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Avaya Emergency Preparedness Business Continuity

Date post: 22-Jan-2015
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Building communications continuity into your business continuity planning
  • 1. Building communications continuity into your business continuity planning

2. Industry: Cost of Downtime (est. per hour)

  • Brokerage operations $6,450,000
  • Credit card authorization $2,600,000
  • Web-based Business $150,000 - 225,000
  • Package shipping services $150,000
  • Catalog sales center $90,000
  • Airline reservation center $89,000
  • Cellular service activation $41,000
  • On-line network fees $25,000
  • ATM service fees $14,000

What will Communications DowntimeCost your Business? 3. Market Landscape What is Out There For You?

  • Demand for Recovery and Operational Resiliency is growing.( A Gartner 2007 survey showed 45% of the respondents reporting an IT-DR budget increase from 4% to more than 8%.)
  • Business Continuity historically has been IT-DR focused, but with new classes of threats, it now needs to include all operations and be more comprehensive.
  • A study says that only 2% of enterprise consider communications as part of their BC/DR plan
  • Voice is arguably the most critical application, being able to communicate with employees, customers, suppliers during unplanned disruptions.

4. Key Message! Reacting to a Disruption Don't takeavailability of communications for granted!

  • Your communication infrastructure may not be ...
    • ... asresilient and reliableas it needs to be (Is one lost data link the end to your communications capabilities?)
    • ...easy to use(How do your employees call for help?)
    • ... able toreach the necessary people(Does away from the desk mean out of control?)
    • ... able tocapture all necessary information(Do you know where exactly in your building that 911 call came from?Does your security team know all about that malicious call that your call centre agent is just now receiving?)
    • ... capable of aquick recovery(Can you quickly set up an alternative communication hub if you are forced out of your building to enable your core business functions to continue?)

5. The Message: The Three Rs of Enterprise Communications Continuity

  • Enables organizations to plan for, react to and recover from a disruption with communications

Identify Risk Define Responsibilities Prepare Plan Sustaining Actions Plans:Day-Week-Month Communicate Activate Notify Plan Engagement When we took a hard look at our business continuity plans and the security and emergency readiness of our network, we concluded that this wasnt an area where we wanted to leave anything to chance. San Francisco International Airport Refine Respond Recover Severe Weather Power Outage Terrorism F I R E 6. Risk Management Framework Event Event Response Objectives Impact Statement Impact Comparison Against Objectives Response Plan Social Impact Corporate Impact Personnel Impact Customer Impact Passive Impact Assessment Social Impact Corporate Impact Personnel Impact Customer Impact Active Impact Assessment Social Response Corporate Response Personnel Response Customer Response 7. Four Strategies for Delivering Communications Continuity 2009 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.

  • Build Social Distancing into your organization
  • Home-basing employees
  • Disaggregated campuses
  • Self-service
  • Sequestering


  • Business Issues
  • Staff unwilling/unable to work in central location
  • Social cocooning becomes dominant
  • Businesses are unprepared for long term employee absence
  • Solutions
  • Prepare for technological and business impacts
  • Provide employees with capabilities to which theyre accustomed
  • Staff should be reachable by customers and co-workers in the same manner as before the pandemic

Implement Teleworking Strategy Knowledge Workers and Contact Center Agents Recent outbreaks of swine flu highlight the need for companies to have in place pandemic plans that address workforce absenteeism rates of 40% or higher. - Gartner Inc. analyst Rick DeLotto ` 9. Architecture for Disaggregated Offices

  • Business Issue
  • A single event can shut down a officefor days, weeks, months
  • Contact centers are extremely vulnerable
  • Dependence on a single physical location risks complete shut down

2009 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.

  • Avaya Solution
  • Rapid deployment is critical
  • Ensure unique communications needs are met with multi-vendor platform integration
  • Free contact centers from geographical constraints with real-time agent login

This is a really lousy economic time for businesses to have to go cold turkey and not be able to carry on,Chuck Wilsker President and CEO of The Telework Coalition in Washington, D.C o o o Session Manager Session Manager Session Manager Feature Server Feature Server Feature Server SP Avaya Aura 10. Expand Self-Service 2009 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.

  • Business Issues
  • Your customers want less face to face interaction
  • They will want to find ways to do business from their home
  • Can your available resources handle core volumes
  • Solutions
  • Automate customer interaction with voice and Web solutions
  • Conduct an assessment to identify self service strategy based on business needs
  • Communicate with customers & employees via automated tools

Crisis Event Stage Transaction Rates PrePeakPost Resource Supply Resource Demand 11. Support Sequestering

  • Business Issues
  • Key employees with mission-critical roles must work with restricted access to society at large
  • Groups of employees must be able to change locations quickly
  • Certain geographies might not be accessible for work

2009 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.

  • Solutions
  • Ensure flexibility and rapid deployment with a network integrated temporary communications solution
  • Emulate real-life interaction with video collaboration
  • Prepare for severe scenarios with satellite based solution

12. The Avaya Notification Server - Overview 13. Enterprise/Campus wide - Urgent Notification

  • An Increased Need
  • Increased Risk, Threat and Cost, resulting from
    • Natural disasters (Hurricanes, Tornados, Tsunamis), resulting from global climate change
    • Regional political turmoil
    • Global market dynamics
    • Terrorist or criminal activity
  • Increased Awareness of the Need to be able to Effectively Respond
    • 911 calls and ability of first line response (e.g. campus security) - seconds can cost lives
    • Weather (snow storms, tornadoes, hurricanes) stay at home, alternative office, facilities
    • Coordination of response teams in the event of an emergency
  • Timely Effective Centrally Managed Response Increasingly Critical

14. A Notification System

  • A centrally located alert and notification system for use by business leadership,
  • human resource management, first line response teams and public safety workers
  • An ability to convey critical information and instructions across the organization or response network, real-time
  • Triggered at the push of a button or automated
  • Pre-configured, dynamic and personalized messages
  • Instructions on what to do, how to proceed and how to respond
  • Target specific individuals and groups within the organization or network by roles,responsibilities and location
  • Capture and consolidate response real-time, regardless of communications mediums
  • Support post event analysis

15. Avaya Notification Server Architecture AVAYA NOTIFICATION SERVER (ANS) Notify and Response SMS Channel IP Network, PSTN, and Wireless IP Phones Analog Phone Mobile Desktop ANS Web Portal WiFi SMS Email Text & Audio Text & Audio Text & Audio Audio Text Text Text IP Phone Channel Voice Channel Email Channel Business Processes (CEBP) Emergency Alerts IM Channel WiFi Channel Vertical Solutions (Financials, Healthcare, Hospitality, Public Sector) Web Services Interface Future Future Notify and Transfer Notify and Conference Multimodal Notifications Escalation Tree User / Group Profiles IT System Alarms Smart Finder Proactive Outreach Notify and Merge Future 16. ANS Connectivity 17. ANS Feature Highlights

  • Management Console / Admin UI (Web Portal)
    • Message Creation (Pre-recorded and Text-To-Speech)
    • Broadcast (Groups, Priority, Security/PIN)
    • Reporting on Message Broadcast (Real-time, End of Broadcast reach, response, response time and device)
    • User / Group Profile and LDAP Synchronizing
  • Broadcast Trigger (Management Console, Phone or Third party system)
  • Multi-model Notification (2-way Voice, 2-way Avaya IP Phone, 1-way SMS & Email/SMTP)
  • Notify and Response, Notify and Transfer, Notify and Conference
  • Throughput and Capacity 5,500 Voice Notifications (60 second message) 1 hour
  • Integrated with Avaya Communication Manager R4 and above
  • Open Web Services API for integration with third party systems
  • Horizontally scalable architecture, Highly Available (HA)
  • Allow Custom Application Add-on
    • Custom Web Portal
    • Custom Web Service API adapters
    • Custom Delivery Channels
    • Custom Voice Portal (IVR) Applications
    • Custom Language Support

18. Emergency Notification Use Cases 19. Emergency Operations Center 20. Critical Business Event 21. Tornado Threat - Branch 22. Major Financial InstitutionLeverages Virtual Workforce

  • Operation depends on over 2000 people working in Manhattan
  • Business Continuity Mandate to work from anywhere
    • Driven by need travel, customer visits
    • Driven by necessity pandemic,weather, strike, terrorism
  • Solution created
    • Avaya one-X Portal enablesemployees to work at home,moving critical face toface employees to NJ sites

For companies trying to justify business continuity initiatives as a consequence of virtualization, typically absence rates decline, employee satisfaction increases and productivity grows 23. Communications Preparedness Summary

  • Dont be caught off guard build a plan today
    • How would you have reacted if we reached Stage 6 in the recent pandemic?
  • Model and test your plan, to ensure smooth operations
    • Are you confident your enterprise can do without communications for a day?Week?
  • Build flexibility into yourcommunications plan
    • Do you know where and whenyour business continuity planwill be called upon?

2009 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 24. Related Offers

  • Service Offers
  • CC Pandemic Readiness Review
  • CC Pandemic Desktop Exercises
  • Telecommuter / Home AgentProgram Development
  • Telecommuter / Home AgentProgram Evaluation
  • Self-Service Application Development
  • Call Back Survey
  • Emergency Broadcast Notification
  • Enterprise Continuity Assessment& Mitigation
  • AOS
  • ProductOffers
  • Avaya Aura
  • VoicePortal
  • Mobile Communications System
  • Avaya one-X Communicator
  • Avaya one-X Portal
  • Avaya one-X Agent
  • VPNremote phone
  • Video
    • Group systems
    • Desktop
    • Contact center

2009 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 25. 2009 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. Questions
