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AUTOMATED INCOME STREAM - AIS System - Chris · PDF file · 2016-01-17I then market...

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1 AUTOMATED INCOME STREAMS Step TWO © AIS System. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, sold, stored in a retrieval system, or in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the publisher. This is for your own personal use.



Step TWO

© AIS System. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, sold, stored in a retrieval system, or in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the publisher. This is for your own personal use.


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The Automated Income Stream

System Basics…

Getting Started

Right then, now that we’ve explored the benefits of The Automated Income Stream System in Step 1, I think it’s time that we delved a little bit deeper into how the system is able to produce such enormous profits… consistently, and on auto-pilot! Once you fully understand this, you’ll be in a position to start using the exact same system to generate similar returns for yourself…

Hopefully you’re starting to get a little excited about the opportunity that’s in front of you right now… and you should be! What I’m about to teach you in the forthcoming Steps is the quickest and easiest way of making life-changing amounts of money online… And it’s all done…

WITHOUT any risk

WITHOUT having to speak to any customers

WITHOUT the need for an office

WITHOUT the need for staff

WITHOUT any real “hard work”

WITHOUT any special equipment or experience… And as I said previously, with the exception of myself and a few of my students, this is the first time that I’ve ever made this course available to the public… So, let’s get started!


As you probably know by now, the bulk of my money is made via other people’s products, whether I sell them directly as my own (having bought the rights to them), whether I promote them as an affiliate, or whether I engage in a joint venture (JV) with the owner of the product. I then market these products using my Automated Income Stream System, and I market them to individuals who I already know WANT the product I’m selling. And how do I know that these people want my product? Well, one particular part of my system enables to me to reach out there and find them… And I’ll be showing you how I do this very soon! Occasionally I’ll produce my own products, but even in these instances I don’t actually do the ‘work’… Instead I outsource the production to freelancers who will happily create a fantastic product for a small upfront fee (I'll show you how to do this as well). I then use my system to sell these products across the globe, often seeing profit margins of between 1000% - 3000%, and even as much as 10,000% in some cases! Furthermore, because my Automated Income Stream System works on auto-pilot, the bulk of the profits are sent directly into my bank account, without me having to do any of the hard work! It’s an incredible way to make money… and it’s so easy! So then, let’s use a hypothetical example to give you a thorough understanding of the processes involved… Let’s say you hold the license to a Muscle Building e-book… You don’t know anything about the subject yourself and you haven’t produced the book… But you did know how to get your hands on the product in question… The book is now yours to do with as you please and you can sell it for as much or as little as you like… But how would you go about achieving this?


Well, all you need now is a way of finding thousands of people who are desperately keen to put on muscle and would pay you good money to get their hands on your product… And this isn’t as difficult as you might think… Indeed, there are millions of men all over the world who are desperate for that perfect six-pack, bigger arms, broader shoulders and rock-hard pecs… And a VERY high percentage of them will be internet users. So, to give you an example, you could set up what’s called a ‘capture page’, offering a free guide revealing the top 10 muscle building tips (which someone else wrote, but YOU have the rights to give away for nothing!) You’d then use cutting-edge, automated advertising techniques to promote this capture page all over the internet (and you’ll be shown how to do this in the forthcoming steps)… You then sit back while a horde of bodybuilding enthusiasts sign up for it, providing you with their email address and contact details… As soon as they fill out their details, the guide is automatically sent to them, using an auto-responder service that does all of the work for you (I’ll show you how to do all of this, so don't worry if it's not making sense just yet!)... But Chris, what exactly is a ‘capture page’? Well, a capture page is simply an online data collection device that you’ve probably seen numerous times on the internet yourself. You might have entered your name and email into one of my squeeze pages where I then offered you access to the AIS System course, just to show you a quick example of how this might work! It basically reveals the nature of the free product on offer and tells the prospect that in order to receive it they need to input their name and email address… In case you were wondering, it’s called a capture page, or a 'squeeze page' because its sole purpose is to ‘squeeze’ a group of targeted prospects onto a list that can be communicated with and ultimately promoted to in the future… And because of the anonymity of an email address, people are more than willing to provide it in exchange for something FREE!


In fact, most of my capture pages only ask for email address because of this. i.e. not even the name. What I mean by this is that it’s not like asking for a person’s home address, post code and credit card details for example. All you are asking for is their email address! So, by using this method, you’ll receive a VERY LARGE NUMBER of email addresses from people who are VERY INTERESTED in muscle building products (in this example)... What we then do is promote a variety of muscle-building products to your list of RED-HOT prospects! You could perhaps begin by promoting a muscle building e-book called ‘Rock Hard Abs in 6 Weeks, and price it at $19.97… And believe me, your conversion rate would be VERY HIGH! After all, you KNEW that your customers wanted this type of product before you’d even advertised it. And this is what I call ‘TARGETED MARKETING!’ All of the orders are then processed through your very own Automated Income Stream System, and the customer is sent through to a ‘Thank You’ Page that allows them to access their product, immediately, and with no fuss! And furthermore, the income is residual… You can keep promoting this Capture page and e-book offer online for as long as you want, using a variety of methods... and ALL of this can be automated! The only thing you need to do is monitor your advertising campaigns online and make sure your ads are converting as well as they can be. Everything else runs on auto-pilot! Obviously this is just one example, and a very simple one at that… The truth is, I have multiple products being sold simultaneously, all day, every day, and in a variety of different markets... and I also promote as an affiliate as well. As a result, I have money flowing into my bank account from many different ‘income streams’. And because these products are being sold over the internet, I have virtually no overheads or additional costs to worry about.


Yet that’s not the whole story! You see, I won’t make just $19.97 from each customer and then leave it at that… that’s NOT the way to make BIG MONEY! Instead, I use a very effective set of techniques to convince that prospect to buy another product from me, and then another one after that, and so on, until I’ve maximised my potential earnings from each customer… And I call this my ‘POWER SELLING’ TECHNIQUE! This technique works because I know EXACTLY what sort of products my customers want! As you can imagine, this is the real secret of the Automated Income Stream System, and it’s something that most online marketers simply don’t understand… And on top of that, I’m able to do the exact same thing with a further four, five, six, even seven products at the same time, all with customer lists of hundreds of thousands… And this is how I’m able to make monthly incomes as high as $388,426.73! The methods I use to pull in this sort of income will be explained in this course, but before we look any further into how I do this, just think about what I’m saying here… I DON’T create the products I DON’T have to stock the products, ship them myself, or even see them! I DON’T have to deal with customers face to face or even over the phone I DON’T need to employ any staff or pay for a ‘traditional’ office I DON’T even have to process the customers’ payments myself! In short, I actually find it difficult to describe what I do as “work”, and that’s because the system now runs on auto-pilot, allowing me to live my life while making colossal sums of money each and every month! WOW! I know... So, let's go a little deeper into how this works... So then, what exactly is my Power Selling Technique?


Well, quite simply, this technique is what allows me to make such HUGE profits from a relatively small list of customers… Essentially, it’s the technique that underpins my entire business, because it enables me to transform a potential monthly income of say, $10,000, into a very real one of $388,426.73… And it’s income like this that has allowed me to buy the cars of my dreams, a new house, and take as many vacations as I want, whenever I want. In short, discovering and utilizing this technique has completely changed the way my business operates, and it’s crucial that you implement the very same technique as well… You see, the process of finding a customer online and selling them a product is actually very simple (as you’ll soon discover) but it’s what you do with that customer once they’ve bought your product that determines how much money you make… Typically, many online marketers will sell a product to someone and then let them go, happy in the knowledge that they’ve made a sale. They feel as though they’ve been successful… After all, they’ve converted a prospect into a sale… And that’s the name of the game isn’t it? Well, No… Not Exactly! In actual fact, if you settle for one sale per customer, you’re literally throwing an enormous amount of money down the drain, and the reason for this is two-fold… 1. A BUYER IS HOT! – When a customer buys a product from you, their wallets are out and they’re ready to spend money. Quite simply, they are HOT prospects! As a result, they are far more likely to buy another product, whether it be an impulsive purchase, or simply because they were satisfied with the previous purchase and want more of the same. 2. A BUYER IS TARGETED – You know what these customers want before you present them with your offer. If they’re on your ‘real estate’ list, the chances are high that if you offer them a similar product immediately after their original purchase, they’ll buy it. So why would you settle for just one sale?!


Instead, once your customer has bought what I call, your ‘front-end’ product, it’s imperative that you capitalize on their desire to buy, and you can do this in three incredibly effective ways… 1.) Offer them a back-end, follow-up product that’s more expensive than the original item. This technique is known as ‘UP-SELLING’. (Sometimes we will have an up-sell 1, 2 and even 3 – to maximize the up-sell process!) 2.) Offer them a further back-end, follow-up product after the up-sell process has completed. The product must still compliment their previous purchases in some way. This technique is known as ‘CROSS-SELLING’… We do this via e-mail and also when sending out the physical product (i.e. an insert with the product or within a members' area if a digital product.) 3.) If the customer declines the first up-sell offer, you can then offer them a product lower in cost to the main up-sell, which may convince them to buy again. This technique is known as ‘DOWN-SELLING’… Obviously these three forms of marketing are interchangeable in many instances, as you’ll often have a back-end product that’s both an up-sell and a cross-sell, for example. You could also have a down-sell followed by an up-sell, or a cross-sell followed by another up-sell and down-sell!! The options are endless, and the profits are too… Ultimately however, your aim is simple: if a customer purchases a product from you, you HAVE to capitalize on their desire to buy by offering them further closely related products… And these products should typically be of even greater value than the first in order to fully maximize your profits per customer… “But Chris, if the customer buys a back-end product, won’t they have to input their name, address, email and credit card details all over again?” No, and that’s why my system is able to convert so many back-end sales! You see, all my customers have to do to buy the back-end products is click on the “add to order” button and the product will be automatically added to their original purchase. I call this my Add to Order Method! And this is so successful that I’m currently seeing conversion rates of as much as 45% on some of my up-sells!


The reason for this is that the customer doesn’t have to go through the long-winded process of entering their name, email address, home address and credit card details all over again, something which seriously reduces the conversion rate of the up-selling technique. I know they want the product before I offer it to them, so I simply make it as easy as possible for them to buy… Here’s an example of one of our up-sell pages from our Alluress Skin Care Range:

In this instance, the Alluress anti-wrinkle serum is given away for the price of a “shipping and handling” fee, purely to get the customers’ details onto my system. I then offer this customer an exfoliator, BUT all they have to do is to click on an “add to order” button above, and it’s done! It’s so simple, yet incredibly effective… Here’s what the customer would have to fill in (again) if I didn’t use my Add to Order Method… (Name, phone, e-mail, postal address, credit card number, name on card, expiry, etc)…


As you can see, the chances of the customer actually filling in their details for a second time are significantly reduced, and you’ve lost a potential up-sell as a direct result… But not with the Add to Order Method, because it makes it so easy for the customer! Ultimately, it’s my Power Selling Technique and my Add to Order Method that makes it possible for me to make such COLOSSAL amounts of money online! And although these techniques may seem quite straightforward, you’ll be amazed at just how lucrative they really are… So then, now that I’ve explained my Power Selling Technique and the Add to Order Method, let’s use a further example to show you just how easily these techniques can be used to generate massive profits… Imagine that 3,000 customers purchase your $19.97 front-end product, during a three month period (something I do quite regularly). That’s $59,910 per month! Now then, at this point it’s quite easy to sit back, pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself for making a sizeable profit… However, if you fail to capitalize on your red-hot, ready-to-buy customers, you’ll be making a HUGE MISTAKE! In fact, there are hundreds and thousands of online marketers out there who are literally throwing money away without even realizing it…


Now this is the time to use my Power Selling Technique and Add to Order Method… As you’d expect, less people will be willing to purchase a follow-up item, but the fact is, many, many people do. (You might have upgraded your AIS System order with a related product for example.) And this is for three reasons in particular…

1) Impulse Buying As I stated earlier, when a customer purchases the initial product from you, it means they’re READY TO BUY. They’re red-hot consumers… their credit card is out and they’re in the mood to shop! As a result, the chances are VERY STRONG that if you put another product in front of them that complements the one they’ve already bought, they’ll click the order button again… This is due to impulse buying: an emotional decision-making process (rather than a rational one) where a customer will purchase products impulsively in pursuit of ‘instant gratification’. In fact, according to a recent online study, impulse purchases represent almost 40% of all the money spent on e-commerce sites! Consequently, the use of back-end products can turn one sale into many…

2) The customer is VERY INTERESTED in these sorts of products! In the first example, the customer has given into their impulsive nature, which can sometimes cloud a person’s judgement. However, another reason why a customer will purchase a higher-priced, back-end product is a simple one – they desperately want the product! Indeed, the reason you’ll get such a high conversion rate on these back-end offers is because you’re offering products to people who you already KNOW are very interested in them… that’s why they ended up on your list in the first place! So in essence, the name of the game is to find out what people are interested in, and then offer them products that satisfy that interest! All you’re doing is giving people what they want…


3) Customer Satisfaction The final reason why people will purchase your back-end products is that, quite simply, they were satisfied with their original purchase and want more of the same. Clearly, because the customer requires time to use the product and then make a judgement about it, ‘customer satisfaction’ can only be capitalized on in the weeks and months after the original sale. This is the reason why your products need to be top quality… because if they’re not, you’ll get no sales when you offer your back-end products to your list of buyers in the future. So then, how should you take advantage of this set of circumstances? Well, as soon as your customer has purchased the front-end product, take them through to the ‘thank you’ page and then up-sell them on another product, or possibly even a range of products… (Oh, and by the way, if you’re sitting there thinking; “but Chris, I have no idea how to do this”, don’t worry… I’ll reveal exactly how to build these pages! Right now, I want to cover the theory with you, so that once you know what to do we can cover the how to do it.) At the side of each product description or sales page, you can include an ‘Add to Order’ button, which, if clicked on, will automatically bill the customer for that product and deliver it to them! So let’s say that out of that original 3,000 customers, something like 300 people then add the up-sell product to their order - a decent enough conversion rate of 10%. This up-sell could be priced at say, $99.97… That’s a further $30,000 in your pocket… for no extra work! And then following on from that purchase, around 75 of the remaining 300 customers might decide to click on the second up-sell product on the thank you page, priced at $149.97… Again, that’s another $11,000 for you to enjoy! And this can go on and on with as many follow up offers as you like… further up-sells, cross-sells, even down-sells, pre-written by you and ready to pop-up at the click of a button, depending on what decision each customer makes!


As long as your automated system has been set up correctly, you’ll receive order after order after order, and your profits will absolutely explode! Now do you see the possibilities that my Automated Income Stream System holds?! As you can see with the example above, even if you stop at just 2 back-end products, your profits will sky-rocket, to something in the region of $95,000… from ONLY 3,000 customers! Also, you now have a list of 3,000 paying customers, or red-hot ‘leads’ as I call them, that we can promote to in future marketing campaigns… These leads are absolute gold-dust! They are your immediate income and also your future wealth! And remember, this is JUST ONE PRODUCT! Indeed, if I was selling these products, my income would certainly not stop there… NO WAY! And that’s because I use the Power Selling Technique and the Add to Order Method on ALL of my websites, simultaneously… and as a result I’m able to pull in these sorts of figures for multiple products! So I’d be building a list of red-hot buyers for a variety of different markets, and then offering them numerous closely related back-end products at different prices, for weeks and months into the future… As you can see, the key to making a fortune online is not simply finding lots of ‘new’ customers to buy your products, but instead retaining your customers so that they buy from you again and again… And I'm going to be showing you how I make $1k, $3k and even as much as $9k commissions from my customers... by offering them other people's products as an affiliate as well. So, just imagine that for a second... We're not talking about $100 commissions, even $200 commissions here! $1k, $3k + and that makes a HUGE difference to the amount of money you bring in, trust me on this... And it gets better still!


I’m also able to do this via a rebilling system that I have in place for a variety of my products, such as online membership sites and my skin care range… as well as affiliate offers as well. And this is something that I’ll show you how to do as well in the forthcoming modules. With the membership site, for example, my customers pay $29.95 per month for access to instructional videos, audio guides, and information products. This is a fantastic source of residual income for me, as it guarantees a steady flow of cash into my bank account without me having to do anything to the website… In fact, 10 months’ worth of material was written FOR ME by a freelance copywriter before I’d even launched the membership site! At my current membership rate, I’m pulling in a monthly income of $10,000 + from this site alone! So, as you can see from the evidence above, it’s absolutely imperative that you follow this example when you begin your own Automated Income Stream System… And during this course I’m going to show you how to implement these systems so that you’re not only able to sell your products to thousands of customers, but you’re also able to retain these customers and maximize your profits. Right then, we’ve now covered the benefits of the Automated Income Stream System and I’ve revealed the secret techniques that I use to make huge amounts of money online… With that done, I guess it’s time to start teaching you HOW to set up your own Automated Income Stream System! So let’s get started...
