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B cm Piano - Chronicling America

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"4 ; 4 4 fjpj I y y 4 MOT CI. STA. M A Jr At 7:40 o'clock At 2:1 :.c - i . --1 . 7:40 Fireman 7:53 Innocent . 8:20 at o'clock Moinitte and his CENTURY MUSICAL COMEDY -- presenta- "Izzy The Secretary" FUNNY FUNNY POPULAR PRICES: : 20 and 30 Cents. Orchestra Seats, 50c. Box Seats, 75c. Phone 3937 Come early and avoid the rush. Box cffice opens at 10 a. m. until 9 p. m. Blanche Sveet and Thomas Meighan in "The Silent Partner" OO Et BOSS APPRECIATE LOYALTY? THIS GRIPPING PHOTOPLAY. IS A LESSON IN BUSINESS LOYALTY. V Chapter of "THE GREAT SECRET" 14th Chapter of "The Great Secret," ; Exciting Hearing: the End HEARST-PATH- E NEWS PICTORIAL Prices: 10, 20, 30 Cents. Boxes: 50 Cents PHONE 5060 V o'clock "THE FIREMAN'? PICTURE SCHEDULE The System The ...... Magdalene wloM to 7:45 20th COMPANY CLEVER At 7:40 GREAT 14th for o'clock YOUR and TIME TABLE Pathe Weekly 7:40 P.M. Serial 7:85 P.M. Feature 8:30 P. M. At 7;40 ... 4 LILLIAN GISH In f -- AN INNOCENT MAGDALENE' SIDNEY DREW In THE SYSTEM" PACKED! PACKED! PACKED, for two shows last night. So come early for aood seats. l f ; PRICES: 10, 20,30 Cents ; NOTICE Coming October 28th -- TH E SLACKER.' v 1 Mdnolulu Second Musical Evening BY ADYSENMEI Alexander Young Hotel LIAKAI PAVILION Tonight at 8:15 Tickets sale at YOUNG HOTEL npnrf(gMfripr cm ISHT o'clock . Unmarried first class musicians to enlist for band, First Regiment, Hawaiian Infantry, N. G. New instruments furnished by National Guard. Applicants will please re- port at Armory, any night after 7 o'clock, except Satur- day and Sunday, to' . ..' : CAPTAIN FRAIffi DQUGIIERTV, " Adjutant, 1st Regiment, Hawaiian Infantry. HONOLULU STAB-- B DELETIX. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 16. 191V SHOW FULL OF With the entrance of "Buck" Tut-tle- , western bad man, until the final drop of the curtain, with Izzy leading the chicks off the state In a lock-ste- the new snow put on last nitht at'the Bijou theater kept the audience on the jump every minute. The western gmi man Insisted on 6hooting at someone, and of course Izzy always happened to pet in the way. The show was "Izzy, the Secretary," and although there wasn't much of a plot. Izzy was i as usual the whole show. Ethel Da vis and Betty Butterk-- k were encored several times for thrir siusing. The single hit of the evening was rpther Impromptu, but if Izzy Is game he will Incorporate it in the show and give all his audiences the treat he gave the first-nighter- s. The Monte Carter trio was out front singing "I Ain't Got Nobody Much.'" and when It finished, the audience encored it several times. On its final appearance, H was Monte'a cue to enter. He en- tered, all right, but the trio was still singing. Monte joined them, and as the music was adaptable to the hula, Izzy pave a regular demonstration -- of the Hawaiian national dance. It brought down the house. Of course, there may have been some new wig- gles introduced in the dance, but it tickled the audience. The chorus appeared to good ad vantage in a collection of new songs a of of uani.cn, uu lliey UaC&cu iwu . . , . hnrt rnio o wun meir ranK ana in was unusually good. Honolulu is a difficult place to assume any such character, for audiences are liable to be too critical, but Lou got away with the part last night The musical program was filled with excellent num- bers, and sbw altogether Is a happy musical burlesque. r t I PA33cNGER3 ARRIVED Passengers arrived from San Fran Cisco this morning: F. C. Allen, Miss Hannah Baker. Miss Sadie Barrett, Mrs. R. F. Bolton, Miss Alice Bevins, Miss Florence L Brecht, . P. Chapin, Mrs. E. P. Chap- - In, H. B. Christian, Mrs. Edgar E. Coursen. F. D. Creedon, Mrs. A. M. Curtis, Diggs. F. H. Mrs. F. H. Downes, I after Hitchcock, D. Hitchcock, in port pass A. L. Howden. Mrs. A. Howden. nrattaue was nearly 10 Samuel R. Kelly, Adolph Kosches. F Q. Cannon, Mrs. P. Cannon, Francis Cannon, Martha Cannon, Mrs. A. N. Lincoln, Mrs. A. Lindskog and infant, L. Ldofbournw. R. C. l.vAttctT A Mrs. A. E. MarshallMiss M. Mohr, Miss A. E. Murray, Miss. Nancy Patterson, Mrs. Ambrose Patterson, H. W. Price, R. A. Priest, Mrs. R. A. Priest, Miss E. Roberts, L. Sill, J. O. Spicer, Mrs. O. Spicer, Mrs. Annie M. Stedman, G. A. Swerdfinger, Miss Myrtle Taylor, George X Van Ness, L. Warner, Mrs. L. Warner, E. W. T. P. Mrs. T. P. Bush, R. C. Russell, Miss Bertha Schnlcrle, Deerlng.- - S. S Mauna Kea list of passengers arriving at Honolulu October 16tb: . From Mr. and Mrs. Lee Chan and child, Mr. and Mrs. T. D Asavama. H. MIbs C: Maru Widdefield. Mrs. G. A. miles to lue, H P. Mrs. C. Note-Vfar- e, E. M. Kitchen, R. Veitch, Rev. liongtoh, Thomas Harrington, W. Trautshold, Mrs. D. O. Rob- ert Wagner, Charles Chaplin, T. chida, Morihara, Miss E. Purvlance, re-- i sergeant m. sergeant 46:42 Cummins Okamoto, Fukuji, Mr Mrs. Mtyagawa, Miss Pa Ah Lee, and Mrs. Hatori Thomas Smith, M. Jamie, W. Vredenburg, Mrs. J. Keliano Dr. Hobdy, Farla, Sam Freest, E. Lv George Lowson, Mary Forrest, Miss Belle Forrest, Mrs. Trub- - Miss .V. Cremer, Miss Malcolm, Dr. Mrs. Powell, Miss M. O'Donoghue, P. Mrs. F. Beckford, Mrs. L. E. Peake, Davidsoii, and Mrs. J. M tophamper Dy Captain Keefer, and Mra. C. Hopkins, F. C. O. Shlpman, M. F. Peters, Captain Coursell, Miss F. Downard, J. Cunningham. J. Hattie, T. Ching Dat, Oshlda, Dr. Mrs. T. Tanaka, M. J. S. Esama, Ishikawa.t Rev. John M. Jibutsu, Tamamoto, Nakahara, Kawai, Nakano. From Maul J. B. Cox, M. Yuill, ugl, Fukuya. Esplnada, C. Noble, Kam. Mr. Mrs. F Mrs. J. Horita, Mrs. Nellie Mossman, S. Park, W. P. English, Donald, J. Mrs. Davles, W. W. Kelliheleua, Haili Kelii. NOTICE. The S..S. "Kinau" will at Saturday, October 20, one day advance of her regular schedule. INTER-ISLAN- D STEAM NAV. CO., LTD. T. H.. 15, 1917. 6917 2t The General and Film Matinees (except Saturdays 1:00 to 4:00 o'clock. Matinees from 10:00 a. m. to o'clock. Evenings (two shows) 6:30 and 8:45 Prices: 10, National' College BIO SUKPH of Dancing Gardra Odd Hall Moada, Tnesdara, Frldayt 10 10 p. 9 pja. ES JlMangan. Wakabayashi, aggjagamsinig Furniture and Piano raoirD SERVICE FIRST ' i Ed-'- f- 56cabin . 0 as: Miss Hannah ker is a school j LL S. N . tocher who comes here to , Flying the of a vessel of the auxiliary naai reserve, a liner early this with her flags at half mast, in respect to Captain William Matson, head of the company, away eince the steamer left San Francisco. naval reserve flag was made on the down from the coast and was raised yesterday, the day on which it was announced the Ameri- can shipping of 2."oo tons deadweight or more was In other respects the liner now an auxiliary naval vessel, as her' Captain received his as a lieu- tenant of the navy before leaving San Francisco. J. R. chief engineer, and E. Sanders, the chief officer, were others were examined for ratings as navaT reserve officers before the ship left the coast Besides the officers, practically ,., . the engine men the steamer wu dUiy I .. th position on the the liner. A of others on the ship were not taken the naval reserve they are The liner brought only four bags of mall, as the liner yesterday had most of the Honolulu mail accumulated in San Francisco. for Honolulu consisted of 23656 tons 481 W. Downes. Refused permission to enter the Miss M. bor last nieht a Dutch J. Dixon H. Uteamer todiy did not L. I and it Q. L. H. J. J. J. West, Bush, Milton Hawaii Ma- - child, child. in to nort number because aliens. Matson Oceanic ar- riving freight Henry Farrell. o'clock ths mornne when she docked. She is the Dutch to cal here ret, and ranks in with some of the largest vessels which have been in the Honolulu The Dutch liner has a net tonnage of 5000 tons and is long as the wharf at Pier 6. she docked. The Is to take 350 tons of coal while here. There 116 on Netherland liner. 19 of whom Most of the others , are Dutch business men and their families from Java, who are on their to Holland for a visit. When the Dutch steamer left Yoko hama on October 5, it was not expect ed she would arrive here until next Thursday, but If she been allowed to dock night she would have made the in than ten d&ys Miss Pratt. Mrs. Cor- - or in a time equal to that or tne speea- - nelius. E. Cremer. Mrs. M iest liners. She stayed off port Pratt Miss nearly 15 night after falling Irene Grabe, CF. Eckart. Mrs. Shal- - get permission to enter. Noteware, M. Hammond, I. m. 8 to is as T. freighter Unkai No. 2, Captain in yester-da- v afternoon of her top- - Mr. Mrs. H. YamaguchI and damaeed. Satow uiaoougn, norted latitude N.. and T. K. and Mr. and and H. de Patterson, Miss Mr. and nikov, D. R. Mrs. G, Alexander, Boyle, F. A. Ludy. A. K. Kline, T. Mrs. A. and Arase, Miss Arase, G. Kono, H. H. Pahk, U. N. A. Maf D. K. and K. K. Kea-h- l. arrive SERVICES. Dally. and from and 4:00 o'clock. DAILY Cents. Roof Fellows Her accept pennant Matson arrived off morn- ing all who passed The voyage all Matson commander. rating Forbes, who all into Her and tons har sunset, Mr, biggest steamer size harbor. almost where vessel were thr are way had voyage less last The K. K. Maru Satow, came with most and child, Cantain that In and Mr. Oct. last longitude 157:23 W. he ran into a ter rific southerly part of a circular storm with a cross sea. He said: "The weather beat up over our weather side so hard that several cab- in doors were broken in. I must re-- ! gret that I cannot offer you a cigar. The waves washed into a spare room where I had a stock of excellent Ma nilas. They were all spoiled. But, Dlease. have a cigarette. These were in my desk and are excellent. "Lifeboats were stove in and much Perreira. J. T. Molr, Captain carrIed the of our was Sakuma, J. W. Koelling, Ho- nolulu, 1917, Universal Holiday 15 a.m. Claaoea for passengers board. There was a time when I saw littl6 hoDe of coming out aliye. But we managed to work our way out from the center of the storm and I found that the Unkal Maru held easily when broached. She lay at a great angle to the wind, but she went Just so far and no farther. l "I note with interest that the center of circular storms seems to be at the worst on the dead line of 180 degrees longitude. There has been much of this storm center during the past year and transpacific captains should be! Shlromatsu. T. Hata, Mrs. F. K. Mac- - especially careful. I am sending in a Meinecke, Searby, William Honolulu, Saturday PICTURES CHANCED commander Americans. LOST Ihamnp.r Holidays) report of the prominent latitudes of the storm centers." San Francisco Examiner, 6. o HOW ANY GIRL CAN HAVE EYES No girl is pretty if her eyes are red, strained or have dark rings. ONE WASH with pure Lavoptlk eye wash will brighten the eyes and a week's use will startle with its result?. A small bottle Lavoptlk is guaranteed to make eyes healthy, sparkling and vivacious. The quick change v.-i- surprise you. Pure alumi- num eye cup FREE. The Hollister Drr Company. Adv. STA f."JJL' HONOLULU CONSTRUCTION & DBAYING CO.. LTD. PHONE -1 J. J. BELSER, Manager. STORAGE 65 TO 71 ST. ARRIVING MATSON LINER FLIES FLAG OF AUXILIARY NAVY RESERVE! Commander, Captain and ?hebad steerage. pa5senger,t wards, Receives Rating Lieut.-CommaRriP- X. commandeered. Francis-Edward- s, HUGE DUTCH BOAT ARRIVES IN PORT FREIGHTER NEARLY October PRETTY INCREDIBLE SOUTH QUEEN cation. Mrs. Alice Bevins is a relative. of the county attorney of Maul. F. D. Creedon is the iusurance mau of the Hawaiian Trust Co.. who hai been on a short trip to the mainland. V. Henry Diggs is a rubber man, who comes here, on a business trip. F. H. Downes accompanied by Mrs Downes, is an automobile man. D. II. Hitchcock is the well known Honolulu artist who has been enjoying a coast vacation. Mrs. Hitchcock re- turned with him. Samuel R. Kelley is a Pittsburg. Pa., business man, who is taking a surcease from business cares. R. A, Priest is a traveling salesman making his annual visit to the Islands. F. Q. Cannon, acting manager of the Honolulu Gas Co., wife and two daugh- ters, returned from a trip to their for- mer home in the states. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Howden are Ca- nadians here for a short visit. Rev. L. L. Loofbourow returned from a vacation which he spent in the states. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Chapin wer) other Honolulans who returned from a trip to the states. On the voyage to the coast the Mat son liner stopped her engines at 12: 3 last Saturday, the hour of Captaifl Matson's funeral in San Francisco, ac- cording to the ship's time. NiCHIGOHlAi GETS INTO PORT After 87 days at sea the crew and officers of the three-maste- d Japanese schooner Nichigo. Mam were still de- tained off port up until noon today. The vessel, after being held off Oahu for the last three days by unfavorable winds, which has been nearly a month J in sailing the last 600 miles of the voyage from Japan, managed to get into port last night. She anchored far In and on the shoreside of a buoy marking the limits of a safe anchor age, but without experiencing more trouble. Her delay In getting pratique this morning is said to be because her pa pers are not in proper shape. This is the schooner from Japan which it was feared had been captured by the German raiders, as sne was long over due in reaching this port The Nichigo has 7,300 tubs of soy for Japanese merchants in Honolulu The vessel was reported as near Oahu several days ago by a sampan navl gator who sighted her about 20 miles off Makua point. Her commander is Captain lbesu. who says no suffering was caused by the long voyage, as she was well sup plied with food and water, . Adverse winds are the only reasons gien for the length of the voyage. HARBOR NOTES Frank Stone launched the first of the three copra schooners which he is building for the Burns-Phili- p corpora tion of Sydney yesterday. She was named the Nauno and is of 250 tons deadweight cargo capacity. She will be equipped with Union kerosene burning engines, twin, of 110 horse power. ' One of the others will be launched in about a week and the third within a month. All three vessels will leave for the South Seas when ready and will go into the interlsland copra trade for the owners. San Francisco Examiner. The vessels due to sail from tills port to-da-y are the Mikahala, for Maui and Molokai; Klnau, for Kauai; and the Doris for Hawaii. All were loading cargo yesterday. The Mika hala and Kinau will sail at 5 o'clock this evening and the Doris was sched uled to depart at noon. 4 4 PASSENGERS DEPARTED By str. Claudine for Maui, October 15 Frank Burns, A. G. Horn, L. R. Mathews, W. H. Frledly, A. R. Souza, Jr., Enos Vincent, J. F. Wineburg, A. Lister, Miss R. Zera, Mrs. F. "G. Vasconcellps, J. A. M. Johnson, E. C. Vaughan, F. H. Locey, A. E. Hale, L. Tobriner, C. D. Lufkin, C. M. Hudson, A. Y. Cheng, H. E. Wo, S. Yamamoto, Ung Lin, Chung Lin Sang, I A. Sor ensen, Charles Peterson, Peter Hop-lan- d, Peter Westofl, Charles Lund-quls- t. SUGAR ON HAWAII Sugar awaiting shipment at Hilo, Hawaii, October 15, was as follows: Ohia, 23,572; Waiakea, 29,000: Hilo j Sugar Company, 6.800; Onomea, 6,573; j ; repeekco, 326; Hakalau, 32.709; Lau-- ' pahoehoe, 4.865; Paauhau, 1,803. SUMMER RATES OAHU RAILWAY and HALE1WA HOTEL Thirty-da- y excursion tickets V' v.een Honolulu and Walalua, Ha-l.'iw- a or Kahuku: First-clas- s, $2.15; scrond-class- , JL80. Special weekly rates at Hotel during summer months, $25.00. Splendid bathing, golf, tennis, glass-botto- m boats, -- owing, pool' An ideal racrMon resort. Oahu Railway-Haleh- va Hotel FIVE Oceanic Steamship Co. 5 i DATS TO SAN FRANCISCO Regular Sailings to San Francisco and Sydney, N. S. W. For further particulars apply to C. BREWER & CO., LTD. General Agent I M Direct Service Between San Francisco and Honolulu For further particulars apply to CASTLE & COOKE, Ltd., Agent, Honolulu TOYO KISEN KAISHA Regular Sailings to San Francisco and to the Orient For further particulars apply to CASTLE & COOKEI Ltd., Agent, Honolulu CANADIAN-AUSTRALASIA- N ROYAL MAIL LINE Regular Sailings to BRITISH COLUMBIA, FIJI, NEW ZEALAND and AUSTRALIA For further particulars apply to THEO. H. DAVIES & CO.; LTD., General Agents PHONE 2295 REACHES ALL KINDS OF ROCK AND SAND FOR CONCRETE WORK. FIREWOOD AND COAL 9Z QUEEN STREET P.O.BOX 212 NEDERLAND ROYAL MAIL & ROTTERDAM LLOYD JOINT SERVICE To Batavia, Java, via Yoko- hama, Nagasaki, Hongkong and Singapore. Sailing dates, freight and passenger rates on application. j : C. Brewer" & Co.; Ltd.. Agents OAHO RAILWAY TIME TABLE OUTWARD . . For Waianae", Walalua, Kahuku and Way Stations 9:15 a. m, 93:20 p.m.. For Pearl City, Ewa Mill and Way Stations 17 :30 a. m., 9: 15 a. 11:30 a.m, 2:l5 p.m., !:20 pjn., 5:15 p.m.v $9:30 pjBi, 111:15 pjn. ; For Wabiawa and Lellehua 11:20 a.m, 2:40 p.m.. 5:00 p.m--, 11:30 - p.m. For Leilehuaf 6:00 a.'m.' INWARD t Arrive Honolulu . from Kahuku. Walalua - and Waianae 8:36 a.m. Arrive Honolulu from Ewa Mill and Pearl City f7: 45 a.mu, &iZ& a.m-- . 11:02 im, l:3S'p.m.. M:24 p.nx. 5:30 p.m, 7:28 p.m. Arrive Honolclu from Wahiawa and Lellehua 9:15aan, 1:52 p.m., 3:&9 p.m., 7:13 p.m. The" Halelwa Limited, a two- - train (only first-clas- s tickets honored), leaves Honolulu every Sunuay at 8:30 m. for Halelwa Hotel: returning arrives in Honolulu at 10:10 p. m. The Limited stops only at Pecrl City, uwa Aim ana waianae. Dally. tExcept Sunday, tSunday G. P. VENISON, F. C. ;MITH. eupenntenaent. G. P. A. CHCf' 8UI . 93 North King Street Call and see our brand new CHOP SUI HOUSE Everything Neat and Clean Tables may be reserved by phone No. 1713 - D. J. CASHMAN TENTS AND. AWNINGS Luau Tents and Canopies for Rent Thirty Years' Exp., knee Fort St, near Allen, upstairs Phone 1487 SB Buy your gasoline SERVICE STATION S?;-- ' .Rer of Norton Bldj inn Company I , lOSOOtSSMASaJ I Fort Queen Sta. F R T I n E I O H T and .' C.K ft Also reservation any Point . Mainland. WELLS-FA- R, & 4C0, & St, Tel. 151 j Fred.LWaIdron.Ltd. Shipping and Commission Merchants and Honlulur Most Complete Line of Chinese Goods at FONG INN CO. Honolulu's Leading Chinese- - Curia Store 1152 Nuuanu SL, nr. Pauahl Telephone 3875 1116 Fort 8L The. Standard Optical Co. OPTHALMIC OPTICrANS Pantheon Block " Walter I. Seymour-Pre- a. Mgr. VIEIRA JEWELRY CO. 113 Hotel Street Jewelers' and Silve.amith. wtch and Jewelry Repairers LIGHTWEIGHT Typewriter CAKE0W PAP m ' Nron-smntti- ng made espe- cially to meet Hawaiian climatic conditions. - Black and purple colors. Hawaiian News Co. Ltd. Young Hotel Building Bishop St. TIDES. 8UN AND MOON. S5v ' Moon - ' Hlgn Hifh Low Low . , Rises Date Tide L of Tide Tide Tide Sufl Sun and Istf Tide SmaU Large SmaU Riaej Sets Sets ' A.M. FT. P.M.. P.M. A.M. , ; Blses.' Oct 15 .....3:20 2.0 3:0S 8:59 9:50 5:58 - 5:32 .5:34 " 16 3:54 2.1 3:34 9:22 10:35 5:58 6:32 Set " " 17 4:30 - 2.1 4:05 ' 9:4T - 11:24 5:58 6:31 : - . : , ... . v , . "18 5:08 2.2 , 4:36 10:15 12:18 5:59 - 5:30 7:23 " 19 . 5:59 2.2' 7, 6:13 10:47 1:22 - 6:69 - S:29 'j '.1:20 " .20 6:39 t 6:07 411:25 2:38 - 6:00 6:21 8;1S " 21 7:35 i 2.U l 7:47 v... - 3:65 6:0A; - 8:28 10:1$ PUOXE 1162 ' Jiew: Oct 1$, at 4 : 19 p. is. . o on th9 GO 72 K,n9 :3 P.M.. toooa.

"4 ;




I y y 4 MOT CI. STA. M A Jr

At 7:40 o'clock

At 2:1

:.c-i .



7:40Fireman 7:53

Innocent . 8:20

at o'clock


and his



-- presenta-

"Izzy TheSecretary"


POPULAR PRICES: : 20 and 30 Cents.Orchestra Seats, 50c. Box Seats, 75c.

Phone 3937

Come early and avoid the rush. Boxcffice opens at 10 a. m. until 9 p. m.

Blanche Sveet and Thomas Meighan in



14th Chapter of "The Great Secret,"; Exciting Hearing: the EndHEARST-PATH- E NEWS PICTORIALPrices: 10, 20, 30 Cents. Boxes: 50 Cents

PHONE 5060 V



The SystemThe ......


wloM to





At 7:40





andTIME TABLEPathe Weekly

7:40 P.M.Serial

7:85 P.M.Feature

8:30 P. M.

At 7;40...





PACKED! PACKED! PACKED,for two shows last night. So come early

for aood seats. l

f ; PRICES: 10, 20,30 Cents ;

NOTICE Coming October 28th --TH E SLACKER.' v 1

MdnoluluSecond Musical Evening


ADYSENMEIAlexander Young Hotel


Tonight at 8:15Tickets sale at YOUNG HOTEL





. Unmarried first class musicians to enlist for band, FirstRegiment, Hawaiian Infantry, N. G. New instrumentsfurnished by National Guard. Applicants will please re-

port at Armory, any night after 7 o'clock, except Satur-day and Sunday, to' .

..' :

CAPTAIN FRAIffi DQUGIIERTV," Adjutant, 1st Regiment, Hawaiian Infantry.



With the entrance of "Buck" Tut-tle- ,

western bad man, until the finaldrop of the curtain, with Izzy leadingthe chicks off the state In a lock-ste-

the new snow put on last nitht at'theBijou theater kept the audience on thejump every minute. The western gmiman Insisted on 6hooting at someone,and of course Izzy always happenedto pet in the way. The show was"Izzy, the Secretary," and althoughthere wasn't much of a plot. Izzy was

i as usual the whole show. Ethel Davis and Betty Butterk-- k were encoredseveral times for thrir siusing.

The single hit of the evening wasrpther Impromptu, but if Izzy Is gamehe will Incorporate it in the show andgive all his audiences the treat hegave the first-nighter- s. The MonteCarter trio was out front singing "IAin't Got Nobody Much.'" and whenIt finished, the audience encored itseveral times. On its final appearance,H was Monte'a cue to enter. He en-tered, all right, but the trio was stillsinging. Monte joined them, and asthe music was adaptable to the hula,Izzy pave a regular demonstration -- ofthe Hawaiian national dance. Itbrought down the house. Of course,there may have been some new wig-gles introduced in the dance, but ittickled the audience.

The chorus appeared to good advantage in a collection of new songs

a of ofuani.cn, uu lliey UaC&cu iwu . . , .

hnrt rnio o wun meir ranK ana inwas unusually good. Honolulu is adifficult place to assume any suchcharacter, for audiences are liableto be too critical, but Lou got awaywith the part last night The musicalprogram was filled with excellent num-bers, and sbw altogether Is ahappy musical burlesque.r tI PA33cNGER3 ARRIVED

Passengers arrived from San FranCisco this morning:

F. C. Allen, Miss Hannah Baker.Miss Sadie Barrett, Mrs. R. F. Bolton,Miss Alice Bevins, Miss Florence LBrecht, . P. Chapin, Mrs. E. P. Chap--

In, H. B. Christian, Mrs. Edgar E.Coursen. F. D. Creedon, Mrs. A. M.Curtis, Diggs. F. H.Mrs. F. H. Downes, I after

Hitchcock, D. Hitchcock, in port passA. L. Howden. Mrs. A. Howden. nrattaue was nearly 10Samuel R. Kelly, Adolph Kosches. FQ. Cannon, Mrs. P. Cannon, FrancisCannon, Martha Cannon, Mrs. A. N.Lincoln, Mrs. A. Lindskog and infant,

L. Ldofbournw. R. C. l.vAttctT A

Mrs. A. E. MarshallMiss M.Mohr, Miss A. E. Murray, Miss. NancyPatterson, Mrs. Ambrose Patterson,H. W. Price, R. A. Priest, Mrs. R. A.Priest, Miss E. Roberts, L. Sill,J. O. Spicer, Mrs. O. Spicer, Mrs.Annie M. Stedman, G. A. Swerdfinger,Miss Myrtle Taylor, George X VanNess, L. Warner, Mrs. L. Warner,E. W. T. P. Mrs. T. P.Bush, R. C. Russell, Miss BerthaSchnlcrle, Deerlng.- -

S. S Mauna Kea list of passengersarriving at Honolulu October 16tb: .

From Mr. and Mrs. LeeChan and child, Mr. and Mrs. T. DAsavama. H.

MIbs C: MaruWiddefield. Mrs. G. A. miles

tolue, H P. Mrs. C. Note-Vfar- e,

E. M. Kitchen, R. Veitch, Rev.liongtoh, Thomas Harrington, W.Trautshold, Mrs. D. O. Rob-ert Wagner, Charles Chaplin, T.chida, Morihara, Miss E. Purvlance,

re--isergeant m. sergeant 46:42Cummins Okamoto, Fukuji, Mr

Mrs. Mtyagawa, Miss Pa Ah Lee,and Mrs. Hatori Thomas

Smith, M. Jamie, W. Vredenburg, Mrs.J. Keliano Dr. Hobdy,Farla, Sam Freest, E. LvGeorge Lowson, Mary Forrest,Miss Belle Forrest, Mrs. Trub--

Miss .V. Cremer, Miss Malcolm,Dr. Mrs. Powell, Miss M.O'Donoghue, P.Mrs. F. Beckford, Mrs. L. E.Peake, Davidsoii, and Mrs. J. M

tophamper DyCaptain Keefer, and Mra. C.Hopkins, F. C. O. Shlpman,

M. F. Peters, Captain Coursell,Miss F. Downard, J. Cunningham. J.Hattie, T. Ching Dat,Oshlda, Dr. Mrs. T.

Tanaka, M. J. S.Esama, Ishikawa.t Rev.

John M. Jibutsu, Tamamoto,Nakahara, Kawai, Nakano.

From Maul J. B. Cox, M. Yuill,ugl, Fukuya. Esplnada, C.

Noble, Kam. Mr. Mrs. FMrs. J. Horita, Mrs. Nellie

Mossman, S. Park, W. P. English,

Donald, J. Mrs. Davles, W.W. Kelliheleua, Haili



The S..S. "Kinau" will atSaturday, October 20, one

day advance of her regularschedule.


T. H.. 15, 1917.6917 2t

The General and Film

Matinees (except Saturdays1:00 to 4:00 o'clock.

Matinees from10:00 a. m. to o'clock.

Evenings (two shows) 6:30 and 8:45

Prices: 10,




of Dancing

GardraOdd Hall

Moada,Tnesdara, Frldayt10 10 p.

9 pja.




aggjagamsinig Furniture and Piano raoirDSERVICE FIRST '


Ed-'- f- 56cabin. 0

as: Miss Hannah ker is a school j

LL S. N . tocher who comes here to ,

Flying the of a vessel ofthe auxiliary naai reserve, aliner early this

with her flags at half mast, inrespect to Captain William Matson,head of the company, awayeince the steamer left San Francisco.

naval reserve flag was made onthe down from the coast andwas raised yesterday, the day onwhich it was announced the Ameri-can shipping of 2."oo tons deadweightor more was

In other respects the linernow an auxiliary naval vessel, as

her' Captainreceived his as a lieu-

tenant of the navy beforeleaving San Francisco. J. R.chief engineer, and E. Sanders, thechief officer, were others wereexamined for ratings as navaT reserveofficers before the ship left the coast

Besides the officers, practically,., . the engine men the steamerwu dUiy I ..

th position on



liner. A of others on the shipwere not taken the naval reserve

they areThe liner brought only four

bags of mall, as the lineryesterday had most of the

Honolulu mail accumulated in SanFrancisco. for Honoluluconsisted of 23656 tons 481

W. Downes. Refused permission to enter theMiss M. bor last nieht a Dutch

J. Dixon H. Uteamer todiy did notL. I and it




J. J.West, Bush,



Ma- -







because aliens.Matson

Oceanic ar-riving



o'clockths mornne when she docked. She isthe Dutch to calhere ret, and ranks in with someof the largest vessels which have beenin the Honolulu The Dutchliner has a net tonnage of 5000 tonsand is long as the wharf atPier 6. she docked. TheIs to take 350 tons of coal while here.

There 116 onNetherland liner. 19 of whom

Most of the others , areDutch business men and their familiesfrom Java, who are on their toHolland for a visit.

When the Dutch steamer left Yokohama on October 5, it was not expected she would arrive here until nextThursday, but If she been allowedto dock night she would havemade the in than ten d&ys

Miss Pratt. Mrs. Cor- - or in a time equal to that or tne speea--

nelius. E. Cremer. Mrs. M iest liners. She stayed off portPratt Miss nearly 15 night after falling

Irene Grabe, CF. Eckart. Mrs. Shal- - get permission to enter.Noteware, M.



m.8 to



T. freighter UnkaiNo. 2, Captain in yester-da- v

afternoon of her top- -Mr. Mrs. H. YamaguchI and damaeed. Satow

uiaoougn, norted latitude N.. andT. K.

andMr. and

and H.de Patterson,

MissMr. and

nikov,D. R.Mrs. G, Alexander,

Boyle, F.A.

Ludy.A. K.

Kline, T.Mrs.


and Arase, MissArase, G.Kono, H. H.

Pahk, U.

N.A. Maf D.

K. and


K. Kea-h- l.



Dally. andfrom








arrived off morn-ing all

who passed









Herand tons



biggest steamersize


almostwhere vessel

were thrare



voyage less


The K. K. MaruSatow, came

with mostand child, Cantain

that In





longitude 157:23 W. he ran into a terrific southerly part of a circular stormwith a cross sea. He said:

"The weather beat up over ourweather side so hard that several cab-in doors were broken in. I must re--!gret that I cannot offer you a cigar.The waves washed into a spare roomwhere I had a stock of excellent Manilas. They were all spoiled. But,Dlease. have a cigarette. These werein my desk and are excellent.

"Lifeboats were stove in and muchPerreira. J. T. Molr, Captain carrIed theof our was




Ho-nolulu, 1917,







board. There was a time when I sawlittl6 hoDe of coming out aliye. Butwe managed to work our way out fromthe center of the storm and I foundthat the Unkal Maru held easily whenbroached. She lay at a great angle tothe wind, but she went Just so far andno farther. l

"I note with interest that the centerof circular storms seems to be at theworst on the dead line of 180 degreeslongitude. There has been much ofthis storm center during the past yearand transpacific captains should be!

Shlromatsu. T. Hata, Mrs. F. K. Mac-- especially careful. I am sending in aMeinecke,










report of the prominent latitudes ofthe storm centers." San FranciscoExaminer, 6.oHOW ANY GIRL CAN


No girl is pretty if her eyes are red,strained or have dark rings. ONEWASH with pure Lavoptlk eye washwill brighten the eyes and a week'suse will startle with itsresult?. A small bottle Lavoptlk isguaranteed to make eyes healthy,sparkling and vivacious. The quickchange v.-i- surprise you. Pure alumi-num eye cup FREE. The HollisterDrr Company. Adv.






Commander, Captainand ?hebadsteerage.

pa5senger,twards, Receives RatingLieut.-CommaRriP-



Francis-Edward- s,








cation.Mrs. Alice Bevins is a relative. of

the county attorney of Maul.F. D. Creedon is the iusurance mau

of the Hawaiian Trust Co.. who haibeen on a short trip to the mainland.

V. Henry Diggs is a rubber man,who comes here, on a business trip.

F. H. Downes accompanied by MrsDownes, is an automobile man.

D. II. Hitchcock is the well knownHonolulu artist who has been enjoyinga coast vacation. Mrs. Hitchcock re-

turned with him.Samuel R. Kelley is a Pittsburg. Pa.,

business man, who is taking a surceasefrom business cares.

R. A, Priest is a traveling salesmanmaking his annual visit to the Islands.

F. Q. Cannon, acting manager of theHonolulu Gas Co., wife and two daugh-ters, returned from a trip to their for-mer home in the states.

Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Howden are Ca-

nadians here for a short visit.Rev. L. L. Loofbourow returned

from a vacation which he spent in thestates.

Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Chapin wer)other Honolulans who returned froma trip to the states.

On the voyage to the coast the Matson liner stopped her engines at 12: 3

last Saturday, the hour of CaptaiflMatson's funeral in San Francisco, ac-cording to the ship's time.



After 87 days at sea the crew andofficers of the three-maste- d Japaneseschooner Nichigo. Mam were still de-

tained off port up until noon today.The vessel, after being held off Oahufor the last three days by unfavorablewinds, which has been nearly a month J

in sailing the last 600 miles of thevoyage from Japan, managed to getinto port last night. She anchoredfar In and on the shoreside of a buoymarking the limits of a safe anchorage, but without experiencing moretrouble.

Her delay In getting pratique thismorning is said to be because her papers are not in proper shape. Thisis the schooner from Japan which itwas feared had been captured by theGerman raiders, as sne was long overdue in reaching this port

The Nichigo has 7,300 tubs of soyfor Japanese merchants in HonoluluThe vessel was reported as near Oahuseveral days ago by a sampan navlgator who sighted her about 20 milesoff Makua point.

Her commander is Captain lbesu.who says no suffering was caused bythe long voyage, as she was well supplied with food and water, . Adversewinds are the only reasons gien forthe length of the voyage.


Frank Stone launched the first ofthe three copra schooners which he isbuilding for the Burns-Phili-p corporation of Sydney yesterday. She wasnamed the Nauno and is of 250 tonsdeadweight cargo capacity. She willbe equipped with Union keroseneburning engines, twin, of 110 horsepower. '

One of the others will be launchedin about a week and the third withina month. All three vessels will leavefor the South Seas when ready andwill go into the interlsland copratrade for the owners. San FranciscoExaminer.

The vessels due to sail from tillsport to-da-y are the Mikahala, forMaui and Molokai; Klnau, for Kauai;and the Doris for Hawaii. All wereloading cargo yesterday. The Mikahala and Kinau will sail at 5 o'clockthis evening and the Doris was scheduled to depart at noon.


By str. Claudine for Maui, October15 Frank Burns, A. G. Horn, L. R.Mathews, W. H. Frledly, A. R. Souza,Jr., Enos Vincent, J. F. Wineburg,A. Lister, Miss R. Zera, Mrs. F. "G.Vasconcellps, J. A. M. Johnson, E. C.Vaughan, F. H. Locey, A. E. Hale, L.Tobriner, C. D. Lufkin, C. M. Hudson,A. Y. Cheng, H. E. Wo, S. Yamamoto,Ung Lin, Chung Lin Sang, I A. Sorensen, Charles Peterson, Peter Hop-lan- d,

Peter Westofl, Charles Lund-quls- t.


Sugar awaiting shipment at Hilo,Hawaii, October 15, was as follows:Ohia, 23,572; Waiakea, 29,000: Hilo

j Sugar Company, 6.800; Onomea, 6,573; j

; repeekco, 326; Hakalau, 32.709; Lau-- 'pahoehoe, 4.865; Paauhau, 1,803.


Thirty-da- y excursion tickets V' v.een Honolulu and Walalua, Ha-l.'iw-a

or Kahuku: First-clas- s, $2.15; scrond-class- , JL80.Special weekly rates at Hotel during summer months, $25.00.Splendid bathing, golf, tennis, glass-botto- m boats, -- owing, pool'An ideal racrMon resort.

Oahu Railway-Haleh- va Hotel


OceanicSteamship Co.5 i DATS TO SAN FRANCISCO

Regular Sailings to San Francisco and Sydney, N. S. W.

For further particulars apply to

C. BREWER & CO., LTD. General Agent



Direct Service Between San Francisco and Honolulu

For further particulars apply to

CASTLE & COOKE, Ltd., Agent, Honolulu

TOYO KISEN KAISHARegular Sailings to San Francisco and to the Orient

For further particulars apply to

CASTLE & COOKEI Ltd., Agent, Honolulu


ZEALAND and AUSTRALIAFor further particulars apply to

THEO. H. DAVIES & CO.; LTD., General Agents





JOINT SERVICETo Batavia, Java, via Yoko-

hama, Nagasaki, Hongkongand Singapore. Sailing dates,freight and passenger rates onapplication. j :

C. Brewer" & Co.; Ltd.. Agents



For Waianae", Walalua, Kahuku andWay Stations 9:15 a. m, 93:20 p.m..

For Pearl City, Ewa Mill and WayStations 17 :30 a. m., 9 : 15 a.

11:30 a.m, 2:l5 p.m., !:20 pjn.,5:15 p.m.v $9:30 pjBi, 111:15 pjn.

; For Wabiawa and Lellehua 11:20a.m, 2:40 p.m.. 5:00 p.m--, 11:30

-p.m.For Leilehuaf 6:00 a.'m.'


Arrive Honolulu . from Kahuku.Walalua - and Waianae 8:36 a.m.

Arrive Honolulu from Ewa Mill andPearl City f7: 45 a.mu, &iZ& a.m-- .11:02 im, l:3S'p.m.. M:24 p.nx.5:30 p.m, 7:28 p.m.Arrive Honolclu from Wahiawa and

Lellehua 9:15aan, 1:52 p.m., 3:&9p.m., 7:13 p.m.

The" Halelwa Limited, a two--

train (only first-clas- s tickets honored),leaves Honolulu every Sunuay at 8:30

m. for Halelwa Hotel: returningarrives in Honolulu at 10:10 p. m.The Limited stops only at Pecrl City,uwa Aim ana waianae.Dally. tExcept Sunday, tSunday

G. P. VENISON, F. C. ;MITH.eupenntenaent. G. P. A.

CHCf' 8UI. 93 North King StreetCall and see our brand new

CHOP SUI HOUSEEverything Neat and Clean

Tables may be reserved by phoneNo. 1713


Luau Tents and Canopies for RentThirty Years' Exp., knee

Fort St, near Allen, upstairsPhone 1487

SBBuy your gasoline


S?;-- ' .Rer of Norton Bldj

inn Company


Fort Queen Sta.




E I O H Tand .'

C.K ftAlso reservationany Point. Mainland.


& 4C0, &St, Tel. 151 j

Fred.LWaIdron.Ltd.Shipping and Commission Merchants

and Honlulur

Most Complete Line of ChineseGoods at

FONG INN CO.Honolulu's Leading Chinese- - CuriaStore 1152 Nuuanu SL, nr. Pauahl

Telephone 3875 1116 Fort 8LThe. Standard Optical Co.


Walter I. Seymour-Pre-a. Mgr.

VIEIRA JEWELRY CO.113 Hotel Street

Jewelers' and Silve.amith.wtch and Jewelry Repairers




Nron-smntti- ng made espe-cially to meet Hawaiianclimatic conditions. -

Black and purple colors.

Hawaiian NewsCo. Ltd.

Young Hotel BuildingBishop St.



' Moon -

' Hlgn Hifh Low Low . , RisesDate Tide L of Tide Tide Tide Sufl Sun and

Istf Tide SmaU Large SmaU Riaej Sets Sets '

A.M. FT. P.M.. P.M. A.M. ,

; Blses.'Oct 15 .....3:20 2.0 3:0S 8:59 9:50 5:58 - 5:32 .5:34

" 16 3:54 2.1 3:34 9:22 10:35 5:58 6:32 Set "" 17 4:30 - 2.1 4:05 ' 9:4T - 11:24 5:58 6:31 :


. : , ... . v ,.

"18 5:08 2.2 , 4:36 10:15 12:18 5:59 - 5:30 7:23" 19 . 5:59 2.2' 7, 6:13 10:47 1:22 - 6:69 - S:29 'j '.1:20" .20 6:39 t 6:07 411:25 2:38 - 6:00 6:21 8;1S" 21 7:35 i 2.U l 7:47 v... - 3:65 6:0A; - 8:28 10:1$PUOXE 1162 '

Jiew: Oct 1$, at 4 : 19 p. is. .


on th9

GO 72K,n9


