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Cover Page The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/20406 holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation. Author: Linde, Sjoerd Jaap van der Title: Digging holes abroad. An ethnography of Dutch archaeological research projects abroad Issue Date: 2012-12-18
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The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/20406 holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation. Author: Linde, Sjoerd Jaap van der Title: Digging holes abroad. An ethnography of Dutch archaeological research projects abroad Issue Date: 2012-12-18

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Original outline of semi-structured interviews

This original list of themes and questions formed the basis of an iterative interview process,430 whereby they were adapted in the field in relation to specific respondents and research issues. The questions are by no means exhaustive, and merely functioned as an inspiration for discussion (see section 3.2.2).

1. Introduction- Introduction of the author and outline of research- Research ethics

2. Factual/Personal- Personal and institutional background- Personal involvement with project- Institutional involvement with project

3. Experiential- Motivations and project policies

o How did you become involved in the project?o What did you – and/or your institution – wish to accomplish with the project?o Did these motivations/objectives change during the course of the project?o What would you like to accomplish with the project in the future?

- Causal chains and key eventso Can you describe to me how the project has evolved during your involvement? o What were, in your opinion, determining factors and events during the project?

- Collaborationo Who were involved in this project? o How would you describe the collaboration on this project?o Who else would you like to see involved?

- Project outcomeso How far do you see your objectives/motivations represented and implemented by the project?o Do you consider the project a success? o What have you learned during this project?

4. Conceptual- Research

o Do you think archaeology is important? oHow should archaeology be conducted, and with what purpose?oWhat periods/places should be investigated?

- Heritage managemento Is the site important to you? Why?o What should happen to the site?o What does the word ‘heritage’ mean to you?

- Collaborationo Who should be involved in the archaeological process? o Who should make decisions on archaeological sites?o What advice would you give to foreign archaeologists?

5. Conclusions o Is there anything else you’d like to tell me? o Who else should I talk to?

Central sensitising concepts: ‘research’, ‘multivocality’, ‘community collaboration’ ‘heritage’, ‘significance’, ‘expertise’, ‘ownership’, ‘empowerment’ and ‘decolonization’.



430 Inspired by Kvale & Brinkman (2009, 103) and Rubin & Rubin (2005).

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Abbreviations and Acronyms

AAD Authorised Archaeological DiscourseAAINA Archeological Anthropological Institute of the Netherlands AntillesAHD Authorised Heritage Discourse AMA National Archaeological Museum of ArubaAWG Archaeological Working Group, CuraçaoBONAI Bonaire Archaeological InstituteCDA Critical Discourse AnalysisDASAS Deir Alla Station for Archaeological Studies, Hashemite Kingdom of JordanDCE Directorate for Cultural Heritage DoA Department of Antiquities, Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, Hashemite Kingdom of

JordanDROB Dienst Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeling en Beheer (Spatial Development and Management Service), BonaireDROV Dienst Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeling en Volkshuisvesting (Department of Urban and Regional

Development Planning and Housing), CuraçaoICOMOS International Council on Monuments and Sites KNA Dutch Archaeology Quality StandardLU Leiden University, The NetherlandsLUF Leiden University Fund, The NetherlandsNAAM National Archaeological Anthropological Memory Management, CuraçaoNAGPRA Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation ActNWO Netherlands Organisation for Scientific ResearchOCW Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science PvE Programma van Eisen (Project Outline)PvA Plan van Aanpak (Plan of Approach) SAA Society for American ArchaeologySECAR Sint Eustatius Center for Archaeological Research SIMARC Sint Maarten Archaeological Center YU Yarmouk University, Hashemite Kingdom of JordanUNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganizationWAC World Archaeological CongressZWO Netherlands Organisation for the Advancement of Pure Research



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List of Figures and Tables

Figure 01. Visual conceptualisation of the multi-vocal, multi-spatial and multi-temporal character of archaeological projects and sites. Figure 02. Visual conceptualisation of a value-based analytical framework.Figure 03. Visual summary of a conceptual framework as it applies to an ethnographic practice approach towards archaeological research projects abroad.Figure 04. Deir Alla excavation team, 1960 (Deir Alla Archive, Leiden University; courtesy Gerrit van der Kooij).Figure 05. Map of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan showing the location of Deir Alla.Figure 06. View from Tell Deir Alla towards the south-west (photograph by author, June 2009).Figure 07. Deir Alla excavations, 1960‘s (Deir Alla Archive, Leiden University; courtesy Gerrit van der Kooij).Figure 08. Visual conceptualisation of the Authorised Archaeological Discourse.Figure 09. Joint Project team members on top of Tell Deir Alla, late 1970‘s (Deir Alla Archive, Leiden University; courtesy Gerrit van der Kooij).Figure 10. Team meeting at the DASAS during the 2009 fieldseason (photograph by author).Figure 11. Guided tour on Tell Hammeh during the 2009 ceremony at DASAS (photograph by author, 2009).Figure 12. Map of Curaçao showing the location of Santa Barbara Plantation.Figure 13. Excavations by AAINA at Santa Barbara, 1971 (photograph by AAINA; courtesy of Jay Haviser).Figure 14. Excavations by AAINA at the site of Spanish Water, Santa Barbara in 1992 (photograph courtesy of Jay Haviser).Figure 15. View over part of Santa Barbara Plantation towards the north, with in the middle the site of Spanish Water – after the excavations and golf-course developments (photograph by author, July 2010).Figure 16. Archaeological fieldwork at Santa Barbara Plantation (photograph copyright Ben Bekooij, courtesy Santa Barbara Archaeological Project, Faculty of Archaeology).Figure 17. Santa Barbara golf course near the site of Spanish Water, with the old plantation house located at the back (photograph by author, 2010).Figure 18. School visit to the Santa Barbara Project excavations (photograph Santa Barbara Project archive, Leiden University).

Table 01. Type of foreign archaeological projects undertaken in Jordan in the year 2007.Table 02. The historic development of the main values as mentioned in the project policies of the Joint Project.



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