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AWL Techniek Wake-Up Call (gastsprekers Fountainheads)

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Welcome Wake-Up Call Thank you for coming to our Wake-Up Call. Together with Wim van Rooijen who’s standing there in the corner, we will give you a Wake-Up call

Welcome Wake-Up Call

Thank you for coming to our Wake-Up Call. Together with Wim van Rooijen who’s standing there in the corner, we will give you a Wake-Up call

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- Trend- en Innovation presentation

- Singularity - Importance and impact of Innovation - Trends

Wake-Up Call AWL TechDays 2016

Whats Next?

What can you expect coming hour? I will bring you some insights of the Technological Singularity. Wim will tell you about the importance of innovation and I will end the session with some important business trends.

Our story is not for everybody. It’s for those people who can and want to change their own future in a positive way. We call them entrepreneurial people. That are not always entrepreneurs. Not every entrepreneur is an entrepreneurial being and vice versa. In this new era you have to be connected to the outside world which changes rapidly.

Peer to PeerBig Data

The Internet of (Every)Things


Nano technologie

3D printing

DIY Do It Yourself


Open Source

Augmented Reality

Google Glass

Post PC era



Quantified self


These are the trends you must know everything about. And this is only a selection of the trends. We can’t discuss them all. We will treat some of them like……..

“If you do what you always did you’ll get what you always got"

Everything is changing. Also idioms. This idiom:

If you do what you always did you'll get what you always got.   That isn’t the case anymore. If you do today what you did yesterday then tomorrow you will be out of business. How can you prevent this? You have to be connected to the future.

Let’s step into a Time Machine to the year 2040. That’s the year of The Ultimate Technological Singularity.

That’s the moment that human beings will be connected to technology. That’s the moment that we will have hardware in our brainsThat’s the moment that we will have improved our bodies with technology. but we have that e already. We have pace-makers, hearing aid in our bodiesWe want to keep up with the pace of the computerchip.

The year 2045 is far more spectaculair. Then we have reached the biological immorality. At least if we have to believe Google. They've founded a company called Calico. With the goal to stop aging of our body. We get older but our body doesn’t age anymore. We won’t get all of those aging diseases. What will happen then to the big pharma’s?


2040 - The Great Unknown

We don’t know if this all will happen We call everything beyond 2040, the great unknown. But what we know is that a lot of people and companies are investing a lot of money in these kinds of technology and innovations. And with the exponential technology growth, anything can happen.

In this slide I show you that the technological changes are going very fast. But our society can’t keep-up with it . And if you put some social beings in a company the connecting is lost . And what to say about the government they are dangling at the end of it. 

In this new era technology is growing in exponential steps, it’s the doubling of the previous step, it goes from 1, 2, 4, 8 ,16, 32 and then you are in seven step above the hundred. We can’t imagine it with our lineair minds what it looks like.

I want to show you what it is when lineair thinking clashes with exponential developments.

VIDEO You see here the Google driverless car that races on circuit with a speed that we could never achieve. Our minds can't imagine that this is possible. And these kind of collapses we will see in our society and economy

VIDEO You see here the Google driverless car that race on a track. And it drives itself in a speed that we never shall reach. Exponential growth collapse with our lineair thinking. And we will experience the same in our society and economy

Okay Who am I? I’m Jan-Henk Bouman In Fountainheads we call ourselves trend-spotters. But there are trendwatchers, futurists, you name it.

The best you can do is to watch all those SF movies. It looks like everything they imagined becomes reality

Do you recognize this? It’s VR and this year it’s the breakthrough of AR and VR

It is great that you have your hands free and get information from another source and device than your own brain? We call that AR. There are extra layers over the real world.Microsoft has stept into that market with their Hololens a few weeks ago for developers. It’s a goggle. You see in the real world Holograms.

So what’s real and what is augmented with all those devices in the near future



Science fiction is not only movies. Who has read this book? Ah okay, a few people. It’s about a company as big as Google and Facebook together. This company gathered all our data and give it back to us so we can enriched our lives. But the company has also other plans with the data. They’ve caged the world and have control over us. That sounds like Science fiction

but this is already science faction

In China

those two companies came together with the chinese government. And what did they do? They've created the gamification of society

Sesame Credit. You receive point for good behavior. And what do I mean by that?When you would buy some diapers on Alibaba. The system believes that you have a positive attitude. You have children and that is good for the Chinese society. So you get plus points. But when Wim says some negative things about the chines stockmarket on the Chinese Twitter he get negative points. When Wim and I are online friends I get also negative points. In 2020 this will be mandatory for al Chinese people. Points give you acces to education, housing and loans. That’s the gamification of society.

It looks like we are living in the matrix already

the toys from the past don’t work in the futureforecasting is a toy of the past don’t do that anymore

it’s all about backcasting become your own sciencefiction writerstep into your own timemachine to 2025/30step out and describe what you see.what’s your business model, what does the competition look like

it looks sometimes like a ghost puzzle but for entrepreneurial people it’s always a game of opportunities

Apple for example, 70% of their turnover comes from products that didn’t exist a few years agoAnd futurist Gleonart predicts that every entrepreneur shall make 60% of it’s turnover in 2019 with products and services that don’t exist today. So you have tostep out of you comfort zone and

connect yourself to the boys and girls in the garage

whtsapp is build in such a garage.

these two guys started in the garage also. The guys from Google

they’ve democratized the whole world of knowledge and now they are in the driverless cars. Why? At google you may invest 20% of your time you in cool things that have nothing to do with your actual work. S Thrun, who lost a friend in a car accident, invented in that time the driverless car. So that there are less traffic casualties

Google has impact in the world of cars. This is the Audi concept car

It drives here itself on Hockenheim last September. That was the first tim that the car drove faster then a human, and we shall never win again because the car grows with exponential speed and a human lineair one,

But the most special thing of these cars is the software. it has software that teaches itself and will be better over time. And what this sw learns it can share it with al the other robots That’s a new era.

If you blink with your eyes the world is changed by the boys and girls in the garages

At the end of this year you can buy an OpenSource tool which changes your car in a seldrvingcar

The future looks like it is foggy. And what do you have to do in the fog? You have to move.You must move from a to b to see c.

You have to search for your own Great Unknown

Because there’s only one choice and that is adapt or die



Je hoeft maar even met je ogen te knipperen en de wereld ziet er anders uit

1996 $ 28 B

Employees 140k


Bankrupt Employees 17k

april 2012 $ 1 B

Employees 13

We need new DNA Look different Learn different Act different Work different

Adjust Experiment, Make mistakes,

Selection, Reproduction ….

’Fail fast, fail cheap, often fail’


so are you darwin or daroutcan you adapt in time?

Or is it still quiet in your market.Then your market sits in the eye of the tornado and it will takes you ti a place you don’t belong. And as a entrepreneurial person you wil have control

Open Source;Sharing is the new having

in this last part. I’ll show you some business trends. Open Source is one of them

Opensource is a world without patents. It’s a world of quick learning. When you share all your thought and faults you learn exponentially fast. The Open Source has started in the Software world and nowadays it’s also in the Hardware world.

This is Elon Musk from Tesla. He has released his patents into the OPenSource. There are always more smart people outside your organization than inside. So you’d better connect with them fast

This is Govert Reeskamp. he discovered something in the OS of Tesla He is a boy from the garagebox and founder of a big festival with a group of friends. ITGWO. They have different music stages on the island, in the dunes, on the beaches and is the woods. And with diesel aggregates they deliver power to those stage. But in his view is diesel is crap, it stinks and it’s not sustainable They’ve challenged the diesel aggregate supplier to innovate. They went from 12 diesel aggregates to 10 to 8. But it remains crap. At a moment he was surfing through the OS of Tesla and discovered that Tesla could power one stage. The next day he mailed Tesla. They came with five persons to Vlieland, the little island in the North of The Netherlands. And they found out that they could power the festival with five Tesla’s. Last year I spoke with Govert and asked him about the project

He asked me if i knew something about the Tesla Powerwall? Those are home batteries where you can store your spare energy.

But Tesla also has the PowerPacks. They can deliver free energy for your street, your district and your city. With those power packs they try to free the festivals in Europe of diesel aggregates. So one boy from the garage can change the world of festivals and diesel aggregates!


What do you see here?Right old stuff. It was hardware! Somebody earned money with it.But when hardware becomes software it will be demonetized You can’t earn money with it anymore

Digital fabrication;3D printing

We have to talk about 3D printing.

This is the Strati. Within 48 hours it rolls out of the 3D Printer.Put a Renault motor in it and it drives away.

This is the counter crafting. It 3d Prints concrete and houses.within 24 hours your house is ready. And the Chinese print 10 house in a day already

Robots;Artificial Intelligence;

Super computers

All of this has impact on society and economy

You can’t bury your head in the sand

All this has impact on the future of work

Deloitte investigated the impact on labor. And they found that 2 - 3 million jobs are going away the coming years. But won’t we create new jobs? Of course but those are jobs requiring different skills

For example. This is a picture of a Dock workers strike in the late 70’s. They were on strike for less labor hours. And now a few months ago they were on strike again but now for labor conservation.

In the Port of Rotterdam they estimate a growth of 10.000 workplaces. But those are not for those people. It goes from hands on to brains on.

The Dutch labor market is not prepared for the future

- 23% don’t want to learn constantly

- 69% don’t want a flexible labor market

So in this new era you have to have a lifelong learning attitude. You have to create new skills. But those figures tell us that not everybody has that attitude. And the next step is that we create a flexible labour market. And you see that we don’t have that attitude either.

So our message is:Step out of you own supply chain.Because there is a narrow view on the horizon

When you step out of it you have a broader view. Then you are more connected to the outside world.

I want to end with a quote of Deepak Chopra. Because if you thought that this was inspiring and you got some good energy the change is big that tomorrow when the agenda and the task list is leading all of that goes away.Deepak Chopra says. Information becomes wisdom when you put time, thoughts, energy and attention in it. You have to prevent your own Kodak Moment

@janhenkb @wimzegt www.fountainheads.nl@fntheads

There's only one thing for the entrepreneur; 'Adapt or Die' 

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