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Avatar Meher Baba Pearls III Come All Unto Me August 2011 [On My part I and My love will never leave you here or hereafter. May you be aware of it deeper and deeper day by day; My Blessings to you all.]

Avatar Meher Baba Pearls – III

Come All Unto Me

August 2011

[On My part I and My love will never leave you here or hereafter. May you be

aware of it deeper and deeper day by day; My Blessings to you all.]

Avatar Meher Baba Pearls - III 2011



Age after age when the wick of righteousness burns low The Avatar comes yet

once again to rekindle the torch of Love and Truth. Rings the Avatar’s call ‘Come

All Unto Me!’

I was Rama, I was Krishna, I was Christ, I was Zoroaster, I was this One, I was

that One, and now I am Meher Baba in the form of flesh and blood. I am the

same Ancient One, who alone is eternally worshipped and ignored, ever

remembered and forgotten and whose future advent is anticipated with great

fervor and longing.

I do not perform any miracles, but My Spiritual status is so high, that if anyone,

anywhere, in any difficulty at any time remembers me whole-heartedly with all

his heart, then the difficulty will be immediately solved. This is certain. God

does not abandon those who trust Him.

If you do not ask Me, whom else will you ask and who will give you. ASK ME

again and again but do not expect an answer. I will do what is good for you.

However, after I drop my body, if you were to ask me for anything at My Tomb,

your request will be granted. Remember this. But one who asks for My Love is

the chosen one. You can rely on Me and leave it to Me but do not make it


While bowing down at My Tomb, I want you to remember two things:

1. To love Me whole-heartedly; Love does not mean the outward expression. You

should love Me in such a way that you forget yourself in Me, The Beloved.

2. To give happiness to others at the cost of your own happiness and comfort.

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I belong to no religion. Every religion belongs to Me. My personal religion is

My being the Ancient, Infinite One and the religion I impart to all is Love for

God, which is the Truth of all religion.

If we love God honestly, we become one with Him. Never before has

dishonesty and hypocrisy prevailed in the world as today. If the least hypocrisy

creeps into your thoughts, words and deeds; God, who is the innermost Self in

us all, keeps Himself hidden.

To love God in the most practical way is to love our fellow beings.

If we feel for others in the same way as we feel for our dear ones, we are loving


If instead of seeing faults in others, we look within ourselves, we are loving God.

If instead of robbing others to help ourselves, we rob ourselves to help others,

we are loving God.

If we suffer in the suffering of others and feel happy in the happiness of others

we are loving God.

If, instead of worrying over our own misfortune, we think of ourselves more

fortunate than many, many others, we are loving God.

If we endure our lot with patience and contentment, accepting it as His Will, we

are loving God.

If we understand and feel that the greatest act of devotion and worship to God

is not to hurt or harm any of His beings, we are loving God.

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To love God as He ought to be loved we must live for God and die for God,

knowing that the goal of life is to love God and find Him as our own self.

God is absolutely independent. The only way to approach Him is through

love, constant repetition of His Name and invocation of His Mercy.

Mercy is God’s name.

Bliss is God’s original state.

Power is God’s existence.

Knowledge is God’s duty.

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The Infinite state of God gets lost in the Infinite jumble of Infinite


To know God in His Infinite contradictions is to become conscious of His

consciousness in His unconsciousness.

To achieve the God state, do absolutely nothing while doing everything.

To find God you must find yourself lost to yourself.

To be infinitely conscious, you must consciously lose consciousness of yourself.

Space is the gulf between Imagination and Reality. Evolution of consciousness

fills this gulf.

Time is the interval between your first imagination and your very last


Where imagination ends God is and Godhood begins.

Imagination is an eternal mimicry of Reality affecting the shadow-play of


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God is not anything comprehensible: He is Reality, Consciousness, Absolute

Consciousness, Infinite Consciousness.

Realization of God is Absolute Consciousness minus Consciousness of

Imagination. Godhood is Absolute Consciousness plus Consciousness of

Imagination being imagination.

Be ever present with God, never be absent from Him.

Do not desire union with God but long for union till you go beyond longing for

union and long only for the will and pleasure of Beloved God.

Mind may die. Maya may die. Body dies and dies. But hope and thirst never

die. Thus has said Kabir.

Complete forgetfulness of self is to even forget that you have forgotten.

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Complete remembrance of God, honesty in action, making no one unhappy,

being the cause of happiness in others and no submission to low, selfish, lustful

desires, while living a normal worldly life, can lead on to the path of Realization.

But complete obedience to the God-Man brings one directly to God.

The more you try to understand God, you understand Him less and less. How

can He, who is beyond explanation, be expressed? His being Infinitely simple

has rendered Him Infinitely difficult. The secret is that you have to become

what you are.

God does not listen to the language of the tongue, which constitutes japs,

zikra, mantras and devotional songs. He does not listen to the language of the

mind, which constitutes meditation, concentration and thoughts about God. He

listens only to the language of the heart which constitutes Love. So love God

and be free in this very life.

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If you were to ask Me why I do not talk, I would say perhaps for three reasons.

Firstly, I feel that through you all I am eternally talking. Secondly, to relieve the

boredom of talking incessantly through your forms, I keep silence in My

personal physical form. Thirdly, because all talk in itself is idle talk: lectures,

messages, statements, discourse of any kind, spiritual or otherwise, imparted

through utterances or writings, are just idle talk when not acted upon or lived

up to.

Our very life should be such as to be God’s message of Truth in the world. In

our everyday life of worldly duties, if Love – Service – Honesty is manifested,

renunciation is achieved without renouncing the world.

The whole of life is like playing a game of hide and seek in which you have to

find your real Self. I give you My Blessings for the success of this, which will

make you realize life as all-time play.

Children are innocent and free from vain egoism. Children can have no low

desires. After becoming free from all childishness, when a man really becomes

child-like, he can Realize God.

In the material world every pie of money counts. In the subtle world every

ounce of energy counts. In the mental world every force of thought counts. In

the beyond state only God counts and in the realm of God-Man everything

counts as nothing and nothing counts as everything.

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If instead of mechanically performing ceremonies and rituals because of age-

old customs, people were to serve their fellow beings with selflessness of love,

taking God to be equally residing in one and all and knowing that by so serving

others they are serving Me, My work will have been fulfilled.

God alone is real and all else is false. So you must try to love God, who is

within us all and to gain this love you should try to be honest in your thoughts,

words and actions.

It is not what the world thinks of us that matters but what God knows about us

that matters.

Unless we are stripped of all egoistic tendencies and desires and unless our

soul attains its original naked state, we cannot embrace God the Beloved, who is

eternally naked in His Infinity.

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I have come not to teach but to Awaken. Understand, therefore, that I lay

down no precepts.

Because man has been to the principles and precepts laid down in the past, in

the present Avataric form, I observe Silence. You have asked for and have been

given enough words; it’s now time to live them.

To get nearer to God, you have to get farther and farther away from ‘I’, ‘my’,

‘me’ and ‘mine’. You have not to renounce anything but your own self.

I repeat, I lay down no precepts. When I release the tide of Truth, which I

have come to give, men’s daily lives will be living precepts. The words I have not

spoken will come to life in them.

I veil Myself from man by his own curtain of ignorance and manifest My Glory

to a few. My present Avataric form is the last incarnation in this cycle of time

and hence My manifestation will be the greatest.

I am the Divine Beloved who loves you more than you can love yourself. The

breaking of My Silence will help you to help yourself in knowing your real Self.

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I say with Divine authority that I am in you all and if you honestly love God, you

will find Him everywhere. Remember, if you cannot love God and cannot lead

saintly lives, then at least do not make a show of love and saintliness, because

the worst scoundrels are better than hypocritical saints.

It is now high time that the very agonies of our times should become a means

for the bringing of real understanding of human relationships.

The balanced progress of humanity can be assured if science and religion

proceed hand in hand.

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The coming civilization of the new humanity will not be ensouled by dry

intellectual doctrines but by living spiritual experiences.

If two persons have headaches, they can use the intellect to discuss their

mutual experience. But if one of them has never had a headache, no amount of

intellectual explanation will ever tell him what a headache is. Intellectual explanation can never be a substitute for spiritual experience.

Unlearn all you have learned intellectually. Do not remember the past, forget

the present and do not think of the future.

Renounce everything and everyone including your own self.

Escape from all that is illusionary and take refuge in reality.

Burn all your desires and longings and kindle the one and only desire and

longing – union with the Beloved.

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To have My real darshan is to find Me. The way to find me is to find your

abode in Me. The only one and sure way to find your abode in Me is to love Me.

To love Me as I love you, you must become the recipient of my Grace. To

receive my Grace, you must obey me whole heartedly with the firm foundation

of unshakable faith in Me. And you can only obey me spontaneously, as I want,

when you completely surrender yourself to Me so that My wish becomes your

law and My love sustains your being. Age after age many aspire for such

surrender but only few really attempt to surrender themselves to Me

completely as I want. He who succeeds not only finds Me but also becomes Me

and realizes the goal of life.

My being in your midst today would serve its purpose even if one from

among this multitude has understood what I want you all to know.

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To be worthy of the divine gift of love, let all your thoughts, words and deeds

be controlled by the constant remembrances of God.

All talk about the path and goal is like a lantern carried by a blind man. A

blind man needs a staff in his hand; the seeker needs his hand in the God-Man.

All that frightens and confuses you and grips you with despair is your own

shadow. When the sun of love manifests in its glory and your faces are turned

towards that radiance, all shadows will have disappeared and even the memory

of them will have vanished.

For a post to stand erect and firm it must have both its ends sunk well into the

ground. Likewise, My lover needs to have the base of his faith deeply

embedded in divinity if he would remain steadfast in his love.

Births and deaths are illusory phenomena. One really dies when one is born

to live as God, the Eternal, who is beyond both birth and death.

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Take My advice and accept ‘God Speaks’ as the final authority. Nothing of its

kind has been recorded before.


Why should misery perpetually exist on earth in spite of God’s Infinite love and


“The source of Eternal Bliss is the self in all and the cause of perpetual misery is

the selfishness of all. As long as satisfaction is derived through selfish pursuits,

misery will always exist. Only because of the infinite love and mercy of God can

man learn to realize, through the lesson of misery on earth, that inherent in him

is the source of infinite bliss and that all suffering is His labour of love to unveil

His own Infinite Self.”

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Repeating My Name itself is a Prayer and repeating my name whole-

heartedly is the greatest prayer that one can offer spontaneously for which no

time or place is required.

Remember Me whole-heartedly and continuously while attending to your

worldly duties. This is the best form of meditation and is the most natural and

spontaneous. Let My name serve as a net around you.

Think of Me more and more and all your worries will disappear into the

nothing they really are. My Divine Will works out to awaken you to this. Face

your problems bravely. I am with you. I reside in your heart all the time; 24

hours every moment of your life and I am there in every breath that you


Universal Prayer and Prayer of Repentance: The most important thing is My

participation in the Prayer. After I drop my body, whoever recites these Prayers

will be helped because of My participation now. When anyone repeats these

Prayers I am there with them. My Presence is there.

Accept whatever God gives with firm faith in His Love and Grace. Then you

will find peace and strength.

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Be content with your lot, rich or poor, happy or miserable. Understand that

God has designed it for your own good and be resigned to His Will. I do not

change your destiny but I give you inner strength to face the battle of life.

If in everyday life you practice love, service, and honesty, then renunciation is

achieved without renouncing the world.

Worry is unnecessary. Necessary worry is not good but unnecessary worry is

madness. If you worry about yourself God does not worry about you. If you

stop worrying God has begun to worry about you. Leave your worries to Him

and be cheerful and happy.

I am the Power House. The Power House will never fail provided one is careful

about the connections with it.

If you have ever come across any savage animal or if you find yourself in a

perilous situation, cry out My Name loudly, I will then save you. At all moments

of danger you should cry out My Name, so loud that the sound of My Name falls

on the creatures ears, which will make it as weak as a lamb. Before inanimate

objects, during any serious mishap or accident such as car crash, train wreck,

you will be saved by remembering Me with full faith from the bottom of your


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Let your desire be only to find real bliss, to find Truth and to find God.

Constantly have this longing and you will achieve it. Every morning, very early,

spare only five minutes for this. Seek a place, aloof and try to meditate,

thinking: ‘God is One. He is everywhere and there is nothing but Him.’ Do this

for only five minutes daily. I will see that you experience something.

Real worship is within; inside the heart and not in outward muttering of

words. To enter the spiritual path, one has to go beyond religious ceremonies.

One cannot grasp the truth through intellect. All the disorders of the world are

due to the mind. He who conquers it conquers everything and is a real hero.

Over the ages you have collected a mixture of good and bad sanskaras. All

sanskaras must be eradicated from the mind so that they may not reproduce

again. Only a Sadguru can root them out completely. To stop the creation of

new sanskaras and to destroy the past ones, have the company and sahavas of a

Guru who is Realized. A Guru who is God Conscious is like a live furnace

burning away everything, good, bad, past, present and future; all the


I am the creator. I am the sustainer. I provide you with everything. I am

perfection personified. I have everything except your imperfections. All I need

are your imperfections. Offer Me your imperfections so that you will be free of

them and I, as the in-dweller in you, will be receiving them.

If you want to be free, free you are, but you do not really want to be free and

therefore you continue to feel yourself bound. You want to lead a perfect life of

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love and service. When you really have that want, you will not need to worry

how to lead the life – you will live it.

I have come to remind all people that they should live on earth as the children

of one father until My Grace awakens them to the realization that they are one

without a second and all the divisions and conflicts and hatred are but a shadow

play of their own imagination.

When I the Ancient One embraces you, I am awakening something which

gradually grows within you. It is the seed of love I sow; it will take its own time

to flower and fructify.

The more you receive My sahavas and My love with open heart, you begin to

understand Me more and more. Leave all your doubts and remember well that

whatever I do is for the best. It is the divine response filled with love divine.

Spirituality is the undoing of what you have been doing since ages. Spiritual

progress is not a process of accumulation from without, it is an unfoldment

from within. Spirituality is not cowardice to give in. If you cannot love at least

have the courage to give in. Spirituality does not mean renunciation of

mundane desires. The most difficult thing in spiritual life is to be perfectly

human. In trifles take no risk, in business take a few risks; in spirituality take

every risk. In the spiritual life there is no room for compromise. When a man is

spiritually prepared, he is completely desire-less and is full of impersonal love.

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The best worker is one who is able to evoke love for Baba in others. If you

want to love Me, you should not create confusion among yourselves. Start

learning to love God by loving those whom you cannot love.

Uninvited suffering is a blessing in disguise. God loves most those who suffer

most. In order to be Infinitely merciful I must be Infinitely cruel. Those whom I

love most I destroy. I have to be cruel to be kind. My real mercy lies in making

mince-meat of you.

Because I love you so much, I harass you so much. This harassment is My

Prasad for you and My Grace. It is My real mercy which descends on a very few,

select few. Those are my friends. They are my lovers to whom I give the gift of

sorrow and distress. This gift is only for my beloved children. We, masters, can

give a world of gold, happiness and prosperity to others by our blessings. But

this rare gift of privations, troubles and suffering is destined only for a few.

Every heart that loves Me is My ashram. Take Me with you – I am within.

When you keep talking I conceal Myself. When you keep silent I reveal Myself.

God is shy of strangers; such as your age-old desires and millions of wants. A

moment of one’s life passed with a Sadguru is more valuable than thousands of

years of tapa or japa.

If anyone loves anybody, that love ultimately comes to Me, because I am


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To come to me means experiencing Me as I am; no more bondage of births

and deaths. Sorrow at the death of a loved one is a form of selfishness. The

selfishness of not being able to satisfy their minds in the absence of the sight of

their dear ones makes them weep, not so much death itself.

When any human body drops the physical body, the Jeevatma is stationed in

the astral world for 40 to 72 hours before entering the hell or heaven state.

Those closely connected with the Avatar or Sadguru do not enter heaven or hell

but take birth almost immediately. After death the soul takes four days to break

its ties from the gross body. Prayers offered for the four days after the death of

a person help the soul to break its ties. Crying and wailing after death of the

person has a contrary effect on the departed soul and its severance of its earthly

ties is all the more difficult. Once the human form is gained, the soul can never

pass back into lower forms.

If My silence cannot speak, what avail is words? My message can be only

given the way it should be given by the life you live, without you speaking even

a word.

Everything happens by the will of God and is necessary.

I am to each what each feels I am. I am in you all. I am everywhere. I am the

only companion who is with you from the very beginning and will remain with

you till the very end. I am the only friend who will not let you down.

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Do not worry. Be happy. Worry is unnecessary. Necessary worry is not good

but unnecessary worry is madness. Do everything but do not worry. Worrying

binds. When one is beyond worry, one is happy. Do not worry. Worry

accumulates and grows in strength and becomes a habit long after the original

cause has ceased to be. Think of me more and more and all your worries will

disappear into the nothing they really are. My divine will works out to awaken

you to this. Your only worry should be that you never forget God.

You cannot blame anyone for your condition. Whatever you want to be that

you become and which is governed by the law of karma, cause and effect.

However, if you want to blame anyone, blame Me, for everything in the

universe has come out of Me and so I am the only one who can be blamed.

Accept what God gives you with firm faith in His love and grace. Then you will

find peace and strength.

Always say ‘All is well and beautiful. I am happy.’ Say to yourself ‘I am meant

to be happy to make others happy. Life is so beautiful and meant to be happy.’

It is always the outlook that counts and not the subject I will help you.

Do not seek My blessings which is always with you, but long for the day when

My grace will descend on all who love Me. Most blessed are they who do not

even long for My grace but simply seek to do My will.

Life is a game of hide and seek; where the seeker seeks until he finds that he

himself is the sought.

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Mind stopped is God. Mind working is man. Mind slowed down is mast.

Mind working fast is mad.

Man is born once with the birth of the mind and man dies once with the

annihilation of the mind. Birth of the mind involves the process of evolution,

reincarnation and involution. Death of the mind is the realization of the Self.

Of the three worlds in the gross sphere which was inhabited by human beings,

ours, this earth, is the one wherein man is highest spiritually. Man on this earth

possesses in his personality equal degrees of head and heart (50% head and 50

% heart). Man in the other two worlds possess 100% head and 75% head and

25% heart respectively. Man in the course of his reincarnation is born in any of

the three worlds but must finally take form and reincarnate on this earth to

fulfill his divine destiny which is God Realization. In the gross sphere the earth is

the last and nearest stepping stone to the path. The two other worlds are most

close to the earth in the pattern of habitation. Although there are 18000 worlds

with life these two worlds and the earth are akin to one another in the pattern

of human life.

My next advent will be in 700 years when all the five Perfect Masters will be


Creation is really a mighty joke but the laugh is at My own expense and now

the jest is proving a burden on My chest. It is I who have cancer, for you all

around Me and the whole world are My cancerous growth and I suffer

continuously. I am so infinite that I Myself cannot fathom My infinity.

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Unless a snake is killed by a human being it remains always a snake.

Remember whosoever forms a friendship with Me, loses everything, even

the Self. Come only with longing to give Me your all: body, mind and

possessions with all the attachments. I am the One who many seek but few

find. All worship eventually comes to me. I am the Ocean of purity. Those who

wait for Me never wait it vain. Hold on to My daaman and wait for My call.

Never think you are obliging anybody by rendering any kind of help. On the

contrary believe that the recipient of your generosity gives you a chance to serve


If you marry, you incur seven more births and it is for this reason saints and

realized Masters advice their devotees an unmarried life. These seven births go

on multiplying: 7 X 7 = 49 X 7 = 343 X 7 = 2401 X 7 and so on.

One day I will take you to the place where creation started.

I do not sleep but I rest at a certain point between the sixth and seventh plane.

Do not be discouraged. Although you do not have the love that is needed,

you have deep faith in Me. Try always to remember Me, to speak to Me. This is

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the best beginning and the determination to be ready to receive My grace. If

this continues, a day will come when you will be the lucky one. Perpetuate this

feeling in your heart and increase it, making it deeper and deeper. Remember

Me after starting and finishing your work. Say’ ‘Baba, it is you and not I who

am doing’. This gradually minimizes the strength of the ego and eventually

destroys it. Do not forget I am the cause and effect.

When nothing upsets you, you are at the beginning of the path. When you

desire nothing, you are half way on the path. When nothing becomes

everything you are perfected.

No one is so bad as to not to improve and become good. Everyone, however

depraved, can improve and become better until he becomes a paragon of

virtue. There is always hope for everyone.

Not only in this incarnation but every time I come I stress that love is the

remedy. I love you. Do not worry about your weaknesses. Eventually they will

go, even if they linger love will one day consume them. Everything disappears in

the Ocean of love. Because I love you, you have a pool of love within you. It is

always there. Even if you wash your weaknesses everyday in that pool, it will

remain clear. Do not worry. Baba loves you and that is what really matters.

Only intense love for Me brings you to obey Me as I want you to do. I am the

Ocean of love and you are the drops in the Ocean.

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To those whose hearts are pure and simple true love comes as a gift through

the activating grace of a Master.

Your love for yourself veils Me. You love for Me unveils Me. It is love alone

which can lift the veil between lover and beloved. You and I remain divided by

nothing but the veil of you yourself. Eventually it is I who gives you love. You

have your love in a small way. You have to exercise that love. Try to love Me in

that small way to prepare yourself for the time when I shall give My love in a big


Start learning to love God by loving those whom you cannot. All paths are

mine and all lead eventually to Me. But the shortest way to Me is the path of

self-annihilating love. My way is the way of love, of self effacement. Although I

take birth for all mankind, fortunate are the ones who love Me while I am on


While working in seclusion I leave My physical body which will be dead to

feelings of touch and I will not feel if the body were hammered or cut. I draw a

boundary all around of a radius of 50 yards so that no one can come in. Anyone

trying to cross the boundary line will instantly drop dead. That is why I keep a

watch at a distance of 100 yards. I am really the one who is not in seclusion. It

is the rest of humanity that is in seclusion and I have come to make it emerge

into eternal freshness.

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In the divine game I am the only live child. I play with the universe and so-

called beings and things are to Me toys. I am a farmer too; I till the universe. In

700 years when I come again there will be no more grapes on earth; maybe that

will help stop drunkenness too.

I use the circumstances of everyday life and liberate my devotees but I use

them in a way that is beyond the comprehension of the intellect. So you must

not expect Me to provide you with blue prints of My plans. Have faith in Me,

supreme faith. I am always with you, directing you as you are My own vehicle.

Whatever you accomplish in all that you do or do not do is My will. You are an

instrument in My divine orchestra, an instrument which I need that which must

be perfected.

To obey Me is the best religious act that you can perform and by doing so you

will free yourself from all the bondages of the customs and rites of religion.

The Book: the discourses of mine are nothing compared to what I have

written in My Book at Meherabad. Its 300 pages cover only short points and

when they are fully amplified and re-written; the points will comprise several

large volumes. It is full of secrets which no previous saint, prophet or Avatar has

ever divulged. The book has not been read by anyone and no one is aware

where it is.

The best time for meditation is between 3am and 5am. There is a connection

between the sun and the universe and in order to meditate, one must cross the

solar planes. In order to give push to the devotees, Sadgurus especially stand

in the front of these planes and the universe between 3 and 5 am.

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Think of others more than you think of yourselves. Use up your bodies for

the same. This is absolutely necessary if you want to realize God.

No sooner you begin to love those whom you cannot love, you begin to love

Me as I should be loved.

When one completely depends on Me and leaves things to Me I see that the

reverses from the head gradually give way. Your own weakness open your way

and lead you to rise above them. They all have to come out once and the

sooner the better. The trouble with you is that you do not leave everything

entirely to me.

Hold fast to my daaman so that I will take you where I go as otherwise you will

be lost.

I am the emperor. But if you go after the guards and servants of the palace it

is sheer folly on your part.

Shut the tap of your mind and end all worries. Open the tap of your heart

and release love.

I am the purest of the pure. I can purify the worst sinners.

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I am a thief. If I do not steal your heart how will you remember Me.

One line prayer: Hari, Paramathma, Allah, Ahuramazda, God, Yezdan, Hu.

Do not seek material pleasure and you will find the spiritual treasure for

which there are three ways:

o Earn it yourself by self denial

o Receive it as a spontaneous gift from God given to His lover whose self has been

effaced in the intensity of his longing for the Beloved

o Inherit it directly from a Perfect Master who bequeaths it to those who remain

completely resigned to him.

Silence: The state which transcends speech and thought is mouna; it is

meditation without mental activity. Subjugation of the mind is meditation.

Deep meditation is eternal speech.

Love makes the formless and infinite become enformed and finite as the God-

Man among men.

To suffering humanity I say: have hope. I have come to help you in

surrendering yourself to the cause of God and in accepting His grace of love and

truth. I have come to help you in winning the one victory of all victories – to win


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Everyone seeks to be happy and yet most persons are immersed in some

kind of suffering. Man seeks happiness through the fulfillment of his desires but

such a fulfillment is never an assured thing. Hence in the pursuit of desires man

is also unavoidably preparing for the suffering from their non-fulfillment.

I am nearer to you than your own breath. Remember Me and I am always

with you and my love will guide you. So keep me with you always. Through

unfathomable ways I lead you to liberation. Accept My rhythm, come in tune

with it without reservations.

Better think of me when you eat, sleep, see or hear. Enjoy everything, do not

discard anything but think it is Baba who is enjoying, who is eating, sleeping

soundly and when you wake up remember Baba is getting up. If you do wrong

think Baba is doing wrong. If you get a pain, think it is Baba who is having the

pain. Keep this one thought constantly with you. If you do all this sincerely, you

will know something.

It is natural that at times you feel 100% miserable but be sure that I know

everything. When everything goes wrong the mind becomes helpless and has to

rely on the heart. These are the only moments when you resign to My will and

rely solely on My help. When you call Me I dare not neglect you and you get

relief from your predicament.

In your daily lives be more careful of your thoughts, words and actions. If you

go against what you express, it would be an insult to Me.

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Be happy in whatever situation you find yourself in because it is I who placed

you there.

Pray. It is good to pray. But the prayer that reaches Me is not a long list of

wants, that will never reach Me. Just say My name and it will reach Me. When

you pray asking for something that prayer does not reach Me. But if you ask Me

but do not expect an answer that prayer reaches Me. Man’s heart is such that it

pours out in many words. Let these words help you to glorify Me and even if

there is a loving, long list of all the glories that you attribute to Me, that will

reach Me.

Some of the prayers invariably contain an element of asking something from

God, either material or spiritual. In fact, God is so merciful that even without

asking, He always gives much more than His lovers can receive. He knows their

minds more deeply than they do. Therefore, the element of asking something

from God is superfluous. It often mars the inner love and worship which a

prayer brings to express.

The ideal prayer to the Lord is nothing more than a spontaneous praise of His

being. Not thinking ill of others itself is a spontaneous prayer. Prayers and

forms of worship are only the means for realization of God. You are much lost in

the formality of the thing and its details, that instead of God you are

worshipping the prayer. By all means perform your prayer but do not become

an automaton.

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Think thoughts you would not hesitate to think in My presence. Speak words

you would not hesitate to speak in My presence. Do things you would not

hesitate to do in My presence.

The people of the world, the masses do not really believe in the existence of

God. They merely fear God as an unknown mighty being, who rewards the good

and worthy and punishes the wicked. It is the punishment of hell created by

God that they fear more than God Himself. If they really believed in Him, in His

existence and were afraid of Him, their behavior would be quite different from

what it is today: dishonesty, selfishness, deceitfulness and wickedness. If they

really felt afraid of God, they would be ever alert not to do anything that would

displease Him or that He would not like. If they really trusted in God and

believed in His existence, they would never rest until they found Him. For,

when love of Him comes, fear vanishes and when love reaches its zenith, the

lover finds that he himself is the Beloved.

What is love? To give and never to ask; what leads to this love? Grace. The

points that lead to grace are wishing well for others at the cost of one’s self,

never back-biting, tolerance supreme, trying not to worry, thinking more of the

good points in others and less of bad points. What you have been doing is

thinking of yourself. So, now you must not think of yourself but think of others.

This is what is called love, but it needs character, poise and perseverance. Poise

is the state of mind where nothing excites you. Then only can you help others

and then only can you make others happy.

Rejection of desire by controlling action avoids the possibility of sowing

seeds of future desires. When desires are denied their expression and

fulfillment in action and are allowed to pass through the intensity of the fire of a

cognitive consciousness which does not sanction them, the seeds of these

desires are consumed. Rejection of desires is a preparation for desirelessness or

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the state of non-wanting which alone can bring about thorough freedom. One

who loves God has only one longing, one worry; that is to become one with

God. Want nothing and you will have everything.

The most practical way for the common man to express the language of the

heart while attending to his daily duties is to speak lovingly, think lovingly, act

lovingly towards all mankind, irrespective of cast or creed and taking God to be

present in each and everyone. Let your own life of love for Baba be the

message of Baba’s love for one and all.

Be honest. Weaknesses there are. Don’t be afraid of them. You must be

afraid of dishonesty. Who does not get bad thoughts? They are the foundation

of life. No house can stand without foundation. Thoughts can be good or bad.

One should take care of one’s actions. Had it been for the weakness of

everyone, there would have been no difference between you and Me.

Every time you go to sleep, you are unconsciously united with the Infinite


The signal of the master comes when you least expect it. It comes when the

disciple is beyond fooling himself. It always comes at the last confirmatory

benediction from the eternal witness.

The only message that I could give and have been giving is ‘Love God’ and

you will find that your own self is nothing but God. I am one of you. One with

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you and we all are one. To realize this oneness, love God wholeheartedly and

honestly, sacrificing everything at the altar of this supreme love and you will

realize the Beloved within you.

Trust God completely and He will solve all your difficulties. Faithfully leave

everything to Him and He will see to everything. Love God sincerely and He will

reveal Himself to you. This love needs no ceremony or show. Your heart must

love Him so that even your mind is not aware of it.

Do not be angry but be pleased with one who back-bites about you, for

thereby he renders service to you by diminishing the load of your sanskaras.

Also, pity him, for thereby, he makes his load of sanskaras more burdensome.

Do not criticize. The habit of criticizing fellow beings is bad. At the bottom of it

lie self righteousness, conceit and a false sense of superiority. Sometimes it

indicates envy or a desire for retaliation.

You say you do not like to live, you feel tired of this life and body.

Unwelcome thoughts and bad thoughts disturb you and make you unhappy.

But life is thoughts and not body. The body is there when you are asleep. The

moment you wake up, you begin to think. Nobody in this world is satisfied with

his lot. Nobody feels completely happy. Think of the poor creatures, the

paralyzed, and the lepers and there are thousands like these silently dragging

on. Why not compare your lot with the dumb illiterate millions. You will realize

you are most fortunate.

If a man wants the happiness he is striving for, let him be more aggressive

towards himself and more tolerant towards others.

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The whole of life is like playing a game of hide and seek in which you have to

find your Real Self. Unless you lose yourself you cannot find yourself. This mean

three things in one. First love God so much that you forget yourself. Second,

sacrifice all your carnal desires for the soul. Third, be completely resigned to

God’s will.

If people were to ask me: ‘Have you seen God?’ I would reply: “What else is

there to see?” If they were to ask me: ‘Are you God?’I would reply: “What else

could I be?” if they were to ask me: ‘Are you the Avatar?’ I would say: “Why else

have I taken this human form?” I am the one that so many seek and so few find.

Although I appear to be silent, I speak through you all. People generally remain

indifferent when I am present among them. They understand and appreciate

Me after I drop My body. This is the way whenever I come.

When God manifests on earth in the form of man and reveals His divinity to

mankind; he is recognized as the Avatar. Then God becomes man.

The Avatar is always one and the same, because God is always One and the

same, eternal, indivisible, infinite, one who manifests Himself in the form of

man as the Avatar; the Highest of the High.

You belittle Me if you tell people that they should forget their devotion to

Rama, Krishna, Christ, Zoroaster or anything of that sort. I am the same Ancient

One. If others are devoted to Rama, Krishna, Christ, Zoroaster or others and if

you drag them out of their devotion and try to divert it to Me, you belittle Me in

their devotion, because I am the same Rama, Krishna, Christ, Zoroaster or

others. I am the ‘Fresh stock’.

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God is the most intimate one but His grace is required to have His close

contact. Remember that all your companions in the world will be there only for

a relatively few years, while I will be your companion until the end. I am your

Real Companion. I want you to make Me your constant companion. I am the

only friend who will not let you down.

When My lovers pointedly call Me I dare not ignore them. I am the slave of

the love of My lovers.

You can leave your mind to My care by remembering Me or repeating My

name silently as often as you can.

If you link yourself to Me, even with a small pipeline you can draw all the

energy for yourself.

I am the One to take, the One to give what you want, as you want. Want

nothing and you will have everything.

Whenever you find yourself helpless, call for My help and I am prepared to

give it to you.

Remember that when anyone hurts you, it is I who hurt you. When anyone

loves you, it is I who love you. When anyone laughs at you, it is I who am

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laughing. When you love anyone, it is I whom you love. I am in all things. How

can you realize My Infinite presence, if you shrink from Me in those who hurt you

and welcome Me in those who please you?

If you want to love Me you should not create confusion among yourselves.

Love Me in everyone. Serve Me in each other. I am present whenever or

wherever I am remembered with love. I am present at any saskirtan done with

love, irrespective of numbers. What counts is My Presence. Love means

longing, love means restlessness, love means harassment, and love means


All religions are revelations of One God. You are not to give up your religion

but to give up clinging to the outer husk of mere rituals and ceremonies. The

basis of all religions is nothing but love for God and so what is really needed is to

establish that love in our hearts without formalizing it. Always remember that

rites, rituals and ceremonies cover Me but pure worship reveals Me. The

religion I give teaches the knowledge of the One behind the many. Follow any

religion you like but follow its innermost nucleus. My personal religion is My

being the Ancient One and the religion I impart to all is love for God which is

the Truth of all religion.

Spirituality does not mean renunciation of worldly activities. It means the

internal renunciation of mundane desires. True spirituality is not concerned

with any part of life but with life in its totality in all its aspects. Spirituality is the

undoing of what you have been doing since ages.

Untimely physical healing retards spiritual healing; if borne willingly, physical

and mental suffering can make one worthy of receiving spiritual healing.

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Consider these as gifts from God which if accepted gracefully lead to everlasting


It is a divine act to always look cheerful. Divinity is not devoid of humanity.

Feelings at rest and thoughts at work is mind. Thoughts at rest and feelings

at work is heart.

The mind is capable of turning the bitterest enemy into the sweetest friend

by constantly thinking well of him.

Wanting is a state of disturbed equilibrium and non-wanting is a state of

poise. The more you want the more miserable you are. What you need is not

blind repression but an intelligent sublimation of desires. I give not what people

want but what people need. What one seeks with all his heart, one gets.

When you say you sought and did not get, it means you did not seek as you

ought to have sought.

I am God and I am insulted every moment and yet I never fail to respond with

love. My grace is eternally flowing. Wherever you go, I am there. Show me the

place where I am not. I am whatever anyone takes Me to be.

My remembrance is the solution to all the problems in the world.

Repetition of my name sincerely will serve as a net around you.

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All your relations and friends in the world are only your companions for the

time being. They remain with you for a certain period but I am the only

companion who is with you from the very beginning and will remain with you till

the very end.

Eventually it is in My hands to give you love. It is in your hands to serve Me,

to love Me and to love Me in your own small way. The great love that I am

going to give you will be My own gift to you.

It is easy to love Baba if Baba bestows health, money, fame, influence etc.

When Baba withdraws all these and when there is ‘nash’ of these things, to

remain steadfast and love Baba; that is indeed My miracle. To love Me for what

I may give you is not loving Me at all.

For purification of the heart, leave your thoughts alone but maintain

constant vigil over your actions. Let the thoughts of anger lust, greed etc, come

freely without putting these into words and deeds. Then the related

impressions of your mind begin to wear out and become less harmful. When

you feel angry or have lustful thoughts, remember Baba once. Let My name

serve as a net around you.

Whenever you get excited; feel others are unjust, feel they pass remarks,

feel you are in the right and they are in the wrong; the very moment you feel all

this; remember Me and control.

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When one completely depends on Me and leaves things to Me, I see that the

reverses from the head gradually give way. I will order everything for the best

as you deserve. The way you feel and your own weaknesses open your way and

lead you to rise above them. They all have come out once and the sooner the


Love Me more and more and that will take care till nothing but pure love

divine remains.

God is everywhere and does everything.

God is within us and knows everything.

God is without us and sees everything.

God is beyond us and is everything.

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“What is spirituality? It is the undoing of what you have been doing since ages.

You always thought of selfish motives: eating, preserving your life, and

attending to every need with zeal. All these lives you have made a habit of

looking to yourself. If the slightest thing goes against your habit you are upset.

Now, to undo all these selfish bindings, you have to do what you have not been

doing, or not to do what you have been doing.

What you have been doing always is thinking of yourself, so now you must not

think of yourself, but think of others. This is what is called ‘love’. But it needs

character, poise, perseverance. Poise; what is it? That state of mind where

nothing excites you, nothing upsets you. Only if you have poise can you help

others, then only can you make others happy. That means love: thinking not of

yourself, but of others.

If you are in the Sahara, and for four days you have no water to drink at all, all of

a sudden, one bottle of water appears; how do you react? If you have poise,

you will let your companion drink and not mind dying and letting her live. But if

you fight and grab for it, you lack poise and spirituality. It is this poise that

makes you sacrifice and makes others happy.

For example, I always say: Make the best of everything. Here you have food,

swimming, boating. Make the most of them and feel happy. Do not say it is not

spiritual to enjoy little pleasures. But when we are driving on tour and there is

dust and we feel hunger, thirst and feel sick, then feel as happy as you do now.

That is poise. If you do not feel happy now, it is not easy to feel happy while

travelling. I do not mean making a show of being happy, but really to feel


For my circle, it is all right. You live with me, leave all for me, so you are serving

the universe. But for those who are not living near me, this poise is one

hundred percent essential for spirituality.

Again, what is spirituality? Poise! Perfect poise! Make the most of every

situation. He who upsets no one is a good man. He who is upset by no one is

a God-Man!”

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Whenever I visit a place and stay there for however short a time, its spiritual

atmosphere becomes greatly elevated;

Myrtle Beach: ages ago this was a place where I moved about and stayed. The

combination of the lake, the ocean and the woods, give it a unique atmosphere.

I never leave, remember, because this is My home.

Mathura, Gokul, Vriindavan: when I see these places I remember My old habits.

They are like My old well remembered haunts. Here was I when I used to play

with My Gopis and steal milk and curds. Here I played My flute and here My

Radha would come running to Me. Now I have brought My new gopis with Me

and now Mehera is My Radha.

Switzerland: I have drawn a circle round the country so that it will not be

involved in the coming war.

Meherabad: this is the most important one. It is the best place for those on

the spiritual path. In the future Meherabad will be like Jerusalem. For My

spiritual work it is the best place. It will always be the centre of My work.

At Ceylon: the ashrams which I have founded in Devonshire, New York, Nasik,

Ahmednagar and Madras are open to all.

Byramangala: (near Bangalore)

Nasik: you will never understand My universal work. During this period of my

Avatarhood I had to cleanse the world completely. This over-hauling will last a

thousand years. During My Avatarhood the greatest work will be achieved: the

union of East and the West. I am the universal Avatar and not an Avatar for the

East or the West individually as in previous advents. I belong to the whole


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USA: I intend bringing together all the religions and cults like beads on one

string and revitalize them for individual and collective needs. This is My mission

in the West. The peace and harmony that I shall talk of and that will settle on

the face of the world is not far off.

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I am the Avatar. There are always 56 God Realized souls. Five out of the 56 are

sent out into the world. But in the Avataric period these five become one, thus

demonstrating the cycle when the Avatar appears in human form. Therefore,

the Avatar exists in the hearts of the five in One. All are one. But in the

Avataric period the Avatar is equal to five Sadgurus.

Ganesh was the first in creation to become God realized and he is the same

Ancient One who comes down again and again, age after age as the

embodiment of the Universal Mind.

I was Shivaji, the Maratha warrior in my last birth. At that time Sadhashiv Patel

was Tenali, Buwasaheb was Afzal Khan and Gulmai was Shivaji’s mother Jija


Gandhi will one day be perfect and he will have to take three more births.

General Dyer of Jalianwalabagh fame will be one of the members of his esoteric


Edward VIII has a past connection with Me and will join Me.

Jesus stationed himself in the Fourth Plane (of miracles), Zoroaster on the Sixth

Plane and Mohammed on the Seventh Plane.

Ramana Maharishi achieved God Realization.

Aurobindo Ghosh was on the Sixth Plane of Consciousness and at the time of his

dropping his body, I gave him God Realization.

Ramakrishna Paramahansa was a Perfect Master and I call him ‘The Heralder of

the Avataric Age’.

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Karam masi: you were Buddha’s aunt.

Gaimai: when I come back after 700 years you will be My mother and Karman

masi My father.

Eruch is more reliable. If ever I like the company of anyone it is that of Eruch.

Shakespeare is presently reincarnated in India and is now a Brahmin, taking a

leading part in politics, but one of the most sincere and selfless workers for the


Rajaji is the best among the whole lot: sincere, clever, capable, sociable and

above all, old enough to face all situations, flexible to adapt himself to changing

circumstances not through weakness but cleverness. He is not obstinate or

rigid. He is the only man who can face Gandhi and tell him boldly what he feels.

Gokhale, Tilak and Phizroshah Mehta were the pillars of Indian politics.

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1. Do not shirk your responsibilities.

2. Attend faithfully to your worldly duties and keep always at the back of your

mind that all this is Baba’s.

3. When you feel happy think, ‘Baba wants me to be happy’. When you suffer

think, ‘Baba wants me to suffer’.

4. Be resigned to your situation and think honestly and sincerely that Baba has

placed you in the situation.

5. With the understanding that Baba is in everyone, try to help and serve others.

6. I say with My divine authority to each and all that whosoever takes My name

at the time of breathing his last comes to Me. So do not forget to remember

Me in your last moments. Unless you start remembering Me now on it will be

difficult to remember Me when your end approaches. Start now. Even if you

take My name only once a day, you will not forget Me in your dying moments.
