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Background Final ECC

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  • 8/9/2019 Background Final ECC



    Welcome to the second edition of the Emerging Crisis Committee of the

     ___ edition of ITAM Model United Nations. For this year’s edition you

    are inited to trael into the !ast to "#$" and %oin the &residential

    National 'ecurity Council of the United 'tates and the 'oiet Union

    &residential Committee. (uring these three intensie days you )ill *e

    immersed in a com!letely di+erent )orld from the one )e currently

    ,no). From one side you )ill re!resent the United 'tates- a country

    )hich is no) lead *y !resident ohn F. /ennedy and his adisors )ho

    )ill face challenges that range from the s!reading of communism-

    nuclear )ea!ons- the communist moements in 0atin America and an

    increasing tension around the glo*e. 1n the other committee you )illface a ne) soiet regime- )hich )ill loo, to e2!and its in3uence in the

    )orld )hile maintaining its internal structure in order. 4oth committees

    )ill hae an im!ortant %o* ahead of them in order to guarantee their

    national integrity and their s!heres of in3uence ho)eer they must

    also ta,e into account that any action they ta,e )ill hae serious

    re!ercussions on the glo*al scenario creating unforeseen crisis that

    may determine their nation’s future and the )orlds.

    It is an honor for us to )elcome you to this committee and do not

    hesitate to contact us if you hae any dou*ts regarding the 3o) of the

    de*ate and ho) the crisis committee )or,s.

     5our sincerely

    6on7alo Martine7

    6a*riela 0ata!i

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    Historic Overview

    The United States and the Soviet Union (1945-1960)

    After World War II- the United 'tates e2!erienced !henomenal

    economic gro)th. As the Cold )ar unfolded- the United 'tates

    !ositioned itself as the )orld8s richest country. 1n its !art- the 'oiet

    Union see,ed economic recoery and !olitical control )ith ose!h

    'talin as its un9uestiona*le leader.

    :ialry *et)een the United 'tates and the 'oiet Union for control oer

    the !ost)ar )orld emerged *efore World War II had een ended. U.'.

    !residents Fran,lin (. :ooseelt and ;arry '. Truman and soiet leader

     ose!h 'talin neer really trusted one another- een )hile )or,ing

    together to defeat their enemies.

    1ne source of con3ict *et)een the United 'tates and the 'oiet Union

    )as the fate of Eastern Euro!e. The United 'tates )as committed to

    esta*lish free and democratic elections inthe region- )hile the 'oiet

    Union )anted a *u+er 7one of friendly countries in Eastern Euro!e to

    !rotect it from future attac,s from the West. The 'oiet Union

    organi7ed Communist goernments in 4ulgaria and :omania- and in

    ;ungary and &oland in "#

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    A third source of con3ict )as !ost?)ar economic deelo!ment

    assistance. The United 'tates refused a 'oiet re9uest for massie

    reconstruction loans. In res!onse- the 'oiets called for su*stantial

    re!arations from 6ermany. The tensions *egun to gro) until each

    nation decided to create it’s o)n economic deelo!ment !lan- theUnited 'tates designed the Marshall &lan in order to start the

    reconstruction of a !ost?)ar Euro!e and the 'oiet Union designed the

    Moloto &lan or C1MEC1N in order to !romote reconstruction )ith it’s


     The Truman (octrine in "#

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    !resence on the continent- and encouraging Euro!ean !olitical


    &resident Truman ,e!t the /orean War "#D?"#DG limited *y refusing

    to use nuclear )ea!ons against North /orea and China- a)are that

    doing so )ould force the U'': to retaliate. Moreoer- &resident ()ight

    (. Eisenho)er ,e!t his distance from the ;ungarian :eolution in

    "#D$- ,no)ing full )ell that the U'': )ould not tolerate interference

    in Eastern Euro!e. 0i,e)ise- the 'oiet Union made sacri@ces to ,ee!

    the )ar Hcold *y *ac,ing do)n from the Cu*an missile crisis in the

    si2ties. 4oth su!er!o)ers mistrusted one another *ut ,ne) that a

    direct con3ict )ould hae unthin,a*le costs.

     The scenario on )hich the Emerging Crisis Committee )ill ta,e !lace

    focuses on a ,ey moment in the )orld- it is a !eriod )here the )orld

    has suried the situation of the Cu*an Missile Crisis and is loo,ing

    )ith sus!icion the future of the )orld.

    The United States current situation

    After a critical situation )ith the 4ay of &igs inasion- !resident

    /ennedy has decided to launch an international !rogram called theHAlliance for !rogress )ith the o*%ectie to gie economic aid to

    deelo!ing countries around the )orld. It is e2!ected that ".< *illion

    dollars )ill *e directed to this !rogram- )hich certain critics thin, is a

    )ay to sto! soiet in3uence from reaching more 0atin American and

    African countries.

    1n the other hand the United 'tates is loo,ing to !roide aid to a ne)

    )ae of emerging countries that are loo,ing for inde!endence from

    )orld !o)ers around the glo*e. ;o)eer )ith the U'': ta,ing the

    same measures it is e2!ected that soon )ars among these in3uenced

    nations )ill start creating )hat some analysts are no) calling H!ro2y


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     The defense !rograms started *y !resident Eisenho)er hae turned

    out to *e more successful than e2!ected and the 1rgani7ation of the

    American 'tates is no) !laying a ,ey role in the American continent

    )hile the 'outheast Asian Treaty 1rgani7ation has also started to gro).

    In the Middle East and certain !arts of Africa and 0atin America a ne)moement has emerged and they hae no) formed a *loc ,no)n as

    the Non Aligned Moement- mem*ers of these grou! hae claimed

    neutrality regarding their relations )ith the 'oiet Union and the

    United 'tates although it is not yet clear the role neutrality )ill !lay for

    these nations the moement has gained im!ortance ad%oining

    mem*ers li,e India- Egy!t- 5ugoslaia and Me2ico.

    In the Middle East the United 'tates administration is ta,ing acom!lete focus on the current situation in Iran )here recent u!turns

    since "#$ hae created an enironment of insta*ility )hich needs to

    *e addressed. The entrance of the young Mohammad :e7a &ahlai

    !romises to *ring sta*ility to a strategic !oint in the U.'. security and

    energy future- it is in the U.'. and it’s allies’ national interest to aid the

    strengthening of this administration in order to deter any soiet

    attem!ts to desta*ili7e the region.

    :egarding the international scenario t)o threats a!!ear to *e gro)ing-

    the @rst is a guerrilla ty!e moement in (ominican :e!u*lic )hich

    threatens to eliminate the sta*le regime currently in goernment and

    the second scenario is the )ar in ietnam in )hich the United 'tates

    has actiely !artici!ated since "#D#. (elegates )ill *e e2!ected to

    consider this intelligence )hen ta,ing decisions since these are current

    deelo!ing situations that )ill de@nitely limit or enhance the ca!acityto act.

    U.S. Cabinet Members

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    United States Attorney General

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    According to the udiciary Act of "=>#- the Attorney 6eneral’s is in

    charge of re!resenting the U.'. in legal matters- and adising the

    &resident as )ell as the heads of the e2ecutie de!artments of the

    6oernment )hen needed or re9uested. Furthermore- )ithin domestic

    a+airs- he is the main !erson !residing the 'u!reme Court in cases of remar,a*le graity and urgency- and guides the national la) oJce and

    the central agency for enforcement of federal la)s.

    Chairman of the oint Chiefs of Sta!

     The Chairman of the oint Chiefs of 'ta+ C'G is the main Chief of

    Military 'erices- and therefore- is the !rinci!al military adiser to the

    &resident- 'ecretary of (efense- and the National 'ecurity Council

    N'CG. Eery mem*er of the C' mem*ers is *y la) a military adiserK

    ho)eer- they can only su*mit o!inions and suggestions through the

    Chairman of the oint Chiefs of 'ta+.

    Chairman of the "ATO Military Committee

     The Chairman of the Military Committee directs the ordinary duties of 

    the Committee- and is the !rinci!al NAT1’s military authority. When

    needed he shall act on *ehalf of the North Atlantic Treaty 1rgani7ation.Inside NAT1 each country is re!resented through a Military

    :e!resentatie )ho re!resents each country’s armed forces. Together

    these re!resentaties conform the Military Committee an organ in

    charge of recommending to NAT1 the necessary measures for the

    defense of the NAT1 mem*ers and allies. The Chairman of the

    Committee is in charge of re!resenting all the mem*ers and leading

    the conferences meetings.

    .Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

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    As its name suggests- the (irector of the CIA is the head of the Central

    Intelligence Agency- and is in charge of managing the o!erations-

    !ersonnel- and *udget of this Agency. ;e acts as the National ;uman

    'ource Intelligence ;UMINTG- )or,s ery closely )ith the (irector of 

    National Intelligence as )ell as the &resident. In fact- the latter is theone )ho nominates the (irector of the CIA- )ho then has to *e

    con@rmed *y the 'enate.

     Secretary General of "ATO

     The 'ecretary 6eneral of NAT1 is the Alliance’s highest ran,ed

    international ciil serant. ;is @rst duty is to oerloo,- !ilot- and lead

    the mem*ers’ consultation and decision?ma,ing !rocess in order to

    guarantee that decisions are im!lemented secondly. Inside NAT1 the

    'ecretary general is in charge of the most im!ortant decisions for the

    *ranches of NAT1. ;e also chairs the (efense &lanning Committee and

    the Nuclear &lanning Committee. In an administratie role the

    'ecretary 6eneral is in charge of directing the international sta+ of the

    organi7ation and the 6eneral 'ecretariat 1Jce. All the !ersonnel

    re!orts to him- )hich means the 'ecretary 6eneral- must coordinate

    carefully all the agency actions.

     Secretary of #efense

     The secretary of defense is the main !olitical adisor regarding

    defense !olicy to the &resident of the United 'tates and is the main

    leader in the formulation of defense !olicy and also manages the

    (e!artment of (efense and the e2ecution of its !olicy. The 'ecretary is

    also am em*er of the &residential Ca*inet and is also a ,ey mem*er inthe National 'ecurity Council. The military !o)er this !osition has is

    second only to the &resident and in other countries it is ,no)n as

    (efense Minister. The secretary is a!!ointed *y the &resident and is

    rati@ed *y the 'enate of the United 'tates.

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    Secretary of State

     The secretary of 'tate is one of the main mem*ers of the &residential

    Ca*inet- the secretary is in charge of the United 'tates foreign !olicy

    )ith the 'enate- it is the main foreign a+airs adiser to the &resident.

     The secretary is in charge of carrying out the &resident’s foreign

    !olicies and is the director of the 'tate (e!artment- )hich includes

    di+erent *ranches of the U.'. goernment including the Foreign

    'erice and the U.'. Agency for International (eelo!ment. The

    secretary of 'tate !lays a ,ey role in this committee since it )ill *e in

    charge of managing di!lomatic relations among allied countries and

    moing the !ieces in the international scenario to @t the U.'. interests


    Secretary of the Treasury

     The 'ecretary of the Treasury is the director of the United 'tates

    de!artment of treasury )hich is the main *ranch regarding monetary

    matters and @nancial aid for the United 'tates. This !osition is also a

    mem*er of the &residents Ca*inet and is also a mem*er of the

    National 'ecurity Council adising the &resident on the @nancial

    !ers!ectie of the !olicies he decides to ta,e. ;e is considered one of 

    the most im!ortant mem*ers inside the ca*inet and his decisions )ill

    !lay a ,ey role in the de*ate )here the secretary must decide ho) to

    *alance the economy and the !resident’s decisions.

    $e%resentative of Great &ritain

    4y the "#D’s the goernment of the United /ingdom tried to distance

    itself from the goernment of the United 'tates. The Marshall Aid &lan

    created tensions )ithin *oth administrations that )ere not a*le to

    maintain the original friendshi! *oth nations had had after World War

    II. The United 'tates has *een !ressuring for Euro!e to create a

    )estern *loc )ith all Euro!ean countries and the United /ingdom has

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    remained dou*tful )hether a Euro!ean integration is the *est o!tion to

    !rotect its interests. World War II left the United /ingdom at a loss of 

    glo*al leadershi! and the goernment’s main focus is to *ecome the

    Euro!ean leader inside the con3ict. The 4ritish ,ingdom is also

    concerned )ith their colonial assets )hich the United 'tates considerital to contain the s!read of communism.

    $e%resentative of 'rance

    After settling the con3ict in Algeria the French administrations main

    focus has *een to create a !osition in the glo*al s!here for France that

    is com!letely inde!endent from the United 'tates- een though the

    French goernment is com!letely in faor of the occidental alues the

    administration also *eliees that *i!olarity is not ho) the glo*al stage

    should *e considered. There hae *een serious tal,s inside the

    &residential ca*inet of leaing NAT1 and the U.'. alliance *locs to

    defend the French international !osition ho)eer this information has

    *een classi@ed as rumors.

    $e%resentative of (est Germany

     The 4erlin Wall has %ust *een *uilt )ithout any notice from the East6ermany goernment or the 'oiet Union and the country has su+ered

    the dead’s of some citi7ens )ho tried to cross. The eent has shoc,ed

    the international s!here since until no) the 6erman leaders thought it

    )as a !olitical s!eech. All the !olitical leaders inside 6ermany are no)

    in an emergency state de*ating )hich should *e the !ath to ta,e. Een

    though tensions *et)een East and West 6ermany had *een rising in

    recent years this has ta,en the relation into a ne) leel. 6ermanleaders in the Western *loc hae esta*lished democracy )ill continue

    to *e the main alue inside the recently diided country.

     United States Ambassador to the United "ations

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     The U.'.A. Am*assador to the United Nations is the !ermanent

    re!resentatie of the U.'. in the U.N. and is also a mem*er of the

    &residential Ca*inet. At the United Nations the main mission of the

    am*assador is to !rotect U.'. interests and defend uniersal alues

    among the other mem*er countries- !ortraying the U.'. agenda toother )orld goernments and !artici!ate in glo*al challenges such as

    !eace and security. The am*assador is in charge of !artici!ating in the

    'ecurity Council meetings and the 6eneral Assem*ly.

    "ational Security Advisor

     The National 'ecurity Adisor is the main oJcial in the E2ecutie

    1Jce of the &resident- the oJce is the immediate sta+ of the

    &resident and has a structure de@ned to gie su!!ort to the

    &resident and the !olicies he decides to im!lement. It is the main

    adisor regarding national security issues and is in constant

    communication )ith the secretary of (efense and the CIA


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    The U.S.S.$. Current Situation

     The death of 'talin has *rought a ne) era of transformation inside the

    'oiet Union- the arrial of the recently a!!ointed First 'ecretary of the

    Communist &arty- Ni,ita /hrushche !romises a )ae of changes

    )hich *egun in the T)entieth &arty Congress )here he condemned the

    actions ta,en *y 'talin and his follo)ers.

    After the arrial of First 'ecretary /hrushche the defense !rogram

    )as modi@ed and it’s main focus is no) on nuclear )ea!ons as the

    !rinci!al method of defense. If the U.'.'.: has a com!etitie stoc, of 

    nuclear materials it is almost im!ossi*le that the United 'tates )ill try

    to attac, the 'oiet Union or it’s allies. A !eaceful coe2istence )ith the

    ca!italist )orld )ill *ecome !ermanent and eentually the inherent

    su!eriority of the socialist system )ill emerge to a com!lete economic

    and cultural com!etition )ith the )estern *loc.

    Internationally there are di+erent scenarios that the U.'.'.: needs to

    focus on in order to maintain its !o)er. The Warsa) &act has *een

    recently created and is in need of leadershi! in order to maintain the

    'oiet National 'ecurity !rogram- )hich guarantees the entrance of 

    troo!s to our allied countries.

     The U.'.'.:. has decided to esta*lish a foreign !olicy that )ill hel!

    e2!and the socialist reolution to)ards other regions of the )orld )ith

    a s!ecial focus in 0atin America and Asia. The Chinese goernment led

    *y Mao Ledong has !roed to *e an inalua*le ally and it seems that

    their social and economic !rograms are raising China’s !osition in the


    0atin America is no) the main focus of the U.'.:.:. foreign !olicy

    !rogram. The ideological moement of Ernesto HChe 6ueara has

    sho)n 0atin American countries that the socialist system )ill allo)

    their citi7ens to gro) )ith freedom and )ealth. The arrial of Fidel

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    Castro to the goernment of Cu*a has !roed to *e of an insu!era*le

    alue to the U.'.'.:- )hich no) has a strategic ally close to the United

    'tates. ;o)eer since the &4'UCCE'' !rogram )as used in "#D< in

    6uatemala the 'oiet Union must *e !re!ared to su!!ort countries

    that ta,e in a socialist goernment since an interention of the United'tates goernment )ill *e ineita*le.

    Soviet Cabinet Members

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    Chairman of the )G&

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    /omitet 6osudarstennoy 4e7o!asnosti /64G is a :ussian language

    a**reiation. In English it means 'tate 'ecurity Committee’. This

    agency eoled from the soiet secret !olice. The organi7ation )as

    gien in charge ofB conducting foreign intelligence actiities- counter

    intelligence and the elimination of anti U'': organi7ations form thecountry. The hierarchy of /64 consisted of a chairman )ho headed the

    agency- u! to t)o @rst de!uty chairmen and < to $ de!uty chairmen.

     It )as controlled directly *y the &olit*uro )hich selected the chairman.

     The /64 monitored !olitical sentiments and ensured that security

    arrangements )ere u! to standard

    Chief of Combined Sta! of the Uni*ed Armed 'orces of the

    (arsaw Treaty Or+ani,ation

     The 'oiet 6eneral 'ta+ in Mosco) housed the alliances oint

    Command and oint 'ta+ and- through these organs- controlled the

    entire military a!!aratus of the Warsa) &act as )ell as the allied

    armies. Although the highest ran,ing oJcers of the alliance )ere

    su!!osed to *e selected through the mutual agreement of its mem*er

    states- the 'oiets unilaterally a!!ointed a @rst de!uty 'oiet minister

    of defense and @rst de!uty chief of the 'oiet 6eneral 'ta+ to sere as

    Warsa) &act commander in chief and chief of sta+.

    Chief of the General Sta! of the Soviet Armed 'orces

     The 'oiet 6eneral 'ta+ !osted senior colonel generals as resident

    re!resentaties of the Warsa) &act commander in chief in all East

    Euro!ean ca!itals. 'ering )ith the Oagreement of their host

    countries-O these successors to the )artime and !ost)ar 'oietadisers for the allied armies e9ualed the East Euro!ean ministers of 

    defense in ran, and !roided a !oint of contact for the commander in

    chief- oint Command- and 'oiet 6eneral 'ta+ inside the national

    military esta*lishments.

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    #efense Minister of the USS$

     The (efense Minister )as res!onsi*le for defense of the

    communist :ussian 'oiet Federatie 'ocialist. The 'oiets considered

    the national ministers of defense- )ith the ran, of colonel general-

    e9uialent only to 'oiet military district commanders. The Chief of the

    Com*ined 'ta+ of the United Forces of the Warsa) Treaty and the

    Chief of the 6eneral 'ta+ of the 'oiet Armed Forces ran,ed *elo) the

    'oiet Minister of (efense.

     The (efense Ministry directed and monitored the military training and

    !olitical indoctrination !rograms of the national armies to synchroni7e

    their deelo!ment )ith the 'oiet Army- clearly indicated the

    su*ordination of the East Euro!ean allies to the 'oiet Union.

    Minister of 'inance

    'tarting on March "#

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    administratie *ody not am*assadorsG and )or,s %ointly )ith the

    ministry of Foreign Trade and the Committee of the Council of Ministers

    on Cultural 0in,s )ith Foreign Nations in order to !rotect soiet citi7ens

    and ideology a*road.

    General Secretary of the Communist -arty

     The 6eneral 'ecretary is the leader of the Communist &arty- een

    though historically this !osition re!resented the leader of the !arty and

    the leader of the U'': in the ECC committee the !osition is only for

    the !arty. The 6eneral 'ecretary is in charge of the administratie

    functions of the !arty as )ell as the !romotion of the communistideology a*road. The general secretary is also in charge of the

    mem*ershi!s inside the U'': to the !arty and the nominations to

    certain ,ey !ositions.

    -rocurator General of the USS$

    It is one of the most im!ortant !ositions inside the U'': ca*inetK the

    !rocurator is in charge of the oJces of !u*lic !rocurators and

    su!erision of their actiities. It is in direct control of the e2ecution of 

    la)s inside the 'oiet Union and the 'u!reme 'oiet of the U'':

    a!!oints the !osition. 1ne of the most im!ortant tools at its dis!osal is

    the resolution of legal con3icts- if such arises the &rocurator can

    !resent the cases to the &residium of the 'u!reme 'oiet in order to

    sole the !ro*lem in a legislatie manner or see, further inter!retation

    of the legal code.

    Su%reme Commander of the Uni*ed Armed 'orces of the

    (arsaw Treaty Or+ani,ation

     The U.'.'.: First (e!uty Minister of (efense is also the 'u!reme

    Commander of the troo!s of the Warsa) Treaty 1rgani7ationK he is in

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    command of the military forcers of the Warsa) &act countries. ;e is in

    charge of ta,ing all the military decisions )ith the Ca*inet in order to

    !romote the territorial am*itions of the U'': and its defense. ;e is

    also the leader of the military actions and is inoled in the !rocess of 

    creating a military strategy and e2ecuting it- his adice is ital to theU'': ca*inet.

    C,echoslovaia  Ale/ander #ubce 

     They )ere !art of the Warsa) &act in "#DD- under the leadershi! of the

    U'':. ;o)eer- in "#$> the &rague '!ring- an u!rising against the

    U'':- triggered the soiet army to inade C7echosloa,ia. 'tudents

    and ciilians %oined against communism. They )ere loo,ing for

    national autonomy- !luralism and re!u*lican freedom.

    (u*ce, )as in faor of antiauthority- anti statist and indiidual

    freedoms- including e9uality and solidarity.

    ;e )as loo,ing for a !olitical li*eration- Hsocialism )ith a human face.

    ;e sho)ed solidarity to the Warsa) &act- although his reforms- that he

    considered %ust an internal issue- created a general discontent )ith the

    H!o!ular democracies and the /remlin.

    ;is reform ideas )ere su!!orted *y C7ech intellectuals and een the


     There )as an e2tensie reform !rogram in the !olitical area free !arty

    creation- as long as they acce!ted the socialist model- national

    e9uality *et)een C7echs and 'loa,s- release of !olitical !risonersG

    and in the social area right to !rotest- inde!endent la*or unions-

    religious freedomG.

    In the foreign a+airs area the changes )ere relatiely small-maintaining the lin, )ith the U:'' and the Warsa) &act. The only

    noel )as the recognition of Israel as a state.

     The reform ideas didn’t e2tinguish until "#=- )hen the :ussians

    *anished (u*ce, from C7echosloa,ia.

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    0ast Germany1 (alter Ulbricht20ric Honecer

    In "#$" it closed its frontiers to return the economic sta*ilityK it gae

    the industries more autonomy and it !romoted )or, incenties to

    increase !roductiity. In "#$= it )as declared the second industrial

    !o)er of the socialist countries and the @fth in Euro!e.


    ;onec,er allo)ed more cultural and !olitical freedom- )hich allo)ed

    the negotiations to hae international recognition *y the ((:

    (eutsche (emo,ratische :e!u*li,G !ossi*le. The ((: *ecame the

    face of international solidarity. They had achieed social con9uests li,e

    free health serices and education- la*or )as a constitutional right-

    therefore there )as no unem!loymentG.

     The ((: created a hel! net)or, for !olitical refugees and their

    families- giing them education health serices- housing and %o*s.

    In the "#=s large industrial centers )ere created in order to facilitate

    the e2changes *et)een the !roductie *ranches to decrease costs

    and s!eed u! *ureaucratic !rocessesG.

    -oland 34 Gomula

    &oland en%oyed a !eriod of relatie sta*ility in the ne2t decade- *ut in

    the mid?$s economic and !olitical diJculties started to increase. After

    *rief- *ut intense negotiations )ith the U'':- the soiets granted

    !ermission to 6omul,a to stay in command along )ith some other

    concessions that re3ected a more e2tensie autonomy for the !olish

    goernment. For !olish citi7ens- this meant the tem!oral li*eration of 

    life in &oland. In time- the ho!es of a total li*eration turned out to *efalse )hen 6omul,a’s regime *ecame more conseratie.

    1nce he )as in command- he alleiated the most hated as!ects of the

    dictatorshi!- sto!!ing the !ersecution of the Catholic Church and

    a*andoning collectie agriculture. ;o)eer- 6omul,a didn’t dare to go

    further and maintained the essential features of the system and

  • 8/9/2019 Background Final ECC


    su*ordination to Mosco).

    ;e signed the treaty in "#= )ith West 6ermany Willy 4randtG.

    Su%reme Commander of the Uni*ed Armed 'orces of the

    (arsaw Treaty Or+ani,ation

     The Warsa) Treaties organi7ation )as made u! *y the &olitical

    Consultie Committee- )hich handled !olitical a+airs- and the oint

    Command of the Armed Forces Control &act- )ith head9uarters in

    Warsa)- &oland. ;o)eer- the 'u!reme Commander of the Uni@ed

    Armed Forces of the Warsa) Treaties 1rgani7ation )as also the First

    iceminister of (efense of the U'':- and the chief of the Mayor

    Com*ined 'tate of the Warsa) &act )as a First assistant Chief of the

    6eneral Ma%or 'tate of the U'': Armed Forces. Although it a!!eared to

    *e an international alliance for collectie security- the U'': clearly

    dominated the Warsa) &act Armed Forces. Its slogan )as HUnion and

    &eace of 'ocialism.

     The !act gae the a!!earance of e9uality. ;o)eer- it )as designed to

    !resere the military and !olitical su!remacy of the U'': oer central

    and eastern Euro!ean countries. The 4re7ne doctrine that !roclaimed

    the right to inade those countries if socialism )ere in danger only

    con@rmed the soiet su!remacy.

  • 8/9/2019 Background Final ECC


    Cabinet Mission

    As a @nal reminder )e )ould li,e to remind delegates that as mem*ers

    of each ca*inet you are entitled to the !o)ers related to your !osition

    inside the goernment. It is ery im!ortant for the delegate to al)ays

    maintain it’s !osition in order to adice the &resident in the *est

    manner !ossi*le. When de*ating )hether to ta,e an e2ecutie action

    or release a !ress statement ta,e into account all the to!ics that need

    to *e coered )hich include *ut are not limited to foreign !olicy-

    economy- health and education. As a mem*er of the ca*inet the

    &resident is counting on your insight to ta,e the *est decision !ossi*le

    in order to adance your countries interests in the glo*al scenario.

  • 8/9/2019 Background Final ECC


    Wor,s Cited

    44C. OCold War.O 44C Ne)s.

    htt!BQQ))).**c.co.u,QhistoryQ)orld)arsQcold)arQ accessed

    August P- P"

  • 8/9/2019 Background Final ECC


    :o*erts- . M.- and 1dd Arne Westad. The ne$ %enguin histor# of the

    $orld. Dth ed. 0ondonB &enguin 4oo,s- P=.

     The United 'tates 1Jce of The ;istorian. OThe Colla!se of the 'oiet

    Union ? "#>#S"##P ? Milestones ? 1Jce of the ;istorian.O The

    Colla!se of the 'oiet Union ? "#>#S"##P ? Milestones ? 1Jce

    of the ;istorian. htt!sBQQhistory.state.goQmilestonesQ"#>#?

    "##PQcolla!se?soiet?union accessed August P- P"
