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Automated diagnostics for resonance signature recognition on IMAGE/RPI plasmagrams Ivan A. Galkin, Bodo W. Reinisch, and Xueqin Huang Center for Atmospheric Research, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, Massachusetts, USA Robert F. Benson Laboratory for Extraterrestrial Physics, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA Shing F. Fung Space Physics Data Facility, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA Received 6 June 2003; revised 25 November 2003; accepted 17 December 2003; published 24 February 2004. [1] The Radio Plasma Imager (RPI) aboard the IMAGE spacecraft probes plasma at both far and near ranges by means of radio sounding. The RPI plasmagrams, similar in their concept to the ground-based and topside ionograms, contain not only a variety of signatures pertaining to the remote plasma structures and boundaries, but also a suite of the local plasma resonances stimulated by the RPI radio transmissions. Detection and interpretation of the resonance signatures is a valuable diagnostic tool providing the actual electron density and magnetic field strength at the spacecraft location, which are needed for the accurate processing of the remote sensing information on the plasmagrams. The high volume of the RPI sounding data demanded the development of automated techniques for routine interpretation of the plasmagrams. This paper discusses a new method for the detection and interpretation of the resonance signatures in the RPI plasmagrams that employs pattern recognition techniques to localize the signatures and identifies them in relation to model-based resonances. INDEX TERMS: 2494 Ionosphere: Instruments and techniques; 2794 Magnetospheric Physics: Instruments and techniques; 6994 Radio Science: Instruments and techniques; 7819 Space Plasma Physics: Experimental and mathematical techniques; KEYWORDS: intelligent systems, radio sounding, Radio Plasma Imager Citation: Galkin, I. A., B. W. Reinisch, X. Huang, R. F. Benson, and S. F. Fung (2004), Automated diagnostics for resonance signature recognition on IMAGE/RPI plasmagrams, Radio Sci., 39, RS1015, doi:10.1029/2003RS002921. 1. Introduction [2] A radio transmitter immersed in plasma is capable of stimulating short-range plasma-wave echoes and plasma emissions if its sounding frequency matches one of the characteristic frequencies of the plasma, often called resonance frequencies, or simply resonan- ces. Typical resonance signatures have been observed by a number of space missions carrying a topside ionosonde or a relaxation sounder (see, e.g., Muldrew [1972] for a representative review). Detection of stim- ulated resonances and wave cutoffs in the radio sound- ing data provides a measurement of local plasma density and magnetic field that has demonstrated accu- racy and diagnostic potential superior to what conven- tional magnetometers and density probes achieve. [3] The Radio Plasma Imager (RPI) [Reinisch et al., 2000] on the IMAGE spacecraft [Burch, 2000] is the first radio sounder ever flown on a highly elliptical orbit into the magnetosphere. It employs the stepped-frequency radio sounding concept that has been successfully prac- ticed for several decades in a variety of applications [e.g., Reinisch, 1996; Pulinets and Benson, 1999]. Figure 1 is the BinBrowser virtual range versus frequency presenta- tion of the received RPI signal amplitudes, called a plasmagram [Reinisch et al., 2000]. The virtual range is simply one half the echo delay time multiplied by the free-space speed of light. The pixel colors in the plasma- gram image in Figure 1 represent the logarithmic ampli- tudes of the signals received on the Z antenna, calculated RADIO SCIENCE, VOL. 39, RS1015, doi:10.1029/2003RS002921, 2004 Copyright 2004 by the American Geophysical Union. 0048-6604/04/2003RS002921$11.00 RS1015 1 of 11
Page 1: Automated diagnostics for resonance signature recognition ...Automated diagnostics for resonance signature recognition on IMAGE//RPI plasmagrams Ivan A. Galkin, Bodo W. Reinisch, and

Automated diagnostics for resonance signature recognition on

IMAGE//RPI plasmagrams

Ivan A. Galkin, Bodo W. Reinisch, and Xueqin Huang

Center for Atmospheric Research, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, Massachusetts, USA

Robert F. Benson

Laboratory for Extraterrestrial Physics, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA

Shing F. FungSpace Physics Data Facility, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA

Received 6 June 2003; revised 25 November 2003; accepted 17 December 2003; published 24 February 2004.

[1] The Radio Plasma Imager (RPI) aboard the IMAGE spacecraft probes plasma at bothfar and near ranges by means of radio sounding. The RPI plasmagrams, similar in theirconcept to the ground-based and topside ionograms, contain not only a variety ofsignatures pertaining to the remote plasma structures and boundaries, but also a suite ofthe local plasma resonances stimulated by the RPI radio transmissions. Detection andinterpretation of the resonance signatures is a valuable diagnostic tool providing the actualelectron density and magnetic field strength at the spacecraft location, which are neededfor the accurate processing of the remote sensing information on the plasmagrams. Thehigh volume of the RPI sounding data demanded the development of automatedtechniques for routine interpretation of the plasmagrams. This paper discusses a newmethod for the detection and interpretation of the resonance signatures in the RPIplasmagrams that employs pattern recognition techniques to localize the signatures andidentifies them in relation to model-based resonances. INDEX TERMS: 2494 Ionosphere:

Instruments and techniques; 2794 Magnetospheric Physics: Instruments and techniques; 6994 Radio Science:

Instruments and techniques; 7819 Space Plasma Physics: Experimental and mathematical techniques;

KEYWORDS: intelligent systems, radio sounding, Radio Plasma Imager

Citation: Galkin, I. A., B. W. Reinisch, X. Huang, R. F. Benson, and S. F. Fung (2004), Automated diagnostics for resonance

signature recognition on IMAGE/RPI plasmagrams, Radio Sci., 39, RS1015, doi:10.1029/2003RS002921.

1. Introduction

[2] A radio transmitter immersed in plasma is capableof stimulating short-range plasma-wave echoes andplasma emissions if its sounding frequency matchesone of the characteristic frequencies of the plasma,often called resonance frequencies, or simply resonan-ces. Typical resonance signatures have been observedby a number of space missions carrying a topsideionosonde or a relaxation sounder (see, e.g., Muldrew[1972] for a representative review). Detection of stim-ulated resonances and wave cutoffs in the radio sound-ing data provides a measurement of local plasma

density and magnetic field that has demonstrated accu-racy and diagnostic potential superior to what conven-tional magnetometers and density probes achieve.[3] The Radio Plasma Imager (RPI) [Reinisch et al.,

2000] on the IMAGE spacecraft [Burch, 2000] is the firstradio sounder ever flown on a highly elliptical orbit intothe magnetosphere. It employs the stepped-frequencyradio sounding concept that has been successfully prac-ticed for several decades in a variety of applications [e.g.,Reinisch, 1996; Pulinets and Benson, 1999]. Figure 1 isthe BinBrowser virtual range versus frequency presenta-tion of the received RPI signal amplitudes, called aplasmagram [Reinisch et al., 2000]. The virtual rangeis simply one half the echo delay time multiplied by thefree-space speed of light. The pixel colors in the plasma-gram image in Figure 1 represent the logarithmic ampli-tudes of the signals received on the Z antenna, calculated

RADIO SCIENCE, VOL. 39, RS1015, doi:10.1029/2003RS002921, 2004

Copyright 2004 by the American Geophysical Union.


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Page 2: Automated diagnostics for resonance signature recognition ...Automated diagnostics for resonance signature recognition on IMAGE//RPI plasmagrams Ivan A. Galkin, Bodo W. Reinisch, and

from the recorded 12-bit in-phase and quadrature voltagesamples.[4] The sample plasmagram in Figure 1 shows two

types of signatures: (1) traces, formed by the RPI echoesreflecting from remote locations in the plasma, and(2) resonances, appearing as vertical line segments extend-ing upward from zero virtual range, each correspondingto a particular resonant response of the local plasma tothe transmitter pulse. We have identified five major typesof resonances in the RPI plasmagrams, all pertaining tooscillations of the plasma electrons. They are observedat the following frequencies: (a) electron cyclotronfrequency fce, and its harmonics, n � fce, (b) electron plasmafrequency fpe, (c) upper-hybrid frequency fuh, (d) Qnresonances fQn (also known as Bernstein-mode resonan-ces), and (e) Dn resonances fDn.[5] A number of dependencies exist between the

plasma resonance frequencies [Stix, 1962]. The upper-hybrid frequency, fuh, is given by the plasma and gyrofrequencies:

fuh ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffif 2pe þ f 2ce


The Qn resonances can be related to the plasma and gyrofrequencies by an approximate expression [Warren andHagg, 1968]:

fQn � fce nþ 0:46


f 2pe

f 2ce

" #; ð2Þ

which is a good approximation when fQn/fce is nearinteger values. Benson et al. [2001] provided curves forfQn/fce based on electrostatic dispersion equation solu-tions for zero-group velocity plasma waves perpendicu-lar to the magnetic field. Finally, the sequence of Dnresonances is described by the following expressions[Osherovich and Benson, 1991]:

fDn ¼ 0:95ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffifpfce

p ffiffiffin


f þDn ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffif 2Dn þ f 2ce

pf �Dn ¼

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffif 2Dn � f 2ce


Equations (1)–(3) can be used to build a compositemodel of the resonance signatures driven only by thegyrofrequency fce and the plasma frequency fpe.

2. Review of Previous Automated

Resonance Recognition Work

[6] Interpretation of the resonance signatures usuallyrequires matching of the observed signatures to modelvalues. This involves a certain amount of simple calcu-lations that are time consuming to carry out manually.Automatic resonance matching algorithms have beendeveloped since the early 1980s, all fitting the resonancemodel to the data by testing a number of candidate values

Figure 1. RPI Plasmagram on 2 March 2002, 04:23 UT with remote echo traces and resonancesignatures as indicated. See color version of this figure at back of this issue.


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of fce and fpe and selecting the best fit values. Huang andReinisch [1982] and Huang et al. [2002] developed anautomated resonance detection algorithm that is now a partof the TOPIST system for autoscaling topside ionogramsfrom the Alouette and ISIS sounders (http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/space/isis/isis-status.html). The algorithm seeksthe ‘‘best’’ combination of the X-mode cutoff frequencyand the gyrofrequency that maximizes the amplitude sumover range bins extending to 500 km on 5 frequencies:(1) O-mode cutoff or local plasma frequency fpe,(2)X-mode cutoff frequency fx, (3) upper hybrid frequencyfuh, and (4) and (5) two neighboring gyrofrequency har-monics nfce and (n + 1)fce, selected to be close to the otherresonances within the ionogram image. Igi et al. [1982]developed a similar algorithm for the topside sounder onthe ISS-B spacecraft using two separate fits, one for thegyrofrequency fce, and another for the triplet fpe, fuh, fx.[7] Trotignon et al. [1986] reported successful algo-

rithmic solutions to the task of extracting resonancesignatures from the ISEE-1 relaxation sounder data.The ISEE-1 satellite had a highly elliptic orbit with anapogee of 23 RE (Earth’s radius = 6,375 km) and aperigee of 280 km and therefore observed a wide rangeof plasma densities in the solar wind, magnetosheath,magnetosphere, and magnetospheric tail. The resonancesignatures in the magnetosphere were found to exhibitthe greatest variety and present the greatest challenge toautomated recognition. As a definite advantage for theautomated data analysis, the ISEE-1 had an onboardmagnetometer to measure the value of the gyrofrequencywith an accuracy of 1%. The magnetometer’s estimateof the gyrofrequency was further improved by fine fittingof the fce harmonics to the sounding data. The candidateplasma frequency values were tested in a separate fit. Incontrast to the topside sounders, the best fit was soughtfor the series of Q-type resonances, fQn, using a weightedsum to favor the lowest orders of fQn. Matching of fQnwas found to be critically sensitive to the accuracy of thegyrofrequency determination, with errors of only 0.7%still causing misalignment of the fit. A similar matchingconcept was used in the resonance interpretation algo-rithm by Trotignon et al. [2001] for the Whisper relax-ation sounder aboard the Cluster-2 spacecraft. Anamplitude envelope technique developed by Trotignonet al. [1986] had limited success, producing unaccept-ably high rates of false resonance recognitions.[8] Considering the results of previous efforts, auto-

mated detection and identification of the resonancesignatures in the RPI plasmagrams presents a greatchallenge because of the large range of plasma densitiesprobed by RPI in the magnetosphere and the often lessthan optimal resolution of the frequency scans. Thediversity of the scientific goals that the RPI targets alongthe orbit often results in a frequency range and resolutionunfavorable for automatic detection of the key resonance

signatures. Finally, no onboard magnetometer measure-ments are made to help constrain the fce fitting procedure.

3. A New Fitting Composite Resonance


[9] Due to the specifics of the RPI plasmagrams, theautomated fitting algorithm cannot rely on the guaran-teed presence of any particular resonance on the plasma-gram. RPI is a versatile instrument that adjusts itssounding frequencies along the spacecraft orbit to matchchanges in the plasma density and to meet a variety ofscientific goals. Due to dynamic allocation of the fre-quencies from the operating band of 3 kHz to 3 MHz witheither constant or logarithmically changing frequencysteps ranging in size from 300 Hz to hundreds of kHz,the RPI measurement parameters are often far fromoptimal to properly study the resonances. Compromisesin the operating frequency band and resolution arecommonly made to balance requirements for a highsounding cadence and long range coverage. Thus, plas-magrams may contain none of the nfce resonances ormore than 20 of them, and the frequency resolution maybe fine enough to cover the resonance amplitude peakwith several frequency steps, or be as coarse as tocompletely miss the resonance. The fitting scheme hadto be adjusted to work for a varying number of reso-nances/harmonics that may be present on plasmagrams.The coarse frequency resolution effects were consideredby determining whether the tested resonance is too farfrom the closest plasmagram frequency. As a result, thenumber of frequencies whose summary amplitudes con-tribute to the total fit quality becomes different fordifferent sets of the driving fce and fpe. With a varyingnumber of contributors at each fitting step , the fit qualitycannot be calculated as the total sum, and therefore the‘‘average fit’’ was used as the fit quality criterion:

Qij ¼

Xff gij

S1REfð Þ

N; ð4Þ

where {f}ij is subset of plasmagram frequencies fcorresponding to the model resonance frequenciescalculated for the trial gyrofrequency fce

(i) and the trialplasma frequency fpe

( j), such that each model frequency ofthe subset falls within the interval of ( f � Dr, f + Dr) of aplasmagram frequency f, where Dr is the half-width ofthe expected frequency band taken by the resonancesignature; N is size of { f }ij; and S1RE

( f ) is summaryamplitude calculated over all ranges r < 1 RE at theplasmagram frequency f, i.e.,

S1REfð Þ ¼


Ar fð Þ ð5Þ


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where Ar( f ) is linear signal amplitude of the plasmagrambin (r, f ).[10] For this fitting method to work, the true values of

fce and fpe have to be in the set of tested combinations,and the fit has to be robust to other data features such astraces and interference lines. The set of trial frequenciesfce(i) and fpe

( j) is obtained by selecting low and highboundaries around the predicted model values of gyro-frequency ( fce)p and plasma frequency ( fpe)p. Then thefrequency steps, Dce and Dpe, are selected that determinehow many trial frequencies are selected from the intervalaround the model values.[11] The Geopack Model of the Earth’s magnetic field

[Tsyganenko, 1990] is used to obtain ( fce)p. Most of thetime, the interval of ±5% around ( fce)p is sufficient,except for periods of high magnetic activity at largeradial distances from the Earth, when the interval isincreased to ±40%. The prediction of the local plasmafrequency ( fpe)p is even more uncertain, especially whenthe spacecraft is in the vicinity of the modeled plasma-pause or magnetopause. The actual value may be one ortwo orders of magnitude off the modeled value. To makecomputational matters worse, the composite modelappears to be sensitive to even a fraction of one per centdeviations of the input fce and fpe from the true values, sothat practically all plasmagrams require subpixel accuracyof the resonance signature localization (i.e., better thanthe frequency resolution of the plasmagram), and the trialfrequency steps, Dce and Dpe, are forced to be as small as0.1 kHz. The resulting computing time of the compositemodel fit becomes unacceptable in the framework ofthe interactive data analysis with the BinBrowsertool [Galkin et al., 2001], where the scaler starts theautomated resonance matching and waits for its results.[12] Splitting the composite model in two separate fits,

as in Igi et al. [1982], reduced the computing time butled to unsatisfactory false recognition rates, primarilybecause of the sensitivity of the gyrofrequency fitting tothe presence of other resonances, noise, and naturalemission bands. Introduction of heuristics to improvenoise resistance was attempted, but did not solve theproblem. Even if there were no resonance signatures onthe plasmagram, the model fit approach would still give abest fit solution. We therefore developed a method that isable to locate and match the resonance signatures whenthey are present as well as identify the lack of resonancesignatures when they are absent.

4. Detecting and Matching Plasmagram


[13] Instead of fitting the composite model of reso-nances directly to a plasmagram image, the image is firstanalyzed to identify frequencies that are potential reso-

nances, and then a matching algorithm is applied toclassify these candidates as either a particular resonancetype or a noise (interference) line.

4.1. Resonance Detection

4.1.1. Smoothing[14] A great variety of noise reduction and signal

enhancement techniques have been devised to improvethe quality of signature detection in images. Ziou andTabbone [1998] give a review of conventional imagesmoothing filters and arguments for their use. Wedesigned a novel filter to improve the quality of resonancedetection in plasmagrams, since our analysis of applicableclassic 2D ridge detection filters [e.g., Subirana-Vilanovaand Sung, 1992] showed that they tend to wash out anddisplace the subtle resonance signatures. The new 1Dfilter replaces each amplitude of the scan, Ar, with themedian calculated over the amplitudes with smallervirtual range,

F Arð Þ ¼ median Aj

� �; j ¼ 1; r½ : ð6Þ

[15] This concept is further referred to in the text as the‘‘cumulative median’’. The cumulative median filter hasa smoothing scale that gradually increases with range, sothat it applies less smoothing at the lower ranges,preserving the resonance signature shape, and eventuallyarrives at a robust estimate of the average backgroundlevel for that frequency. Besides protection of furtherprocessing stages from random noise and jitter, thecumulative median filter enhances a particular type ofsignature whose amplitude falls with range and sup-presses all others. It is effectively matched to theexpected shape of the resonance envelope that shouldhave a falling slope due to eventual loss of the wavepower. Figure 2 illustrates the response of the cumulativemedian filter to synthesized signals with rising andfalling envelopes. The filter enhances the falling shape(Figure 2a) and reduces the rising slope (Figure 2b), thusimproving the contrast of resonances in the plasmagram.Figure 3 demonstrates the noise-suppression perfor-mance of the filter applied to the same signal shapeswith the addition of 30% white noise. In both cases thefilter successfully removes the jitter and improves thecontrast of the resonance.[16] Figure 4 shows a sample RPI plasmagram obtained

on June 28, 2001, at 23:58 UT before (Figure 4a) and after(Figure 4b) the filtering operation. Smoothing out thenoise jitter and the remote echoes visually simplifies theresonance detection without compromising the accuracyof the frequency registration.4.1.2. Labeling[17] After applying the cumulative median filter, the

next processing step is the resonance signature labeling


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that tags the frequencies containing resonances usingpattern recognition methods. A two-step labeling proce-dure is used, where frequencies that contain no resonan-ces are first excluded, and then frequency groups areidentified that belong to the same resonance. A frequencyis excluded from the resonance analysis if its amplitudeenvelope does not display the appropriate decay withtime. This is determined by evaluating the slope ofthe straight line fitted to the envelope using the least-square fitting technique. This procedure is used togetherwith receiver saturation criteria that prevent eliminationof strong resonances that do not show the expectedamplitude decay. Saturation artifacts are occasionally

observed for measurements with high receiver gains.At any particular fixed base gain, the system dynamicrange is determined by the bit resolution of the voltagedigitizer (12 bits = 72 dB) and choice of 4, 8, and16-chip phase code waveforms that can add up to 24 dBof dynamic range after pulse compression. The totaldynamic range then varies from 72 dB (plain pulsewaveform, fixed gain) to 126 dB (16 chip waveform,30 dB range of the autogain adjustment). Commonly theresonance study plasmagrams are made at a lowerdynamic range setting: (a) pulse compression is not usedas it suppresses the plasma waves that do not haveappropriate phase code, and (b) the autogain evaluation

Figure 2. Response of the cumulative median filter to synthesized signals with falling (a) andrising (b) envelopes. The filter elevates the falling envelope that the resonance signatures areexpected to display and reduces the rising slope, thus improving the signature contrast.

Figure 3. Response of the cumulative median filter to synthesized signals with falling (a) andrising (b) envelopes, with the addition of 30% noise. The filter smoothes the noise and enhances thecontrast of the resonance signatures.


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is disabled as it requires an additional 200 ms perfrequency that becomes a considerable overhead forthe resonance study measurements. To avoid loosingresonances due to the saturation we do not exclude any

frequencies where 90% of the amplitudes are above thesaturation threshold.[18] After exclusion of all frequencies without reso-

nance signatures, the frequency intervals belonging to

Figure 4. Resonance detection in RPI plasmagrams. (a) Raw plasmagram. (b) Processing with thecumulative median filter. (c) Summary amplitude function (white bars), labeled frequenciescontaining resonances (gray bars) and detected peaks (black bars). (d) Localized resonancesignatures. See color version of this figure at back of this issue.


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the same resonance signatures are determined by col-lapsing the image intensities along the vertical axis andseeking the peaks of the resulting summary amplitudefunction, S( f ). The status line on top of the plasmagramin Figure 4c shows valid frequencies in gray, and thepeaks identified in black.

4.1.3. Contrast Evaluation[19] To further improve the robustness of the matching

algorithm, a measure of contrast is calculated for eachsignature identified, so that stronger signatures contributemore to the fit quality. To determine the contrast, theaverage amplitude of the signature is compared to theaverage background amplitude. We use a statisticaltechnique of differential histogramming to distinguishresonances from the background. In Figure 5, the loweramplitude histogram is built using all the amplitudesfrom all the range bins in each frequency step containedin a narrow ±1 kHz band around the resonance peakfrequency, and the upper histogram is calculated over awider ±2.5 kHz band that is guaranteed to include bothresonance and background noise. Subtracting histogram1 from histogram 2 leaves only background amplitudes,and their upper boundary defines the amplitude thresholdfor the resonance detection. Figure 4d shows in magentathe amplitudes exceeding the threshold. After the signa-ture is localized, its contrast against the background is

calculated by averaging the gradients between the taggedamplitudes and their immediate neighbors.[20] The resonance detection procedure labels a subset

of plasmagram frequencies as potentially belonging toresonances, and preliminarily determines location andcontrast of the resonance signatures. This informationenters the interpretation algorithm that matches thefrequencies to their theoretical counterparts. The match-ing starts with identification of the resonances producedat the gyrofrequency and its harmonics. Without knowl-edge of the actual value of fce, further interpretation ofthe plasmagram resonances is impossible.

4.2. Matching the Gyrofrequency Resonances

[21] At this point of the analysis, a list of detectedresonance-like signatures and a predicted value of thegyrofrequency, ( fce)p, exist. The task is to find nfceresonances in the list and thus determine the actual valueof fce. Again, we can try a number of trial fce

(i) valuesaround the predicted value and see which one producesthe best match. This fit is different from the previouslyconsidered composite or separate model fitting tasks inthat the pattern recognition analysis has provided theactually detected resonance signatures. Only those fre-quencies contribute to the fit that are labeled as contain-ing a resonance, and the resonances of higher contrastcontribute more to the fit quality.

Figure 5. Use of the differential histogramming technique to estimate the local detectionthreshold for the resonance signature. See color version of this figure at back of this issue.


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[22] Analysis of the RPI plasmagrams for the gyrofre-quency harmonics showed that they do not always matchperfectly to multiples of fce. One of the causes of thismismatch is the change of spacecraft location, andtherefore fce, within the time needed to acquire theplasmagram, which is typically 1–3 min. The fittingscheme was modified to correct the higher orders of nfcefor the expected change in the magnetic field strength asthe spacecraft changes its location. Another consider-ation was given to possible localization errors and toinsufficient frequency resolution that prevents separationof two neighboring resonances. Figure 6 illustrates thegeneral principle of selecting matching signatures next toa trial frequency, where first preference is given to thecloser actual plasmagram frequency. If, however, theclosest frequency is not identified as valid (i.e., contain-ing a resonance), the other actual frequency, if valid, isallowed to contribute to the fit at a lower weight. Bothplasmagram frequencies are tested if they are still withinthe expected frequency band occupied by the resonancethrough analysis of their deviations from the trial fre-quency, D+ and D�. This sentence is not clear.

4.3. Matching the Plasma Frequency Resonance

[23] Fitting of the plasma frequency is affected by thesame problems discussed above for the gyrofrequencyfit: (a) insufficient frequency coverage and resolution,(b) changes in the medium during the plasmagrammeasurement time, (c) need for subpixel accuracy of

the frequency determination, and (d) prediction errors. Inaddition to these common issues, the model equationsdescribing dependencies of the resonances on the plasmafrequency, such as equation (2) for the Q-type resonancefrequencies, do not always apply to the plasma in themagnetosphere that may contain a hot component inaddition to the (dominant) cold population. In a plasmathat is not described by a Maxwellian distribution, thebest match of Q type resonances based on equation (2)will yield fpe and fuh values that are not likely to matchany of the resonances in the plasmagram [Benson et al.,2003]. Our present algorithm does not include a match ofresonances to the Dn frequencies given by (3).[24] Figure 7 shows examples of fully automated

resonance processing with the developed algorithm.The values are compared with predicted fce values basedon the Tsy 96-1 magnetic-field model [Tsyganenko,1996] and the ad-hoc fpe model used with the RPI data[Reinisch et al., 2001]. For the three examples, allresonance signatures were recognized and matched cor-rectly. The modeled fce values agreed closely with themeasured values, whereas large differences between thepredicted and observed values were detected for fpe,signifying that the plasma conditions were far fromexpected. As a result, fuh, fz, and fx are very differentfrom the model. The high frequency resolution of theplasmagram in the central panel allowed detecting anapproximate 1% overshoot of the model Qn resonances,which is comparable to the observational uncertainty but

Figure 6. Choice of the actual plasmagram frequencies next to the trial frequency. If the closestfrequency is not tagged as containing a resonance, the other frequency contributes to the fit qualityat a reduced weight.

Figure 7. Examples of automated resonance matching. The upper panel shows raw plasmagrams; the middle rowdisplays results of accumulative median filtering operation and places markers at automatically scaled resonance andcutoff frequencies. P = fpe, T = fuh, x = fx (yellow arrow), z = fz (purple arrow), 1, 2. . . = nfce, Qn = fQn. Lower panelgives autoscaled frequencies in comparison with the predicted values. See color version of this figure at back of thisissue.


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may also be caused by deviations of the plasma distri-bution from the Maxwellian assumed in the expressionsused for Qn.

5. Discussion of Results

[25] The three major features that led to successfulautomated interpretation of the resonances are (a) use ofpattern recognition techniques to detect and evaluateresonance signatures prior to matching, (b) accountingfor changes in the medium during the time required toacquire a plasmagram, and (c) use of the cumulativemedian filter for enhancement of the resonance signa-tures. The new algorithm now correctly and reliablyinterprets a wide range of scenarios found in RPI plasma-grams. Whereas the overall quality of gyrofrequencyautomatching is satisfactory, it is often difficult tocorrectly identify the plasma frequency resonance. Inthe case of the former, there is a harmonic sequence thataids the autodetection algorithm and there is a fairlyreliable model to constrain the search criteria; in the caseof the later, neither is available. While the observedmagnetic-field strength can be higher than the quiet-condition model by tens of percent on disturbed days, thededuced electron density can be higher than the model bymany factors of ten (R. F. Benson et al., manuscript inpreparation, 2004).[26] Mismatches fall into three general categories:

(1) no match can be found because the medium gradientsare different from predicted ones; (2) key signature(s) areeither outside the plasmagram coverage or they areobscured; (3) a false match is selected due to errors inthe resonance signature detector.

5.1. Errors in Prediction of Medium Gradients

[27] Noticeable mistakes in predicting the generalgradient of gyrofrequency, Dfce, are very rare. It is morecommon to observe natural fluctuations in the magneticfield that cause occasional mismatches of fce harmonicsin plasmagrams taken with high frequency resolution.The frequency bin selection technique discussed inSection 3.2 allows mismatched harmonics to still con-tribute to the quality of the fit if their deviation does notexceed one frequency step. The gradient of plasmafrequency, Dfpe, is frequently predicted incorrectly inthe vicinity of the plasmapause because of the difficultyin accurately modeling the location and gradient of thisboundary.

5.2. False Decisions by the Signature Detector

[28] While selecting plasmagram frequencies as reso-nances based on the amplitude decay pattern (section3.1.2) discriminates against interference lines, it can alsoeliminate resonances that do not display any significant

amplitude decay over the listening time interval sampled inthe plasmagram. It is difficult to select the tagging criterionoptimally so as to avoid both false positive and falsenegative decisions; the current choice is to allow false‘‘valid’’ frequencies to enter the matching phase ratherthan to remove good signatures. Although the contributionof such false frequencies to the fit is typically smallbecause of their low contrast against the background, theystill increase the likelihood of wrong matches.

5.3. Key Resonance Signatures Missing or Obscured

[29] The automatching algorithmworks best when thereare a few distinct resonance signatures present in theplasmagram so that the fit quality maximizes when themodel and the measurements match. If the frequencycoverage is not sufficient to include enough signatures inthe plasmagram, the best fit may not correspond to thecorrect answer. Also, when the nfce and fQn separation isnot significant (for low ratios of fpe/fce) the matching maynot be optimal because it relies completely on the properidentification of fpe and fuh which can fall outside thefrequency coverage or can be overlapped by other reso-nances. Proper interpretation of such cases often requiresanalysis of the previous and following plasmagrams toconfirm changing patterns as plasma conditions change.Such an analysis, as well as the inclusion of the Dnfrequencies in the matching routine, remains to be done.

6. Conclusion

[30] Detection and interpretation of the resonances inRPI plasmagrams stands as an important diagnostic tooland a necessary step towards further interpretation of theremote sensing information contained in these records.Automation of this procedure relieves the RPI dataanalyst from tedious calculations. The method describedin this paper presents a novel approach to automatedresonance detection and interpretation in a plasma envi-ronment with large variability like the one encounteredby the RPI instrument on IMAGE. Implementation ofthis approach into the BinBrowser data visualization andanalysis tool [Galkin et al., 2001] has made it possible toautomatically scale all of the approximately 600 plasma-grams recorded every day by RPI. The algorithm couldalso become a useful tool for onboard processing offuture active plasma-wave instruments.

[31] Acknowledgments. The work at the University ofMassachusetts Lowell was supported by NASA under South-west Research Institute subcontract 83822, and through theIntelligent Systems (IS) grant NAG5-13387.


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������������R. F. Benson, Laboratory for Extraterrestrial Physics, NASA

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Page 12: Automated diagnostics for resonance signature recognition ...Automated diagnostics for resonance signature recognition on IMAGE//RPI plasmagrams Ivan A. Galkin, Bodo W. Reinisch, and

Figure 1. RPI Plasmagram on 2 March 2002, 04:23 UT with remote echo traces and resonancesignatures as indicated.


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Figure 4. Resonance detection in RPI plasmagrams. (a) Raw plasmagram. (b) Processing with thecumulative median filter. (c) Summary amplitude function (white bars), labeled frequenciescontaining resonances (gray bars) and detected peaks (black bars). (d) Localized resonancesignatures.

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Page 14: Automated diagnostics for resonance signature recognition ...Automated diagnostics for resonance signature recognition on IMAGE//RPI plasmagrams Ivan A. Galkin, Bodo W. Reinisch, and

Figure 5. Use of the differential histogramming technique to estimate the local detectionthreshold for the resonance signature.

Figure 7. Examples of automated resonance matching. The upper panel shows raw plasmagrams; the middle rowdisplays results of accumulative median filtering operation and places markers at automatically scaled resonanceand cutoff frequencies. P = fpe, T = fuh, x = fx (yellow arrow), z = fz (purple arrow), 1, 2. . . = nfce, Qn = fQn. Lowerpanel gives autoscaled frequencies in comparison with the predicted values.


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