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AUSTRALIAN–AMERICAN FULBRIGHT COMMISSION...attended Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar where he...

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Page 1: AUSTRALIAN–AMERICAN FULBRIGHT COMMISSION...attended Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar where he received an M.A. degree. When Fulbright returned to the United States, he studied



Page 2: AUSTRALIAN–AMERICAN FULBRIGHT COMMISSION...attended Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar where he received an M.A. degree. When Fulbright returned to the United States, he studied

Postal Address: PO Box 9541, Deakin ACT 2600 ■ Phone: +61-2-6260 4460 ■ Fax:+61-2-6260 4461Website: www.fulbright.com.au ■ Email: [email protected]

Front cover—Fulbright Award Recipients (from left to right): Kira Bulazel, 2001 U.S. Postgraduate; Duong Le Quy, 2002Australian Postgraduate; Scott Kinmont, 2002 Australian Postgraduate (Visual and Performing Arts Award sponsored byAnthony Joseph Pratt); Timothy Ringsmuth, 2001 U.S. Postgraduate; and Kristofer Helgen, 2001 U.S. Postgraduate.


The Hon. John Howard, MP

Prime Minister of Australia

Ambassador J. Thomas SchiefferUnited States Ambassador to Australia


Australian MembersEmeritus Professor Mal Nairn AM

Chair, Fulbright Commission

Chair, Australian Quarantine Committee

Mr Bill BurmesterGroup Manager, Higher Education

Department of Education, Science and Training

Dr Brendon HammerAssistant Secretary, Americas Branch

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Professor Ashley Goldsworthy AO OBE

Executive Director

Business Higher Education Round Table

Mrs Elizabeth WhitelawPartner, Minter Ellison Lawyers

American MembersMr David Benn

Company Director and Consultant

Retired Managing Director, Korn/Ferry Australia

Mr David HopperU.S. Consul General, Melbourne

Mrs Susan CrystalPublic Affairs Officer, U.S. Embassy, Canberra

Mr Stephen BrandPresident

Phillips Petroleum Company Australia Pty Ltd


Professor Ashley Goldsworthy AO OBE

Chair, Fulbright Advisory Board

Executive Director

Business/Higher Education Round Table

Mr Paul FletcherDirector, Corporate and Regulatory Affairs,

SingTel Optus Pty Limited

Mr Jay HolmChief Executive Officer,

Eastern Pipelines Division,

El Paso Energy

Professor Paul KerinProfessor of Business Strategy,

Melbourne Business School

Mr Sam LipskiChief Executive, Pratt Foundation

Mr Rob McLeanDirector, WM Capital

Mr Lynn OdlandChief Executive Officer,

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Page 3: AUSTRALIAN–AMERICAN FULBRIGHT COMMISSION...attended Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar where he received an M.A. degree. When Fulbright returned to the United States, he studied

James William Fulbright

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The Founder of theProgram

James William Fulbright was the founder of theFulbright program. Born on 9 April 1905 inSumner, Missouri he was educated at theUniversity of Arkansas where he was awarded aB.A. degree in Political Science in 1925. He thenattended Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholarwhere he received an M.A. degree.

When Fulbright returned to the United States, hestudied law at George Washington University inWashington, D.C. During the 1930s, he served inthe Justice Department and was an instructor atthe George Washington University Law School. In1936 he returned to Arkansas where he was alecturer in law and, from 1939 to 1941, presidentof the University of Arkansas, at the time theyoungest university president in the country.

He entered politics in 1942 and was elected to theU.S. House of Representatives, entering Congressin January 1943 and becoming a member of theForeign Affairs Committee. In September of thatyear the House adopted the Fulbright Resolutionsupporting what became the United Nations, andthis brought national attention to Fulbright.

In November 1944 he was elected to the U.S.Senate and served there from 1945 through 1974becoming one of the most influential and best-known members of the Senate. His legislation,which established the Fulbright Program, passedthrough the Senate in 1946 funded by warreparations and foreign loan repayments to the

United States. This program has had extraordinaryimpact around the world and now exists betweenthe United States and 140 countries.

In 1949 Fulbright became a member of the SenateForeign Relations Committee. From 1959–74 heserved as chairman, the longest serving chairman ofthat committee in history. After leaving the Senate,he was of counsel to a Washington law firm andremained active in support of the internationalexchange program that bears his name.

He received numerous awards from governments,universities, and educational organisationsaround the world for his efforts on behalf ofeducation and international understanding. In1993 he was presented the Presidential Medal ofFreedom by President Clinton.

Senator J. William Fulbright died on 9 February1995 at the age of 89 at his home inWashington, D.C.

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History of theAustralian–AmericanFulbright Commission

The Fulbright exchange program between Australiaand the United States began in 1949 under theauspices of the United States EducationalFoundation in Australia (USEFA). The program wasfunded to the value of US$5,600,000, from U.S.Government credits acquired in Australia from thesale of surplus war materials. The early years ofthe Fulbright program in Australia were thuswholly U.S.-funded.

In 1963, when it was seen that the fundsoriginally provided would soon be exhausted,the Australian and United States Governmentsentered a new agreement which established theAustralian–American Educational Foundationas the successor to USEFA, to be fundedequally by the two parties. Today theorganisation is known as theAustralian–American Fulbright Commissionand funding is provided by the Australian andU.S. Governments and a variety of sponsors.

The Fulbright Commission is governed by aBoard of Directors composed of five Australians

Ambassador J. Thomas SchiefferThe Hon John Howard, MP

appointed annually by the Minister forEducation, Science and Training under thedelegated authority of the Prime Minister, andfive Americans appointed by the AmericanAmbassador. The Prime Minister and theAmbassador serve as joint honorarychairpersons of the Commission with the Boardelecting a chairperson each year amongst itsmembers. State and national selectioncommittees, comprising government, businessand academic representatives, Fulbright Alumniand Commission Board members, meet eachyear to select Australian and U.S. FulbrightAward Recipients. The Fulbright Commissionoffice is based in Canberra and administered byan Executive Director and five staff.

The Mission of the Fulbright Commission is tofurther mutual understanding between thepeoples of Australia and the United Statesthrough educational and cultural exchange. Thisis primarily achieved through the administeringof Fulbright scholarships to support research andstudy of Australians in the United States andAmericans in Australia each year. The FulbrightCommission also provides educational advisingservices and assistance to Australian institutionsand individuals interested in study orinstitutional linkages in the United States.

“Fulbright Scholarships are keenly sought worldwide and you will be joining a distinguishedgroup of people who are either leaders in their field or, through their ability, potential leaders ofthe future”.

The Hon John Howard Prime Minister of Australia

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in Science and Literature/Drama. “The Fulbrightvision has been clearly demonstrated through theestablishment and growth of these Awards”, statedone of the History Award recipients.

There were a number of changes to themembership of the Commission Board during2002 and we thank each member for theircontribution. Mr Duncan MacInnes, CulturalAffairs Officer, U.S. Embassy Canberra, returnedto Washington D.C. to take up a position with theU.S. Department of State; Mr David Lyon, U.S.Consul General, Melbourne, has taken up the postof U.S. Ambassador to Fiji; Mr Peter Shannon,previous Assistant Secretary of the AmericasBranch, is now with the International SecurityDivision, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade;and Mr Michael Gallagher has moved positionswithin the Department of Education Science &Training from Group Manager, Higher Education,to Group Manager, International Branch. MrStephen Brand retired from the Board to focus onhis position as President of Phillips PetroleumCompany Australia Pty Ltd.

The Board was pleased to welcome newmembers Mrs Susan Crystal, Public AffairsOfficer, U.S. Embassy, Canberra; Mr DavidHopper, U.S. Consul General, Melbourne; Mr BillBurmester, Group Manager, Higher Education,Department of Education, Science & Training;Mrs Paula Latos-Valier, General Manager,Biennale of Sydney; and Dr Brendon Hammer,

The Board Report

In 2002, the Fulbright Commission Board focussedon exploring ways in which the profile of theFulbright Award Program can be increased in thewider business and community arena. Twospecial events assisted this goal and were thehighlights for the Fulbright Commission in 2002.

The National Awards Dinner for Australian Awardrecipients at the Great Hall in Parliament Houseon 23 May was a tremendous occasion. Twentyfive distinguished Australian postgraduates,professionals, postdoctoral fellows and seniorscholars were recognised and over 220 peopleattended the dinner including sponsors, universityrepresentatives, Board members and distinguishedFulbright Alumni. Guest speakers for the eveningwere The Hon. Peter McGauran, Minister forScience and Mr Michael Owens, Deputy Chief ofMission, U.S. Embassy Canberra. As Mr Owensstated, “I can think of no place that is more fittingto recognise the accomplishments of theseAustralian Fulbright Scholars than here in theGreat Hall of Parliament House”.

On 22 August the Fulbright Commission and NSWPremier Bob Carr had the pleasure of co-hosting aluncheon in Sydney for Mrs Harriet Fulbright,widow of the late Senator Fulbright. Distinguishedguests included Fulbright Commission Boardmembers, Fulbright Alumni, education,government and business representatives. MrsFulbright last visited Australia for the FulbrightCommission’s 50th Anniversary in 1999, whenshe presented Premier Carr with the Fulbright50th Anniversary Distinguished Fellow Award inrecognition of his significant contribution toAustralia–U.S. relations.

Premier Carr generously donated his $50,000Fulbright Award to create five American HistoryAwards for NSW secondary school history teachersto visit the United States. Through the Premier’sinitiative, corporate sponsorship has ensured thatthese five Awards will continue to be offered eachyear for the next three years. Similar Awards havealso been established for secondary school teachers

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(from left to right) Emeritus Professor Mal Nairn, ChairAustralian–American Fulbright Commission; Mrs HarrietFulbright; and NSW Premier the Hon. Bob Carr at the 22 August luncheon in Sydney.

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Assistant Secretary, America’s Branch,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

During the year the Board was pleased towelcome Judith Gamble to the position of ProgramManager at the Commission. Judith brings a widerange of experience from her previous position asProgram Manager in the Scholarships andFellowships Training Unit at IDP EducationAustralia. Our previous Program Manager,Priscilla Wadham moved to IDP to take up theposition of developing study abroad programs.

Two new members of the Advisory Board havealso been welcomed during 2002 — FulbrightAlumni Rob McLean, previous National Managerof McKinsey & Co. Australia and current Directorof WM Capital and Paul Fletcher, Director ofCorporate and Regulatory Services, SingTel Optus.The Commission Board welcomes these newmembers to the Advisory Board and looks forwardto working with them during 2003.

Two interstate Board meetings were held during2002. On 22 August, the Board met in Sydney andthis provided the opportunity for its members tomix with the supporters and sponsors whoattended the luncheon for Harriet Fulbright. Boardmembers then visited the University of Sydney,University of New South Wales and University ofTechnology, Sydney. In November, the Boardvisited Adelaide where members attended areception hosted by the University of Adelaide andthe South Australian Fulbright Alumni Association.The Board also visited Flinders University and theUniversity of South Australia. These interstatevisits have become an important opportunity forBoard members to appreciate the initiatives andunique work of Australian universities and, inturn, provide the universities with updatedinformation on the Fulbright Program. Both visitsin 2002 also provided the Board with the

opportunity to thank State Selection Committeesmembers, State Selection Secretaries and theirsupporting universities.

U.S. Ambassador J.Thomas Schieffer generouslyhosted two Fulbright receptions during 2002 athis beautiful residence at the U.S. EmbassyCanberra. It was a pleasure for the Board to joinwith the Ambassador at a reception for visitingU.S. Fulbrighters during their Enrichment Seminarin February and again with the Fulbright AlumniAssociation in September. The FulbrightCommission and Fulbright (Alumni) Associationthanked Ambassador Schieffer for his ongoingsupport and involvement in the Fulbright Program.

The Hon. Dr Brendan Nelson, Minister forEducation, Science & Training hosted the U.S.Fulbrighters to a morning tea at ParliamentHouse during their Enrichment Seminar inFebruary. The Fulbrighters greatly appreciatedthe quite lengthy interaction they had with DrNelson on their Fulbright programs and highereducation in Australia.

On behalf of the Board, our thanks to sponsorsand supporters of the Fulbright Program andcongratulations to the Fulbright Commissionstaff for their hard work and contributions inmaking 2002 such a productive and positiveyear. I shall be retiring from the Board after the2003 February meeting. My five year associationwith the Fulbright Commission has beenimmensely satisfying and I have greatlyappreciated the personal support received notonly from Board members but also from all ofthe dedicated, highly competent and cheerfulCommission staff under the visionary leadershipof Mark Darby. The future of the FulbrightProgram is both exciting and secure.

ChairEmeritus Professor Mal Nairn

“Many of us in public life occasionally wonder how history will view our contribution to our country,what our legacy will be? In the case of J. William Fulbright his legacy is a living, breathing fraternity ofeducated young people promoting tolerance and understanding. For a program that first passed throughthe United States Senate in 1945, it remains as relevant today as it was in the years following theSecond World War.”

Peter McGauranThe Hon. Peter McGauran, Minister for Science, in his speech to Fulbright grantees and distinguishedguests at the annual Fulbright National Awards Dinner held at Parliament House in May 2002


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Executive Director’sReport

2002 was a very special, busy and productiveyear at the Australian–American FulbrightCommission. It was a great honour for FulbrightCommission staff and Fulbrighters to meet andtalk to Harriet Fulbright during her visit toAustralia in August. She is an inspiration andwonderful advocate for the Fulbright Programthroughout the world and we appreciated thetime she spent with us.

During her visit Mrs Fulbright was a guest ofMargaret Throsby’s classic FM radio show inSydney and through a one hour interview sharedher very special insight into the FulbrightProgram, Senator Fulbright and her owndistinguished life.

As guest of honour at the Sydney luncheonhosted by Premier Bob Carr and the FulbrightCommission, Mrs Fulbright spoke on the eventsof September 11 2001 and its implications forinternational educational exchange. In noting thechanges within the United States and the worldsince September 11, Mrs Fulbright stated thatpeople are convinced that Senator Fulbright hadthe right idea when he said, “ ‘In our quest forworld peace the alteration of attitudes is no lessimportant, and perhaps more important, thanthe resolution of issues. It is in the minds ofmen, after all, that wars are spawned; to actupon the human mind, regardless of the issue oroccasion for doing so, is to act upon the sourceof conflict and the potential source ofredemption and reconciliation’ “.

She said, “Senator Fulbright was convinced thatwe can and must use our minds and hearts,developed through education with aninternational component, to find the mosteffective alternatives to conflict for the benefit ofall nations. Let us hope that his ideas areremembered as we struggle toward peace”.

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It was at the September 11 memorial service in theGreat Hall in Parliament House, Canberra in 2001that the Fulbright staff committed to gather therein 2002 in celebration. The 2002 FulbrightNational Awards Dinner at the Great Hall wasindeed a celebration and my thanks to theFulbright Commission staff for all their hard workin making it such a success and establishing theGreat Hall in Parliament House as the ongoingvenue for this wonderful ceremony.

EventsThe Fulbright Commission and Program weregreatly assisted by the implementation of awide range of events held during the year.Thank you on behalf of the FulbrightCommission to the Australian and U.S.Government representatives, universities andsponsors that hosted or assisted in theirimplementation.

(from left to right) Mrs Judy Freudenberger, U.S. EducationalAdviser; Mrs Jennifer Fowler, Finance Manager; Ms JudithGamble, Program Manager; Ms Melinda Hunt, ExecutiveAssistant; Mrs Sandra Lambert, Administrative Officer; and MrMark Darby, Executive Director.

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• 26–28 February — U.S. Fulbrighter

Enrichment Program, Canberra

• 11 April—U.S. Consulate, Melbourne—

Victorian Fulbright Award winners were

hosted to a function sponsored by the

Victorian WorkCover Authority.

• 18 May—U.S. Consul General, Sydney—

NSW Fulbright award winners were hosted

to a function in the home of Ms Eileen

Malloy, U.S. Consul General, Sydney;

• 9 May—University of NSW—a luncheon was

hosted by the university to congratulate one

staff member and four graduates who won

Fulbright Awards in 2002. The university

also hosted three U.S. Fulbrighters during

the year. Guests of honour included U.S.

Consul General, Eileen Malloy and Fulbright

Commission Board members;

• 23 May—Fulbright Orientation Program,


• 23 May—National Awards Dinner, Canberra;

• 24 May—State Secretaries Seminar—

to thank the Fulbright Honorary State

Secretaries who coordinate the selection

process in each state;

• 24 May—Australian Fulbright (Alumni)

Association—Annual General Meeting;

• 19 September—Alumni Reception, U.S.

Embassy Canberra—hosted by U.S.

Ambassador Thomas Schieffer to recognise and

congratulate the Association and its members

for their support of the Fulbright Program;

• 23 October—Welcome Function in Los

Angeles—hosted by Australian Consul

General, Allan Rocher. It recognised

Australian Fulbrighters studying at UCLA, the

LA Film School and UC, Irvine and involved

representatives from these institutions and

U.S. Alumni;

• 6 November—Welcome Function in New

York City—hosted by the Australian Deputy

Ambassador to the United Nations,

Australian Fulbrighters and U.S. Fulbright

Alumni were welcomed to the Australian

Consulate in NYC. Australian Fulbrighter,

Sonya Lee, currently studying at Peabody

Conservatorium of Music, John Hopkins

University gave a musical performance;

• 21 November—University of Adelaide—

reception hosted by the University of

Adelaide to welcome the Fulbright

Commission Board to Adelaide.

A U S T R A L I A N – A M E R I C A N F U L B R I G H T C O M M I S S I O N a n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 0 2

“ I can say ‘I have lived in Australia’. Though this is a simple phrase it summarises appropriately how Ihave spent my time. Not just to have visited Australia, but to have lived here is a privilege… The natureof the Fulbright is such that it opened doors I never knew were there”.

Kira BulazelA 2001 U.S. Postgraduate Student, Kira has been based at both Macquarie Univeristy, Sydney and theAustralian National University, Canberra studying the molecular evolutionary genetics of Macropodidae(family of kangaroos and wallabies).

Julian Thompson, 1999 Fulbright Postgraduate Awardrecipient, with U.S. Ambassador J. Thomas Schieffer atthe 19 September U.S. Embassy function.


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StaffThe Commission welcomed Judith Gamble asProgram Manager in May. Previously ProgramManager of the Scholarships and FellowshipsTraining Unit at IDP Education Australia, Jude hascoordinated a wide range of internationalscholarships including the Department of Defence,South East Asia Defence Personnel Scholarships;Australian–Europe Scholarship; the Australia–AsiaScholarship; the Commonwealth Scholarship andFellowship Plan and the Frank Knox MemorialScholarship to Harvard University.

Jude has a Bachelor of Communications in PublicRelations from the University of Canberra and aDiploma in Graphic Design. Already her skillshave been widely used as she has refined theadministration of the program and added to themarketing plans and actions. Previous ProgramManager, Priscilla Wadham left to take up aposition with IDP Education Australia developingtheir study abroad service and we wish her well.

During 2002 the Commission’s U.S. EducationalInformation Officer, Judy Freudenberger wasnominated by her fellow advisors and took onthe position as Country Coordinator for the TeamAustralia group of U.S. Educational Advisorsaround Australia. This cooperative effort has notonly resulted in benefits for the U.S. EducationalAdvising Centres in Australia but a closer liaisonbetween the Fulbright Commission andEducational Advisers to better assist potentialFulbright applicants.

SponsorshipThe Fulbright Commission maintained a soundfinancial position and scholarship program, dueto the ongoing support of the Australian and U.S.Governments, in-kind support of Australian and

U.S. universities, and committed sponsors. BHPBilliton confirmed their support for the FulbrightPostgraduate Award in Science & Engineering fora further three years. Established in 2000 theFulbright BHP Billiton Award is now recognisedas a unique opportunity for leading science andengineering graduates throughout Australia.

The Fulbright Business/Industry (Coral Sea)Award was advertised for the first time in 2002.The Award is supported by an endowment fundestablished in 1992 by U.S. Ambassador toAustralia, Mel Sembler, and a group of corporatesponsors to recognise the 50th anniversary ofthe Battle of the Coral Sea. Originallyadministered by the Commission as anindependent Award it has now been integratedas a recognised Fulbright Professional Award.

AlumniThe Commission is pleased to welcome Mr GregHunt MP, Federal Member for Flinders as the newlyelected National President of the AustralianFulbright (Alumni) Association. Previous PresidentChrista Davies has moved to London and we aregrateful for her contribution over the past year.

“This (the American Studies Institute) was a great opportunity to increase my understanding of theconstitutional and rights system in the U.S., from both an historical and a legal perspective. It will vastlyenhance my ability to teach my comparative constitutional rights course… The quality of this educationcould not be gleaned from text book learning”.

Julie DebeljakA lecturer in Law at Monash University who attended the 2001 American Studies Institute “Reform inAmerican History and Law” at Boston College, Massachusetts.

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U.S. Consul General, Sydney, Ms Eileen Malloy (second fromleft) with Professor John Ingleson, Deputy Vice-Chancellor(International), (centre) and the 2002 Australian FulbrightAward Recipients from The University of New South Wales.


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The FutureDeveloping a wider public profile and buildingon the Fulbright network will be the focus for2003. All Fulbrighters now have media profilesdeveloped for them to assist in sharing theirstory with their professional and localcommunities. The Fulbright Commission will alsobe working with a public relations company in2003 to profile the unique quality of theFulbright grantees throughout Australia.

To support effective networking amongstFulbright Alumni in Australia and the UnitedStates, we plan to establish an on-line databasefor Fulbright Alumni in 2003. This will allowFulbright Alumni to search and make contactwith other Fulbright Alumni in their professionalfield, institution or region. It will also provide aneffective way for Fulbrighters as leaders in theirfield to network with other leaders in Australiaor the United States.

My thanks to the Fulbright Commission staff fortheir enthusiasm and commitment over the pastyear. They have developed a wide range ofinitiatives and systems that have greatlyimproved the Fulbright Commission and itsoperation. Thank you also to the Boardmembers who left during the year and gave somuch of their time to the Fulbright Commissionand Program in Australia. A special thanks toMal Nairn who is leaving the Board in 2003after five years. He has been a great advocateof the Fulbright Commission and Program andcontributed substantially to its developmentduring this period. We thank him for hisenthusiasm, commitment and hard work asChair of both the Fulbright Commission Boardand the National Selection Committee and wishhim well.

(from left to right) Emeritus Professor Mal Nairn; 2001U.S. Fulbrighter Kristofer Helgen; 2000 AustralianFulbrighter Sam Mickan; and Pro Vice-Chancellor(International) The University of Adelaide, Professor IanYoung at the 21 November function hosted by TheUniversity of Adelaide.

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Fulbright Program

The promotion, selection and administration ofthe annual Fulbright Awards is the primaryactivity of the Australian–American FulbrightCommission. In 2002, the Commission awarded22 Fulbright Awards to Americans (15Postgraduate Students and 7 Senior Scholars)and 25 to Australians (15 Postgraduates, twoSenior Scholars, two Postdoctoral Fellows and sixProfessionals). A range of new Fulbright Awardswere also continued, or established as pilotprograms during 2002.

New Fulbright AwardsU.S. Senior Specialist ProgramDuring 2002 the U.S. Senior Specialist Programwas piloted in Australia. The Program supportsAustralian institutions in hosting two-to-sixweek visits of U.S. Specialists to Australia.Fulbright Senior Specialist activities are designedto encourage Australian educational institutionsto collaborate with United States faculty andprofessionals on curriculum and facultydevelopment, institutional planning and a varietyof other activities. Six U.S. Senior Specialistswere selected to visit Australia in 2002. Theycame from a wide range of academic fields andU.S. universities and visited a variety ofAustralian institutions, government agencies anddepartments during their Program (see the list ofrecipients under 2002 U.S. Fulbrighters).

American Studies InstitutesThe Institutes are six-week U.S. Programs forinternational academics who teach some aspectof American Studies. Established as a FulbrightAward in 2001, these Awards have providedopportunities for Australian academics in thefields of constitutional law, literature and historyto expand their teaching programs of comparisonand assessment of American Studies.

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“The Fulbright Program has helped me to turn many long-time dreams into realities and manycuriosities into experiences — a remarkable gift for which I am extremely grateful.

Kristofer Helgen2001 U.S. Postgraduate Student who undertook studies in systematic mammalogy towards thecompletion of a PhD at the University of Adelaide, the South Australian Museum and theAustralian Museum.

U.S. Ambassador J. Thomas Schieffer with the 2002 U.S.Fulbright Award Recipients at the 2002 Enrichment Seminar,Canberra.

New Century Scholar ProgramIn 2002 Dr Gabriele Bammer from theAustralian National University was the firstAustralian selected for the distinguishedFulbright New Century Scholar Program.Established in 2001, the Program bringstogether the leading researchers in the world tofocus on a global issue. The 2002 Programfocused on “The Challenges of Health in aBorderless World” and resulted in Dr Bammerspending six months at Harvard University andattending three seminars with otherinternational New Century Scholar participants.

We are excited that Dr David Brown, AssociateProfessor in the School of Politics andInternational Studies at Murdoch University hasbeen selected as one of the 17 internationalparticipants for the 2003 Program focusing on“Addressing Sectarian, Ethnic and CulturalConflict Within and Across National Borders”.


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Enrichment ProgramFor the second consecutive year, twodistinctive events were successfully held in2002 to meet the Commission’s aim ofenriching the Fulbright experience.

U.S. Enrichment Seminar 21–22 FebruaryThe U.S. Enrichment Seminar in Canberra is anexcellent opportunity for U.S. Fulbrighters tomeet each other, build professional contacts, berecognised as a group and experience Australia’snational capital.

Activities during their visit included a formalreception at the U.S. Embassy hosted byAmbassador J. Thomas Schieffer; a cocktailevening hosted by the ACT Government, andDeputy Chief Minister, Mr Ted Quinlan; and amorning tea and a tour of Parliament Househosted by the Federal Minister for Education,Science and Training, The Hon. Dr BrendanNelson. Once again the Program was a successand greatly appreciated by all U.S. Fulbrighters.

Orientation Program and National Awards

Dinner 23 MayThe second National Orientation Program forAustralian Fulbrighters in Canberra providedrecipients with the opportunity to meet othercurrent Australian and U.S. Fulbrighters and


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The 2002 Australian Fulbright Award recipients at the National Awards Dinner, Parliament House, Canberra

members of the Australian Fulbright (Alumni)Association. The Orientation Program provideda background on the Fulbright Program,addressed recipients’ questions relating toFulbright administration and assisted them inpreparing for, and gaining the most from, theirFulbright experience.

The National Awards Dinner was held for thefirst time at the Great Hall in Parliament House,adding to the overall prestige of the FulbrightAwards. The Australian Fulbrighters receivedtheir Fulbright pin and a certificate from guestspeakers Mr Michael Owens, Deputy Chief ofMission, U.S. Embassy and The Hon. PeterMcGauran, Minister for Science. Ms AntheaRoberts (Fulbright Postgraduate WG WalkerAward winner) and Mr Gary Johns (FulbrightDFAT Professional Award recipient) gave a voteof thanks to the Australian and U.S.Governments, sponsors, selectors and theAustralian–American Fulbright Commission fortheir support of the Fulbright Awards.

State Secretaries also combined the NationalDinner with their annual Seminar in Canberra.Their commitment and support in coordinatingthe regional selection process for thePostgraduate Student and Postdoctoral FellowAwards is greatly appreciated.

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U.S. Senior Scholar ForumWith the support of the U.S. Embassy Office ofPublic Affairs, the Fulbright Commission held a one-day forum on Wednesday 9 October that broughtfour U.S. Senior Scholars to Canberra to networkwith Australian Government agencies and U.S.Embassy representatives. This allowed forinteraction beyond the Fulbright Scholars’ regularresearch network and provided a very usefulnetworking opportunity.

Participating Senior Scholars included ProfessorJames Salzman, American University; AssociateProfessor David Koppenhaver, GustavasAdolphus College; Professor Stanley Bach, U.S.Library of Congress; and Professor PrasadGogineni, University of Kansas.

Fulbright Selection 2002–03Competition for Australian and AmericanFulbright Awards for 2002–03 remained strongwith high quality applications across a widerange of fields. Australians were able to apply inPostgraduate Student, Postdoctoral Fellow,Professional or Senior Scholar categories, whileU.S. applicants applied for Postgraduate Studentand Senior Scholar Awards.

Australian State Selection Committees met in lateSeptember, or early October, to assess andinterview applicants, and offers for 2003 AustralianFulbright Awards were made in December.

The Commission extends its thanks to the StateSelection Secretaries and Selection Committeemembers for their invaluable contribution to theselection process and Fulbright program. It wasa pleasure to have them attend the NationalAwards Dinner and meet with the Fulbrightersthey helped select.

Applications for the 2002–2003 U.S. FulbrightAwards were the highest for many years with137 Postgraduates competing for 14 awardsand 54 Senior Scholars applications for fiveawards. The quality of applications hasremained very strong with a regular number ofU.S. applicants also now choosing Australiadue to study abroad experiences orinstitutional links. Offers for the 2003 U.S.Fulbright Awards will be made in February.

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Educational Advising

Following the establishment of theAustralian–American Fulbright Commission in1949, an ad hoc information service respondedto a regular flow of unsolicited inquiries aboutthe U.S. education system. In 1975, funding wasallocated for the development of a morecomprehensive and authoritative U.S.educational information service and a staffmember was appointed to carry out thisfunction. Educational advising has now been anintegral part of the Commission for 27 years.

In 2002, the five U.S. Department of State affiliatedU.S. Educational Advising Centres in Australia(located in Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbaneand Perth) united to form “Team Australia”. Thegoal is to make the centres’ combined servicesmore efficient and effective across Australia,though the sharing of resources, knowledge, andskills. The Fulbright Commission’s EducationalAdviser has become the first Country Coordinatorfor U.S. educational advising activities in Australia.During 2002 Team Australia created and publishedit’s first joint advising brochure, participated innew outreach opportunities, conducted it’s firstdigital video conference and launched it’s first jointAustralia-wide website (http://usembassy-australia.state.gov/education).

The Commission’s Educational Adviser fulfilsspeaking engagements, provides “distanceadvising” through telephone and e-mail andconducts individual appointments in Canberra.The majority of inquiries handled relate toundergraduate and graduate study options,financial assistance for U.S. study and admissionstests. In addition to inquiries from potentialstudents, a variety of requests for assistance withall types of education-related topics are made byboth individuals and representatives from a rangeof organisations, educational institutions andgovernment departments.

The Educational Adviser maintains an excellentcollection of U.S. educational reference

books at the Fulbright Commission office, which isopen to the public Monday through Friday,9am–5pm. A selection of resource materials is alsoprovided to university libraries in Adelaide,Darwin, Hobart and Townsville.

In 2001, a USAInfo listserv was initiated to keepuniversity staff informed about U.S. graduatelevel educational opportunities and issues suchas scholarships, standardised testing required forentry to the U.S. institutions, U.S. studyinformation fairs, orientation programs or events,etc. This has proved very popular and it isplanned to establish a similar listserv service in2003 featuring U.S. undergraduate studyopportunities and issues, primarily for secondaryschool staff and students.

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U.S. Educational Adviser, Judy Freudenberger, (left) providinginformation about U.S. educational opportunities to KateJohnston.


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have more institutional links with Americanuniversities than any other country in the world.The United States also now sends a largenumber of exchange students to Australia,primarily on study abroad programs.

The universities representing the Fulbrightprogram in each State are the University ofTasmania, Monash University, The University ofSydney, Murdoch University, The University ofAdelaide and Griffith University.

State Selection Secretaries include: Rhonda Ewart,University of Tasmania; Iliana Findikakis, MonashUniversity; Gabrielle Fuller, The University ofSydney; Allison Vandertang, Murdoch University;Anne Witt, The University of Adelaide; and CarolynWoodmass, Griffith University.

United States universitiesThere were 14 Australian Fulbright Postgraduatesstudying at U.S. universities in 2002. Two wereconducting research and twelve enrolled in coursework for which they received varying degrees offunding from their host institution, primarily on amerit basis, either in the form of tuition feewaivers or financial-aid. This in-kind supportfrom American universities totalled US$258,209($A444,450). The more popular U.S. universitiesfor Australian Fulbrighters have been Columbia,Harvard, New York University, UC Berkley, UCLA,Stanford and Yale.

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“My project commenced a new collaboration between the research team at University of California,Irvine and ours at Monash University as it intertwined the chemistry research in both laboratories.”

Rita Harika2001 Australian BHP Science and Engineering Postgraduate Award recipient who undertook researchin Lanthanide Chemistry at the University of California, Irvine.

Supporters and Sponsors

The primary funding for the Fulbright Program inAustralia continues to come from the UnitedStates and Australian Governments. The U.S.Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs andthe Fulbright Scholarship Board (appointed bythe U.S. President) oversee the Fulbright Programinternationally on behalf of the U.S. Government.In Australia, funding is provided through theDepartment of Science, Education and Trainingand we also work closely with the Department ofForeign Affairs and Trade.

This core funding is complemented by supportfrom a range of other institutions and sponsors.

UniversitiesAustralian and American universities were visitedthroughout 2002. They were thanked for theirsupport of Fulbright students and scholars andencouraged to build or enhance their internationallinks through the Fulbright Program. Presentationswere made to a wide range of university facultyand postgraduate students in April. Boardmembers and the Executive Director conductedvisits to Sydney-based universities during Augustand all South Australian universities in November.The Executive Director also met with faculty andstudents at UCLA, Duke University, North CarolinaUniversity and North Carolina State University.

Australian Universities Australian universities continued to provideoutstanding support for the Fulbright program bysupporting fee waivers for AmericanPostgraduate Fulbrighters and the State-basedselection process for Australian Postgraduate andPostdoctoral Fellow Fulbright Awards.

Eighteen U.S. Postgraduates attended Australianuniversities in 2002. Fifteen were carrying outresearch, with three enrolled in higher degreeprograms. Australian universities continue to

2002 Fulbright State Selection Secretaries (from left) Anne Witt;Carolyn Woodmass; Iliana Findikakis; Gabrielle Fuller; and AllisonVandertang.

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SponsorsSponsors continued their strong association withthe Fulbright program in 2002. The firstFulbright Professional Award in U.S–AustralianAlliance Studies sponsored by the Department ofForeign Affairs and Trade was awarded in 2002and the new Fulbright Business/Industry (CoralSea) Professional Award was established andadvertised for 2003.

Fulbright Award Sponsors in 2002:

Australian National Training Authority (ANTA)ANTA is an Australian Governmentstatutory authority that provides anational focus for vocational educationand training (VET). They havesponsored a Fulbright Professional

Award in VET since 1995. Through itssponsorship of this Award, ANTA has welcomedthe opportunity to support research in currentvocational education and training policy andpractice, so that this newly gained knowledgecan be disseminated to the broader VocationalEducation and Training (VET) community.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander Commission (ATSIC)ATSIC is an independent statutoryauthority established by the

Australian Government to provide a nationalpolicy-making and service delivery agency forIndigenous people. ATSIC has supported aFulbright Postgraduate Award since 1993. At thelaunch of the Award, Miss Lois O’Donoghue,Chairperson of ATSIC at that time, said, “Formany years Australian women and men havebenefited by being recipients of a Fulbright. I amdelighted that the Aboriginal and Torres StraitIslander Commission has agreed to sponsor aFulbright scholarship”. Since then, six worthycandidates have been identified to receive thisprestigious Award.

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(from left to right) Minister for Science, the Hon.Peter McGauran MP; 2002 ATSIC FulbrightPostgraduate Award winner Mr Garry Jones; ATSICEducation Portfolio Commissioner, Mr Eric Wynne.

Dr Robert Niven (left), 2002 Fulbright ProfessionalAward recipient and Lecturer at the School of CivilEngineering, Australian Defence Force Academy(ADFA), The University of New South Wales (UNSW),with Professor Robert King, Rector, ADFA, UNSW.

AT Kearney is an international managementconsulting and executive search firm established inChicago and now with an Australian base of over200 staff. They established the FulbrightPostgraduate Award in Business Administration in2001. “We employ the best and the brightest frombusiness schools around the world”, stated theManaging Director for Australia/New Zealand,Robert Nason. “A.T. Kearney thus shares the idealsof the Fulbright program and is proud to sponsorthis Award and promote excellence in the field ofBusiness Administration.”

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Coral Sea 50th Anniversary Endowment Fund

The Coral Sea Endowment Fund was originallyestablished in 1992 by the Coral SeaCommemorative Council to recognise the 50thanniversary of the Battle of the Coral Sea. TheAward fund was supported by donations byAmbassador Mel Sembler (Former U.S.Ambassador to Australia) and a group ofcompanies including Mallesons Stephen Jaques,South Corp Brewing Holdings Ltd, The GandelCharitable Trust, BHP, Arthur Anderson, ColesMyer and Coca-Cola Amatil.

BHP, one of Australia’s oldest and largestresource companies established a FulbrightPostgraduate scholarship in Engineering andScience award in 2000. BHP merged with miningcompany Billiton in 2001 to form BHP Billiton.“We are proud to sponsor a Fulbrighter and toparticipate in this excellent scholarshipprogram”, said Dr Joe Herbertson, Manager ofBHP laboratories, Newcastle. The BHP BillitonAward winner also has the opportunity to spendtime with the R & D sections of BHP Billiton inAustralia and the United States during theirscholarship tenure.

Clough is a diversified public company providingproject development service to leadinginternational clients in oil and gas,petrochemicals, mining and minerals,infrastructure, manufacturing and propertyindustries. The Chairman, Harold Clough, was aFulbright Postgraduate in MechanicalEngineering at the University of California,Berkeley, “a time I recall as particularlyenjoyable and rewarding”. Clough havesponsored an annual Fulbright PostgraduateAward in Engineering since 1994.

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“The Fulbright Award has enabled me to experience another culture, to walk in the footsteps, theshadows of my Indigenous cousins of the Pacific. It has been an experience that will no doubtbecome a lifetime affair of learning and appreciating the political and social standpoint of anotherIndigenous group. I thank the Australian Fulbright Commission for this opportunity.

Dennis Foley2001 Australian ATSIC Postgraduate Award recipient who completed part of his PhD at theUniversity of Hawaii researching the intrinsic and environmental motivators and socialinhibitors affecting Native Hawaiian entrepreneurship and small business.

Dr Jan Herrington (centre), 2002 Australian FulbrightProfessional Award recipient with Professor Barry Harper, Deanof Education, University of Wollongong and Mrs Brigit Harper.

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To recognise the 50th Anniversary of the ANZUSTreaty during 2001, the Australian Minister forForeign Affairs, The Hon. Alexander Downerannounced the Department of Foreign Affairsand Trade’s support for a new Fulbright Award inAustralian– U.S. Alliance Studies. This Awardwill be offered in 2002, 2003 and 2004 andencourages new and active research anddiscussion on Australia–U.S. issues.

Anthony Joseph PrattThe Fulbright Postgraduate Award in the Visualand Performing Arts has been established andsupported by Anthony Joseph Pratt since 1996. Ithas provided the opportunity for many youngdistinguished Australia artists and musicians tostudy in unique institutions throughout America.

Martin C and Faye Cousens Carroll Travelling

FellowshipsThe Lois Roth Endowment, in conjunction withthe Commission, jointly funds The Martin C.and Faye Cousens Carroll TravellingFellowships. The Fellowships provide up to$A1,500 travel grants for U.S. FulbrightPostgraduate research-oriented students toextend their work over a wider geographicbase in Australia. The 2002 recipient isMytoan Nguyen who is researching the historyof Australia’s Vietnamese community in lightof immigration and adoption of amulticulturalism policy.

(from left to right) Mr David Lyon, past U.S. Consul-GeneralMelbourne; Joanna Haddock, recipient of the 2002 FulbrightPostgraduate Victorian WorkCover Authority–Tim MatthewsAward; and Mr Bill Mountford, Chief Executive Officer VictorianWorkCover Authority.

Victorian WorkCover Authority—TimMatthews Award

In 1996, the Board of the Victorian WorkCoverAuthority (with the Fulbright Commission)initiated the Fulbright Tim Matthew’s MemorialPostgraduate Student Award in Statistics,Actuarial Studies and Econometrics, to honourthe memory of Dr Tim Matthews, PrincipleStatistician with the Authority.

“The Victorian WorkCover Authority is proud tobe involved with the Fulbright Program”, statedProfessor Bob Officer, then Chair of the VictorianWorkcover Authority. “It is important to us atWorkCover that Tim’s exceptional contributionbe honoured in a tangible way. The Fulbrightepitomises the pursuit of academic excellence,the promotion of mutual understanding throughcultural exchange and open handed sponsorship.We are convinced that Australia will be richer forthe opportunities afforded these young scholars.It should be noted that WorkCover also benefitsfrom this Award by developing personal ties to astream of Australian professionals and to theinstitutions and professional communities in theUnited States. WorkCover is delighted to fosterthis kind of knowledge network”.

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2002 Australian FulbrightAward Recipients

Professional Awards

Professional Awards open to all fields of study

Dr Victoria BrazilPrincess Alexandra Hospital, BrisbaneField of study: MedicineHost institution: Stanford University, Medicine CenterAward period: Up to four months from March2003Purpose of Award: Participate in the StanfordEmergency Medicine International VisitingScholar Program—an observational programproviding training in education, research, clinicaland administrative aspects of emergencymedicine.

Dr Jan HerringtonEdith Cowan UniversityField of study: Educational TechnologyHost institution: The University of GeorgiaAward period: Up to four months from August2002 Purpose of Award: Undertake research into theuse of authentic activities as a model for thedevelopment of online learning units in highereducation.

Associate Professor Peter LeggatJames Cook University, School of Public Healthand Tropical MedicineField of study: Medical Education andInternational HealthHost institutions: Michigan State University,Center for International Health, and the CivilAerospace Medicine Institute, OklahomaAward period: Up to four monthsPurpose of Award: Research and develop linkagesand leadership skills in medical education andinternational health with special reference torural and remote and indigenous health.

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Dr Robert NivenAustralian Defence Force Academy, UNSWField of study: Civil and EnvironmentalEngineering (contaminated soil remediation)Host institutions: Clarkson University, RiceUniversity and Colorado School of MinesAward period: Up to four months from January2003Purpose of Award: Conduct research on oil-contaminated soils by scaling-up microscopicprocesses to the macroscopic level.

Professional Award in Australian–United StatesAlliance Studies sponsored by the Department ofForeign Affairs and Trade

Dr Gary JohnsInstitute of Public Affairs, BrisbaneField of study: Public AffairsHost institution: Georgetown UniversityAward period: Up to six months from September2002Purpose of Award: Research and lecture on Non-Government Organisation (NGO) legitimacy indemocratic systems, focussing on how NGOsshould be regarded and what standing theyshould be granted.

Professional Award in Vocational Education and

Training sponsored by The Australian National

Training Authority

Ms Jenny DoddCanberra Institute of TechnologyField of study: Human Resource ManagementHost institution: Northwestern UniversityAward period: Up to three months from June 2003Purpose of Award: Develop knowledge and skillsin techniques for creating strategic alliances andeffective national knowledge management, incollaboration with the Australian VocationalEducation and Training sector, to form betterpartnerships and develop effective Alumniassociations.

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Senior Scholar AwardsProfessor Warwick BrittonThe University of Sydney and Royal Prince AlfredHospitalField of study: Immunology/Infectious DiseaseHost institution: National Institute of Allergy andInfectious DiseaseAward period: Up to 12 months from October 2002Purpose of Award: Undertake research into how theimmune system responds during tuberculosis andleprosy infection, with the aim of developing moreeffective vaccines and therapies for these diseases.

Ms Kim RubensteinThe University of MelbourneField of study: Constitutional and administrative lawHost institution: Georgetown UniversityAward period: Up to six months from July 2002Purpose of Award: Undertake research as a visitingscholar on the project title “International citizenshipand nationalism: citizenship, nationality andinternational law”.

Postdoctoral AwardsDr Rebecca AndersonFlinders UniversityField of study: NeuroscienceHost institution: Columbia UniversityAward period: Up to 12 months from August 2002Purpose of Award: Undertake research using state-of-the-art techniques to investigate cellularmechanisms involved in the transmission ofinformation from peripheral neurons that detectnoxious stimuli to neurons in the spinal cord.

Dr Margaret HarrisUniversity of NewcastleField of study: Public HealthHost institution: The University of HawaiiAward period: Up to four months from September2002Purpose of Award: Attend specialised classes incancer-risk communication to at-risk patients andbe involved in a large cancer prevention trial at theUniversity of Hawaii’s Cancer Research Center.

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“Fulbright gives us the obligation

to do the best we can”

I was reflecting on Peter McGauran’s remarksabout subtlety of Australians and if I could in amost subtle Australian way say, ‘What anincredibly bright bunch of buggers we have heretonight’. It a privilege for me to be amongst themand in this place, because I have been to somefairly remarkable events here, but none soremarkable as tonight.

Present tonight are scholars who are incrediblybright and committed people. The notion ofachievement for me has always been to make acontribution, to what I am not sure, but just to bepart of things, to have your say. And each of us Ithink have been willing to have our say about lotsof aspects of life, public and private, scientific andartistic during our short or long careers. Fulbrightwill allow us to recommence or continue ourcommitment to our work. I believe Fulbright givesus the obligation to do the best we can in our timein the U.S. to build relations and deepen andimprove our understanding and knowledge andthen apply it and try to make this a better place.“This”, being the U.S., Australia and the world.

Each of us in our own little way tries to make acontribution. For the Fulbright Commission, thenotion that these two countries should have arelationship with each other I think is incrediblypowerful, inasmuch as it is bringing verypowerful and committed people together for atime. It obligates us to stay together hereafter asa sort of family and to meet from time to time todiscuss those things that we have done. So I feelvery privileged to be here among each of theother Awardees and I would like to thank all ofthose that work hard in the FulbrightCommission and I look forward to meeting myU.S. hosts later this year and learning a greatdeal from them. Thank you.

Dr Gary Johns, recipient of the 2002 Fulbright

Professional Award in Australian–U.S. Alliance Studies

speaking at the 2002 National Awards Dinner

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Postgraduate Awards

Postgraduate Awards open to all fields of study

Mr Nehal BhutaThe University of MelbourneField of study: Law/Political ScienceHost institution: New School University, New YorkAward period: Up to three years from June 2002Purpose of Award: Complete a Master of Arts inpolitical science with course work in socialtheory and economics, with the potential tocontinue to the PhD program.

Mr Simon BlewettUniversity of AdelaideField of study: Law Host institution: New York UniversityAward period: Up to three years from September2002Purpose of Award: Undertake a Masters of Law inlabor and employment law at New YorkUniversity incorporating an analysis ofAustralian and international workplacebargaining systems.

Mr Ben HeraghtyUniversity of New South WalesField of study: Political Science/LawHost institution: Harvard UniversityAward period: Up to three years from July 2002Purpose of Award: Undertake a Master of PublicPolicy at the John F. Kennedy School ofGovernment, examining legislative instrumentsdesigned to increase citizen participation inWestern democracies and also developments incommunity-based public policy programs inthe U.S.

Mr Duong Le QuyUniversity of New South WalesField of study: Performing ArtsHost institution: Los Angeles Film SchoolAward period: Up to three years from August 2002Purpose of visit: Undertake a postgraduate degreein film-making, studying the elements of film-making including editing, directing, storydevelopment, production design,cinematography, sound producing and practicalcomponents.

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“The Fulbright will broaden our horizons

and provide us with opportunities that we

have not yet even imagined”

On behalf of the Postgraduates who have receivedFulbright Awards this year I would like to thankthe Fulbright Commission and its staff for thewonderful opportunity they have given to us. Ibelieve that no matter how enriching we thinkthis experience is going to be, the Fulbright willbroaden our horizons and provide us withopportunities that we have not yet even imagined.

I have been asked to give a brief outline of whatI will be doing with my Fulbright Scholarship. My particular area of interest is internationallaw. I first studied international law at OxfordUniversity and then returned to the AustralianNational University to do my thesis underProfessor Hillary Charlesworth. That was reallymy first link with the Fulbright organisation,because Professor Charlesworth was herself aFulbright Scholar at Harvard University and sheencouraged me to apply for this program. I amnow going off to New York University which is avibrant centre for the study of international law.But mine is just one story out of the manystories you will hear a little bit about tonight.When I look around the room I see an incredibledepth of talent but also an incredible diversity. Ithink it is wonderful that Fulbright can recognisethese dedicated young individuals from acrossso many fields. We all feel very grateful andthank the Fulbright Commission for thistremendous opportunity.

Anthea Roberts, recipient of the

2002 Fulbright WG Walker Postgraduate Student

Award speaking at the 2002 National Awards Dinner

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Mr Filip RadlinskiThe Australian National UniversityField of study: Computer ScienceHost institution: Cornell UniversityAward period: Up to five years from August 2002Purpose of Award: Complete a PhD in computerscience focussing on machine learning andartificial intelligence.

Ms Rebecca SheehanThe University of New South WalesField of study: Gender, Film and Australian andUnited States HistoryHost institution: University of California, LosAngelesAward period: Up to 12 months from July 2002Purpose of Award: To conduct research onwomens’ film history towards a PhD at theUniversity of California, Los Angeles

Mr Kieran TranterUniversity of Notre Dame, WAField of study: LawHost institution: New School University, New YorkAward period: Up to three years from June 2003Purpose of Award: Conduct research into the topicof technology, humanity and law towards a PhDin Sociology.

Mr Tony WongUniversity of Technology, SydneyField of study: Law and AccountingHost institution: Columbia UniversityAward period: Up to 12 months from August 2002Purpose of Award: Undertake a Masters of Lawfocussing on environmental law and policy.

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WG Walker Memorial Award sponsored by theAustralian Fulbright Association

Ms Anthea RobertsThe Australian National UniversityField of study: International LawHost institution: New York UniversityAward period: Up to three years from August2002Purpose of Award: To undertake a Masters of Lawin international law.

Visual and Performing Arts Award sponsored byAnthony Joseph Pratt

Mr Scott KinmontThe Sydney Symphony Orchestra and SydneyConservatoriumField of study: Musical PerformanceHost institution: Northwestern University, Schoolof MusicAward period: Up to three years from September2002Purpose of Award: Complete a Masters of MusicPerformance and Pedagogy and undertakeprivate tuition with members of ChicagoSymphony and New York PhilharmonicOrchestras.

“…my research activities during the Fulbright Program have involved me in close collaborationwith scientists not only in the USA but also in countries as diverse as Brazil, Canada, Italy andJapan. These contacts involved deep discussion of scientific issues and they also provided anopportunity for a broader insight and understanding of my colleagues’ cultures and countries.

Professor Stephen Buckman2000 Australian Fulbright Senior Scholar Award recipient who undertook experimental studiesof positron interactions with atoms and molecules at the University of California, San Diego.


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Science and Engineering Award sponsored byBHP Billiton

Ms Melissah RoweMacquarie UniversityField of study: Ecology and Evolutionary BiologyHost institution: The University of ChicagoAward period: Up to five years from January 2003Purpose of Award: Undertake a PhD programfocusing on the evolutionary mechanisms ofmillipede fauna.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Awardsponsored by ATSIC

Mr Garry JonesThe Australian National UniversityField of study: Visual ArtsHost institution: University of New MexicoAward period: Up to 12 months from March 2003Purpose of Award: Undertake independentresearch in developments in contemporaryNative American visual arts and communitydevelopment.

Engineering Award sponsored by Clough Limited

Ms Nyrie PalmerThe University of New South WalesField of study: Engineering/Public PolicyHost institution: Princeton UniversityAward period: Up to five years from July 2002Purpose of Award: Undertake research towards aPhD in e-commerce waste tracking systems.

Statistics and Related Disciplines Awardsponsored by Victorian WorkCover Authority

Ms Joanna HaddockThe University of New South WalesField of study: EconomicsHost institution: Yale UniversityAward period: Up to five years from August 2002 Purpose of Award: Undertake course work andresearch towards a PhD in Economics.

New Century Scholars Award Established in 2001, the New Century ScholarsProgram brings together leading internationalresearchers to focus on a particular global issue.Dr David Brown, Associate Professor in theSchool of Politics and International Studies atMurdoch University has been selected as one ofthe 17 international participants for the 2003Program.

Dr David BrownMurdoch University Host institutions: University of Wisconsin—Madison and Stanford University 2003 New Century Scholars Global Theme:“Addressing Sectarian, Ethnic and CulturalConflict Within and Across National Borders”.

American Studies InstitutesThese six-week programs of lectures, seminarsand field trips are for international academicswho teach an aspect of American Studies. In2002, Dr Joy McEntee was selected to participatein the Program.

Dr Joy McEnteeThe University of AdelaideHost institution: New School UniversityAward period: Up to six weeks from May 2002American Studies Institute: “The United StatesThrough Literature: Reading America”

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Ms Melissah Rowe, recipient of the 2002 AustralianFulbright Science and Engineering Award sponsoredby BHP Billiton.

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2002 American FulbrightAward Recipients

Senior Scholar AwardsDr Stanley Bach U.S. Library of Congress/Yale UniversityField of Study: Law/Legislative StudiesHost Institution: The Australian National UniversityAward Period: Up to six months from October 2002Purpose of Award: To study legislativebicameralism in Australia and the U.S. in light ofsimilarities and differences in theirconstitutional, electoral and governmentalsystems. Conduct collaborative research withAustralian scholars at the ANU and throughpersonal observation at Parliament House underthe auspices of the Senate Fellowship Program.

Dr Paul Faulstich Pitzer CollegeField of Study: Anthropology/EnvironmentalStudiesHost Institution: The Australian National UniversityAward Period: Up to six months from March 2003 Purpose of Award: To lecture on ethnoecology andconduct research on the related topic ‘TheNatural History of Place-Making’.

Dr Silva Prasad Gogineni University of KansasField of Study: Microwave Remote SensingHost Institution: University of TasmaniaAward Period: Up to 4 months from August 2002Purpose of Award: To design and develop radarsto measure snow thickness over sea ice. To helpCRC personnel with the development of a radardepth sounder for glacial ice thicknessmeasurements.

Dr Mark Gordon Iowa State UniversityField of Study: Quantum ChemistryHost Institution: The Australian National UniversityAward Period: Up to six months from January 2003Purpose of Award: To study the application ofquantum chemistry methods and to buildpotential energy surfaces.

Dr David Koppenhaver Gustavus Adolphus CollegeField of Study: Special EducationHost Institution: The University of QueenslandAward Period: Up to six months from July 2003Purpose of Award: To study instructional supportsfor middle school teachers and the resultingeffects on written language learning outcomes ofchildren with severe disabilities. Also, to teachstudents in Australia about methods of literacyinstruction for children with severe disabilities.

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“This experience has been invaluable to me personally — living in another culture and looking atthe world from another viewpoint has provided a high level of critique to my artwork. I believethat my time in Australia has helped to further solidify the already dynamic exchange betweenAustralia and America in the glass community”.

Timothy Ringsmuth2001 U.S. Postgraduate Student who has been studying Visual Arts / Glass Sculpture at a post-graduate level at the Canberra School of Art, Australian National University.


Dr Stanley Bach (2002 U.S. Senior Scholar), who presented hislecture ‘“A Delicate Balance—The Accidental Genius ofAustralian Politics: A View From Washington” at the SenateOccasional Lecture Series on Friday 28 February 2003.

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Ms Alison Barton University of California—IrvineField of Study: Public Health/PsychologyHost Institution: Curtin UniversityAward Period: Up to 12 months from February 2003Purpose of Award: Assist with the world’s largestlongitudinal study of ADHD which provides aunique base for future analysis into otherspectrums related to juvenile hereditarysubstance abuse issues.

Ms Carolyn Dong University of MassachusettsField of Study: Molecular BioscienceHost Institution: University of QueenslandAward Period: Up to 12 months from September2002Purpose of Award: To research and examine thepotential role of the SOX18 gene in tumourvascularisation adn growth.

Ms Jennifer Donley Pennsylvania State UniversityField of Study: AstrophysicsHost Institution: Australian Telescope NationalFacilityAward Period: Up to 12 months from August 2002Purpose of Award: To undertake study into thestructure of the local supercluster using datafrom the northern extension of the HI Parkes AllSky survey and follow up newly-identifiedgalaxies with the ATNF’s onserving facilities.

Mr Kevin Ellett University of California—Davis/United StatesGeological SurveyField of Study: Civil EngineeringHost Institution: The University of MelbourneAward Period: Up to 12 months from July 2002Purpose of Award: To undertake doctoral researchin expanding the capability of mathematicalmodels to accurately represent hydrologicprocesses occurring on a large scale and thusimprove our ability to manage water resources.

Mr James Salzman American UniversityField of Study: International Environmental LawHost Institution: Macquarie UniversityAward Period: Up to six months from October2002Purpose of Award: To complete a jointappointment with the law and biologydepartments at Macquarie University to teach acourse in international environmental law aswell as research the protection and managementof ecosystem services in Australia.

Dr Eric Triplett University of Wisconsin—MadisonField of Study: Biological SciencesHost Institution: The Australian National UniversityAward Period: Up to six months from December2002Purpose of Award: To study the biology ofbacterial endophytic colonisation of plants andto identify many proteins and genes involved inthis process.

Postgraduate AwardsMr Glenn AlmanyOregon State UniversityField of Study: Marine EcologyHost Institution: James Cook UniversityAward Period: Up to 12 months from June 2003Purpose of Award: Conduct a field study toinvestigate the ecological and behavioural factorsassociated with fish movements at the LizardIsland Research Station. Analyse long-termecological data sets from the Great Barrier Reefto determine appropriate management strategiesfor marine reserves and whether reserves canhelp rebuild depleted fisheries.


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Mr William Harcombe University of North CarolinaField of Study: Science—GeneticsHost Institution: La Trobe UniversityAward Period: Up to 12 months from August 2002Purpose of Award: To investigate effects that theprevalent bacteria Wolbachia has on climateadaptation in its hosts.

Ms Anne HeintzUniversity of Arizona Field of Study: Arts—Theatre Arts Host Institution: Victoria College of the Arts Award Period: Up to 12 months from September2002 Purpose of Award: To obtain a Graduate Diploma ofTheatre Directing which focuses on the power oftheatre in creating conflict out of blind confusion,then resolving the conflict with action.

Ms Stacy Jupiter University of California—Santa CruzField of Study: EcologyHost Institution: The University of QueenslandAward Period: Up to 12 months from February2003Purpose of Award: To undertake research towards aPhD using remote sensing and ground-based toolsto assess the impact of upstream land usepractices on coastal and marine ecosystems.

Ms Marie Kozel Emory UniversityField of Study: NeuroscienceHost Institution: The University of New South WalesAward Period: Up to 12 months from February 2003Purpose of Award: To undertake research towards aPhD in Neuroscience, focussing on the potential ofolfactory ensheathing cells in an animal model ofspinal cord injury.

Ms Rebecca Levit Dickinson College, PennsylvaniaField of Study: Biological Science/MetabolismResearchHost Institution: University of WollongongAward Period: Up to 12 months from July 2002Purpose of Award: To complete an HonoursMasters (Research) program in biology oninvestigation of oxygen radicals and their role inageing and metabolism.

Ms Misti Marr Mississippi State UniversityField of Study: Medical SciencesHost Institution: Monash UniversityAward Period: Up to 12 months from June 2003 Purpose of Award: To undertake research onParkinsons Disease through neuroscience,aiming to reestablish the connections throughregeneration of neuronal pathways and theimplanting of cells to manipulate theregeneration pathway to compensate for thosewhich have been lost though the illness.

Ms Jennifer Marsh University of California—Los AngelesField of Study: International PoliticsHost Institution: The University of MelbourneAward Period: Up to 12 months from February 2003Purpose of Award: To undertake a Masters in PoliticalScience researching Australia’s policy reversaltowards Indonesia’s occupation of East Timorresulting in the referendum held in August 1999.


Rebecca Levit, 2002 U.S. Fulbright Postgraduate,who is completing an Honours Masters program inBiology at the University of Wollongong.

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Ms Mytoan Nguyen University of California—Berkeley Field of Study: Arts/Public PolicyHost Institution: The University of MelbourneAward Period: Up to 12 months from February2003 Purpose of Award: To complete a Masters thesis inHistory and research the history of Australia’sVietnamese community in light of immigrationand adoption of a multiculturalism policy.

Ms Samantha Snitow Tufts University Field of Study: Communication StudiesHost Institution: RMIT Award Period: Up to 12 months from July 2002Purpose of Award: To undertake a Masters inCommunication Studies researching drink drivinginitiatives in the state of Victoria focusing on theTAC advertising campaign currently in place inthat State.

Mr Patrick Unemori University of California—San FranciscoField of Study: Medicine—HIV ResearchHost Institution: The University of New South WalesAward Period: Up to 12 months from July 2002Purpose of Award: To explore biochemicalpathogenesis of HIV medication-relatedlipodystrophy.

Mr Bevan Watson University of FloridaField of Study: Civil Engineering/BusinessHost Institution: University of SydneyAward Period: Up to 12 months from February2003Purpose of Award: To undertake a Masters ofInternational Business researching environmentalefforts on natural gas in the petroleum industry.

Mr Marcus Weaver-Hightower University of Wisconsin—MadisonField of Study: Education—Curriculum andInstructionHost Institution: The University of QueenslandAward Period: Up to 12 months from February 2003 Purpose of Award: To research the movements inAustralia to formulate policies on the educationof boys with a focus on classroom methods andpolicies adopted by schools to assist bothstudents and teachers.

Mr Erik Zwicker Princeton University Field of Study: International Relations Host Institution: Monash University Award Period: Up to 12 months from July 2002 Purpose of Award: Working towards a MastersDegree in bioethics at the Centre for HumanBioethics, focussing on the ethical issuessurrounding human biotechnology.


My experiences with my Australian colleagues have been everything that I hoped for and more… This collaboration has grown and strengthened and is now an essential part of our professional careersand the friendship and shared studies will continue long past my departure from Australia”.

Dr John Leslie2002 U.S. Senior Scholar who spent eight months at The University of Sydney and the RoyalBotanic Gardens developing and teaching a Fusarium Laboratory Workshop and identifyingFusarium funghi from the grasslands of the Kosciuszko and Kadadu National Parks.

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2002 2001


Australian Government Funding 558,686

United States Government Funding 1,134,577

Sponsorship 377,600


Other Sources 91,086

Interest 52,937

Exchange Rate 13,761


TOTAL INCOME 2,228,647


Program Costs 1,436,092

(less program returns) -72,449

Administration Expenses 354,896

Educational Advisory Service 96,906

Non Program Costs 83,405



Accumulated Funds 55,000

Transfer (to) from Reserves -88,843

Balance for year taken to accumulated fund 295,954

Financial Statements


The summarised accounts are extracted from theCommission’s full annual accounts on which theauditors have given an unqualified report.

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2002 2001


Cash at Bank and in Hand 87,370

Investments 1,438,499

Debtors 422,381

Other Current Assets 14,363



Provision for Unpaid Program Costs 600,656

Provision for Staff Entitlements 10,396

Creditors 523,504



Represented by:

RESERVES 532,103



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Professor Gavin Brown (centre), Vice-Chancellor and Principal, University ofSydney, with U.S. and AustralianFulbrighters (from left to right) ProfessorWarwick Britton, Ms Robyn Pritchard, MrScott Kinmont and Professor John Leslie atthe morning tea hosted by the Vice-Chancellor for Fulbrighters associated withthe University of Sydney.

(from left to right) 2002 AustralianFulbright Postgraduate Award recipientRebecca Sheehan; Mr Allan RocherConsul-General of Australia in LosAngeles; and 2001 Australian FulbrightPostgraduate Award recipient Rita Harikaat the 23 October 2002 Welcome Functionin Los Angeles.

The Hon. Dr Brendan Nelson MP

Minister for Education, Science andTraining (centre front) with the2002 U.S. Fulbright Awardrecipients at the Parliament Housereception hosted by Dr Nelson during the FebruaryEnrichment Seminar.

Fulbright Events

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Mr Angus Tremble (left), retired Secretary of the SAChapter of the Australian Fulbright (Alumni)Association, with Emeritus Professor Mal Nairn, ChairAustralian–American Fulbright Commission.

(from left to right) New Australian Fulbright (Alumni)Association National President Greg Hunt MP; Ms PaulaLindsay and U.S. Ambassador J. Thomas Schieffer at the19 September function hosted by the Ambassador at hisU.S. Embassy residence, Canberra.

The Australian Fulbright(Alumni) Association

The Fulbright Association continued to provide valuablesupport to the Fulbright Commission and Programduring 2002.

Mr Greg Hunt MP was elected as the new NationalAssociation President. Previous President Christa Daviesresigned, as she moved to London. The FulbrightCommission thanks Christa for her contribution andsupport during her period as President.

Greg Hunt is the Federal member for Flinders (Vic). AGraduate in Arts / Law with a First Class Honours Degreefrom the University of Melbourne, Greg won a FulbrightPostgraduate Award to Yale in 1992 to complete his Masterof International Relations. Prior to his election toparliament, Greg worked as an Associate to the ChiefJustice of the Australian Federal Court; Senior Advisor tothe Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, AlexanderDowner; Chief of the Australian Electoral Observer Missionto Cambodia; Engagement Manager, McKinsey and Co.and Director of Strategy, World Economic Forum, Geneva.

The Fulbright Association’s Annual General Meeting washeld in Canberra on 24 May, following the National AwardsDinner at the Parliament House in Canberra. State ChapterChairs reported on Alumni events in their respective States.Membership Secretary Dale Hebbard reported that Alumnimembership has increased from previous years and this isreflected in the well-attended functions held during theyear. Association members continued to offer hospitality tovisiting American Fulbrighters and Alumni through a widerange of functions and dinners.

Association Treasurer, Howard Bradbury, reported thatmember contributions to the WG Walker Fund had increasedover 2002. The WG Walker Scholarship Fund, which carriesthe name of the Association’s foundation President, wasestablished to create a financial base for the annualsponsorship of a Fulbright Postgraduate Scholarship. As aresult of the generous support of Alumni the fund is nowwell established at over $154,000.

The Fulbright Commission thanks the Australian FulbrightAssociation Committee members and Alumni for theirongoing support and commitment to the Fulbright Program.

2002 Australian Fulbright WG Walker PostgraduateAward recipient Anthea Roberts with (from left toright) the Hon. Peter McGauran MP, Minister forScience; Mr Mike Owens, Deputy Chief of Mission,U.S. Embassy, Canberra; and Emeritus ProfessorMal Nairn, Chair, Australian–American FulbrightCommission.


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