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Auto Scaling WordPress in AWS

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Architecting an Highly Available and Scalable WordPress Site in AWS
Architecting an Highly Available and Scalable WordPress Site in AWS Harish Ganesan Co founder & CTO 8KMiles www.twitter.com/harish11g http://www.linkedin.com/in/harishganesan
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Architecting an Highly Available and Scalable WordPress Site in


Harish Ganesan

Co founder & CTO




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• WordPress is used by over 14.7% of Alexa Internet's "top 1 million" websites

• As of August 2011 WordPress powers 22% of all new websites

• As of December 2011, version 3.0 had been downloaded over 65 million times

• Provide some architectural insights to build Highly Scalable and Available WordPress sites in AWS

• Help startups and companies who are new to AWS- WordPress with some blueprints

Why this presentation ?

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WordPress Architecture Requirements in AWS

• Ability to Serve millions of Pages per day

• Ability to scale out/down dynamically depending upon traffic

• Ability to perform well even with scaling demands

• Should be Highly available without Single Points of Failure

• Automated Operations – Backup and Monitoring

• Cost effective

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Why AWS is better for WordPress Scaling?

• AWS provides flexibility to Scale up and Scale out

• AWS provides Building block services which is inherently robust and fault tolerant

• AWS provides full range of options from CDN , OS flavors , Storage Pool , Database , Load Balancers , Monitoring etc

• Pay as you go – Save cost by leveraging Auto Scaled WordPress EC2 instances

• We can start small and grow big in AWS

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AWS Building Blocks used in this WordPress Architecture

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Some AWS building blocks

Amazon Route53 for managing and answering DNS queries

Amazon Elastic Load Balancer for load balancing HTTP/S requests to WordPress Instances

RDS MySQL Database Server for storing the WordPress content

Simple Storage Service (S3) for storing the WordPress application assets , snapshots and log files

Amazon CloudFront CDN for delivering the application static assets from nearest edge locations

Amazon CloudWatch for monitoring and sending SNS alerts

Amazon Route 53


Amazon CloudFront



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Highly Scalable Architecture for WordPress application

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Auto Scaled WordPress EC2


File Storage Pool Database Layer




Amazon SNS


WordPress Management Server

Elastic Load



Backups and

Log files

Amazon Route 53

Admin Amazon



Static Data AWS Region 1

Az-1 Az-2

Az-1 Az-2


Database Layer


AZ : Amazon Availability Zones

Read Replica


RDS Master

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• Multi- Tiered Architecture

• Load balancing tier

• Separate WordPress Management and Instance nodes

• Auto Scaled WordPress EC2 instance nodes

• MySQL M-S database with additional Read Slaves

• S3 + CDN for content delivery

• Monitoring , Backups , Sys alerts

Brief about the Architecture

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Architectural Tiers Explanation

Now let us see the tiers in detail !!

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Load Balancing Tier

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Auto Scaled WordPress EC2


File Storage Pool Database Layer




Amazon SNS


WordPress Management Server

Elastic Load



Backups and

Log files

Amazon Route 53

Admin Amazon



Static Data AWS Region 1

Az-1 Az-2

Az-1 Az-2


Database Layer


AZ : Amazon Availability Zones

Read Replica


RDS Master

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• Amazon Elastic Load Balancing will Load balance the http requests to WordPress EC2 instances

• ELB will direct the requests to WordPress EC2 across Multiple Availability Zones ( for HA)

• Health check , LB algorithms and SSL termination will be done by the Load Balancer

• Amazon Elastic Load Balancing can keep expanding its capacity automatically depending upon the traffic

Load Balancing with Amazon ELB

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• Amazon ELB works with Route 53 and Auto Scaling seamlessly

• Amazon ELB is priced @“ Pay for use” model

• Amazon ELB is a managed service , so

• NO Maintenance headaches

• NO SW/HW upgrades

• NO Capacity planning

• NO manual intervention for expansion

Load Balancing with Amazon ELB

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How scalable is this architecture ?

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Auto Scaled WordPress EC2


File Storage Pool Database Layer




Amazon SNS


WordPress Management Server

Elastic Load



Backups and

Log files

Amazon Route 53

Admin Amazon



Static Data AWS Region 1

Az-1 Az-2

Az-1 Az-2


Database Layer


AZ : Amazon Availability Zones

Read Replica


RDS Master

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Scalability and Elasticity

• Scalability and Elasticity is built in most of the layers in this architecture

• WordPress EC2 instances can be scaled out and down depending upon the traffic • We can expand the number of WordPress EC2 instances from 1 to

100+ automatically during load peaks

• We can reduce the number of WordPress EC2 instances from 100+ to 1 automatically during valleys

• Can serve millions of pages with ease

• Pay only for the EC2 instance hours used

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Scalability and Elasticity

• Read Scalability is built in the Database layer with RDS Read Replicas

• New RDS Read Replicas can be added / removed with ease

• Tips:

• During Campaigns alone we can run more RDS Read Replicas

• Not more than max 5 RDS Read replicas are recommended

• Keep Read Replica’s and RDS Master same EC2 size for better performance

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Scalability and Elasticity

• Clustered + Distributed File System of the Storage pool layer can be manually scaled in case needed

• Minimum 2 EC2 Large instances should be used for Storage Pool Layer ( for HA and better IO)

• Design the Storage Pool Layer with HA (very critical)

• AWS building blocks like S3 , CloudFront , CloudWatch , SNS used in this architecture are inherently designed for scalability

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How High Availability and Fault tolerance is built in this Architecture ?

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High Availability

• HA @ WordPress Layer

• Multiple WordPress EC2 instances avoid single point of failure

• WordPress EC2 instances are launched across multiple –AZ’s inside a region for High Availability

• HA @ DB Layer

• RDS MySQL Master and Standby are launched in 2 different availability zones for High Availability

• RDS Read Replicas are created in Multiple –AZ’s

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High Availability

• HA @ Storage Pool Layer

• Two EC2 instances used for Storage Pool Layer

• Storage Pool is setup in replicated mode for High Availability

• AWS building blocks like S3 , Cloud Front , CloudWatch , ELB , SNS ,EBS used in this architecture are inherently designed for Fault tolerance and HA

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How the Database Tier is Architected ?

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Auto Scaled WordPress EC2


File Storage Pool Database Layer




Amazon SNS


WordPress Management Server

Elastic Load



Backups and

Log files

Amazon Route 53

Admin Amazon



Static Data AWS Region 1

Az-1 Az-2

Az-1 Az-2


Database Layer


AZ : Amazon Availability Zones

Read Replica


RDS Master

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Database layer

• RDS Master and Standby provide High availability

• RDS Read Replicas provide Read performance

• HyperDB plugin is configured to use multiple endpoints like RDS master and RDS read replicas in this architecture

• DB security groups will allow DB access only to WordPress EC2 instances

• Periodic Dumps , Snapshots and Point in time recovery is possible in this architecture

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What performance aspects are taken care in this Architecture ?

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• APC (or) Xcache plugin can be used for PHP opscode caching

• W3TotalCache+CloudFront (or) BatCache+Memcached can be used for Page caching

• Multiple RDS Read Replicas for Read performance

• RDS Master and Read Replicas are separated to get independent write and read performance

• Amazon ELB + Auto Scaling improves the overall Site performance when the load increases

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Content Delivery Network

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Auto Scaled WordPress EC2


File Storage Pool Database Layer




Amazon SNS


WordPress Management Server

Elastic Load



Backups and

Log files

Amazon Route 53

Admin Amazon



Static Data AWS Region 1

Az-1 Az-2

Az-1 Az-2


Database Layer


AZ : Amazon Availability Zones

Read Replica


RDS Master

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Content Delivery

• Amazon CloudFront will be the Content Delivery Network (CDN)

• W3TotalCache plugin will be configured to use Amazon CloudFront for enhanced performance and reduced latency

• Static assets , templates , themes , images etc will delivered from the nearest edge locations of the CDN

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• Distributed File Storage Pool is configured between WordPress Management and Content instances

• WordPress Management and Content instances share the common storage pool for files and plugins

• Deployment of files and plugins will happen through the WordPress management node

• Files and plugins will be immediately available for use in the auto scaled WordPress EC2 instances

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Monitoring and Alerts

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Auto Scaled WordPress EC2


File Storage Pool Database Layer




Amazon SNS


WordPress Management Server

Elastic Load



Backups and

Log files

Amazon Route 53

Admin Amazon



Static Data AWS Region 1

Az-1 Az-2

Az-1 Az-2


Database Layer


AZ : Amazon Availability Zones

Read Replica


RDS Master

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• Amazon CloudWatch will monitor the CPU and Network utilization of the entire setup

• Amazon CloudWatch alarms configured with Amazon SNS provides Email/SMS alerts to System Administrators

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Auto Scaled WordPress EC2


File Storage Pool Database Layer




Amazon SNS


WordPress Management Server

Elastic Load



Backups and

Log files

Amazon Route 53

Admin Amazon



Static Data AWS Region 1

Az-1 Az-2

Az-1 Az-2


Database Layer


AZ : Amazon Availability Zones

Read Replica


RDS Master

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• Custom ops scripts will backup the necessary files from Storage pool to S3 periodically

• S3 can be configured to remove old backups automatically

• RDS MySQL is configured to take periodic data dumps and DB snapshots

• RDS layer can be recovered point in time from the backups

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• Suitably hardened OS for WordPress Mgmt and WordPress instances

• Firewall (or) AWS security groups configured between all the layers in the architecture

• SFTP/FTP access only to the WordPress management node

• AWS IAM policies to manage user account access

• Install WordPress Security plugins

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• Highly Available and Scalable architecture

• Can elastically scale out to serve millions of hits in a day

• Can grow with load demands in future

• Usage of inherently fault tolerant AWS building blocks adds Stability

• High performance using CDN and suitable cache plugins

• Monitoring , Backup and Recovery is built in

• Pay for use


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• Complex to setup and maintain

• Will not be ideal for smaller sites that do not need scale

• Will not be cost efficient for sites that have less traffic


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Key Points to Remember

• Log files generated in WordPress EC2 instances have to rotated

• Use Amazon EBS for Storage Pool and WordPress EC2 instances

• Start with EC2 m1.Large Instances for the storage pool and WordPress instances

• More Memory – Better Performance for DB

• Start with RDS Large for Master

• Keep RDS Master and RDS Read Replica’s in same size to improve read performance

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Key Points to Remember

• RDS MySQL supports only Innodb engine

• Separate the WordPress Management and WordPress Content instances for scalability

• Do not Scale out/down rapidly in a hour, it will cost more in AWS

• Combine AWS On-Demand and Reserved Instance pricing to get more savings per month

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Key Points to Remember

• Amazon Availability Zones(AZ’s) are distinct physical locations with Independent power , cooling ,network and security having Low latency network connectivity between them inside the same region

• Leverage them in WordPress , Storage Pool and DB layers for HA as mentioned in the architecture

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How do I setup Scalable WordPress architecture on AWS?

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