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Aviation Labour Group Profile

Date post: 01-Nov-2014
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A brief introduction to the Aviation Labour Group



iation a our rou ecruit ent ervices:

AIG is a specialised a tion labour h and crui ent company operating acrossAus , ew aland and Asia. ALG provides greater lue to clients through ourcollective erfr'se in recruitment services and a n ope tions. help u getthe h g decisian ht, ether u need people for the office, ht ope tians,

en inee g, logistics, check-in, or the flight deck.

Group strengthsln recruitment there is nothing more powerful than

experience. ALG employs trained and experiencedrecruitment managers who work to help clients

achieve their desired recruitment outcomes. To

support the recruitment managers, ALG has built

systems based on the quality management standardsdesigned by International Standards Organisation(lSO). ALG has also integrated the latest lnformation

Technology to manage a worldwide talent pool ready

to access immediately.

Aviation Labour Group's clients gainfrom our strengths:

Knowledge & Understanding

ALG recruitment managers use their experience of

the aviation sector, to tailor recruitment actions andprocesses to deliver quality outcomes for clients. Our

recruitment process and systems establish integrated,

consultative relationships with clients that ensure

each part of the client's business achieves its staffinggoals.

Systems & Technology

ALG recruitment processes are modelled on bestpractice end to end recruitment methods. Our

recruitment systems have been independentlycertified to ISO Quality Management Systemsstandards by Societe Generale de Surveillance (SGS),

the world's leading certification company.

Using the most up to date database systems ALG

ensures our customers are able to choose the best

people to work for them. To achieve this ALG utilises

one of the most up to date talent pool and applicantmanagement software systems.

Partnership Approach

ALG builds strong successful long-term businesspartnerships with our clients based on open

communication, honesty, responsiveness andprofessional recruitment advice and services.

Team Culture

Our clients are part of our team. Together we are

motivated and strive for excellence and the right

hiring outcomes. ALG clients benefit from our people

having a team spirit, working co-operatively to help

each other achieve our goals.

Our Vision

To provide the most compliant recruitment and on-hire

services to meet and exceed customer expectationsat a competitive price.

Maximise your returns on investmentMaking the wrong recruitment decision can be

expensive. Direct and indirect costs of an unsuitable

employee can impact on business performance and

prof its.

At ALG, oUr core business is aviation recruitment. Our

customers maximise on their recruitment investment

by partnering with ALG to get the hiring decision right.

Service Level StandardsOur key 'service levels' and 'key performanceindicators' are built into our business processes.

Quality underpins everything we do at Aviation Labour

Group and our off ices are fully accredited to the ISO

9001 :2008 Quality Management Systems standard.Our systems ensure that effective controls are

consistently applied to our recruitment processes. We

also monitor our performance to enable continuousprocess improvement in our service deliverystandards and customer satisfaction levels.

ALG Recruitment ProcessIt is a pillar of our quality management system to

ensure our recruitment processes are stringentlyfollowed. ALG recruitment managers have an

extensive suite of tools that support the 'ALG

lntegrated Recruitment Solutions' process. By utilising

technology that supports a large database andapplicant tracking system our industry experiencedrecruiters tailor a recruitment solution. Our f irst point

of difference is our talent management process. Ourpassive and active talent pools are aviation industry

specific and our people are experts in managing the

end to end process based on the following model:


Active talentpool


Current needs


Traditionalflow of


Passive talentpool

ALG brandrng

Future needs

ALG workflow, search, screening, assessment

Shortlisted candidate

lnterview / Test I Fit for team


Reference / aptitude I medical checking

Negotiations and notif ication of job offer


Step by Step Procedure

1. Obtaining client brief

Our recruitment managers have the experience to notonly receive a request but also intelligently discussand offer advice and support in the compilation ofcandidates.

2. Strategy design

Your ALG recruitment manager designs the strategyand approach for the recruitment campaign to attract,search and select the best talent for the crient.

3. Employer branding

Candidates will ask "what is the company like to workfor?" Having a good answer will help to seil the job tocandidates

4. Attracting the best talent

ALG attracts the right people through directmarketing, our talent pools, database searches andhead hunting worldwide.

5. lnterviewing

ALG recruitment managers are trained in the useof Behavioural Descriptive interviewing techniques.These interviews assess the abilities of candidatesagainst the selection criteria for the job as weil asprovide an insight into their attitude and potential to 'fitinto' the client's culture and work environment.

6. Reference checking

ALG recruitment managers will obtain a minimumtwo references directly from past employers on eachcandidate to verify their experience and performance.

7. Aptitude or psychometric assessments

ALG delivers assessments designed to suit therequirements of each role.

8. Medical/Drug screening

All necessary medical and drug screening will becoordinated by ALG recruitment managers based onclient's requirements.

9. Negotiations & notification of final job offerMost 'final job' offers are straight forward, howeversometimes there are last minute negotiations requiredregarding terms and conditions. ALG recruitmentmanagers will coordinate all aspects of the job offerto ensure a smooth negotiation process and transitioninto the workforce.

10. Assisting client inductions

To allow faster "up to speed" times ALG wiil help todeliver the client's induction program.

ALG management teamALG has a focused and experienced managementteam in the f ields of aviation and recruitment. We havea dedicated team of account managers, recruitersand trainers.

Organ isational stren gthso All staff working for ALG are covered by:

- Public liability insurance valued at


- Working Parties liability AUD$10,000,000

- Product and Grounding liability AUD$10,000,000

o Recruitment software (Fast Track) an advancedcandidate placement system to quickly place theright candidate to the open position.

o Capable, committed and f lexible staff who

understand customer needs.

o ALG recruitment and management staff contactable24hrs a day, to action any requests at minimalnotice.

o Flexible working hours to meet individual job


o Minimal administration costs.

Professional memberships and networks

lnsuranceQBE Aviation Limited Australia

Lega! SupportHemming and Hart Lawyers

Accounting SupportPKF Chartered Accountants & Business advisers

Air Transport

lndustry & Defence
