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Bad health signals in cats

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Bad Health Signals In Cats www. PetsGroomingTips.Com

Bad Health Signals In Cats

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Cats are known for their playful and notorious activities and are considered in good health when they remain in a jubilant mood. But many a times, the activities and behavior of your cats could be affected due to some body disorders which have certain indications before.

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Excessive lethargic conditions could accompany symptoms such as laziness, drowsiness, delayed reactions and unreasonable sleeping habits. These are to be paid attention by the master as they could be symptoms of anemia, various system disorders, injury or even cancer.

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Repetitive Vomiting

It is known very well that cats are self-groomers and in the process, they could consume some toxins out of its body such as a bit of fur, that results in excessive vomiting. Vomiting could also be a symptom of troubles in esophagus, stomach or intestinal system and kidneys.

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Loss of Appetite

It is known very well that cats are self-groomers and in the process, they could consume some toxins out of its body such as a bit of fur, that results in excessive vomiting. Vomiting could also be a symptom of troubles in esophagus, stomach or intestinal system and kidneys.

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Diarrhea in the cats could be a symptom of disease, worms, allergies, allergic reactions and many more reasons. If these persist for longer periods, cats could require a vet help very soon.

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Weight Loss and Gain

An ideally weighted cat is considered the best, while an increase in decrease of the weight could be a signal of some body disorder. Some of these disorders are stress, gastrointestinal problems or hyperthyroidism, cancer diabetes, viruses, parasites.

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Blood in the Urine

This could be a symptom of some urinary tract infection, genetic issue in young cats or a sign of cancer, disease or blood clots in older cats. There are dealt rather strictly with a vet’s help.

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Increased Thirst or Urination

If your cat is drinking more than the required amount of water and due to this, the turns to visit litter box are increased, it is a signal of disorders in the body. These conditions could be due to diabetes, kidney problems or any other troubles.

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Skin Itching or Flaking

Flaking of skin and repetitive itching could be a signal of some skin disorder such as dermatitis or an allergy while other conditions such as insects, reaction to a medication, a change in diet or parasites are also responsible for the same.

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Change in Gums’ Color

Cats possess clear, pink colored gums which when infected could show signs of redness in them. These are also accompanied with bad odor from its mouth. Red gums of cat could be an indication of some oral trouble.

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Eye or Nose Discharge

Discharge from the eyes and nose is often viewed in cats and these could accompany sneezing, panting or shortness of breath. These symptoms could be signal of some respiratory infection or illness.

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Difficulty in Locomotion

If your cat is limping or it has some trouble in its movement, chances are that your cat could be affected by muscle atrophy, arthritis or some kind of neurological disorder.

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The body of your cat could be affected highly due to fevers and when they rise to a temperature of about 106oC they start damaging internal organs. Fevers in the cat’s body could be caused due to infection, tumor, trauma, medications or diseases.

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Lump Growth in The Body

If the exterior portion of the cat’s body shows some changes these could be a reason of concern. Cats could show formation of lumps due to cat bite, injection reaction, hernia, cysts, tumors or cancer. These require medical attention very soon.

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Antisocial Behavior

Cats could possible show a change in their social behavior which could be due to stress or emotions. But you could never rule out the chances of some grave disorder unless you check for these.

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Dragging Rear Legs

One of the prime reasons of this effect is the blood clot which is passed from the heart to the lungs. Clotting could also occur in other areas and lead to conditions such as seizures, kidney failure, blue nails, and swollen muscles etc.

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It is the responsibility of the cat-keeper to identify these symptoms and take efficient measures for these, so that you could eliminate your cat out of any grave disorder.

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