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AWATEA Annual General Meeting - AWATEA Aotearoa Wave And Tidal Energy … · 2012-11-22 · AWATEA...

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AWATEA Annual General Meeting 29 September 2009 Dr. John Huckerby Executive Officer

AWATEA Annual General Meeting

29 September 2009

Dr. John Huckerby Executive Officer

AGM Agenda 29 September 2009

Annual General Meeting 1.  Quorum and apologies 2.  Election of new Executive 3.  Approval and certification of 2009 financial statements 4.  Executive Officer’s review of the year 5.  AWATEA Travel Bursary recipient’s presentation 6.  Results of voting and any other business 7.  Drinks and opportunity to meet the new Executive

Development of Ocean Energy

2008 was a good year! •  First deployment of wave farm array – 3 x Pelamis in Portugal •  First deployment of ‘pre-commercial’ MCT tidal current turbine •  Other device deployments continued, notably OpenHydro •  More marine energy testing centre developments were


2009 – drawing breath… 1.  Pelamis array withdrawn early and recently sold to EdP 2.  MCT device running intermittently 3.  Other device developers having teething problems 4.  New funding initiatives in UK, BC 5.  First offshore licensing round for marine energy (Pentland Firth)

New Zealand Energy Strategy

Strategy Development •  NZES enacted in October 2007 •  Prior Govt. scenarios forecast uptake of marine energy (up to

200 MW of wave power by 2030) •  New Government retained NZES but is reviewing it •  Renewable energy target – 90% electricity by 2025 – retained!

Proposed Marine Energy Initiatives 1.  Marine Energy Deployment Fund ($2 million pa – 2008-2011) 2.  Marine energy atlas by end-2009 3.  Marine energy converter standards by end-2010 4.  Ongoing funding for AWATEA

Capital Grants Marine Energy Deployment Fund

Government funding for prototype deployments •  NZ$ 8 mm (! 4.56 million) over 4 years •  Must connect to a ‘useful load’; funds only up to 40% of costs •  First award NZ$ 1.85 million to Crest Energy on 29 May 2008,

subject to resource consent and external funding •  Second award NZ$ 0.76 million to Power Projects & WET-NZ •  Third round in progress; closes 23 November 2009

UK: MRDF still not awarded Recently established MR Proving Fund (GBP 22 million) Also recently offered GBP 20 million Saltire Prize

US: R & D: US$ 10 million (2008); $ 14.6 million in 2009 Canada: BC provincial gov’t announces first capital grants Australia: No specific capital grants for ME deployments

2008 - 09: the Year Reviewed

"   Membership "   Growing steadily – now 55 members "   Some turnover due to economic circumstances

"   Finances "   Annual reports - result better than 2008 "   Still not financially secure "   Thanks to sponsors - but need ongoing/new sponsors for 2009

"   Strategic Activities "   Distributed over 320 Supply Chain Directories "   Gap Analysis and ME Resource Allocation reports completed "   Contributed submissions/consultations on request "   Contributed widely to publicity regarding marine energy - public

perception is still supportive

AWATEA Activities

"   3rd Annual Conference (19 May 2009) "   85 attendees; 15 presentations, 4 from overseas

"   Hon. Gerry Brownlee announced MEDF award and 3rd round opening

"   Resource Consenting Workshop (4 Dec 2008) "   45 attendees; 8 presentations – on Members’ page

"   Submissions & consultation "   Submission on Crest Energy consent application "   Presentation on proposed NPS for renewables

"   Supply Chain Directory "   Over 320 Supply Chain Directories distributed "   >100 copies distributed internationally (UK,

Germany, US and Australia)

Executive Officer Activities

"   National Policy Statement on Renewable Electricity "   “Environmental Impacts of Marine Energy Converters” "   Written submission to Board of Inquiry (7 November 2008)

"   Marine Energy Resource Allocation & SC Gap Analysis "   MERA report completed 30 June 2009 – under legal review "   Gap Analysis report completed and distributed to sponsors

"   AWATEA presentations & articles "   15 presentations at Navy League conference, Engineers for Social

Responsibility (Akl. and Wlg.), Electricity Engineers Conference "   Number of contributions to press/magazine articles "   Radio NZ National Sunday programme interview (late May 2009)

"   Newsletters "   Monthly newsletters sent to members

Ocean Energy Systems – IA www.iea-oceans.org

"   NZ Chairmanship "   EO nominated as Chairman of OES-IA for 2 years (2009 – 2010)

"   Meetings "   Brest (October 2008); presentation at EWTEC 2008 conference "   IEA – Paris: presentation on ocean energy to RE Working Party "   Bilbao (30 March – 1 April) including chairing session at Int’l OE seminar

"   Annex III: Grid Connection (Electricity Commission) "   New Zealand contributes comments to two documents – now published

"   Annex IV: Environmental Impacts (Min. for Environment) "   New Zealand joins new annex and contributes material

"   Outputs "   Presentations and contributions to OES-IA newsletters, annual report and DVD "   Trip reports on Members’ page on AWATEA website

International Electrotechnical Commission TC114

"   IEC (Geneva) – www.iec.ch "   International standards setting agency for electrical devices

"   Technical Committee 114 "   Proposed in August 2007 to establish standards for marine energy converters "   Electrical, environmental and safety standards

"   Standards NZ & AWATEA "   Standards NZ is NZ representative to IEC; AWATEA is NZ

representative to TC114

"   Products "   NZ will lead project team on resource characterization & assessment "   NZ participates in project teams on wave device performance, tidal

device performance, terminology and design of MECs "   Need volunteers for working group members!

Neptune Power

"   Neptune Power "   Consent application submitted in

August 2007 for a single prototype device trial

"   First non-notified consent for single prototype granted on 10 April 2008 for 35 years

"   Neptune has proposal to develop 900 MW commercial project (at an adjacent site)

"   Will design and build their own; concepts in progress

"   Deployment/retrieval system designed

"   Publications available to potential investors subject to NDA

Crest Energy "   Crest Energy

"   Resource consent applications submitted for Kaipara Harbour tidal project, using OpenHydro device

"   Project was granted NZ$ 1.85 million from MEDF for deployment of first 3 turbines

"   11 consents recommended on 22 August 2008, with recommendation for 2 further consents to be granted

"   Environment Court hearings finished on 18 June 2009 but no judgment published yet

"   Parties working to agree on a monitoring programme

Wave Energy Technology - NZ

"   Wave Energy Technology - New Zealand "   Government-fund consortium R & D project to develop

a wave device from July 2004 "   Deployed in Wellington Harbour for mooring trials in

June 2008 "   First device disassembled for forensic examination "   Project received 6 more years’ funding in Oct 2008 "   Project also awarded 2nd Round MEDF funds "   Second 2 kW research device deployed in

Christchurch in September 2009 "   20 - 100 kW research ocean-scale (ROS) device

under design and development "   Pace of development likely to increase

New Zealand-based Projects "   Energy Pacifica

"   Resource consent under review and meetings with affected parties in progress

"   Applications not yet submitted to Marlborough DC

"   Tidal Power Seamills "   Large seabed-mounted vertical axis tidal turbine "   Small-scale prototype under construction

"   Tidal Energy NZ "   Small-scale prototype under construction

"   25 projects in total "   19 are device/deployment projects (including 6

listed above) – some projects have become inactive

Energy Pacifica’s site in Tory Channel

Future Plans "   Activities

"   Executive Strategic Planning Session to publish “Vision for Ocean Energy” "   Marine energy resource allocation workshop "   EEZ and legal issues workshop in association with Energy Law Association

"   Bigger Conference! 4th Annual AWATEA conference "   2 days (19 – 20 April 2010) @ Te Papa "   One International Day and one NZ day – presentations required!

"   Develop an Experts Register for international use "   On-line Supply Chain Directory – need sponsors! "   Focus on Industry Growth and Job Creation

"   Involvement of supply chain participants "   OES-IA Executive Committee

"   Next OES-IA Meeting will be in Wellington (22 – 23 April 2010) "   Presentation at 2010 International Conference on Ocean Energy

"   TC114 "   Wave and Tidal Resources project team meeting in London (October 2009) "   NZ experts required to participate in working groups

Thanks to Sponsors "   2009 Conference

"   Supply Chain & Gap Analysis Sponsorship

"   IEA-OES and TC114 Membership and Travel Costs "   EECA, Meridian Energy, Genesis Energy "   Ministry of Economic Development & Electricity Commission

Dr. John Huckerby Executive Officer

AWATEA 3rd Annual General

Meeting 29 September 2009
