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Authoritative Parenting and Children’s Behavior: Is it the Best Way to Parent?

Date post: 20-Jun-2015
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Page 1: Authoritative Parenting and Children’s Behavior: Is it the Best Way to Parent?
Page 2: Authoritative Parenting and Children’s Behavior: Is it the Best Way to Parent?

The different types of The different types of parentingparenting

Neglectful parenting

Authoritarian parenting

Indulgent parenting

Authoritative parenting

With authoritarian, indulgent and neglectful parenting styles, children may experience emotions including fear, anger, isolation, impatience, and indecisiveness among others (Santrock, 2008b, p. 288). Authoritarian parenting usually places strict demands on their children without allowing for flexibility, “use punishment to control behavior” and are less sensitive to their child’s feelings (Leal, 2001, p. 9). Authoritative parenting gives children a choice in their options and allows for flexibility (Santrock, 2008b, p. 288).

Page 3: Authoritative Parenting and Children’s Behavior: Is it the Best Way to Parent?

Why is Authoritative Why is Authoritative parenting better?parenting better?

Allows for flexibility

Teaches responsibility

Provides support

Gives a level of fairness

Allows for cooperation

Authoritative parenting style does not alienate, nor hover over their children (Santrock, 2008b, p. 288). There are rules with authoritative parenting, but there is also room for flexibility (Santrock, 2008b, p. 288). With this type of parenting style, children may also gain a better sense of responsibility along with having the choice to make their own decisions within a boundary line (Santrock, 2008b, p. 288).

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What research has to What research has to saysay

In the study that Aunole & Nurmi (2005) did, Baumrind (1989, 1991) as cited in Aunola & Nurmi (2005) found that “low affection combined with low psychological control is a sign of disengaged and neglectful parenting, which has been shown to be the most detrimental combination in child development” (p. 1154). Also, according to Aunola & Nurmi (2004) as cited in Aunola & Nurmi (2005), “high affection when combined with psychological control, that is, guilt-inducing and manipulative child-rearing, leads to enmeshment in parent-child communication” (p. 1154). This study showed how neglectful and indulgent parenting styles could actually be damaging to the child’s emotional development.

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What research has to What research has to say cont.say cont.

With reference to the studies Garcia & Gracia (2009) preformed and analyzed, “these studies provided evidence that the combination of high levels of parental warmth (responsiveness) and strictness (demandingness) represented the best parenting strategy; the authoritative style of parenting” (p.104). Authoritative parenting style provided the best combination of communication, structure and flexibility in their study and as a result, the children tended to respond better to this type of parenting style.

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The exceptionThe exception

When it comes to cultural differences and parenting style, Steinberg et al. (1992) as cited in Garcia and Gracia (2009) found that Chinese American samples showed children did better academically when raised in an authoritarian home versus an authoritative home (Chao, 1994, 1996, 2001, p. 104).

Even with authoritarian parenting style as the preferred parenting style for certain ethnic groups, authoritative parenting style seems to be the most desired style in Western culture, even though this is not always the reality.

Page 7: Authoritative Parenting and Children’s Behavior: Is it the Best Way to Parent?

The concluded resultThe concluded result

“Children tend to become well-balanced adults when they are raised with authoritative parenting style”.

In conclusion, the topic of authoritative parenting style versus neglective, indulgent or authoritarian as being the “best” parenting style and the studies being performed on this topic coincide with my original research hypothesis which stated, “Children tend to become well-balanced adults when they are raised with authoritative parenting style”. Despite a few exceptions, including cultural background and values, the majority of cultures tend to prefer authoritative parenting style.

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Aunola, K., Nurmi, J. (2005). The role of parenting styles in children’s problem behavior. Child Development, 76 (6), 1144-1159. Retrieved on May 14, 2010 from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=sih&AN=18785717&site=ehost-live

Garcia, F., Gracia, E. (2009). Is always authoritative the optimum parenting style? Evidence from spanish families. Adolescence, 44 (173), 101-131. Retrieved on May 14, 2010 from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=sih&AN=37223852&site=ehost-live

Leal, L. (2001). The essentials of psychology II. Piscataway, New Jersey: Research & Education Association, Inc.

Santrock, J. W. (2008b). Life-span development (11th ed.). New York, NY: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
