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Backbone.js slides

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Backbone.js A Conceptual View Ambert Ho [email protected]
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Backbone.js A Conceptual View

Ambert Ho

[email protected]

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Agenda •  Problems in building web apps •  From web development perspective •  From software theory perspective

•  Walk through how Backbone solves problems •  Resources

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Abstracts remote resources into models and collections of models,

In a nutshell, Backbone.js

that emit events on state change.

Allows us to bind view code to listen for those changes and respond

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The web development perspective

•  Need to deal with remote resources •  Organize rendering of views •  Support navigation

Challenges: Things get hairy when a single interaction affects multiple views, or changes lots of data

• Keep views up to date in response to interactions •  “jQuery callback soup”

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Backbone.js Concepts

•  Model/Collection •  Abstracts away network resources

Need to deal with remote resources

•  View •  Encapsulate presentation into neat buckets

• Controller Router • Support navigation by responding to hash changes

•  Event binding •  Model and collection emit events corresponding to state changes

Organize rendering of views

Support navigation

Avoid “jQuery callback soup”

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Obligatory quote from famous computer scientist

“abstraction is the only way we can deal with complexity” - Djikstra

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Maintainability and Scalability • Abstraction hide things to limit mental model

•  OO (inheritance, encapsulation)

• Separation of concerns put things in boxes

•  MVC (separate content from presentation)

•  SOA

• More specifically, decouple logical entities decrease brittleness

•  Message Queues (flow of info from processing of info)

•  Events/notifications

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In a nutshell, Backbone.js abstracts functionality,

separates concerns, and decouples frontend code.

*side effect: improved readability

If you think about it for a second, this is basically the definition of any ‘framework’ from a theoretical


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The Abstractions

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Suppose you want to make an interface

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(this doesn’t include the event binding)

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Separated concerns


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•  Events bound - $.delegate() •  DOM structure specified


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Case Study time

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Model Events: •  change:{field} •  add/remove – to a collection

•  destroy •  error - if validate() defined

Features: •  fetch (expects single JSON object from server)

•  save/destroy •  validations – manually defined validate()

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Collection Events: •  add/remove •  refresh •  reset

Features: •  fetch (expects array response from server)

•  pass in comparator for auto-sort •  pluck(attr)

•  Grab attribute for every member of the collection

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Controller Router

•  Path components get passed in as args •  Calling Backbone.history.start() binds the router to url hash change events •  Pass in {pushState: true} to utilize pushState in supported browsers

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Misc… After you build a few apps, reflect on what’s the nature of code organization in a large JS app? How to structure interactions between objects?

Zakas on Yahoo’s JS architecture: Application core and modules, a sandbox sits in between to decouple the object layer (sounds a bit like dependency injection) http://www.slideshare.net/nzakas/scalable-javascript-application-architecture

Event Aggregator: centralize application control using an Observer http://lostechies.com/derickbailey/2011/07/19/references-routing-and-the-event-aggregator-coordinating-views-in-backbone-js/

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Alert: memory leaks •  Google “jquery events memory leaks” •  When the controller swaps a view out, •  need to make sure to remove views from DOM, or they will still be bound

•  use Backbone.View.remove()

•  need to unbind events •  use Backbone.View.unbind()

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Thoughtbot’s writing a book in progress (thanks for heads up Harlow)


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Alternatives •  Sproutcore 2.0

•  Modular, decoupled (previous versions monolithic) •  Fragmented? (always a risk for the community, like Rails and Merb)

•  PJAX •  https://github.com/defunkt/jquery-pjax •  Works on browsers with history.pushState •  Still incur network latency and server rendering time

•  Knockout.js •  MVVM, declarative event bindings

• <input data-bind=“value: doSomething” /> •  Separates view from logic

•  good for shops that have designers do the html/css

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Testing •  Stub out server responses - http://sinonjs.org/docs/#useFakeXMLHttpRequest •  Three part blog post http://tinnedfruit.com/2011/03/03/testing-backbone-apps-with-jasmine-sinon.html •  Object factory - https://github.com/SupportBee/Backbone-Factory


Single Page Apps

Annotated Source

Community https://groups.google.com/group/backbonejs


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Slides http://www.slideshare.net/ambertch

Contact [email protected]

