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Baccalaureate Sunday, May 19th Graduates are from left to...

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FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH 8th Avenue and Elm Street P.O. Box 546 Cumberland, WI 54829 Phone - 822-4416 Facsimile - 822-4402 NONPROFIT US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO 54 CUMBERLAND, WI Address Service Requested Pictures from the tone chime choir at their last rehearsal in May. The group had another wonderful year, and grew so much that there needed to be two tone chime choirs. Thank you to Mary Flottum for doing such a great job leading the group and to Betsy Schmidt who helped each week. The group will begin again in September. Tone chimes is for all 2nd-8th graders. We always like to have new players so think about taking part in tone chimes next year! June 2013 First Lutheran Church 1180 8th Ave / P.O. Box 546 Cumberland, WI. 54829 Worship Sundays 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 AM - 2 PM Office Phone: 715-822-4416 Fax: 715-822-4402 email address: [email protected] Website: www.firstlutherancumberland.com Pastor: Tim Schmidt Email: [email protected] Home Phone: 715-822-3265 Office: Dawn Hilde Treasurer: Lori Nyhus Organist: Charlene Samlaska Choir Director: Sharon Schmidt Bell Choir Director: Dan Hopkins Tone Chime Director: Mary Flottum Librarian: Emily Drafall Custodians: Bob & Diane Eastman First Lutheran Church Council President: Craig Turcott V. President: Paula Clay Secretary: Jess Olson Ministry Teams: Christian Ed Shelia Whitman Church Home Management Justin Anderson & Brent Colburn Fellowship & Christian Service Bruce Willer, Diane Eastman Financial & Personal Gifts Larry Hemmingsen, Andy Flottum Home Missions Barbara Ankarlo, Joe Garibaldi International Missions Katie Gargulak Worship & Church Music Paula Clay Youth Jess Olson Baccalaureate Sunday, May 19th Graduates are from left to right: Colton Maassen, Karli Rix-Niemann, Caleb Eckel, Katie Gargulak, Cody Fillion & Tanner Grant. Marc Hayton was unable to attend. The Summer Worship Schedule begins on Thursday, May 30th. Summer Schedule: Thursdays 6:30pm, Sundays 8:30am Upcoming outdoor services around the campfire: Thurs. May 30 and Thurs. June 27 Our High School Graduates with their Honor Quilts. Thank you to all who made these wonderful gifts for our graduates! Quilters were: Sharlaine Hemmingsen,, Norma Thompson, Jolene Thompson, Colleen Elmberg, Phyllis Willer and Lori Olson
Page 1: Baccalaureate Sunday, May 19th Graduates are from left to ...firstlutherancumberland.com/FaithConnections/13_06/FC_1306.pdf · June 2 Boegel, KaraGay Forseth, Phillip 4 Clay, Paula


8th Avenue and Elm Street P.O. Box 546

Cumberland, WI 54829 Phone - 822-4416

Facsimile - 822-4402



Address Service Requested

Pictures from the tone chime choir at their last rehearsal in May. The group had another wonderful year, and grew so much that there needed to be two tone chime choirs. Thank you to Mary Flottum for doing such a great job leading the group and to Betsy Schmidt who helped each week. The group will begin again in September. Tone chimes is for all 2nd-8th graders. We always like to have new players so think about taking part in tone chimes next year!

June 2013

First Lutheran Church 1180 8th Ave / P.O. Box 546 Cumberland, WI. 54829 Worship Sundays 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 AM - 2 PM Office Phone: 715-822-4416 Fax: 715-822-4402 email address: [email protected] Website: www.firstlutherancumberland.com Pastor: Tim Schmidt Email: [email protected] Home Phone: 715-822-3265

Office: Dawn Hilde

Treasurer: Lori Nyhus

Organist: Charlene Samlaska

Choir Director: Sharon Schmidt

Bell Choir Director: Dan Hopkins

Tone Chime Director: Mary Flottum

Librarian: Emily Drafall

Custodians: Bob & Diane Eastman

First Lutheran Church Council

President: Craig Turcott

V. President: Paula Clay

Secretary: Jess Olson

Ministry Teams:

Christian Ed Shelia Whitman Church Home Management Justin Anderson & Brent Colburn Fellowship & Christian Service Bruce Willer, Diane Eastman Financial & Personal Gifts Larry Hemmingsen, Andy Flottum Home Missions Barbara Ankarlo, Joe Garibaldi International Missions Katie Gargulak Worship & Church Music Paula Clay Youth Jess Olson

Baccalaureate Sunday, May 19th Graduates are from left to right:

Colton Maassen, Karli Rix-Niemann, Caleb Eckel, Katie Gargulak, Cody Fillion & Tanner Grant.

Marc Hayton was unable to attend.

The Summer Worship Schedule begins on Thursday, May 30th.

Summer Schedule: Thursdays 6:30pm, Sundays 8:30am

Upcoming outdoor services around the campfire: Thurs. May 30 and Thurs. June 27

Our High School Graduates with their

Honor Quilts. Thank you

to all who made these wonderful gifts for our

graduates! Quilters were: Sharlaine Hemmingsen,, Norma Thompson, Jolene

Thompson, Colleen Elmberg, Phyllis Willer and

Lori Olson

Page 2: Baccalaureate Sunday, May 19th Graduates are from left to ...firstlutherancumberland.com/FaithConnections/13_06/FC_1306.pdf · June 2 Boegel, KaraGay Forseth, Phillip 4 Clay, Paula


“The gifts he gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors

and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ.”

Ephesians 4:11

When you receive this newsletter in the mail, I will most likely be down in Eau Claire along

with David and Lori Olson from our congregation. We will be at our synod assembly for the Northwest

Synod of Wisconsin of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. This is an annual event that

brings together people from all over our area for worship, learning and the business of the synod. It is

always an interesting event where the delegates from our congregation get to see a wider glimpse of the

church and its mission in the world.

This year’s synod assembly, however, will have a special emphasis. We will be electing a new

bishop to serve in our Northwest Synod of Wisconsin. Bishop Duane Pederson, who served the synod

for five years resigned at the end of March, and had said that he would not seek an additional term this

year even if he had finished his term. So we knew that we would have new leadership in our synod.

And it is at the Assembly that this new leadership will be chosen.

The election of a bishop is an interesting process. There are no nominations ahead of time.

Nominations are simply taken from the floor of the assembly right at the beginning. Any ordained

pastor in the ELCA is eligible to be elected, and sometimes people are nominated from other places as

well as our own synod. Then all of these names are listed, and those pastors who wish to take part in

the election accept the nomination. They also fill out biographical information and are able to write

about their convictions. This information is passed out the assembly and voting continues. The field is

gradually narrowed down and when there are three candidates remaining, each of them is given an

opportunity to address the assembly. Then the final votes are made and the bishop is chosen. The new

bishop will then be installed in our synod at the beginning of September.

Perhaps you have not thought much about the bishop’s office before or even known who the

local bishop was in our Lutheran church. And it is true that the Lutheran bishop does not have as much

influence as say a Roman Catholic or United Methodist bishop does (in each of these churches the

bishop appoints pastors whereas in our Lutheran church the local congregation gets to choose a pastor).

Nevertheless, the bishop does fulfill an important role as one who helps to unify the Lutheran churches

in the synod and to help individual congregations carry out their mission. Also, the bishop and the

events of the synod help to point us toward the work of the whole ELCA and to lift up the fine ministry

that we do together through mission work, camps, colleges, seminaries and care for those in need both

in the U.S. and around the world.

So within the next week, I will be able to report to you who the bishop-elect is in our Northwest

Synod of Wisconsin. In the meanwhile, please remember the assembly and its work in your prayers and

remember the ministry that we share together as a synod and as the whole ELCA.

Youth Calendar: Sun., June 9-14 Confirmation Camp at Luther Park. Sun., June 16-19 Twins Game and trip to the North Shore.

Craft Items Needed for VBS Rocks (for the kids to decorate), Yarn, Pencils, Construction Paper, Push Pins, Streamers, Glue, Paint Brushes, Google Eyes, Silver Glitter. Please bring items to the church and put on the talbe in the fellowship hall.

The Confirmation Class wrapped up another year of classes in May. Here is the group at their last class (note the smiles). Back Row: Pastor Tim, Damien Capuzzi, Kela Vicich, Payton Rose, Alicia Wessman, Jordon Huston. Front: Courtney Colluci, Miranda Ricci, Ciara Lebow, Olivia Gargulak, Lanae Paulson, Elaina Bruno. Not pictured: Mariah Capra. Below some of the Confirmation students pick up rocks and trash in the church yard.

Camp – There is still time to sign up for some

wonderful opportunities at Bible Camp this year. The four camping experiences that we have scheduled as a congregation are: Middle School Confirmation Camp June 9-14th. Day-camp with Pastor Tim for grades K-2 July 10th, overnight at camp for grades 2-4 on July 11-12 – and Parent/Child overnight (no age requirement) August 4-5th. Our congregation is committed to making camp a possibility for all families. One-half of the registration fees are paid for by the church. Financial aid funds are available beyond that to cover up to the full cost of camp. We don’t want anyone to miss out on the opportunity to have a great time at camp!

Youth Trip to North Shore -- From Sunday June

9th – 12th – 10 youth from our congregation and two chaperones, Pastor Tim and Jenny Larson, will be heading to the North Shore of Minnesota for the annual senior high youth trip. While they are there they will be volunteering at the second harvest food bank in Duluth, getting together with the youth of Bethlehem Lutheran in Two Harbors and enjoying the beauty of the North Shore. They will be staying at a cabin in Tofte, MN donated by Matt and Darlene Bratager. Matt is the son of Sherm and Tania Bratager. Thank you to the Bratager family for so generously donating the use of their cabin for our trip.

Vacation Bible School – Plans are well under way for our Vacation Bible School July 28th-August 1st. Registration materials are available for both students and volunteers in the fellowship hall. Sign up for VBS today! It will be a wonderful and fun-filled week. The theme this year is The Everywhere Fun Fair: Where God’s World Comes Together.

Page 3: Baccalaureate Sunday, May 19th Graduates are from left to ...firstlutherancumberland.com/FaithConnections/13_06/FC_1306.pdf · June 2 Boegel, KaraGay Forseth, Phillip 4 Clay, Paula

June 2 Boegel, KaraGay Forseth, Phillip 4 Clay, Paula Stoberl, Hunter 5 Freeman, Alex Vennie. Erika 6 Bertelsen, Carol Whitman, Shaneya 7 Diesterhaft, Jason Larson, Braden Michlig, Reyna 9 Blumberg, Brenda Schene, Jenna 10 Jensen, Jade White, Brian 11 Ankarlo, Barbara 12 Holmes, Alan White, Hannah 13 Pherson, Allison 14 Garibaldi, Joe 15 Hemmingsen, Sharlaine Neby, Quentin 16 Anderson, Emma Herzan, Cole 17 White, Alan 18 Johnson, Sharon Mathison, Carissa 19 Johnson, Troy 20 Anderson, Chad Capra, Mariah Daniel, Edward Nelson, Bob 23 Broker, Matthew Momchilovich, Bobbi 25 Vicich, Natalie Wanner, Mitchell 26 Cifaldi, Mona 27 Klasse, Sharon Lansin, Isabella Zappa, Tom

If have your birthday/

anniversary wrong, or if we

missed it, we apologize. Please

call the church office and let us


Please call the church office and

let us know!

Highlights from May Council Meeting

Highlights from the May Church Council Meeting Many members along with the youth will attend the Twins/Tigers baseball on June 16. Everyone is paying for the bus and tickets themselves, but the church is writing a check out to the bus service and the tickets. All tickets are accounted for and most have already paid.

Pastor Tim distributed a quote from Dan Hopkins. The recommendation is the Yamaha CP300. It has the feel of a piano and has built-in speakers. The quote is in the amount of $2289.96. (total, shipping included) Goal is to have it by the Fall. The council approved a motion to fundraise for the new Keyboard. If the entire amount is not raised by September, the council will revisit this item and look to using Thrivent Funds to complete the entire amount. The council is looking to have a signup for hosting the exchange Pastor and family once a week during time they are here. The council had a discussion about preparing for the push of getting a new carillon. We will first try and reach the goal for the keyboard, and then the council will push for the new carillon. This is a nice outreach to the community and welcoming people to church. We will look to have a full congregational meeting to discuss the carillon in the fall. The council also discussed an article from Church Leaders Magazine about welcoming new members to church. It is important to be friendly but not singling out new people who attend. Overwhelmingly the new members of our church have felt very welcomed and have reiterated the friendliness of the people in our congregation. This is definitely one of our congregation’s strong points.

28 Beiersdorff, Nancy

Broker, Justice

Mathison, Heidi

29 Broker, Barbara

Frisinger, Dorothy

Rosin, Matthew

30 Shaw, Jeremy

Whitman, Ruth

June 1 Dan & Cindy Tripp 5 David & Mary Odden 6 Craig & Jennifer Turcott 9 Larry & Sharlaine Hemmingsen 18 Ron & Elaine Niemann Chad & Rachel Peterson 19 Timothy & Katherine Emholtz Pastor Tim & Betsy Schmidt 20 Larry & Beulah Entner Dave & Jess Olson 22 Kevin & JoNe’ Kollock 23 Ray & Denise Arntson 25 Chris & Jessica Fredericks Marvin & Dorothy Frisinger 26 Mark & Kathy Collins Jim & Mary O’Dell 30 Justin & Brandie Anderson Ron & Kelly Mathison

First Lutheran Church Circle Schedule CIRCLE SCHEDULE: Esther June 5 - 9:00 AM Rebekah June 10 - 1:30 PM Naomi June 11 - 1:30 PM Hannah June 13 - 2:00 PM

Email Addresses First Lutheran has decided to try sending out reminders for ushers, communion servers, altar guild, readers and greeters by email instead of mailing out postcards. This will save the church quite a bit of money over a year’s time. If you would please share your email addresses we would be happy to use them for these reminders.

On May 26th, Charlie Grace Lehman, daughter of Aaron & Erin Lehmann, was welcomed into God’s family through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. The baptism took place during the 10:30 AM Service. We rejoice

with Charlie and her family on the occasion of her baptism. Also on May 26th, Lucca Garibaldi, son of Joe & Julie Garibaldi was welcomed into God’s family through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. The baptism took place during the 10:30 AM Service. We rejoice with Lucca and his family on the occasion of his baptism.

Prayer Request Please keep Matt Vold from our congregation in your prayers. He is serving in the military and is currently training at Ft. Hood base and will be going to Kuwait in the middle of May. His brother, Joel Vold also serves at Ft. Hood. Please remember Jake Schmidt who serves in the Marines. He is currently in California.

Flowers – We have beautiful flowers that greet us in

the entryway to the church. Thank you to Lois Cook, Sharlaine Hemmingsen, and Bruce and Phyllis Willer for planting them. Thank you as well to Connie Anderson and family for planting the pots next to the doors.

Thank you to Craig Turcott and Turcott Construction for putting the molding around the walls in the fellowship hall. This helps to finish the fellowship hall project that was done this Spring. It is wonderful to have a bright new color in the fellowship hall and a new arrangement for the library and seating areas. The change has really brightened up the space and given us more room and flexibility. Thank you again to Dale Lake, Brent Colburn, Craig Turcott and their families for leading the project, and to our church librarian, Emily Drafall for getting everything re-arranged.

Thank you to the April/May Serving Groups. We had a variety of services to complete including a

funeral, coffee service, and baking. Thank you to all of our volunteers.

Marge & Laurel Lawrence & Phyllis & Bruce Willer

Twins Game — Thank you to everyone who signed up

for the game on June 16th. We have a group of 56 people going to the game and will fill a bus of 47. If you have not yet paid for the tickets or bus fee, please give it to Dawn in the church office. We will leave the church that morning at 10:00am with the bus. We look forward to a great outing on Father’s Day.

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Food Pantry Collection – we will continue our May

food pantry collection into the first few weeks of June. We still have a little work to do to fill up multiple tables with food. Please continue to bring in items to help the food pantry in its mission to provide for those in need in our community

Section 10 Communion-Service and

Pot-Luck Please join us on Sunday, June 9th for a special service at the Section 10 (East Cumberland Church). Last fall we gathered for a picnic and hymn sing at the church, and after much discussion with the group we decided to have a regular service there. We will meet at 11am for a worship service with communion led by Pastor Tim. The First Lutheran choir will also sing that day. A potluck meal will follow after the service. Many people from our congregation have strong roots in East Cumberland. It will be good to gather there once again for worship. We are also in need of some worship assistants for that day. If you would like to serve as a greeter, usher, communion server or reader, please sign-up at church or call Dawn in the church office. Please let us know if you would like to serve by Tuesday, June 4th, so that we can plan the service.

Hosting the Pastor and his family from Germany. Pastor Christoph and Josefine Glimpel and their children Magdelena (11years old) Sarah (9) and Samuel (5) will be with us at First Lutheran from July 28th – September 8th. During that time they will be living at Pastor Tim and Betsy’s house while Pastor Tim is serving Pastor Christoph’s church in Germany. While they are here in Cumberland, there may be families in our church who would like to have Pastor Christoph and his family over for dinner or for some activity. This would be a great way for them to get to know the people here a little bit better. If you would be interested in hosting the Glimpel family while they are here, please contact Dawn in the church office. She will be working on putting together a schedule.

Do you like to travel? Would you like to have a once in a lifetime experience? If so, you might consider traveling to the Holy Land and Jordan next year. Pastor Walter Schmidt (father of Pastor Tim) is leading a tour to the Holy Land and Jordan, February 26-March 8, 2014. On the tour you will have the opportunity to walk where Jesus walked in Galilee and in the ancient city of Jerusalem. You will also have a chance to see other sites from the ministry of Jesus, the Old Testament and the ruins of ancient empires. If you are interested in learning more about the trip, please see Pastor Tim for a brochure. View of Jerusalem with the ancient Wailing Wall in the foreground First Lutheran Church is a community of

believers called to celebrate and share the loving power of Jesus Christ.

First Lutheran Church

April 2013



2013 OFFERING $64,260 $4,035 $3,915

2012 OFFERING $62,876 $5,321 $3,210

DIFFERENCE: $1,384 ($1,286) $705

2013 OFFERING $64,260 $4,035 $3,915

2013 ACTUAL EXPENSES $64,247 $4,662 $4,175

DIFFERENCE: $13 ($627) ($260)

2013 BUDGET AMT NEED-ED $71,906 $4,616 $3,317


Report Submitted by Lori Nyhus, Treasurer

Luther Park Bible Camp in Chetek is a wonderful place for people of all ages to

experience the love of Christ in an outdoor setting. First begun in 1932, Luther Park has faithfully served the youth of our local congregations for over 80 years. First Lutheran has been a part of the Luther Park association (which means that we are co-owners of the camp along with the other members of the association) for almost 50 years. Each year we send students to camp at Luther Park for a time away for worship, Bible study, fun outdoors and a good time with friends. For the last several years we have been expanding the number of camp opportunities that we provide for our young people, expanding from confirmation camp to also include overnight camp for older elementary students, and day camp for younger ones.

Over the years, several of our members have been counselors at Luther Park including Jennifer (Olson) Hyatt, Christopher Olson and Morgan Mathison. We have also had high school students participate in the P.A.L.S. program, which is a service program at the camp. These have included Emma Cifaldi and Jordon Huston who will be serving this summer. First Lutheran partners with Luther Park by supporting its camping ministry with campers and financial support. Last year we were able to give $4,500 to the ministry of Luther Park through our regular budget mission support, endowment fund distributions and mission funds through bequests to the congregation. In addition, we have individual donors from our congregation who give directly to the camp. It is hard to define what makes a week at camp so memorable for a young person. There is just something about being away from your regular routine, out in creation with genuine Christian community to explore your faith and to have a good time with other young Christians. That is why encouraging youth to go to camp is so vital and why Luther Park is such an important ministry partner with First Lutheran Church.
