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Autismul Dpdv Genetic

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  Autismul dpdv genetic - caracteristiciel fenotipice (cum identificam) -cauzele genetice -modul de trasmiter e -incidenta in populatie -management What is autism? Children with autism "looks normal" but his behavior can be difficult and hard to accept. Autism is a complex disability, but of its features we can extract four fundamental features:  Difficulty adapting sensory language  Delays  underdeveloped social skills  Problems self-esteem and confidence 10 things every child with autism would like to know:  January. I am primarily a baby. I have autism. Are not primarily "autistic."  Autism is just one aspect of my personality. Do not define me as a person. You are a person with feelings, ideas, talents, or are you just fat (overweight), myopic (wear glasses) or clumsy. These are things you see when you first meet me, but they are not your main features. As an adult, you have some control on how you define yourself. If you want to highlight a particular personal characteristic, you can do without much effort. I am still a child develops. Neither you nor I do not know yet what I could accomplish. If I define as a single trait of mine, might underestimate me. And if you feel that you do not think you can "do" my natural response would be "why bother trying?".2. My sensory perceptions are disordered.  sensory integration is probably the most difficult aspect of autism to understand, but it is the most important. This means that images, sounds, smells, tastes and textures that seem normal to you and can be downright painful for me. Proper environment in which they live seems hostile. Perhaps you feel that you are withdrawn or aggressive, but really just trying to protect myself, to  protect myself. This is why a "simple" out to the supermarket can be an ordeal for me:  My hearing may be very acute. A lot of people talking at once. Speakers announced deals today.Tills beeping and chatter, coffee grinders Whirs. Meat slicing machine creaking, crying babies, trolleys grind, buzzing neon tubes. My brain can not filter all the noise and get to the "overload".  Can I have a highly developed sense of smell. Fish on the counter is not really fresh. Lord near us did not shower today. Front baby has a dirty diaper. Lane three had spilled some pickles and washed down with ammonia .... I can not filter it. I think I feel sick already.  Because my bearings on sight, this may be the first sense that is too stimulated. Neon tube light is not only tedious, but also base. The light seems to pulse and my eyes hurt. The light pulses are reflected on various surfaces and contours of objects I seem distorted - the space seems to be moving continuously. There are reflections in windows, ceiling fans that move, people are constantly moving. All this affects my vestibular system and most perceptive. Now I can not even figure out where I am in space. 3. Please do NOT WANT difference between (choose not to do) and can not (not able to do).  use of vocabulary and linguistic expressions can be a real challenge for me. It's not that I do not listen to instructions. I just can not understand. When I shout from across the room, this is what I hear: "& # $ @ * ^ Marius. % **% $ # @ ... "Come and talk to me directly in simple words:" Please put the book in the library Marius. Time to go to ground. " This tells me what you want from me and what's going to happen. Now it is much easier for me to do what you want with me. 4. Think very concretely. This means that interpret language as literary form. It's a confusing situation for me when I say that you went "like the wind and the thought" when what you want to tell me is that you went "very soon". Do not tell me that something is "snap" when it's not even a plant, and you just want to tell me that this task "is very easy to achieve." When you tell me that "Razvan took his back legs," I will be very confused anatomically. In fact, can you tell me that "Razvan went very quickly." Idioms, multiple meanings, inference, metaphors, allusions and sarcasm are nothing to me. 5. Please be patient with my l imited vocabulary.  's pretty hard for me to tell you what I need when I do not know the words to describe my feelings. Maybe I'm hungry, I may be mad, scared or confused, but I can not express with these words. Pay attention to my body language, if they are withdrawn or agitated, or other signs that will convey what is wrong with me. There are also a part opposite to the above. Sometimes I can talk like a "little professor" or movie star. Maybe tell the whole text by heart that are far too advanced for my age. These are sequences of speech that I memorized from the world around to compensate for my lack of language. This is because I know that they expect me to respond to something when I ask a question. These texts may come from books, television, in various speeches. This type of event is called "echolalia" (repeat exactly what you hear, parrot). I do not understand what it is there. I just know I can thus respond when someone expects me a reaction. 6. Because speech is very hard for me orient myself than using sight.  Please show me how to do something rather than tell me. And be prepared to show me many times. Repetition helps me learn. A daily schedule shown me is helpful and guided me throughout the day. Just like your mail or phone book, such a program relieves stress me to remember what is, help me get to the next step easier, allows me to organize my time so that I do what you expect from me. As you grow, I'll still need this program illustrated, but "my level of representation" can evolve. Before I could read I need an hourly drawings or  photographs. As you grow, you can us e combinations of pictures written words, and then I will be abl e to guide only based on words. 7. Please focus and help me to develop what they can do rather than what can not. Same as any other person, I can not develop in an environment where I'm not always show good enough and that something is "bad" to me. Trying something new will become something nasty to me when I know I will probably be criticized, even if the criticism is meant to be "constructive". Find my strengths and you will find. There are many ways "right" to solve a task. 8.Please help me with social interactions.  Maybe you think I do not want to play with other children.Most often than not actually know how to start a conversation or how to begin to play with other children. If you could ask him to call me other children to play football or basketball with them, maybe I'll be happy to join them. 'm doing best to highly structured games where beginning and end are very clear.I can not manage to read facial expressions, body language or the emotions of those around me.Therefore always appreciate if you help me on what to do in terms of interaction with other children. For example, if you laugh when Emilia falls off swing, do not do it for fun but I do not know what to do. Teach me to ask in this situation, "Are you okay Emilia? Are you hurt? " 9. Try to find items that make me nervous. moments are agitated are more annoying for me than for you. These conditions occur when one of my senses is overworked. If you can identify the cause, then you can prevent the effects. Keep a log of these events and people, phenomena, happenings around me. You will see that there emerges a trend. trying to always remember that any form of behavior is a form of communication. My behavior will tell you what words can not convey my  perception on the environment. Dear Parents, remember this: repeat behaviors that can so metimes have a medical cause. Allergies, sleep problems and gastrointestinal can have major effects on behavior. 10. Love me unconditionally.  Eliminate thoughts like "If he even ...." or "If it would not be so ....". You did not fulfill all the expectations of your parents and you would not have liked to be reminded constantly that. I did not choose to have autism. But remember that happening to me and not you. Without your support, my chances as an independent adult life are very small. With your support, the possibilities are endless. I  promise - worth the effort.  Author  : ELLEN NOTBOHM - TEN THINGS EVERY CHILD WITH AUTISM WISHES YOU kne whttp://www.ellennotbohm.com http://www.antiq.at/copiiidecristal/www/documents/Zece_lucruri_pe_care_orice_copil_cu_autism_ar_vrea_sa_le_stii.doc  What is autism? Autism is a disease characterized by decreased ability to interact socially and communicate, stereotyped and repetitive behavior symptoms usually occurs before the age of 3 years. Approximately 75% of affected individuals manifest mental disability. Autism is a behavioral syndrome defined by a characteristic course and the simultaneous occurrence of specific behaviors by the three major areas.At this point, the most common definition of autism is one published in 1944 by the American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder) - DSM-IV. To establish a diagnosis of autism, this definition implies that the individual to show: (1) a decrease in social interaction (2) a decrease in communication (3) behavior, interests and activities restrictive, repetitive and stereotyped (4) symptoms occurred before the age of 3 years. theories neurophysiological characteristicsneuropsychological studies, besides that focuses on autistic traits, they also have another aim, which is to discover the fundamental cognitive deficit or deficits are behind behavioral abnormalities observed in this boli.Trei of the most important theories assume that there are fundamental cognitive deficits in executive functions, central coherence and develop a theory, opinions. "executive functions" is a term that covers a large area of higher cognitive processes such as the ability to free of context, inhibition of inappropriate responses, planning a task, tasks and monitoring. To examine these processes have created some neuropsychological tests such as the Towers of Hanoi and sorting Wisconson game of cards revealed abnormal
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"If a child can not learn

the way we teach,

then we must teach them

the way that he can learn "

(Ivar Lovaas) 

Children with autism in Romania represents an important segment of the

population because of the high incidence and other growth. reportsmade by doctors Neuropsychiatry and pooled data from the General

Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection, according to which

on 01.01.2007 been issued 145 certificates of disability for children with

autism, show the need to address this issue. parents generally should

be informed from time to notice symptoms of autism and then turn on

specialists. Pediatricians and family physicians is another segment The

basis for the diagnosis of the time. So are teachers who can pull alarm

signals. They must inform both the diagnostic methods, and the effective

methods of intervention. requires a change of mentality entire

population on this syndrome. Until recently it was considered that thesechildren, who by the age of 2-3 years seemed perfectly normal, no chance

of recovery, and so the only thing I could do was tolerate them without

trying to change something in her . now things are different and early

therapeutic intervention may even lead to the recovery of children, and

this without involving high costs in other countries, but with significant

economic implications for a novel middle class. The recuperative

approach children often strike us The old mentality, especially when you

get to the stage where the child should be included in a school or other

groups, in order of social integration. Therapy is aimed at integrating into

society, and this is possible only with the opening of which depends on theintegration (kindergarten principals, educators, teachers, etc..)

However, we met with people happily opened new and entirely willing to

cooperate to transform children with autism and adapt functional members

of society, and we thank them wholeheartedly for it. 

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Which is the prevalence of autism? 

  according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2007the prevalence of ASD (autism spectrum disorders) is 1 in 150  

  10 times higher today than 10 years ago 

  4 times higher in boys than in girls 

Prognosis in autism 

It is very hard to tell whether or not people with autism likely to be integrated into society. Usually the prognosis is grim be 100%integrated. A person with autism may, in certain contexts to apply the scheme learned behavior, but do not know how to respond to environmental

complexity.Any person with autism, be it child or adult, can be improved. Duration of therapy varies with the degree of impairment of the person, the age

at which it began therapy and family involvement in the therapeutic process.There are cases of children with autism that could be integrated intonormal schools and kindergartens, but were accompanied for a long time (1-2 years) from a therapist, whose task was to ease their transition.

's very important that therapy be started as early and take into account the maximum rate set according to each case to give the bestperformance and obtain the best possible outcome.

IMPORTANT early intervention for children with learning difficulties 

Deficits that occur in communication, cognitive ability, sociability people withautism, mental retardation and genetic syndromes (Down syndrome, Williams

syndrome, fragile X syndrome, Rett syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, etc..) Aresevere.Therefore, the sooner we intervene therapeutically, the greater thechances of a significant improvement.

early intervention in cases mentioned above certainly relieves symptoms anddevelop a child's ability to learn. 

The incidence of autism, higher in high-tech areas 796 views | Tuesday, June 28, 2011 

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Hypothesis proving a link between autism and minds oriented mathematics and technology is supported by a new study. The researchers found that a region in the Netherlands industry known for high-tech has a population with a

higher level of autism compared with two other similar regions in terms of population.

The authors interviewed 369 administrators from schools (both normal children and those with special needs), where 62,500 students are enrolled in Eindhoven, Haarlem and Utrecht. Age group was tar geted at children between the

ages of 4 and 16 years.

Eindhoven has a population of 270,000 inhabitants, of which 30% work in technology, due to the fact that the region hosts the 1891 Philips headquarters. The other t wo regions have approximately a similar number of people, but only

16-17% of them working in th e field of technology.

The study showed that, in Eindhoven, 229 of the 10,000 students have been diagnosed with a form of autism, unlike Haarlem, where only 84 of the 10,000 students have such problems and Utrecht, the region in which 57 of the

10,000 students suffering from such disorders.

Differences were observed in the case of "classic autism". In Eindhoven, 50 out of 10,000 students suffer from this disorder, compared with 12 per 10,000 in Haarlem and 10 per 10,000 in Utrecht.

To ensure the results, the authors have studied the evolution of the other two disorders: ADHD and dyspraxia, which affects learning. The results showed no link between their development and the regions in which they were

found. The next step of the study will be to obtain a confirmation attainment.

he epidemiology of autism is the study of factors affecting autism spectrum disorders ( ASD). A 2012 review of global prevalence estimates of autism spectrum disorders f ound amedian of 62

cases per 10,000 people.[1] There is a lack of evidence from low- and middle-income countries though.[1] 

 ASD averages a 4.3:1 male-to-female ratio. The number of children known to have autism has increased dramatically since the 1980s, at least partly due to changes in diagnostic practice; it is

unclear whether prevalence has actually increased;[2] and as-yet-unidentified environmental risk factors cannot be ruled out.[3] 

The risk of autism is associated with several prenatal factors, including advanced parental age and diabetes in the mother du ring pregnancy.[4]  ASD is associated with sever algenetic

disorder s[5] and with epilepsy,[6] and autism is associated with mental retardation.[7] 

 Autism and its causes[edit] 

Further information: Causes of autism 

 Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder . Many causes have been proposed, but its theory of causation is still incomplete.[8]  Autism is largely inherited, although thegenetics of

autism are complex and it is generally unclear which genes are responsible. [9] Little evidence exists to support associations with specific environmental exposures. [2] 

In rare cases, autism is strongly associated with agents that cause birth defects.[10] Other proposed causes, such as childhood vaccines, are controversial  and the vaccine hypotheses lack

convincing scientific evidence.[3]  Andrew Wakefield, the doctor whose study linked Autism with childhood vaccines, has since had his licence revoked in the United Kingdom for medical


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 Although incidence rates measure autism risk directly, most epidemiological studies report other frequency measures, typically point or period prevalence, or sometimes cumulative incidence.

 Attention is focused mostly on whether prevalence is increasing with time.[2] 

Incidence and prevalence[edit] 

Epidemiology defines several measures of the frequency of occurrence of a disease or condition: [13] 

  The incidence rate of a condition is the rate at which new cases occurred per person-year, for example, "2 new cases per 1,000 person-years".

  The cumulative incidence is the proportion of a population that became new cases within a specified time period, for example, "1.5 per 1,000 people became new cases during 2006".

  The point prevalence of a condition is the proportion of a population that had the condition at a single point in time, for example, "10 cases per 1,000 people at the start of 2006".

  The period prevalence is the proportion that had the condition at any time within a stated period, for example, "15 per 1,000 people had cases during 2006".

When studying how diseases are caused, incidence rates are the most appropriate measure of disease frequency as they assess r isk directly. However, incidence can be difficult to measure

with rarer chronic diseases such as autism.[13] In autism epidemiology, point or period prevalence is more useful than incidence, as the disorder starts long before it is diagnosed, and the gap

between initiation and diagnosis is influenced by many factors unrelated to risk. Research focuses mostly on whether point or period prevalence is increasing with time; cumulative incidence is

sometimes used in studies of birth  cohorts.[2] 

Estimation methods[edit] 

The three basic approaches used to estimate prevalence differ in cost and in quality of results. The simplest and cheapest method is to count known autism cases from sources such as schools

and clinics, and divide by the population. This approach is likely to underestimate prevalence because it does not count children who have not been diagnosed yet, and it is likely to generate

skewed statistics because some children have better access to treatment.[14] 

The second method improves on the first by having investigators examine student or patient records looking for probable cases, to catch cases that have not been identified yet. The thirdmethod, which is arguably the best, screens a large sample of an entire community to identify possible cases, and then evaluates each possible case in more detail with standard diagnostic

procedures. This last method typically produces the most reliable, and the highest, prevalence estimates . [15] 

Frequency estimates[edit] 

Estimates of the prevalence of autism vary widely depending on diagnostic criteria, age of children screened, and geographical location. [16] Most recent reviews tend to estimate a prevalence of

1 –2 per 1,000 for autism and close to 6 per 1,000 for ASD;[2] PDD-NOS is the vast majority of ASD, Asperger syndrome is about 0.3 per 1,000 and the atypical formschildhood disintegrative

disorder  and Rett syndrome are much rarer.[17] 

 A 2006 study of nearly 57,000 British nine- and ten-year-olds reported a prevalence of 3.89 per 1,000 for autism and 11.61 per 1,000 for ASD; these higher figures could be associated with

broadening diagnostic criteria.[18] Studies based on more-detailed information, such as direct observation rather than examination of medical records, identify higher prevalence; this suggests

that published figures may underestimate ASD's true prevalence.[19]  A 2009 study of the children in Cambridgeshire, England used different methods to measure prevalence, and estimated that

40% of ASD cases go undiagnosed, with the two least-biased estimates of true prevalence being 11.3 and 15.7 per 1,000 .[20] 

 A 2009 U.S. study based on 2006 data estimated the prevalence of ASD in 8-year-old children to be 9.0 per 1,000 (approximate range 8.6 –9.3).[21]  A 2009 report based on the 2007 Adult

Psychiatric Morbidity Survey by the National Health Service determined that the prevalence of ASD in adults was approximately 1% of the population, with a higher prevalence in males and no

significant variation between age groups;[22] these results suggest that prevalence of ASD among adults is similar to that in children and rates of autism are not increasing.[23] 

Changes with time[edit] 

 Attention has been focused on whether the prevalence of autism is increasing with time. Earlier prevalence estimates were lower, centering at about 0.5 per 1,000 for autism during the 1960s

and 1970s and about 1 per 1,000 in the 1980s, as opposed to today's 1 –2 per 1,000.[2] 

Reports of autism cases per 1,000 children grew dramatically in the U.S. from 1996 to 2007. It is unknown how much, if any, growth came from changes in autism's prevalence.[24] 

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The number of reported cases of autism increased dramatically in the 1990s and early 2000s, prompting investigations into several potential reasons:[25] 

  More children may have autism; that is, the true frequency of autism may have increased.

  There may be more complete pickup of autism (case finding), as a result of increased awareness and funding. For example, attempts to sue vaccine companies may have increased


  The diagnosis may be applied more broadly than before, as a result of the changing definition of the disorder, particularly changes in DSM-III-R and DSM-IV.

   An editorial error in the description of the PDD-NOS category of Autism Spectrum Disorders in the DSM-IV, in 1994, inappropriately broadened the PDD-NOS construct. The error was

corrected in the DSM-IV-TR, in 2000, reversing the PDD-NOS construct back to the more restrictive diagnostic criteria requirements from the DSM-III-R.[26] 

  Successively earlier diagnosis in each succeeding cohort of children, including recognition in nursery (preschool), may have affected apparent prevalence but not incidence.

   A review of the "rising autism" figures compared to other disabilities in schools shows a corresponding drop in findings of mental retardation.[27] 

The reported increase is largely attributable to changes in diagnostic practices, referral patterns, availability of services, age at diagnosis, and public awareness.[2][3][24]  A widely cited 2002 pilot

study concluded that the observed increase in autism in California cannot be explained by changes in diagnostic criteria , [28] but a 2006 analysis found that special education data poorly

measured prevalence because so many cases were undiagnosed, and that the 1994 –2003 U.S. increase was associated with declines in other diagnostic categories, indicating tha t diagnostic

substitution had occurred.[29] 

 A 2007 study that modeled autism incidence found that broadened diagnostic criteria, diagnosis at a younger age, and improved efficiency of case ascertainment, can produce an increase in

the frequency of autism ranging up to 29-fold depending on the frequency measure, suggesting that methodological factors may explain the observed increases in autism over time.[30]  A small

2008 study found that a significant number (40%) of people diagnosed with pragmatic language impairment as children in previous decades would now be given a diagnosis as autism.[31]  A

study of all Danish children born in 1994 –99 found that children born later were more likely to be diagnosed at a younger age, supporting the argument that apparent increases in autism

prevalence were at least partly due to decreases in the age of diagnosis.[32] 

 A 2009 study of California data found that the reported incidence of autism rose 7- to 8-fold from the early 1990s to 2007, and that changes in diagnostic criteria, inclusion of milder cases, and

earlier age of diagnosis probably explain only a 4.25-fold increase; the study did not quantify the effects of wider awareness of autism, increased funding, and expanding treatment options

resulting in parents' greater motivation to seek services.[33]  Another 2009 California study found that the reported increases are unlikely to be explained by changes in how qualifying condition

codes for autism were recorded.[34] 

Several environmental risk factors have been proposed to support the hypothesis that the actual frequency of autism has increased. These include certain foods, infectious

disease,pesticides, MMR vaccine, and vaccines containing the preservative thiomersal, formerly used in several childhood vaccines in the U.S.[2]  Although there is overwhelming scientific

evidence against the MMR hypothesis and no convincing evidence for the thiomersal hypothesis, other as-yet-unidentified environmental risk factors cannot be ruled ou t.[3]  Although it is

unknown whether autism's frequency has increased, any such increase would suggest directing more attention and funding toward changing environmental factors instead of continuing to

focus on genetics.[35] 

Geographical frequency[edit] 

Afr ica [ edit  ]  

The prevalence of autism in Africa is unknown.[36] 

Americas [ edit  ]  


The rate of autism diagnoses in Canada was 1 in 450 in 2003. However, preliminary results of an epidemiological study cond ucted at Montreal Children’s Hospital in the 2003-2004 school year

found a prevalence rate of 0.68% (or 1 per 147).[37] 

 A 2001 review of the medical research conducted by the Public Health Agency of Canada concluded that there was no link between MMR vaccine and either inflammatory bowel disease or

autism.[38] The review noted, "An increase in cases of autism was noted by year of birth from 1979 to 1992; however, no incremental increase in cases was observed after the introduction of

MMR vaccination." [38]  After the introduction of MMR, "A time trend analysis found no correlation between prevalence of MMR vaccination and the incidence of autism in each birth cohort from

1988 to 1993."[38] 

United States[edit] 

The most recent estimate states that up to 1 out of every 88 children, or 11.3 per 1,000, have some form of ASD . [39] The number of diagnosed cases of autism grew dramatically in the U.S. in

the 1990s and early 2000s. For the 2006 surveillance year, identified ASD cases were an estimated 9.0 per 1000 children aged 8 years (95%  confidence interval [CI] = 8.6 –9.3).[21] These

numbers measure what is sometimes called "administrative prevalence", that is, the number of known cases per unit of population, as opposed to the true number of case s.[29] This prevalence

estimate rose 57% (95% CI 27% –95%) from 2002 to 2006.[21] 

 A further study in 2006 concluded that the apparent rise in administrative prevalence was the result of diagnostic substitution, mostly for findings of mental retardation and learning

disabilities.[29] "Many of the children now being counted in the autism category would probably have been counted in the mental retardation or learning disabilities categories if they were being

labelled 10 years ago instead of today," said researcher Paul Shattuck of the Waisman Center at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, in a statement.[40] 

 A population-based study of one Minnesota county found that the cumulative incidence of autism grew eightfold from the 1980 –83 period to the 1995 –97 period. The increase occurred after the

introduction of broader, more-precise diagnostic criteria, increased service availability, and increased awareness of autism .[41] During the same period, the reported number of autism cases

grew 22-fold in the same location, suggesting that counts reported by clinics or schools provide misleading estimates of the true incidence of autism.[42] 


 A 2008 study reported a prevalence of 1.1 per 1000 for autism and 1.7 per 1000 for ASD. [43] 

Asia [ edit  ]  

Hong Kong[edit] 

 A 2008 Hong Kong study reported an ASD incidence rate similar to those reported in Australia and North America, and lower than Europeans. It also reported a prevalence of 1.68 per 1,000 for

children under 15 year s.[44] 

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11. Jump up^ Wakefield’s article linking MMR vaccine and autism was fr audulent . BMJ. 2011. 342:c7452. Retrieved April 2, 2012. http://www.bmj.com/content/342/bmj.c7452 

12. Jump up^  A J Wakefield, S H Murch, A Anthony, J Linnell, et al. Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children. Vol 351. The Lancet.

February 28, 1998. http://briandeer.com/mmr/lancet-paper.pdf  

13. ^ Jump up to:a  b  Coggon D, Rose G, Barker DJP. Epidemiology for the Uninitiated . 4th ed. BMJ; 1997. ISBN 0-7279-1102-3. Quantifying diseases in populations.

14. Jump up^ Scahill L, Bearss K. The rise in autism and the mercury myth. J Child Adolesc Psychiatr Nurs. 2009;22(1):51 –3. doi:10.1111/j.1744-6171.2008.00152.x. PMID 19200293.

15. Jump up^ Scahill L, Bearss K. The rise in autism and the mercury myth. J Child Adolesc Psychiatr Nurs. 2009;22(1):51 –3. doi:10.1111/j.1744-6171.2008.00152.x. PMID 19200293.

16. Jump up^ Williams JG, Higgins JPT, Brayne CEG. Systematic review of prevalence studies of autism spectrum disorders [PDF]. Arch Dis Child . 2006;91(1):8 –

15.doi:10.1136/adc.2004.062083. PMID 15863467. PMC 2083083.

17. Jump up^ Fombonne E. Epidemiology of autistic disorder and other pervasive developmental disorders. J Clin Psychiatry . 2005;66(Suppl 10):3 –8. PMID 16401144.

18. Jump up^ Baird G, Simonoff E, Pickles A et al. Prevalence of disorders of the autism spectrum in a population cohort of children in South Thames: the Special Needs and Autism Project

(SNAP). Lancet . 2006;368(9531):210 –5. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(06)69041-7. PMID 16844490.

19. Jump up^ Caronna EB, Milunsky JM, Tager-Flusberg H. Autism spectrum disorders: clinical and research frontiers.  Arch Dis Child . 2008;93(6):518 –23.doi:10.1136/adc.2006.115337. PMID


20. Jump up^ Baron-Cohen S, Scott FJ, Allison C et al . Prevalence of autism-spectrum conditions: UK school-based population study [PDF]. Br J Psychiatry . 2009;194(6):500 –

9.doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.108.059345. PMID 19478287.

21. ^ Jump up to:a  b  c  Prevalence of autism spectrum disorders— Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitori 
