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BA 396 Flashcards _ Quizlet

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  • 8/18/2019 BA 396 Flashcards _ Quizlet


    BA 396  148 terms by machaffj

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    Marketing Research The systematic and objective identification, collection,

    anaylsis, dissemination, and use of information for the

    purpose of assisting management in decision making

    related to the identification and solution of problems (and

    opportunities) in marketing

    Problem-identification research Research that is undertaken to help identify problems that

    are not necessarily apparent on the surface and yet exist

    or are likely to arise in the future.

    Problem-solving research research undertaken to help solve specific marketign


    Marketing Research Process A set of six steps that define the tasks to be accomplished

    in conducting a marketing research study. These includeproblem definition, developement of an approach to the

    problem, research design formulation, fieldwork, data

    preparation and anaylsis, and report preparation and



  • 8/18/2019 BA 396 Flashcards _ Quizlet


    Competitive intelligence THe process of enhancing marketplace competitiveness

    through a greater understanding of a firm's competitors

    and the competitive environment.

    Internal Supplier Marketing reseach departments locating inside a firm

    External Suppliers Outside marketing research companies hired to supply

    marketing research data or services

    Marketing Research industry The marketing research industry consists of external

    suppliers who provide marketing research services

    Full-service suppliers Companies that offer the full range of marketing research


    syndicated services Companies that collect and sell common pools of data

    designed to serve information needs shared by a number

    of clients.

    Customized services Companies that tailor the research procedures to best

    meet the needs of each client.

    Internet Services Companies that have specialized in conducting marketing

    research on the internet.

    Limited-Service Suppliers Companies that specialize in one or a few phases of the

    marketing research project

    Field Services Companies whose primary service offering is their

    expertise in collecting data for research projects

    Focus groups and Qualitative services Services related to facilities, recruitment, and other

    services for focus groups and other forms of qualitative

    research, such as one-on-one depth interviews.

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    Technical and analytical services Services related to design issues and computer analysis of  

    quantitative data, such as those obtained in large surveys

    Marketing information system A formalized set of procedures for generating, analyzing,

    storing, and distributing pertinent information to

    marketing decision makers on an onging basis.

    Decision Support systems Information systems that enable decision makers tointeract directly with both databases and analysis models.

    The important components of a DSS include hardware and

    a communications network, database, model base,

    software base, and the DSS user (decision maker)

    Problem Definition A broad statement of the general problem and

    identification of the specific components of the marketing

    research problem

    Problem Audit A comprehensive examination of a marke3ting problem to

    understand its origin and nature

    Experience Survey interviews with people very knowledgeable about the

    general topic being investigated

    Key-informant Technique Another name for expereince surveys, i.e, interviews with

    people very knowledgeable about the general topic being


    Lead- user survey Interviews with lead users of the technology

    Secondary Data Data collected for some purpose other than the problem

    at hand. For other problems, rapid and easy, relatively low,


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    Primary data Data originated by the researcher specifically to address

    the research problem. For the problem at hand, very

    involved, high, long

    Qualitative Research An unstructured, exploratory research methodology based

    on small sample intended to provide insight and

    understanding of the problem setting.

    Pilot Surveys surveys that tend to be less structured than large-scale

    surveys in that they generally contain more open-ended

    questions and the sample size is much smaller

    Case Studies Case Studies involve an intensive examination of a few

    selected cases of the phenomenon of interest. Cases could

    be customers, stores, or other units

    Environmental context of the problem Consists of the factors that have an impact on the

    definition of the marketing research problem, including

    past information and forecasts, resources, and constraints

    of the firm, objectives of the decision maker, buyer

    behavior, legal environment, economic environment, and

    marketing and technological skills of the firm.

    Objectives Goals of the organization and of the decision maker must

    be considered in order to conduct successful marketing


    Buyer Behavior A body of knowledge that tries to understand and predict

    consumers' reactions based on an individual's specific


    Legal Environment Regulatory policies and norms within which organizations

    must operate

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    Economic Environment consists of income, prices, savings, credit, and general

    economic conditions

    Management Decision Problem The problem confronting the decision maker. It asks what

    the decision maker needs to do.

    Marketing research problem A problem tht entails determining what information is

    needed and how it can be obtained in the most feasibleway

    Conceptual Map A way to link the broad statement of the marketing

    research problem to the management decision problem.

    Broad Statement The initial statement of the marketing research problem

    that provides an appropriate perspective on the problem.

    Specific Components The second part of the marketing research problem

    definition. The specific components focus on the keyaspects of the problem and provide clear guidelines on

    how to proceed further.

    Theory A conceptual scheme based on foundational statements,

    or axioms, that are assumed to be true

    objective evidence Unbiased evidence that is supported by empirical findings.

    Analytical model An explict specification of a set of variables and their

    interrelationships designed to represent some real systemor process in whole or in part.

    Verbal Models Analytical models that provide a written representation of  

    the relationships between variables

    Graphical models Analytical models that provide a visual picture of the

    relationship between variables

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    Mathematical models Analytical models that expilcitly describe the relationships

    between variables, usually in equation form.

    Research questions refined statements of the specific components of the


    Hypothesis An unproven statement or proposition about a factor or

    phenomenon that is of interest to the researcher

    Self- reference criterion The unconscious reference to one's own cultural values

    Research Design A framework or blueprint for conducting the marketing

    research project. It specifies the details of the procedures

    necessary for obtaining the information needed to

    structure and/or solve marketing research problems

    Exploratory research One type of research design, which has as its primary

    objective the provision of insights into and comprehensionof the problem situation confronting the reseacher

    Conclusive Research Research designed to assist the decision maker in

    determining, evaluating, and selecting the best course of 

    action to take in a given situation

    Descriptive Research A type of conclusive research that has as its major

    objective the description of something-usually market

    characteristics or functions

    Cross-Sectional design A type of research design involving the collection of  

    information from any given sample of population

    elementsonly once.

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    Single cross-sectional design in which one sample of respondents is drawn from the

    target population and information is obtained from this

    sample once.

    Multiple cross-sectional design in which there are two or more samples of respondents,

    and information from each sample is obtained only once

    Cohort Analysis consisting of a series of surveys conducted at appropriatetime intervals. The cohort refers to the group of 

    respondents who experience the same event within the

    same time interval

    Longitudinal design A type of research design involving a fixed sample of  

    population elements that is measured repeatedly. The

    sample remains the same over time, thus providing a

    series of pictures that when viewed together, portray a

    vivid illustration of the situation and the changes that aretaking place over time

    Panel A sample of respondents who have agreed to provide

    information at specified intervals over an extended period.

    Causal Research A type of conclusive research where the major objective is

    to obtain evidence regarding cause-and-effect (causal)


    Total Error The variation between the true mean value in thepopulation of the variable of interest and the observed

    mean value obtained in the marketing research project.

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    Random Sampling error The error due to the particular sample selected being an

    imperfect respresentation of the population of interest. It

    may be defined as the variation between the true mean

    value for the sample and the true mean value of the


    Nonsampling error Errors that can be attributed to sources other than

    sampling, and they can be random or nonrandom.

    nonresponse error A type of nonsampling error that occurs when some of the

    respondents included in the sample do not respond. This

    error may be defined as the variation betweeen the true

    mean value ofthe variable in the original sample and the

    true mean value in the net sample.

    Response error A type of nonsampling error arising from respondents who

    do respond, but give inaccurate answers or their answersare misrecorded or misanalyzed. It may be defined as the

    variation between the true mean value of the variable in

    the net sample and the observed mean value obtained in

    the marketing research project.

    Budgeting and scheduling management tools needed to help ensure that the

    marketing research project is completed within the

    available resources.

    Critcal Path Method Management technique of dividing a research project into

    component activites, determining the sequence of these

    components and the time each activity will require

    Program evaluation and review technique A more sophisticated critical path method that accounts

    for the uncertainty in project completion times

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    Graphical evaluation and review technique A sophisticated critcal path method that accounts for both

    the completion probabilities and the activity costs.

    Marketing research proposal The offical layout of the planned marketing research

    activity for management. It describes the research

    problem, the approach, the research design, data

    collection methods, data analysis methods, and reporting


    Internal Data Data available within the organization for which the

    research is being conducted

    External Data Data that orgininate external to the organization

    Database Marketing involves the use of computers to capture and track

    customer profiles and purchase detail.

    Online Database Databases, stored in computers, that require atelecommunication network to access

    Internet Databases Can be accessed, searched, and analyzed on the internet. It

    is also possible to download data from the internet and

    store it in the computer or an auxillary storage device.

    Offline Database Databases that are available on diskette or CD-ROM

    Biliographic Databases Databases composed of citations to articles in

     Jounrals,magazines, newspaper, marketing researchstudies, technical reports, government documents. They

    often provide summaries or abstracts of the material cited.

    Numeric databases contain numerical and statistical information that may be

    important sources of secondary data

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    Full-Text Databases Containing the complete text of secondary source

    documents comprising the database.

    Directory Databases Provide information on individuals, organizations, and


    Special-purpose databases Contain information of a specific nature. Data on a

    specialized industry.

    Syndicated services (sources) information services offered by marketing research

    organizations that provide information from a common

    database to different firms that suscribe to their serivces.

    Syndicated Panel Surveys measure the same group of respondents over time but not

    necessarily on the same variables.

    Psychographics Quantified psychologial profiles of individuals.

    Lifestyles May be defined as a distinctive pattern of living that is

    described by the activities people engage in, the interests

    they have, and the opinions they hold of themselves and

    the world around them.

    Purchase-Panels A data-gathering technique in which respondents record

    their purchases online or in a diary.

    Media Panels A data-gathering technique that is comprised of samples of  

    respondents whose television viewing behavior isautomatically recorded by electronic devices,

    supplementing the purchase information recorded online

    or in a diary.

    Scanner Data Data obtained by passing merchandise over a laser

    scanner that reads the UPC code from the packages

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    Volume Tracking data Scanner Data that provides information on purchases by

    brand, size, price, and flavor or formulation

    Scanner Panels Scanner data where panel members are identified by an ID

    card allowing each panel member's purchases to be stored

    with respect to that individual shopper.

    Scanner Panels with Cable TV The combination of a scanner panel with manipulations of  the advertising that is being broadcast by cable television


    Audit A data collection process derived from physical records or

    by performing inventory analysis. Data are collected

    personally by the researcher or by respresentatives of the

    researcher, and the data are based on counts, usually of 

    physical objects other than people

    Industry Services Provide syndicated data about industrial firms, businesses,

    and other institutions.

    Single-Source data An effort to combine data from different sources by

    gathering integrated information on household and

    marketing variables applicable to the same set of 


    Computer mapping Maps that solve marketing problems are called thematic

    maps. They combine geography with demographicinformation and a company's sales data or other

    proprietary information and are generated by a omputer.

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    Probing A motivational technique used when asking survey

    questions to induce the respondents to enlarge on,clarify

    or explain thier answers and to help the respondents to

    focus on the specific content of the interview.

    Sampling Control An aspect of supervision that ensures that the interviewers

    strictly follow the sampling plan rather than select

    sampling units based on convenience or accessibility.

    Qualitative Research An unstructured exploratory research methodology based

    on small sample thst provides insights and understanding

    of the problem setting.

    Quantitative Research A research methodology that seeks to quantify the data

    and, typically, applies some form of statistical anaylsis

    Direct Approach One type of qualitative research in which the purposes of  

    the project are disclosed to the respondent or are obvious,

    given the nature of the interview.

    Indirect Approach A type of Qualitative research in which the purposes of the

    project are disguised from the respondents

    Focus group An interview conducted y trained moderator among a

    small group of respondents in an unstructured and natural


    Telesessions A focus group technique using a telecommunications


    Depth Interview An unstructured, direct, personal interview in which a

    single respondent is probed by a highly skilled interviewer

    to uncover underlying motivations, beliefs, attitudes, and

    feelings on a topic.

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    Laddering A technique for conducting depth interviews in which a line

    of questioning proceeds from the product characteristics

    to user charateristics.

    Hidden Issues Questioning A type of depth interview that attempts to locate personal

    sore spots related to deeply felt personal concerns

    Symbolic analysis A technique for conducting depth interviews in which thesymbolic meaning of objects is analyzed by comparing

    them with their opposites.

    Grounded Theory An inductive and more structured approach in which each

    subsequent depth interview is adjusted based on the

    cumulative findings from previous depth interviews with

    the purpose of developing general concepts or theories.

    Protocol interview In a protocol interview,a respondent is placed in a

    decision-making situation and asked to verbalize theprocess and the ativities that he or she would undertake to

    make the decision

    Projective technique An unstructured and indirect form of questioning that

    encourages the respondents to project their underlying

    motivations, beliefs, attitudes, or feelings regarding the

    issues of concern.

    Association techniques A type of projective technique in which the respondent ispresented with a stimulus and asked to respond with the

    first thing that comes to mind.

    Word Association A projective technique in which respondents are presented

    with a list of words, one at a time. After each word, they

    are asked to give the first word that comes to mind.

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    Completion Technique A projective technique that requires the respondent to

    complete an incomplete stimulus situation

    Sentence Completion A projective technique in which respondents are presented

    with a number of incomplete sentences and asked to

    complete them.

    Story completion A projective technique in which the respondents areprovided with part of a story and required to give the

    conclusion in their own words

    Construction technique A projective technique in which the respondent is required

    to construct a response in the form of a story, dialogue, or


    Picture response technique A projective technique in which the respondent is shown a

    picture and asked to tell a story describing it.

    Cartoon tests Cartoon characters are shown in a specific situation

    related to the problem. The respondents are asked to

    indicate the dialogue that one cartoon character might

    make in response to the comments of another character.

    Expressive technique Projective techniques in which the respondent is

    presented with a verbal or visual situation and asked to

    relate the feelings and attitudes of other people to the

    situation.Role playing Respondentsare asked to assume the behavior of  

    someone else.

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    Third Person technique A projective technique in which the respondent is

    presented with a veral or visual situation ans asked to

    relate the beliefs and attitudes of a third person to the


    Marketing Research fit Customer groups- consumers, employees, sharholders,

    suppliers. Controlling market variables: Product,Price,

    Promotion, Distribution. Uncontrollable environmentalfactors:economy, technology, law and regulations, social &

    cultural factors, political factors.Marketing Managers:

    market segmentation, target market selection, marketing

    programs, performance and control. Also assessing

    information needs, Providing information and Marketing

    decision making.

    Problem Definition Step 1: Problem definition- Management Decision problem

    &Marketing research problem Step 2- Approach to the

    problem-Theory-model-research questions-hypotheses-

    specific information needed. Step 3- Research Design

    Management Decision problem -asks what the decision maker needs to do

    - Action oriented

    -Focuses on sympotoms

    -Broad and general

    Marketing Research Problem Asks what information is needed and it should be obtained-Information oriented

    -Focuses on the causes

    - Narrow and specific

    Relationships among different research Start with Exploratory folowed by descriptive and then

    causal research.

  • 8/18/2019 BA 396 Flashcards _ Quizlet


    surrogate information error Type of response error Selecting wrong variable to answer question

    Measurement error Measuring wrong variable by selecting incorrect measure.

    response error

    Population Definition error Difference between atual population and that defined by

    the researcher. Response error

    Sampling frame error Sample frame does not align with population Responseerror

    Data Analysis error Using inappropriate statisticla procedures. response error

    Respondent selection error Interviewers do not follow selection protocol. Interviewer


    Questioning Error Errors in asking questions or not following up. Interviewer


    Recording error Errors in interpreting answers or recording answers.

    Interviewer errors

    Cheating errors Interviewer fabricates answers. Interviewer errors

    Inability error Respondent is not able to provide accurate answers.

    Respondent error

    Unwillingness Error Respondent is unwilling to provide acurate answers.

    respondent error

    Web Analytics involve closely monitoring and measuring visitor behavior,

    customer feedback, desired outcomes, and competitive

    contest in order to make smarter decisions about online


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    Conversion Goals Transactional goals- merchandising

    Engagement goals- Informational

    Data Discovery ability to probe the data

    Focus Group Moderator Kindness with firmness



    Incomplete understanding




    Planning a Focus group 1. Determine objective and define problem

    2. Specify ojectives of qualitative research

    3. State objectives/questions answered by group

    4. write a screening questionaire5. Develop a moderator's outline

    6. Conduct a focus group interviews

    7. review tapes and analyze the data

    8. summarize the findings and plan follow-up research or


    two-way focus group One target group to listens and learns from a related


    Dual-moderator group A focus group conducted by two moderators: Onemoderator is responsible for the smooth flow of the

    session, and the other ensures that specific issues are


    Dueling-moderator group There are two moderators, but they deliberately take

    opposite positions on the issues to be discussed.

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    REspondent-moderator group moderator asks selected participants to play the role of  

    moderator temporarily to improve group dynamics.

    Client-participant group Client personnel are identified and made part of the

    discussion group

    mini group These groups consist of a moderator and only 4 or 5


    Telesession groups Focus group session by phone using te conference call


    Online focus groups Focus groups conducted online over the internet.
