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Back Matter

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Back Matter Source: The Musical Times and Singing Class Circular, Vol. 6, No. 127 (Jul. 1, 1854), pp. 121- 124 Published by: Musical Times Publications Ltd. Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3370243 . Accessed: 14/05/2014 07:40 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . Musical Times Publications Ltd. is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The Musical Times and Singing Class Circular. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Wed, 14 May 2014 07:40:25 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions
Page 1: Back Matter

Back MatterSource: The Musical Times and Singing Class Circular, Vol. 6, No. 127 (Jul. 1, 1854), pp. 121-124Published by: Musical Times Publications Ltd.Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3370243 .

Accessed: 14/05/2014 07:40

Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at .http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp

.JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range ofcontent in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new formsof scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected].


Musical Times Publications Ltd. is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to TheMusical Times and Singing Class Circular.


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Page 2: Back Matter


Just published, price is. 6d., by post ss. A N ANTHEM, "By the streams of Babylon" (Wrth

afonydd Babilon). By WILLIAM OWEN, Tremadoc. Originally composed on the Welsh version of the 37th Psalm. The English words by the Rev. Richard Parry, Ffestiniog. Organ or pianoforte accompaniment by Dr S. S. Wesley.

London: J. Alfred Novello, 69, Dean-street, Soho. May be had also from the Author.

TURLE, (JAMES). SINGLE AND DOUBLE CHANTS composed for the use of the Choral Service of West-

minster Abbey. Price as. London J. A. Novello, 69, Dean-st., Soho, & 24, Poultry.

Leeds Choral Service, 2s. THE CHORAL SERVICE, as used in the Parish Church

of Leeds, at the Daily Prayer and Litany; consisting of the Chants, Versicles and Responses, arranged for the Priest and Choir. Compiled by JAMES HILL, revised by ROBERT S. BURTON and V. NOVELLO.

PREFACE TO THE FOVRTH EDITION. The First Edition of the Choral Service was originally

published for the purpose of being used at the Consec ation of the Parish Church of Leeds, where it has since been continued without intermission. It has also been introduced into the Churches of many other Parishes.

OULE'S DIRECTORIUM CHORI ANGLICANUM. Third Edition, price is., in cloth is. 6d.--"The most

complete Choral Service book that has yet appeared." Dedicated by permission to the Lord Bishop of Manchester. For highly favourable reviews see " Christian Remembrancer," " Theo- logian," " Parish Choir," &c. &c. London: J. A. Novello.

A few copies of the quarto edition, price I5s., still on hand.

New and cheaper Edition, revised and enlarged, now ready; price Is. in paper, or 2s. bound in cloth.

fTHE ANGLICAN CHANT BOOK.-A Collection of Single Chants. Edited by EDWIN GEORGE MONK,

Mus. Bac., Oxon. London: J. A. Novello. Oxford: J. H. Parker.

Price Three Shillings. CANTICA ECCLESIASTICA (2nd Edition). By DR.

IoNs.-A complete collection of Psalm Tunes, Chants, Sanctuses, and Kyries, in Vocal Score, with a Table of Services on a new plan, from which the whole of the Tunes, Chants, &c., for every Service throughout the year, as used in St Nicholas's Church, Newcastle-on-Tyne, may be found.

London: J. A. Novello; Simpkin, Marshall, & Co.

CIERVICES OF THE CHURCH, as sung in Durham

CATHEDRAL MUSIC, in VOCAL SCORE, with an Ac- companiment for the Organ, chiefly Edited by

VINCENT NOVELLO. Printed on extra size paper, and bound in whole cloth.


Separate ORGAN PART to ditto, with the words between the treble and bass staffi. 2 vols., each lI. Is.



BURIAL SERVICE. 2 vols., each ix. 6s. GREENE'S FORTY SELECT ANTHEMS, a vols.,


with TWENTY ANTHEMS. vol. I, folio, 14S.; Vol. 2, 2 1s. vols. I and 2, octavo, each 8s.


SMITH'S (John, Mus. Doc.) SERVICES, in a vol. z2s. OUSELEY'S (Rev. Sir Fred.) Collection of SERVICES.


lection of Services, in 2 vols., each 25s. Vocal Score, without Accompaniment, 2 vols., each 13s. 6d. *** The above works are printed in separate Vocal Parts, at

moderate prices. MOTETT SOCIETY'S PUBLICATION: a Collection

of Ancient Church Music, originally printed for the Motett Society, consisting of Services and Anthems by the best English and Italian Composers, in Vocal Score, with separate Accomp. for the Organ by E. F. RIMBAULT, LL.D., F.S.A.

Vol. a, Anthems for Festivals. Price 24s. Vol. 2, Services. Price ISs. Vol. 3, Miscellaneous Anthems. Price 245.

PURCELL'S SACRED MUSIC: the Cathedral Services, Anthems, Hymns, &c. Complete in 4 vols., 3Is. 6d. each. Vol. I, Verse Anthems in major keys. - Pages 3 2.

,, 2, Verse Anthems in minor keys. - ,, 306. ,, 3, Full Anthems, Hymns, Sacred Songs,

and Latin Pieces - - - , 230 ,, 4, Services and Chants - ,215.

J. Alfred Novello, London and New York.

J Cathedral, and adapted for the use of Parish Choirs; Completion of the work. with an Arrangement for the Organ or Pianoforte. By IR JOHN HAWKINS'S GENERAL HISTORY OF CHARLES ASHTON, of the Durham Cathedral Choir. Svo., 5s. } THE SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF MUSIC.

SALMS AND HYMNS, as sung at the Sunday Evening Price 35s., bound in Two Volumes. Supplementary Volume _ Lectures in the Galilee of Durham Cathedral, arranged of Portraits, i4s., in paper covers; I6s., bound in cloth.

for Four Voices, with an Accompaniment for the Organ or Pianoforte by THOMAS BROWN, of the Durham Cathedral IN the present age, when public attention is so extensively Choir. Svo., 4s directed towards the study and practice of Music, it has London: J. A. Novello, 69, Dean-street, Soho, & 24, Poultryi been thought that a new edition of SIR JOHN HAWKINS'S

and George Andrews, Durham. valuable HISTORY OF MUSIC would prove peculiarly ac- ceptable, as being by far the best history of the art extant. It

Now ready, in One Volume, neatly bound in cloth was formerly a very scarce and expensive book, but the present price Ios. 6d., or in 9 Numbers, IS. 3d. each. price, 35s. bound in two volumes, places it within the reach

TTILES SHORT VOLUNTARIES, from the Works of of both amateur and professional musicians. The large subject Abel, Dr. Arne, Beethoven, Cherubini, Clementi, of a History of Music, embracing heterogeneous matter, and the

J. B. Cramer, Defesch, Dussek, Fenoglio, Geissler, Gluck, result of wide research, makes it a storehouse to which a defi- Handel, Haydn, Herz, Hesse, Himmel, Hummel, Keisewelter, nite clue is requiired to give ready access. This will be found Keller, Knecht, Lauska, Lawes, Long, Mendelssohn, Marcello, in the new and compendious Indexes, which have been care- Mozart, Miiller, Naumann, Onslow, Paganini, Pinto, Reber, fully compiled, and added to the present edition. The whole Reissiger, Rink, Rousseau, Spohr, Weber, and Winter. matter occupies more than Iooo large pages of close print, with Arranged by J. HitES, Organist of the Music Hall, of more than 2oo wood-cuts, and provides the material for many St. Julian's Church, and of St. John's Chapel, Shrewsbury. a long winter evening's amusement by their perusal.


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Page 3: Back Matter


] OTE'TT SOCIETY'S PUBLICATIONS.-A Colle6tion of Ancient Church Mufic originally printed for the Motett Society, confifting of Services and

Anthems by the belf Englifh and Italian Compofers, in Vocal Score, with feparate Accompaniment for the Organ, by EDWARD F. RIMBAULT, LL.D., F.S.A.

VOL. I.-ANTHEMS FOR FESTIVALS.-Price 243. Or fingly, thus:-

23 BYRn. Blefs the Lord, ye his angels. S.S.A.T.B. St. Michael o

iI CROCE. And they went forth. S.A.T.B. St. Bartholomew o

-7. Charge them that are rich. S.A.T.B. St. Matthew o

25 Now unto him. S.A.T.a. St.Simon&St.Jude o ii Di LAsso. Behold Iwill fend mymessenger. S.A.T.B.

J7he Purification o 14 - And the angel came unto her. a A.T.B.

The Annunciation o 15 - If ye keep my commandments. S.A.T.B.

St. Mark 0 17 - For he was a good man. s S.A.B. St. Barnahas 0 iS - The voice of him that crieth. s.s.A.B.

St. John the Bapti/j 0 19 - He faith unto them. S.A.T.B. . St. Peter I

20 - Are ye able to drink of the cup. S.S.A.A. St. J.ames the A.pofle x

24 - But watch thou in all things. S.A.T B. St.Luke 0 27 Have mercy upon me. S.A.T.B.B. AJh-T*'ednefday 4.

2 LuP;. Now it is high time. S.S.A.A.T.a. Advent 0 x6 MASERA. Bleffed is the man. S.A.T'.a

St. Philip and St. James o 26 NANINI. All thy works praife thee. S.S.A.T.B.

All Saints I



6 9



9 9

9 0


9 0




4. PALESTRINA. If thou ihalt confefs. S.A.T.a. St. Andrew

- Almighty and ever-living God. S.A.T.B. St. Thomas

6 0- 0Jerufalem. S.S.T.. . St. Stephen 7 - Thefe things have I written unto you. s.s.T.a.

St. John the E-vangel~i S - Thefe are they that follow the Lamb. S.A.T.B.

The Innocents 9 - This fhall be the covenant. S.A.T.T.B.

Thc Circumcijfon 0 -z Breakforthintojoy. S.A.T.T.a. The Epiphany

28 - Behold the Lamb of God. 5.A.T.T.33. Eafter 29 How beautiful upon the mountains. S.A.T.a.

Afcenfion 31 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty.

S.S.A.T.B . Trinity Sunday a I PORTA. I have appeared unto thee. S.A.T.a.

aonverjion of St. Paul I REDFORD. Rejoice in the Lord. S.S.T.a. Ad-vent

30 TALLIS. If ye love me keep my commandments. S.A.T.B. . . Whitfunday

3 VITTORIA. Behold, I bring you glad tidings. S.A.T.T.B. Chriftmas

13 -- Come unto me, all ye that labour. S.A.r.B. St. Matthias

VOL. II.-SERVICES.-Price 153. Or fingly, thus:-

38 BLOW. San&us and Gloria in Excelfis (in D), 4 v. I c 37 PALESTRINA. Magnificatand Nuncdimittis(in F),4v. 35 BARCROFT. Te Deum and Benedi&fus tin F), 4 v. 3 3 36 ST0oARD. Magnificat and Nunc dimittis (in C), 33 COLONNA. Magnificat and Nunc dimittis, double S.A.T.T.B.

choir . . 2 6 32 VITTORiA. Kyrie, Nicene Creed, San&tus, and 34 GABRIELLI. Magnificat (in C), double choir . a 9 Gloria in excelfis (in C) 4 voices






1 0





a 0




0 0




9 3



0 0






3 3

39 BARCROFT. 0 Almighty God. S.A.T.a. 44 BYRD. Prevent us, 0 Lord. S.A.T.B. 64. -- Save me, 0 God. SaS.T.B. 4.3 CERTON. I will alway give thanks. s.s T. 71 CROCE. Behold now praife the Lord. s.A.T.a. 72 0 praife the Lord of Heaven. S.A.T.B. 73 - 0 give thanks unto the Lord. S.A.T.B. 74. - Teach me thy way, 0 Lord. S.A.T.a. 75 - Give ear, Lord, unto my prayer. S.A.T.a. 76 - Behold, I bring you glad tidings. S.A.T.B. 4.1 Di LAsso. 0 praife the Lord. S.S.A.T.B. 42 - Not unto us. S.S.A.T.B. 63 - Hear my prayer, 0 Lord. S.A.T.B. 66 - I will love thee. S.A.T.B. 77 - Save me, 0 God. S.A.T B. 68 DEL MEL. 0 praife the Lord. S.A.T.R. 48 FARRANT. Unto thee, 0 Lord. s.s.T.19 4.0 GiBBONs. Why art thou fo heavy, 0 my foul?

S.A.T.B. 53 - 0 Lord, increafe my faith. S.A.T.B. 79 HOOPER. Teach me thy way, 0 Lord. S.A.T.B.

rfingly, thus:- 0 6 4.6 PALESTRINA. 0 God, thou art my God. S.A.T.Ba I 0 6 49 - I will magnify thee, 0 God. S.S.A.T.B. a

O 6 52 - 0 Lord, my God. S.A.T.a. 0 6 6a - 0 Lord God of our falvation. S.A.T.T.B.

O 9 50 PORTA. Be merciful unto me. S.A.T. a. O 9 5i -5 Righteous art thou, 0 Lord. S.A.T.B. .a

o 9 70 SHEPHERD. Hafte thee, 0 God. S.A.T.a. . I o 6 45 TALLSs. Hear the voice and prayer. S.A.T.B. 0 0 6 47 - All people that on earth do dwell. s.s.T.a. 0

O 9 62 Great and marvellous are thy works. S.A.T.T.B. 0 O 9 69 - Blefred are thofe. S.S.T.T.B . . I a o 65 TYE. From the depth I called on thee. s.s.A.B. 0 1 0 54. VITTORIA. I will give thanks unto thee. S.A.T.N. 0

O 9 55 - It is a good thing to give thanks. S.A.T.B. 0 a o 6 -5 Teach me, 0 Lord. S.A.T.a. B

0 6 57 - How long wilt thou forget me. S.A.T.B. . 0 6 58 - My God, my God, look upon me. S.S.A.T. O

59 - Unto thee, 0 God. a S.A.A. . 0 o 6 6o - Behold now praife the Lord. S.S.A.T. . 0 O 6 67 - Save me, 0 God. S.A.T.B. . o o 9 78 - 0 God, wherefore art thou abfent. S.A.Tr.a. I

*** Tbejfeparate Vocal Parts of the above Works are eigravixg. London Sacred Mufic Warehoufe, J. ALFRED NOVELLO, Mufic-Seller (by Appointment) to Her Majefty, 69, Dean-ftreet, and 24, Poultry.-And in New York, at 389, Broadway.

0 0


0 6 3 6 6

9 6

9 9 9 0 3 9 6 9 9 0


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Page 4: Back Matter


-,-- ... u_ . I ,..-

ffi n-l 1 -; 2 E- -- 2-- J 1 J--4 " love - ly Peace, with plen - ty crown'd,"

jNOVELLO'S CHEAP MUSIC.- Valuable Library Works (English School).-BoYcZ's

Collection of Cathedral Music; Vocal Score, 3 vols, ?6. 6s.- BoYcz's own Services and Anthems, 4 vols., ?4. 4S.-BEN- NETT'S Cathedral Music, 1oS.-CLARIC WHITFELD'S Services and Anthems, 4- vols., ?3.-CROFT'S 30 Select Anthems and Burial Service, 2 vols., ?2. I2S.-GREEN'S 40 Anthems, 2 vols, 2?. I2S.-KENT'S Services and 20 Anthems, 2 vols., ?I. 15s.; same in octavo, I6s.-The Motett Society's Publications, 3 vols., ?3. 3s.-NOVELLO'S Cathedral Choir Book, 2 vols., 1z.; or 8vo., eI. 7s.--PURCELL's Sacred Music, 4 vols.,

?6. 6s.-RIMBAULT'S Cathedral Services, I vol., e2. 2S.- No. z Catalogue of English Sacred Music gratis, or post free 2d.

J. Alfred Novello, 69, Dean-street, Soho, & 24, Poultry, London; and 389, Broadway, New York.

Handel's "JUDAS MACCABAZUS." n)l,~~~~~~~~~~~--- N0

0 love - ly Peace, with plen - ty crown'd,"

TNOVELLO'S CHEAP MUSIC- . Valuable Library Works (Italian School).-NOVELLO'S

Sacred Music, ded. to Rev. Victor Fryer, 2 vols., 28s.- NOVELLO's I2 Easy Masses, 3 vols., ?2. 2S.- MOZART'S Masses, 3 vols., ?4. 4s; or, quarto, ?z. I4s. 6d.-HAYDN'S Masses, 3 vols., ?4. I8s.; or, quarto, ?z. 17S. 6d.-Three Favorite Masses, viz., Mozart xii, Haydn iii, and Beethoven in C, 8vo., 8s. 6d.-NOVELLo's Motetts, 2 vols., ?3. 3s.- NOVELLO'S Evening Service, 2 vols., ?3. 3s.- NovELLO'S Collection of Gregorian Hymns, I2S.-NovELLO'S Convent Music, 2 vols., ?eZ.-PALESTRINA'S, &c., Holy Week Music, 4s. 6d.-NovELLO's Fitzwilliam Music, 5 vols. in i, ?z. 2s. -No. 6 Catalogue of Sacred Music with Latin words, gratis, or post free 2d.

J. Alfred Novello, 69, Dean-street, Soho, & 24, Poultry, London; and 389, Broadway, New York.


" 0 love - ly Peace, with plei - ty crown'd,"

NOVELLO'S CHEAP MUSIC.- Psalmody in every form, suited for Private or Congre-

gational use.-Baxter's Harmonia Sacra, 274 Psalm Tunes, Responses, Chants, &c. ; Vocal parts, i8mo, is. 6d. each; Vocal score, I8mo, 5s.; Organ score, folio, x5s.-Bird's loo Chants, is.-Novello's 169 Psalm Tunes, 5s. Various other editions, also for 3 trebles. Services and Sacred Music in every variety. Catalogues post free for Sixpence.

J. Alfred Novello, 69, Dean-street, Soho, & 24, Poultry, London; and 389, Broadway, New York.


" love - ly Peace, with plen - ty crown'd," OVELLO'S CHEAP MUSIC.-

MOZART'S MASSES-the s8 complete in 3 vols., folio, ?4. 4s.; quarto, ?z. I4s. 6d.; or singly thus, either folio or quarto: i, 5s. or 3s.-ii, 4s. or 3s.-iii, 4s. 6d. or 3s. -iv, 3s. 6d. or 2S. 6d.-v, 3s. 6d. or 2s. 6d.-vi, 4s. or 2s. 6d.-vii, 45. or 3s.-viii, 3s. or is. 6d.-ix, 3s. or 2s.-- x, 3s. 6d. or 2S. 6d.-xi, 3s. 6d. or zs.-xii, gs. 6d. or 6s.- xiii, 4s. 6d. or 3s.-xiv, 4s. 6d. or 3s.-xv. Requiem, 7s. or 4s. 6d.-xvi, 4s. or 3.--xvii, 8s. or 4s. 6d.-xviii, 4s. or 3s.

HAYDN'S MASSES-the 16 complete in 3 vols., folio, ?4. I8s.; quarto, L2. i7s. 6d. or singly thus, either folio or quarto: i, 7s. 6d. or 4s. 6d. - ii, 7s. 6d. or 4s.-iii, 6s. 6d. or 3s. 6d.-iv, 7s. 6d. or 4s.-v, 8s. or 5s.-vi, 7s. 6d. or 4s. 6d. -vii, 5s. or 3s.-viii, 3s. or 2S.-ix, 7s. or 4s.-x, 5s. or 3s.- xi, 3s. or is. 6d.-xii, 7s. or 3s. 6d.-xiii, 5s. or 3s.-xiv, 4s. 6d. or 3s.-xv, 7s. or 4S.-xvi, 8s. or 5s.-Also, Masses by Beethoven, Hummel, Weber, &c., &c.-These Masses are also printed in a variety of ways.

J. Alfred Novello, 69, Dean-street, Soho, & 24, Poultry, London; and 389, Broadway, New York.


11_t~tj_jflj " love - ly Peace, wit plen - ty cro-n'd,"

NOVELLO'S CHEAP MUSIC.-- ORGAN MUSIC:-Bach's Grand Studies, I vol., 28s.;

Vcello. extra 7s.-Best's Arrangements, a5s.-Boyce's Cathe- dral Music, 2 vols., 2Is. each.-Handel's Choruses by V. Novello, from 6d.-Hiles' Progressive Introduction to Playing, use of stops and pedals, Ios. 6d.-Hiles' Short Voluntaries, 9 books, Is. 3d. each.- Jacob's Voluntaries, 12s.- Jacob's 105 Interludes, 2s. 6d.-Mendelssohn's Preludes and Fugues, Op. 37, 4s. 6d.-Novello's Cathedral Voluntaries, 48 numbers, each is.; or 8 books, each 5s.; or 2 vols., each 2os.- Novello's Short Melodies, 36 numbers, each Is. 3d.; or 6 books, each 6s.; or I vol., 3 s. 6d.-Novello's Select Organ Pieces, o08 numbers, each is. 3d.; or I8 books, each 6s., or 3 vols., each 3 s. 6d.-Schneider's Organ School, ios.; Pedal Playing from Ditto, 4s. 6d.-Schneider's 48 Trios, Manuals and Pedals, 4s. 3d.

J. Alfred Novello, 69, Dean-street, Soho, & 24, Poultry, London; and 389, Broadway, NewV^-'--

Handel's "JUDAS MAccAB:2S."

A^-j_j^n4 M-i P A

. _

" love - ly Peace, with plen - ty crown'd," NTOVELLO'S CHEAP MUSIC.-

l Choral Societies and Private Associations for the prac- tice of music will find in J. Alfred Novello's Catalogue No. 3 a detail of the large collection of works printed in separate Vocal and Orchestral Parts.

J. Alfred Novello, 69, Dean-street, Soho, & 24, Poultry, London; and 389, Broadway, New York.

Handel's "JUDAS MAccABaUS."

0 love- ~~~""".-E' with

O love - ly Peace, with ple - ty crown'd," NOVELLO'S CHEAP MUSIC.-

Mozart's Pianoforte Works, Edited by CIPRIANI POTTER, 9 vols. bound, ?7. 7s.; or, Vol. I, Airs with Variations, 19s. 6d. i Vol. 2, Rondos, &c., 8s. 6d.; Vol. 3, Duets, 17s.; Vols. 4 and 5, Pianoforte Sonatas, each J5s.; Vols. 6 and 7, Pianoforte and Violin Sonatas, each 17s.; Vol. 8, Quartetts and Quintetts, I5s.; Vol. 9, Trios for Pianoforte, Violin, and Vcello., 24s. or in 74 numbers from Is. to 5s. each.- Catalogues free.

J. Alfred Novello, 69, Dean-street, Soho, & 24, Poultry, London; and 389, Broadway, New York.


o#n r , -__ C _1 " love - ly Peace, with plen - ty crown'd,"

NOVELLO'S CHEAP MUSIC.- Oratorios, octavo and folio music sizes,- namely:

HANDEL'S Solomon, octavo 7s. 6d., folio I5s.; Israel in Egypt, octavo 6s. 6d., folio I5s.; Messiah, octavo 4s., folio Ios.; Samson, octavo 4s., folio 15s.; Judas Mac- cabaeus, octavo 4s., folio 15x.; Jephtha, octavo 6s. 6d., folio 15s.; Joshua, octavo 5s. 6d., folio 15s. ; Dettingen Te Deum, octavo 2s. 6d., folio 5s.; Acis and Galatea, octavo 3s., folio :os.; Alexander's Feast, octavo 3s. 6d., folio los. Deborah, octavo 6s. 6d., folio i5s.; Ode on St. Cecilia's Day, octavo 2s., folio 6s.-HAYDN'S Creation, octavo 3s., folio i2s. -MENDELSSOHN'S St. Paul, octavo 6s. 6d., folio s21.; Hymn of Praise, octavo 4s., folio I4s.; Forty-Second Psalm, octavo xs. 6d., folio 5s.-MOZART'S Twelfth Mass, with Latin and English words, octavo (paper) 3s. 6d. ; Haydn's Third or Imperial Mass, octavo (paper) 2s. 6d. ; Beethoven's Mass in C, octavo (paper) 2s. 6d. ; or the Three Masses, bound in one volume, 8s. 6d.-BEETHOVEN'S Engedi, or David in the Wilderness (Mount of Olives), 3s.; and other Works.- Each Song, Duet, Trio, Quartett, or Chorus, may be had singly, from 6d. to 2S. each, folio size-400 are ready ; also all the Choruses from the octavo editions, from 4id. to 6d. each.

J. Alfred Novello, 69, Dean-street, Soho, & 24, Poultry, London; and 389, Broadway, New York.

+-(Sr L $ J 'o J-r-' - o- -r M ,'10

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Page 5: Back Matter


New Part-Song appropriate to the present time. HE BRITON'S ADDRESS to the NAVY: A Part-Song

for Four Voices. The Words by CHARLES DIBDINN with Additional Verses. The Music by J. TILLEARD. Price 6d.

London: Novello, 69, Dean-street, Soho, and 24, Poultry.


Dr. S. S. WESLEY. Set I, price 7s.; Set 2, 4s. Published for and may be had of the Composer, also of

J. A. Novello, 69, Dean-st., Soho, & 24, Poultry. T WELVE ORIGINAL ANTHEMS. By Dr. SAMUEL

SEBASTIAN WESLEY. In Score, with Organ or Pianoforte Accompaniment. From the reception this Work has met with, a Second Edition will be issued at Subscribers' terms. Persons becoming Subscribers, should send their names by post to the Author, Dr. S. S. Wesley, Winchester, Hants; and, if possible, mention through what London House the Work shall be forwarded- Price to Subscribers, Two Pounds.

THHE EUROPEAN PSALMIST--A great Collection of the finest Foreign and British Psalm and Hymn Tunes, including those commonly used in the Churches of Great Britain and Ireland i also a complete Collection of the best Double and Single Chants, the Sanctus, and Responses, by various Composers; Short Anthems, Introits, a Chant-Service, i.e. re Deum, Jubilate, Magnificat, and Nunc dimittis, by S. S. WESLEY; and a careful Selection from the Chorales harmonised by Bach (several having the name of LUTHER as Author), which may be viewed as the most charming practice for all Choirs. Amongst the Foreign Tunes, there are many which have never before been published in England, and which are of the most interesting character; and also those which have been introduced by the great Masters in their Oratorios and other Works. The Work will consist of at least Five Hundred Pages. The whole collected, revised, reharmonized (where necessary), and arranged for Four Voices, -Treble, Alto, Tenor, and Bass,-with Organ or Pianoforte Accompa- niment, for Public or Private Use, by SAMUEL SEBASTIAN WESLEY. Subscription Copies, 23s.; or in 2 vols. I2S. 6d. each. The work is nearly all engraved. Persons paying their Sub- scriptions at the time of giving their Names will receive an immediate acknowledgment of the same. Price, to a Choir, for Five Copies, Five Pounds. Subscribers' Names to be sent by post to the Author, Dr. S. S. Wesley, Kingsgate-st., Winchester. fTHE PSALTER (pointed) for Chanting) with the best

Chants in Score, with Organ Accompaniment: arranged for the use of Cathedral and other Choirs, by S. S. WESLEY, Mus. Doc., Organist of the Cathedral and College of Win- chester, &c. 8vo., Price Ios. 6d. quarto, (out of print, a new edition preparing)-Small copies for Congregations, 3s. 6d. This Work is found to effect the most distinct and excellent mode of Chanting the Psalms.

Winchester, April 1, 1851. MY DEAR SIR,-I gladly comply with your request, that I would express in writing my opinion respecting your Psalter.

You are aware of the pains I had taken, and with how little com- parative success, to improve the Chanting of the daily Psalms. The adoption of your Book accomplished the improvement I had long aimed at, working an entire reform in this part of the Service. It is not easy to over-rate its utility. In the first place, it appoints good Chants, and excludes bad ones, thereby saving the trouble of making a daily selection. The choice of suitable Chants (I must add), in consequence of the dearth of unexceptionable Compositions of this kind, was, notwithstanding the largeness of our collection, a matter of some difficulty. But the especial advantage of your Work consists, I think, in placing the mursic together with the words, in one volume before the Singers, and enabling them, by means of the accents which you have introduced, to speak the same word together, so as to be readily fol- lowed by the Congregation. There is no longer any hurry or indis- tinctness on the part of the Choir, nor any uncertainty about the Organ accompaniment.

These important results I believe to he unattainable without such assistance as is furnished by the admirable arrangement adopted in your Book; and, from my experience of its value, I should rejoice to see Dr. Wesley's Psalter introduced into all our Cathedrals. Believe me, my dear Sir, your's very truly, W. NIxoN HOOPER, Precentor of Winchester. S. S. Wesley, Esq., Mius. Doc.

Just published, price 2s. 6d.

FULL ANTHEM, "Great God of all, holy Creator," BEETHOVEN. Selected and arranged from the Pianoforte

Sonata,'Op. 97, for the use of Durham Cathedral, and respect- fully dedicated by permission to the Honble. Mrs. Hamilton Russell, of Brancepeth Castle, by CHARLES ASHTON, of the Durham Cathedral Choir.

To the Parish Choir and Family Circle, this Anthem must prove equally acceptable, as it is alike remarkable for grandeur, devotional feeling, and simplicity. Published for the Editor by J. A. Novello, 69, Dean-st., Soho.


are invited to inspect the Specimens of Printing, &c. exhibited by J. ALFRED NOVELLO, in the Stationery Court.

The letters on the front of the above case offer some interest as specimens of Typography. The word

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J. Alfred Novello, London and New York. Book Auction Rooms, 19I, Piccadilly, Established I794.

PUTTICK AND SIMPSON, Auctioneers of Music and Literary Property, beg to announce that their Sales of

Music and Musical instruments are held Monthly, throughout the year; for which occasions Instruments of any kind and Music in large or small parcels can be received. The Cata- logues of Sales of Music at this house, embracing nearly every important Sale of Music for many years past, may always be referred to. Books and other kinds of literary property and works of art inserted in appropriate Sales.

Printed by JOSEPH ALFRED NOVELLO, of 69, Dean-street, Soho, in the County of Middlesex, Printer, at his Officein Dean's Yard, 21, Dean-street, in the Parish of St. Anne's, in the said County, and Published by him, at 69, Dean-street, aforesaid, and also at 24, Poultry, in the City of London; and at 389, Broadway, New York. Sold also by Kent and Co., Paternoster-row.-Saturday, July 1st, 1854.


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