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Awarding Organisation Guidance Career information advice and guidance April 2010

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AWARDING ORGANISATION GUIDANCE Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England Practitioner Roles and Work-Based Vocational Training Qualifications
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AWARDING ORGANISATION GUIDANCE Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England Practitioner Roles and Work-Based Vocational Training Qualifications
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AWARDING ORGANISATION GUIDANCE Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England Practitioner Roles and Work-Based Vocational Training Qualifications

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Contents 1. Glossary of terms 2. Introduction 3. Section 1: Career information, advice and guidan ce roles in the Adult Advancement and Career Service in England and associated responsibi lities - Roles in the Adult Advancement and Careers Service in England - The wider associated network - Associated roles within different organisations - Management and leadership - Rationale for the differing content and levels of the qualifications - Management and leadership - Working with different client groups 4. Section 2: Work-based Vocational Training Qualifications 5. Level 3 Award for supporting clients to overcome barriers to learning and work - Title of the qualification - Qualification Purpose - Credit value - Units of assessment - Qualification design - Entry requirements - Locations for Supporting Clients to Overcome Barriers to Learning and Work - Rules of combination

6. Level 4 Diploma in Career Information and Advice - Title of the qualification - Qualification Purpose - Credit value - Units of assessment - Qualification design - Entry requirements - Locations for Career Information and Advice - Rules of combination 7. Level 6 Diploma in Career Guidance and Developme nt - Title of the qualification - Qualification Purpose - Credit value - Units of assessment - Qualification design - Entry requirements - Locations for Career Guidance and Development - Rules of combination 8. Assessment Methodology - Workplace assessment - Simulation - Evidence from prior learning and experience - Suggested evidence requirements - Access to assessment - Assessors - Additional guidance

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9. Progression 10. Levelling of certain units 11. Unit Credit Awards 12. Section 3: Units of Assessment 13. Overview of the Units of Assessment 14. Mandatory units of assessment : - Level 3 Award for Supporting clients to overcome barriers to learning and work - Level 4 Diploma in Career Information and Advice - Level 6 Diploma in Career Guidance and Development 15. Optional units of assessment - Level 3 Award for Supporting clients to overcome barriers to learning and work - Level 4 Diploma in Career Information and Advice - Level 6 Diploma in Career Guidance and Development 17. Management Units 18. Glossary of terms used in the units 19. Appendix: QCF Level Descriptors

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Glossary of terms Award A qualification within the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF). The qualification has a value between 1 and 12 credits. (See also Certificate) Certificate A qualification within the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF). The qualification has a value between 13 and 36 credits (see also Award)

Credit (Award of) A method of recognising learner achievement. Within the QCF, credit is awarded for the successful completion of units of assessment. One credit represents the notional equivalent of 10 hours of learning Credit level A description of the complexity of learning. Level descriptors for the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) range from Entry level to level 8 and enable achievements to be located at a particular level in the framework. Diploma A qualification within the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF). The qualification has a value of more that 36 credits. (See Award and Certificate) Guided learning hours The number of hours of teacher/lecturer/trainer-supervised or directed study time required to teach a unit. This can include aspects of blended learning. Units of assessment A unit is defined as a coherent and explicit set of learning outcomes and related assessment criteria, with a title, credit value and level. Within the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) the term ‘unit’ refers to a unit of assessment. Units for the QCF share a common set of characteristics, are submitted on a template, and can be combined to support the creation of coherent programmes of learning and qualifications. Mandatory units are those in which credit must be achieved in order to meet the requirements of a qualification. Optional units are those that a learner may select in order to achieve credits that meet the requirements of a qualification.

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Introduction The new Adult Advancement and Career Service (AACS) in England will provide career information, advice and employability support services along with in-depth career guidance for adults. The proposed qualifications cover professional and para-professional roles within the AACS; external agency and voluntary service signposting roles and roles where staff who work in other organisations provide career advice, information, employability support and signposting as part of their own broader work role. The qualifications can be undertaken pre-service or in service.

This document provides information and guidance for awarding organisations involved in the development of qualifications for the above range of practitioners and volunteers. It provides details of training qualifications which are intended to meet their needs. These qualifications will provide accredited professional development opportunities for those currently and newly working in the above areas and encourage progression in the sector. The proposed qualifications are designed, at this stage, to cover the above roles in England. However the identified skills and knowledge are common across the UK and the generic nature of the units mean that they can be used when working with young people or adults in a career information, advice, employability support context or in the delivery of in-depth career guidance services. It should be noted that the proposed qualifications relate to work-based vocational qualifications only. Existing Higher Education routes will remain and continue to contribute to the broader qualification framework for the sector. The units can also be used for continuous professional development. Recent research undertaken by TBR on behalf of Lifelong Learning UK identified the fact that CPD is a critically important means of upskilling practitioners. Lifelong Learning UK has encouraged the development of these qualifications to ensure that nationally recognised accredited professional development opportunities are available for practitioners in this sector. There has been strong support from stakeholders for this development. Stakeholders have contributed to the research undertaken on behalf of Lifelong Learning UK and to the various consultation events held to gather feedback on an earlier draft of the qualifications. The National Occupational Standards (NOS) for Advice and Guidance (2006), currently owned by ENTO are due for revision. Therefore, at this stage, the proposed qualifications have not been mapped to the NOS. The assessment criteria in the mandatory units of assessment cover the essential knowledge, understanding and professional practice required of a competent practitioner. Optional units of assessment provide opportunities to address professional development needs in a variety of additional areas. This document contains three sections. Section 1: Career information, advice and guidance roles in the Adult Advancement and Career Service in England and associated responsibilities This section considers the context of career information, advice and guidance, the roles and responsibilities in this area, the wider associated network and associated roles within different organisations. It also contains the rationale for the different content and levels of the qualifications and an explanation of how the proposed qualifications relate to these roles. Section 2: Work-based Vocational Training Qualifications This section provides guidance for Awarding Organisations and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) who wish to develop a work-based training qualification for practitioners involved or wishing to be involved in delivering career information, advice and guidance. It provides guidance on the:

• Level 3 Award for Supporting clients to overcome barriers to learning and work • Level 4 Diploma in Career Information and Advice

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• Level 6 Diploma in Career Guidance and Development • Assessment Methodology • Progression between qualifications • Levelling of certain units • Unit Credit Awards

Section 3 – Units of assessment Overview of the Units of Assessment Mandatory units of assessment:

• Level 3 Award for Supporting clients to overcome barriers to learning and work • Level 4 Diploma in Career Information and Advice • Level 6 Diploma in Career Guidance and Development

Optional units of assessment:

• Level 3 Award for Supporting clients to overcome barriers to learning and work • Level 4 Diploma in Career Information and Advice • Level 6 Diploma in Career Guidance and Development

Management Units Glossary of Terms QCF Level Descriptors

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Section 1: Career information, advice and guidance roles in the Adult Advancement and Career Service in England and associated responsibilities This section details Lifelong Learning UK’s approach to describing career information, advice and guidance roles in the Adult Advancement and Career Service (AACS) in England. It outlines the range of roles in the service and its wider associated network and also those undertaking associated roles within a different organisation. The section concludes with an explanation of how the proposed qualifications relate to the roles. Roles in the Adult Advancement and Careers Service in Englan d The AACS provides career information, advice and in-depth career guidance for adults. Within the AACS there is a range of evolving roles with para-professional and professional staff providing a variety of services to clients, for example:

• Provision of career-related information • Provision of learning, training and work advice • Provision of support on how to apply for learning, training and work • Signposting of clients either internally or to external organisations for further support • More in depth exploration and agreement of client needs and possible referral of clients for in-depth

career guidance especially clients who have more complex career-related needs or who are vocationally undecided

• Use of diagnostic and assessment tools to determine client need • Provision of in-depth career guidance to clients who need support to make realistic and informed

decisions and plans regarding new learning or training opportunities and career planning. • Provision of on-going support and reviewing of progress • Provision of Labour Market Information

All of the above are available to clients on an individual basis and some aspects of can also be delivered by some staff to groups of clients. Certain aspects of delivery can also be offered on an outreach basis. Many aspects of the delivery of the service are undertaken using a range of media including telephone, text and email and this fairly recent development in the delivery of the service has been taken into account when developing the proposed qualifications. The clients using the service can be in education, training or work or may be unemployed, returning to work or facing redundancy. Some staff may also provide services to employees in organisations to support them with career progression. Clients may also have a range of particular circumstances which relate to them, for example, they may be in a specific educational setting, for example Further or Higher Education or they may have particular needs which need to be taken into account, for example, learning disabilities or physical disabilities, or they may be in a specific context, for example asylum seekers, ex-offenders. The wider associated network In the wider associated network, practitioners and volunteers have a role in signposting clients for support in overcoming barriers to learning and work and may also offer other services such as providing career-related information and support with applying for learning and work. These services may on occasion be offered to groups of clients as well as on an individual basis. Associated roles within different organisations

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There are some practitioners working in other types of organisation who provide career information, advice, signposting for further support and support with applying for learning and work as part of a wider job role. For example FE Tutors, Work-based Learning Tutors and Library and Information staff. Such staff will access training relevant for their own sector but will also benefit from being able to access accredited training in specific aspects of career information, advice, applying for learning and work and signposting. Leadership and Management Although they may have been recruited to provide career advice, information and guidance, some practitioners may find that they have responsibilities beyond those defined in this role. An example would be those with responsibilities relating to team leadership and management. Rationale for the differing content and levels of t he qualifications Consultation with the sector undertaken by Lifelong Learning UK as part of the development of the proposed qualifications revealed that the services offered by staff in para-professional roles within the AACS can vary with for example, some staff providing an information giving and referral role and others also doing this but also offering more in-depth support to clients including, for some staff, diagnosis and assessment of need. The Level 4 Diploma in Career Information and Advice has therefore been designed with a core of mandatory units which will be applicable to all para-professional staff: Mandatory units:

o Preparing to work in the Career Information, Advice and Guidance Sector o Reflecting on practice and continuous professional development o Communicate with clients to determine their need for career information, advice and guidance o Awareness of career choice theories and concepts for supporting clients o Meeting the career-related information needs of clients

and then scope to take a wide range of optional units which will reflect the diversity of roles undertaken by staff. For example those staff who offer more in-depth support to clients may choose to take optional units on diagnosing and assessing client need and exploration and agreement of how to meet the career-related needs of clients. If they discover that the client requires career guidance they would then refer the client to those colleagues who provide career guidance interviews. The service of in-depth career guidance to clients with more compl ex and longer term needs or who are vocationally undecided which is provided by professional level staff is less diverse and therefore the Level 6 Diploma in Career Guidance and Development has a larger core of mandatory units with scope to then take some optional units to reflect different areas of activity within the role. This role involves the application of career guidance theories and models to practice in order to support those clients to make realistic and informed decisions and plans regarding new learning or training opportunities and career planning. Mandatory units:

o Preparing to work in the Career Information, Advice and Guidance Sector o Reflecting on practice and continuous professional development o Agree the purpose of client-centred career guidance interviews and maintain communication with

clients o Career Guidance Theory o Exploration and agreement of how to meet the career guidance and development needs of the client o Using Career and Labour Market Information with clients o Work with other agencies for the benefit of clients and own organisation

For staff and volunteers in the wider associated network and for staff in other organisations the Level 3 Award for Supporting clients to overcome barriers to learning and work has been developed. The structure of this Award is flexible and allows staff/volunteers in the wider associated network and staff in

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associated roles within different organisations to undertake a mandatory unit on Signpost clients to relevant sources of information, advice and guidance to overcome barriers to learning and work plus an optional unit. If they then wish to undertake further optional units which reflect some further career information and advice aspects of their role then there are optional units to choose from to reflect this and which they can undertake as part of their continuous professional development. Management and leadership There are aspects of the para-professional role and professional role that are not specific to career information, advice and guidance. For example management and leadership. In order to provide suitable units of credit, LLUK has suggested optional units of credit within the proposed qualifications which have been produced as part of other qualification frameworks. Working with different client groups As stated above, clients may also have a range of particular circumstances which relate to them, for example, they may be in a specific educational setting, for example Further or Higher Education or they may have particular needs which need to be taken into account, for example, learning disabilities or physical disabilities, or they may be in a specific context, for example asylum seekers, ex-offenders. In order to enable practitioners to understand how to work with clients who have particular needs an optional unit is available which can be customised to a particular client group so that practitioners can learn about the specific legislation, barriers and how to overcome them and the range of support services available. These units can form part of a qualification or could be taken as part of continuous professional development as the practitioner begins to work with different client groups.

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Section 2: Work-based Vocational Training Qualifications This section details the qualifications for those practitioners/volunteers in the Adult Advancement and Career Service, the wider associated network and those practitioners who, as part of a wider role with a different organisation, provide career information, advice, signposting and support with applying for learning and work. Level 3 Award for Supporting clients to overcome ba rriers to learning and work Title of the qualification Level 3 Award for Supporting clients to overcome ba rriers to learning and work National awarding organisations are required to use this title. Higher education institutions can name their own qualifications, but are encouraged to adopt similar terminology so that practitioners and employers are able to identify appropriate qualifications. Qualification Purpose D1 – Confirm competence in an occupational role to the standards required. Sub set E3 – Develop knowledge and skills relevant to a particular specialisation within an occupation or set of occupations. Credit value The qualification has a credit value of 6. Units of assessment The qualification comprises one mandatory unit of 3 credits and three optional units each of 3 credits. The mandatory unit must be taken plus one optional unit. The other optional units may be taken as part of continuous professional development. Mandatory units of assessment Signpost clients to relevant sources of information, advice and guidance to overcome barriers to learning and work

This mandatory unit must be achieved at Level 3. It has a credit value of 3.

Optional units of assessment Provide information to support the client to overcome any barriers to learning and work Assist clients to apply for learning and work Deliver career-related learning in groups Qualification design The Level 3 Award for Supporting clients to overcome barriers to learning and work contains mandatory credit and optional credit. The units can be delivered in any order. Rules of combination specify the current range of optional units of assessment. Entry requirements Entry requirements will be those specified by the organisation delivering the qualification. If the learner does not meet the entry requirements they will need to satisfy their employer and the delivery organisation that they can cope with study at this level. Locations for Supporting Clients to Overcome Barriers to Learning and Work The only requirement for locations is that the learner must be able to meet the assessment criteria for the unit/s through the particular setting in which they practice.

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Rules of combination

Level 3 Award for Supporting clients to overcome ba rriers to learning and work

Total credit value of qualification: 6 Credit value at Level 3 6 Credit value of mandatory units 3 Credit value of optional units 3 Mandatory units Credit

level Credit value

Signpost clients to relevant sources of information, advice and guidance to overcome barriers to learning and work

3 3

Optional units Credit level

Credit value

Provide information to support clients to overcome any barriers to learning and work

3 3

Assist clients to apply for learning and work 3 3 Deliver career-related learning in groups 3 3 Learners must take the mandatory unit and one optional unit.

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The Level 4 Diploma in Career Information and Advice Title of the qualification The Level 4 Diploma in Career Information and Advic e National awarding organisations are required to use this title. Higher education institutions can name their own qualifications, but are encouraged to adopt similar terminology so that practitioners and employers are able to identify appropriate qualifications. Qualification Purpose D1 – Confirm competence in an occupational role to the standards required. Sub set E3 – Develop knowledge and skills relevant to a particular specialisation within an occupation or set of occupations. Credit value The qualification has a credit value of 45 It comprises 5 mandatory units with a total credit value of 30 and optional units with a total credit value of 15. All units are at Level 4 except

o Six management units, five of which are at Level 5 and one at Level 7 o Using Diagnostic and Assessment Tools with Clients which is at Level 5 o Undertake research on behalf of the service which is at Level 6.

Units of assessment The qualification comprises 5 mandatory units, all have a credit value of 6. There are 24 optional units of varying sizes from which learners are required to achieve 15 credits. Mandatory units of assessment Preparing to work in the Career Information, Advice and Guidance Sector Reflecting on practice and continuous professional development

These mandatory units are offered at Level 4. These units should be taken first by those learners new to the role. The reflecting on practice unit can then be completed once learners have gained some experience upon which they can reflect.

Communicate with clients to determine their need for career information, advice and guidance

Awareness of career choice theories and concepts for supporting clients

Meeting the career-related information needs of clients

Each unit is offered at Level 4. The unit on communicating with clients should be taken before the unit on meeting career-related needs and then both units followed by the awareness of career guidance models and concepts. Providers may choose to adopt a holistic approach, in which case all three units could be delivered together.

Optional units of assessment Use diagnostic and assessment tools with clients Exploration and agreement of how to meet the career-related needs of clients Assist clients to review the achievement of a course of action Operate within networks to support the delivery of the service Refer clients to a range of internal and external sources to meet their needs Use negotiation skills on behalf of clients Use advocacy skills on behalf of clients Understand how to support clients in particular circumstances to overcome barriers to learning, training and employment Enable parents, family members, partners, guardians and advocates to support the

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client to meet their career-related needs Assist clients to apply for learning and work Provide on-going support to clients Prepare to deliver services to clients in an outreach setting Source, evaluate and use Labour Market Information (LMI) with clients Obtain and organise career-related information including LMI Promote career-related learning Plan and deliver career-related learning in groups Evaluate service provision Undertake research on behalf of the service The first five management units are offered at Level 5 and the last one at Level 7 and exist already on the National Database of Accredited Qualifications Leadership practice Performance management Managing facilities Financial control Project development and control Obtain additional finance for the organisation Qualification design The Level 4 Diploma in Career Information and Advice contains mandatory credit and optional credit. The mandatory units Preparing to work in the Career Information, Advice and Guidance Sector and Reflecting on practice and continuous professional development should be delivered first. The mandatory unit on Communicate with clients to determine their need for career information, advice and guidance should be taken before the unit on Meeting the career-related information needs of clients and then both units followed by the unit on Awareness of career choice theories and concepts for supporting clients. Providers may choose to adopt a holistic approach, in which case all three units could be delivered together. Rules of combination specify the current range of optional units of assessment. Entry requirements Entry requirements will be those specified by the organisation delivering the qualification. If the learner does not meet the entry requirements they will need to satisfy their employer and the delivery organisation that they can cope with study at this level. Locations for Career Information and Advice The only requirement for locations is that the learner must be able to meet the assessment criteria for the unit/s through the particular setting in which they practice.

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Rules of combination

Level 4 Diploma in Career Information and Advice

Total credit value of qualification: Minimum 45 credits Credit value at Level 4 45 credits Credit value of mandatory units 30 Credit value of optional units 15 Mandatory units Credit

level Credit value

Preparing to work in the Career Information, Advice and Guidance Sector

4 6

Reflecting on practice and continuous professional development 4 6

Communicate with clients to determine their need for career information, advice and guidance

4 6

Awareness of career choice theories and concepts for supporting clients

4 6

Meeting the career-related information needs of clients

4 6

Optional units Credit

level Credit value

Using diagnostic and assessment tools with clients 5 6 Exploration and agreement of how to meet the career-related needs of clients

4 6

Assist clients to review the achievement of a course of action 4 2 Operate within networks to support the delivery of the service 4 2 Refer clients to a range of internal and external sources to meet their needs

4 2

Use negotiation skills on behalf of clients 4 2 Use advocacy skills on behalf of clients 4 2 Understand how to support clients in particular circumstances to overcome barriers to learning, training and employment

4 3

Enable parents, family members, partners, guardians and advocates to support the client to meet their career-related needs

4 3

Assist clients to apply for learning and work 4 3 Provide on-going support to clients 4 2 Prepare to deliver services to clients in an outreach setting 4 2 Source, evaluate and use Labour Market Information (LMI) with clients

4 3

Obtain and organise career-related information including LMI 4 3 Promote career-related learning 4 6 Plan and deliver career-related learning in groups 4 6 Evaluate service provision 4 3 Undertake research on behalf of the service 6 6 The following management units are already on the National Database of Accredited Qualifications

Leadership practice 5 7 Performance management 5 9

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Managing facilities 5 2 Financial control 5 9 Project development and control 5 6 Obtain additional finance for the organisation 7 10 Learners must take the mandatory units and any combination of optional units totalling 15 credits.

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Level 6 Diploma in Career Guidance and Development Title of the qualification Level 6 Diploma in Career Guidance and Development National awarding organisations are required to use this title. Higher education institutions can name their own qualifications, but are encouraged to adopt similar terminology so that practitioners and employers are able to identify appropriate qualifications. Qualification Purpose D1 – Confirm competence in an occupational role to the standards required. Sub set E3 – Develop knowledge and skills relevant to a particular specialisation within an occupation or set of occupations. Credit value The qualification has a credit value of 60 It comprises 7 mandatory units with a total credit value of 45 and optional units with a total credit value of 15. All units are at Level 6 except

o Six management units, five of which are at Level 5 and one at Level 7 o Assist clients to apply for learning and work which is at Level 4 o Obtain and organise career-related information which is at Level 4 o Using diagnostic and assessment tools with clients which is at Level 5

Units of assessment The qualification comprises 7 mandatory units. Six are of 6 credits and one of 9 credits. There are 19 optional units. Mandatory units of assessment Preparing to work in the Career Information, Advice and Guidance Sector Reflecting on practice and continuous professional development

The Preparing to work unit should be taken first by those learners new to the role. The reflecting on practice unit can be started early in the qualification and then completed once learners have gained some experience upon which they can reflect.

Career Guidance Theory Agree the purpose of client-centred career guidance interviews and maintain communication with clients Exploration and agreement of how to meet the career guidance and development needs clients

The unit on Career Guidance Theory should be taken before the units on Agree the purpose of client-centred career guidance interviews and Exploration and agreement of how to meet the career guidance and development needs of the client. Providers may choose to adopt a holistic approach, in which case all three units could be delivered together.

Using Career and Labour Market Information with clients Work with other agencies for the benefit of clients and own organisation

The units on Career and Labour Market Information and Work with other agencies for the benefit of clients and own organisation can be taken in any order and could be taken before the above units.

Optional units of assessment Using diagnostic and assessment tools with clients Use advocacy skills on behalf of clients

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Understand how to support clients in particular circumstances to overcome barriers to learning, training and employment Enable parents, family members, partners, guardians and advocates to support the client to meet their career-related needs Assist clients to apply for learning and work Provide on-going support to clients Prepare to deliver services to clients in an outreach setting Source, evaluate and use Labour Market Information (LMI) with clients Obtain and organise career-related information including LMI Promote career-related learning Plan and deliver career-related learning in groups Evaluate service provision Undertake research on behalf of the service The following management units are already on the National Database of Accredited Qualifications. The first five are at Level 5 and the last one at Level 7. Leadership practice Performance management Managing facilities Financial control Project development and control Obtain additional finance for the organisation Qualification design The Level 6 Diploma in Career Guidance and Development contains mandatory credit and optional credit. The mandatory units Preparing to work in the Career Information, Advice and Guidance Sector and Reflecting on practice and continuous professional development should be delivered first. The unit on Career Guidance Theory should be taken before the units on Conduct client-centred career guidance interviews and Exploration and agreement of how to meet the career guidance and development needs of clients. Providers may choose to adopt a holistic approach, in which case all three units could be delivered together. The units on Career and Labour Market Information and Work with other agencies for the benefit of clients and own organisation can be taken in any order. Rules of combination specify the current range of optional units of assessment. Entry requirements Entry requirements will be those specified by the organisation delivering the qualification. If the learner does not meet the entry requirements they will need to satisfy their employer and the delivery organisation that they can cope with study at this level. Locations for Career Guidance and Development The only requirement for locations is that the learner must be able to meet the assessment criteria for the unit/s through the particular setting in which they practice.

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Rules of combination Level 6 Diploma in Career Guidance and Development

Total credit value of qualification: Minimum 60 credits Credit value at Level 6 60 credits Credit value of mandatory units 45 Credit value of optional units 15 Mandatory units Credit

level Credit value

Preparing to work in the Career Information, Advice and Guidance Sector

6 6

Reflecting on practice and continuous professional development 6 6

Agree the purpose of client-centred career guidance interviews and maintain communication with clients

6 6

Career Guidance Theory 6 9

Exploration and agreement of how to meet the career guidance and development needs of clients

6 6

Using Career and Labour Market Information with clients 6 6

Work with other agencies for the benefit of clients and own organisation

6 6

Optional units Credit level

Credit value

Assist clients to apply for learning and work 4 3 Using Diagnostic and Assessment Tools with clients 5 6 Use advocacy skills on behalf of clients 6 2 Understand how to support clients in particular circumstances to overcome barriers to learning, training and employment

6 3

Enable parents, family members, partners, guardians and advocates to support the client to meet their career-related needs

6 3

Provide on-going support to clients 6 2 Prepare to deliver services to clients in an outreach setting 6 2 Source, evaluate and use Labour Market Information (LMI) with clients

6 3

Obtain and organise career-related information including LMI 4 3 Promote career-related learning 6 6 Plan and deliver career-related learning in groups 6 6 Evaluate service provision 6 3 Undertake research on behalf of the service 6 6 The following management units are already on the National Database of Accredited Qualifications

Leadership practice 5 7 Performance management 5 9 Managing facilities 5 2 Financial control 5 9 Project development and control 5 6 Obtain additional finance for the organisation 7 10 Learners must take the mandatory units and any combination of optional units totalling 15 credits.

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Assessment Methodology Workplace assessment All evidence of a candidate’s performance must be generated in the workplace. This principle will apply to all units that include performance. All qualifications must include direct observation of practice as part of the summative assessments. Simulation Simulations are not allowed for these qualifications. Evidence from prior learning and experience Awarding organisations must ensure that their guidance includes a common approach to prior experience and learning. Evidence from prior learning and experience must be relevant to the assessment criteria concerned and be authenticated, reliable and valid. It is unlikely that evidence that is more than five years old will meet these tests. Where there have been significant changes in legislation within the last five years, prior experience and learning should be used with caution and additional evidence sought as required. Suggested evidence requirements Feedback from the Career Information, Advice and Guidance sector stated that the following assessment evidence would be acceptable: Direct observation of performance in the workplace by a qualified assessor, testimony from an expert witness, case study, assignment, project, essay, report, reflective diary, candidate’s reflective account on performance, candidate’s reflective account on application of theories in practice, recorded oral and written questioning, professional discussion where candidate discusses with the assessor how their evidence meets the assessment criteria and the discussion is recorded as part of the evidence. Access to assessment There should be equality of access for candidates regardless of work setting or patterns of work and according to relevant legislation. All candidates should be offered appropriate support to enable them to access assessment. Assessment in languages other than English must comply with the requirements of the regulatory authorities. Assessors Skilled and knowledgeable assessors are the key to effective assessment of performance in the workplace. Awarding bodies in conjunction with LLUK must develop a joint approach to the competence of assessors. All assessors must have the necessary competence in the subject matter of the qualifications and the necessary competence in the assessment procedures used for assessment. They must be occupationally experienced and competent i.e. be able to carry out the functions covered by the units they are assessing to the standard described. They must also hold or be working towards the appropriate assessor qualification A1. They must also have a thorough knowledge of the sector and its settings, including current legislative and regulatory requirements and codes of practice. Additional guidance The lack of underpinning theories, models and techniques in the S/NVQs in Advice and Guidance was a major concern expressed by employers during the research undertaken to inform the development of these qualifications. In such a large sector it was not possible to gain a consensus of opinion on actual theories, models and techniques to be delivered and assessed but all agreed that a range should be covered. Feedback from the Career Information, Advice and Guidance sector as part of the on-line consultation undertaken January 2010 stated that the following theories, methods and techniques should have particular attention during the delivery and assessment of the qualifications. A range of:

• methods, theories and models used to reflect on practice

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• interviewing skills • career choice theories • career guidance theories • career learning theories • theories of vocational behaviour • theories of vocational choice, decision making and avoidance • motivational theories and techniques • ways of managing change • transitional theories • theories of how people learn as individuals and in groups • techniques to raise the aspirations and motivate clients • models for supporting clients in their career planning/development • diagnostic and assessment tools used with clients to determine their needs • methods of assessing the needs of clients • techniques used to explore, agree and identify the career guidance and development needs of clients

and to identify, clarify and agree a range of options to meet the needs of clients • techniques used to enable clients to review their achievement of a course of action and to support

clients to identify and overcome any barriers to implementing the previously agreed plan of action • methods which can be used to evaluate service provision • analysis methods and methods for presenting research results • information on the education and training systems in England, the rest of the UK and Europe to clients,

learning providers and employers • information on labour market opportunities and trends in England, the rest of the UK and Europe to

clients, learning providers and employers

Progression There are units of assessment within the three qualifications which have the same unit title but are assessed at different levels and have different assessment criteria. Where a candidate has achieved the unit at a lower level and then wishes to take the unit forward to the next qualification then the learning gained at the lower level will be of use to the candidate but the candidate will need to have their performance and knowledge assessed at the higher level to reflect the difference in the context of their work and the further knowledge, understanding and performance required at the higher level. Where units appear at the same level in two different qualifications the unit can be transferred to the higher level qualification without the need for further assessment.

Levelling of certain units There is one unit, Using diagnostic and assessment tools with clients that appears as an optional unit in both the Level 4 and the Level 6 Diplomas. When levelling this unit it was felt that Level 5 was appropriate and that it did not justify a Level 6. The unit, Assist clients to apply for learning and work, appears at both Levels 3 and 4 and the learning can be carried forward from the Level 3 Award and the candidate can then undertake further learning and be reassessed at Level 4. This Level 4 unit then appears as an optional unit within the Level 6 Diploma as the function can form part of the professional role but the unit itself does not warrant assessment at Level 6. The unit, Undertake research on behalf of the service is levelled at Level 6. This function may on occasion be carried out by practitioners in a para-professional role. It appears in the Level 4 Diploma so that employers can ask their staff to undertake it if their role involves research on behalf of the service. The unit Obtain and organise career-related information is levelled at Level 4. It appears at Level 4 within both

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the Level 4 and the Level 6 Diplomas as practitioners in both the para-professional and professional roles may undertake this function.

Unit Credit Awards The research undertaken on behalf of LLUK during the development of these qualifications revealed that employers are very keen to have accredited continuous professional development (CPD) for their staff. All units within the various qualifications would provide relevant CPD opportunities and Unit Credit Awards should be available for all units.

Section 3: Units of assessment

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Overview of the units of assessment The units listed below are offered within the following qualifications: Level 3 Award for Supporting clients to overcome barriers to learning and work Level 4 Diploma in Career Information and Advice Level 6 Diploma in Career Guidance and Development Please refer back to Section 2 for details of the specific structure of each qualification. Level

3 Level

4 Level

6 Credit Value

Mandatory Units Signpost clients to relevant sources of information, advice and guidance to overcome barriers to learning and work

X 3

Preparing to work in the Career Information, Advice and Guidance Sector

X X 6

Reflecting on practice and continuous professional development X X 6 Communicate with clients to determine their need for career information, advice and guidance

X 6

Awareness of career choice theories and concepts for supporting clients

X 6

Meeting the career-related information needs of clients

X 6

Agree the purpose of client-centred career guidance interviews and maintain communication with clients

X 6

Career Guidance Theory X 9 Exploration and agreement of how to meet the career guidance and development needs of clients

X 6

Using Career and Labour Market Information with clients X 6 Work with other agencies for the benefit of clients and own organisation X 6 Optional units Assist clients to apply for learning and work X X X 3 Using diagnostic and assessment tools with clients (Level 5) X X 6 Provide information to support clients to overcome any barriers to learning and work

X 3

Deliver career-related learning in groups X 3 Plan and deliver career-related learning in groups X X 6 Exploration and agreement of how to meet the career-related needs of clients

X 6

Assist clients to review the achievement of a course of action X 2 Operate within networks to support the delivery of the service X 2 Refer clients to a range of internal and external sources to meet their needs

X 2

Use negotiation skills on behalf of clients X 2 Use advocacy skills on behalf of clients X X 2 Understand how to support clients in particular circumstances to overcome barriers to learning, training and employment

X X 3

Enable parents, family members, partners, guardians and advocates to support the client to meet their career-related needs

X X 3

Provide on-going support to clients X X 2 Prepare to deliver services to clients in an outreach setting X X 2 Source, evaluate and use Labour Market Information (LMI) with clients X X 3 Obtain and organise career-related information including LMI X X 3

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Promote career-related learning X X 6 Evaluate service provision X X 3 Undertake research on behalf of the service X X 6 The first five management units are offered at Level 5 and the final one at Level 7 and exist already on the National Database of Accredited Qualifications

Leadership practice X X 7 Performance management X X 9 Managing facilities X X 2 Financial control X X 9 Project development and control X X 6 Obtain additional finance for the organisation X X 10

Mandatory units of assessment Level 3 Award for supporting clients to overcome ba rriers to learning and work Title

Signpost clients to relevant sources of information , advice and guidance to overcome barriers to learning and w ork

Level 3 Unit Ref: M6016160 Credit value 3 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand how to determine the information, advice and guidance needs of clients

1.1 Identify a range of questioning techniques used to establish the needs of clients 1.2 Identify a range of techniques used to agree the needs of clients

02 Understand a range of barriers to learning and work and sources of information for overcoming them

2.1 Explain a range of barriers to learning and work 2.2 Explain where clients can access information, advice and guidance to enable them to overcome barriers to learning and work

03. Determine the information, advice and guidance needs of clients

3.1 Question clients to find out what information, advice or guidance they require to overcome their barriers to learning and work 3.2 Agree with clients what their information, advice or guidance needs are

04. Signpost clients to a range of internal and external sources to meet their career-related needs, including ways to overcome any barriers to learning and work

4.1 Explain to clients the information that own service can provide to meet their information, advice and guidance needs 4.2 Explain to clients the information that other services can provide to meet their information, advice and guidance needs

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4.3 Signpost clients to the relevant sources of information, advice and guidance to enable them to overcome their barriers to learning and work 4.4 Record the signposting of clients using organisational procedures

05 Review own practice in signposting clients

5.1 Review how the interaction with clients met their information needs. 5.2 Identify areas for improvement in own signposting practice and how these can be met.

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s understanding of how to establish the information, advice and guidance needs of clients to enable them to overcome barriers to learning and work and to enable the learner to signpost clients to internal and external sources of support to meet their needs.

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to: NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 407 Develop interactions with advice and guidance clients NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 313 Assist individuals to use agencies and services Also: the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared

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Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 20 Additional guidance

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Level 4 Diploma in Career Information and Advice Title

Preparing to work in the Career Information, Advice and Guidance (CIAG) Sector

Level 4 Unit Ref: F6014882 Credit value 6 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01. Understand the Career Information, Advice and Guidance sector

1.1 Summarise the key components of the sector 1.2 Summarise the key trends and developments in the sector 1.3 Evaluate methods of keeping up-to-date with developments in the sector.

02. Understand own CIAG organisation 2.1 Summarise the aims and values of the organisation 2.2 Summarise the key policies and procedures of the organisation

03. Understand roles and ways of working within the CIAG organisation

3.1 Analyse own role, responsibilities and boundaries in the organisation 3.2 Identify the roles other than own role performed in the organisation 3.3 Review the role of stakeholders within the organisation 3.4 Explain ways to develop and sustain productive working relationships with colleagues in the organisation 3.5 Explain ways to plan, organise and manage own work role within organisational requirements 3.6 Explain the range of ways used to ensure that safe and suitable environments are provided for the provision of services to clients

04. Understand how key legislation, professional codes of practice, ethical principles and the principles of diversity, equality and inclusion impact on own practice and the work of the organisation

4.1 Summarise key aspects of relevant current legislative requirements and professional codes of practice and how they impact on own practice and the work of the organisation 4.2 Discuss issues of equality and diversity and ways to promote

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inclusion 4.3 Discuss ethical principles and their impact on own practice and the work of the organisation

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s understanding of the CIAG sector, their own CIAG organisation, the roles within it and the application of key legislation, codes of practice, issues of equality, diversity, inclusion and ethical principles to their own work and that of the organisation

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to: NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 415 Develop and sustain effective working with staff from other agencies Unit 411 Manage personal caseload Also: the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 40 Additional guidance

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Reflecting on practice and continuous professional development

Level 4 Unit Ref: R6014885 Credit value 6 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand methods used to reflect on practice

1.1 Evaluate a range of methods used to reflect on practice 1.2 Evaluate a range of methods used to gather information from other people, including clients, and how this can be used in the reflection on own practice 1.3 Evaluate a range of ways to apply reflective practice methods to own practice

02 Understand the need for and range of continuous professional development activities

2.1 Analyse the role that continuous professional development plays in improving and maintaining effective practice 2.2 Evaluate a range of activities used for continuous professional development

03 Reflect on own practice 3.1 Reflect on own practice using a range of reflective practice methods 3.2 Reflect on how own practice takes account of legislative requirements, principles of equality and diversity, ethical principles and codes of practice

04 Determine own need for continuous professional development

4.1 Analyse the results of reflection on own practice 4.2 Determine own need for continuous professional development by using a range of methods, including the results of reflection on own practice 4.3 Determine a range of activities for meeting own continuous professional development needs 4.4 Produce a realistic and achievable personal development plan 4.5 Undertake and record the planned continuous professional development

Additional information about the unit

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Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the learner’s understanding of reflective practice, its role in the development of effective practice and how to determine the need for continuous professional development and the impact that this has on own practice

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to NOS LDSS (2009) GCU 6 Reflect on, develop and maintain your practice Also: the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 40 Additional guidance

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Communicating with clients to determine their need for career information, advice and guidance

Level 4 Unit Ref: D6014890 Credit value 6 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand a range of interviewing skills used to determine the client need for career information, advice and guidance

1.1 Identify a range of interviewing skills used to establish the needs of clients 1.2 Identify a range of techniques used to establish what the interview will involve 1.3 Identify a range of ways to tailor the interview to suit the needs, characteristics and location of clients

02 Understand how to use a range of media to communicate with clients

2.1 Agree with clients the purpose of the interview and what will be involved 2.2 Determine the range of media that is available for use in communicating with clients 2.3 Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using different types of media with clients 2.4 Explain the techniques that are used when communicating with clients using a range of media

03 Communicate with clients, using a range of media, to determine their need for career information, advice and guidance

3.1 Question clients to establish the their need for career information, advice and guidance 3.2 Maintain communication with clients in a way which takes into account their individual characteristics, needs and location 3.3 Reflect back the clients’ responses in order to check own understanding 3.4 Summarise the points made throughout the interview 3.5 Agree the clients’ needs and how these will be met 3.6 Record the outcome of the interviews with clients using

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organisational procedures

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s understanding of a range of interviewing skills to determine the career information, advice and guidance needs of clients, the range of media used to communicate with clients, client recording processes and to enable the learner to apply these in practice.

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to: NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 319 Interact with clients using a range of media NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 407 Develop interactions with advice and guidance clients Also: the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 40 Additional guidance

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Awareness of career choice theories and concepts fo r supporting clients

Level 4 Unit Ref: H6014891 Credit value 6 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01. Understand a range of career choice theories

1.1 Review a range of career choice theories 1.2 Evaluate the range of ways used by clients to make career decisions 1.3 Evaluate a range of ways to enable clients to develop self-awareness 1.4 Evaluate a range of ways to enable clients to develop decision-making skills 1.5 Evaluate a range of ways to enable clients to develop opportunity awareness

02. Understand a range of concepts for supporting clients

2.1 Compare the concepts of supporting, enabling and empowerment 2.2 Explain ways to support clients develop skills to enable them to take advantage of unplanned events

03. Understand how to motivate and raise the aspiration of clients

3.1 Review the techniques used to motivate clients 3.2 Review techniques to raise the aspirations of clients

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s understanding of career choice theories, concepts for supporting and motivating clients and techniques for raising client aspiration and ability to cope with unplanned events

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in

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Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 50 Additional guidance

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Meeting the career-related information needs of cli ents

Level 4 Unit Ref: T6014894 Credit value 6 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand a range of career-related information including electronic information and labour market information

1.1 Evaluate a range of paper-based career-related information 1.2 Evaluate a range of electronic career-related information 1.3 Evaluate a range of labour market information 1.4 Evaluate a range of ways to ensure that career-related information is fit for purpose and up to date

02. Enable clients to access and use career-related information

2.1 Agree the career-related information needs with clients 2.2 Source the required career-related information 2.3 Ensure the career-related information is fit for purpose and up to date 2.4 Interpret and tailor the information to meet the needs of clients 2.5 Provide the career-related information to clients 2.6 Enable clients to access and use the information in relation to their own immediate needs. 2.7 Explain to clients how to access career-related information in the future 2.8 Record the provision of the career-related information to clients using organisational procedures

03. Signpost clients to a range of external sources to meet their career-related information needs

3.1 Explain to clients the career-related information that other services can provide to meet their needs 3.2 Signpost clients to the relevant alternative sources of information, advice and guidance

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3.3 Record the signposting of clients using organisational procedures

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s understanding of career-related information and enable the learner to use it with clients, and to signpost clients if needed to other sources of career-related information

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to: NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 319 Interact with clients using a range of media NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 420 Enable young people to access information and make decisions Also: the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 40 Additional guidance (range etc)

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Level 6 Diploma in Career Guidance and Development Title

Preparing to work in the Career Information, Advice and Guidance Sector

Level 6 Unit Ref: F6014851 Credit value 6 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01. Understand the Career Information, Advice and Guidance sector

1.1 Critically evaluate the key components of the sector 1.2 Critically analyse the social, personal and economic benefits of career guidance 1.3 Critically analyse the impact of key trends and developments in the sector 1.4 Review current policy contexts

which impact on the sector 1.5 Critically evaluate methods of keeping up-to-date with developments in the sector.

02. Understand own CIAG organisation

2.1 Critically analyse the aims and values of the organisation 2.2 Critically evaluate the key policies and procedures of the organisation

03. Understand roles and ways of working within the CIAG organisation

3.1 Analyse own role, responsibilities and boundaries in the organisation 3.2 Compare the roles other than own role performed in the organisation 3.3 Critically evaluate the role of stakeholders within the organisation 3.4 Recommend ways to develop

and sustain productive working relationships with colleagues in the organisation

3.5 Critically evaluate ways to plan, organise and manage own work role within organisational requirements 3.6 Specify the range of ways used to ensure that safe and suitable environments are provided for the provision of services to clients

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04. Understand how key legislation, professional codes of practice, ethical principles and the principles of diversity, equality and inclusion impact on own practice and the work of the organisation

4.1 Assess ways to apply relevant current legislative requirements to own practice 4.2 Determine how relevant professional codes of practice apply to own practice 4.3 Determine how ethical principles apply to own practice 4.4 Determine how the principles of diversity and equality impact on own practice 4.5 Assess ways to promote inclusion

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s critical understanding of the CIAG sector, their own CIAG organisation, the roles within it and the application of key legislation, codes of practice, issues of equality, diversity, inclusion and ethical principles to their own work and that of the organisation

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to: NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 415 Develop and sustain effective working with staff from other agencies Unit 411 Manage personal caseload Also: the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from 1st April 2010 Unit guided learning hours 40 Additional guidance

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Reflecting on practice and continuous professional development

Level 6 Unit ref: K6014858 Credit value 6 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand methods used to reflect on practice

1.1 Critically evaluate a range of theories and methods used to reflect on practice 1.2 Critically evaluate a range of methods used to gather information from other people, including clients, and how this can be used in the reflection on own practice 1.3 Critically analyse the principles of reflective practice 1.4 Critically evaluate a range of ways to apply reflective practice methods to own practice

02 Understand the need for and range of continuous professional development activities

2.1 Critically analyse the role that continuous professional development plays in improving and maintaining effective practice 2.2 Critically analyse the role of research and evidence-based practice in improving and maintaining effective practice 2.3 Critically evaluate a range of activities used for continuous professional development

03 Reflect on own practice 3.1 Reflect on own practice using a range of reflective practice methods 3.2 Reflect on how own practice and takes account of relevant theories and models 3.3 Reflect on how own practice takes account of legislative requirements, principles of equality and diversity, ethical principles and codes of practice

04 Determine own need for continuous professional development

4.1 Analyse the results of reflection on own practice 4.2 Determine own need for continuous professional development by using a range of methods, including the results of reflection on own practice

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4.3 Determine a range of activities for meeting own continuous professional development needs 4.4 Produce a realistic and achievable personal development plan 4.5 Undertake and record the planned continuous professional development

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s critical understanding of reflective practice, its role in the development of effective practice and how to determine the need for continuous professional development and the impact that this has on own practice

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to: NOS LDSS (2009) GCU 6 Reflect on, develop and maintain your practice Also: the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 40 Additional guidance

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Agree the purpose of client-centred career guidance interviews and maintain communication with clients

Level 6 Unit ref: H6015717 Credit value 6 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand a range of techniques used to agree the purpose of a client-centred career guidance interview

1.1 Critically evaluate the different types of career guidance interview and what they aim to achieve 1.2 Critically analyse a range of

techniques and approaches employed in clarifying expectations and agreeing the aim, purpose and scope of the career guidance interview with clients

1.3 Justify the need for outcomes to

be achieved in career guidance interviews

02 Understand the use of a range of media used to communicate with clients

2.1 Critically evaluate a range of media that is available for use in communicating with clients 2.2 Critically evaluate the use of different types of media with clients 2.3 Critically evaluate the techniques that are used when communicating with clients using a range of media

03. Agree the purpose of the client-centred career guidance interview with the client

3.1 Use questioning techniques to establish clients’ expectations of the interview 3.2 Explain to clients what the interview can cover 3.2 Agree with clients the purpose and scope of the interview 3.3 Explain how the interview will be tailored to suit their individual needs 3.4 Explain to clients how the interview will result in an outcome agreed by both self and the client

04 Maintain communication, using a range of media, with the client during the career guidance interview

4.1 Adapt communication skills used with clients in a way which takes into account their individual characteristics and location 4.2 Reflect back the clients’ responses in order to check own

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understanding 4.3 Summarise what has been said throughout the interview

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s critical understanding of the different types of career guidance interview, a range of techniques and approaches employed in clarifying expectations and agreeing the aim, purpose and scope of the career guidance interview, how to prepare for the interview, maintain communication throughout the interview and how to tailor the interview to the client’s needs and how to apply these in practice.

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to: NOS LDSS (2009) Develop interactions with advice and guidance clients Also: the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 40 Additional guidance (range etc)

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Career Guidance Theory

Level 6 Unit Ref: F6015739 Credit value 9 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01. Understand a range of career guidance theories

1.1 Critically analyse the value of career guidance theories in maintaining and developing effective career guidance 1.2 Critically evaluate a range of theories of vocational behaviour 1.3 Critically evaluate a range of theories of career choice, decision making and avoidance 1.4 Critically evaluate a range of theories of career learning 1.5 Critically evaluate a range of theories of transition 1.6 Critically evaluate a range of motivational theories and techniques

02. Understand a range of concepts and models for supporting clients in their career planning and development

2.1 Critically evaluate concepts of supporting, enabling and empowerment 2.2 Critically evaluate a range of theories on how people learn 2.3 Critically evaluate a range of ways of managing change including ways to support clients develop skills to enable them to take advantage of unplanned events 2.4 Critically evaluate a range of different models for supporting clients in their career planning/development 2.5 Critically evaluate the ways to apply and tailor theories, concepts and models to own role and practice

03. Understand the role of research in informing and developing career guidance practice

3.1 Critically analyse the role of evidence-based practice in the development of career guidance theories, models and concepts 3.2 Critically analyse the purpose of research in developing own practice

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3.3 Critically evaluate different ways of keeping up to date with development in theory and practice of relevance to the sector

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s critical understanding of career guidance theories, models for supporting clients and the role of research in informing and developing career guidance practice.

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 70 Additional guidance

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Exploration and agreement of how to meet the career guidance and development needs of clients

Level 6 Unit ref: A6015741 Credit value 6 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand career guidance techniques used to explore and agree client needs and to identify and agree options to meet those needs

1.1 Critically evaluate a range of techniques for exploring and agreeing the needs of clients, including those initially presented by clients and also their longer term needs

1.2 Critically evaluate a range of techniques used to identify and agree a range of options to meet the needs of clients

02 Understand career guidance techniques used to enable clients to select and plan a course of action

2.1 Critically evaluate a range of career guidance techniques used to enable the client to select a course of action 2.2 Critically evaluate a range of techniques used to agree and plan specific, measurable, achievable realistic and time-bound action plans for clients that cover their career guidance and development needs 2.3 Critically evaluate the different formats used for the production of action plans for clients

03 Explore and agree the career guidance and development needs of clients

3.1 Explore clients’ initial and longer term career guidance and development needs, using a range of techniques and career guidance theories and models 3.2 Determine with clients how realistic their needs are, using a range of techniques and career guidance theories and models 3.3 Agree the clients’ career guidance and development needs, using a range of techniques and career guidance theories and models

04 Identify and agree a range of options to meet the clients’ career guidance and development needs

4.1 Explore the options for meeting clients’ career guidance and development needs, using a range of techniques and career guidance theories and models

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4.2 Agree the options to be used to meet the clients’ career guidance and development needs, using a range of techniques and career guidance theories and models

05 Enable clients to select a course of action

5.1 Enable clients to look at how each option meets their needs, using a range of techniques and career guidance theories and models 5.2 Agree the course of action with clients

06 Agree, plan and produce an action plan for clients

6.1 Agree the content of the action plan with clients, including specific, measurable, achievable and realistic actions and associated timescales 6.2 Agree with clients how any barriers to implementation of the action plan can be overcome. 6.2 Produce an action plan with clients including how to overcome any barriers to implementation 6.4 Record the action plans and outcomes of the career guidance interview using organisational procedures 6.5 Review the effectiveness of interventions and how outcomes were achieved

07. Review their achievement of a career-related course of action with clients

7.1 Enable clients to review the progress of their career-related course of action

7.2 Produce a revised plan of action if needed with clients

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s critical understanding and application of career guidance techniques and theories used for exploring and agreeing client need, identifying options, selecting a course of action, planning, implementing and reviewing a course of action including overcoming barriers to achieving a course of action

Unit expiry date

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Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to: NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 407 Develop interactions with advice and guidance clients Unit 409 Assist advice and guidance clients to decide on a course of action Unit 410 Prepare clients through advice and guidance for the implementation of a course of action Also: the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 40 Additional guidance

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Using Career and Labour Market Information with cli ents

Level 6 Ref: H6015748 Credit value 6 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand career-related information in relation to education, training, employment, lifelong learning opportunities and the labour market

1.1 Critically analyse the role of career-related information, including Labour Market Information in career guidance 1.2 Critically evaluate a range of information on the education and training systems in England, the rest of the UK and Europe to clients, learning providers and employers 1.3 Critically evaluate a range of information on labour market opportunities and trends in England, the rest of the UK and Europe to clients, learning providers and employers 1.4 Critically evaluate the range,

sources and types of career-related information available, including electronic information

1.5 Critically evaluate a range of

ways to ensure that career-related information is fit for purpose and up to date

02. Enable the client to access and use career-related information

2.1 Agree the career-related information needs with clients 2.2 Source the required information 2.3 Ensure that the information is fit for purpose and up to date 2.4 Interpret and tailor the information to meet the needs of clients 2.5 Provide the career-related information to clients 2.6 Enable clients to access and use the information in relation to their own immediate needs. 2.7 Explain to clients how to access career-related information in the future 2.8 Record the provision of the

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career-related information to clients using organisational procedures

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s critical understanding of career-related information in relation to education, training, employment, lifelong learning and the labour market and to enable the learner to use this information with clients.

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 40 Additional guidance

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Work with other agencies for the benefit of clients and own organisation

Level 6 Ref: H6015765 Credit value 6 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand how networks operate 1.1 Critically evaluate a range of

different networks 1.2 Determine how to create, access,

maintain and evaluate networks

02 Understand the networks which support the delivery of the service

2.1 Critically evaluate the networks used by own organisation

2.2 Determine the benefits that

organisations in the networks can bring to own clients and own organisation

2.3 Recommend ways to develop and sustain productive working relationships with colleagues in the networks 2.4 Critically evaluate how the

organisations in the networks work together

2.5 Determine a range of sources of

potential conflict of interest within networks and how to overcome these

03 Understand the value of specialist support for clients and the service

3.1 Critically evaluate the range of sources of specialist support available for clients both within and outside own organisation 3.2 Assess the suitability of sources of specialist support 3.3 Assess the different means of accessing specialist support

04 Understand the principles of negotiation

4.1 Critically analyse the principles of negotiation 4.2 Critically evaluate a range of negotiation techniques

05 Network with other agencies

5.1 Establish contacts with relevant people in other agencies for the benefit of own clients and own organisation

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5.2 Maintain personal contacts with relevant people in other agencies for the benefit of own clients and own organisation 5.3 Exchange information with other

agencies according to organisational protocols

5.4 Record the sharing of information

with other agencies using organisational procedures

06 Refer clients to sources of specialist support

6.1 Use a positive manner to agree with clients the need for referral 6.2 Review the referral options with clients 6.3 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the referral options with clients 6.4 Enable clients to decide on the referral option 6.5 Plan the referral with clients 6.6 Facilitate the referral of clients 6.7 Record the referral of clients using organisational procedures

07 Negotiate on behalf of clients in order to meet their career-related needs

7.1 Agree with clients the need for negotiation 7.2 Prepare the negotiation offer 7.3 Explain the negotiation offer to the other party 7.3 Evaluate the offer from the other party 7.4 Consult with clients 7.5 Reach agreement between the two parties. 7.6 Record the outcome of negotiations using organisational procedures

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s critical understanding of networks, referral opportunities and

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negotiation skills and to enable the learner to use these to meet client and own organisation need.

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to: NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 428 Operate within networks NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 308 Enable clients to access referral opportunities Also: the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 40 Additional guidance

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Optional Units of Assessment Level 3 Award for Supporting clients to overcome ba rriers to learning and work Title

Provide information to support clients to overcome any barriers to learning and work

Level 3 Unit Ref: A6016176 Credit value 3 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand the range of information on overcoming barriers to learning and work available from own organisation

1.1 Explain the range, sources, and types of paper-based information available from own organisation 1.2 Explain the range, sources and types of electronic information available from own organisation

02 Enable clients to access and use information to overcome any barriers to learning and work

2.1 Agree the information needs with clients 2.2 Source the required information 2.3 Identify any barriers to accessing information that clients may have and how to overcome these 2.4 Enable clients to access and use information in relation to their own immediate needs. 2.5 Explain to clients how to access information in the future 2.6 Record the provision of the information to clients using organisational procedures

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s understanding of the range, sources, and types of information available from own organisation and how to provide the information to clients which will help them to overcome any barriers to learning and work.

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to: NOS LDSS (2009) Enable young people to access information and make decisions

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Also: the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 20 Additional guidance

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Assist clients to apply for learning and work

Level 3 Unit Ref: M6015848 Credit value 3 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand the different methods of applying for learning, training and work

1.1 Explain a range of different formats used to produce Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Personal Profiles 1.2 Explain how to complete application forms for learning or work, including on-line applications 1.3 Explain how to prepare for interviews for learning and work

02 Enable clients to apply for learning and work

2.1 Explain to clients the different formats that can be used to produce Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Personal Profiles 2.2 Enable clients to decide on a format that suits their needs 2.3 Enable clients to select relevant personal information to use when producing Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Personal Profiles 2.4 Explain to clients the types of information required in application forms and how to tailor this information to the job or course for which they are applying 2.5 Explain to clients what to expect at an interview for learning and work 2.6 Enable clients to think through how they can prepare themselves for interviews for learning and work 2.7 Check the clients’ understanding

of what they have learned about applying for learning and work

2.8 Check with clients that they know how to apply what they have learned to future applications for learning and work

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s understanding of procedures for applying for learning and work and enable the learner to impart this knowledge to clients.

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Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 20 Additional guidance

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Deliver career-related learning in groups

Level 3 Unit Ref: T6015849 Credit value 3 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand a range of career-related learning that can be delivered to groups

1.1 Explain a range of different types of group sessions on career-related learning that can be delivered to groups 1.2 Explain the advantages and disadvantages of delivering career-related learning to groups

02 Understand how to deliver career-related learning in groups

2.1 Explain the skills used to facilitate group learning 2.2 Explain the skills used to manage the group 2.3 Explain the skills used to

motivate group members to participate

2.4 Explain a range of communication skills used when delivering group sessions including use of language appropriate to the group 2.5 Explain how to evaluate group sessions

03 Deliver career-related learning in groups

3.1 Deliver career-related learning in groups using facilitation and group management skills 3.2 Encourage all group members to participate in the sessions 3.3 Establish and maintain appropriate communication with the group during the sessions

04 Evaluate career-related learning in groups

4.1 Evaluate the sessions 4.2 Use feedback from the participants to determine how to improve own future performance and the sessions

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s understanding of career-related learning in groups and enable the learner to plan, deliver and

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evaluate career-related learning to groups of people.

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to: NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 418 Plan, prepare and facilitate group work with children and young people NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 323 Create a climate that promotes learning Also: the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 20 Additional guidance

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Level 4 Diploma in Career Information and Advice Title

Use Diagnostic and Assessment Tools with clients

Level 5 Unit Ref: F6014896 Credit value 6 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01. Understand the purpose and application of assessment and diagnostic tools

1.1 Explain the reasons for diagnosing and assessing the needs of clients

1.2 Explain the purpose of a range

of assessment and diagnostic tools

1.3 Evaluate a range of diagnostic

and assessment tools used with clients to diagnose and assess their needs

02. Be able to use diagnostic and assessment tools with clients

2.1 Question clients to determine which diagnostic or assessment tool would be appropriate for their needs 2.2 Determine which diagnostic or assessment tool to use with clients 2.3 Explain the use of the diagnostic or assessment tool to clients 2.4 Use the diagnostic or assessment tool with clients 2.5 Analyse and interpret the results of diagnostic and assessment tools 2.6 Explain the results of diagnostic and assessment tools to clients 2.7 Agree the results of diagnostic and assessment tools with clients

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s understanding of the range, purpose and application of diagnostic and assessment tools and to enable the learner to use these with clients.

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance See LLUK Awarding Organisation

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specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 40 Additional guidance

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Assist clients to apply for learning and work

Level 4 Unit Ref: J6014897 Credit value 3 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand the different methods of applying for learning, training and work

1.1 Evaluate a range of different formats used to produce Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Personal Profiles 1.2 Evaluate different types of application form, including on-line applications 1.3 Explain how to prepare for interviews for learning and work

02 Enable clients to apply for learning and work

2.1 Explain to clients the different formats that can be used to produce Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Personal Profiles 2.2 Enable clients to decide on a format that suits their needs 2.3 Enable clients to select relevant personal information to use when producing Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Personal Profiles 2.4 Explain to clients the types of information required in application forms including on-line applications and how to tailor this information to the job or course for which they are applying 2.5 Explain to clients what to expect at an interview for learning and work 2.6 Enable clients to think through how they can prepare themselves for interviews for learning and work 2.8 Check the clients’ understanding

of what they have learned about applying for learning and work

2.9 Check with clients that they know how to apply what they have learned to future applications for learning and work

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s understanding of procedures for applying for learning and work and enable the learner to

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impart this knowledge to clients.

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 20 Additional guidance (range etc)

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Plan and deliver career-related learning in groups

Level 4 Unit ref: A6014900 Credit value 6 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand a range of theories of how people learn in groups

1.1 Review a range of relevant theories of how people learn in groups 1.2 Explain the principles of group dynamics

02 Understand how to plan and deliver career-related learning in groups

2.1 Explain how to determine what the group sessions should cover by looking at the career-related learning needs of the participants 2.2 Explain how to produce learning

outcomes for the sessions that meet the identified needs of the participants

2.3 Explain what lesson plans should

cover 2.4 Explain the use of resources in

group sessions, including electronic resources

2.5 Explain the skills used to facilitate group learning in both small and large groups 2.6 Explain the skills used to manage the group 2.7 Explain the skills used to

motivate group members to participate

2.8 Explain a range of communication skills used when delivering group sessions including the use of language appropriate for the group 2.9 Explain how to evaluate group sessions

03 Plan career-related learning in groups

3.1 Identify the learning that needs to be covered in the group sessions to meet the needs of the participants 3.2 Produce learning outcomes for the group sessions 3.3 Produce lesson plans for the groups sessions including the use of resources

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04 Deliver career-related learning in groups

4.1 Deliver career-related learning in groups using facilitation and group management skills 4.2 Encourage all group members to participate in the sessions 4.3 Establish and maintain appropriate communication with the group during the sessions

05 Evaluate career-related learning in groups

5.1 Evaluate the sessions using the learning outcomes and feedback from the participants 5.2 Use the results of the evaluation to plan how to improve own future performance and the sessions

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s understanding of career-related learning in groups and enable the learner to plan, deliver and evaluate career-related learning to groups of people.

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to: NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 418 Plan, prepare and facilitate group work with children and young people NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 323 Create a climate that promotes learning Also: the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from 1st April 2010 Unit guided learning hours 40 Additional guidance


Exploration and agreement of how to meet the career -related needs of the client

Level 4 Unit Ref: F6014901

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Credit value 6 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand a range of techniques used to explore and agree client needs

1.1 Evaluate a range of techniques used to explore the career related needs of clients 1.2 Evaluate a range of techniques used to agree career-related needs with clients

02 Understand a range of techniques used to identify and agree a range of options to meet the needs of clients

2.1 Evaluate a range of techniques used to identify options to meet the needs of clients 2.2 Evaluate a range of techniques used to agree options to meet the needs of clients

03 Understand a range of techniques used to enable clients to select a course of action

3.1 Evaluate a range of techniques used to enable clients to decide on a course of action 3.2 Explain how to enable the client to develop decision-making skills

04 Understand techniques used to agree, plan and write an action plan for clients

4.1 Evaluate a range of techniques used to agree and plan specific, measurable, achievable and time-bound action plans for clients that cover their career-related needs 4.2 Evaluate the different formats used for the production of action plans for clients

05 Explore and agree the career-related needs of clients

5.1 Explore clients’ career-related needs using a range of techniques 5.2 Agree clients’ career-related needs using a range of techniques

06 Identify and agree a range of options to meet clients’ career-related needs

6.1 Explore the options for meeting clients’ career-related needs using a range of techniques 6.2 Agree the options to be used to meet the clients’ career-related needs, using a range of techniques

07 Enable clients to select a course of action

7.1 use a range of techniques to enable clients to look at how each option meets their needs 7.2 Agree the course of action with clients

08 Agree, plan and produce an action plan for clients

8.1 Agree the content of the action plan with clients, including specific, measurable, achievable and realistic actions and associated timescales

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8.2 Agree with clients how any barriers to implementation of the action plan can be overcome 8.3 Identify a relevant format and produce an action plan with clients including how to overcome any barriers to implementation 8.4 Record the action plan and outcomes of the interview using organisational procedures

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s understanding of techniques used for exploring and agreeing client need, identifying options, planning a course of action and to enable the learner to apply these in practice

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to: NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 407 Develop interactions with advice and guidance clients Unit 409 Assist advice and guidance clients to decide on a course of action Unit 410 Prepare clients through advice and guidance for the implementation of a course of action Also: the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 40 Additional guidance

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Assist clients to review the achievement of a cours e of action

Level 4 Unit Ref: A6015352 Credit value 2 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand a range of techniques used to enable clients to review their achievement of a course of action

1.1 Analyse a range of techniques used to enable clients to review their achievement of a course of action

02 Understand the range of barriers to achieving a course of action faced by clients and ways to motivate them to overcome the barriers

2.1 Explain the types of barriers to achieving a course of action faced by clients 2.2 Explain a range of ways to support clients to overcome their barriers to achieving a course of action 2.3 Explain a range of motivational techniques used with clients

03. Enable clients to review their achievement of a career-related course of action

3.1 Use a range of techniques to enable clients to review the achievement of their career-related course of action

3.2 Identify with clients any barriers

to achieving their course of action

3.3 Motivate clients to look at ways

of overcoming any barriers 3.4 Discuss a range of ways of

overcoming barriers and decide on a new course of action

3.5 Produce a revised plan of action

with clients 3.6 Record the revised action plans using organisational procedures

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s understanding of techniques for reviewing client progress and achievement , identifying barriers to achieving a course of action and revising their plan of action and to enable the learner to apply these in practice achievement

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the There are links to:

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unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 419 Assist clients through advice and guidance to review their achievement of a course of action Also: the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 15 Additional guidance Title

Operate within networks to support the delivery of the service

Level 4 Unit Ref: Y6015374 Credit value 2 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand the networks which support the delivery of the service

1.1 Evaluate the networks used by own organisation 1.2 Explain the benefits that organisations in the networks can bring to own clients and own organisation 1.3 Review the ways to develop and sustain productive working relationships with colleagues in the networks 1.4 Evaluate how the organisations in the networks work together 1.5 Explain sources of potential conflict of interest within networks and how to overcome these

02. Network with other agencies

2.1 Establish contacts with relevant people in other agencies for the

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benefit of own clients and own organisation 2.2 Maintain personal contacts with

relevant people in other agencies for the benefit of own clients and own organisation

2.3 Exchange information with other

agencies according to organisational protocols

2.4 Record the sharing of information

with other agencies using organisational procedures

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s understanding of networks used by own organisation and to enable the learner to use these to meet client and organisation need.

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to: NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 428 Operate within networks Also: the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 15 Additional guidance

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Awarding organisation guidance by Lifelong Learning UK



Refer clients to a range of internal and external s ources to meet their needs

Level 4 Unit ref: M6015381 Credit value 2 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand the value of specialist support for clients and own organisation

1.1 Evaluate a range of sources of specialist support available for clients both within and outside own organisation 1.2 Explain how to access specialist support for clients

02. Refer clients to sources of specialist support

2.1 Use a positive manner to agree with clients the need for referral 2.2 Review the referral options with clients 2.3 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the referral options with clients 2.4 Enable clients to decide on the referral option 2.5 Plan the referral with clients 2.6 Facilitate the referral of clients 2.7 Record the referrals using organisational procedures

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s understanding of referral opportunities and to enable the learner to use these to meet client and organisation need.

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to: NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 308 Enable clients to access referral opportunities NOS LDSS (2009) Generic Common Unit 6 Reflect on, develop and maintain your practice Also: the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance See LLUK Awarding Organisation

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specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 15 Additional guidance Title

Use negotiation skills on behalf of clients

Level 4 Unit Ref: J6015385 Credit value 2 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01. Understand the principles of negotiation and why negotiation is used

1.1 Explain the principles of negotiation 1.2 Explain why negotiation on behalf of clients is needed 1.3 Evaluate a range of negotiation techniques

02 Negotiate on behalf of clients in order to meet their career-related needs

2.1 Agree with clients the need for negotiation 2.2 Prepare the negotiation offer 2.3 Explain the negotiation offer to the other party 2.4 Evaluate the offer from the other party 2.5 Consult with clients 2.6 Reach agreement between the two parties 2.7 Record the outcomes of negotiations using organisational procedures

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s understanding of negotiation skills and to enable the learner to use these to meet client and organisation need.

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Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 15 Additional guidance

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Use advocacy skills on behalf of clients

Level 4 Unit ref: R6015387 Credit value 2 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand the principles and skills of advocacy and why advocacy is used

1.1 Explain the reasons why advocacy is used 1.2 Explain the principles of advocacy 1.3 Evaluate the range of skills used in the advocacy process 1.4 Summarise the range of services or people who can be contacted to pursue the interests of own clients

02 Advocate on behalf of clients 2.1 Obtain accurate information from clients about their need for advocacy 2.2 Explain to clients the role and information requirements of all those involved in the advocacy process 2.3 Provide the correct information to all relevant people 2.4 Present clients’ interests to the other party 2.4 Identify the issues presented by the other party and offer constructive suggestions for their resolution via consultation with own clients 2.5 Consult with clients and others

involved in the advocacy process in reaching agreement about the way forward

2.6 Record the outcome of advocacy

using organisational procedures

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s understanding of the advocacy process, the skills used and to enable the learner to use these skills to meet client and organisation need.

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to: NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 423 Advocate on behalf of children and young people

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Also: the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 15 Additional guidance Title

Enable parents/ family members/ partners/ guardians / advocates to support clients to meet their career-r elated needs

Level 4 Unit Ref: H6015393 Credit value 3 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand the rationale for working with parents/ family members/ partners/ guardians/ advocates to support clients to meet their career-related needs

1.1 Analyse the rationale for working with parents/ family members/ partners/ guardians/ advocates in order to enable them to support clients with their career-related needs 1.2 Evaluate a range of ways in which parents/ family members/ partners/ guardians/ advocates can support clients with their career-related needs 1.3 Evaluate a range of ways to maintain the confidentiality of clients whilst involving parents/ family members/ partners/ guardians/ advocates in supporting clients to meet their career-related needs

02 Agree with parents, family members, partners, guardians and advocates how they will support clients to meet their career-related needs

2.1 Gain the views of both clients and their parents/ family members/ partners/ guardians/ advocates on

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how the career-related needs can be met 2.2 Identify and agree with parents/ family members/ partners/ guardians/ advocates and clients the ways in which they will support clients to meet their career-related needs 2.3 Identify with all parties any barriers to providing this support 2.4 Explore ways with all parties to overcome any barriers to providing the support 2.5 Agree, prepare and produce an action plan with clients and their parents/ family members/ partners/ guardians/ advocates which clearly identifies their respective roles in meeting the career-related needs of clients.

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s understanding of how to involve parents/ family members/ partners/ guardians/ advocates in supporting clients to meet their career-related needs.

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 309 Liaise with parents, carers and families

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 20 Additional guidance

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Provide on-going support to clients

Level 4 Unit Ref: D6015618 Credit value 2 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand the need for and types of on-going support available for clients

1.1 Explain why clients may need on-going support 1.2 Evaluate the types of on-going support available for clients 1.3 Evaluate the role of own organisation and other individuals and organisations in the provision of on-going support to clients

02 Agree the need for and provide on-going support for clients

2.1 Agree with clients their need for on-going support in order to progress their plan of action 2.2 Explain to clients what on-going support is available to them 2.3 Agree with clients the on-going support that would meet their needs 2.4 Agree with clients the need to exchange information with other services in order to help them 2.5 Provide the on-going support agreed with clients 2.6 Liaise with other individuals and services to enable them to provide on-going support to clients 2.7 Record all relevant on-going support information using organisational procedures

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s understanding of the types of on-going support available and how to agree and provide on-going support to clients.

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links with LA7 Provide Continuing Support to Clients (2006) NOS for Legal Advice

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

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Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 15 Additional guidance (range etc) To be added Title

Prepare to deliver services to clients in an outrea ch setting

Level 4 Unit Ref: R6015647 Credit value 2 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand the outreach setting in which the services will be delivered

1.1 Explain the outreach setting in which the services will be delivered 1.2 Explain the range of services which will be delivered in the outreach setting 1.3 Explain the range of resources, including technology which will be needed to deliver services to clients in the outreach setting

02 Understand autonomous working 2.1 Explain the skills of autonomous working needed in an outreach setting 2.2 Explain the boundaries and limitations of own autonomous work role in an outreach setting 2.3 Explain the range of support that

can be accessed to support own autonomous work role when working in an outreach setting

2.4 Explain the importance of risk

assessments before undertaking outreach work

2.5 Explain a range of techniques to

ensure personal safety when undertaking outreach work

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s understanding of how to deliver services in an outreach setting and the skills of autonomous working

Unit expiry date

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Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)


Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from 1st April 2010 Unit guided learning hours 15 Additional guidance (range etc)

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Source, evaluate and use Labour Market Information (LMI) with clients

Level 4 Unit Ref: F6015675 Credit value 3 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand the range of LMI available for use with clients

1.1 Explain the types of information available on local, regional, national and international labour markets 1.2 Evaluate the range of sources of Labour Market Information available including electronic sources

02 Use LMI with clients 2.1 Explain the benefits of using LMI to clients 2.2 Question clients to determine their need to use LMI 2.3 Agree they type of LMI that would suit client’s needs 2.4 Source relevant LMI for use by clients 2.5 Ensure that the LMI is fit for purpose to use with clients 2.6 Explain the LMI and how to use it to clients 2.7 Enable clients to interpret the LMI in relation to their own needs and aspirations

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s understanding of the range and sources of LMI and how to use it with clients.

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to: NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 310 Provide and maintain information materials for use in the service Also: the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

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Awarding organisation guidance by Lifelong Learning UK


Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 20 Additional guidance Title

Obtain and organise career-related information incl uding Labour Market Information

Level 4 Unit Ref: K6015685 Credit value 3 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand the need for and the range, sources and types of career-related information including Labour Market Information

1.1 Explain the range of career-related information needs presented by clients 1.2 Explain the range, sources and

types of career-related information including electronic which are or should be available to clients

02 Understand the organisation and management of career-related information

2.1 Evaluate the range of methods used to record and store career-related information 2.2 Evaluate the use of IT in the management of career-related information, including database searching, retrieval and dissemination

03 Obtain career-related information 3.1 Determine what career-related information needs to be obtained by the organisation 3.2 Research a range of sources for obtaining career-related information 3.3 Obtain career-related information using various operating/delivery systems including electronic 3.4 Ensure that the career-related information obtained is fit for purpose for use with clients

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s understanding of the need for career-related information, its

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range, sources and types, how to obtain it and how to organise and manage the information.

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to: NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 310 Provide and maintain information materials for use in the service NOS LDSS (2009) Generic Common Unit 6 Reflect on, develop and maintain your practice Also: the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 20 Additional guidance (range etc) To be added

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Promote career-related learning

Level 4 Unit Ref: R6015678 Credit value 6 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand the purpose, aims and benefits of career-related learning

1.1 Explain what is meant by the term career-related learning 1.2 Explain the policy context for

career-related learning 1.3 Explain the value to an organisation and its staff of the organisation achieving relevant kite marks for career-related learning 1.4 Explain the purpose, aims and benefits of career-related learning for the following target groups:

• Workplace context • Education and training

providers • Community contexts

02 Understand a range of activities used to promote career-related learning

2.1 Explain a range of activities that can be used to promote career-related learning 2.2 Explain the benefits and limitations of a range of promotional activities used to promote career-related learning

03 Negotiate the need for promotional activities

3.1 Explain to the external party the range of promotional activities available to them 3.2 Negotiate with the external party what promotional activity will be delivered 3.3 Agree with the external party the roles and responsibilities of those involved in the promotional activity

04 Implement a promotional activity 4.1 Design a promotional activity on career-related learning for the chosen target group 4.2 Deliver a promotional activity on career-related learning for the chosen target group using a range of motivational techniques to engage the audience

05 Evaluate a promotional activity on career-related learning

5.1 Seek feedback on the relevance of the information and suitability of the promotional activity used

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5.2 Evaluate feedback and identify opportunities for improving the promotion of career-related learning for the chosen target group 5.3 Produce an evaluation report 5.4 Disseminate the report to interested parties

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s understanding of the purpose, aims and benefits of career-related learning for employers/employees/ education and training providers, and in community contexts and how to promote, design, deliver and evaluate promotional activities

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to: NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 435 Promote Careers Education Guidance within the curriculum Also: the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 40 Additional guidance

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Awarding organisation guidance by Lifelong Learning UK



Understand how to support clients in particular circumstances to overcome barriers to learning, tra ining and employment

Level 4 Unit Ref: J6015693 Credit value 3 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand how key legislation and policies impact on work with this client group

1.1 Summarise the key policies and legislation which are in place which affect this client group 1.2 Summarise how these key policies and legislation impact on own work with this client group

02 Understand the range of barriers to learning, training and employments that may be faced by this client group and ways to overcome them

2.1 Explain a range of barriers to learning, training and employment that may be presented by this client group 2.2 Evaluate a range of ways to overcome these barriers 2.3 Evaluate a range of motivational techniques for use in supporting this client group to overcome their barriers to learning, training and employment

03 Understand the range of services available to support this client group

3.1 Evaluate the range of services that are available to support this client group 3.2 Explain how clients in this client group can access these services to support them to overcome barriers to learning, training and employment

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s understanding of policies and legislation covering different client groups, the barriers to learning, training and employment they can face, how to overcome them and the range of other support services available.

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)


Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

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required) Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 20 Additional guidance Particular circumstances includes

different clients who are in/or have/or are:

o Further Education o Higher Education o care o care leavers o learning disabilities o mental health issues o physical disabilities o from different ethnic

minorities refugees o migrant workers o asylum seekers o redundant or are about to be

made redundant o ex-offenders o facing retirement o long-term unemployed

This list is not exhaustive and may be added to.


Evaluate service provision

Level 4 Unit Ref: Y6015701 Credit value 3 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand a range of methods for evaluating and reporting on service provision

1.1 Explain a range of methods which can be used to evaluate service provision including the use of client records 1.2 Evaluate a range of ways to involve clients in the evaluation of service provision 1.3 Explain a range of quality standards and kite marks that can be used in the evaluation of service provision 1.4 Evaluate a range of methods for producing evaluation reports

02 Evaluate service provision 2.1 Identify and select methods to evaluate service provision

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2.2 Discuss and agree the evaluation methods with those involved 2.3 Agree with whom the results of the evaluation will be disseminated 2.4 Collect the evaluation data using qualitative and quantitative methods 2.5 Analyse the evaluation data 2.6 Store the evaluation data using organisational procedures

03 Report on the outcome of the evaluation

3.1 Produce an evaluation report which includes recommendations for improvements or modifications to service provision 3.2 Disseminate the evaluation report to the agreed parties

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s understanding of how to evaluate and report on service provision, including using client records and seeking the views of clients.

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to: B227 (2005) Skills Active Contribute to evaluating, developing and promoting services Also: the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

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Unit guided learning hours 20 Additional guidance (range etc) Title

Undertake research on behalf of the service

Level 6 M6015705 Credit value 6 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand the need for research and a range of methods used to undertake research and present results

1.1 Determine the reasons for research to be undertaken 1.2 Determine the processes required to access information required for research, including compliance with relevant legislation 1.3 Critically evaluate a range of research methods 1.4 Critically evaluate a range of methods for presenting research results

02 Agree the need for the research with relevant people in the organisation or clients

2.1 Agree the need for a particular piece of research with relevant people in the organisation 2.2 Agree the aims and objectives of the research with relevant people in the organisation 2.3 Agree with whom the results of the research will be shared

03 Source the information required for the research

3.1 Identify the type and range of information required for the research 3.2 Identify a range of potential sources of information 3.3 Approach sources to check the

availability of the information and how to explain the purpose of the research

3.4 Collect the sources of information in line with the requirements of the research

04 Analyse the information collected from research

4.1 Analyse the information 4.2 Interpret and synthesise the results and draw suitable conclusions 4.3 Record the results of the analysis in the appropriate systems

05 Report the results of the research 5.1 Present the results of the

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research in a manner appropriate to its aims and objectives to its agreed audience 5.2 Acknowledge all sources of information in the presentation of the research results

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s critical understanding of how to undertake and report on research undertaken on behalf of the service

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 40 Additional guidance

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Level 6 Diploma in Career Guidance and Development Title

Assist clients to apply for learning and work

Level 4 Ref: M6015784 Credit value 3 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand the different methods of applying for learning, training and work

1.1 Evaluate a range of different formats used to produce Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Personal Profiles 1.2 Evaluate different types of application form, including on-line applications 1.3 Explain how to prepare for interviews for learning and work

02 Enable clients to apply for learning and work

2.1 Explain to clients the different formats that can be used to produce Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Personal Profiles 2.2 Enable clients to decide on a format that suits their needs 2.3 Enable clients to select relevant personal information to use when producing Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Personal Profiles 2.4 Explain to clients the types of information required in application forms including on-line applications and how to tailor this information to the job or course for which they are applying 2.5 Explain to clients what to expect at an interview for learning and work 2.6 Enable clients to think through how they can prepare themselves for interviews for learning and work 2.6 Check the clients’ understanding

of what they have learned about applying for learning and work

2.8 Check with clients that they know how to apply what they have learned to future applications for learning and work

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s understanding of

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procedures for applying for learning and work and enable the learner to impart this knowledge to clients.

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 20 Additional guidance Title

Use Diagnostic and Assessment Tools with clients

Level 5 Unit ref: L6015825 Credit value 6 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01. Understand the purpose and application of assessment and diagnostic tools

1.4 Explain the reasons for diagnosing and assessing the needs of clients

1.5 Explain the purpose of a range

of assessment and diagnostic tools

1.6 Evaluate a range of diagnostic

and assessment tools used with clients to diagnose and assess their needs

02. Be able to use diagnostic and assessment tools with clients

2.1 Question clients to determine which diagnostic or assessment tool would be appropriate for their needs 2.2 Determine which diagnostic or assessment tool to use with clients 2.3 Explain the use of the diagnostic or assessment tool to clients

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2.4 Use the diagnostic or assessment tool with clients 2.5 Analyse and interpret the results of diagnostic and assessment tools 2.6 Explain the results of diagnostic and assessment tools to clients 2.7 Agree the results of diagnostic and assessment tools with clients

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s understanding of the range, purpose and application of diagnostic and assessment tools and to enable the learner to use these with clients.

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 40 Additional guidance

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Awarding organisation guidance by Lifelong Learning UK



Plan and deliver career-related learning in groups

Level 6 Unit ref: Y6015827 Credit value 6 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand a range of theories of how people learn in groups

1.1 Critically evaluate a range of relevant theories of how people learn in groups 1.2 Critically analyse the impact of group dynamics when delivering group sessions 1.3 Critically evaluate a range of factors affecting learning and their potential impact on learners

02 Understand how to plan and deliver career-related learning in groups

2.1 Critically evaluate methods of ensuring that what the participants need to learn are identified prior to the delivery of sessions 2.2 Critically evaluate a range of ways of producing learning outcomes for the sessions that meet the identified needs of the participants 2.4 Determine ways in which lesson

plans can be adapted to the individual needs of participants

2.5 Critically evaluate a range of

different types of lesson plans 2.6 Determine the strengths and

limitations of a range of resources, including technology and how these can be used to promote equality and support diversity.

2.6 Critically evaluate different facilitation methods used in delivering career-related learning to both small and large groups 2.7 Critically evaluate a range of skills used to manage the group 2.8 Critically evaluate a range of

activities used to enthuse and motivate participants in group sessions

2.8 Critically evaluate different communication methods used in delivering career-related learning to groups

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2.9 Critically evaluate a range of ways to evaluate group sessions

03 Plan and deliver career-related learning in groups

3.1 Analyse the assessment of participants’ needs and identify the learning that needs to be covered in the group sessions to meet the needs of the participants 3.2 Produce learning outcomes for the group sessions 3.3 Devise and justify lesson plans for the groups sessions including the use of resources 3.4 Identify how the learning needs of individual participants will be taken into consideration during the group sessions

04 Deliver career-related learning in groups

4.1 Deliver career-related learning in groups using facilitation and group management skills 4.2 Use a range of activities to enthuse and motivate all participants to participate in the sessions 4.3 Establish and maintain appropriate communication with the participants during the group sessions

05 Evaluate career-related learning in groups

5.1 Critically evaluate the sessions using the learning outcomes and feedback from the participants 5.2 Analyse the results of the evaluation 5.3 Plan how to refine future performance and the sessions

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s critical understanding of career-related learning in groups and enable the learner to plan, deliver and evaluate career-related learning to groups of people.

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to: NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 418 Plan, prepare and facilitate group work with children and young people

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NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 323 Create a climate that promotes learning Also: the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 40 Additional guidance Title

Use advocacy skills on behalf of clients

Level 6 Unit ref: Y6015830 Credit value 2 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand the principles and skills of advocacy and why advocacy is used

1.1 Critically analyse the rationale for advocacy 1.2 Critically analyse the principles of advocacy 1.3 Critically evaluate the range of skills used in the advocacy process

02 Understand the range of advocacy services available for clients

2.1 Determine the range of advocacy services which can be contacted to pursue the interests of own clients 2.2 Critically evaluate the use of other advocacy services on behalf of own clients

03 Advocate on behalf of clients 3.1 Obtain accurate information from clients about their need for advocacy 3.2 Explain to clients the role and information requirements of all those involved in the advocacy process 3.3 Provide the correct information to

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all relevant people 3.4 Present clients’ interests to the other party 3.5 Identify the issues presented by the other party and offer constructive suggestions for their resolution via consultation with own clients 3.6 Consult with clients and others

involved in the advocacy process in reaching agreement about the way forward

3.7 Record the outcomes of the

advocacy process using organisational procedures

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s critical understanding of the advocacy process, the skills used and to enable the learner to use these skills to meet client and organisation need.

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to: NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 423 Advocate on behalf of children and young people Also: the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 15 Additional guidance

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Provide on-going support to clients

Level 6 Unit ref: L6015839 Credit value 2 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand the need for and types of on-going support available for clients

1.1 Critically analyse the rationale for on-going support for clients 1.2 Critically evaluate a range of different types of on-going support available for clients 1.3 Critically evaluate the role of own organisation and other individuals and organisations in the provision of on-going support to clients

02 Agree the need for and provide on-going support for clients

2.1 Agree with clients their need for on-going support in order to progress their plan of action 2.2 Explain to clients what on-going support is available to them 2.3 Agree with clients the on-going support that would meet their needs 2.4 Agree with clients the need to exchange information with other services in order to help them 2.5 Provide the on-going support agreed with clients 2.6 Liaise with other individuals and services to enable them to provide on-going support to clients 2.7 Record all relevant on-going support information using organisational procedures

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s critical understanding of the types of on-going support available and how to agree and provide on-going support to clients.

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links with LA7 Provide Continuing Support to Clients (2006) NOS for Legal Advice

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in

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England Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 15 Additional guidance Title

Enable parents/ family members/ partners/ guardians / advocates to support clients to meet their career-r elated needs

Level 6 Unit ref: F6015840 Credit value 3 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand the rationale for working with parents/ family members/ partners/ guardians/ advocates to support clients to meet their career-related needs

1.1 Critically analyse the rationale for working with parents/ family members/ partners/ guardians/ advocates in order to enable them to support clients with their career-related needs 1.2 Critically evaluate a range of ways in which parents/ family members/ partners/ guardians/ advocates can support clients with their career-related needs 1.3 Critically evaluate a range of ways to maintain the confidentiality of clients whilst involving parents/ family members/ partners/ guardians/ advocates in supporting clients to meet their career-related needs

02 Agree with parents, family members, partners, guardians and advocates how they will support clients to meet their career-related needs

2.1 Gain the views of both clients and their parents/ family members/ partners/ guardians/ advocates on how the career-related needs can be met 2.2 Identify and agree with parents/ family members/ partners/ guardians/ advocates and clients the ways in which they will support clients to meet their career-related needs 2.3 Identify with all parties any barriers to providing this support

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2.4 Explore ways with all parties to overcome any barriers to providing the support 2.5 Agree, prepare and produce an action plan with clients and their parents/ family members/ partners/ guardians/ advocates which clearly identifies their respective roles in meeting the career-related needs of clients.

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s critical understanding of how to involve parents/ family members/ partners/ guardians/ advocates in supporting clients to meet their career-related needs.

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to: NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 309 Liaise with parents, carers and families

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 20 Additional guidance Title

Prepare to deliver services to clients in an outrea ch setting

Level 6 Unit Ref: J6015841 Credit value 2 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand the outreach setting in which the services will be delivered

1.1 Determine the outreach setting in which the services will be delivered 1.2 Specify the range of services which will be delivered in the outreach setting 1.3 Specify the range of resources, including technology which will be needed to deliver services to clients

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in the outreach setting 02 Understand autonomous working 2.1 Critically evaluate the skills of

autonomous working needed in an outreach setting 2.2 Explain and justify the boundaries and limitations of own autonomous work role in an outreach setting 2.3 Critically evaluate the range of support that can be accessed to support own autonomous work role when working in an outreach setting 2.4 Analyse the importance of risk

assessments before undertaking outreach work

2.5 Critically evaluate a range of techniques to ensure personal safety when undertaking outreach work

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s critical understanding of how to deliver services in an outreach setting and the skills of autonomous working

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)


Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 15 Additional guidance

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Source, evaluate and use Labour Market Information (LMI) with clients

Level 6 Unit Ref: L6015842 Credit value 3 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand the range of LMI available for use with clients

1.1 Critically evaluate the types of information available on local, regional, national and international labour markets 1.2 Specify the role of the Sector Skills Councils, Skills Development Agencies and economic development agencies in the UK in the provision of LMI 1.3 Critically evaluate the range of sources of Labour Market Information available including electronic sources

02 Understand a range of techniques used to explain LMI to clients

2.1 Critically evaluate a range of techniques used to explain paper-based information on LMI to clients 2.2 Critically evaluate a range of techniques used to explain electronic information on LMI to clients

03 Use LMI with clients 3.1 Explain the benefits of using LMI to clients 3.2 Question clients to determine their need to use LMI 3.3 Agree they type of LMI that would suit client’s needs 3.4 Source relevant LMI for use by clients 3.5 Ensure that the LMI is fit for purpose to use with clients 3.6 Explain the LMI and how to use it to clients 3.7 Enable clients to interpret the LMI in relation to their own needs and aspirations

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s critical understanding of the range and sources of LMI and how to use it with clients.

Unit expiry date

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Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to: NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 310 Provide and maintain information materials for use in the service Also: the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 20 Additional guidance Title

Obtain and organise career-related information incl uding Labour Market Information

Level 4 Unit Ref: R6015843 Credit value 3 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand the need for and the range, sources and types of career-related information including Labour Market Information

1.1 Explain the range of career-related information needs presented by clients

1.2 Explain the range, sources and types of career-related information including electronic which are or should be available to clients

02 Understand the organisation and management of career-related information

2.1 Evaluate the range of methods used to record and store career-related information 2.2 Evaluate the use of IT in the management of career-related information, including database searching, retrieval and dissemination

03 Obtain career-related information 3.1 Determine what career-related information needs to be obtained by

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the organisation 3.2 Research a range of sources for obtaining career-related information 3.3 Obtain career-related information using various operating/delivery systems including electronic 3.4 Ensure that the career-related information obtained is fit for purpose for use with clients

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s understanding of the need for career-related information, its range, sources and types, how to obtain it and how to organise and manage the information.

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to: NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 310 Provide and maintain information materials for use in the service Also: the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 20 Additional guidance (range etc) To be added

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Promote career-related learning

Level 6 Unit Ref: Y6015844 Credit value 6 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand the purpose, aims and benefits of career-related learning

1.1 Explain what is meant by the term career-related learning 1.2 Critically analyse the policy

context for career-related learning

1.3 Explain the value to an

organisation and its staff of the organisation achieving relevant kite marks for career-related learning

1.4 Critically analyse the purpose,

aims and benefits of career-related learning for the following target groups: • Workplace context • Education and training

providers • Community contexts

02 Understand a range of activities used to promote career-related learning

2.1 Critically evaluate a range of activities that can be used to promote career-related learning 2.2 Critically evaluate a range of promotional activities used to promote career-related learning

03 Negotiate the need for promotional activities

3.1 Explain to the external party the range of promotional activities available to them 3.2 Negotiate with the external party what promotional activity will be delivered 3.3 Agree with the external party the roles and responsibilities of those involved in the promotional activity

04 Implement a promotional activity 4.2 Design a promotional activity on career-related learning for the chosen target group 4.3 Deliver a promotional activity on career-related learning for the chosen target group using a range of motivational techniques to engage the audience

05 Evaluate a promotional activity on career-related learning

5.1 Seek feedback on the relevance of the information and suitability of

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the promotional activity used 5.2 Evaluate feedback and identify opportunities for improving the promotion of career-related learning for the chosen target group 5.3 Produce an evaluation report 5.4 Disseminate the report to interested parties

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s critical understanding of the purpose, aims and benefits of career-related learning for employers/employees/ education and training providers, and in community contexts and how to promote, design, deliver and evaluate promotional activities

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to: NOS LDSS (2009) Unit 435 Promote Careers Education Guidance within the curriculum Also: the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 40 Additional guidance

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Understand how to support clients in particular circumstances to overcome barriers to learning, tra ining and employment

Level 6 Unit Ref: D6015845 Credit value 3 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand how key legislation and policies impact on work with this client group

1.1 Determine the key policies and legislation which are in place which affect this client group 1.2 Specify how these key policies and legislation impact on own work with this client group

02 Understand the range of barriers to learning, training and employments that may be faced by this client group and ways to overcome them

2.1 Specify a range of barriers to learning, training and employment that may be presented by this client group 2.2 Critically evaluate a range of ways to overcome these barriers 2.3 Critically evaluate a range of motivational techniques for use in supporting this client group to overcome their barriers to learning, training and employment

03 Understand the range of services available to support this client group

3.1 Critically evaluate the range of services that are available to support this client group 3.2 Explain how clients in this client group can access these services to support them to overcome barriers to learning, training and employment

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s critical understanding of policies and legislation covering different client groups, the barriers to learning, training and employment they can face, how to overcome them and the range of other support services available.

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)


Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

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required) Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 20 Additional guidance Particular circumstances includes

different client groups for example clients who are in/or have/or are:

o Further Education o Higher Education o care o care leavers o learning disabilities o mental health issues o physical disabilities o from different ethnic

minorities refugees o migrant workers o asylum seekers o redundant or are about to be

made redundant o ex-offenders o facing retirement o long-term unemployed

This list is not exhaustive and may be added to.


Evaluate service provision

Level 6 Unit Ref: H6015846 Credit value 3 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand a range of methods for evaluating and reporting on service provision

1.1 Critically evaluate a range of methods which can be used to evaluate service provision including the use of client records 1.2 Critically evaluate a range of ways to involve clients in the evaluation of service provision 1.3 Critically evaluate a range of quality standards and kite marks used in the evaluation of service provision 1.4 Critically evaluate a range of methods for producing evaluation reports

02 Evaluate service provision 2.1 Devise methods to evaluate

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service provision 2.2 Discuss and agree the evaluation methods with those involved 2.3 Agree with whom the results of the evaluation will be disseminated 2.4 Collect the evaluation data using qualitative and quantitative methods 2.5 Analyse the evaluation data 2.6 Store the evaluation data using organisational procedures

03 Report on the outcome of the evaluation

3.2 Produce an evaluation report which includes recommendations for improvements or modifications to service provision 3.3 Disseminate the evaluation report to the agreed parties

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s critical understanding of how to evaluate and report on service provision, including using client records and seeking the views of clients.

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to: B227 (2005) Skills Active Contribute to evaluating, developing and promoting services Also: the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

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Unit guided learning hours 20 Additional guidance Title

Undertake research on behalf of the service

Level 6 Unit Ref: K6015847 Credit value 6 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand the need for research and a range of methods used to undertake research and present results

1.1 Determine the reasons for research to be undertaken 1.2 Determine the processes required to access information required for research, including compliance with relevant legislation 1.3 Critically evaluate a range of research methods 1.4 Critically evaluate a range of methods for presenting research results

02 Agree the need for the research with relevant people in the organisation or clients

2.1 Agree the need for a particular piece of research with relevant people in the organisation 2.2 Agree the aims and objectives of the research with relevant people in the organisation 2.3 Agree with whom the results of the research will be shared

03 Source the information required for the research

3.1 Identify the type and range of information required for the research 3.2 Identify a range of potential sources of information 3.4 Approach sources to check the

availability of the information and how to explain the purpose of the research

3.4 Collect the sources of information in line with the requirements of the research

04 Analyse the information collected from research

4.1 Analyse the information 4.2 Interpret and synthesise the results and draw suitable conclusions 4.3 Record the results of the analysis in the appropriate systems

05 Report the results of the research 5.1 Present the results of the

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research in a manner appropriate to its aims and objectives to its agreed audience 5.2 Acknowledge all sources of information in the presentation of the research results

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to develop the

learner’s critical understanding of how to undertake and report on research undertaken on behalf of the service

Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

There are links to the Learning Outcomes of the Qualification in Career Guidance (2006) and the Scottish Subject Benchmark Statement - Career Guidance (2007) which has UK wide endorsement.

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

See LLUK Awarding Organisation Guidance for Career Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults in England

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Lifelong Learning UK in its Sector Skills Council role supports this unit

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system


Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Lifelong Learning UK

Availability for use Shared Unit available from

1st April 2010

Unit guided learning hours 40 Additional guidance

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Management Units The following management units are already on the National Database of Accredited Qualifications at QCF Level 5 with the exception of Obtain Additional Finance for the Organisation which is at Level 7. These could be used rather that designing specific ones for the Career Information, Advice and Guidance sector. The units are available as optional units in both the Level 4 and Level 6 Diplomas Title

Leadership practice

Level 5 Unit Ref: H5018137 Credit value 7 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Understand the links and differences between management and leadership

1.1 Discuss the concept of managers as effective leaders 1.2 Discuss the concept of leaders as effective managers 1.3 Evaluate the balance needed between the demands of management and the demands of leadership

02 Understand leadership principles that support organisational values

2.1 Evaluate the role of the leader in contributing to the creation of the organisation’s vision and its communication to others 2.2 Evaluate how personal energy, self-belief and commitment impact on leadership styles 2.3 Identify how empowerment and trust through ethical leadership impact on organisational practice

03 Be able to understand and apply leadership strategies to organisational objectives

3.1 Distinguish between two different leadership styles 3.2 Assess the practical value of a leadership style to a manager in achieving organisational objectives 3.3 Discuss situational variables likely to influence the choice of leadership style.

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit is about the links between

management and leadership, key leadership principles and leadership theory

Unit expiry date 31/08/2013 Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

Simple merge: NOS for Management and leadership 2004: B6 and B7

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body

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(if appropriate) Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Management Standards Centre endorsed

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system

15 Business Administration and Law 15.3

Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Unit owner CMI

Availability for use Unit available from


Unit guided learning hours 30 Additional guidance NA Title

Performance management

Level 5 Unit Ref: F5015035 Credit value 9 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Be able to identify and agree performance objectives

1.1 Explain the links between individual, team and organisational objectives 1.2 Identify the selection of, and agree individual and team objectives 3.5 Identify and agree areas of

individual and team responsibility in achieving objectives

3.6 Identify the need to create an environment of trust and support with others

02 Be able to assess performance and provide feedback

2.1 Evaluate and assess individual and team performance against objectives 2.2 Identify methods of providing feedback to individuals and teams on performance 2.3 identify the causes of conflict, and describe strategies to minimise or prevent conflict 2.4 Explain recording systems for performance assessment for individuals or teams

03 Be able to understand performance support for improvement

3.1 Explain a performance improvement cycle 3.2 Discuss the indicators of poor performance 3.3 Evaluate methods that support performance improvement

04 be able to understand and apply the organisation’s disciplinary and grievance procedures

4.1 Discuss the organisation’s discipline and grievance procedures

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4.2 Identify the role of the manager in both a disciplinary and a grievance procedure 4.3 Summarise the key aspects of legislation that applies to an organisation’s disciplinary and grievance procedures

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit is about the management of

individual and team performance Unit expiry date 31/08/2013 Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

NOS Management and Leadership 2004 : B6, B11, D3, D6, D7

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Management Standards Centre endorsed

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system

15 Business Administration and Law 15.3

Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Unit owner CMI

Availability for use Unit available from


Unit guided learning hours 30 Additional guidance NA Title

Managing facilities

Level 5 Unit Reference Number L5013319

Credit value 2 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Develop a facilities management plan in an organisation

1.1 Develop a facilities management plan for own area of operation that includes

• The range of people likely to work within, or visit the organisation

• Legal obligations and insurance requirements

• Location of premises, planning, access, size and cost factors

• Adequacy and maintenance of heating, lighting, ventilation and other internal facilities and equipment

• Health, safety and environmental issues

• Effects of premises and

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facilities on the organisation’s image

• Security measures for the premises, contents and users, including protection from malicious attack

• Hiring out of accommodation/equipment (if relevant)

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) To develop knowledge and

understanding of facilities management as required by a practising or potential middle manager. Topics covered include developing a facilities management plan, effects of premises and facilities on the organisation’s image and health, safety and environmental issues

Unit expiry date 30/09/2010 Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

Not given

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

MSC endorsed

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system

15 Business, Administration and Law 15.3 Business Management

Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Unit owner ILM

Availability for use Unit available from


Unit guided learning hours 9 Additional guidance NA

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Financial control

Level 5 Unit Ref: Y5015039 Credit value 9 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Be able to understand, use and control a financial system to meet objectives

1.1 Assess the relationship(s) between a financial system or function and other systems or functions in an organisation 1.2 Describe the system of accounts and financial statements used to control a financial system 1.3 Analyse financial information contained in a set of accounts or financial accounts

02 Be able to identify and use a range of financial controls

2.1 Construct a budget for an area of management responsibility 2.2 Develop budgetary control systems and compare actual and planned expenditure 2.3 Discuss corrective actions to be taken in response to budgetary variations 2.4 identify conflicts that can occur with management control systems and how these could be resolved or minimised

03 Be able to understand the sources and availability of finance to an organisation

3.1 Identify the current and potential sources of finance that support organisational activities 3.2 Evaluate the distribution of finance in support of organisational activities 3.3 Discuss the monitoring and control of finance employed in support of organisational activities.

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit is about financial systems

and controls and the impact of external factors on organisational financial management

Unit expiry date 31/08/2013 Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

NOS Management and leadership 2004: E2, E3

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

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Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

MSC endorsed

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system

15 Business, Administration and Law 15.3 Business Management

Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Unit owner CMI

Availability for use 01/09.2008 Unit available from

Unit guided learning hours 30 Additional guidance NA Title

Project development and control

Level 5 Unit Ref: R5015041 Credit value 6 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 Be able to identify the components of project stages and lifecycle

1.1 Describe the component stages of a project 1.2 Define a project lifecycle from conception to commissioning or hand over 1.3 Assess where projects fit in operational management activities

02 Be able to describe project methodologies and their application

2.1 Discuss standard approaches available to manage projects 2.2 Describe the process of developing and effective project management environment 2.3 Discuss identification of and communication with all project stakeholders 2.3 identify the fundamentals of a

business case to support a project

03 Be able to develop a project plan, identify and mitigate risk and construct a monitor and review strategy

3.1 Design a project plan to achieve a specified objective 3.2 identify the financial components including risk appraisal, which need to be developed for effective project design and control 3.3 Develop a monitoring and reviewing strategy for the project that assesses the impact and achievement of the project

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Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit is about undertaking

projects, developing project plans and management strategies, and ensuring projects achieve objectives with targets

Unit expiry date 31/08/2013 Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

NOS Management and Leadership 2004: F1, F2

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

MSC endorsed

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system

15 Business, Administration and Law 15.3 Business Management

Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Unit owner CMI

Availability for use Unit available from


Unit guided learning hours 20 Additional guidance NA The following unit exists on the National Database of Accredited Qualifications but the actual content is not currently available. Title

Obtain additional finance for the organisation

Level 7 Unit Reference Number Not known

Credit value 10 Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 01 1.1

1.2 Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate)

Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate)

Support for the unit from a sector skills council or other appropriate body (if required)

Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system

Name of the organisation submitting the unit

Availability for use

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Unit available from

Unit guided learning hours Additional guidance

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Glossary of terms used in the units Analyse

Examine in very close detail: identify important points and chief features

Critically analyse

Consider the claims of theorists, governments, authorities etc, what they are based on and how far they seem to apply to a given situation

Critically evaluate

Outline the criteria used to guide your assessment of which theories, opinions, models or items are preferable and then weigh arguments for and against something, assessing the strength of the evidence on both sides.


Assess the worth, importance or usefulness of something, using evidence

On-going support

Support clients on an ongoing basis to help them to progress their plan of action This could be where the client is working directly with you or where a particular aspect of their case has been referred to another service.


Determining a more detailed picture of the needs of the client and then obtaining a booked appointment for the client with another agency, where the referring agency for reasons of specialism or capacity is unable to assist the client further

Signposting Where a client is simply directed to one or more appropriate sources of information, advice or guidance. An example of this would be giving the client telephone numbers of local agencies

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Appendix QCF Level Descriptors Level Descriptors Each level of the QCF has a level descriptor to ensure that each unit and qualification is relevant and appropriate for the learner and meets their needs as well of those of skill development. The descriptor describes what level of knowledge, understanding, application and action, and autonomy is required from learners and qualifications and units at the level concerned. The following information is taken from http://www.qcda.gov.uk/20252.aspx accessed 18/09/09. Level 2 Summary

Achievement at level 2 reflects the ability to select and use relevant knowledge, ideas, skills and procedures to complete well-defined tasks and address straightforward problems. It includes taking responsibility for completing tasks and procedures and exercising autonomy and judgement subject to overall direction or guidance.

Knowledge and understanding

• Use understanding of facts, procedures and ideas to complete well-defined tasks and address

straightforward problems • Interpret relevant information and ideas • Be aware of the types of information that are relevant to the area of study or work

Application and action

• Complete well-defined, generally routine tasks and address straightforward problems • Select and use relevant skills and procedures • Identify, gather and use relevant information to inform actions • Identify how effective actions have been

Autonomy and accountability

• Take responsibility for completing tasks and procedures • Exercise autonomy and judgement subject to overall direction or guidance

Level 3 Summary Achievement at level 3 reflects the ability to identify and use relevant understanding, methods and skills to complete tasks and address problems that, while well defined, have a measure of complexity. It includes taking responsibility for initiating and completing tasks and procedures as well as exercising autonomy and judgement within limited parameters. It also reflects awareness of different perspectives or approaches within an area of study or work. Knowledge and understanding

• Use factual, procedural and theoretical understanding to complete tasks and address problems that, while well defined, may be complex and non-routine.

• Interpret and evaluate relevant information and ideas • Be aware of the nature of the area of study or work • Have awareness of different perspectives or approaches within the area of study or work

Application and action

• Address problems that, while well defined, may be complex and non-routine • Identify, select and use appropriate skills, methods and procedures

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• Use appropriate investigation to inform actions • Review how effective methods and actions have been

Autonomy and accountability

• Take responsibility for initiating and completing tasks and procedures, including, where relevant, responsibility for supervising or guiding others

• Exercise autonomy and judgement within limited parameters. Level 4 Summary Achievement at level 4 reflects the ability to identify and use relevant understanding, methods and skills to address problems that are well defined but complex and non-routine. It includes taking responsibility for overall courses of action as well as exercising autonomy and judgement within fairly broad parameters. It also reflects understanding of different perspectives or approaches within an area of study or work. Knowledge and understanding

• Use practical, theoretical or technical understanding to address problems that are well defined but complex and non-routine

• Analyse, interpret and evaluate relevant information and ideas • Be aware of the nature and approximate scope of the area of study or work • Have an informed awareness of different perspectives or approaches • within the area of study or work

Application and action

• Address problems that are complex and non-routine while normally fairly well defined • Identify, adapt and use appropriate methods and skills • Initiate and use appropriate investigation to inform actions • Review the effectiveness and appropriateness of methods, actions and results

Autonomy and accountability

• Take responsibility for courses of action, including, where relevant, • responsibility for the work of others • Exercise autonomy and judgement within broad but generally well-defined parameters

Level 5 Summary Achievement at level 5 reflects the ability to identify and use relevant understanding, methods and skills to address broadly-defined, complex problems. It includes taking responsibility for planning and developing courses of action as well as exercising autonomy and judgement within broad parameters. It also reflects understanding of different perspectives, approaches or schools of thought and the reasoning behind them. Knowledge and understanding

• Use practical, theoretical or technological understanding to find ways forward in broadly-defined, complex contexts

• Analyse, interpret and evaluate relevant information, concepts and ideas • Be aware of the nature and scope of the area of study or work • Understand different perspectives, approaches or schools of thought and the reasoning behind them

Application and action

• Address broadly-defined, complex problems • Determine, adapt and use appropriate methods and skills • Use relevant research or development to inform actions • Evaluate actions, methods and results

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Autonomy and accountability • Take responsibility for planning and developing courses of action, including, where relevant,

responsibility for the work of others • Exercise autonomy and judgement within broad parameters

Level 6 Summary Achievement at level 6 reflects the ability to refine and use relevant understanding, methods and skills to address complex problems that have limited definition. It includes taking responsibility for planning and developing courses of action that are able to underpin substantial change or development, as well as exercising broad autonomy and judgement. It also reflects an understanding of different perspectives, approaches or schools of thought and the theories that underpin them. Knowledge and understanding

• Refine and use practical, conceptual or technological understanding to create ways forward in contexts where there are many interacting factors

• Critically analyse, interpret and evaluate complex information, concepts and ideas • Understand the context in which the area of study or work is located • Be aware of current developments in the area of study or work • Understand different perspectives, approaches or schools of thought and the theories that underpin

them Application and action

• Address problems that have limited definition and involve many interacting factors • Determine, refine, adapt and use appropriate methods and skills • Use and, where appropriate, design relevant research and development to inform actions • Evaluate actions, methods and results and their implications

Autonomy and accountability

• Take responsibility for planning and developing courses of action that are capable of underpinning substantial changes or developments

• Initiate and lead tasks and processes, taking responsibility, where relevant, for the work and roles of others

• Exercise broad autonomy and judgement
