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Australian Avocados Marketing Campaign

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Australian Avocados Marketing CampaignMr Antony Allen - CEO, Avocados Australia
A t li A d Australian Avocados Marketing Campaign Marketing Campaign
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A t li A dAustralian Avocados Marketing CampaignMarketing Campaign

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ContentContent• 2005-2009 marketing strategyg gy•evolution of marketing campaign, and• long term strategic vision• long-term strategic vision

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2005 2009 St t i A d2005-2009 Strategic AgendaPrimary targetTo convince occasional Primary target

market: Female

To convince occasional users to increase purchase


Grocery Buyers

between 20 -

To maintain a balance between demand and

supplybetween 20

39 with an income of

$35K or more

A general population push, through communication of

vitamins and minerals $35K or more

Focus was on

vitamins and minerals

Expansion into niche markets

the eastern seaboard


Decrease whim purchase and increase plannedand increase planned


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OT i i l • TV, Magazines, Online, WebsiteTo convince occasional users to increase purchase


To maintain a balance between demand and

supply • Creative, Spokesperson, Co-op pp y p p pPromotions, Export Promotions

A general population push, through communication of t oug co u cat o o

vitamins and minerals

• PR- Entertainment SectorE i i t i h PR Entertainment Sector, School Project, Food Service Sector

Expansion into niche markets

Monitoring and Evaluation

Decrease Whim Purchase & Increase Planned Purchase

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• TV, MagazinesTo convince occasional users tooccasional users to increase purchase


• TV- level of involvement with programs in the right environment (food)taken to another level by having an extended sponsorship period withkey select programs such as the Best Series Sponsorship on Lifestylekey select programs such as the Best Series Sponsorship on Lifestylechannel as well as TVC spots across key cooking programs on theLifestyle and Lifestyle Food channel.

• Magazines - To complement the ads which featured recipes, with amore integrated approach which harnessed the influence andtrustworthiness of the magazine editorial teamstrustworthiness of the magazine editorial teams.

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• Online, WebsiteTo convince occasional users tooccasional users to increase purchase


• Online- a balance of integrated and contextually relevant placementswere implemented.

• Website - digital strategy has been to improve the value offering forg gy p gconsumers, and support the high-level marketing campaign through:

visual presentation of content, build user generated content and build user generated content and broaden information

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To maintain a balance between demand andbetween demand and

supply • Creative, Spokesperson, Co-op Promotions, Export Promotions

A general population pushA general population push, through communication of

vitamins and minerals

• The success of the ‘Add an Avo’ campaign from acreative view point, was built on using a creative devicep , gthat has become recognizable to consumers, but thatalso is engaging and achieves cut-through.

• The strategy was to demonstrate the value propositionof ‘versatility’ by expanding the executions-demonstrating situations the consumer could ‘Add andemonstrating situations the consumer could Add anAvo’.

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• PR- Entertainment SectorExpansion into niche markets

• PR- strategy to “add an avo to footy finals Focus on grass roots & sports media to drive association Leverage players/club involvement to create inspirational uses

Key message has always been • Avocados are the perfect ally to• Avocados are the perfect ally to

at-home parties• I can use avocados to create

great meals for entertaining orfamily mealsA d h dl• Avocados have endlesspossibilities

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• EC ProjectExpansion into niche markets

I d To equip Early Childhood educators with resources about healthyIndustryObjective:

To equip Early Childhood educators with resources about healthy eating, food learning and avocados using best practice pedagogy.

Early Childhood P j Obj i

To develop a program which is acceptable to Early Childhood education gatekeepers and which will contribute to achieving theProject Objective: education gatekeepers and which will contribute to achieving the industry’s objectives.

Finding a learning purpose. What is the educational question to which “avocados” is the answer?


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THE EDUCATOR’S KIT TOOK SHAPE in 2009/20102009/2010

Rainbow colour swatch

Avocado resources

Booklet for Educators


Avocado resources 

Avocado‐shaped food finder

(complete 2010/11)

Avocado shaped food finderPoster 

Picto‐recipe tent card set

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• Food Service SectorExpansion into niche markets

Key Objectivesy j

Educate chefs about Australian avocado seasonality, varieties,storage, handling and possibilities in order to:

• Get avocados on the menu• Encourage multiple usage of avocados

I i l f d• Increasing volume usage of avocados• Encourage usage of avocado year round (hot dishes)

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• Clubs Sector ( Debuted at NSW CanterburyLeague Club, City Tattersalls Club, East LeaguesClub in QLD)

Chef Club in QLD)

• Star Hotels (Hilton Hotel Sydney)• Restaurants ( Matteo’s in VIC, Restaurant Two

in QLD, Flinders Inn and Caveau in NSW)C f S t (Willi A li I i i Vi

training i • Cafe Sector (William Angliss Institute in Vic

and The Essential Ingredient in NSW)sessions• Club Life Magazine• Epicure (The Age)• Foodservice MagazinePublic Foodservice Magazine• Open House MagazinePublic


“The masterclasses happening around the country present innovative ways of using avocado, particularly in warm dishes and winter dishes, as a creamy addition to desserts like ice cream”as a creamy addition to desserts like ice cream

Open House Magazine

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Monitoring and Evaluation

Objectives of Consumer Research in 2009:-j

• Reviewing avocado usage and consumer attitudes first d i 2005surveyed in 2005

• Measuring impact achieved so farMeasuring impact achieved so far

• Providing direction for future market development strategies

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Consumer ResearchTotal Core target

sample audience#

Prompted awareness 26% 26%P t d ll 18% 22%Prompted recall 18% 22%Primary prompted message take out 98% 90%Secondary prompted message take out 49% 51%Secondary prompted message take out 49% 51%

LikeabilityFans 34% 44%Ambivalents 64% 56%Critics 2% 1%

# Urban / suburban females aged 25-39

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Consumer ResearchMain take out that impacted strategy 2010 onwards andhelped in forming direction for new 3 year marketinghelped in forming direction for new 3 year marketingstrategic plan:

while ‘versatility’ as a message was well understood and receivedby consumers, there was still a proportion of the consumer basewho weren’t acting on the ‘Add an Avo’ message.

f th b i id tifi d th t hil k i one of the barriers identified was that consumers, while knowingthat avocados can be used in a variety of different ways, perhapsstill lacked the confidence to incorporate them into their standardstill lacked the confidence to incorporate them into their standardrepertoire of meals.

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• The key message take outs of the ads were very consistent acrossConsumer Research

• The key message take outs of the ads were very consistent across the groups and covered the main themes of (in roughly equal proportions):

Shapes / changing Usage / Health / g gshape / ‘morphing’



To be more single-minded and focusing on the usage ideas (most likely to lead to more regular use and therefore perceived as a useful

Shapes /

ally), the proportions have been rebalanced to:

Shapes / changing shape / ‘morphing’

Usage / versatility

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2010-2013 Marketing St t i PlStrategic Plan

A new brand strategy has been developed based on findings from theresearch:

Aim is to shift avocados from being a product ingredient (productf d) t i di ibl ll (lif t l f d) th t thfocused), to an indispensible ally (lifestyle focused), over the next threeyears.

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Brand leapBrand leap

Confident mum’s indispensible allyindispensible ally

Everyday essential

A versatile  ingredient

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The strategic evolutionThe strategic evolution Versatility  Usefulness 

Special Ingredient‘Nice to have’

Useful Ally ‘ d h ’‘Nice to have’ ‘Need to have’

Food centric Lifestyle centric y

Specific usesEntertaining “Every day” applicationsEntertainingOccasional Recipe‐based

Every day  applications

An occasional purchase From AWOP X

An “Every day” purchaseTo AWOP Y

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Brand strategyBrand Essence:One fruit. Endless Possibilities


Brand Pillars:

Health & wellbeing

Indispensible ally

Gives me the confidence

• Vitamins & minerals • Lots of uses • Recognition• Good fats• Low sugar, no salt• Good kids food

• Substitute• Easy• Value for money• Family loves it

g• Advocacy• User imagery• Everybody loves it

TasteProduct centric

People centric

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Who are we talking to?PRIMARY AUDIENCE – BUSTLING FAMILIES:Mum has many hats . Because she takes her myriad of roles seriously,she is time poor fighting her constant daily battles to do what’s right forshe is time-poor, fighting her constant daily battles to do what s right forher family. Her radar is always keenly focused on her family’s wellbeing.She has a habitual household but she is always on the lookout for waysth t k h lif th t bit ithat can make her life that bit easier.

wants life to be a bit easier and not sure where avocados fit in

Sticks to tried and true

SECONDARY AUDIENCE START UP FAMILIES:SECONDARY AUDIENCE – START UP FAMILIES:For mum and dad, their world has completely changed; itis now a world of uncertainty and so mums are 100%focused on ‘DOING THE RIGHT THING’ by their kids,and they definitely come first in the house!

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The Roles of Communication Channels and Creative

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Strategic framework

Moments ofRecognition


Showcasing the true value ofShowcasing the true value of Avocados within Mums’ daily help points 

byp p

Establish avocados as a ‘useful ally’Establish avocados as a  useful ally  in the family household 

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Quantifying our audiencesQuantifying our audiencesCriteria Filter Universe (national)

Female MGB 7,122,000

HH’s with Kids under 16


Bustling Families (Female GB’s within these HH’s)


HH’s with 5 or more people including children 865,000


Start Up Families (Female GB’s within these HH’s)

Female MGB 7,122,000

Parents of Kids 0‐5 in HH 1,237,000

Source: Roy Morgan Single Source Data June 2009

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Breadth…If we want mum’s to see avo’s as ‘everyday’ then we need to take into account that their days are filled with much more than thoughts of foody g


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Breadth…Sampling @ NRL Games

Foodservice (Influencer


Early Childhood

Sector (Influencer





Sampling-Mums and

Bubs ExposNutritional


Website/ SEO & SEM

Fitness Trainers Program & SEM g

(Influencer Group)

MumMedia- TV, Mag, Online POS

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The everyday avocados lifestyle strategy

By partnering with the LifeStyle group Australia’s only dedicated network focused

The everyday avocados lifestyle strategy

By partnering with the LifeStyle group, Australia s only dedicated network focused on delivering women and families entertainment and information, Avocados Australia will develop a deeper connection with mums for the campaign period 2010 20112010 – 2011.

This will be delivered through a multi-platform strategy encompassing content creation using talent in-show integration local productions sponsorships andcreation using talent, in-show integration, local productions, sponsorships and online.

T ti T ti T tiTargetingP25‐54 



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Television creativeTelevision creative

Single‐minded message: Avos are useful throughout the day

TV is a powerful medium to communicate this most important message of the campaign and increase consumption of avocados by positioning it as a ‘useful ally in the kitchen’

Findings from research confirmed that the TVC needed to be single‐minded and focused on demonstrating the uses of avocados thoughout a day 

The TVC will be based on the revised positioning of ‘Add an avo everyday’The TVC will be based on the revised positioning of  Add an avo everyday  by demonstrating simple, easy ways to prepare avocados

The ‘Add an avo’ line will be extended to drive a stronger call to actionfor increasing consumption – ‘Add an avo everyday’

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Magazine creative

Clever ideas for your familyUseful throughout the day

These key messages continue to deliver on the brand essence –‘One fruit Endless possibilities’ to the targets of bustling and start up familiesOne fruit. Endless possibilities  to the targets of bustling and start up families. 

Shapes will continue to be used, the recipes have been replaced with multiple simple usages in the one ad along with food photography.

As with the TVC, the ‘Add an avo’ line will be extended to drive a stronger call to action for increasing consumption – ‘Add an avo everyday’

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Creative templates

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Role of Digital Mediag

Deliver further consideration of avocados within relevant women’s lifestyle and family environments where Mumswomen s lifestyle and family environments where Mums

actively seek information.

Drive Mums to Avocados’ website for further information through SEM.g

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Support: food photography

Photos provide a strong visual link for consumers to understand the usages and 

l id t talso provide a taste cue

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Support: food photography

Photos provide a strong visual link for consumers to understand the usages and 

l id t talso provide a taste cue

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Integrating footy across the avocado strategy

Advertising Sampling


• Seek participation/ involvement in value add 

• Provide copy where appropriate 

•Assist develop sampling & merchandising program in terms of appropriately linked football activity


Website: • House Avo Ladder • House recipe comp on

g p y• Liaise with agencies for consistent imagery that is both media, ad and web friendlyHouse recipe comp on 

IAvocados microsite• Seek involvement of additional players for forum  Zoe Bingely‐Pullin: 

Utili di k


• Host new & old recipes • Utilise as media spokesperson  • Leverage for credibility with partners • Ensure new recipes are healthy/nutritious 

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EC implementation in 10/11pEC data secured• Woodrow to source EC data and

EC Centres called• Call staff sell in program and

Email sent to ECs• Email to outline program and

ECs Register Online•ECs click on email link to register online through Avo’sprovide to Tongue

• Scripts and information is compiled to contact EC Centers

p gcollect data of interested EC Centers

p grequest registration in the program

register online through Avo’s website

Education pack sent to ECs• Data extracted from Avo’s

Avocado delivery• AAL to organize deliveries• Delivery during week 1 of

ECs emailed with update• Reminder/encouragement

Completion email sent• ECs requested to provide feedback online and submit h t t i d

ata e t acted o o swebsite

• Dispatch of educational material to EC Centers

y gprogram

e de /e cou age e tphotos to receive reward

Reward sent to ECs • Avocado sticker packs are sent to EC Centers as reward for participation

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EC implementation in 10/11pRight after the launch, the first delivery of the program was underway which saw 78 early childhood centres sign up to the program:y g p p g

NSW – 28Armidale & surrounds – 11Armidale & surrounds 11VIC – 38SA – 1

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Into the Future: Strategically

Objective 2: To increase demand for Australian avocados

• Strategy 2.1: Conduct product research to exploit new market opportunities for Australian avocadosopportunities for Australian avocados

• Strategy 2.2: Conduct market segment research to better understand gy gdemand drivers

St t 2 4 D i th i t t d d k t t• Strategy 2.4: Drive growth in targeted avocado market segments through effective market development and promotion
