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Automotive industry future outlook

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  • 8/11/2019 Automotive industry future outlook




    Amy Thomas | Pragya Agarwal | Sukaran Thakur | Varun [email protected] | [email protected] | [email protected] | varuntyagi12@mPGP-2 | Mudra Institute of ommunications! "hmeda#ad

    Automotive Future of Mobility

  • 8/11/2019 Automotive industry future outlook


    Looking at the current state of mobility across the globe canhelp us understand the kind of problems we are facing


    $1%Of the world

    population(3.5 Bn) livesin rbanareas

    This fgure is set torise to 70% by 2050


    Of total traveldistance rban

    travel accounts for

    !Increaseexpected by2050

    1(&"rs!ill be the avgannual time spent byan urban dweller inTrac Jams %

    !e see these evolving trends creating signi#cant opportunitiesfor stakeholders to create sustainable integrated solutions toaddress the future urban mobility market. $o succeed in thisemerging ecosystem% companies need to evolve their value

    propositions and also identify collaborative initiatives that canenhance their competitive positions

    * +Mike "anleylobal Automotive &ea'er ()n*

  • 8/11/2019 Automotive industry future outlook



    &' $rends that are shaping the way people move

    ,he population of our cities is constantly grodemographic reasons and oing to the continued rura

    ,he cities are centres of economic growth and thprosperity hich lead to a groing di/erentiation imo#ility re0uirements.

    ,he groing individualiation of ur#an society couplednum#er of small households leads to more tra,c.

    ising land prices and rising rents in the centres of cothe conse0uence that rents for living space rise disthe loer and middle classes as ell as families ith cfrom the centres! and the num#er of commuters con

    ,he cities are developing more and more into metroithin hich the distances #eteen homes! recreational facilities increase.

  • 8/11/2019 Automotive industry future outlook



    &' $rends that are shaping the way people move

    "n increasing geographic 3ei#ility of employees 4*monoma'ism+5 makes the streams of commuters gro #too.

    6e forms of shopping #y car! especially in large mallsof recreational facilities on the verges of cities generatof tra7c.

    Increasing e-ommerce! the use of the internet! and otmedia-#ased shopping culture! for eample meals on groing in'ivi'ual 'elivery o.erations-

    ,he */ust0in0time+ delivery of physical products and sin the groing transport of goods and people in our cit

    People8s increasing speed orientation leads to a high 'mobility services on road and rail! on the ater and

  • 8/11/2019 Automotive industry future outlook


    uccessful urban mobility of the future will depend on anumber of critical factors

    future ofmobility






    Share' Mobility

    9hared mo#ility is the cornerstone of the sharing economy ;emographic hanges Increased

  • 8/11/2019 Automotive industry future outlook


    uccessful urban mobility of the future will depend on anumber of critical factors

    future ofmobility

    ovt Transit Agencies Government ,ransit agencies to act as

    mo#ility managers ?penness to including shared modes of

    mo#ility reate e7cient! diverse convenient ur#an

    mo#ility systems


    Auture ur#anould #e intterms of Payment

    ?peratio Informat Physical

    So.histicate' Tra,c 4ataSystem Behicle tracking systems eal-time tra7c control and adaptive signals eal-time passenger information systems Integrated information across modes of travel Cigh level analytics and predictive tra7c


  • 8/11/2019 Automotive industry future outlook


    uccessful urban mobility of the future will depend on anumber of critical factors

    future ofmobility

    reen Technologies Mo#ility ithout gas or diesel Dased on eisting or emerging technologies

  • 8/11/2019 Automotive industry future outlook


  • 8/11/2019 Automotive industry future outlook


    $he various city transportation models around the world andtheir feasibility in ndia


    *hat is it+ Park and ide sites are constructed around Prague at a short alking

    distance to pu#lic transport

  • 8/11/2019 Automotive industry future outlook


    $he various city transportation models around the world andtheir feasibility in ndia


    *hat is it+ *Ma+ introduced ith the aim to facilitate and increase the use of

    #uses. ,he dedicated cross-city #us lanes 4total one ay length of 1($ km5

    ere developed. "#out >(E of the houses and #usinesses are ithin '(( metres from a

    #us stop. ,he HMa8-e#site provides the important information regarding #us

    lines! routes! timeta#le! tickets! special o/ers! a#normal conditions!suggestions! complaints and lost property.

    Promotions! special prices and segment specic ticket structure '(E increase of #us passengers from 2((( until 2((&.

    *i!! it or) in India+ ?7ce spaces in India are no surrounded #y a maJority of residential

    areas to decrease transit time. 9uch a model shall ork in cities ith a good netork of #uses like

    Mum#ai or tier 2 cities.

    ?ne maJor re0uirement is that of ell #uilt roads.

    Ma66 6etherlands

  • 8/11/2019 Automotive industry future outlook


    $he various city transportation models around the world andtheir feasibility in ndia


    *hat is it+ ,he rst mo#ility centre H9mart on the road8 4or 9limeg5! supported #y

    all Alemish transport providers 4#us! train! car sharing! car pooling! tai!cycling federation and alking federation5 serves as the informationcenter for the companies and citiens regarding their travelK alking!cycling! #us! tram! train! tai and car sharing.

    Information provided online! on telephone or visiting these centres.

    Slimweg Delgium

    *hat is it+ ,hrough Prioritiing the Dus routes #y reducing red light signal

    stoppage time. Dus Focation 9ystemK ireless communication devices or GP9

    technology are used to gather information on the location of #uses andin turn make this information availa#le at #us stops! on mo#ile phonesor via the internet.

    *i!! it or) in India+ Les! D, similar to this model. 6eed to ork more on the technical

    Saitama 7ity

  • 8/11/2019 Automotive industry future outlook


    $he various city transportation models around the world andtheir feasibility in ndia


    *hat is it+ ,hey have a ell integrated pu#lic transport system there#y reducing

    the private vehicles on road and avoiding congestion in central areas ofthe city.

  • 8/11/2019 Automotive industry future outlook


    $he various city transportation models around the world andtheir feasibility in ndia


    *hat is it+

  • 8/11/2019 Automotive industry future outlook


    $he various city transportation models around the world andtheir feasibility in ndia


    *hat is it+ MaJor car sharing platform. Oipcar o/ers self-service cars on demand for rent #y the hour or the

    day. ates include gas! insurance! maintenance! and designatedparking. Oipcar provides you ith instant access to a variety of vehicleslocated in designated areas

    It o/ers services to over '$ campuses in 9 thus providing for easytransport.

    8i.car .9.

    *hat is it+ ?ptions for #us and rail connections in the BB9 service area are shon In addition! it is possi#le to search for convenient ride-sharing

    opportunities " taica# call function! ith the aid of hich the user can order a tai

    #y phone from the app! completes the rst version of *moovel+.

    *i!! it or) in India+ 9uch apps can ork onders for the car sharing and share riding


    Moovel Germany

  • 8/11/2019 Automotive industry future outlook


    $he various city transportation models around the world andtheir feasibility in ndia


    *hat is it+ " kind of #us on stilts that moves a#ove the street on

    tracks. In doing this! Fand "ir#us lies a#ove to lanes for cars!

    alloing road tra7c to 3o freely #eneath. ,here isenough space #elo it! at least for vehicles that do noteceed 2.2 meters in height.

    Aurthermore! the high-level #us on tracks can also operatehen road tra7c in the city is at a standstill.

    Instead of an epensive viaduct structure! Fand "ir#us onlyneeds tracks like a tram

    *i!! it or) in India+ Fand "ir#us only makes sense in densely populated areas

    if it can use the eisting road infrastructure ith itsnumerous curves and has a high passenger capacity.

    &an' Airbus hina

  • 8/11/2019 Automotive industry future outlook


  • 8/11/2019 Automotive industry future outlook


    4epending on their location and maturity% cities need toimplement one of the following three strategies

    ey 9trategies7itySelection

    :etworkingthe System

    5ethink thesystem



