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B14 HOME FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 2014 - Far East … News/180414 ST Ulu place...north-east: “ulu”...

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By AUDREY TAN HORSE riding, “farm stays” inside wagon-like chalets, beautifully landscaped parks set amid lush foli- age and a silver ribbon of a river. It sounds like a portrait of a northern holiday spot or even a scene out of a childhood Enid Blyton book, but the description is of Punggol, which has shaken off a past steeped in pigs and poultry to become one cool town. Housewife Jubell Thong, 39, a Punggol resident of 12 years, loves to take her two children, aged four and six, on her pedalling adven- tures along the meandering trail in Punggol Waterway Park. “I really like this area, it’s fami- ly-friendly and gives us an option to stay outdoors,” Madam Thong told The Straits Times as she stopped for a breather during a solo excursion to the park on Wednes- day morning. Just six or seven years ago, many residents complained that Punggol was like the Sembawang of the north-east: “ulu” (remote), unglam- orous and quiet with few residents. These days, Punggol is shaping up to be a leisure destination and has seen its population double from about 42,000 in 2007 to at least 83,300 living in flats as of last year. Not bad for a former farming ar- ea also known for fishing and fruit trees – Punggol was, after all, most likely named after a Malay word that means “hurling sticks at the branches of fruit trees to bring them down to the ground”. Its transformation had quick- ened after Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced the “Pung- gol 21-plus” masterplan to make it one of the first waterfront public housing projects in his 2007 Nation- al Day Rally speech. Punggol would have features such as facilities for water sports, gardens and parks with jogging tracks, and eateries for al fresco din- ing, Mr Lee had said. Many leisure amenities capitalis- ing on Punggol’s natural charms have since sprung up. The cycling trail that Madam Thong loves, for example, is part of the Punggol Waterway Park a green lung in north-east Singapore. Running through it is the 4.2km Punggol Waterway, which links riv- ers Sungei Serangoon and Sungei Punggol. “The park is relaxing and you can enjoy nice views,” said sales representative and Punggol resi- dent Andrew Ng, 47. Other new installations, such as Punggol Point Park, near Punggol jetty located at the end of old Pung- gol Road, have also added to the ar- ea’s chic feel. Instead of seafood restaurants under zinc roofs that used to line the area, Punggol Point Park now has lily ponds, a playground, and an elevated, ship-inspired viewing deck which offers visitors views of red and gold-drenched skies at sun- set, Pulau Ubin and the Strait of Jo- hor. Al fresco dining on boardwalks by the sea, too, is now a reality. What really underlines that Punggol has become posh is the ar- rival of Gallop Stable last year, to of- fer farm stays, pony rides and rid- ing lessons that start at $65 for a private, 30 minute session. Said Mrs Mani Shanker, the sta- ble’s director: “The development of Punggol has helped promote the place – people become more aware of the area and its facilities.” Mr Francis Ng, chief executive of the House of Seafood Group, sees Punggol becoming “an East Coast in north-eastern Singapore” where people go for a seafood meal by the beach. That is why the 42-year-old picked Punggol for his sixth restau- rant, which opens today. “I also chose to open an outlet here because of the memory of the place too – 20 years ago, there used to be many kampung seafood res- taurants here,” he added. While Punggol is shaping up to be a draw even for visiting dignitar- ies such as Ms Sun Chunlan, top leader of Tianjin Municipality which has a population of 14 mil- lion, some people view it as a less desirable place to live in, given its faraway location. While Punggol residents are made up mostly of young couples who choose to start their families in non-mature estates, real estate agents say some of them are now moving out to mature neighbour- hoods for amenities like malls and wet markets. Dr Janil Puthucheary, an MP for Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC, said resi- dents’ common gripes include the lack of facilities such as shopping malls and childcare centres. But plans are in place to increase these, he added. “The town is rapidly developing, and people have easy access to na- ture through the parks and reser- voirs,” he said. “Residents can see that (the facilities) are up and com- ing.” And as always, the development of an area has its downside. Said technician and avid angler Zulfazli Abdul Kadir, 28: “In the past we were free to fish anywhere, but now we can be fined if we fish in the wrong places.” Mr Derrick Ong, general manag- er at the Marina Country Club that has stood sentinel in Punggol for the past 20 years, said road accessi- bility is a challenge. Crowds here have grown not just on weekends but also during the week. Still, challenges aside, Punggol’s appeal is as strong as ever, he add- ed. “Punggol is historical, with a World War II site located at Pung- gol End, has beautiful sunsets, and offers leisure activities with a seav- iew,” said Mr Ong, referring to a beach area where many were killed by Japanese invaders. “It’s a unique place you cannot find anywhere else in the north-east.” [email protected] ‘Ulu’ place now a leisure haven Street View is a weekly series that focuses on the goings-on in your neighbourhood. Write to us at [email protected] if you have ideas to share. STREET VIEW Punggol has shaken off its past to become one cool town What really underlines that Punggol has become posh is the arrival of Gallop Stable last year, to offer farm stays, pony rides and riding lessons that start at $65 for a session. ST PHOTOS: AZIZ HUSSIN, LIM SIN THAI Prawn fishing (top left) at Marina Country Club and (above) the pier with the Punggol dam in the background. Another draw is the historical World War II site at Punggol End where many were killed by Japanese invaders. UNIQUE Punggol is historical, with a World War II site located at Punggol End, has beautiful sunsets, and offers leisure activities with a seaview. It’s a unique place you cannot find anywhere else in the north-east. – Mr Derrick Ong, general manager at the Marina Country Club, on the charm of Punggol B14 H O M E FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 2014


HORSE riding, “farm stays” insidewagon-like chalets, beautifullylandscaped parks set amid lush foli-age and a silver ribbon of a river.

It sounds like a portrait of anorthern holiday spot or even ascene out of a childhood EnidBlyton book, but the description isof Punggol, which has shaken off apast steeped in pigs and poultry tobecome one cool town.

Housewife Jubell Thong, 39, aPunggol resident of 12 years, lovesto take her two children, aged fourand six, on her pedalling adven-tures along the meandering trail inPunggol Waterway Park.

“I really like this area, it’s fami-ly-friendly and gives us an optionto stay outdoors,” Madam Thongtold The Straits Times as shestopped for a breather during a soloexcursion to the park on Wednes-day morning.

Just six or seven years ago, manyresidents complained that Punggolwas like the Sembawang of thenorth-east: “ulu” (remote), unglam-orous and quiet with few residents.These days, Punggol is shaping upto be a leisure destination and hasseen its population double fromabout 42,000 in 2007 to at least83,300 living in flats as of last year.

Not bad for a former farming ar-ea also known for fishing and fruittrees – Punggol was, after all, mostlikely named after a Malay wordthat means “hurling sticks at thebranches of fruit trees to bringthem down to the ground”.

Its transformation had quick-ened after Prime Minister LeeHsien Loong announced the “Pung-gol 21-plus” masterplan to make itone of the first waterfront publichousing projects in his 2007 Nation-al Day Rally speech.

Punggol would have featuressuch as facilities for water sports,gardens and parks with joggingtracks, and eateries for al fresco din-ing, Mr Lee had said.

Many leisure amenities capitalis-ing on Punggol’s natural charmshave since sprung up.

The cycling trail that MadamThong loves, for example, is part ofthe Punggol Waterway Park – agreen lung in north-east Singapore.Running through it is the 4.2kmPunggol Waterway, which links riv-ers Sungei Serangoon and SungeiPunggol.

“The park is relaxing and youcan enjoy nice views,” said salesrepresentative and Punggol resi-dent Andrew Ng, 47.

Other new installations, such asPunggol Point Park, near Punggoljetty located at the end of old Pung-gol Road, have also added to the ar-ea’s chic feel.

Instead of seafood restaurantsunder zinc roofs that used to linethe area, Punggol Point Park nowhas lily ponds, a playground, and

an elevated, ship-inspired viewingdeck which offers visitors views ofred and gold-drenched skies at sun-set, Pulau Ubin and the Strait of Jo-hor.

Al fresco dining on boardwalksby the sea, too, is now a reality.

What really underlines thatPunggol has become posh is the ar-rival of Gallop Stable last year, to of-fer farm stays, pony rides and rid-ing lessons that start at $65 for aprivate, 30 minute session.

Said Mrs Mani Shanker, the sta-ble’s director: “The development ofPunggol has helped promote theplace – people become more aware

of the area and its facilities.”Mr Francis Ng, chief executive

of the House of Seafood Group,sees Punggol becoming “an EastCoast in north-eastern Singapore”where people go for a seafood mealby the beach.

That is why the 42-year-oldpicked Punggol for his sixth restau-rant, which opens today.

“I also chose to open an outlethere because of the memory of theplace too – 20 years ago, there usedto be many kampung seafood res-taurants here,” he added.

While Punggol is shaping up tobe a draw even for visiting dignitar-

ies such as Ms Sun Chunlan, topleader of Tianjin Municipalitywhich has a population of 14 mil-lion, some people view it as a lessdesirable place to live in, given itsfaraway location.

While Punggol residents aremade up mostly of young coupleswho choose to start their families innon-mature estates, real estateagents say some of them are nowmoving out to mature neighbour-hoods for amenities like malls andwet markets.

Dr Janil Puthucheary, an MP forPasir Ris-Punggol GRC, said resi-dents’ common gripes include thelack of facilities such as shoppingmalls and childcare centres. Butplans are in place to increase these,he added.

“The town is rapidly developing,and people have easy access to na-ture through the parks and reser-voirs,” he said. “Residents can seethat (the facilities) are up and com-ing.”

And as always, the development

of an area has its downside. Saidtechnician and avid angler ZulfazliAbdul Kadir, 28: “In the past wewere free to fish anywhere, butnow we can be fined if we fish inthe wrong places.”

Mr Derrick Ong, general manag-er at the Marina Country Club thathas stood sentinel in Punggol forthe past 20 years, said road accessi-bility is a challenge.

Crowds here have grown notjust on weekends but also duringthe week.

Still, challenges aside, Punggol’sappeal is as strong as ever, he add-ed.

“Punggol is historical, with aWorld War II site located at Pung-gol End, has beautiful sunsets, andoffers leisure activities with a seav-iew,” said Mr Ong, referring to abeach area where many were killedby Japanese invaders.

“It’s a unique place you cannotfind anywhere else in thenorth-east.”

[email protected]

‘Ulu’ place now a leisure havenStreet View is a weekly series

that focuses on the goings-on in your neighbourhood. Write to us at [email protected] if

you have ideas to share.

STREET VIEWPunggol hasshaken off itspast to becomeone cool town

What really underlines that Punggol has become posh is the arrival of Gallop Stable last year, to offer farm stays, pony rides and riding lessons that start at $65 for a session. ST PHOTOS: AZIZ HUSSIN, LIM SIN THAI

Prawn fishing (top left) at Marina Country Club and (above) the pier with thePunggol dam in the background. Another draw is the historical World War II site atPunggol End where many were killed by Japanese invaders.


Punggol is historical,with a World War IIsite located at PunggolEnd, has beautifulsunsets, and offersleisure activities with aseaview. It’s a uniqueplace you cannot findanywhere else in thenorth-east.– Mr Derrick Ong, general managerat the Marina Country Club, on thecharm of Punggol

B14 HHOOMMEE F R I D A Y , A P R I L 1 8 , 2 0 1 4
