces, and other minor

decorative features (f) endpapers.

It is to be understood that (d) and (e) applied only to a limited number of entries. Separate lists of books considered worthy of comment for excellence in any of their features have been included in our report.

There was a marked improvement in the design of book jackets. It is not always easy for a publisher to find the right artist to design the jacket for a particular type of book, and those who sought out and commissioned artists who had not previously worked in this field deserve sgecial commen­dation. Of all the fields of book production this is perhaps the one that under present conditions calls for the greatest initiative and willingness to experiment.


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Similar considerations apply to illustration. The 19th century tradition of book illustration has been allowed to lapse and a vigorous contemporary school can only be formed if publishers are ready to spend the time and trouble involved in making enquiries and trying out different artists. Many publishers may not be aware that the Directors of the State National Galleries, the office bearers of the main artists' societies and similar experts are usually only too willing to suggest the names of artists who might be con­sidered for particular types of commission.

In the general policy of judging there has been one slight change. In previous years there was evident such a lack of co-ordination of design in the different elements that go to make a good book that the judges felt it their duty only to include examples that maintained a reasonably consistent standard. In other words, a book which had an admirable jacket, a distinguished binding and well designed title-page, but nevertheless had faults of printing, was eliminated. Since the result of this policy has undoubtedly been a marked improvement in consistency, the judges have felt at liberty this year to include a few books of exceptional merit in certain aspects of design, although serious faults were also present. At the same time the judges did not feel able to include any book which fell below a certain standard of printing.

It was pleasing to note that there was a marked improve­ment in the technical side. Good book production does not depend altogether on the efforts of the artist, designer and typographer but on all those elements that go to make a well-printed book: type, paper, balance, printing, spacing, binding, lettering, folding, trimming. Many of the faults found in the books printed only a few years ago have been either eliminated or greatly minimized. Particularly was this to be found in the preliminary pages where the clearest and simplest form was a feature. No longer did we find panel rules and borders with overcrowding of ornaments or the mixing of unrelated styles of type. Many of the books, however, at the first examination, were rejected because of the inferior letterpress work. This serious fault cannot be overstressed. With many books much time and expense had

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obviously been spent on the jacket, illustrations, paper and binding; but the printing of the letterpress was so bad as to make the whole production static and ordinary. All reading entails physical effort and both publisher and printer should do everything to minimize this effort by producing pleasing results. It was extremely interesting to note that the large majority of books considered were set in the most modern types: Baskerville, Bembo, Janson, Granjon, Cale­donia, Times Roman. Some of these types reproduced from earlier types have been stripped of their flourishes and now have legibility, beauty and compactness and !end themselves to "close spacing" between words-a most desirable feature in good typography.

In many of the better quality books submitted there was a strong predominance of illustrative work, and this showed a remarkably high level in photography, engraving and printing. In too many cases, however, the illustrations, when facing type pages, were dropped on to a page without any regard to their relationship with the type page. More often than not the illustrations with their legends intruded into the foot margins, thus giving an unsightly and uneven effect instead of being a complement to the page opposite. Each page of a book must be looked at in two ways: first as a unit in itself and second as related to the page it faces. In one book only was there a consistently correct balance.

Several books examined were in a class of their own. They were either books on Art faithfully and lavishly producing the works of recognized artists; magnificently illustrated books depicting the beauties of cities, country or beaches; or delightfully printed but thinly produced poetical books. It was because of the judges' terms of reference that they included only those whose overall standard of production was the best in these classes, and did so with the full knowl­edge that some of the rejected ones were possibly better produced, artistically, than several in the final selection. Whatever the literary contents of a book may be, and however devoid it may be of decoration and illustrations, it can still be a work of craftsmanship if the type is good and full attention is paid to its general arrangement and to all other elements that make a book delightful to look at, handle and read.


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Your judges were very disappointed with the quality of books submitted in the text-book section. Most of them were uninviting and unimpressive. It is hard enough for a student to concentrate on a page of massed type without his attention being distracted by poor printing and badly balanced pages. A student should have the same courtesy extended to him in his class of literature as should a reader of any other class-and that courtesy is readability. A few of the books had attractive covers; others had illustrated pages to break up the monotonous solid pages; but on the whole the rest of the books were badly conceived and poorly executed. It may be thought that economy dictates the scant attention given to the physical features of these books, but publishers should realize that attractive basic design and typography are not necessarily expensive.

Book publishers and printers in Australia are still at a disadvantage in producing works of the highest standards because of the inadequate supply and small variety of good printing papers. Paper plays a very important part in the final analysis of a well-produced book and it is quite possible that much of the variation of colour in printing and creasing in folding is due to the inferior quality of the paper used.

Finally, while composers, artists and architects have thrown off the shackles of the past, many publishers and printers produce 20th century books as if they were living in the 19th century. Here and there we see some publisher and printer create a fresh impression by a new approach. Here and there we note a touch of individuality in the unusual arrangement of the chapter headings and in the double-spread title-pages which, if intelligently treated, lend materially to the attractiveness of the book. There is no need to attach oneself to old models, to definite standards, as if they are sacrosanct. A little more inspiration, originality, and versatility will take both publishers and printers out of the commonplace and bring about a freshness that will compel attention. One must not feel that the art of book production is perfect and that no further improvement is possible. One does not need to make a demonstration of ingenuity; even in the simplest things you will find chaste­ness, force and legibility.


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A. General Section

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AH!.YAl TALl(' ""'""""""'fo~4N!p,q

. iV£f7Ll£ s.wru

Animal Talk


Neville Smith F. W. Cheshire Pty. Ltd. 8i X 5i, 96 pp., 20 line drawings, 12/6

Printed by letterpress in Linotype Janson 11 on 13, 23 ems with title in Monotype Baskerville Italic

Pfinted and bound by: Halstead Press Paper: Burnie antique wove

Blocks made by: Halstead Press

Jacket and illustrations by: Alison Forbes

This book, all through, deserves commendation for its typography, decorations and line illustrations. It is well printed and neatly bound ; the lettering on the case harmonizing with the jacket.

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Bernard O'Dewd

Victor Kennedy and Nettie Palmer Melbourne University Press 8-:l- x 5f, 194 pp., frontispiece plus 4 half tones, 30/­

Printed by letterpress in Linotype Baskerville 11 on 12, 24 ems with chapter numbers in Perpetua

Printed and bound by: Brown, Prior, Anderson Pty. _Ltd. Paper: Blocks made by:

Burnie antique wove Patterson Shugg Pty. Ltd.

There have been unmistakable signs of careful and painstaking craftsmanship in the production of this book. The preliminary pages are a delight. Three elements that go to make up good presswork are impression, make-ready and ink, and all three are to be found in this finished book. The binding is good and the gold blocking excellent. The touch of yellow in the jacket gives warmth to what otherwise might have been cold and uninspiring. The choice of type could have been improved.


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Bibliography. of Biblios rap/Jic.<




A Bibliography of Bibliographies of the South Pacific


Ida Leeson Oxford University Press 8i X 5-§-, 72 pp., 15/-

Printed by letterpress in 10 on 1 I Monotype Bembo, 24 ems

Printed and bound by: Halstead Press Paper: Blocks made by: Jacket designed by:

British white antique laid Halstead Press Oxford University Press

The whole production is simple yet dignified. The white spacing on each page is well balanced and the letterpress is uniform throughout. The cloth used in the binding is of fine quality and the lettering perfect. The jacket is of a standard design. The index would have been more effective if set in double column.

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Changing Melanesia

Cyril S. Belshaw Oxford University Press 8-i X 5i, 208 pp., 3 maps, 17/6 Printed by letterpress in Monotype Bembo I I on 12, 24 ems Printed and bound by: Halstead Press Paper: Blocks made by: Jacket designed by:

British white antique laid Halstead Press Muriel Eyre

Three outstanding qualities in this book are the jacket, title-page and binding. There is a shade too much variation of colour in the letterpress which has certainly devalued the painstaking efforts of good typography ; but the merits overshadow the demerits.


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The Children Went Too


Kathleen Monypenny Angus and Robertson Ltd.

Bt X 5~, 176 pp., 12 line drawings in 2 colours, 18 in 1 colour, printed endpapers, offset printed case with gold blocking, 12/6

Printed by letterpress in Linotype Janson 11 on 13, 23 ems with title in Monotype Gaudy

Printed and bound by: Halstead Press

Paper: Blocks made by:

Burnie book printing Halstead Press

Jacket and illustrations by: Irene Maher

Well balanced pages, harmonious relationship of type to illustra­tions, and well printed in every respect. The two-tone line blocks and paper and jacket blend well. Gained points in nearly every department.

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Fourteen Men and Other Poems

Mary Gilmore Angus and Robertson Ltd.

8,t X 5i, 110 pp., 1 line illustration, 15/-

Printed by letterpress in Linotype Granjon 11 on 12, 24 ems with title in Monotype Bembo

Printed and bound by: Halstead Press Paper: Blocks made by:

Jacket designed by:

Burnie book printing Halstead Press Quinton F. Davis

Here we have well balanced pages, which are always difficult with poetical works, and the book is well printed. The whole has been very carefully and tastefully executed.


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The First Hundred Years


Helen Palmer and Jessie MacLeod Longmans Green and Co. Ltd. 8t X 5j, 188 pp., black and white line drawings, 17/6

Printed by letterpress in Cas/on 12 on 13 and 11 on 12, 24 ems with titles in Baskerville Italic 18 pt

Printed and bound by: Brown, Prior, Anderson Paper: Antique wove Line blocks made by: Lyell Owen Pty. Ltd. Jacket photolithoed by: F. W. Niven Jacket and illustrations by: Harold Freedman One of the most pleasing features of this book is the breaking away from the traditional style of chapter headings. The double-spread chapter beginnings with their display captions and fine line drawings have given character to the book. An evenness of colour is pre­dominant throughout. It is well folded, evenly cut, and compactly bound. The cardinal printing on the grey cloth is preferable to gold blocking. The title page is a little on the heavy side. The jacket. an offset production, though not very artistic, is at least full of interest. A very creditable production.

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The Early Australian Architects and Their Work

Morton Herman Angus and Robertson Ltd. 10 x 7!, 264 pp., illustrated in colour, black and white

half tones, and line drawings, 84/-

Printed by letterpress in Monotype Bembo 12 on 14, 30 ems Printed and bound by: Halstead Press Paper:

Blocks made by:

Burnie offset printing and Proven art Halstead Press, Hartland and Hyde, Photo Art Engraving, Bacon and Co.

Jacket and illustrations by: Morton Herman

From cover to cover this book is a work of the highest craftsmanship and the delicately printed jacket has added dignity and beauty to the book. It is one of the most outstanding books among this year's collection.


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A Gallery of Australian Art


Herbert Badham (chosen and introduced by) Currawong Publishing Co. Pty. Ltd. 11-k X Bt, 123 pp., 100 halftones, 10 4-colour plates, 73/6

Printed by letterpress in Monotype Bembo 14 and 11 pt, 30 ems with title in Bembo

Printed and bound by: Paper:

Halstead Press Greenfield text, and Ballarat art

Half tone blocks made by: Hartland and Hyde Pty. Ltd. Jacket designed by: Leslie Apthorp

Decidedly beautiful. The whole format makes it a work of art. The jacket is dignified and the clear gold lettering completes the excel­lence of this well printed book. Among the several art productions submitted this one possesses most merit .

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Houses, Interiors, Projects

Harry Seidler Associated General Publications Pty. Ltd.

JOt X 8i, 176 pp., 200 half tones and 141 line drawings,


Printed by letterpress in Monotype Gill Sans 10 pt

Printed and bound by: Halstead Press

Paper: Ballarat art

Half tone and line blocks made by: Colour Engravings Pty. Ltd.

Jacket blocks made by: John Fairfax and Sons Pty. Ltd.

Illustrations by: Harry Seidler and staff

Jacket designed by: Anthony Simpson

There is a uniform excellence in this well planned and delightfully

printed book. The illustrations are worthy of the highest praise. In the preliminary pages there is a breaking away from the traditional

style, and this is in keeping with the contents of the book.


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Orchids of Australia, Volume I

W. H. Nicholls


Georgian House Pty. Ltd. 1 3~ X 10, 190 pp., 72 colour plates, £26 Printed by offset in Garamond lntertype 14 and 12 pt, 36

ems with hand drawn title line on title-page Printed and bound by: The Advertiser Printing Office Paper: Superfine offset 1/lustrations by: W. H. Nicholls Jacket desiJ<ned by: The Advertiser Printing Office This book should be placed in a class of its own. No expense has been spared in its preparation. It is so magnificently printed and bound that it reflects the highest credit on all concerned in its pro­duction . lt is a real treasure and the work should be an inspiration to every book publisher and book printer.

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Practical Obstetrics

Bruce T. Mayes Angus and Robertson Ltd. 9 x 5i, 516 pp., 10 pp. in 4 colours, 5 pp. in 2 colours, 181

line and half tone illustrations 87/6 Printed by letterpress in Monotype Baskerville 10 on 12,

24 ems Printed by: Paper: Bound by:

Halstead Press White art Halstead Press and Stanley Owen & Sons

Blocks made by: Halstead Press Jacket designed by: Halstead Press

This book has been remarkably well printed. Colour plates and monochrome illustrations are of the highest quality. The type used is of the right strength for printing on art paper. The book is well bound, the panel with gold lettering on the case being excellently done. A highly creditable production.


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Isles of the Sun


Charles Barrett William Heinemann Ltd. Bt X 5i, 272 pp., 48 half tones, 2 maps, 2 endpapers, 22/6 Printed by letterpress in Baskerville 10 on 12, 24 ems with

chapter headings in Baskerville Italic with Imprint Shadow Initials

Printed and bound by: Brown, Prior, Anderson Pty. Ltd. Paper: Blocks made by: Jacket designed by:

Burnie antique wove Patterson Shugg Pty. Ltd. Brown, Prior, Anderson Pty. Ltd.

The typography has been well handled and the presswork is of the best quality. The margins are correct and illustrations balance well with the printed page. The endpapers-a letterpress work-are delightfully done. The binding is very compact and the two-colour printing effect on the spine is out of the ordinary.

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The Lonely Fire

Nan McDonald Angus and Robertson Ltd.

Bi X 5i-, 56 pp., 15/-

I TH f I !"'Il I"' f I ).I '

i " -' "

Printed by letterpress in Monotype Bembo 11 on 12, 24 ems

Printed and bound by: Halstead Press

Paper: English antique laid

Jacket blocks made by: Halstead Press

Jacket designed by: Ron Leth

Possessing the best standards of composition and machining. Colour on jacket and case is most striking. If any fault is to be found in this book, it is the pronounced character of the initial letters. Reading the poems the eye has a tendency to wander back to the initial.


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Thirty Poems


John Thompson Edwards and Shaw Si X 5,t, 56 pp., I line drawing in colour on title-page, 10/6 Printed by letterpress in Linotype Baskerville 12 pt solid,

26 ems, half-title, title, dedication etc., in Perpetua Printed and bound by: Edwards and Shaw Paper: Blocks made by: Jacket designed by: Illustrations by:

Burnie offset Morris Productions Edwards and Shaw Roderick M. Shaw

Here is a modern and fresh effect in a poetical work. There is a little carelessness in the printing. White spacing throughout has been carefully handled although the capitalizing of each line with this particular type makes the whole page look a little irregular. The jacket is intriguing, and the binding and lettering are neatly executed.

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Wainewright in Tasmania

Robert Crossland Oxford University Press 8 X 5~- , 180 pp., 29 ha([ tone plates, endpaper map, 22/6 Printed by letterpress in Monotype Bembo 12 on 13 H·ith

headings in Pastonchi with swash initials, 22 ems Printed and bound by: Halstead Press Paper: British antique laid Jacket blocks made by: Halstead Press Half tone blocks

on copper made by: Patterson Shugg Pty. Ltd. Jacket designed by: Muriel Eyre This book is indeed well produced, indicating a lot of thought in its planning and care in its production. The unobtrusive "arrow marks" are carried out with real artistry and appropriateness to the subject. The illustrations have an atmosphere of softness and blend well with the type, italic display lines, and laid paper. Excellently conceived. The jacket is full of character and the toning of colours harmonious. Well bound and nicely lettered.


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Hal Missingluun S~TClfBOOK llliiA .. "..,....,.. ~. tltlilf

Hal Missingham Sketch Book

Hal Missingham


Dymock's Book Arcade Ltd. 14 X JOt, 52 pp., 50 pp. line drawings, £6/6/-

Printed by letterpress in Baskervi/le Roman and Italic Printed and bound by: Waite and Bull Paper: Worthy Georgian toned

and white matt art, white and buff offset, and tinted bank papers

Jacket and line blocks made by: A. A. Lawson Pty. Ltd. Jacket designed by: Hal Missingham

No fault can be found with this production. But is it a book as commonly recognized ? And would a library place it upon its shelves? The wire spiral binding is just shocking especially when one considers the price. If the purpose of the spiral binding is to detach the leaves for other use it would soon cease to be either a "book" or a portfolio of drawings.

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Australian and New Zealand Botany

Prof. John McLuckie, M.A., B.Sc. (G ias.), D.Sc. (Sydney) and Dr H. S. McKee, B.A., D.Phil. (Oxon)

Associated General Publications Pty Ltd.

5-!- X 8!, 782 pp., line and half tone illustrations, 84/­

Printed by letterpress in Linotype Caledonia, various sizes

Printed and bound by: Halstead Press

Paper: Burnie super-calen­dered

Halftone and line blocks made by: M. V. Yates Pty. Ltd.

lllustrations drawn by: Authors and staff

Consider the Lilies

Stuart Scougall and Franz Holford

Ure Smith 10! X 7, 90 pp., 6 wood engravings printed from original

box-wood blocks, £6/6/-

Printed by letterpress in Monotype Baskerville 14 on 16 with headings in Monotype Perpetua

Printed by: Waite and Bull

Bound by: Stanley Owen and Sons Pty. Ltd.

Paper: Duchess notepaper

Illustrations drawn by: Eva Sandor

The judges considered these two books just below the standard necessary for inclusion but worthy of special mention.


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B. Educational Section

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Action and Adventure

Miss E. Moodie Heddle (Editor)

Longmans Green and Co. Ltd.

7! X 4i, 180 pp., 7/6

Printed by letterpress in Baskerville 10 on 11, 21 ems Printed and bound by: Brown, Prior, Anderson Pty Ltd. Paper: Jacket designed by:

Burnie machine finished Harold Freedman

No fault can be found with the well balanced pages, correct margins and uniformity of colour in the letterpress . The design of the cover denotes the contents of the book, and the continuation of the design on to the back is quite ingenious. As a school edition of an educa­tional nature bound in semi-limp cloth it is well done.

Na i vosavosa vakaviti e so-A Book of Fijian Idioms


Anare K. Raiwalui

Oxford University Press

7! X 4i, 68 pp. , 3/6

Printed by letterpress in Monotype Bembo 11 on 12, 21 ems with title in Studio reversed

Printed and bound by: Advertiser Printing Office Paper: Burnie book printing Jacket blocks made by: Advertiser Printing Office Jacket designed by: Muriel Eyre

A text-book should be just as attractive and pleasing to the eye as any other book. This book has those qualities. The typography cannot be faulted. The cover has been attractively conceived and colours well maintained. A little more care was needed in the printing of the type pages.

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A Brief History of the British Commonwealth Since


C. H . Currey

Angus and Robertson Ltd.

8i X 5i, 256 pp., 48 halftone illustrations, 7/ine drawings, 8 maps, printed endpapers, 13/6

Printed by letterpress in Linotype Caledonia 9 on 10, 24 ems

Printed and bound by: Halstead Press


Blocks made by:

Burnie super-calendered

Halstead Press

As an educational text-book it gains points for being well printed but possesses no outstanding qualities that should merit its inclusion among the best books produced except in the text section.

The Use of English

A. G. Mitchell, M.A., Ph.D.

Angus and Robertson Ltd.

8i X 5i, 212 pp., 15/-

Printed by letterpress in Linotype Caledonia 9 on 10, 24 ems

Printed and bound by: Halstead Press

Paper: Burnie super-calendered

It passes as a text-book, but possesses no special qualities. The type is clear although there are a few grey pages.


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Books selected by the judges for special comment for excellence in a particular feature

Category A. Jackets


Animal Talk Bibliography of Bibliographies of

the South Pacific Changing Melanesia The Children Went Too Fourteen Men and Other Poems A Gallery of Australian Art Hal Missingham Sketch Book Houses, Interiors, Projects Italians and Germans in Australia 0rchids of Australia, Vol. I Rasser of Alsace The Sovereign People Thirty Poems Wai newright in Tasmania



Oxford University Press Oxford University Press Angus and Robertson Angus and Robertson Currawong Publishing Co. Dymocks Associated General Publications Cheshire Georgian House Melbourne University Press Cheshire Edwards & Shaw Oxford University Press

Category B. Title-page

Title Publisher

Animal Talk Cheshire Bernard O'Dowd Melbourne University Press A Bibliography of Bibliographies

of the South Pacific Oxford University Press Changing Melanesia Oxford University Press The Children Went Too Angus and Robertson The Decameron Angus and Robertson The Early Australian Architects

and Their Work Angus and Robertson A Gallery of Australian Art Currawong Publishing Co. Ha! Missingham Sketch Book Dymocks Thirty Poems Edwards & Shaw Wainewright in Tasmania Oxford University Press


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Category C. Binding


The Art of Rubery Bennett Bernard O'Dowd Changing Melanesia Consider the Lilies The Early Australian Architects

and Their Work Fourteen Men and Other Poems A Gallery of Australian Art Houses, Interiors, Projects The Lonely Fire Orchids of Australia, Vol. I Romance of the Great Barrier

Reef Six and Silver Thirty Poems Wainewright in Tasmania


Angus and Robertson Melbourne University Press Oxford University Press Ure Smith

Angus and Robertson Angus and Robertson Currawong Publishing Co. Associated General Publications ,~ngus and Robertson Georgian House

Angus and Robertson Angus and Robertson Edwards & Shaw Oxford University Press

Category D. Treatment of Illustrations


Animal Talk The Children Went Too Consider the Lilies The First Hundred Years Hal Missingham Sketch Book Orchids of Australia, Vol. I Six and Silver Wainewright in Tasmania Wild Life of Australia and New



Cheshire Angus and Robertson Ure Smith Longmans Green Dymocks Georgian House Angus and Robertson Oxford University Press


Category E. Decoratire Endpapers


The Children Went Too Romance of the Great Barrier

Reef Six and Silver Wainewright in Tasmania ·


Angus and Robertson

Angus and Robertson Angus and Robertson Oxford University Press


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This 1954-1955 catalogue has been designed

and photographically illustrated by the

graphic arts section of Angus and Robert­

son Ltd. under the direction of Quinton F.

Davis . Set throughout in Times Roman

and produced entirely by Halstead Press

Pty Ltd and Halstead Press Photo Engrav­

ing Department. The papers used are

Ballarat Superfine Two-sided Art 23 X 36,

70 lb. and Glastonbury Antique.

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